コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends the email notifications.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dateToConsider">The date to consider.</param>
        public static void SendEmailNotifications(DateTime dateToConsider)
            // Handles the concurrent issues. (this class should not access concurrently)
            if (ProjectNotificationDetailsList.Count == 0)
                using (StageBitzDB dataContext = new StageBitzDB())
                    // Set code values.
                    DailyEmailNotificationCodeId  = Utils.GetCodeIdByCodeValue("UserEmailNotificationType", "DAILY");
                    WeeklyEmailNotificationCodeId = Utils.GetCodeIdByCodeValue("UserEmailNotificationType", "WEEKLY");
                    NoEmailNotificationCodeId     = Utils.GetCodeIdByCodeValue("UserEmailNotificationType", "NOTATALL");

                    bool isWeeklyEmailSendDate = false;

                    NotificationBL notificationBL = new NotificationBL(dataContext);
                    ProjectBL      projectBL      = new ProjectBL(dataContext);

                    DateTime endDate  = dateToConsider;
                    int      dateDiff = 1;

                    // If weekly email day set date diff as 7 days.
                    if (dateToConsider.DayOfWeek == (DayOfWeek)Enum.Parse(typeof(DayOfWeek), Utils.GetSystemValue("EmailNotificationDayOfWeek")))
                        dateDiff = 7;
                        isWeeklyEmailSendDate = true;

                    // Get project notifications static list.
                    ProjectNotificationDetailsList = notificationBL.GetUserEmailNotifications(dateToConsider, dateDiff);

                    // Get all project ids with notifications.
                    List <int> projectIds = ProjectNotificationDetailsList.Select(pnd => pnd.ProjectId).Distinct().ToList <int>();

                    // Get all user ids need to send email notifications.
                    List <int> allUsers = projectBL.GetAllProjectUserAndCompanyUserIds(projectIds);

                    // Send emails for all users.
                    foreach (int userId in allUsers)
                        // Get project user infos
                        List <ProjectUserInfo> projectUserInfoList = projectBL.GetProjectUserInfo(userId);

                        // Get company admin user infos
                        List <ProjectUserInfo> companyAdminProjectUserInfoList = projectBL.GetCompanyAdminProjectUserInfo(projectIds, userId);

                        // remove duplicate project user infos from company admin project list.
                        companyAdminProjectUserInfoList.RemoveAll(capui => projectUserInfoList.Exists(pui => (capui.ProjectId == pui.ProjectId && capui.UserId == pui.UserId)));

                        if (projectUserInfoList.Count > 0 || companyAdminProjectUserInfoList.Count > 0)
                            ProjectUserInfo user = null;

                            // Get first one.
                            if (projectUserInfoList.Count > 0)
                                user = projectUserInfoList.FirstOrDefault();
                            else if (companyAdminProjectUserInfoList.Count > 0)
                                user = companyAdminProjectUserInfoList.FirstOrDefault();

                            if (user != null)
                                // Filter project user infos.
                                List <ProjectUserInfo> projectUserInfos = GetFilteredProjectUserInfoForUser(user.UserId, user.ProjectEmailNotificationCodeId, projectUserInfoList, isWeeklyEmailSendDate, true);

                                // Filter company admin user infos.
                                List <ProjectUserInfo> companyAdminProjectUserInfos = GetFilteredProjectUserInfoForUser(user.UserId, user.CompanyEmailNotificationCodeId, companyAdminProjectUserInfoList, isWeeklyEmailSendDate, false);

                                if (projectUserInfos.Count > 0 || companyAdminProjectUserInfos.Count > 0)
                                    // Gets the email content.
                                    string emailText = GetEmailText(user, projectUserInfos, companyAdminProjectUserInfos);

                                    // Send the email.
                                    EmailSender.SendNotificationEmail(user.UserEmail, user.UserName, emailText);

                // Clear static project notification details list.