// $G$ CSS-013 (-5) Bad variable name (should be in the form of: i_CamelCase). public static string AsText(NumberOfDoors i_eNumberOfDoors) { string enumDescripton = "null"; switch (i_eNumberOfDoors) { case NumberOfDoors.Two: { enumDescripton = "Two"; break; } case NumberOfDoors.Three: { enumDescripton = "Three"; break; } case NumberOfDoors.Four: { enumDescripton = "Four"; break; } case NumberOfDoors.Five: { enumDescripton = "Five"; break; } } return(enumDescripton); }
// unique db key = Id public Car(DateTime uploadDate, int price, string brand, string model, bool used, YearMonth dateOfPurchase, Engine engine, FuelType fuelType, ChassisType chassisType, string color, GearboxType gearboxType, int totalKilometersDriven, DriveWheels driveWheels, List <string> defects, SteeringWheelPosition steeringWheelPosition, NumberOfDoors numberOfDoors, int numberOfCylinders, int numberOfGears, int seats, YearMonth nextVehicleInspection, string wheelSize, int weight, EuroStandard euroStandard, string originalPurchaseCountry, string vin, List <string> additionalProperties, List <string> images, string comment) { Price = price; UploadDate = uploadDate; Brand = brand; Model = model; Used = used; DateOfPurchase = dateOfPurchase; Engine = engine; FuelType = fuelType; ChassisType = chassisType; Color = color; GearboxType = gearboxType; TotalKilometersDriven = totalKilometersDriven; DriveWheels = driveWheels; Defects = defects; SteeringWheelPosition = steeringWheelPosition; NumberOfDoors = numberOfDoors; NumberOfCylinders = numberOfCylinders; NumberOfGears = numberOfGears; Seats = seats; NextVehicleInspection = nextVehicleInspection; WheelSize = wheelSize; Weight = weight; EuroStandard = euroStandard; OriginalPurchaseCountry = originalPurchaseCountry; Vin = vin; AdditionalProperties = additionalProperties; Images = images; Comment = comment; }
protected override ICommandResult ExecuteAction(CreateCarDoorModel item) { NumberOfDoors model = this.mapping.Map <NumberOfDoors>(item); NumberOfDoors result = this.service.Save(model); return(this.Success(result)); }
protected override ICommandResult ExecuteAction(EditCarDoorsModel item) { NumberOfDoors model = this.mapping.Map <NumberOfDoors>(item); if (this.service.Delete(model)) { return(this.Success()); } return(this.Error()); }
public override string ToString() { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.AppendFormat( @"Car color : {0}: Number of doors : {1} ", m_CarColor.ToString(), NumberOfDoors.ToString()); return(base.ToString() + stringBuilder.ToString()); }
protected override ICommandResult ExecuteAction(EditCarDoorsModel item) { NumberOfDoors dbDoors = this.service.GetById(item.ID); if (dbDoors == null) { return(this.Error(item.ID)); } dbDoors = this.mapping.Map(item, dbDoors); NumberOfDoors result = this.service.Save(dbDoors); return(this.Success(result)); }
public CarBuilder WithDoors(NumberOfDoors numberOfDoors) { _car.NumberOfDoors = numberOfDoors; return(this); }