コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Get active notification profile ids
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private NotificationProfile GetActiveNotificationProfile(int storeID)
            NotificationProfile notificationProfile = null;

                notificationProfile = new NotificationProfile();
                notificationProfile.NotifyProfileID = _notifyProfileID;
                notificationProfile.StoreID         = storeID;
                notificationProfile = notificationProfile.Execute();
            catch (Exception ex)
                /*Debug Object values for reference*/
                LogBook.Debug(notificationProfile, this);

                /*Write exception log*/
                LogBook.Write("Error has occurred while fetching notification profile Ids ", ex, "CooperAtkins.NotificationClient.NotificationComposer.NotificationEligibility");

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Get E-mail Notification ID
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="notifyProfileID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private int GetEmailNotificationID(int notifyProfileID)
            NotificationProfile notificationProfile = null;
            int emailNotificationID = 0;

                /*Create NotificationProfile instance*/
                notificationProfile = new NotificationProfile();
                /*Send criteria notifyProfileID to get the Notification ID*/
                notificationProfile.NotifyProfileID = notifyProfileID;
                notificationProfile = notificationProfile.Execute();
                /*Assign the EmailNotifyID to local variable emailNotificationID*/
                emailNotificationID = notificationProfile.EmailNotifyID;
            catch (Exception ex)
                /*Debug Object values for reference*/
                LogBook.Debug(notificationProfile, this);

                /*Write exception log*/
                LogBook.Write("Error has occurred while fetching EmailNotifyID ", ex, "CooperAtkins.NotificationClient.NotificationComposer.EmailNotificationComposer");
                /*Dispose the notificationProfile object*/
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Get Pager Notification ID
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="notifyProfileID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private int GetPagerNotificationID(int notifyProfileID)
            NotificationProfile notificationProfile = null;
            int pagerNotificationID = 0;

                notificationProfile = new NotificationProfile();
                notificationProfile.NotifyProfileID = notifyProfileID;
                notificationProfile = notificationProfile.Execute();
                pagerNotificationID = notificationProfile.PagerNotifyID;
            catch (Exception ex)
                /*Debug Object values for reference*/
                LogBook.Debug(notificationProfile, this);

                /*Write exception log*/
                LogBook.Write(_logContent + " Error has occurred while fetching PagerNotifyID ", ex, "CooperAtkins.NotificationClient.NotificationComposer.PagerNotificationComposer");
コード例 #4
        public virtual async Task CreateNotificationProfile(NotificationProfileModelDto dto)
            #region Profile

            var entity = new NotificationProfile()
                Id   = dto.Id,
                Name = dto.Name
            await _notificationsContext.NotificationProfiles.AddAsync(entity);


            #region Users

            var users = dto.Users.Select(id => new NotificationUser()
                UserId = id, NotificationProfileId = entity.Id
            await _notificationsContext.NotificationUsers.AddRangeAsync(users);


            #region profileEvents

            var profileEvents = dto.Events.Select(id => new NotificationEvent()
                EventId = id, NotificationProfileId = entity.Id
            await _notificationsContext.NotificationEvents.AddRangeAsync(profileEvents);


            await _notificationsContext.SaveChangesAsync();
コード例 #5
        private static void CreateNotificationItem(IEnumerable entityList, string primaryKey, string entityName,
                                                   NotificationProfile config, Guid operatorUserId, string relationEntityName
                                                   , Dictionary <string, object> oldValue, int languageId)
            DbContext context = DynamicModelBuilder.CreateDataSource();

            foreach (var entityDataItem in entityList)
                ProcessOneEntityData(entityDataItem, primaryKey, entityName, context, config, operatorUserId, relationEntityName, oldValue, languageId);
コード例 #6
        private static List <Guid> GetUserList(NotificationProfile config, Dictionary <string, object> variablesValues, Guid operatorUserId)
            DbContext   commonContext = DynamicModelBuilder.CreateDataSource();
            List <Guid> userList      = new List <Guid>();
            List <NotificationRecipientAttribute> recipientConfigs = config.NotificationRecipientAttributes.ToList() as List <NotificationRecipientAttribute>;
            MetadataService client = new MetadataService();

            foreach (NotificationRecipientAttribute reipientConfig in recipientConfigs)
                FilterCriteriaHelper helper      = new FilterCriteriaHelper(reipientConfig.RecipientEntityId ?? Guid.Empty, variablesValues);
                CriteriaOperator     theOperator = helper.GeneratrCriteria(reipientConfig.Criterion);
                var  filterEntiy      = MetadataProvider.Instance.EntiyMetadata.Where(c => c.EntityId == reipientConfig.RecipientEntityId).First();
                Type filterEntityType = DynamicTypeBuilder.Instance.GetDynamicType(filterEntiy.Name);

                IQueryable query = commonContext.Set(filterEntityType).AsQueryable();
                System.Linq.Expressions.Expression exception = GetExpression(query, theOperator);
                query = query.Provider.CreateQuery(exception);
                IEnumerator     iter = query.GetEnumerator();
                EntityAttribute att  = filterEntiy.Attributes.Where(c => c.AttributeId == reipientConfig.AttributeId).First();
                while (iter.MoveNext())
                    object userIdValue = GetPropertyValue(iter.Current, att.PhysicalName);
                    if (userIdValue is Guid)
                        Guid userId = (Guid)GetPropertyValue(iter.Current, att.PhysicalName);
                        if (!userList.Contains(userId) && userId != operatorUserId)
            if (config.Subscriptions != null)
                foreach (var subscription in config.Subscriptions)
                    if (subscription.UserId != null && subscription.UserId != operatorUserId)
                        if (!userList.Contains((Guid)subscription.UserId))
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to get the switch id based on Notify Profile ID
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="notifyProfileID"></param>
        /// <param name="notificationID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private int GetSwitchNotifyID(int notifyProfileID, int notificationID)
            NotificationProfile notificationProfile = new NotificationProfile();
            NotificationStyle   notificationStyle   = new NotificationStyle();

                notificationProfile.NotifyProfileID = notifyProfileID;
                //if (notificationProfile.SwitchNotifyID == 0)
                //    notificationStyle.RecordNotification("Relay switch not configured for this notification", notificationID, NotifyStatus.FAIL, NotifyTypes.SWITCH);
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogBook.Write("   *** Error in GetSwitchNotifyID method:" + ex.Message);
コード例 #8
        private int GetMessageBoardID(int notifyProfileID, int notificationID)
            //get the message board id, to which the message has to be sent
            NotificationProfile notificationProfile = new NotificationProfile();
            NotificationStyle   notificationStyle   = new NotificationStyle();

                notificationProfile.NotifyProfileID = notifyProfileID;
                notificationProfile = notificationProfile.Execute();
                if (notificationProfile.MsgBoardNotifyID == 0)
                    notificationStyle.RecordNotification("Message board not found", notificationID, 0, NotifyStatus.FAIL, NotifyTypes.MSGBOARD);
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogBook.Write("     *** Error in GetMessageBoardID :" + ex.Message);
コード例 #9
        public string[] GetNotifyTypes()
            List <string> notifyTypes  = new List <string>();
            GenStoreInfo  genStoreInfo = null;

            /*Get GenStore Information*/
            genStoreInfo = GenStoreInfo.GetInstance();

            /* 10/22/15 JH
             * below 3 lines of code are junk - this will never return NULL  */
            NotificationProfile notificationProfile = GetActiveNotificationProfile(genStoreInfo.StoreID);

            /*Check for IsAlertEnabled flag.If the flag is not set return null to stop all notifications*/
            if (notificationProfile.IsAlertEnabled)

            /*get all notification type from configuration file.*/
            List <NotificationTypes> notificationTypelist = new NotificationTypes().GetNotificationTypes();

            IVRUserID = notificationProfile.IVR_UserID;

            HasDynamicTypes = false;

            /* Check for the alarm cleared or Check for the sensor comes to the normal range or the notification type is resumed type
             * then load only dynamic notification types */

            if ((_isProcessCompleted && NotificationSentCount > 0) || _isResumedNotification)
                /*Stop notifications for email,popup,script,pager.... and check whether MessageBoard and Relay Switch are active or not */
                foreach (NotificationTypes notificationType in notificationTypelist)
                    if ((notificationProfile.NotifyType & notificationType.Value).ToBoolean() && notificationType.IsDynamicType)
                        HasDynamicTypes = true;
                        if (notificationType.Name == "MessageBoard")
                            HasPreviousMessageBoard = true;
                        if (notificationType.Name == "Switch")
                            HasPreviousSwitch = true;
                /* Otherwise load all configured notification types*/
                foreach (NotificationTypes notificationType in notificationTypelist)
                    if ((notificationProfile.NotifyType & notificationType.Value).ToBoolean())
                        /*if this is to clear dynamic notification then do not add other types to  the notify types*/
                        if (_isDynamicNotificationCleared == true && _isDynamicNotificationRemoved == false)
                            if (notificationType.IsDynamicType)
                                if (notificationType.Name == "MessageBoard")
                                    HasPreviousMessageBoard = true;
                                if (notificationType.Name == "Switch")
                                    HasPreviousSwitch = true;
                        /* checking whether the notification type is dynamic*/
                        if (notificationType.IsDynamicType)
                            HasDynamicTypes = true;
                            if (notificationType.Name == "MessageBoard")
                                HasPreviousMessageBoard = true;
                            if (notificationType.Name == "Switch")
                                HasPreviousSwitch = true;

                        /* don't add dynamic types if the user already cleared dynamic in previous escalation*/
                        if (_isDynamicNotificationRemoved && notificationType.IsDynamicType)


コード例 #10
        public Tuple <bool, string> SaveProfile(dynamic item)
            bool   success = false;
            string msg = "";
            int    ProcessId, StepId;
            int?   ProfileId;
            string UserId, CC, BCC;
            bool   WeekDay1, WeekDay2, WeekDay3, WeekDay4, WeekDay5, WeekDay6, WeekDay7;
            bool   TimeSlot1 = false, TimeSlot2 = false, TimeSlot3 = false, TimeSlot4 = false, TimeSlot5 = false, TimeSlot6 = false, TimeSlot7 = false,
                   TimeSlot8 = false, TimeSlot9 = false, TimeSlot10 = false, TimeSlot11 = false, TimeSlot12 = false, TimeSlot13 = false, TimeSlot14 = false,
                   TimeSlot15 = false, TimeSlot16 = false, TimeSlot17 = false, TimeSlot18 = false, TimeSlot19 = false, TimeSlot20 = false, TimeSlot21 = false,
                   TimeSlot22 = false, TimeSlot23 = false, TimeSlot24 = false;

                ProfileId = item.ProfileId;
                ProcessId = item.ProcessId;
                StepId    = item.StepId;
                UserId    = item.UserId;
                CC        = item.CC;
                BCC       = item.BCC;
                WeekDay1  = item.WeekDay1;
                WeekDay2  = item.WeekDay2;
                WeekDay3  = item.WeekDay3;
                WeekDay4  = item.WeekDay4;
                WeekDay5  = item.WeekDay5;
                WeekDay6  = item.WeekDay6;
                WeekDay7  = item.WeekDay7;

                int timeSlot = item.TimeSlot;
                switch (timeSlot)
                case 1: TimeSlot1 = true; break;

                case 2: TimeSlot2 = true; break;

                case 3: TimeSlot3 = true; break;

                case 4: TimeSlot4 = true; break;

                case 5: TimeSlot5 = true; break;

                case 6: TimeSlot6 = true; break;

                case 7: TimeSlot7 = true; break;

                case 8: TimeSlot8 = true; break;

                case 9: TimeSlot9 = true; break;

                case 10: TimeSlot10 = true; break;

                case 11: TimeSlot11 = true; break;

                case 12: TimeSlot12 = true; break;

                case 13: TimeSlot13 = true; break;

                case 14: TimeSlot14 = true; break;

                case 15: TimeSlot15 = true; break;

                case 16: TimeSlot16 = true; break;

                case 17: TimeSlot17 = true; break;

                case 18: TimeSlot18 = true; break;

                case 19: TimeSlot19 = true; break;

                case 20: TimeSlot20 = true; break;

                case 21: TimeSlot21 = true; break;

                case 22: TimeSlot22 = true; break;

                case 23: TimeSlot23 = true; break;

                case 24: TimeSlot24 = true; break;

                default: break;

                if (ProfileId.GetValueOrDefault(0) != 0)
                    var profile = Db.NotificationProfile.Where(p => p.EmailNotificationProfileID == ProfileId).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (profile != null)
                        string employeeID = "";
                        if (UserId == "DEFAULT")
                            employeeID = UserId;
                            var UserRecord = Db.vUser.Where(p => p.UserID == UserId).FirstOrDefault();
                            employeeID = UserRecord.EmployeeID;
                        profile.ProcessID       = ProcessId;
                        profile.ActivityGroupID = StepId;
                        profile.UserID          = UserId;
                        profile.EmployeeID      = employeeID;
                        profile.cc         = CC;
                        profile.bcc        = BCC;
                        profile.WeekDay1   = WeekDay1;
                        profile.WeekDay2   = WeekDay2;
                        profile.WeekDay3   = WeekDay3;
                        profile.WeekDay4   = WeekDay4;
                        profile.WeekDay5   = WeekDay5;
                        profile.WeekDay6   = WeekDay6;
                        profile.WeekDay7   = WeekDay7;
                        profile.TimeSlot1  = TimeSlot1;
                        profile.TimeSlot2  = TimeSlot2;
                        profile.TimeSlot3  = TimeSlot3;
                        profile.TimeSlot4  = TimeSlot4;
                        profile.TimeSlot5  = TimeSlot5;
                        profile.TimeSlot6  = TimeSlot6;
                        profile.TimeSlot7  = TimeSlot7;
                        profile.TimeSlot8  = TimeSlot8;
                        profile.TimeSlot9  = TimeSlot9;
                        profile.TimeSlot10 = TimeSlot10;
                        profile.TimeSlot11 = TimeSlot11;
                        profile.TimeSlot12 = TimeSlot12;
                        profile.TimeSlot13 = TimeSlot13;
                        profile.TimeSlot14 = TimeSlot14;
                        profile.TimeSlot15 = TimeSlot15;
                        profile.TimeSlot16 = TimeSlot16;
                        profile.TimeSlot17 = TimeSlot17;
                        profile.TimeSlot18 = TimeSlot18;
                        profile.TimeSlot19 = TimeSlot19;
                        profile.TimeSlot20 = TimeSlot20;
                        profile.TimeSlot21 = TimeSlot21;
                        profile.TimeSlot22 = TimeSlot22;
                        profile.TimeSlot23 = TimeSlot23;
                        profile.TimeSlot24 = TimeSlot24;
                        success = true;
                    //var haveRecord = Db.NotificationProfile.Where(p => p.UserID == UserId && p.ActivityGroupID == StepId && p.ProcessID == ProcessId && (bool)p.GetType().GetProperty("TimeSlot" + timeSlot).GetValue(p) == true).FirstOrDefault();
                    string employeeID = "";
                    if (UserId == "DEFAULT")
                        employeeID = UserId;
                        var UserRecord = Db.vUser.Where(p => p.UserID == UserId).FirstOrDefault();
                        employeeID = UserRecord.EmployeeID;
                    NotificationProfile profile = new NotificationProfile();
                    profile.ProcessID       = ProcessId;
                    profile.ActivityGroupID = StepId;
                    profile.UserID          = UserId;
                    profile.EmployeeID      = employeeID;
                    profile.cc         = CC;
                    profile.bcc        = BCC;
                    profile.WeekDay1   = WeekDay1;
                    profile.WeekDay2   = WeekDay2;
                    profile.WeekDay3   = WeekDay3;
                    profile.WeekDay4   = WeekDay4;
                    profile.WeekDay5   = WeekDay5;
                    profile.WeekDay6   = WeekDay6;
                    profile.WeekDay7   = WeekDay7;
                    profile.TimeSlot1  = TimeSlot1;
                    profile.TimeSlot2  = TimeSlot2;
                    profile.TimeSlot3  = TimeSlot3;
                    profile.TimeSlot4  = TimeSlot4;
                    profile.TimeSlot5  = TimeSlot5;
                    profile.TimeSlot6  = TimeSlot6;
                    profile.TimeSlot7  = TimeSlot7;
                    profile.TimeSlot8  = TimeSlot8;
                    profile.TimeSlot9  = TimeSlot9;
                    profile.TimeSlot10 = TimeSlot10;
                    profile.TimeSlot11 = TimeSlot11;
                    profile.TimeSlot12 = TimeSlot12;
                    profile.TimeSlot13 = TimeSlot13;
                    profile.TimeSlot14 = TimeSlot14;
                    profile.TimeSlot15 = TimeSlot15;
                    profile.TimeSlot16 = TimeSlot16;
                    profile.TimeSlot17 = TimeSlot17;
                    profile.TimeSlot18 = TimeSlot18;
                    profile.TimeSlot19 = TimeSlot19;
                    profile.TimeSlot20 = TimeSlot20;
                    profile.TimeSlot21 = TimeSlot21;
                    profile.TimeSlot22 = TimeSlot22;
                    profile.TimeSlot23 = TimeSlot23;
                    profile.TimeSlot24 = TimeSlot24;
                    profile.CreatedOn  = DateTime.Now;
                    success = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
            return(Tuple.Create(success, msg));
コード例 #11
        private static void ProcessOneEntity(NotificationProfile config, DbContext commonContext,
                                             Guid entityId, Guid operatorUserId, string relationEntityName
                                             , Dictionary <string, object> oldValue, int languageId, bool isSys)
            if (commonContext == null)
                commonContext = DynamicModelBuilder.CreateDataSource();
            var entityInfo                   = MetadataProvider.Instance.EntiyMetadata.Where(c => c.EntityId == config.ProfileVariables.First().NotificationVariable.EntityId).First();
            var entityTypeId                 = entityInfo.EntityId;
            FilterCriteriaHelper helper      = new FilterCriteriaHelper(oldValue, entityTypeId);
            CriteriaOperator     theOperator = helper.GeneratrCriteria(config.Criterion);

            string primaryKey = string.Empty;

            primaryKey = entityInfo.Attributes.Where(c => c.IsPKAttribute == true).First().TableColumnName;

            Type entityInfoType = DynamicTypeBuilder.Instance.GetDynamicType(entityInfo.Name);

            //fetch data
            if (entityId != Guid.Empty)
                theOperator = new GroupOperator(GroupOperatorType.And, theOperator, GetKeyOperator(entityId, primaryKey));
            IQueryable query = commonContext.Set(entityInfoType).AsQueryable();

                System.Linq.Expressions.Expression expression = GetExpression(query, theOperator);
                query = query.Provider.CreateQuery(expression);
                IEnumerator iter           = query.GetEnumerator();
                var         tempEntityList = new ArrayList();
                while (iter.MoveNext())
                Type attentionType = DynamicTypeBuilder.Instance.GetDynamicType("Notification");
                var  entityList    = new ArrayList();

                foreach (var item in tempEntityList)
                    bool isExist = false;
                    if (entityId == Guid.Empty && isSys)
                        IQueryable     notificationQuery = commonContext.Set(attentionType).AsQueryable();
                        BinaryOperator binaryOperator    = new BinaryOperator();
                        binaryOperator.OperatorType = BinaryOperatorType.Equal;
                        binaryOperator.LeftOperand  = ConstantValue.Parse("ObjectId");
                        binaryOperator.RightOperand = (Guid)item.GetType().GetProperty(primaryKey).GetValue(item, null);
                        System.Linq.Expressions.Expression attentionException = GetExpression(notificationQuery, binaryOperator);
                        notificationQuery = notificationQuery.Provider.CreateQuery(attentionException);
                        IEnumerator notificationIter = notificationQuery.GetEnumerator();

                        while (notificationIter.MoveNext())
                            if (notificationIter.Current != null)
                                isExist = true;
                    if (!isExist)
                if (entityList.Count <= 0)
                CreateNotificationItem(entityList, primaryKey, entityInfo.Name, config, operatorUserId, relationEntityName, oldValue, languageId);
コード例 #12
        private static void ProcessOneEntityData(object entityDataItem, string primaryKey, string entityName,
                                                 DbContext context, NotificationProfile config, Guid operatorUserId, string relationEntityName
                                                 , Dictionary <string, object> oldValue, int languageId)
            string templet = config.NotificationTemplate.SubjectTemplate;
            List <NotificationVariable> notificationVariables = MetadataProvider.Instance.MetadataServiceClient.GetNotificationVariablesById(config.ProfileVariables.First().NotificationVariable.NotificationVariableId);
            Type recipientType    = DynamicTypeBuilder.Instance.GetDynamicType("NotificationRecipient");
            Type notificationType = DynamicTypeBuilder.Instance.GetDynamicType("Notification");

            object notificationInfo = Activator.CreateInstance(notificationType);
            Guid   notificationId   = Guid.NewGuid();

            SetPropertyValue(notificationInfo, "NotificationId", notificationId);

            Guid objectId = (Guid)GetPropertyValue(entityDataItem, primaryKey);

            SetPropertyValue(notificationInfo, "ObjectId", objectId);

            Guid relationId = Guid.Empty;
            Dictionary <string, object> variablesValues = GetVariablesValues(notificationVariables, objectId, relationEntityName, ref relationId, oldValue, languageId);

            if (config.SubjectTemplateId != null && config.SubjectNotificationTemplate != null)
                string subjectTemplet = config.SubjectNotificationTemplate.SubjectTemplate;
                SetPropertyValue(notificationInfo, "Subject", BuildTemplate(subjectTemplet, variablesValues));
                SetPropertyValue(notificationInfo, "Subject", entityName);

            SetPropertyValue(notificationInfo, "Body", BuildTemplate(templet, variablesValues));
            string notificationUrl = entityName + "#" + objectId;

            string objectType = entityName;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(relationEntityName) && relationEntityName != entityName && relationId != Guid.Empty)
                notificationUrl = relationEntityName + "#" + relationId;
                objectType      = entityName + "-" + relationEntityName;
            SetPropertyValue(notificationInfo, "NotificationUrl", notificationUrl);
            SetPropertyValue(notificationInfo, "ObjectType", objectType);
            if (operatorUserId != Guid.Empty)
                SetPropertyValue(notificationInfo, "CreatedById", operatorUserId);
                SetPropertyValue(notificationInfo, "ModifiedById", operatorUserId);
            SetPropertyValue(notificationInfo, "CreatedOn", DateTime.Now);
            SetPropertyValue(notificationInfo, "ModifiedOn", DateTime.Now);

            IList recipientList = GetPropertyValue(notificationInfo, "NotificationRecipients") as IList;

            List <Guid> userList = GetUserList(config, variablesValues, operatorUserId);

            if (userList.Count > 0)
            foreach (var user in userList)
                var recipientInfo = Activator.CreateInstance(recipientType);
                SetPropertyValue(recipientInfo, "NotificationRecipientId", Guid.NewGuid());
                SetPropertyValue(recipientInfo, "NotificationId", notificationId);
                SetPropertyValue(recipientInfo, "RecipientId", user);
                SetPropertyValue(recipientInfo, "NotificationStatus", "NotSend");