コード例 #1
        public INotifyObject[] Compose(AlarmObject alarmObject)
            NotifyPopupAddressList notificationPopupAddressList = null;

            string popupMessage = "";

            /*Notify List*/
            List <INotifyObject> notifyList = new List <INotifyObject>();

            /*Initialize NotifySettings*/
            NotificationStyle notificationStyle = new NotificationStyle();

            if (alarmObject.IsMissCommNotification)
                _logContent = "Missed Communication";
                _logContent = "SensorID: " + alarmObject.UTID.ToStr() + " SensorAlarmID: " + alarmObject.SensorAlarmID.ToStr();

            /*Check whether server popup or remote popup*/
            if (alarmObject.IsServerPopup)
                /*Write Log:
                 * Started Server popup Notification
                 * Reached Server popup Notification Composer*/
                LogBook.Write("*** Started Composing Server popup Notification for " + _logContent + "***");

                /*Get custom message for missed communication*/
                if (alarmObject.IsMissCommNotification)
                    popupMessage = "Missed Communication" + " [" + alarmObject.MissedCommSensorCount + "] sensors";
                    /*Get popup message*/
                    popupMessage = notificationStyle.GetFormatString(alarmObject, 1, "Popup");

                    /*Substitute message parameters*/
                    popupMessage = notificationStyle.SubstituteFormatString(popupMessage, alarmObject);

                /*Server popup*/
                NotifyPopupAddress notifyPopupAddress = new NotifyPopupAddress();
                notifyPopupAddress.NetSendTo = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("NetSendTo").ToStr();
                notifyPopupAddress.Name      = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("NetSendFromName").ToStr();

                /*Get Notification Object*/
                INotifyObject notifyObject = GetNotifyObject(alarmObject, popupMessage, notifyPopupAddress);

                if (notifyList.Count > 0)
                    /*Write Log
                     * Sending Server Popup notification data to Notification Engine*/
                    LogBook.Write(_logContent + " Sending notification data to Server Popup  Notification Engine.");

                /*Write Log:
                 * Started Server popup Notification
                 * Reached Server popup Notification Composer*/
                LogBook.Write("*** Started Composing Remote popup Notification for " + _logContent + "***");

                /*Get custom message for missed communication*/
                if (alarmObject.IsMissCommNotification)
                    popupMessage = "Missed Communication" + " [" + alarmObject.MissedCommSensorCount + "] sensors";
                    /*Get NetSend message*/
                    popupMessage = notificationStyle.GetFormatString(alarmObject, 1, "NetSend");

                    /*Notification Tree*/
                    string notifyTree = notificationStyle.GetFormatString(alarmObject, 1, "NotifyTree");

                    /*Format Subject*/
                    string netSendMsg = notificationStyle.SubstituteFormatString(popupMessage, alarmObject);

                    popupMessage = netSendMsg;

                    /*Format Notify Tree*/
                    string netTreeMsg = notificationStyle.SubstituteFormatString(notifyTree, alarmObject);

                    notifyTree = netTreeMsg;

                    if (notifyTree != string.Empty)
                        popupMessage = popupMessage + "%%NOTIFYTREE%%" + notifyTree;

                /*Get Notification Popup Address List*/
                notificationPopupAddressList = GetNotifyPopupAddressList(alarmObject);

                if (notificationPopupAddressList.Count != 0)
                    /*Get Popup Notification list*/
                    notifyList = GetNotificationList(notificationPopupAddressList, alarmObject, popupMessage);
                    /*Log when we don't have Popup address to notify*/
                    LogBook.Write(_logContent + " Error: Missing entry in NotifyEmails/Groups");

                if (notifyList.Count > 0)
                    /*Write Log
                     * Sending Remote Popup notification data to Notification Engine*/
                    LogBook.Write(_logContent + " Sending notification data to Remote Popup  Notification Engine.");
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="alarmObject"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private NotifyObject GetNotifyObject(AlarmObject alarmObject, string popupMessage, NotifyPopupAddress notifyPopupAddress)
            string alertTime = "", location = "", temperatureReading = "", notificationData = "";
            /*Initialize NotifyObject*/
            NotifyObject notifyObject = new NotifyObject();

            /*Notification settings*/
            NotificationStyle notificationStyle = new NotificationStyle();

            /*Alert Time*/
            alertTime = alarmObject.AlarmTime.ToLocalTime().ToString();
            //Common.LocalTimeToUTC(alarmObject.AlarmTime, Common.TZ_OFFSET).ToStr();
            alertTime = (alertTime == string.Empty ? DateTime.Now.ToStr() : alertTime);

            location = alarmObject.ProbeName.ToStr() + (alarmObject.GroupName.ToStr() != string.Empty ? ("(" + alarmObject.GroupName + ")") : "");

            /*HOT COLD*/
            //Check for contact sensor
            if (AlarmHelper.IsContactSensor(alarmObject.SensorType))
                temperatureReading = (alarmObject.Value == 0) ? "CLOSED" : "OPEN";
                temperatureReading = (alarmObject.Value < alarmObject.AlarmMinValue) ? "LOW" : "HIGH";

            /*Building the alert message data*/
            notificationData = "<alert><msg>" + HtmlEncode(popupMessage) + "</msg>" +
                               "<time_local>" + HtmlEncode(alertTime) + "</time_local>"
                               + "<time_gmt>" + HtmlEncode(alarmObject.AlarmTime.ToStr()) + "</time_gmt>"
                               + "<loc>" + HtmlEncode((alarmObject.GroupName.ToStr())) + "</loc>"
                               + "<name>" + HtmlEncode((alarmObject.ProbeName.ToStr())) + "</name>"
                               + "<type>" + HtmlEncode((alarmObject.SensorType.ToStr())) + "</type>"
                               + "<class>" + HtmlEncode((alarmObject.SensorClass.ToStr())) + "</class>"
                               + "<alertType>" + HtmlEncode((temperatureReading)) + "</alertType>"
                               + "</alert>";

            string temp      = "00000000";
            int    strLength = temp.Length - notificationData.Length.ToString().Length;

            notificationData = temp.Substring(0, strLength) + notificationData.Length + notificationData;
            /*Assign values to Notification settings*/
            Hashtable notificationSettings = new Hashtable();

            /*Remote Port*/
            notificationSettings.Add("RemotePort", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PortNumber"]);

            /*Remote Host*/
            notificationSettings.Add("RemoteHost", notifyPopupAddress.NetSendTo);

            /*Name that was configured in temp trak application*/
            notificationSettings.Add("Name", notifyPopupAddress.Name);

            /*Notification ID*/
            notificationSettings.Add("NotificationID", alarmObject.NotificationID);

            /*Notification settings*/
            notifyObject.NotifierSettings = notificationSettings;

            /*Pop up message*/
            notifyObject.NotificationData = notificationData;

            /*Set Notification Type*/
            notifyObject.NotificationType = (alarmObject.IsServerPopup) ? "ServerPopup" : "RemotePopup";
