public void ResponseParallelTest() { Parallel.For(0, 4, (index, state) => { using (var clientProxy = new NpClient <INetTester>(CreateEndPoint())) { const int count = 5; const int start = 0; var result = clientProxy.Proxy.Range(start, count); for (var i = start; i < count; i++) { int temp; if (result.TryGetValue(i, out temp)) { if (i != temp) { state.Break(); } Assert.Equal(i, temp); } else { state.Break(); Assert.True(false); } } } }); }
public ExecServerRemoteClient(string remoteAddress, RedirectLogger logger) { _client = new NpClient <IExecServerRemote>(new NpEndPoint(remoteAddress)); //Create callback channel this.CallbackAddress = remoteAddress + "_callback"; _callbackChannel = new NpHost(this.CallbackAddress, null, null); _callbackChannel.AddService <IServerLogger>(logger); }
public IPCNamedPipeClient(string _pipeName) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_pipeName)) { throw new ArgumentException("PipeName is null or empty."); } PipeName = _pipeName; NpClient = new NpClient <IMessageService>(new NpEndPoint(PipeName)); }
#pragma warning disable IDE0060 // Remove unused parameter static void Main(string[] args) #pragma warning restore IDE0060 // Remove unused parameter { using (var npClient = new NpClient <ITransformationRunFactoryService>(new NpEndPoint(TransformationRunFactory.TransformationRunFactoryService))) { foreach (var uri in npClient.Proxy.GetAllChannelUri()) { Console.Out.WriteLine(uri.ToString()); } } }
public void ResponseWithOutParameterTest() { using (var clientProxy = new NpClient <INetTester>(CreateEndPoint())) { int quantity = 0; var result = clientProxy.Proxy.Get(Guid.NewGuid(), "SomeLabel", 45.65, out quantity); Assert.Equal(44, quantity); Assert.NotEqual(default(TestResponse), result); Assert.Equal("MyLabel", result.Label); } }
public RemoteLogForwarder(ILogger mainLogger, IEnumerable <string> logPipeNames) { this.mainLogger = mainLogger; foreach (var logPipeName in logPipeNames) { var client = new NpClient <IForwardSerializableLogRemote>(new NpEndPoint(logPipeName), new StrideServiceWireSerializer()); remoteLogs.Add(client); } activeRemoteLogs = remoteLogs.Count > 0; }
private void verifyConnection() { if (NpClient == null || !NpClient.IsConnected) { if (!NpClient.IsConnected) { NpClient.Dispose(); NpClient = null; } NpClient = new NpClient <IMessageService>(new NpEndPoint(PipeName)); } }
public void SimpleTest() { var rnd = new Random(); var a = rnd.Next(0, 100); var b = rnd.Next(0, 100); using (var clientProxy = new NpClient <INetTester>(CreateEndPoint())) { var result = clientProxy.Proxy.Min(a, b); Assert.Equal(Math.Min(a, b), result); } }
public async Task CalculateAsyncTest() { var rnd = new Random(); var a = rnd.Next(0, 100); var b = rnd.Next(0, 100); using (var clientProxy = new NpClient<INetTester>(CreateEndPoint())) { var result = await clientProxy.Proxy.CalculateAsync(a, b); Assert.Equal(a + b, result); } }
public void ResponseWithOutParameterNewtonsoftSerializerTest() { using (var nphost = new NpHost(PipeName + "JsonResponseOut", serializer: new NewtonsoftSerializer())) { nphost.AddService <INetTester>(_tester); nphost.Open(); using (var clientProxy = new NpClient <INetTester>(new NpEndPoint(PipeName + "JsonResponseOut"), new NewtonsoftSerializer())) { int quantity = 0; var result = clientProxy.Proxy.Get(Guid.NewGuid(), "SomeLabel", 45.65, out quantity); Assert.Equal(44, quantity); Assert.NotEqual(default(TestResponse), result); Assert.Equal("MyLabel", result.Label); } } }
public void ResponseTest() { using (var clientProxy = new NpClient <INetTester>(CreateEndPoint())) { const int count = 50; const int start = 0; var result = clientProxy.Proxy.Range(start, count); for (var i = start; i < count; i++) { int temp; Assert.True(result.TryGetValue(i, out temp)); Assert.Equal(i, temp); } } }
private static void ClosePipeAndProcess() { if (strideCommands != null) { try { strideCommands.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLine($"Unexpected exception when closing remote connection to VS Commands: {ex}"); } strideCommands = null; } strideCommandsProcessJob?.Dispose(); strideCommandsProcessJob = null; }
public void SimpleParallelTest() { var rnd = new Random(); Parallel.For(0, 50, (index, state) => { var a = rnd.Next(0, 100); var b = rnd.Next(0, 100); using (var clientProxy = new NpClient<INetTester>(CreateEndPoint())) { var result = clientProxy.Proxy.Min(a, b); if (Math.Min(a, b) != result) state.Break(); Assert.Equal(Math.Min(a, b), result); } }); }
public override async Task ConnectAsync() { while (!IsConnected) { try { NpClient = new NpClient <TService>(new NpEndPoint(ChannelName), serialization); } catch (TimeoutException) { if (!EnableAutomaticConnection) { throw; } await Task.Delay(ReconnectionInterval); } } }
public void SimpleProtobufSerializerTest() { using (var nphost = new NpHost(PipeName + "Proto", serializer: new ProtobufSerializer())) { nphost.AddService <INetTester>(_tester); nphost.Open(); var rnd = new Random(); var a = rnd.Next(0, 100); var b = rnd.Next(0, 100); using (var clientProxy = new NpClient <INetTester>(new NpEndPoint(PipeName + "Proto"), new ProtobufSerializer())) { var result = clientProxy.Proxy.Min(a, b); Assert.Equal(Math.Min(a, b), result); } } }
private static void RegisterRemoteLogger(NpClient <IProcessBuilderRemote> processBuilderRemote) { // The pipe might be broken while we try to output log, so let's try/catch the call to prevent program for crashing here (it should crash at a proper location anyway if the pipe is broken/closed) // ReSharper disable EmptyGeneralCatchClause GlobalLogger.GlobalMessageLogged += logMessage => { try { var assetMessage = logMessage as AssetLogMessage; var message = assetMessage != null ? new AssetSerializableLogMessage(assetMessage) : new SerializableLogMessage((LogMessage)logMessage); processBuilderRemote.Proxy.ForwardLog(message); } catch { } }; // ReSharper restore EmptyGeneralCatchClause }
public int Run(string currentDirectory, Dictionary <string, string> environmentVariables, string[] args, bool shadowCache, int?debuggerProcessId, string callbackAddress) { bool lockTaken = false; try { Monitor.TryEnter(runLock, ref lockTaken); if (!lockTaken) { // Busy, exit right away return(BusyReturnCode); } // Do your stuff... Console.WriteLine("Run Received {0}", string.Join(" ", args)); upTime.Restart(); if (debuggerProcessId.HasValue && !Debugger.IsAttached) { using (var debugger = VisualStudioDebugger.GetByProcess(debuggerProcessId.Value)) { debugger?.Attach(); } } using (var callbackChannel = new NpClient <IServerLogger>(new NpEndPoint(callbackAddress))) { var result = shadowManager.Run(currentDirectory, environmentVariables, args, shadowCache, callbackChannel); return(result); } } finally { if (lockTaken) { Monitor.Exit(runLock); } } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the current proxy. /// </summary> /// <returns>StrideCommandsProxy.</returns> public static IStrideCommands GetProxy() { lock (commandProxyLock) { // New instance? bool shouldReload = strideCommands == null || solutionChanged || ShouldReload(); if (!shouldReload) { // TODO: Assemblies changed? //shouldReload = ShouldReload(); } // If new instance or assemblies changed, reload if (shouldReload) { ClosePipeAndProcess(); var address = "Stride/VSPackageCommands/" + Guid.NewGuid(); var stridePackageInfo = FindStrideSdkDir(solution).Result; if (stridePackageInfo.LoadedVersion == null) { return(null); } var commandAssembly = stridePackageInfo.SdkPaths.First(x => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(x) == "Stride.VisualStudio.Commands"); var commandExecutable = Path.ChangeExtension(commandAssembly, ".exe"); // .NET Core: .dll => .exe var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { // Note: try to get exec server if it exists, otherwise use CompilerApp.exe FileName = commandExecutable, Arguments = $"--pipe=\"{address}\"", WorkingDirectory = Environment.CurrentDirectory, UseShellExecute = false, }; var strideCommandsProcess = new Process { StartInfo = startInfo }; strideCommandsProcess.Start(); strideCommandsProcessJob = new AttachedChildProcessJob(strideCommandsProcess); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { try { strideCommands = new NpClient <IStrideCommands>(new NpEndPoint(address + "/IStrideCommands")); break; } catch { // Last try, forward exception if (i == 9) { throw; } // Wait until process is ready to accept connections Thread.Sleep(100); } } solutionChanged = false; } return(strideCommands?.Proxy); } }
/// <summary> /// Runs the assembly with the specified arguments.xit /// </summary> /// <param name="workingDirectory">The working directory.</param> /// <param name="environmentVariables">The environment variables.</param> /// <param name="args">The main arguments.</param> /// <param name="shadowCache">If [true], use shadow cache.</param> /// <param name="logger">The logger.</param> /// <returns>System.Int32.</returns> public int Run(string workingDirectory, Dictionary <string, string> environmentVariables, string[] args, bool shadowCache, NpClient <IServerLogger> callbackChannel) { lock (disposingLock) { if (isDisposed) { callbackChannel.Proxy.OnLog("Error, server is being shutdown, cannot run Compiler", ConsoleColor.Red); return(1); } } AppDomainShadow shadowDomain = null; try { shadowDomain = GetOrNew(shadowCache, IsCachingAppDomain); return(shadowDomain.Run(workingDirectory, environmentVariables, args, callbackChannel)); } finally { if (shadowDomain != null) { shadowDomain.EndRun(); if (!IsCachingAppDomain) { shadowDomain.Dispose(); } } } }
public void RegisterTarget(string callbackAddress) { callbackChannel = new NpClient <IGameDebuggerTarget>(new NpEndPoint(callbackAddress)); target.TrySetResult(callbackChannel.Proxy); }
public static int Main(string[] args) { var exeName = Path.GetFileName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); var showHelp = false; string hostPipe = null; bool waitDebuggerAttach = false; var p = new OptionSet { "Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Stride and its contributors (", "Copyright (c) 2011-2018 Silicon Studio Corp. (", "Stride Debugger Host tool - Version: " + Format("{0}.{1}.{2}", typeof(Program).Assembly.GetName().Version.Major, typeof(Program).Assembly.GetName().Version.Minor, typeof(Program).Assembly.GetName().Version.Build), Empty, $"Usage: {exeName} --host=[hostpipe]", Empty, "=== Options ===", Empty, { "h|help", "Show this message and exit", v => showHelp = v != null }, { "host=", "Host pipe", v => hostPipe = v }, { "wait-debugger-attach", "Process will wait for a debugger to attach, for 5 seconds", v => waitDebuggerAttach = true }, }; try { var unexpectedArgs = p.Parse(args); if (unexpectedArgs.Any()) { throw new OptionException($"Unexpected arguments [{Join(", ", unexpectedArgs)}].", "args"); } if (waitDebuggerAttach) { // Wait for 5 second max for (int i = 0; i < 500; ++i) { if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) { break; } Thread.Sleep(10); } } if (hostPipe is null) { throw new OptionException("Host pipe not specified.", "host"); } // Open ServiceWire channel with master builder using var channel = new NpClient <IGameDebuggerHost>(new NpEndPoint(hostPipe)); var gameDebuggerTarget = new GameDebuggerTarget(); gameDebuggerTarget.MainLoop(channel.Proxy); } catch (OptionException ex) { Console.WriteLine("Command option '{0}': {1}", ex.OptionName, ex.Message); return(-1); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Unhandled exception: {0}", ex); return(-1); } return(0); }
public void Dispose() { NpClient?.Dispose(); NpClient = null; }
private BuildResultCode BuildSlave() { // Mount build path ((FileSystemProvider)VirtualFileSystem.ApplicationData).ChangeBasePath(builderOptions.BuildDirectory); VirtualFileSystem.CreateDirectory(VirtualFileSystem.ApplicationDatabasePath); // Open ServiceWire Client Channel using (var client = new NpClient <IProcessBuilderRemote>(new NpEndPoint(builderOptions.SlavePipe), new StrideServiceWireSerializer())) { RegisterRemoteLogger(client); // Make sure to laod all assemblies containing serializers // TODO: Review how costly it is to do so, and possibily find a way to restrict what needs to be loaded (i.e. only app plugins?) foreach (var assemblyLocation in client.Proxy.GetAssemblyContainerLoadedAssemblies()) { AssemblyContainer.Default.LoadAssemblyFromPath(assemblyLocation, builderOptions.Logger); } // Create scheduler var scheduler = new Scheduler(); var status = ResultStatus.NotProcessed; // Schedule command string buildPath = builderOptions.BuildDirectory; Builder.OpenObjectDatabase(buildPath, VirtualFileSystem.ApplicationDatabaseIndexName); var logger = builderOptions.Logger; MicroThread microthread = scheduler.Add(async() => { // Deserialize command and parameters Command command = client.Proxy.GetCommandToExecute(); // Run command var inputHashes = FileVersionTracker.GetDefault(); var builderContext = new BuilderContext(inputHashes, null); var commandContext = new RemoteCommandContext(client.Proxy, command, builderContext, logger); MicrothreadLocalDatabases.MountDatabase(commandContext.GetOutputObjectsGroups()); command.PreCommand(commandContext); status = await command.DoCommand(commandContext); command.PostCommand(commandContext, status); // Returns result to master builder client.Proxy.RegisterResult(commandContext.ResultEntry); }); while (true) { scheduler.Run(); // Exit loop if no more micro threads lock (scheduler.MicroThreads) { if (!scheduler.MicroThreads.Any()) { break; } } Thread.Sleep(0); } // Rethrow any exception that happened in microthread if (microthread.Exception != null) { builderOptions.Logger.Fatal(microthread.Exception.ToString()); return(BuildResultCode.BuildError); } if (status == ResultStatus.Successful || status == ResultStatus.NotTriggeredWasSuccessful) { return(BuildResultCode.Successful); } return(BuildResultCode.BuildError); } }
/// <summary> /// Runs the main entry point method passing arguments to it /// </summary> /// <param name="workingDirectory"></param> /// <param name="environmentVariables">The environment variables.</param> /// <param name="args">The arguments.</param> /// <param name="logger">The logger.</param> /// <returns>System.Int32.</returns> /// <exception cref="System.InvalidOperationException">Must call TryLock before calling this method</exception> public int Run(string workingDirectory, Dictionary <string, string> environmentVariables, string[] args, NpClient <IServerLogger> callbackChannel) { if (!isRunning) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Must call TryLock before calling this method"); } try { lastRunTime = DateTime.Now; appDomainCallback.CallbackChannel = callbackChannel; appDomainCallback.CurrentDirectory = workingDirectory; appDomainCallback.EnvironmentVariables = environmentVariables; appDomainCallback.Arguments = args; appDomain.DoCallBack(appDomainCallback.Run); var result = appDomain.GetData("Result") as int?; //var result = appDomain.ExecuteAssembly(mainAssemblyPath, args); Console.WriteLine("Return result: {0}", result); return(result ?? -1); } catch (Exception exception) { callbackChannel.Proxy.OnLog(string.Format("Unexpected exception: {0}", exception), ConsoleColor.Red); return(1); } finally { lastRunTime = DateTime.Now; } }