private void Authenticate(OAuth2ProviderType providerType) { oAuth2Authenticator = OAuthAuthenticatorHelper.CreateOAuth2(providerType); oAuth2Authenticator.Completed += OAuth2Authenticator_Completed; oAuth2Authenticator.Error += OAuth2Authenticator_Error; OAuth2ProviderType = providerType; var presenter = new OAuthLoginPresenter(); // This is workaround for iOS because when open presenter on iOS, // view is not correctly shown. Then is necessary modify view on // iOS LoginPageRenderer renderer. On Android, view is correctly shown. switch (Device.RuntimePlatform) { case Device.iOS: if (providerType == OAuth2ProviderType.FACEBOOK) { OnPresenter?.Invoke(oAuth2Authenticator, EventArgs.Empty); } else { presenter.Login(oAuth2Authenticator); } break; case Device.Android: case Device.UWP: presenter.Login(oAuth2Authenticator); break; } }
public void SignInAsync(string clientId, Uri authUrl, Uri callbackUrl, Action <string> tokenCallback, Action <string> errorCallback) { var presenter = new OAuthLoginPresenter(); var authenticator = new OAuth2Authenticator(clientId, "", authUrl, callbackUrl); authenticator.Completed += (sender, args) => { if (args.Account != null && args.IsAuthenticated) { tokenCallback?.Invoke(args.Account.Properties["access_token"]); } else { errorCallback?.Invoke("Not authenticated"); } }; authenticator.Error += (sender, args) => { errorCallback?.Invoke(args.Message); }; presenter.Login(authenticator); }
protected override void OnStart() { var oAuth = new OAuth2AuthenticatorEx("xamarin-client", "offline_access hourregistrationapi", new Uri(""), new Uri("")) { AccessTokenUrl = new Uri(""), ShouldEncounterOnPageLoading = false }; var account = AccountStore.Create().FindAccountsForService("AuthServer"); if (account != null && account.Any()) { AuthAccount = account.First(); Client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", $"Bearer {AuthAccount.Properties["access_token"]}"); } else { try { var presenter = new OAuthLoginPresenter(); presenter.Completed += Presenter_Completed; presenter.Login(oAuth); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine(e); } } }
private void OnTwitterLoginButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { _auth = new TwitterAuthenticator(Configuration.ClientId, Configuration.ClientSecret, this); var authenticator = _auth.GetAuthenticator(); var presenter = new OAuthLoginPresenter(); presenter.Login(authenticator); }
protected void Authenticate(string provider) { Authenticator.AcrValues = $"idp:{provider}"; Helper.RunOnMainThreadIfRequired(() => { OAuthLoginPresenter presenter = new OAuthLoginPresenter(); presenter.Login(Authenticator); }); }
private void Authenticate() { oAuth2Authenticator = OAuthAuthenticatorHelper.CreateOAuth2(); oAuth2Authenticator.Completed += OAuth2Authenticator_Completed; oAuth2Authenticator.Error += OAuth2Authenticator_Error; var presenter = new OAuthLoginPresenter(); AuthenticationState.Authenticator = oAuth2Authenticator; presenter.Login(oAuth2Authenticator); }
public Task <(string IdToken, string AccessToken)> LoginWithGoogle() { string clientId = null; string redirectUri = null; switch (Device.RuntimePlatform) { case Device.iOS: clientId = AppConstans.IosGoogleClientId; redirectUri = AppConstans.IosReversedGoogleClientId; break; case Device.Android: clientId = AppConstans.AndroidGoogleClientId; redirectUri = AppConstans.AndroidReversedGoogleClientId; break; } redirectUri += ":/oauth2redirect"; _authenticator = new OAuth2Authenticator(clientId, null, "", new Uri(""), new Uri(redirectUri), new Uri(""), null, true); var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <(string IdToken, string AccessToken)>(); _authenticator.Completed += (sender, e) => { if (e.IsAuthenticated && e.Account != null && e.Account.Properties != null) { var properties = e.Account.Properties; tcs.TrySetResult((IdToken: properties["id_token"], AccessToken: properties["access_token"])); } else { tcs.TrySetResult((null, null)); } }; _authenticator.Error += (sender, e) => { tcs.TrySetException(e.Exception ?? new Exception(e.Message)); }; var presenter = new OAuthLoginPresenter(); presenter.Login(_authenticator); return(tcs.Task); }
public virtual Task <Token> Login(object state = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) { state = state ?? new { }; BitOAuth2Authenticator.State = state; TaskCompletionSource <Token> taskSource = new TaskCompletionSource <Token>(); async void completed(object sender, AuthenticatorCompletedEventArgs e) { _bitOAuth2Authenticator.Completed -= completed; _bitOAuth2Authenticator.Error -= error; if (e.IsAuthenticated) { if (e.Account != null) { try { await Logout(internalAppLogoutOnly : true); } catch { } if (!e.Account.Properties.ContainsKey(nameof(Token.login_date))) { e.Account.Properties.Add(nameof(Token.login_date), Convert.ToString(_dateTimeProvider.GetCurrentUtcDateTime())); } await _accountStore.SaveAsync(e.Account, _configProvider.AppName); } taskSource.SetResult(e.Account); } else { throw new InvalidOperationException("Authentication failed"); } } void error(object sender, AuthenticatorErrorEventArgs e) { _bitOAuth2Authenticator.Completed -= completed; _bitOAuth2Authenticator.Error -= error; taskSource.SetException(e.Exception ?? new Exception(e.Message)); } _bitOAuth2Authenticator.Completed += completed; _bitOAuth2Authenticator.Error += error; _oAuthLoginPresenter.Login(_bitOAuth2Authenticator); return(taskSource.Task); }
public void Builder <T>(T authenticator) { // after initialization (creation and event subscribing) exposing local object if (typeof(T) == typeof(OAuth2Authenticator)) { AuthenticationState.Authenticator = authenticator as OAuth2Authenticator; } OAuthLoginPresenter presenter = null; presenter = new OAuthLoginPresenter(); presenter.Login(authenticator as Authenticator); }
// // This method is invoked when the application has loaded and is ready to run. In this // method you should instantiate the window, load the UI into it and then make the window // visible. // // You have 17 seconds to return from this method, or iOS will terminate your application. // public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication app, NSDictionary options) { global::Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init(); LoadApplication(new App()); Xamarin.Auth.Presenters.OAuthLoginPresenter.PlatformLogin = (authenticator) => { var oAuthLogin = new OAuthLoginPresenter(); oAuthLogin.Login(authenticator); }; return(base.FinishedLaunching(app, options)); }
public void LoginUser(bool force = false) { if (!force) { var account = AccountStore.Create().FindAccountsForService(ZibaobaoLibContext.Instance.AppName) .FirstOrDefault(); if (account != null) { LoginUser(account).Forget(); return; } } string clientId = null; string redirectUri = ""; switch (Device.RuntimePlatform) { case Device.Android: clientId = Constants.AndroidClientId; redirectUri = Constants.AndroidRedirectUrl; break; default: clientId = Constants.iOSClientId; redirectUri = Constants.iOSRedirectUrl; break; } _authenticator = new OAuth2Authenticator( clientId, null, Constants.Scope, new Uri(Constants.AuthorizeUrl), new Uri(redirectUri), new Uri(Constants.AccessTokenUrl), null, true) { AllowCancel = true }; _authenticator.Completed += OnAuthCompleted; _authenticator.Error += OnAuthError; AuthenticationState.Authenticator = _authenticator; var presenter = new OAuthLoginPresenter(); presenter.Login(_authenticator); }
/// <summary> /// Logins this instance. /// </summary> public void Login() { try { _authenticator = new OAuth2Authenticator(ClientId, Scope, AuthorizationUri, RedirectUri); _authenticator.Completed += OnAuthenticationCompletedCallback; var presenter = new OAuthLoginPresenter(); presenter.Login(_authenticator); } catch (Exception) { _authenticator.Completed -= OnAuthenticationCompletedCallback; NotifyOnCompletedEvent(new AuthenticatedUserResponseEventArgs(false)); } }
void ImplicitButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { var authenticator = new OAuth2Authenticator ( ServerInfo.ClientId, Scope, ServerInfo.AuthorizationEndpoint, ServerInfo.RedirectionEndpoint ); authenticator.Completed += OnAuthCompleted; authenticator.Error += OnAuthError; var presenter = new OAuthLoginPresenter(); presenter.Login(authenticator); }
private void GoogleLogin() { oAuth2 = OAuthenticationService.CreateOAuth2(OAuth2ProviderType.GOOGLE); oAuth2.Completed += OAuth2_Completed; oAuth2.Error += OAuth2_Error; //Change: 03 Aug, 2020 //var view = oAuth2.GetUI(); //PresentViewController(view, true, null); // This is workaround for iOS because when open presenter on iOS, // view is not correctly shown. Then is necessary modify view on // iOS LoginPageRenderer renderer. On Android, view is correctly shown. var presenter = new OAuthLoginPresenter(); presenter.Login(oAuth2); }
private void FacebookLogin() { var authenticator = new OAuth2Authenticator ( OAuthServerInfo.FacebookClientId, OAuthServerInfo.FacebookScope, OAuthServerInfo.FacebookAuthorizationEndpoint, OAuthServerInfo.FacebookRedirectionEndpoint ); authenticator.Completed += Authenticator_Completed; authenticator.Error += Authenticator_Error; var presenter = new OAuthLoginPresenter(); presenter.Login(authenticator); }
private void DiscordLogin_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { canLogin = false; auth = new OAuth2Authenticator( clientId: "700549643045568522", scope: "identify email guilds", authorizeUrl: new Uri(""), redirectUrl: new Uri(""), isUsingNativeUI: true ); auth.Completed += auth_Completed; auth.Error += auth_Failed; presenter = new OAuthLoginPresenter(); presenter.Login(auth); }
async void GoogleLogin(object sender, EventArgs e) { var authenticator = new OAuth2Authenticator( Secrets.GoogleAuthKey, null, Secrets.GoogleScope, new Uri(""), new Uri(Secrets.GoogleRedirectUrl), new Uri(""), null, true); authenticator.Completed += Authenticator_Completed; var presenter = new OAuthLoginPresenter(); presenter.Login(authenticator); await Navigation.PushAsync(new Exercises.Exercise1()); }
public MainPage() { InitializeComponent(); var mainViewModel = new MainViewModel(); BindingContext = mainViewModel; Button1.Clicked += (sender, args) => { var presenter = new OAuthLoginPresenter(); AuthenticationState.Authenticator = GetOAuth2Authenticator(); AuthenticationState.Authenticator.Completed += (object a, AuthenticatorCompletedEventArgs e) => { mainViewModel.IsAuthenticated = e.IsAuthenticated; if (e.IsAuthenticated) { var accessToken = e.Account.Properties.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Key == "access_token").Value; mainViewModel.AccessToken = accessToken; var refreshToken = e.Account.Properties.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Key == "refresh_token").Value; mainViewModel.RefreshToken = refreshToken; var token = e.Account.Properties.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Key == "id_token").Value; AuthenticationState.UserInformation = GetUserInformation(token); mainViewModel.Name = AuthenticationState.UserInformation.Name; mainViewModel.Email = AuthenticationState.UserInformation.Email; mainViewModel.Picture = AuthenticationState.UserInformation.Picture; //TODO En IOS excepción //AccountStore.Create().SaveAsync(e.Account, ServiceId); } }; AuthenticationState.Authenticator.Error += (a, e) => { }; presenter.Login(AuthenticationState.Authenticator); }; }
public static void KimlikDogrula() { string IstemciKimligi = null; string GeriDonusLinkUrl = null; switch (Device.RuntimePlatform) { case Device.iOS: IstemciKimligi = KimlikSaglayiciBilgileri.IstemciKimligiiOS; GeriDonusLinkUrl = KimlikSaglayiciBilgileri.GeriDonusLinkUrliOS; break; case Device.Android: IstemciKimligi = KimlikSaglayiciBilgileri.IstemciKimligiAndroid; GeriDonusLinkUrl = KimlikSaglayiciBilgileri.GeriDonusLinkUrlAndroid; break; } oAuth2Authenticator = new OAuth2Authenticator( clientId: IstemciKimligi, clientSecret: KimlikSaglayiciBilgileri.ClientSecret, scope: KimlikSaglayiciBilgileri.Scope, authorizeUrl: new Uri(KimlikSaglayiciBilgileri.KimlikDogrulamaLinkUrl), redirectUrl: new Uri(GeriDonusLinkUrl), getUsernameAsync: null, isUsingNativeUI: KimlikSaglayiciBilgileri.PlatformOzguUIKullanimi, accessTokenUrl: new Uri(KimlikSaglayiciBilgileri.GecisJetonTokenLinkUrl)) { AllowCancel = true, ShowErrors = false, ClearCookiesBeforeLogin = true }; oAuth2Authenticator.Completed += OAuth2Authenticator_Tamamlandi; oAuth2Authenticator.Error += OAuth2Authenticator_Hata; var kullaniciGirisGorunumu = new OAuthLoginPresenter(); kullaniciGirisGorunumu.Login(oAuth2Authenticator); }
public HomeViewModel() { var auth = new OAuth2Authenticator( Constants.AndroidClientId, null, Constants.Scope, new Uri(Constants.AuthorizeUrl), new Uri(Constants.AndroidRedirectUrl), new Uri(Constants.AccessTokenUrl), null, true ); auth.Completed += OnAuthCompleted; auth.Error += OnAuthError; AuthenticationState.Authenticator = auth; var presenter = new OAuthLoginPresenter(); presenter.Login(auth); }
private void Button_OnClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { var auth = new OAuth2Authenticator( clientId: "******", clientSecret: "***********", scope: "wl.basic", authorizeUrl: new Uri(""), redirectUrl: new Uri(""), accessTokenUrl: new Uri("") ); auth.ShowErrors = false; auth.AllowCancel = true; auth.ClearCookiesBeforeLogin = true; auth.Completed += AuthOnCompleted; auth.Error += AuthOnError; var presenter = new OAuthLoginPresenter(); presenter.Login(auth); }
protected override void OnStart() { var oAuth = new OAuth2AuthenticatorEx("xamarin-client", "offline_access values-api", new Uri("http://ipaddress:5000/connect/authorize"), new Uri("http://ipaddress:5000/grants")) { AccessTokenUrl = new Uri("http://ipaddress:5000/connect/token"), ShouldEncounterOnPageLoading = false }; var account = AccountStore.Create().FindAccountsForService("AuthServer"); if (account != null && account.Any()) { AuthAccount = account.First(); Client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", $"Bearer {AuthAccount.Properties["access_token"]}"); MainPage = new ValuesPage(); } else { var presenter = new OAuthLoginPresenter(); presenter.Completed += Presenter_Completed; presenter.Login(oAuth); } }
/// <summary> /// The navigate to login async. /// </summary> public void NavigateToLoginAsync() { string clientId = null; string redirectUri = null; switch (Device.RuntimePlatform) { case Device.iOS: clientId = Constant.IOSClientId; redirectUri = Constant.IOSRedirectUrl; break; case Device.Android: clientId = Constant.AndroidClientId; redirectUri = Constant.AndroidRedirectUrl; break; } // TODO : add Native UI = true. var authenticator = new OAuth2AuthenticatorWithGrant( clientId, Constant.ClientIdSecret, Constant.Scope, new Uri(Constant.AuthorizeUrl), new Uri(Constant.AndroidRedirectUrl), new Uri(Constant.AccessTokenUrl), isUsingNativeUI: true); authenticator.Completed += this.OnAuthCompleted; authenticator.Error += this.OnAuthError; AuthenticationState.Authenticator = authenticator; var presenter = new OAuthLoginPresenter(); presenter.Login(authenticator); }
private async void Login_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { var oAuth = new OAuth2AuthenticatorEx("xamarin-client", "offline_access values-api", new Uri(EndPoints.IS4domain + "/connect/authorize"), new Uri(EndPoints.IS4domain + "/grants")) { AccessTokenUrl = new Uri(EndPoints.IS4domain + "/connect/token"), ShouldEncounterOnPageLoading = false }; var account = await SecureStorageAccountStore.FindAccountsForServiceAsync("AuthServer"); if (account != null && account.Any()) { AuthAccount = account.First(); Client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", $"Bearer {AuthAccount.Properties["access_token"]}"); await Navigation.PushAsync(new ValuesPage()); } else { var presenter = new OAuthLoginPresenter(); presenter.Completed += Presenter_Completed; presenter.Login(oAuth); } }
public MainViewModel() { var auth = new OAuth2Authenticator( this.clientId, string.Empty, scope, new Uri(""), new Uri(redirectUrl), new Uri(""), isUsingNativeUI: true); AuthenticatorHelper.OAuth2Authenticator = auth; auth.Completed += async(sender, e) => { if (e.IsAuthenticated) { var initializer = new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Initializer { ClientSecrets = new Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2.ClientSecrets() { ClientId = clientId, } }; initializer.Scopes = new[] { scope }; initializer.DataStore = new FileDataStore("Google.Apis.Auth"); var flow = new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow(initializer); var user = "******"; var token = new TokenResponse() { AccessToken = e.Account.Properties["access_token"], ExpiresInSeconds = Convert.ToInt64(e.Account.Properties["expires_in"]), RefreshToken = e.Account.Properties["refresh_token"], Scope = e.Account.Properties["scope"], TokenType = e.Account.Properties["token_type"] }; UserCredential userCredential = new UserCredential(flow, user, token); var driveService = new DriveService(new BaseClientService.Initializer() { HttpClientInitializer = userCredential, ApplicationName = "XamarinDriveTest", }); //test google drive DriveServiceHelper helper = new DriveServiceHelper(driveService); var id = await helper.CreateFile(); await helper.SaveFile(id, "test", "test save content"); var content = await helper.ReadFile(id); } }; auth.Error += (sender, e) => { }; this.OnGoogleDrive = new Command(() => { var presenter = new OAuthLoginPresenter(); presenter.Login(auth); }); }
public static void Login() { var presenter = new OAuthLoginPresenter(); presenter.Login(Authenticator); }
void FBLogin() { var authenticator = new OAuth2Authenticator( clientId: OAuthSettingsFacebook.ClientId, //clientSecret: OAuthSettingsFacebook.ClientSecret, // null or "" authorizeUrl: new Uri(OAuthSettingsFacebook.AuthorizeUrl), //accessTokenUrl: new Uri(OAuthSettingsFacebook.AccessTokenUrl), redirectUrl: new Uri($"fb{OAuthSettingsFacebook.ClientId}://authorize"), scope: OAuthSettingsFacebook.Scope, isUsingNativeUI: true ) { AllowCancel = true, }; authenticator.Completed += async(s, ea) => { var sb = new StringBuilder(); if (ea.Account != null && ea.Account.Properties != null) { sb.Append("Token = ").AppendLine($"{ea.Account.Properties["access_token"]}"); var request = new OAuth2Request("GET", new Uri(",first_name,last_name,email,picture"), null, ea.Account); var res = await request.GetResponseAsync(); string json = res.GetResponseText(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(json); try { var user = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <FacebookUserModel>(json); if (FBLoginResponse != null) { FBLoginResponse(user); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } else { sb.Append("Not authenticated ").AppendLine($"Account.Properties does not exist"); } //DisplayAlert // ( // "Authentication Results", // sb.ToString(), // "OK" // ); return; }; authenticator.Error += (s, ea) => { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("Error = ").AppendLine($"{ea.Message}"); DisplayAlert ( "Authentication Error", sb.ToString(), "OK" ); return; }; AuthenticationState.Authenticator = authenticator; OAuthLoginPresenter presenter = null; presenter = new OAuthLoginPresenter(); presenter.Login(authenticator); //Xamarin.Auth.XamarinForms.AuthenticatorPage ap; //ap = new Xamarin.Auth.XamarinForms.AuthenticatorPage() //{ // Authenticator = authenticator, //}; //NavigationPage np = new NavigationPage(ap); //await Navigation.PushModalAsync(np); }
async void GoogleLogin() { var authenticator = new OAuth2Authenticator( clientId: OAuthSettingsGoogle.ClientId, clientSecret: OAuthSettingsGoogle.ClientSecret, // null or "" authorizeUrl: new Uri(OAuthSettingsGoogle.AuthorizeUrl), accessTokenUrl: new Uri(OAuthSettingsGoogle.AccessTokenUrl), redirectUrl: new Uri(OAuthSettingsGoogle.RedirectUrl), scope: OAuthSettingsGoogle.Scope, getUsernameAsync: null, isUsingNativeUI: true ) { AllowCancel = true, }; authenticator.Completed += async(s, ea) => { var sb = new StringBuilder(); if (ea.Account != null && ea.Account.Properties != null) { sb.Append("Token = ").AppendLine($"{ea.Account.Properties["access_token"]}"); var userInfoUrl = ""; var request = new OAuth2Request("GET", new Uri(userInfoUrl), null, ea.Account); var response = await request.GetResponseAsync(); if (response != null) { string userJson = response.GetResponseText(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(userJson); try { var user = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <GoogleUserModel>(userJson); if (GoogleLoginResponse != null) { GoogleLoginResponse(user); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } } else { sb.Append("Not authenticated ").AppendLine($"Account.Properties does not exist"); } //DisplayAlert // ( // "Authentication Results", // sb.ToString(), // "OK" // ); return; }; authenticator.Error += (s, ea) => { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("Error = ").AppendLine($"{ea.Message}"); DisplayAlert ( "Authentication Error", sb.ToString(), "OK" ); return; }; AuthenticationState.Authenticator = authenticator; OAuthLoginPresenter presenter = null; presenter = new OAuthLoginPresenter(); presenter.Login(authenticator); //Xamarin.Auth.XamarinForms.AuthenticatorPage ap; //ap = new Xamarin.Auth.XamarinForms.AuthenticatorPage() //{ // Authenticator = authenticator, //}; ////NavigationPage np = new NavigationPage(ap); //await Navigation.PushModalAsync(ap); }