public async Task WhenInSuspendedState_ShouldTryAndReconnectAfterSuspendRetryTimeoutIsReached() { Now = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow; _fakeTransportFactory.initialiseFakeTransport = transport => transport.OnConnectChangeStateToConnected = false; //this will keep it in connecting state var client = GetClientWithFakeTransport(opts => { opts.AutoConnect = false; opts.DisconnectedRetryTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10); opts.SuspendedRetryTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100); }); client.Connect(); do { LastCreatedTransport.Listener?.OnTransportEvent(TransportState.Closing, new Exception()); await WaitForConnectingOrSuspended(client); Now = Now.AddSeconds(30); } while (client.Connection.State != ConnectionState.Suspended); var awaiter = new ConnectionAwaiter(client.Connection, ConnectionState.Connecting); var elapsed = await awaiter.Wait(); elapsed.Should().BeCloseTo(client.Options.SuspendedRetryTimeout, 100); }
public async Task ItShouldRenewTheLeaseWithRateLimiter() { this.SetupAquireMocks(); await; this.blob.Setup(v => v.RenewLeaseAsync(It.IsAny <AccessCondition>(), this.cancellationToken)) .Returns(Task.FromResult(0)).Verifiable(); await; this.blob.Verify(v => v.RenewLeaseAsync(It.IsAny <AccessCondition>(), this.cancellationToken), Times.Exactly(0)); this.timestampCreator.Setup(v => v.Now()).Returns(Now.AddSeconds(BlobLease.RenewRateLimitSeconds - 1)); await; this.blob.Verify(v => v.RenewLeaseAsync(It.IsAny <AccessCondition>(), this.cancellationToken), Times.Exactly(0)); this.timestampCreator.Setup(v => v.Now()).Returns(Now.AddSeconds(BlobLease.RenewRateLimitSeconds)); await; this.blob.Verify(v => v.RenewLeaseAsync(It.IsAny <AccessCondition>(), this.cancellationToken), Times.Exactly(1)); this.timestampCreator.Setup(v => v.Now()).Returns(Now.AddSeconds((BlobLease.RenewRateLimitSeconds * 2) - 1)); await; this.blob.Verify(v => v.RenewLeaseAsync(It.IsAny <AccessCondition>(), this.cancellationToken), Times.Exactly(1)); this.timestampCreator.Setup(v => v.Now()).Returns(Now.AddSeconds(BlobLease.RenewRateLimitSeconds * 2)); await; this.blob.Verify(v => v.RenewLeaseAsync(It.IsAny <AccessCondition>(), this.cancellationToken), Times.Exactly(2)); this.blob.Verify(); }
public async Task WhenInSuspendedStateAfterRetrying_ShouldGoBackToSuspendedState() { Now = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow; _fakeTransportFactory.initialiseFakeTransport = transport => transport.OnConnectChangeStateToConnected = false; //this will keep it in connecting state var client = GetClientWithFakeTransport(opts => { opts.AutoConnect = false; opts.DisconnectedRetryTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10); opts.SuspendedRetryTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10); opts.RealtimeRequestTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100); }); client.Connect(); do { LastCreatedTransport.Listener?.OnTransportEvent(TransportState.Closing, new Exception()); await WaitForConnectingOrSuspended(client); Now = Now.AddSeconds(30); } while (client.Connection.State != ConnectionState.Suspended); await new ConnectionAwaiter(client.Connection, ConnectionState.Connecting).Wait(); await new ConnectionAwaiter(client.Connection, ConnectionState.Suspended).Wait(); }
public void CountDownToStringIsHHMM() { var startedTimer = _countDownTimer.Start(); Now = Now.AddSeconds(30); Assert.Equal($"14:30", startedTimer.ToString()); }
public void ShouldSuspend_WhenFirstAttemptEqualOrGreaterThanConnectionStateTtl_ShouldReturnTrue() { Now = DateTimeOffset.Now; _info.Attempts.Add(new ConnectionAttempt(Now)); //Move now to default ConnetionStatettl - 1 second Now = Now.Add(Defaults.ConnectionStateTtl); _info.ShouldSuspend().Should().BeTrue("When time is equal"); // = Now = Now.AddSeconds(1); _info.ShouldSuspend().Should().BeTrue("When time is greater than"); // > }
void Update() { if (Application.isEditor && !Application.isPlaying) { ReloadNow(); return; } then = Now; Now = Now.AddSeconds(GameSpeed * Time.deltaTime); }
protected virtual void Tick() { if (IsRunning) { Time++; Now = Now.AddSeconds(1); if (Ontick != null) { Ontick(); } } }
private IEnumerator Tick() { while (IsRunning) { Time++; Now = Now.AddSeconds(1); if (Ontick != null) { Ontick(); } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1 * UnityEngine.Time.timeScale)); } }
private void OnTick(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs elapsedEventArgs) { if (IsRunning) { Time++; Now = Now.AddSeconds(1); Now = elapsedEventArgs.SignalTime; if (Ontick != null) { Ontick(); } } }
public async Task WhenItMovesFromDisconnectedToSuspended_ShouldTryDefaultHostAgain() { var client = GetConnectedClient(opts => { opts.DisconnectedRetryTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10); opts.SuspendedRetryTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10); }); List <ConnectionState> states = new List <ConnectionState>(); client.Connection.InternalStateChanged += (sender, args) => { states.Add(args.Current); }; List <string> retryHosts = new List <string>(); await client.FakeProtocolMessageReceived(new ProtocolMessage(ProtocolMessage.MessageAction.Error) { Error = new ErrorInfo() { StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.GatewayTimeout } }); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { Now = Now.AddSeconds(60); if (client.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Connecting) { retryHosts.Add(LastCreatedTransport.Parameters.Host); } else { await Task.Delay(50); //wait just enough for the disconnect timer to kick in retryHosts.Add(LastCreatedTransport.Parameters.Host); } await client.FakeProtocolMessageReceived(new ProtocolMessage(ProtocolMessage.MessageAction.Error) { Error = new ErrorInfo() { StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.GatewayTimeout } }); } retryHosts.Should().Contain(""); retryHosts.Count(x => x == "").Should().Be(1); }
public async void RequestMissed_RequestAgain() { var missedDeadline = Now.Add(-DeviceSyncConstants.PushMissed); var service = new PushSyncService(MockPushSyncStore(new[] { new SyncAction() { Id = "test", Deadline = missedDeadline } }).Object, MockDigitPushServiceCLient(), Mock.Of <IFocusStore>()); var res = await service.RequestLocationSync(userId, Now.AddSeconds(1), Now.AddSeconds(1)); Assert.True(res.SyncRequested); Assert.Null(res.SyncPendingFor); }
/// <summary> /// Method scans miscellaneous files in "Misc" file /// </summary> static void MiscScan() { WriteLine("-- Miscellaneous File Scanner --"); WriteLine(); if (!File.Exists(Globals.MiscFile)) // safeguard misc file search { ForegroundColor = Yellow; WriteLine("No miscellaneous file to scan"); ResetColor(); Exit(0); } var miscFeed = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (var entry in File.ReadAllLines(Globals.MiscFile)) { var split = entry.Split('|'); miscFeed.Add(split[0], split[1]); } ForegroundColor = Blue; WriteLine($"[*] Scan Started At {Globals.CurrentDateTime}"); foreach (var hash in miscFeed.Keys) { ForegroundColor = Yellow; WriteLine($"[~] Scanning {miscFeed[hash]}"); var report = Report(hash); int detection = 0; foreach (var av in report.Scans.Keys) { if (report.Scans[av].Detected) { detection++; } } FormatDetection(detection); WriteLine($"[#] Next Scan At {Now.AddSeconds(30):dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt}"); Sleep(30000); } ForegroundColor = Blue; WriteLine($"[*] Scan Completed At {Globals.CurrentDateTime}"); ResetColor(); File.Delete(Globals.MiscFile); // delete file }
public static (string, DateTime) GetAPIToken(string user, string pw) { using (var myWebClient = new WebClientNoRedir() { Proxy = GetProxy() }) { //string key = "nQv6CqtxJuXWP74xf3CJwUEP"; //string secret = "1zDHx6un4cDjybLENN3kyfumX2kEYigWPcQpdvDRpIBk7rOJ"; //string basic = ($"{key}:{secret}").ToBase64String(); var WS_Data = new NameValueCollection { { "username", user }, { "password", pw }, { "scope", "authenticate_user remote_services vehicle_data" }, { "client_id", "dbf0a542-ebd1-4ff0-a9a7-55172fbfce35" }, { "response_type", "token" }, { "redirect_uri", "" } }; // myWebClient.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic " + basic); myWebClient.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); string response = ""; try { response = myWebClient.UploadString($"{AuthServer}", WS_Data.ToQueryString(isEscaped: false)); } catch (System.Exception ex) { Trace.Write("TokenRenew"); Trace.WriteLine(ex.Message); } string tokenInside = new Uri(myWebClient.ResponseHeaders["Location"]).Fragment.Remove(0, 1); response = System.Web.HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(tokenInside)["access_token"]; string expires = System.Web.HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(tokenInside)["expires_in"]; return(response, DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(int.Parse(expires) - 10)); } }
protected virtual void OnTick(object state) { if (IsRunning) { Time++; Now = Now.AddSeconds(1); if (Ontick != null) { Ontick(); } clocks.ForEach(c => c.Update()); for (int i = 0; i < reminders.Count; i++) { if (reminders[i].Update(Now) && reminders[i].Type == ReminderType.OneTime) { reminders.RemoveAt(i); } } } }
public async Task Authorise_WithTokenExpiringIn15Seconds_RenewsToken(int secondsLeftToExpire, bool shouldRenew) { var client = GetRestClient(); var initialToken = new TokenDetails() { Expires = Now.AddSeconds(secondsLeftToExpire) }; client.AblyAuth.CurrentToken = initialToken; var token = await client.Auth.AuthoriseAsync(); if (shouldRenew) { Assert.Contains("requestToken", LastRequest.Url); token.Should().NotBeSameAs(initialToken); } else { token.Should().BeSameAs(initialToken); } }
public async Task WhenTransportFails_ShouldGoFromConnectingToDisconectedUntilConnectionStateTtlIsReachedAndStateIsSuspended() { Now = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow; _fakeTransportFactory.initialiseFakeTransport = transport => transport.OnConnectChangeStateToConnected = false; //this will keep it in connecting state var client = GetClientWithFakeTransport(opts => { opts.AutoConnect = false; opts.DisconnectedRetryTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10); }); client.Connect(); List <ConnectionStateChange> stateChanges = new List <ConnectionStateChange>(); client.Connection.InternalStateChanged += (sender, args) => { stateChanges.Add(args); }; do { LastCreatedTransport.Listener?.OnTransportEvent(TransportState.Closing, new Exception()); await WaitForConnectingOrSuspended(client); Now = Now.AddSeconds(30); } while (client.Connection.State != ConnectionState.Suspended); client.Connection.State.Should().Be(ConnectionState.Suspended); stateChanges.Select(x => x.Current).Distinct() .ShouldBeEquivalentTo(new[] { ConnectionState.Connecting, ConnectionState.Disconnected, ConnectionState.Suspended, }); int numberOfAttemps = (int)Math.Floor(Defaults.ConnectionStateTtl.TotalSeconds / 30); stateChanges.Count(x => x.Current == ConnectionState.Connecting).Should().Be(numberOfAttemps); }
/// <summary> /// Method Scans the curr dir. /// </summary> static void ScanCurrDir() { int total = 0; WriteLine("-- Directory Scanner --"); WriteLine(); ForegroundColor = Blue; WriteLine($"[*] Scan Started At {Globals.CurrentDateTime}"); ResetColor(); // getting filenames var files = Directory.GetFiles(CurrentDirectory, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); // instacing misc to store misc files var misc = new System.Collections.Generic.List <string>(); var isMisc = false; // flag to check if any misc file foreach (var file in files) { if (++total > 5000) // safeguard api calls { ForegroundColor = Red; WriteLine("You reached 5000/per day scan limit"); WriteLine("If you try to scan again then your API may be blocked"); ResetColor(); Exit(1); } var fileInfo = new FileInfo(file); if (fileInfo.Length < 1.28e+8) // safeguard file size { ForegroundColor = Yellow; WriteLine($"[~] Scanning {fileInfo.FullName}"); ResetColor(); var report = Report(Globals.GetSHA256(fileInfo.FullName)); if (report.ResponseCode == FileReportResponseCode.Present) { // execute detection and format detection if file is present on server int detected = 0; foreach (var av in report.Scans.Keys) { if (report.Scans[av].Detected) { detected++; } } FormatDetection(detected); } // otherwise misc file is not there or is being scanned else if (report.ResponseCode == FileReportResponseCode.Queued) { // file is queued ForegroundColor = Magenta; WriteLine("[!] Not found - Misc File"); ResetColor(); } else { ForegroundColor = Magenta; WriteLine("[!] Not found - Misc File"); ResetColor(); var scan = SendScan(fileInfo); misc.Add($"{scan.SHA256}|{fileInfo.FullName}"); // adding to misc file isMisc = true; //break; } WriteLine($"[#] Next Scan At {Now.AddSeconds(30):dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt}"); Sleep(30000); // sleep to prevent spamming } else { ForegroundColor = Yellow; WriteLine($"[!] Skipping {fileInfo.FullName} - Beyond 128mB"); ResetColor(); } } ForegroundColor = Blue; WriteLine($"[*] Scan Completed At {Globals.CurrentDateTime}"); ResetColor(); if (isMisc) { // writing misc files File.WriteAllLines(Globals.MiscFile, misc.ToArray()); WriteLine(); WriteLine("We found some miscellaneous files"); WriteLine($"Try scaning misc file after {Now.AddHours(5):dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt}"); } }