protected void reqlist_ItemCommand(object source, RepeaterCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "viewprofile") { Response.Redirect("~/Views/profile/view.aspx?uid=" + e.CommandArgument.ToString()); } if (e.CommandName == "pay") { string idList = e.CommandArgument.ToString(); string[] ids = idList.Split(','); Response.Redirect("~/Views/service/payment.aspx?sid=" + ids[0] + "&jid=" + ids[1]); } if (e.CommandName == "cancel") { string idList = e.CommandArgument.ToString(); string[] ids = idList.Split(','); User curr = new User().SelectById(LblUid.Value); List <BL.service.Service> service = new BL.service.Service().SelectById(ids[2]); int result = new Jobs().UpdateStatus(ids[0], "cancelled"); if (result == 0) { Toast.error(this, "An error occured while cancelling request"); } else { Notification notif = new Notification(int.Parse(LblUid.Value), curr.username, int.Parse(ids[2]), service[0].name, ids[1], "job_cancel"); notif.AddNotif(); List <Jobs> jobs = new Jobs().SelectByCid(LblUid.Value); reqlist.DataSource = jobs; reqlist.DataBind(); Toast.success(this, "Request cancelled"); } } }
protected void btn_Share_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string fileId = ""; foreach (RepeaterItem item in files.Items) { CheckBox chkbox = item.FindControl("checkFile") as CheckBox; if (chkbox.Checked && chkbox != null) { fileId = chkbox.Attributes["CommandArgument"]; } } BL.file.File file = new BL.file.File().SelectById(fileId); User currUser = new User().SelectById(currUserId); User targetShare = new User().SelectByEmail(share_user_input.Value); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(share_user_input.Value) && share_user_input.Value.Contains("@")) { if (targetShare != null) { if (share_user_input.Value != { int result = file.UpdateShares(fileId, file.shareId + "," + targetShare.Id); if (result == 0) { Toast.error(this, "An error occured while sharing file"); } else { string fileName = file.fileName; if (file.fileName.Length > 31) { fileName = file.fileName.Substring(0, 30) + "..."; } Notification notif = new Notification(int.Parse(currUserId), currUser.username, file.Id, fileName, targetShare.Id.ToString(), "file"); notif.AddNotif(); bindSharedUsers(file.Id.ToString()); Toast.success(this, "File shared successfully"); } } else { Toast.error(this, "You cannot share a file to yourself"); } } else { Toast.error(this, "User not found, please try again"); } } else { Toast.error(this, "Please enter a valid email"); } }
protected void serviceview_ItemCommand(object source, RepeaterCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "request") { string freelancerId = e.CommandArgument.ToString(); string serviceId = Request.QueryString["id"].ToString(); List <BL.service.Service> service = new BL.service.Service().SelectById(serviceId); User curruser = new User().SelectById(LblUid.Value); User freelancer = new User().SelectById(freelancerId); Jobs existjob = new Jobs().SelectByCidSid(curruser.Id.ToString(), service[0].Id.ToString()); if (int.Parse(freelancerId) == curruser.Id) { Session["error"] = "You cannot purchase your own service"; Response.Redirect("~/Views/service/servicelist.aspx"); } if (curruser.type == "freelancer") { Session["error"] = "Only clients are able to request services"; Response.Redirect("~/Views/service/servicelist.aspx"); } if (existjob == null) { TextBox tbRemark = (TextBox)e.Item.FindControl("tbRemarks"); Jobs job = new Jobs(int.Parse(LblUid.Value), int.Parse(freelancerId), int.Parse(serviceId), service[0].name, curruser.username, freelancer.username, tbRemark.Text, service[0].price); int result = job.AddJob(); if (result == 0) { Session["error"] = "An error occured while requesting the service"; Response.Redirect("~/Views/service/servicelist.aspx"); } else { Notification notif = new Notification(int.Parse(LblUid.Value), curruser.username, int.Parse(serviceId), service[0].name, freelancer.Id.ToString(), "job"); notif.AddNotif(); Session["success"] = "Service requested successfully, please wait for " + freelancer.username + "\\'s response"; Response.Redirect("~/Views/service/servicelist.aspx"); } } else { Session["error"] = "You cannot request for this service until completion of previous request"; Response.Redirect("~/Views/service/servicelist.aspx"); } } if (e.CommandName == "viewprofile") { Response.Redirect("~/Views/profile/view.aspx?id=" + e.CommandArgument.ToString()); } }
protected void followButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { User currUser = new User().SelectById(currUserId); User viewedUser = new User().SelectById(targetUserId); currUser.UpdateFollowing(currUser.Id.ToString(), currUser.following + 1); viewedUser.UpdateFollower(viewedUser.Id.ToString(), viewedUser.followers + 1); Follow follow = new Follow(currUser.Id, viewedUser.Id); follow.Insert(); Notification notif = new Notification(viewedUser.Id, viewedUser.username, currUser.Id, currUser.username, viewedUser.Id.ToString(), "follow"); notif.AddNotif(); Session["success"] = viewedUser.username + " followed"; Response.Redirect("~/Views/profile/view.aspx?id=" + viewedUser.Id); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["uid"] == null) { Session["error"] = "Unauthorized"; Response.Redirect("~/Views/index.aspx"); } else { StripeConfiguration.ApiKey = "sk_test_51Hnjg6K2AIXSM7wrvlwz0S8eQSrtxjb7irpnIhvWGSKSsbWJzUymiC3tHbwxYQCumbmK5gC06kRIw7wr1eHEpj6D00CDgHmOpO"; currUserId = Session["uid"].ToString(); User user = new User().SelectById(currUserId); User freelancer = new User().SelectById(Request.QueryString["fid"].ToString()); List <BL.service.Service> service = new BL.service.Service().SelectById(Request.QueryString["sid"].ToString()); Customer cust = new Customer(); Customer freelance = new Customer(); CustomerService serv = new CustomerService(); cust = serv.Get(user.stripeId); freelance = serv.Get(freelancer.stripeId); string token = Request.QueryString["token"].ToString(); bool tokenValid = new User().CheckTokenValid("payment", token, currUserId); if (tokenValid) {, freelance, service[0].price.ToString()); new Jobs().UpdateStatus(Request.QueryString["jid"].ToString(), "paid"); Notification notif = new Notification(user.Id, user.username, int.Parse(Request.QueryString["sid"].ToString()), service[0].name, freelancer.Id.ToString(), "job_paid"); notif.AddNotif(); Transaction trans = null; trans = new Transaction(freelancer.username, service[0].name, "SGD", service[0].price, user.Id); trans.AddTrans(); trans = new Transaction(user.username, service[0].name, "SGD", service[0].price, freelancer.Id); trans.AddTrans(); Session["success"] = "Transaction successful"; Response.Redirect("~/Views/service/paymentList.aspx"); } else { Session["error"] = "Payment token is invalid or has expired"; Response.Redirect("~/Views/index.aspx"); } } }
protected void favList_ItemCommand(object source, RepeaterCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "view") { string serviceId = e.CommandArgument.ToString(); List <BL.service.Service> service = new BL.service.Service().SelectById(serviceId); BL.service.Service curr = new BL.service.Service(); curr.UpdateViews(serviceId, service[0].views + 1); Response.Redirect("~/Views/service/index.aspx?id=" + serviceId); } if (e.CommandName == "favourite") { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LblUid.Text)) { Session["error"] = "Please log in to favourite a service"; Response.Redirect("~/Views/auth/login.aspx"); } string serviceId = e.CommandArgument.ToString(); List <BL.service.Service> service = new BL.service.Service().SelectById(serviceId); BL.service.Service curr = new BL.service.Service(); User curruser = getCurrUser(); User freelancer = new User().SelectById(service[0].uid.ToString()); List <string> userfavs = new Fav().SelectUserFavs(LblUid.Text); if (!userfavs.Contains(serviceId)) { int servres = curr.Favourite(serviceId, service[0].favs + 1); Fav fav = new Fav(int.Parse(LblUid.Text), int.Parse(serviceId)); int favres = fav.Add(); if (favres == 1 && servres == 1) { Notification notif = new Notification(int.Parse(LblUid.Text), curruser.username, service[0].Id, service[0].name, freelancer.Id.ToString(), "fav"); notif.AddNotif(); Toast.success(this, "Service favourited"); } else { Toast.error(this, "An error occured while favouriting the service"); } } else { int servres = curr.Favourite(serviceId, service[0].favs - 1); Fav fav = new Fav(); int favres = fav.Remove(int.Parse(LblUid.Text), int.Parse(serviceId)); if (favres == 1 && servres == 1) { Toast.success(this, "Service unfavourited"); } else { Toast.error(this, "An error occured while unfavouriting the service"); } } List <string> userFavs = new Fav().SelectUserFavs(LblUid.Text); List <BL.service.Service> servFavs = new List <BL.service.Service>(); foreach (string favs in userFavs) { List <BL.service.Service> serv = new BL.service.Service().SelectById(favs); servFavs.Add(serv[0]); } favList.DataSource = servFavs; favList.DataBind(); } }
protected void joblist_ItemCommand(object source, RepeaterCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "viewprofile") { Response.Redirect("~/Views/profile/view.aspx?id=" + e.CommandArgument.ToString()); } if (e.CommandName == "accept") { string idList = e.CommandArgument.ToString(); string[] ids = idList.Split(','); User freelancer = new User().SelectById(LblUid.Text); List <BL.service.Service> service = new BL.service.Service().SelectById(ids[1]); int result = new Jobs().UpdateStatus(ids[0], "accepted"); if (result == 0) { Toast.error(this, "An error occured while accepting job"); } else { Notification notif = new Notification(int.Parse(LblUid.Text), freelancer.username, int.Parse(ids[1]), service[0].name, ids[2], "request"); notif.AddNotif(); bind(); Toast.success(this, "Job accepted"); } } if (e.CommandName == "reject") { string idList = e.CommandArgument.ToString(); string[] ids = idList.Split(','); User freelancer = new User().SelectById(LblUid.Text); List <BL.service.Service> service = new BL.service.Service().SelectById(ids[1]); int result = new Jobs().UpdateStatus(ids[0], "cancelled"); if (result == 0) { Toast.error(this, "An error occured while cancelling job"); } else { Notification notif = new Notification(int.Parse(LblUid.Text), freelancer.username, int.Parse(ids[1]), service[0].name, ids[2], "req_cancel"); notif.AddNotif(); bind(); Toast.success(this, "Job cancelled"); } } if (e.CommandName == "submit") { string idList = e.CommandArgument.ToString(); string[] ids = idList.Split(','); User freelancer = new User().SelectById(LblUid.Text); List <BL.service.Service> service = new BL.service.Service().SelectById(ids[1]); int result = new Jobs().UpdateStatus(ids[0], "done"); if (result == 0) { Toast.error(this, "An error occured while completing job"); } else { Notification notif = new Notification(int.Parse(LblUid.Text), freelancer.username, int.Parse(ids[1]), service[0].name, ids[2], "complete"); notif.AddNotif(); bind(); Toast.success(this, "Job completed"); } } }
protected void projects_ItemCommand(object source, RepeaterCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "comment") { TextBox tbcomment = e.Item.FindControl("tbComment") as TextBox; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbcomment.Text)) { string pid = e.CommandArgument.ToString(); User user = new User().SelectById(currUserId); PortComment comment = new PortComment(user.Id, user.username, tbcomment.Text, int.Parse(pid)); int result = comment.AddComment(); if (result == 0) { Toast.error(this, "An error occured while adding comment"); } else { Toast.success(this, "Comment added"); Portfolio currPort = new Portfolio().SelectById(int.Parse(pid)); new Portfolio().UpdateComm(pid, currPort.comments + 1); if (currPort.uid.ToString() != currUserId) { Notification notif = new Notification(int.Parse(currUserId), user.username, int.Parse(pid), currPort.title, targetUserId, "project"); notif.AddNotif(); } List <Portfolio> portfolios = new Portfolio().SelectByUid(int.Parse(targetUserId)); projects.DataSource = portfolios; projects.DataBind(); Repeater commentrepeater = e.Item.FindControl("comments") as Repeater; List <PortComment> comments = new PortComment().SelectByPid(int.Parse(pid)); commentrepeater.DataSource = comments; commentrepeater.DataBind(); } } else { Toast.error(this, "Please enter a comment"); } } if (e.CommandName == "like") { Portfolio currPort = new Portfolio().SelectById(int.Parse(e.CommandArgument.ToString())); User currUser = new User().SelectById(currUserId); int result = new Portfolio().UpdateLikes(currPort.likes + 1, currPort.likeslist + currUserId + ",", currPort.Id.ToString()); if (result == 0) { Toast.error(this, "An error occured while liking project"); } else { Toast.success(this, "Project liked"); Notification notif = new Notification(int.Parse(currUserId), currUser.username, currPort.Id, currPort.title, targetUserId, "project_like"); notif.AddNotif(); List <Portfolio> projs = new Portfolio().SelectByUid(int.Parse(targetUserId)); projects.DataSource = projs; projects.DataBind(); } } if (e.CommandName == "unlike") { Portfolio currPort = new Portfolio().SelectById(int.Parse(e.CommandArgument.ToString())); List <string> usersLiked = new List <string>(currPort.likeslist.Split(',')); usersLiked.Remove(currUserId); string final = string.Join(",", usersLiked); int result = new Portfolio().UpdateLikes(currPort.likes - 1, final, currPort.Id.ToString()); if (result == 0) { Toast.error(this, "An error occured while unliking project"); } else { Toast.success(this, "Project unliked"); List <Portfolio> projs = new Portfolio().SelectByUid(int.Parse(targetUserId)); projects.DataSource = projs; projects.DataBind(); } } }