/// <summary> /// 生成命令对象 /// </summary> /// <param name="commands"></param> protected override void CreateCommands(NotificationList <CommandItemBase> commands) { commands.Add(new CommandItem { IsButton = true, Action = arg => DoMomentCode(), Caption = "生成代码片断", Image = Application.Current.Resources["img_file"] as ImageSource }); commands.Add(new CommandItem { IsButton = true, Action = arg => CopyCode(), Caption = "复制代码", Image = Application.Current.Resources["img_file"] as ImageSource }); foreach (var builder in ProjectBuilder.Builders.Values) { var b = builder(); commands.Add(new ProjectCodeCommand(builder) { Caption = b.Caption, IconName = b.Icon, OnCodeSuccess = OnCodeSuccess }.ToCommand(null)); } }
/// <summary> /// 生成命令对象 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> protected NotificationList <CommandItemBase> CreateCommands(bool edit, bool create, bool ext) { NotificationList <CommandItemBase> commands = new NotificationList <CommandItemBase>(); if (edit) { commands.Add(new CommandItem { IsButton = true, NoConfirm = true, Action = CopyColumns, Caption = "复制列", Image = Application.Current.Resources["tree_item"] as ImageSource }); commands.Add(new CommandItem { IsButton = true, Action = PasteColumns, NoConfirm = true, Caption = "粘贴列", Image = Application.Current.Resources["tree_item"] as ImageSource }); commands.Add(new CommandItem { IsButton = true, Action = ClearColumns, Caption = "清除列", Image = Application.Current.Resources["img_del"] as ImageSource }); commands.Add(new CommandItem { IsButton = true, Action = DeleteColumns, Caption = "删除所选列", Image = Application.Current.Resources["img_del"] as ImageSource }); commands.Add(new CommandItem { IsButton = true, Action = AddProperty, NoConfirm = true, Caption = "新增字段", Image = Application.Current.Resources["tree_Open"] as ImageSource }); } if (create) { CreateCommands(commands); } if (ext) { var extends = CommandCoefficient.CoefficientEditor(typeof(EntityConfig), EditorName); if (extends.Count > 0) { commands.AddRange(extends); } } return(commands); }
void OnPollAdded(Poll poll) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => { if (polls.Any(c => c.Name == poll.Name)) { return; } polls.Add(new PollEditor(poll)); })); }
void OnItemAdded(Collection collection, CollectionItem item) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => { if (collection.Name != selectedcollection || items.Any(i => i.User == item.User && i.Item == item.Item)) { return; } items.Add(item); })); }
void OnVoteAdded(PollVote vote) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => { if (vote.Poll != selectedpoll || votes.Any(i => i.User == vote.User && i.Vote == vote.Vote)) { return; } votes.Add(vote); })); }
void OnOptionAdded(PollOption option) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => { if (option.Poll != selectedpoll || options.Any(i => i.Key == option.Key)) { return; } options.RemoveWhere(i => i.Key == option.Key); options.Add(new PollOptionEditor(option)); })); }
void OnItemBlocked(Collection collection, BlockedCollectionItem item) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => { if (item.Collection != selectedcollection || blockeditems.Any(i => i.Item == item.Item)) { return; } blockeditems.RemoveWhere(i => i.Item == item.Item); blockeditems.Add(new BlockedItemEditor(item)); })); }
public void TestAddNotification() { NotificationList notificationList = new NotificationList(); int expectedIllegalCount = 0; Assert.AreEqual(expectedIllegalCount, notificationList.GetIllegalList().Count); expectedIllegalCount = 1; notificationList.Add(NotificationLevel.Illegal, IllegalType.NotDeclaredTableName, "hello", "hello"); Assert.AreEqual(expectedIllegalCount, notificationList.GetIllegalList().Count); notificationList.Add(NotificationLevel.Warning, IllegalType.NotDeclaredTableName, "hello", "hello"); Assert.AreEqual(expectedIllegalCount, notificationList.GetIllegalList().Count); }
private void GetBearers() { try { List <NotificationModel> bearersList = null; Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { ISyncServices syncService = new SyncServices(); bearersList = syncService.GetAllNotification(); }).ContinueWith((obj) => { Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { if (bearersList != null) { bearersList = bearersList.OrderByDescending(d => DateTime.Parse(d.addedOn).Date) .Select(x => x).ToList(); foreach (var item in bearersList) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.addedOn)) { item.addedOn = CommonHelpers.TimeAgo(DateTime.Parse(item.addedOn)); } NotificationList.Add(item); } } }); }); } catch (Exception ex) { } }
/// <summary> /// adds a game to the list /// </summary> /// <param name="game">game to be added</param> public void AddGame(string game) { lock (gameslock) { games.Add(new Game { Name = game }); } }
public void LoadCommandSet(string commandSetText) { foreach (var item in CommandFactory.MakeMany(commandSetText)) { commands.Add(item); } currentIndex = -1; First(); }
private void AddNotification(Notification notification) { foreach (var not in NotificationList) { if (not.Equals(notification)) { return; } } NotificationList.Add(notification); }
private async void LoadListData() { if (CrossConnectivity.Current.IsConnected) { HttpClientHelper apicall = null; if (_type == "User") { apicall = new HttpClientHelper(string.Format(ApiUrls.Url_GetUserNotificationData), Settings.AccessTokenSettings); } else { isAdmin = true; apicall = new HttpClientHelper(string.Format(ApiUrls.Url_GetAdminNotificationData), Settings.AccessTokenSettings); } var response = await apicall.GetResponse <List <AdminNotificationResponseModel> >(); if (response != null) { if (response.Count > 0) { IsStatusVisible = false; foreach (var item in response.ToList()) { AdminNotificationModel notificationModel = new AdminNotificationModel(); if (isAdmin == false) { notificationModel.NotificationInfo = "Admin approved your complaint for service " + item.productName + " in " + item.catagory + " catagory"; } else { notificationModel.NotificationInfo = item.userName + " registered complaint for service " + item.productName + " in " + item.catagory + " catagory"; } NotificationList.Add(notificationModel); } } else { IsStatusVisible = true; } NotificationData = new ReadOnlyObservableCollection <AdminNotificationModel>(NotificationList); } UserDialogs.Instance.HideLoading(); } else { UserDialogs.Instance.HideLoading(); await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Network", AppConstant.NETWORK_FAILURE, "OK"); return; } }
public static void Main() { NotificationList <int> list = new NotificationList <int>(); list.ItemAdded += delegate(object o, ItemInsertedArgs <int> args) { Console.WriteLine("A new item was added to the list: {0} at index {1}", args.Item, args.Index); }; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { list.Add(i); } }
/// <summary> /// creates a new <see cref="InfoManagementWindow"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="module">module used to access infos</param> public InfoManagementWindow(InfoModule module) { InitializeComponent(); this.module = module; foreach (Info info in module.GetInfos()) { infos.Add(new InfoItem(info)); } grdInfos.ItemsSource = infos; infos.ItemChanged += OnListItemChanged; infos.ItemRemoved += OnItemRemoved; }
void OnReviewChanged() { items.Clear(); double sum = module.Entries.Sum(e => e.Weight); double value = 0.0f; foreach (ReviewEntry entry in module.Entries) { items.Add(new ReviewItem { Topic = entry.Name, Value = entry.Value }); value += entry.Value * entry.Weight / sum; } items.Add(new ReviewItem { Topic = "Result", Value = (int)Math.Round(value) }); grdItems.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; dispatcherTimer.Start(); }
/// <summary> /// creates a new <see cref="Statistics.PollManagementWindow"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="module">collection module</param> public CollectionManagementWindow(CollectionModule module) { this.module = module; InitializeComponent(); module.CollectionAdded += OnCollectionAdded; module.CollectionRemoved += OnCollectionRemoved; module.ItemAdded += OnItemAdded; module.ItemRemoved += OnItemRemoved; module.CollectionClearedUser += OnCollectionCleared; module.ItemBlocked += OnItemBlocked; module.ItemUnblocked += OnItemUnblocked; collections.ItemChanged += OnEditCollectionItemChanged; foreach (Collection collection in module.GetCollections()) { collections.Add(new CollectionEditor(collection)); } grdCollections.ItemsSource = collections; grdBlockedItems.ItemsSource = blockeditems; grdItems.ItemsSource = items; }
private void FillNotification() { Notification n; foreach (var contract in ContractList) { n = new Notification(contract); if (!n.HasNotification) { continue; } NotificationList.Add(n); } }
public async Task Init() { var DentalClinic = await _clinicService.GetById <DentalClinic>(1); Name = DentalClinic.Name; Address = DentalClinic.Address; Phone = DentalClinic.Phone; Email = DentalClinic.Email; if (NotificationList.Count > 0) { NotificationList.Clear(); } var list = await _notificationService.GetAll <List <Notification> >(null); foreach (var notification in list) { NotificationList.Add(notification); } }
private async Task HandleNRAddButton() { // Subscribe to topic DependencyService.Get <IFCMNotificationSubscriber>().Subscribe("NS" + _courseId); // Register StudentId with the notification in the db, and update the list in App Properties var insertedUserNotification = await FCMPushNotificationSender.AddNotification( new UserNotification { StudentId = Settings.StudentId, Topic = "NS" + _courseId, Title = "New Notebook", Body = "New notebook that you may interest in has been added" }); // update the SG list in this page if (insertedUserNotification != null) { NotificationList.Add(insertedUserNotification); } }
private async Task HandleHRFacultyAddButton() { // Subscribe to topic DependencyService.Get <IFCMNotificationSubscriber>().Subscribe("HR" + _courseId); // Register StudentId with the notification in the db, and update the list in App Properties var insertedUserNotification = await FCMPushNotificationSender.AddNotification( new UserNotification { StudentId = Settings.StudentId, Topic = "HRF" + _courseId, Title = "Help", Body = "Someone asked for help in your faculty" }); // update the SG list in this page if (insertedUserNotification != null) { NotificationList.Add(insertedUserNotification); } }
private async Task HandleHRCourseAddButton() { // Subscribe to topic DependencyService.Get <IFCMNotificationSubscriber>().Subscribe("HR" + _courseId); // Register StudentId with the notification in the db, and update the list in App Properties var insertedUserNotification = await FCMPushNotificationSender.AddNotification( new UserNotification { StudentId = Settings.StudentId, Topic = "HRC" + _courseId, Title = "Help!", Body = "Some need help in a course you attend in, you may give him a help hand" }); // update the SG list in this page if (insertedUserNotification != null) { NotificationList.Add(insertedUserNotification); } }
private async Task HandleSGAddButton() { // Subscribe to topic DependencyService.Get <IFCMNotificationSubscriber>().Subscribe("SG" + _courseId); // Register StudentId with the notification in the db, and update the list in App Properties var insertedUserNotification = await FCMPushNotificationSender.AddNotification( new UserNotification { StudentId = Settings.StudentId, Topic = "SG" + _courseId, Title = "New Study Group", Body = "New study group added in a course you interested in, join now!" }); // update the SG list in this page if (insertedUserNotification != null) { NotificationList.Add(insertedUserNotification); } }
private async void LoadCachedNotifications(Action<NotificationList, Exception> callback) { var retVal = new NotificationList(); try { foreach (var item in await StorageUtility.ListItems(STATIC_NOTIFICATION_FOLDER, "")) { var staticType = await StorageUtility.RestoreItem<BMA.BusinessLogic.Notification>(STATIC_NOTIFICATION_FOLDER, item, ""); retVal.Add(staticType); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } callback(retVal, null); }
public async Task UpdateGraph() { var apiSource = YobotApiSource.Default; _loadTimer?.Dispose(); _loadTimer = new Timer((obj) => Dispatcher.Invoke(() => StatsViewModel.IsLoading = true), null, 1000, Timeout.Infinite); try { var functionInfo = StatsViewModel.SourceStatsFunction; var func = functionInfo.Function; if (func != null) { IChartConfigModel result; try { result = await func.Invoke(StatsViewModel.GranularityModel); } catch (Exception ex) { //Notification.Error(ex?.InnerException?.Message ?? ex.Message); Execute.ToUiThread(() => { NotificationList.Add(new NotificationOption { Type = NotificationType.Alert, Level = NotificationLevel.Error, FadeoutTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(8), Content = ex?.InnerException?.Message ?? ex.Message, Title = "调用组件方法出现错误", CloseExplicitly = false }); }); Logger.Error(ex, "调用组件方法时异常"); return; } if (Chart == null) { RecreateGraph(); } result.ChartConfig?.Invoke(Chart); switch (result.ChartType) { case ChartType.Cartesian: var cartesianResult = (CartesianChartConfigModel)result; StatsViewModel.ConfigModel = cartesianResult; break; case ChartType.Pie: break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } } } finally { StatsViewModel.IsLoading = false; _loadTimer?.Dispose(); } }
private void LoadLiveNotifications(Action<NotificationList, Exception> callback) { var client = new StaticClient(); client.GetAllNotificationsAsync(-1); client.GetAllNotificationsCompleted += (o, e) => { //if (e.Error == null) // SetupNotificationData(e.Result, true); if (e.Error == null) { var notificationList = new NotificationList(); foreach (var item in e.Result) notificationList.Add(item); callback(notificationList, null); } else callback(null, e.Error); }; }
public static void AddToNotificationList(string applicationName, string applicationPath, CustomNotification.ActionType actionType, DateTime time, bool notActivated) { string title = actionType == ActionType.BlockAllow ? "First connection: " : actionType == ActionType.UnblockAllow ? "Blocked connection: " : actionType == ActionType.SuspendWhitelist ? "High CPU load: " : actionType == ActionType.TerminateWhitelist ? "Suspended: " : ""; string content = actionType == ActionType.BlockAllow ? "Application at the following path initiated a network connection:\n" : actionType == ActionType.UnblockAllow ? "Application at the following path was blocked from connecting to the network:\n" : actionType == ActionType.SuspendWhitelist ? "Application at the following path is using a high percentage of processor time:\n" : actionType == ActionType.TerminateWhitelist ? "Application at the following path was suspended for using a high percentage of processor time:\n" : null; string buttonLabel = actionType == ActionType.BlockAllow ? "Block" : actionType == ActionType.UnblockAllow ? "Unblock" : actionType == ActionType.SuspendWhitelist ? "Whitelist" : actionType == ActionType.TerminateWhitelist ? "Whitelist" : null; SolidColorBrush iconColor = actionType == ActionType.BlockAllow ? new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 182, 0)) : actionType == ActionType.UnblockAllow ? new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 182, 0, 0)) : actionType == ActionType.SuspendWhitelist ? new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 150, 182)) : actionType == ActionType.TerminateWhitelist ? new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 204, 80, 0)) : new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255, 255)); iconColor.Freeze(); PackIconFontAwesomeKind iconKind = actionType == ActionType.BlockAllow ? PackIconFontAwesomeKind.InfoCircleSolid : actionType == ActionType.UnblockAllow ? PackIconFontAwesomeKind.TimesCircleSolid : actionType == ActionType.SuspendWhitelist ? PackIconFontAwesomeKind.InfoCircleSolid : actionType == ActionType.TerminateWhitelist ? PackIconFontAwesomeKind.MoonSolid : PackIconFontAwesomeKind.CircleSolid; var n = new NotificationItem { ApplicationName = applicationName, ApplicationPath = applicationPath, Title = title + applicationName, Content = content + applicationPath, IconKind = iconKind, IconColor = iconColor, ButtonLabel = buttonLabel, Type = (int)actionType, NotActivated = notActivated, Time = time }; NotificationList.Add(n); }
private void SaveNotification() { vm.IsLoading = true; var saveOC = vm.Notifications.Where(t => t.HasChanges).ToObservableCollection(); NotificationList deletedList = new NotificationList(); vm.Notifications.Where(x => x.IsDeleted).ToList().ForEach(x=> { deletedList.Add(x); }); App.Instance.StaticServiceData.SaveNotification(saveOC, (error) => { if (error != null) MessageBox.Show(AppResources.SaveFailed); else { Model.Reminders.DeleteReminder(deletedList); Model.Reminders.SetupReminders(); } vm.IsLoading = false; }); pivotContainer.SelectedIndex = 1; save.IsEnabled = vm.Notifications.HasItemsWithChanges() && vm.IsLoading == false; }