public ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable LoadNotice(Notice_Entry n) { ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable dt = new ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable(); db_maria_connection db = new db_maria_connection(); MySqlParameter[] param = new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("noticeId", n.NoticeID) //new MySqlParameter("district_id",n.district_id) }; string qur = @"select nb.notice_id,nb.district_id,nb.file_id,nb.header,nb.bold,nb.blink,nb.priority,nb.color,nb.image,fd.file_id,fd.File_Header,fd.file_data,fd.mime_type,fd.upload_date, (case when DATE_FORMAT(Publish_Date,'%d/%m/%Y') is null or DATE_FORMAT(Publish_Date,'%d/%m/%Y')='' then DATE_FORMAT(validity_from,'%d/%m/%Y %h:%m:%s') else DATE_FORMAT(Publish_Date,'%d/%m/%Y') end)Publish_Date, (case when Validity_From is not null or Validity_From!='' then DATE_FORMAT(Validity_From,'%d/%m/%Y') else 'Not Available' end)Validity_From, (case when Validity_To is not null or Validity_To!='' then DATE_FORMAT(Validity_To,'%d/%m/%Y') else 'Not Available' end)Validity_To, (case when url is null or url='' then 'Not Available' else url end)url, (case when Permanent='Y' then 'Yes' when Permanent='N' then 'No' end)permanent, (case when hyperlink='Y' then 'Yes' when hyperlink='N' then 'No' end)hyperlink, (case when Active='A' then 'Active' when Active='D' then 'Inactive' end)active, (case when file_type='I' then 'Internal' when file_type='E' then 'External' when file_type is null or file_type='' then 'Not Available' end)file_type , nb.district_id, nb.base_dept_id, nb.office_id from notice_board nb left outer join notice_file_details fd on fd.file_id=nb.File_Id where Notice_Id=@noticeId "; dt = db.executeSelectQuery(qur, param); return(dt); }
public ReturnClass.ReturnBool approve_notice(Notice_Entry ne) { ReturnClass.ReturnBool rb = new ReturnClass.ReturnBool(); db_maria_connection db = new db_maria_connection(); using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope()) { string qr1 = @"insert into notice_board_log select * from Notice_Board where Notice_Id=@NoticeID"; MySqlParameter[] pm = new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("NoticeID", ne.NoticeID) }; rb = db.executeInsertQuery(qr1, pm); if (rb.status == true) { string qr = " UPDATE Notice_Board SET status=@status where Notice_Id=@NoticeID "; MySqlParameter[] pm1 = new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("NoticeID", ne.NoticeID), new MySqlParameter("status", ne.status) // new MySqlParameter("district_id",ne.district_id) }; rb = db.executeUpdateQuery(qr, pm1); ts.Complete(); } } return(rb); }
public ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable pending_for_approval(Notice_Entry ne) { ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable dts = new ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable(); db_maria_connection db = new db_maria_connection(); MySqlParameter[] param = new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("Pending", ne.Pending) //new MySqlParameter("district_id",ne.district_id) }; string query = ""; query = @"select nb.status,nb.Notice_Id as Notice_Id,nb.File_Id as File_Id,nb.Header as Header,nb.bold,nb.blink,nb.priority,nb.color,nb.image,fd.mime_type as mime_type,fd.file_data as file_data, (CASE WHEN Validity_From IS NOT NULL OR Validity_From !='' THEN DATE_FORMAT(Validity_From,'%d/%m/%Y') ELSE 'Not Available' END)Validity_From, (CASE WHEN Validity_To IS NOT NULL OR Validity_To!='' THEN DATE_FORMAT(Validity_To,'%d/%m/%Y') ELSE 'Not Available' END)Validity_To, (CASE WHEN DATE_FORMAT(Publish_Date,'%d/%m/%Y') IS NULL OR DATE_FORMAT(Publish_Date,'%d/%m/%Y')='' THEN DATE_FORMAT(validity_from,'%d/%m/%Y') ELSE DATE_FORMAT(Publish_Date,'%d/%m/%Y') END)Publish_Date, (case when url is null or url='' then 'Not Available' else url end)url, (case when Permanent='Y' then 'Yes' when Permanent='N' then 'No' end)permanent, (case when hyperlink='Y' then 'Yes' when hyperlink='N' then 'No' end)hyperlink, (case when Active='A' then 'Active' when Active='D' then 'Inactive' end)Active, (case when file_type='I' then 'Internal' when file_type='E' then 'External' end)file_type from notice_board nb left outer join notice_file_details fd on nb.file_id=fd.file_id where status=@Pending "; dts = db.executeSelectQuery(query, param); return(dts); }
//-------------------------pending for approval page---------------------------------------------------------------------// public ReturnClass.ReturnBool delete_notice_and_file(Notice_Entry ne) { ReturnClass.ReturnBool rb = new ReturnClass.ReturnBool(); db_maria_connection db = new db_maria_connection(); using (TransactionScope transScope = new TransactionScope()) { string query = "insert into notice_board_log select * from Notice_Board where Notice_Id=@NoticeID"; MySqlParameter[] pm = new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("NoticeID", ne.NoticeID) }; rb = db.executeInsertQuery(query, pm); if (rb.status == true) { string query2 = @"delete from Notice_Board where Notice_Id=@NoticeID "; MySqlParameter[] pm2 = new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("NoticeID", ne.NoticeID) // new MySqlParameter("district_id",ne.district_id) }; rb = db.executeDeleteQuery(query2, pm2); } if (ne.file_id == null) { } else { if (rb.status == true) { string query3 = "insert into notice_file_details_log select * from notice_file_details where file_id=@file_id"; MySqlParameter[] pm3 = new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("file_id", ne.file_id) }; rb = db.executeInsertQuery(query3, pm3); } if (rb.status == true) { string query4 = "delete from notice_file_details where file_id=@file_id"; MySqlParameter[] pm4 = new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("file_id", ne.file_id) }; rb = db.executeInsertQuery(query4, pm4); } } if (rb.status == true) { transScope.Complete(); } } return(rb); }
public ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable Get_DeptUserManual_File(Notice_Entry bl) { ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable rd = new ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable(); db_maria_connection db = new db_maria_connection(); string str = @" SELECT A.Dept_User_Manual_ID, A.User_ID, file_name, content_type as mime_type, file_data, file_description ,Year_Issue, dist.District_Name as dist_name, dept.dept_name as dept_name, ofc.OfficeName as ofc_name FROM dept_user_manual_file A left join districts dist on A.district_id_ofc = dist.District_ID left join basedepartment dept on A.base_department_id = dept.dept_id left join office ofc on A.office_id = ofc.NewOfficeCode and dept.dept_id= ofc.BaseDeptCode and dist.District_ID = ofc.DistrictCodeNew where 1 and 1 "; string end_where = " ORDER BY Year_Issue DESC "; string and_where = ""; try { List <MySqlParameter> pm = new List <MySqlParameter>(); if (bl.District_id != "0") { MySqlParameter fa = new MySqlParameter("District_ID", bl.District_id); pm.Add(fa); and_where += " and A.district_id_ofc = @District_ID "; } if (bl.Base_dept_id != "0") { MySqlParameter fa = new MySqlParameter("Base_department_id", bl.Base_dept_id); pm.Add(fa); and_where += " and base_department_id = @Base_department_id "; } if (bl.Office_id != "0") { MySqlParameter fa = new MySqlParameter("Office_id", bl.Office_id); pm.Add(fa); and_where += " and office_id = @Office_id "; } if ((bl.IssueYear != "0") && (bl.IssueYear != "")) { MySqlParameter fa = new MySqlParameter("issueYear", bl.IssueYear); pm.Add(fa); and_where += " and Year_Issue = @issueYear "; } str = str + and_where + end_where; rd = db.executeSelectQuery(str, pm.ToArray()); } catch (Exception ex) { Gen_Error_Rpt.Write_Error("../dio/dl_Dio/Bind_Grid log.txt"); } return(rd); }
public void OfficeBind() { Notice_Entry bl = new Notice_Entry(); dl_rti_notice dl = new dl_rti_notice(); bl.Base_dept_id = ddl_department.SelectedItem.Value; bl.District_id = ddl_district.SelectedItem.Value; ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable dt = dl.Get_Office_For_Notice(bl); ddl_office.DataSource = dt.table; ddl_office.DataTextField = "OfficeName"; ddl_office.DataValueField = "NewOfficeCode"; ddl_office.DataBind(); ddl_office.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("--Select Office--", "0")); }
protected void LinkButton2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Ecode; Notice_Entry ne = new Notice_Entry(); Upload_doc ud = new Upload_doc(); ReturnClass.ReturnBool rb = new ReturnClass.ReturnBool(); dl_rti_notice dl = new dl_rti_notice(); Ecode = Request.QueryString["fid"].ToString(); string lol = "notice_download.aspx?fid=" + Ecode; ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "key", "" + "'" + lol + "','_blank');", true); }
public ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable select_file_details(Notice_Entry n) { ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable dt = new ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable(); db_maria_connection db = new db_maria_connection(); MySqlParameter[] param = new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("file_id", n.file_id) }; string qur = @"select file_id,File_Header,mime_type,file_data,upload_date from notice_file_details where file_id=@file_id"; dt = db.executeSelectQuery(qur, param); return(dt); }
public void bind_grid() { ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable dt = new ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable(); Notice_Entry ne = new Notice_Entry(); try { ne.pending = "P"; //ne.district_id = Session["Dist_Code"].ToString(); dt = dl.pending_for_approval(ne); //if (dt.table.Rows.Count > 0) //{ // GridView1.DataSource = dt.table; // GridView1.DataBind(); //} //else //{ // btnapprove.Visible = false; // } if (dt.table.Rows.Count > 0) { GridView1.DataSource = dt.table; GridView1.DataBind(); double c = Convert.ToInt32(dt.table.Rows.Count.ToString()); double cal = Math.Ceiling(c / 30); if (cal == 0) { cal = 1; } lblTotalBoilers.Text = "Total Records : " + dt.table.Rows.Count.ToString() + " (Page : 1 to " + cal + ")"; } else { btnapprove.Visible = false; GridView1.DataSource = dt.table; GridView1.DataBind(); lblTotalBoilers.Text = "Total Records : " + dt.table.Rows.Count.ToString(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Gen_Error_Rpt.Write_Error("admin_NewsEdit_List_bind_grid()", ex); Utilities.MessageBoxShow(ex.Message); } }
public ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable Get_Office_For_Notice(Notice_Entry bl) { string strquery = @"SELECT NewOfficeCode, OfficeName FROM office WHERE office.BaseDeptCode=@dept AND office.DistrictCodeNew=@district order by OfficeName "; MySqlParameter[] pm = new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("dept", bl.Base_dept_id), new MySqlParameter("district", bl.District_id) }; ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable rd = new ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable(); db_maria_connection db = new db_maria_connection(); rd = db.executeSelectQuery(strquery, pm); return(rd); }
protected void lnkDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ReturnClass.ReturnBool rb = new ReturnClass.ReturnBool(); //dl_dmf_designation dl = new dl_dmf_designation(); Notice_Entry ne = new Notice_Entry(); try { LinkButton lnkbtn = sender as LinkButton; GridViewRow gvrow = lnkbtn.NamingContainer as GridViewRow; ne.file_id = GridView1.DataKeys[gvrow.RowIndex].Values["file_id"].ToString(); ne.noticeID = GridView1.DataKeys[gvrow.RowIndex].Values["Notice_Id"].ToString(); // ne.district_id = Session["Dist_Code"].ToString(); rb = dl.delete_notice_and_file(ne); if (rb.status == true) { if (Session["language"].ToString() == "en-GB") { Utilities.MessageBoxShow("Notice Deleted Successfully"); } else { Utilities.MessageBoxShow("सूचना सफलतापूर्वक हटाई गई"); } // Utilities.MessageBoxShow("Notice Deleted Successfully"); bind_grid(); } else { if (Session["language"].ToString() == "en-GB") { Utilities.MessageBoxShow("Failed to Deleted"); } else { Utilities.MessageBoxShow("सूचना हटाई नहीं जा सकी"); } // Utilities.MessageBoxShow("Failed to Deleted"); } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
protected void BindDropDownList() { Upload_doc bl = new Upload_doc(); Notice_Entry n = new Notice_Entry(); ReturnClass.ReturnBool rb = new ReturnClass.ReturnBool(); ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable dt = new ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable(); dt = dl.bindimage(); try { dt = dl.bindimage(); ddlimage.DataSource = dt.table; ddlimage.DataTextField = "name"; ddlimage.DataValueField = "value"; ddlimage.DataBind(); ddlimage.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("Select", "0")); } catch { } }
public ReturnClass.ReturnBool Insert_Notice(Notice_Entry ne) { ReturnClass.ReturnBool rb = new ReturnClass.ReturnBool(); db_maria_connection db = new db_maria_connection(); MySqlParameter[] param = new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("Header", ne.Header), new MySqlParameter("Pernament", ne.Permanent), new MySqlParameter("Publish_Date", ne.Publish_date), new MySqlParameter("Validity_From", ne.Datefrom), new MySqlParameter("Validity_To", ne.Dateto), new MySqlParameter("Active", ne.Active), new MySqlParameter("Hyperlink", ne.Hyperlink), new MySqlParameter("File_Type", ne.Filetype), new MySqlParameter("File_Id", ne.file_ID), new MySqlParameter("Url", ne.Url), new MySqlParameter("Client_Ip", ne.Client_ip), new MySqlParameter("User_Id", ne.User_id), new MySqlParameter("Date_Time", ne.Datetime), new MySqlParameter("Bold", ne.Bold), new MySqlParameter("Blink", ne.Blink), new MySqlParameter("Priority", ne.Priority), new MySqlParameter("Color", ne.Color), new MySqlParameter("Image", ne.Image), new MySqlParameter("status", ne.status), new MySqlParameter("district_id", ne.District_id), new MySqlParameter("office_id", ne.Office_id), new MySqlParameter("base_dept_id", ne.Base_dept_id) }; string qur = @"insert into Notice_Board(Header,Permanent,Publish_Date,Validity_From,Validity_To,Active,Hyperlink,File_Type,File_Id,Url,Client_Ip,User_Id,Date_Time, bold,blink,priority,color,image,status,district_id, base_dept_id, office_id) values(@Header,@Pernament,@Publish_Date,@Validity_From,@Validity_To,@Active,@Hyperlink,@File_Type,@File_Id,@Url,@Client_Ip,@User_Id,@Date_Time, @Bold,@Blink,@Priority,@Color,@Image,@status,@district_id,@base_dept_id,@office_id)"; rb = db.executeInsertQuery(qur, param); return(rb); }
protected void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Notice_Entry ne = new Notice_Entry(); Upload_doc ud = new Upload_doc(); ReturnClass.ReturnBool rb = new ReturnClass.ReturnBool(); dl_rti_notice dl = new dl_rti_notice(); ud.Status = "N"; if (Session["CheckRefresh"].ToString() == ViewState["CheckRefresh"].ToString()) { Session["CheckRefresh"] = Server.UrlDecode(System.DateTime.Now.ToString()); if (ddlPermanent.SelectedValue == "Y") { RequiredFieldValidator10.Enabled = false; RequiredFieldValidator10.ValidationGroup = "x"; RequiredFieldValidator9.Enabled = false; RequiredFieldValidator9.ValidationGroup = "x"; RegularExpressionValidator10.Enabled = false; RegularExpressionValidator10.ValidationGroup = "x"; RegularExpressionValidator17.Enabled = false; RegularExpressionValidator17.ValidationGroup = "x"; RequiredFieldValidator7.Enabled = true; RequiredFieldValidator7.ValidationGroup = "a"; RegularExpressionValidator1.Enabled = true; RegularExpressionValidator1.ValidationGroup = "a"; } else if (ddlPermanent.SelectedValue == "N") { RequiredFieldValidator10.Enabled = true; RequiredFieldValidator9.Enabled = true; RequiredFieldValidator10.ValidationGroup = "a"; RequiredFieldValidator9.ValidationGroup = "a"; RegularExpressionValidator10.Enabled = true; RegularExpressionValidator10.ValidationGroup = "a"; RegularExpressionValidator17.Enabled = true; RegularExpressionValidator17.ValidationGroup = "a"; RequiredFieldValidator7.Enabled = false; RequiredFieldValidator7.ValidationGroup = "x"; RegularExpressionValidator1.Enabled = false; RegularExpressionValidator1.ValidationGroup = "x"; } if (ddlHyperlink.SelectedValue == "Y") { RequiredFieldValidator3.Enabled = true; RequiredFieldValidator3.ValidationGroup = "a"; } else if (ddlHyperlink.SelectedValue == "N") { RequiredFieldValidator3.Enabled = false; RequiredFieldValidator3.ValidationGroup = "x"; RequiredFieldValidator6.Enabled = false; RequiredFieldValidator6.ValidationGroup = "x"; RequiredFieldValidator4.Enabled = false; RequiredFieldValidator4.ValidationGroup = "x"; regUrl.ValidationGroup = "x"; regUrl.Enabled = false; } if (ddlType.SelectedValue == "E") { RequiredFieldValidator6.Enabled = false; RequiredFieldValidator6.ValidationGroup = "x"; RequiredFieldValidator4.Enabled = true; RequiredFieldValidator4.ValidationGroup = "a"; regUrl.ValidationGroup = "a"; regUrl.Enabled = true; } else if (ddlType.SelectedValue == "I") { RequiredFieldValidator6.Enabled = true; RequiredFieldValidator6.ValidationGroup = "a"; RequiredFieldValidator4.Enabled = false; RequiredFieldValidator4.ValidationGroup = "x"; regUrl.ValidationGroup = "x"; regUrl.Enabled = false; } if (Page.IsValid) { Boolean st = true; try { using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope()) { ne.District_id = ddl_district.SelectedValue; ne.Base_dept_id = ddl_department.SelectedValue; ne.Office_id = ddl_office.SelectedValue; ne.NoticeID = Request.QueryString["nid"].ToString(); ne.Header = txtHeader.Text; ne.Permanent = ddlPermanent.SelectedValue; ne.Active = ddlActive.SelectedValue; ne.Hyperlink = ddlHyperlink.SelectedValue.ToString(); ne.Client_ip = util.GetClientIpAddress(this.Page); ne.User_id = Session["username"].ToString(); ne.Datetime = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Now).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); if (ddlPermanent.SelectedValue == "N") { ne.Publish_date = null; //string datefrom = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDateFrom.Text.Trim()).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); //string dateto = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDateTo.Text.Trim()).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); //ne.Datefrom = datefrom.ToString(); //ne.Dateto = dateto.ToString(); DateTime datefrom = DateTime.ParseExact(txtDateFrom.Text, "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); ne.Datefrom = datefrom.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); DateTime dateto = DateTime.ParseExact(txtDateTo.Text, "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); ne.Dateto = dateto.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); } else if (ddlPermanent.SelectedValue == "Y") { DateTime Publish_date = DateTime.ParseExact(txtPublishDate.Text, "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); ne.Publish_date = Publish_date.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); //ne.Publish_date = Convert.ToDateTime(txtPublishDate.Text.Trim()).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); ne.Datefrom = null; ne.Dateto = null; } if (ddlHyperlink.SelectedValue == "Y") { ne.Filetype = ddlType.SelectedValue; if (ddlType.SelectedValue == "I") { ne.Url = null; if (FileUpload1.HasFile) { if (FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentType == "application/x-pdf" || FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentType == "application/pdf") { if (FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentLength > maxSizePdf) { if (Session["language"].ToString() == "en-GB") { Utilities.MessageBoxShow("This PDF File Is too Big...Maximum Size allowed is 10 Mb"); } else { Utilities.MessageBoxShow("यह PDF बहुत बड़ा है...अधिकतम साइज़ 10 Mb की अनुमति है"); } // Utilities.MessageBoxShow("This PDF File Is too Big...Maximum Size allowed is 10 Mb"); st = false; } } else if (FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentType == "image/jpg" || FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentType == "image/jpeg") { if (FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentLength > maxSizeJpg) { if (Session["language"].ToString() == "en-GB") { Utilities.MessageBoxShow("This JPG File Is too Big...Maximum Size allowed is 1 Mb"); } else { Utilities.MessageBoxShow("यह JPG बहुत बड़ा है...अधिकतम साइज़ 1 Mb की अनुमति है"); } // Utilities.MessageBoxShow("This JPG File Is too Big...Maximum Size allowed is 1 Mb"); st = false; } } if (st) { if (FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentType == "application/x-pdf" || FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentType == "application/pdf" || FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentType == "image/jpg" || FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentType == "image/jpeg") { string file_ext = Path.GetExtension(FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName).ToString(); Stream fs = default(Stream); fs = FileUpload1.PostedFile.InputStream; BinaryReader br1 = new BinaryReader(fs); byte[] pdfbytes = br1.ReadBytes(FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentLength); ud.File_Extn = file_ext; ud.File_Data = pdfbytes; ud.Filename = FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName; ud.Client_ip = util.GetClientIpAddress(this.Page); ud.Upload_Date = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Now).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); ud.User_id = Session["username"].ToString(); } else { if (Session["language"].ToString() == "en-GB") { Utilities.MessageBoxShow("Only PDF and JPG files are allowed"); } else { Utilities.MessageBoxShow(" केवल PDF और JPG फाईल की अनुमति है"); } //Utilities.MessageBoxShow("Only PDF and JPG files are allowed"); st = false; } } } } else if (ddlType.SelectedValue == "E") { ne.file_id = null; ne.Url = txtUrl.Text.Trim(); nb = ",File_Id=@file_id"; int fid = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["fid"].ToString()); if (fid != 0) { ud.file_id = Request.QueryString["fid"].ToString(); rb = dl.update_file_details(ud); } } } else if (ddlHyperlink.SelectedValue == "N") { ud.file_id = null; ud.File_Extn = null; ud.Content_type = null; ud.File_Data = new byte[] { }; ud.URL = null; // nb = ",File_Id=@File_id"; // nb = ",File_Id=@file_id"; int fid = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["fid"].ToString()); if (fid != 0) { ud.file_ID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["fid"].ToString()); rb = dl.update_file_details(ud); } } if (FileUpload1.HasFile) { if (st) { int fid = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["fid"].ToString()); if (fid == 0) { //if (rb.status == true) //{ ud.Filename = FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName; ud.Client_ip = util.GetClientIpAddress(this.Page); ud.User_id = Session["username"].ToString(); ud.Upload_Date = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Now).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); rb = dl.Insert_FileDetails(ud); // } if (rb.status == true) { ne.file_ID = Convert.ToInt32(dl.Get_Max_ID().table.Rows[0][0].ToString()); //nb = ",File_Id=@file_ID"; } } else if (fid != 0) { ud.file_id = Request.QueryString["fid"].ToString(); ud.Status = "Y"; rb = dl.update_file_details(ud); } } } if (st) { if (RadioButtonListbold.SelectedValue == "Yes") { ne.Bold = "Y"; } else { ne.Bold = "N"; } if (RadioButtonListblink.SelectedValue == "Yes") { ne.Blink = "Y"; } else { ne.Blink = "N"; } ne.Priority = ddlpriority.SelectedValue; ne.Color = color.Text.Trim(); if (ddlimage.SelectedValue == "") { ne.Image = Image1.ImageUrl; } else { //ne.Image = ddlimage.SelectedValue; ne.Image = ddlimage.SelectedItem.Text; } if (ne.Image.StartsWith("..")) { string imgPath = ne.Image; string cut_imgPath = imgPath.Remove(0, 3); ne.Image = cut_imgPath; } rb = dl.update_notice(ne); // rb = dl.update_notice(ne, nb); } if (rb.status == true) { ts.Complete(); clear(); if (Session["language"].ToString() == "en-GB") { Utilities.MessageBoxShow_Redirect("Notice Updated successfully", "NoticeEdit_List.aspx"); } else { Utilities.MessageBoxShow_Redirect("रिकार्ड सफलतापूर्वक सुरक्षित हुआ", "NoticeEdit_List.aspx"); } // Utilities.MessageBoxShow_Redirect("Notice Updated successfully", "NoticeEdit_List.aspx"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { if (Session["language"].ToString() == "en-GB") { Utilities.MessageBoxShow("Record could not be updated."); } else { Utilities.MessageBoxShow("रिकार्ड सुरक्षित नहीं हुआ |"); } // Utilities.MessageBoxShow("Record could not be updated."); Gen_Error_Rpt.Write_Error("admin_NewsEdit_Form.aspx_btnUpdate_Click", ex); } } } }
public void show() { ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable dt = new ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable(); dl_rti_notice dl = new dl_rti_notice(); Notice_Entry ba = new Notice_Entry(); ba.NoticeID = Request.QueryString["nid"].ToString(); try { dt = dl.LoadNotice(ba); if (dt.table.Rows.Count > 0) { ddl_department.SelectedValue = dt.table.Rows[0]["base_dept_id"].ToString(); ddl_district.SelectedValue = dt.table.Rows[0]["district_id"].ToString(); OfficeBind(); ddl_office.SelectedValue = dt.table.Rows[0]["office_id"].ToString(); txtHeader.Text = dt.table.Rows[0]["header"].ToString(); //lblpreview.Text = txtHeader.Text; //Image1.ImageUrl = dt.table.Rows[0]["image"].ToString(); if (dt.table.Rows[0]["permanent"].ToString() == "Yes") { ddlPermanent.SelectedValue = "Y"; //divPublishDate.Visible = true; // txtPublishDate.Text = Convert.ToDateTime(dt.table.Rows[0]["Publish_Date"]).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"); txtPublishDate.Text = Convert.ToString(dt.table.Rows[0]["Publish_Date"].ToString()); RequiredFieldValidator9.Enabled = false; RequiredFieldValidator9.ValidationGroup = "x"; RegularExpressionValidator10.Enabled = false; RegularExpressionValidator10.ValidationGroup = "x"; RequiredFieldValidator10.Enabled = false; RequiredFieldValidator10.ValidationGroup = "x"; RegularExpressionValidator17.Enabled = false; RegularExpressionValidator17.ValidationGroup = "x"; } else if (dt.table.Rows[0]["permanent"].ToString() == "No") { ddlPermanent.SelectedValue = "N"; // divPublishDate.Visible = false; // divFrom.Visible = true; // divTo.Visible = true; txtDateFrom.Text = Convert.ToString(dt.table.Rows[0]["Validity_From"].ToString()); txtDateTo.Text = Convert.ToString(dt.table.Rows[0]["Validity_To"].ToString()); RequiredFieldValidator7.Enabled = false; RequiredFieldValidator7.ValidationGroup = "x"; RegularExpressionValidator1.Enabled = false; RegularExpressionValidator1.ValidationGroup = "x"; } if (dt.table.Rows[0]["active"].ToString() == "Active") { ddlActive.SelectedValue = "A"; } else if (dt.table.Rows[0]["active"].ToString() == "Inactive") { ddlActive.SelectedValue = "D"; } if (dt.table.Rows[0]["hyperlink"].ToString() == "Yes") { ddlHyperlink.SelectedValue = "Y"; RequiredFieldValidator3.Enabled = false; RequiredFieldValidator3.ValidationGroup = "x"; //divType.Visible = true; } else if (dt.table.Rows[0]["hyperlink"].ToString() == "No") { ddlHyperlink.SelectedValue = "N"; RequiredFieldValidator3.Enabled = false; RequiredFieldValidator3.ValidationGroup = "x"; RequiredFieldValidator6.Enabled = false; RequiredFieldValidator6.ValidationGroup = "x"; RequiredFieldValidator4.Enabled = false; RequiredFieldValidator4.ValidationGroup = "x"; regUrl.ValidationGroup = "x"; regUrl.Enabled = false; } else { RequiredFieldValidator3.Enabled = true; RequiredFieldValidator3.ValidationGroup = "a"; } if (dt.table.Rows[0]["file_type"].ToString() == "Internal") { ddlType.SelectedValue = "I"; //divFileUpload.Visible = true; RequiredFieldValidator6.Enabled = true; RequiredFieldValidator6.ValidationGroup = "a"; RequiredFieldValidator4.Enabled = false; RequiredFieldValidator4.ValidationGroup = "x"; regUrl.ValidationGroup = "x"; regUrl.Enabled = false; } else if (dt.table.Rows[0]["file_type"].ToString() == "External") { ddlType.SelectedValue = "E"; //divUrl.Visible = true; txtUrl.Text = dt.table.Rows[0]["url"].ToString(); RequiredFieldValidator6.Enabled = false; RequiredFieldValidator6.ValidationGroup = "x"; } if (dt.table.Rows[0]["bold"].ToString() == "Y") { RadioButtonListbold.SelectedValue = "Yes"; } else if (dt.table.Rows[0]["bold"].ToString() == "N") { RadioButtonListbold.SelectedValue = "No"; } if (dt.table.Rows[0]["blink"].ToString() == "Y") { RadioButtonListblink.SelectedValue = "Yes"; } else if (dt.table.Rows[0]["blink"].ToString() == "N") { RadioButtonListblink.SelectedValue = "No"; } if (dt.table.Rows[0]["priority"].ToString() == "H") { ddlpriority.SelectedValue = "H"; } else if (dt.table.Rows[0]["priority"].ToString() == "M") { ddlpriority.SelectedValue = "M"; } else if (dt.table.Rows[0]["priority"].ToString() == "L") { ddlpriority.SelectedValue = "L"; } color.Text = dt.table.Rows[0]["color"].ToString(); // ColorPicker1.SelectedColor = color.Text; } } catch (Exception ex) { Gen_Error_Rpt.Write_Error("admin_NewsEdit_Form.aspx_show()", ex); } }
protected void btnapprove_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ReturnClass.ReturnBool rb = new ReturnClass.ReturnBool(); // dl_dmf_designation dl = new dl_dmf_designation(); Notice_Entry ne = new Notice_Entry(); try { if (GridView1.Rows.Count < 1) { Utilities.MessageBoxShow("No Record"); return; } foreach (GridViewRow row in GridView1.Rows) { if (row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { CheckBox chkRowCheck = (row.Cells[11].FindControl("chk_approve") as CheckBox); if (chkRowCheck.Checked == true) { ne.file_id = GridView1.DataKeys[row.RowIndex].Values["file_id"].ToString(); ne.noticeID = GridView1.DataKeys[row.RowIndex].Values["Notice_Id"].ToString(); ne.Status = "A"; // ne.district_id = Session["Dist_Code"].ToString(); rb = dl.approve_notice(ne); } } } if (rb.status == true) { if (Session["language"].ToString() == "en-GB") { Utilities.MessageBoxShow("Approve Successfully"); } else { Utilities.MessageBoxShow("सफलतापूर्वक स्वीकृत"); } // Utilities.MessageBoxShow("approve successfully"); bind_grid(); } else { if (Session["language"].ToString() == "en-GB") { Utilities.MessageBoxShow("Approve Failed"); } else { Utilities.MessageBoxShow("अस्वीकृत"); } // Utilities.MessageBoxShow(" Not approve successfully"); } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Upload_doc bl = new Upload_doc(); Notice_Entry n = new Notice_Entry(); ReturnClass.ReturnBool rb = new ReturnClass.ReturnBool(); if (Session["CheckRefresh"].ToString() == ViewState["CheckRefresh"].ToString()) { Session["CheckRefresh"] = Server.UrlDecode(System.DateTime.Now.ToString()); if (ddlPermanent.SelectedValue == "Y") { RequiredFieldValidator10.Enabled = false; RequiredFieldValidator10.ValidationGroup = "x"; RequiredFieldValidator9.Enabled = false; RequiredFieldValidator9.ValidationGroup = "x"; RegularExpressionValidator10.Enabled = false; RegularExpressionValidator10.ValidationGroup = "x"; RegularExpressionValidator17.Enabled = false; RegularExpressionValidator17.ValidationGroup = "x"; RequiredFieldValidator7.Enabled = true; RequiredFieldValidator7.ValidationGroup = "a"; RegularExpressionValidator1.Enabled = true; RegularExpressionValidator1.ValidationGroup = "a"; } else if (ddlPermanent.SelectedValue == "N") { RequiredFieldValidator10.Enabled = true; RequiredFieldValidator9.Enabled = true; RequiredFieldValidator10.ValidationGroup = "a"; RequiredFieldValidator9.ValidationGroup = "a"; RegularExpressionValidator10.Enabled = true; RegularExpressionValidator10.ValidationGroup = "a"; RegularExpressionValidator17.Enabled = true; RegularExpressionValidator17.ValidationGroup = "a"; RequiredFieldValidator7.Enabled = false; RequiredFieldValidator7.ValidationGroup = "x"; RegularExpressionValidator1.Enabled = false; RegularExpressionValidator1.ValidationGroup = "x"; } if (ddlHyperlink.SelectedValue == "Y") { RequiredFieldValidator3.Enabled = true; RequiredFieldValidator3.ValidationGroup = "a"; } else if (ddlHyperlink.SelectedValue == "N") { RequiredFieldValidator3.Enabled = false; RequiredFieldValidator3.ValidationGroup = "x"; RequiredFieldValidator6.Enabled = false; RequiredFieldValidator6.ValidationGroup = "x"; RequiredFieldValidator4.Enabled = false; RequiredFieldValidator4.ValidationGroup = "x"; regUrl.ValidationGroup = "x"; regUrl.Enabled = false; } if (ddlType.SelectedValue == "E") { RequiredFieldValidator6.Enabled = false; RequiredFieldValidator6.ValidationGroup = "x"; RequiredFieldValidator4.Enabled = true; RequiredFieldValidator4.ValidationGroup = "a"; regUrl.ValidationGroup = "a"; regUrl.Enabled = true; } else if (ddlType.SelectedValue == "I") { RequiredFieldValidator6.Enabled = true; RequiredFieldValidator6.ValidationGroup = "a"; RequiredFieldValidator4.Enabled = false; RequiredFieldValidator4.ValidationGroup = "x"; regUrl.ValidationGroup = "x"; regUrl.Enabled = false; } if (HiddenField1.Value == "0" || HiddenField1.Value == "Select") { RFV_Image_Icon.ValidationGroup = "a"; RFV_Image_Icon.Enabled = true; } else { RFV_Image_Icon.ValidationGroup = "x"; RFV_Image_Icon.Enabled = false; } if (Page.IsValid) { Boolean st = true; try { using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope()) { n.District_id = ddl_district.SelectedValue;// Session["Dist_Code"].ToString(); n.Base_dept_id = ddl_department.SelectedValue; n.Office_id = ddl_office.SelectedValue; n.Header = txtHeader.Text.Trim(); n.Permanent = ddlPermanent.SelectedValue; n.Active = ddlActive.SelectedValue; n.Hyperlink = ddlHyperlink.SelectedValue.ToString(); n.Client_ip = util.GetClientIpAddress(this.Page); n.User_id = Session["username"].ToString(); // n.Datetime = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Now).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); DateTime today = DateTime.Today; n.Datetime = today.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); if (ddlPermanent.SelectedValue == "N") { n.Publish_date = null; //string datefrom = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDateFrom.Text.Trim()).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); //string dateto = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDateTo.Text.Trim()).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); //n.Datefrom = datefrom.ToString(); //n.Dateto = dateto.ToString(); DateTime datefrom = DateTime.ParseExact(txtDateFrom.Text, "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); n.Datefrom = datefrom.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); DateTime dateto = DateTime.ParseExact(txtDateTo.Text, "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); n.Dateto = dateto.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); } else if (ddlPermanent.SelectedValue == "Y") { DateTime Publish_date = DateTime.ParseExact(txtPublishDate.Text, "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); n.Publish_date = Publish_date.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); //n.Publish_date = Convert.ToDateTime(txtPublishDate.Text.Trim()).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); n.Datefrom = null; n.Dateto = null; } if (ddlHyperlink.SelectedValue == "Y") { n.Filetype = ddlType.SelectedValue; if (ddlType.SelectedValue == "I") { if (FileUpload1.HasFile) { if (FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentType == "application/x-pdf" || FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentType == "application/pdf") { if (FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentLength > maxSizePdf) { if (Session["language"].ToString() == "en-GB") { Utilities.MessageBoxShow("This PDF File Is too Big...Maximum Size allowed is 10 Mb"); } else { Utilities.MessageBoxShow("यह PDF बहुत बड़ा है...अधिकतम साइज़ 10 Mb की अनुमति है"); } // Utilities.MessageBoxShow("This PDF File Is too Big...Maximum Size allowed is 10 Mb"); st = false; preview(); } } else if (FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentType == "image/jpg" || FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentType == "image/jpeg") { if (FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentLength > maxSizeJpg) { if (Session["language"].ToString() == "en-GB") { Utilities.MessageBoxShow("This JPG File Is too Big...Maximum Size allowed is 1 Mb"); } else { Utilities.MessageBoxShow("यह JPG बहुत बड़ा है...अधिकतम साइज़ 1 Mb की अनुमति है"); } //Utilities.MessageBoxShow("This JPG File Is too Big...Maximum Size allowed is 1 Mb"); st = false; preview(); } } if (st) { if (FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentType == "application/x-pdf" || FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentType == "application/pdf" || FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentType == "image/jpg" || FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentType == "image/jpeg") { //string content_type = FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentType.ToString(); string file_ext = Path.GetExtension(FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName).ToString(); Stream fs = default(Stream); fs = FileUpload1.PostedFile.InputStream; BinaryReader br1 = new BinaryReader(fs); byte[] pdfbytes = br1.ReadBytes(FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentLength); bl.File_Extn = file_ext; bl.File_Data = pdfbytes; bl.URL = null; bl.Filename = FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName; } else { if (Session["language"].ToString() == "en-GB") { Utilities.MessageBoxShow("Only PDF and JPG files are allowed"); } else { Utilities.MessageBoxShow(" केवल PDF और JPG फाईल की अनुमति है"); } // Utilities.MessageBoxShow("Only PDF and JPG files are allowed"); st = false; preview(); } } } } else if (ddlType.SelectedValue == "E") { n.File_id = null; n.url = txtUrl.Text.Trim(); } } else if (ddlHyperlink.SelectedValue == "N") { bl.File_id = null; bl.File_Extn = null; bl.Content_type = null; bl.File_Data = new byte[] { }; bl.URL = null; bl.Filename = null; } if (FileUpload1.HasFiles) { if (st) { bl.Filename = FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName; bl.Client_ip = util.GetClientIpAddress(this.Page); bl.User_id = Session["username"].ToString(); bl.Upload_Date = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Now).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); rb = dl.Insert_FileDetails(bl); // inserting file details.. if (rb.status == true) { n.file_ID = Convert.ToInt32(dl.Get_Max_ID().table.Rows[0][0].ToString()); } } } if (st) { //new if (RadioButtonListbold.SelectedValue == "Yes") { n.Bold = "Y"; } else { n.Bold = "N"; } if (RadioButtonListblink.SelectedValue == "Yes") { n.Blink = "Y"; } else { n.Blink = "N"; } n.Priority = ddlpriority.SelectedValue; n.Color = color.Text.Trim(); // n.Image = ddlimage.SelectedItem.Text; string imgPath = HiddenField1.Value.ToString(); string cut_imgPath = imgPath.Remove(0, 3); n.Image = cut_imgPath; //HiddenField1.Value; n.status = "P"; rb = dl.Insert_Notice(n); // inserting notice details } if (rb.status == true) { ts.Complete(); if (Session["language"].ToString() == "en-GB") { Utilities.MessageBoxShow_Redirect("Record Saved Successfully", "../admin/notice_entry.aspx"); } else { Utilities.MessageBoxShow_Redirect("रिकार्ड सफलतापूर्वक सुरक्षित हुआ", "../admin/notice_entry.aspx"); } // Utilities.MessageBoxShow_Redirect("Record Save Successfully", "../admin/notice_entry.aspx"); clear(); // BindDropDownList(); // BindTitles(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { rb.status = false; if (Session["language"].ToString() == "en-GB") { Utilities.MessageBoxShow("Record could not be saved."); } else { Utilities.MessageBoxShow("रिकार्ड सुरक्षित नहीं हुआ |"); } // Utilities.MessageBoxShow("Record could not be saved."); Gen_Error_Rpt.Write_Error("Notice_Entry.aspx_btnSubmit_Click", ex); } } } }
public ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable Get_NoticeRecords(Notice_Entry bl) { ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable rd = new ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable(); db_maria_connection db = new db_maria_connection(); string str = @" SELECT A.Notice_Id, Header, A.File_Id, DATE_FORMAT(Validity_From,'%d/%m/%Y') as publishdate, ( CASE WHEN File_Header is NULL THEN 'No File' ELSE File_Header END ) as filename, mime_type, file_data, dist.District_Name as dist_name, dept.dept_name as dept_name, ofc.OfficeName as ofc_name FROM notice_board A left join notice_file_details B on A.File_Id=B.file_id left join districts dist on A.district_id = dist.District_ID left join basedepartment dept on A.base_dept_id = dept.dept_id left join office ofc on A.office_id = ofc.NewOfficeCode and dept.dept_id= ofc.BaseDeptCode and dist.District_ID = ofc.DistrictCodeNew where 1 and 1 "; string end_where = " ORDER BY Validity_From DESC "; string and_where = ""; try { List <MySqlParameter> pm = new List <MySqlParameter>(); if (bl.NoticeID != null && bl.NoticeID != "") { MySqlParameter fa = new MySqlParameter("notice_id", "%" + bl.NoticeID + "%"); pm.Add(fa); and_where += " and A.Notice_Id LIKE @notice_id "; } if (bl.Header != null && bl.Header != "") { MySqlParameter fa = new MySqlParameter("Header", "%" + bl.Header + "%"); pm.Add(fa); and_where += " and Header LIKE @Header "; } if (bl.Validity_From != null && bl.Validity_From != "" && bl.Validity_To != null & bl.Validity_To != "") { MySqlParameter fa = new MySqlParameter("Start_Date", bl.Validity_From); pm.Add(fa); fa = new MySqlParameter("End_Date", bl.Validity_To); pm.Add(fa); and_where += " and ( Validity_From >= @Start_Date and Validity_To <= @End_Date ) "; } else if (bl.Validity_From != null && bl.Validity_From != "" && (bl.Validity_To == null || bl.Validity_To == "")) { MySqlParameter fa = new MySqlParameter("Start_Date", bl.Validity_From); pm.Add(fa); fa = new MySqlParameter("NextDate", bl.Next_date); pm.Add(fa); and_where += " and startdate >= @Start_Date and startdate < @NextDate "; } if (bl.KeywordSearch != null && bl.KeywordSearch != "") { MySqlParameter fa = new MySqlParameter("KeywordSearch", "%" + bl.KeywordSearch + "%"); pm.Add(fa); and_where += " and Notice_keyword LIKE @KeywordSearch "; } if (bl.District_id != "0") { MySqlParameter fa = new MySqlParameter("District_ID", bl.District_id); pm.Add(fa); and_where += " and A.district_id = @District_ID "; } if (bl.Base_dept_id != "0") { MySqlParameter fa = new MySqlParameter("Base_department_id", bl.Base_dept_id); pm.Add(fa); and_where += " and base_dept_id = @Base_department_id "; } if (bl.Office_id != "0") { MySqlParameter fa = new MySqlParameter("Office_id", bl.Office_id); pm.Add(fa); and_where += " and office_id = @Office_id "; } str = str + and_where + end_where; rd = db.executeSelectQuery(str, pm.ToArray()); } catch (Exception ex) { Gen_Error_Rpt.Write_Error("../dio/dl_Dio/Bind_Grid log.txt"); } return(rd); }
public ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable load_FilterData(Notice_Entry ne) { ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable dts = new ReturnClass.ReturnDataTable(); db_maria_connection db = new db_maria_connection(); MySqlParameter[] param = new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("Header", "%" + ne.Header + "%"), new MySqlParameter("Validity_From", ne.Datefrom), new MySqlParameter("Validity_To", ne.Dateto), new MySqlParameter("district_id", ne.district_id), new MySqlParameter("active",, new MySqlParameter("status", ne.status) }; string query = "", where = ""; query = @"select nb.Notice_Id as Notice_Id,nb.File_Id as File_Id,nb.Header as Header,nb.bold,nb.blink,nb.priority,nb.color,nb.image,fd.mime_type as mime_type,fd.file_data as file_data,nb.district_id, (CASE WHEN Validity_From IS NOT NULL OR Validity_From !='' THEN DATE_FORMAT(Validity_From,'%d/%m/%Y') ELSE 'Not Available' END)Validity_From, (CASE WHEN Validity_To IS NOT NULL OR Validity_To!='' THEN DATE_FORMAT(Validity_To,'%d/%m/%Y') ELSE 'Not Available' END)Validity_To, (CASE WHEN DATE_FORMAT(Publish_Date,'%d/%m/%Y') IS NULL OR DATE_FORMAT(Publish_Date,'%d/%m/%Y')='' THEN DATE_FORMAT(validity_from,'%d/%m/%Y') ELSE DATE_FORMAT(Publish_Date,'%d/%m/%Y') END)Publish_Date, (case when url is null or url='' then 'Not Available' else url end)url, (case when Permanent='Y' then 'Yes' when Permanent='N' then 'No' end)permanent, (case when hyperlink='Y' then 'Yes' when hyperlink='N' then 'No' end)hyperlink, (case when Active='A' then 'Active' when Active='D' then 'Inactive' end)Active, (case when file_type='I' then 'Internal' when file_type='E' then 'External' end)file_type from notice_board nb left outer join notice_file_details fd on nb.file_id=fd.file_id where 1=1"; where += " and nb.district_id=@district_id "; if (ne.Subject_status == "Y") { //where += "and Header like '%'+ @Header +'%'"; where += " and nb.Header like @Header "; } else { } if (ne.Validity_status == "A") { // where += @" and (permanent = 'N' AND // Date_Format(NOW(),'%d/%m/%Y') between Date_Format(validity_from,'%d/%m/%Y' ) AND Date_Format(Validity_To, '%d/%m/%Y')) // OR (permanent = 'Y' and (Date_Format(NOW(),'%d/%m/%Y') >= Date_Format(Publish_Date,'%d/%m/%Y'))) "; where += @" and case when permanent = 'N' then NOW() between validity_from AND Validity_To else NOW() >= Publish_Date end" ; } else if (ne.Validity_status == "E") { //where += @" and (nb.permanent='N' and Date_Format(NOW(),'%d/%m/%Y') > Date_Format(Validity_To,'%d/%m/%Y'))"; where += @" and nb.permanent='N' and NOW() > Validity_To"; } if (ne.Fromto_status == "YY") { where += " and validity_from>=@Validity_From and validity_to<=@Validity_To "; } else { } if (ne.Fromto_status == "Y") { where += " and validity_from>=@Validity_From "; } else { } where += " order by publish_date DESC"; query += where; dts = db.executeSelectQuery(query, param); return(dts); }
public ReturnClass.ReturnBool update_notice(Notice_Entry ne) { ReturnClass.ReturnBool rb = new ReturnClass.ReturnBool(); db_maria_connection db = new db_maria_connection(); //BA_layer ba = new BA_layer(); MySqlParameter[] param = new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("Header", ne.Header), new MySqlParameter("Pernament", ne.Permanent), new MySqlParameter("Publish_Date", ne.Publish_date), new MySqlParameter("Validity_From", ne.Datefrom), new MySqlParameter("Validity_To", ne.Dateto), new MySqlParameter("Active", ne.Active), new MySqlParameter("Hyperlink", ne.Hyperlink), new MySqlParameter("File_Type", ne.Filetype), new MySqlParameter("File_Id", ne.file_ID), new MySqlParameter("Url", ne.Url), new MySqlParameter("Client_Ip", ne.Client_ip), new MySqlParameter("User_Id", ne.User_id), new MySqlParameter("Date_Time", ne.Datetime), new MySqlParameter("Notice_Id", ne.NoticeID), new MySqlParameter("bold", ne.Bold), new MySqlParameter("blink", ne.Blink), new MySqlParameter("priority", ne.Priority), new MySqlParameter("color", ne.Color), new MySqlParameter("image", ne.Image), new MySqlParameter("district_id", ne.District_id), new MySqlParameter("dept_id", ne.Base_dept_id), new MySqlParameter("ofc_id", ne.Office_id) }; try { using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope()) { string qur = "insert into notice_board_log select * from Notice_Board where Notice_Id=@Notice_Id"; rb = db.executeInsertQuery(qur, param); if (rb.status == true) { string upqur = "update notice_board set Header=@Header,Permanent=@Pernament,Publish_Date=@Publish_Date,Validity_From=@Validity_From, " + " Validity_To=@Validity_To,Active=@Active,Hyperlink=@Hyperlink,File_Type=@File_Type, " + " Url=@Url,Client_Ip=@Client_Ip,User_Id=@User_Id,Date_Time=@Date_Time,bold=@bold,blink=@blink,priority=@priority,color=@color,image=@image,File_Id=@File_Id , " + " district_id=@district_id, base_dept_id=@dept_id, office_id=@ofc_id " + " where Notice_Id=@Notice_Id "; rb = db.executeUpdateQuery(upqur, param); } if (rb.status == true) { ts.Complete(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { rb.status = false; Gen_Error_Rpt.Write_Error("Notice Edit Form - Update Method() :- " + ex.Message.ToString()); } return(rb); }