public async Task SendEmailAsync(string[] recipients, string templateId, Dictionary <string, object> personalisation, string groupReference) { if (groupReference == null) { groupReference = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); } var now = DateTime.UtcNow; foreach (var recipient in recipients) { _logger.LogTrace($"Email: E:{EmailHelpers.AnonymiseEmailAddress(recipient)}, T:{templateId}, G:{groupReference}"); var response = _notifyService.SendEmail(recipient, templateId, personalisation, groupReference); _logger.LogInformation($"Email response id: {}"); var notification = new SchoolExperienceData.Entities.Notification { EmailAddress = recipient, NotificationId =, SendGroupReference = groupReference, Sent = now, TemplateId = templateId, }; _dbContext.Notifications.Add(notification); } await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); }
public SendEmailResponse SendEmail(SendEmailRequest sendEmailRequest) { try { var response = _client.SendEmail( sendEmailRequest.EmailAddress, sendEmailRequest.TemplateId, sendEmailRequest.Personalisation); return(response == null ? null : new SendEmailResponse { EmailId = }); } catch (NotifyClientException e) { CustomLogger.Error( "EMAIL FAILURE: Error whilst sending email using Gov.UK Notify", new { NotifyEmail = sendEmailRequest, Personalisation = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(sendEmailRequest.Personalisation), ErrorMessageFromNotify = e.Message }); throw; } }
public void SendEmail(NotificationClient client, string email, string templateId, Dictionary <string, dynamic> values) { client.SendEmail(email, templateId, values); }
public EmailNotificationResponse SendEmail(NotifyEmail notifyEmail) { if (EmailIsAnonymised(notifyEmail.EmailAddress)) { return(null); } try { EmailNotificationResponse response = _client.SendEmail( notifyEmail.EmailAddress, notifyEmail.TemplateId, notifyEmail.Personalisation); return(response); } catch (NotifyClientException e) { CustomLogger.Error( "EMAIL FAILURE: Error whilst sending email using Gov.UK Notify", new { NotifyEmail = notifyEmail, Personalisation = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(notifyEmail.Personalisation), ErrorMessageFromNotify = e.Message }); throw; } }
public Notification SendEmail(string emailAddress, string templateId, Dictionary <string, dynamic> personalisation, bool test = false) { var client = new NotificationClient(test && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_apiTestKey) ? _apiTestKey : _apiKey); var result = client.SendEmail(emailAddress, templateId, personalisation, _clientReference); var notification = client.GetNotificationById(; return(notification); }
public EmailNotificationResponse SendEmail(string toEmail, string templateId, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <string, dynamic> personalisation) { using (var httpClientWrapper = new HttpClientWrapper(httpClient)) { var notificationClient = new NotificationClient(httpClientWrapper, notifyOptions.ApiKey); return(notificationClient.SendEmail(toEmail, templateId, personalisation)); } }
public Task <string> SendEmail(string toEmail, string templateId, Dictionary <string, dynamic> parameters) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_config.ApiKey)) { throw new ArgumentException("Api key is empty"); } var client = new NotificationClient(_config.ApiKey); var response = client.SendEmail(toEmail, templateId, parameters); return(Task.FromResult(response.reference)); }
private void SendNotification(string templateId, string emailAddress, Dictionary <string, dynamic> personalisations) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GovUkNotifyApiKey)) { var client = new NotificationClient(GovUkNotifyApiKey); var response = client.SendEmail(emailAddress, templateId, personalisations); } else { throw new Exception("GOV.UK Notify API Key in web.config missing or invalid."); } }
public void SendEmailNotificationGeneratesExpectedRequest() { Dictionary <string, dynamic> personalisation = new Dictionary <string, dynamic> { { "name", "someone" } }; JObject expected = new JObject { { "email_address", Constants.fakeEmail }, { "template_id", Constants.fakeTemplateId }, { "personalisation", JObject.FromObject(personalisation) }, { "reference", Constants.fakeNotificationReference } }; MockRequest(Constants.fakeTemplatePreviewResponseJson, client.SEND_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_URL, AssertValidRequest, HttpMethod.Post, AssertGetExpectedContent, expected.ToString(Formatting.None)); EmailNotificationResponse response = client.SendEmail(Constants.fakeEmail, Constants.fakeTemplateId, personalisation, Constants.fakeNotificationReference); }
/// <summary> /// Send email /// </summary> /// <param name="notifyAPIKey"></param> /// <param name="model"></param> /// <returns>bool</returns> public static bool Send(string notifyAPIKey, EmailModel model) { var client = new NotificationClient(notifyAPIKey); //("emailintegration-f0833c0b-c57b-48c2-b455-62cf80226d42-89b7c7f6-8e59-4df6-ab62-27e7661e5a10"); EmailNotificationResponse response = client.SendEmail(model.To, model.EmailTemplate, model.Personalisation); if (response != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty( { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public EmailNotificationResponse SendEmail(string emailAddress, string templateId, Dictionary <string, dynamic> personalisation = null, string clientReference = null, string emailReplyToId = null) { EmailNotificationResponse result = null; if (hasClient) { _logger.LogDebug("Sending email using templateId {0}", templateId); result = _client.SendEmail(emailAddress, templateId, personalisation, clientReference, emailReplyToId); } else { _logger.LogCritical("Email not send. Missing config: {0}", EmailApiKey); } return(result); }
public bool Send(NotifyMailMessage msg, string messageTemplate) { try { client.SendEmail( msg.To, messageTemplate, msg.Personalisation, null, null); logger.TimedLog(LogLevel.Information, $"Email sent to GOV.Notify : Address : {msg.To} : Success"); return(true); } catch (NotifyClientException ex) { logger.TimedLog(LogLevel.Error, $"Email sending to GOV.Notify FAILED : Message: {ex.Message}", ex); return(false); } }
public bool SendEmail(string email, string subject, string message = "", Dictionary <string, dynamic> tokens = null) { AuthMessageSenderOptions = _config.Value; var client = new NotificationClient(AuthMessageSenderOptions.NotifyKey); ConfigureEmailTemplate(email, subject, message, tokens); try { client.SendEmail(email, EmailTemplate, TemplateContent, null, null); } catch (Notify.Exceptions.NotifyClientException e) { _logger.LogError(email + e.Message); return(false); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Send Email with specified template using template data /// </summary> /// <param name="EmailTo">To email id</param> /// <param name="TemplateId">Gov Notifier Template Id</param> /// <param name="TemplateData">key value pair of the data in template</param> /// <returns></returns> public static void SendEmail(GovNotifierEmailPdfInParams inparam) { logger.Debug($@"Inside SendEmail for Id = {inparam.Id}"); StringBuilder DebugInfo = new StringBuilder("Initiated for Pdf generation.\r\n"); try { Data.StatusUpdate(inparam.Id, "2", "In progress", DebugInfo.Append("Inside SendEmail to start Generating pdf.\r\n").ToString()); logger.Debug($@"In progress with for GeneratePdfDocument"); Document document = new BuildDoc().GeneratePdfDocument(inparam.ContactId, inparam.TenancyAgreementRef, inparam.StartDate); if (document != null) { Data.StatusUpdate(inparam.Id, "3", "Document Created", DebugInfo.Append("Document created.\r\n").ToString()); logger.Debug($@"Document Created"); byte[] docbytes = document.Draw(); logger.Debug($@"Document Size = {docbytes.Length}"); NotificationClient client = new NotificationClient(_apiKey); var TemplateDataDict = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(inparam.TemplateData); logger.Debug($@"Creating Personalization"); Dictionary <string, dynamic> personalisation = new Dictionary <string, dynamic>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> pair in TemplateDataDict) { personalisation.Add(pair.Key.ToString(), pair.Value.ToString()); logger.Debug($@"Adding Personalization for key = {pair.Key.ToString()} value = {pair.Value.ToString()}"); } personalisation.Add("link_to_document", NotificationClient.PrepareUpload(docbytes)); logger.Debug($@"Linked document to template"); Data.StatusUpdate(inparam.Id, "4", "Sending email", DebugInfo.Append("Emailing with pdf attachment.\r\n").ToString()); EmailNotificationResponse response = client.SendEmail(inparam.EmailTo, inparam.TemplateId, personalisation); logger.Debug($@"Email Sent successfully to Gov Notifier with attachments {}"); Data.StatusUpdate(inparam.Id, "0", "Email Sent Successfully", DebugInfo.Append("Completed.\r\n").ToString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { Data.StatusUpdate(inparam.Id, "-1", "Error Occurred", DebugInfo.Append("Error occured : \r\n").ToString() + ex.Message); logger.Error(ex, "Error occured in Send Email $$$$$ " + ex.Message); } }
public void SendAccessRequestEmailToSupport(AccessRequest accessRequest, User requester, User requestedOrNull) { var templateValues = new Dictionary <string, dynamic>() { { "request_id", accessRequest.Id }, { "requester_firstname", requester.FirstName ?? "unknown" }, { "requester_lastname", requester.LastName ?? "unknown" }, { "requester_email", requester.Email }, { "requester_existingorgs", String.Join(", ", requester.OrganisationUsers.Select(x => x.Organisation.Name)) }, { "requested_firstname", accessRequest.FirstName ?? "unknown" }, { "requested_lastname", accessRequest.LastName ?? "unknown" }, { "requested_email", accessRequest.EmailAddress }, { "requested_organisation", accessRequest.Organisation ?? "unknown" }, { "requested_reason", accessRequest.Reason ?? "unknown" }, { "requested_existingorgs", requestedOrNull == null ? "-" : String.Join(", ", requestedOrNull.OrganisationUsers.Select(x => x.Organisation.Name)) } }; _notificationClient.SendEmail(_user, _templateId, templateValues); }
public EmailNotificationResponse SendEmail(TemplateOptions options) { EmailNotificationResponse response = null; try { var serviceApp = GovNotifySettings.ServiceApps.Find(s => s.Service.ToUpper() == options.ServiceType.ToUpper()); var notifyScheme = serviceApp.NotifySchemes.Find(n => n.Name == options.NotifyScheme); var templateId = notifyScheme.TemplateId; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(templateId)) { return(null); } options.Personalisation.Add("System", serviceApp.Description); response = Client.SendEmail(options.EmailAddress, templateId, options.Personalisation, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); throw; } return(response); }
/// <summary> /// This is only a proxy to GovNotify client as there are no interface we could hang our unit tests over /// </summary> /// <param name="apiKey">The key needed for gov uk notify api</param> /// <param name="emailAddress">email address to send email</param> /// <param name="templateId">template id</param> /// <param name="notifyUkDynamicObject">dictionary of personalisation</param> /// <returns><see cref="EmailNotificationResponse"/></returns> public EmailNotificationResponse SendEmail(string apiKey, string emailAddress, string templateId, Dictionary <string, dynamic> notifyUkDynamicObject) { var client = new NotificationClient(apiKey); return(client.SendEmail(emailAddress, templateId, notifyUkDynamicObject)); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AlertService"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="dumpDir">Temp files directory.</param> public AlertService(string dumpDir) { if (dumpDir.IsEmpty()) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dumpDir)); } ThreadingHelper .Thread(() => { try { var player = new MediaPlayer(); var fileName = Path.Combine(dumpDir, "alert.mp3"); if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { Properties.Resources.Alert.Save(fileName); } player.Open(new Uri(fileName, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)); var logManager = ConfigManager.GetService <LogManager>(); using (var speech = new SpeechSynthesizer()) using (var client = new NotificationClient()) using (player.MakeDisposable(p => p.Close())) { while (!IsDisposed) { Tuple <AlertTypes, string, string, DateTimeOffset> alert; if (!_alerts.TryDequeue(out alert)) { break; } try { switch (alert.Item1) { case AlertTypes.Sound: player.Play(); break; case AlertTypes.Speech: speech.Speak(alert.Item2); break; case AlertTypes.Popup: GuiDispatcher.GlobalDispatcher.AddAction(() => new AlertPopupWindow { Title = alert.Item2, Message = alert.Item3, Time = alert.Item4.UtcDateTime }.Show()); break; case AlertTypes.Sms: client.SendSms(alert.Item2); break; case AlertTypes.Email: client.SendEmail(alert.Item2, alert.Item3); break; case AlertTypes.Log: logManager.Application.AddWarningLog(() => LocalizedStrings.Str3033Params .Put(alert.Item4, alert.Item2, Environment.NewLine + alert.Item3)); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.LogError(); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.LogError(); } }) .Name("Alert thread") .Launch(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AlertService"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="dumpDir">Temp files directory.</param> public AlertService(string dumpDir) { if (dumpDir.IsEmpty()) throw new ArgumentNullException("dumpDir"); ThreadingHelper .Thread(() => { try { var player = new MediaPlayer(); var fileName = Path.Combine(dumpDir, "alert.mp3"); if (!File.Exists(fileName)) Properties.Resources.Alert.Save(fileName); player.Open(new Uri(fileName, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)); var logManager = ConfigManager.GetService<LogManager>(); using (var speech = new SpeechSynthesizer()) using (var client = new NotificationClient()) using (player.MakeDisposable(p => p.Close())) { while (!IsDisposed) { Tuple<AlertTypes, string, string, DateTime> alert; if (!_alerts.TryDequeue(out alert)) break; try { switch (alert.Item1) { case AlertTypes.Sound: player.Play(); break; case AlertTypes.Speech: speech.Speak(alert.Item2); break; case AlertTypes.Popup: GuiDispatcher.GlobalDispatcher.AddAction(() => new AlertPopupWindow { Title = alert.Item2, Message = alert.Item3, Time = alert.Item4 }.Show()); break; case AlertTypes.Sms: client.SendSms(alert.Item2); break; case AlertTypes.Email: client.SendEmail(alert.Item2, alert.Item3); break; case AlertTypes.Log: logManager.Application.AddWarningLog(() => LocalizedStrings.Str3033Params .Put(alert.Item4, alert.Item2, Environment.NewLine + alert.Item3)); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.LogError(); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.LogError(); } }) .Name("Alert thread") .Launch(); }
public AlertService() { ThreadingHelper .Thread(() => { try { var player = new MediaPlayer(); var fileName = Path.Combine(UserConfig.Instance.MainFolder, "alert.mp3"); if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { File.WriteAllBytes(fileName, Properties.Resources.Alert); } player.Open(new Uri(fileName, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)); var logManager = ConfigManager.GetService <LogManager>(); using (var speech = new SpeechSynthesizer()) using (var client = new NotificationClient()) using (player.MakeDisposable(p => p.Close())) { while (!IsDisposed) { Tuple <AlertTypes, string, string, DateTime> alert; if (!_alerts.TryDequeue(out alert)) { break; } try { switch (alert.Item1) { case AlertTypes.Sound: player.Play(); break; case AlertTypes.Speech: speech.Speak(alert.Item2); break; case AlertTypes.Popup: GuiDispatcher.GlobalDispatcher.AddAction(() => new AlertPopupWindow { Title = alert.Item2, Message = alert.Item3, Time = alert.Item4 }.Show()); break; case AlertTypes.Sms: client.SendSms(alert.Item2); break; case AlertTypes.Email: client.SendEmail(alert.Item2, alert.Item3); break; case AlertTypes.Log: logManager.Application.AddWarningLog(() => "Оповещение! В {0} случилось '{1}'.{2}" .Put(alert.Item4, alert.Item2, Environment.NewLine + alert.Item3)); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.LogError(); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.LogError(); } }) .Name("Alert thread") .Launch(); }