コード例 #1
        // GET: NPCs/Edit/5
        public ActionResult Edit(short?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            NPC npc = db.NPCs.Find(id);

            if (npc == null)
            ViewBag.LastLocationId = new SelectList(db.Locales, "LocaleId", "Name", npc.LastLocationId);
            ViewBag.RaceId         = new SelectList(db.Races, "RaceId", "RaceName", npc.RaceId);
            ViewBag.GenderId       = new SelectList(db.Genders, "GenderId", "GenderName", npc.GenderId);

            short     infoid = npc.InfoId;
            Info      info   = db.Infos.Find(infoid);
            NpcEditVM model  = new NpcEditVM(npc, info);

            List <short> selectedTags = db.InfoTags.Where(t => t.InfoId == infoid).Select(t => t.TagId).ToList();

            ViewBag.Selected = selectedTags;
            ViewBag.Tags     = db.Tags.ToList();

コード例 #2
        public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "NpcId,InfoId,Name,Alias,Quote,PortraitFileName,RaceId,CrestFileName,ApperanceText,AboutText,LastLocationId,PortraitArtist,CrestArtist,IsDead,GenderId, Blurb, IsSecret")] NpcEditPostVM npc,
                                 List <short> tags,
                                 HttpPostedFileBase portraitPic,
                                 HttpPostedFileBase crestPic,
                                 string submit)
            #region Pre-model picture check
            if (portraitPic != null)
                string[] goodExts = { ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".gif", ".png" };
                string   imgName  = portraitPic.FileName;

                string ext = imgName.Substring(imgName.LastIndexOf('.'));

                if (!goodExts.Contains(ext.ToLower()))
                    ModelState.AddModelError("PortraitFileName", "You have submitted a incorrect file type for your portrait. Please use either: .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, or .png");

                if (npc.PortraitArtist == null)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("PortraitArtist", "Katherine, you're trying to submit something with a picture without an artist. That's a no-no! But seriously, if something came up that means you need to change this rule, you know who to call.");
            else if ((npc.PortraitFileName != "default.jpg" && npc.PortraitFileName != null) && npc.PortraitArtist == null)
                ModelState.AddModelError("PortraitArtist", "Yo bud, you tired? Seems you deleted the artist by accident. Why don't ya fix that?");

            if (crestPic != null)
                string[] goodExts = { ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".gif", ".png" };
                string   imgName  = crestPic.FileName;

                string ext = imgName.Substring(imgName.LastIndexOf('.'));

                if (!goodExts.Contains(ext.ToLower()))
                    ModelState.AddModelError("CrestFileName", "You have submitted a incorrect file type for your portrait. Please use either: .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, or .png");

                if (npc.CrestArtist == null)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("CrestArtist", "Katherine, you're trying to submit something with a picture without an artist. That's a no-no! But seriously, if something came up that means you need to change this rule, you know who to call.");
            else if ((npc.CrestFileName != "org_default.jpg" && npc.CrestFileName != null) && npc.CrestArtist == null)
                ModelState.AddModelError("CrestArtist", "Yo bud, you tired? Seems you deleted the artist by accident. Why don't ya fix that?");

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                #region Save or Publish?
                switch (submit)
                case "Save Progress":
                case "Un-Publish":
                    npc.IsPublished = false;

                case "Publish":
                case "Save":
                    npc.IsPublished = true;

                case "Save and go to complex edit":

                var infoid = npc.InfoId;
                #region Info Update
                //Info info = db.Infos.Find(infoid);
                Info info = db.Infos.Where(i => i.InfoId == infoid).FirstOrDefault();
                info.Name        = npc.Name;
                info.Blurb       = npc.Blurb;
                info.IsPublished = npc.IsPublished;
                info.IsSecret    = npc.IsSecret;

                #region Update tags
                List <short> currentTagIds = db.InfoTags.Where(x => x.InfoId == infoid).Select(x => x.TagId).ToList();

                if (tags != null)
                    foreach (short tag in tags)
                        //if this is an already existing tag
                        if (currentTagIds.Contains(tag))
                        //if this is a newly added tag
                            InfoTag newTag = new InfoTag {
                                InfoId = infoid, TagId = tag

                if (currentTagIds.Count != 0)
                    foreach (short id in currentTagIds)
                        InfoTag gone = db.InfoTags.Where(x => x.InfoId == infoid & x.TagId == id).FirstOrDefault();


                #region Image Update/Upload
                string[] goodExts = { ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".gif", ".png" };

                #region Image Update -Portrait
                if (portraitPic != null)
                    string imgName = portraitPic.FileName;

                    string ext = imgName.Substring(imgName.LastIndexOf('.'));

                    if (goodExts.Contains(ext.ToLower()))
                        imgName = "npc-portrait-" + infoid.ToString() + ext;
                        portraitPic.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/Content/img/npc/" + imgName));
                    //remove old picture if it had a different extension (and thus would not be overridden)
                    string oldName = npc.PortraitFileName;
                    string oldExt  = oldName.Substring(oldName.LastIndexOf('.'));
                    if (oldName != "default.jpg" && oldExt != ext)
                        string fullPath = Request.MapPath("~/Content/img/npc/" + oldName);
                        if (System.IO.File.Exists(fullPath))
                    //assign new PortraitFileName
                    npc.PortraitFileName = imgName;

                #region Image Update -Crest
                if (crestPic != null)
                    string imgName = crestPic.FileName;

                    string ext = imgName.Substring(imgName.LastIndexOf('.'));

                    if (goodExts.Contains(ext.ToLower()))
                        imgName = "npc-crest-" + infoid.ToString() + ext;

                        crestPic.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/Content/img/npc/" + imgName));
                    //remove old picture if it had a different extension (and thus would not be overridden)
                    string oldName = npc.CrestFileName;
                    string oldExt  = oldName.Substring(oldName.LastIndexOf('.'));
                    if (oldName != "org_default.jpg" && oldExt != ext)
                        string fullPath = Request.MapPath("~/Content/img/npc/" + oldName);
                        if (System.IO.File.Exists(fullPath))
                    //assign new CrestFileName
                    npc.CrestFileName = imgName;


                #region Update Npc
                NPC daNpc = new NPC
                    NpcId            = npc.NpcId,
                    InfoId           = npc.InfoId,
                    Name             = npc.Name,
                    Alias            = npc.Alias,
                    Quote            = npc.Quote,
                    PortraitFileName = npc.PortraitFileName,
                    RaceId           = npc.RaceId,
                    CrestFileName    = npc.CrestFileName,
                    ApperanceText    = npc.ApperanceText,
                    AboutText        = npc.AboutText,
                    LastLocationId   = npc.LastLocationId,
                    IsPublished      = npc.IsPublished,
                    PortraitArtist   = npc.PortraitArtist,
                    CrestArtist      = npc.CrestArtist,
                    IsDead           = npc.IsDead,
                    GenderId         = npc.GenderId
                db.Entry(daNpc).State = EntityState.Modified;
                db.Entry(info).State  = EntityState.Modified;
                if (submit == "Save and go to complex edit")
                    return(RedirectToAction("AssoEdit", new { id = npc.NpcId }));
                return(RedirectToAction("Details", new { id = npc.NpcId }));

            #region if model invalid
            ViewBag.LastLocationId = new SelectList(db.Locales, "LocaleId", "Name", npc.LastLocationId);
            ViewBag.RaceId         = new SelectList(db.Races, "RaceId", "RaceName", npc.RaceId);
            ViewBag.GenderId       = new SelectList(db.Genders, "GenderId", "GenderName", npc.GenderId);
            ViewBag.Tags           = db.Tags.ToList();
            if (tags != null)
                ViewBag.Selected = tags;
                ViewBag.Selected = new List <short>();

            if (portraitPic != null)
                ModelState.AddModelError("PortraitFileName", "Hey, there was some error, so you have to re-upload the picture");
            if (crestPic != null)
                ModelState.AddModelError("CrestFileName", "Hey, there was some error, so you have to re-upload the picture");
            ModelState.AddModelError("", "Something has gone wrong. Look for red text to see where is went wrong");

            NpcEditVM aNpc = new NpcEditVM(npc);