コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Insert data into NotesDatabases table
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DSObject">NotesDatabases object</param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public bool InsertData(NotesDatabases NDObject)
            bool Insert = false;
            //1/15/2016 NS modified for VSPLUS-2501
            int paramnum = 0;

            string[] paramnames  = new string[16];
            string[] paramvalues = new string[16];
                paramnum        = 16;
                paramnames[0]   = "@name";
                paramnames[1]   = "@category";
                paramnames[2]   = "@scaninterval";
                paramnames[3]   = "@offhrscaninterval";
                paramnames[4]   = "@serverid";
                paramnames[5]   = "@enabled";
                paramnames[6]   = "@respthreshold";
                paramnames[7]   = "@retryinterval";
                paramnames[8]   = "@servername";
                paramnames[9]   = "@filename";
                paramnames[10]  = "@triggertype";
                paramnames[11]  = "@triggerval";
                paramnames[12]  = "@abovebelow";
                paramnames[13]  = "@repdest";
                paramnames[14]  = "@initrep";
                paramnames[15]  = "@id";
                paramvalues[0]  = NDObject.Name;
                paramvalues[1]  = NDObject.Category;
                paramvalues[2]  = Convert.ToString(NDObject.ScanInterval);
                paramvalues[3]  = Convert.ToString(NDObject.OffHoursScanInterval);
                paramvalues[4]  = Convert.ToString(NDObject.ServerID);
                paramvalues[5]  = Convert.ToString(NDObject.Enabled);
                paramvalues[6]  = Convert.ToString(NDObject.ResponseThreshold);
                paramvalues[7]  = Convert.ToString(NDObject.RetryInterval);
                paramvalues[8]  = NDObject.ServerName;
                paramvalues[9]  = NDObject.FileName;
                paramvalues[10] = NDObject.TriggerType;
                paramvalues[11] = Convert.ToString(NDObject.TriggerValue);
                paramvalues[12] = NDObject.AboveBelow;
                paramvalues[13] = NDObject.ReplicationDestination;
                paramvalues[14] = Convert.ToString(NDObject.InitiateReplication);
                paramvalues[15] = Convert.ToString(NDObject.ID);
                string SqlQuery = "INSERT INTO NotesDatabases (Name,Category,ScanInterval,OffHoursScanInterval,Enabled,ResponseThreshold" +
                                  ",RetryInterval,ServerID,ServerName,FileName,TriggerType,TriggerValue,AboveBelow,ReplicationDestination,InitiateReplication)" +
                                  "VALUES(" + paramnames[0] + "," + paramnames[1] + "," + paramnames[2] + "," + paramnames[3] +
                                  "," + paramnames[5] + "," + paramnames[6] + "," + paramnames[7] + "," + paramnames[4] + "," + paramnames[8] + "," + paramnames[9] +
                                  "," + paramnames[10] + "," + paramnames[11] + "," + paramnames[12] + "," + paramnames[13] +
                                  "," + paramnames[14] + ")";

                Insert = objAdaptor.ExecuteQueryWithParams(SqlQuery, paramnum, paramnames, paramvalues);
                Insert = false;
コード例 #2
 public DataTable GetName(NotesDatabases NDObj)
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw ex;
コード例 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Call DAL Delete Data
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="NDObject"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public Object DeleteData(NotesDatabases NDObject)
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw ex;
コード例 #4
 public NotesDatabases GetDataOnID(NotesDatabases NDObject)
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw ex;
コード例 #5
        private void InsertNotesDatabase()
            NotesDatabases NDObj = new NotesDatabases();

            NDObj.Name = NameTextBox.Text;
            DataTable returntable = VSWebBL.ConfiguratorBL.NotesDatabaseBL.Ins.GetName(NDObj);

            if (returntable.Rows.Count > 0)
                ErrorMessageLabel.Text = "This Notes Database name is already in use.  Each db name must be unique to make sense on the Overall Health tab.  Please enter a different name.";
                ErrorMessagePopupControl.ShowOnPageLoad = true;
                flag = true;
                    object ReturnValue = VSWebBL.ConfiguratorBL.NotesDatabaseBL.Ins.InsertData(CollectDataForNotesDatabase());
                    if (ReturnValue.ToString() == "True")
                         * ErrorMessageLabel.Text = "Data inserted successfully.";
                         * ErrorMessagePopupControl.HeaderText = "Information";
                         * ErrorMessagePopupControl.ShowCloseButton = false;
                         * ValidationUpdatedButton.Visible = true;
                         * ValidationOkButton.Visible = false;
                         * ErrorMessagePopupControl.ShowOnPageLoad = true;
                        //12/8/2014 NS modified to redirect to the server grid page
                        Session["NotesDBUpdateStatus"] = NameTextBox.Text;
                        Response.Redirect("NotesDatabase.aspx", false);//Mukund, 05Aug14, VSPLUS-844:Page redirect on callback
                catch (Exception ex)
                    errorDiv.Style.Value = "display: block";
                    //10/3/2014 NS modified for VSPLUS-990
                    errorDiv.InnerHtml = "The following error has occurred: " + ex.Message +
                                         "<button type=\"button\" class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"alert\"><span aria-hidden=\"true\">&times;</span><span class=\"sr-only\">Close</span></button>";
                    //6/27/2014 NS added for VSPLUS-634
                    Log.Entry.Ins.WriteHistoryEntry(DateTime.Now.ToString() + " Exception - " + ex);
                    throw ex;
                finally { }
コード例 #6
        protected void NotesDatabaseGridView_RowDeleting(object sender, DevExpress.Web.Data.ASPxDataDeletingEventArgs e)
            NotesDatabases NDObject = new NotesDatabases();

            NDObject.ID = Convert.ToInt32(e.Keys[0]);
            //Delete row from DB
            Object ReturnValue = VSWebBL.ConfiguratorBL.NotesDatabaseBL.Ins.DeleteData(NDObject);

            //Update Grid after inserting new row, refresh grid as in page load
            ASPxGridView gridView = (ASPxGridView)sender;

            e.Cancel = true;
コード例 #7
        public DataTable GetName(NotesDatabases NDObj)
            //SametimeServers SametimeObj = new SametimeServers();
            DataTable NotesTable = new DataTable();

                string sqlQuery = "Select * from NotesDatabases where Name='" + NDObj.Name + "'";
                NotesTable = objAdaptor.FetchData(sqlQuery);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
コード例 #8
        //delete Data from NotesDatabases Table

        public Object DeleteData(NotesDatabases NDObject)
            Object Update;

                string SqlQuery = "Delete NotesDatabases Where ID=" + NDObject.ID;

                Update = objAdaptor.ExecuteNonQuery(SqlQuery);
                Update = false;
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Call to Update Data of NotesDatabases based on Key
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="NDObject">NotesDatabases object</param>
        /// <returns>Object</returns>
        public Object UpdateData(NotesDatabases NDObject)
            Object ReturnValue = ValidateDCUpdate(NDObject);

                if (ReturnValue.ToString() == "")
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Get  Data from NotesDatabase based on ID
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public NotesDatabases GetDataOnID(NotesDatabases NDObject)
            NotesDatabases ReturnNDObject          = new NotesDatabases();
            DataTable      NotesDatabasesDataTable = new DataTable();

                string SqlQuery = "SELECT *,(select servername from servers where id=NotesDatabases.serverid) as servernames  FROM NotesDatabases where ID=" + NDObject.ID.ToString();

                NotesDatabasesDataTable = objAdaptor.FetchData(SqlQuery);
                if (NotesDatabasesDataTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                    ReturnNDObject.ID                     = int.Parse(NotesDatabasesDataTable.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString());
                    ReturnNDObject.Name                   = NotesDatabasesDataTable.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString();
                    ReturnNDObject.Category               = NotesDatabasesDataTable.Rows[0]["TriggerType"].ToString();
                    ReturnNDObject.ScanInterval           = int.Parse(NotesDatabasesDataTable.Rows[0]["ScanInterval"].ToString());
                    ReturnNDObject.OffHoursScanInterval   = int.Parse(NotesDatabasesDataTable.Rows[0]["OffHoursScanInterval"].ToString());
                    ReturnNDObject.Enabled                = bool.Parse(NotesDatabasesDataTable.Rows[0]["Enabled"].ToString());
                    ReturnNDObject.ResponseThreshold      = int.Parse(NotesDatabasesDataTable.Rows[0]["ResponseThreshold"].ToString());
                    ReturnNDObject.RetryInterval          = int.Parse(NotesDatabasesDataTable.Rows[0]["RetryInterval"].ToString());
                    ReturnNDObject.ServerName             = NotesDatabasesDataTable.Rows[0]["servernames"].ToString();
                    ReturnNDObject.FileName               = NotesDatabasesDataTable.Rows[0]["FileName"].ToString();
                    ReturnNDObject.TriggerType            = NotesDatabasesDataTable.Rows[0]["TriggerType"].ToString();
                    ReturnNDObject.TriggerValue           = float.Parse(NotesDatabasesDataTable.Rows[0]["TriggerValue"].ToString());
                    ReturnNDObject.AboveBelow             = NotesDatabasesDataTable.Rows[0]["AboveBelow"].ToString();
                    ReturnNDObject.ReplicationDestination = NotesDatabasesDataTable.Rows[0]["ReplicationDestination"].ToString();
                    ReturnNDObject.InitiateReplication    = bool.Parse(NotesDatabasesDataTable.Rows[0]["InitiateReplication"].ToString());
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
コード例 #11
        protected void ASPxDataView2_DataBound(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //    Mukund 10Jun2014
            //VSPLUS-673: Executive Summary should have the same right-click menu as other screens
                ASPxDataView dataview = new ASPxDataView();
                dataview = (ASPxDataView)sender;
                if (dataview.Items.Count > 0)
                    for (int j = 0; j < dataview.Items.Count; j++)
                        ASPxPanel panel = new ASPxPanel();
                        panel           = (ASPxPanel)dataview.FindItemControl("ASPxPanel1", dataview.Items[j]);
                        panel.BackColor = GetColor(dataview.Items[j].DataItem);

                        string strURL     = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Authority;
                        string strURLFile = "";

                        string lblLoc = (dataview.Items[j].DataItem as DataRowView)["Location"].ToString();
                        //10/5/2015 NS modified for VSPLUS-2247
                        //string lblIP = (dataview.Items[j].DataItem as DataRowView)["IPAddress"].ToString();
                        string lbltext = (dataview.Items[j].DataItem as DataRowView)["Name"].ToString();
                        string lbltype = (dataview.Items[j].DataItem as DataRowView)["Type"].ToString();
                        //10/9/2014 NS added
                        string lblstatus = (dataview.Items[j].DataItem as DataRowView)["Status"].ToString();
                        string Cat       = (dataview.Items[j].DataItem as DataRowView)["Category"].ToString();

                        string lbltext1 = "";
                        //1/30/2015 NS added for VSPLUS-1367
                        string lblDate = (dataview.Items[j].DataItem as DataRowView)["LastUpdate"].ToString();
                        lbltext1 = lbltext;
                        HtmlGenericControl divControl = (HtmlGenericControl)panel.FindControl("divmenu");                        // e.Item.FindControl("divControl") as HtmlGenericControl;
                        string             imgtext    = "";
                        imgtext = "<img src='" + (dataview.Items[j].DataItem as DataRowView)["imgsource"].ToString() + "'/>";
                        string lbl2 = "";
                        //lbl2 = "<font color='" + GetTextColor(dataview.Items[j].DataItem).ToString() + "' face='Tahoma' size='1'>" + (dataview.Items[j].DataItem as DataRowView)["Status"].ToString() + "</font>";
                        lbl2 = "<span class='" + GetTextCSS(dataview.Items[j].DataItem) + "'>" + (dataview.Items[j].DataItem as DataRowView)["Status"].ToString() + "</span>";
                        if (lbltext.Length > 16)
                            lbltext1 = lbltext.Substring(0, 14) + "...";
                        if (!(Session["UserFullName"] != null && Session["UserFullName"].ToString() == "Anonymous"))
                            string stredit    = "";
                            string strsuspend = "";
                            if (Session["Isconfigurator"] != null)
                                if (Session["Isconfigurator"].ToString() == "True")
                                    stredit    = "                    ,'edit" + j + "': { name: 'Edit in Configurator', icon: 'cut' }";
                                    strsuspend = "                    ,'suspend" + j + "': { name: 'Suspend Temporarily', icon: 'copy' }";

                            string id = (VSWebBL.SecurityBL.ServersBL.Ins.GetServerIDbyServerNameType(lbltext, lbltype)).ToString();
                            if (lbltype == "Exchange")
                                //10/5/2015 NS modified for VSPLUS-2247
                                strURLFile = "/Configurator/ExchangeServer.aspx?ID=" + id + "&name=" + lbltext + "&Cat=Exchange&Loc=" + lblLoc; // + "&ipaddr=" + lblIP;
                            else if (lbltype == "Mail")
                                id         = (VSWebBL.ConfiguratorBL.MailServicesBL.Ins.GetServerIDbyServerName(lbltext)).ToString();
                                strURLFile = "/Configurator/MailService.aspx?Key=" + id;
                            else if (lbltype == "Skype for Business")
                                strURLFile = "/Configurator/LyncServer.aspx?ID=" + id + "&Name=" + lbltext + "&Cat=" + Cat + "&Loc=" + lblLoc;
                            else if (lbltype == "SharePoint")
                                strURLFile = "/Configurator/SharepointServer.aspx?ID=" + id + "&Name=" + lbltext + "&Cat=" + Cat + "&Loc=" + lblLoc;
                            else if (lbltype.ToString() == "BES")
                                id = (VSWebBL.SecurityBL.ServersBL.Ins.GetServerIDbyServerName(lbltext)).ToString();

                                strURLFile = "/Configurator/BlackBerryEntertpriseServer.aspx?Key=" + id;
                            else if (lbltype == "Sametime")
                                id         = (VSWebBL.SecurityBL.ServersBL.Ins.GetServerIDbyServerName(lbltext)).ToString();
                                strURLFile = "/Configurator/SametimeServer.aspx?ID=" + id;

                            else if (lbltype == "Network Device")
                                id         = (VSWebBL.ConfiguratorBL.NetworkDevicesBL.Ins.GetServerIDbyServerName(lbltext)).ToString();
                                strURLFile = "/Configurator/NetworkDeviceProperties.aspx?ID=" + id;
                            else if (lbltype == "URL")
                                id         = (VSWebBL.ConfiguratorBL.URLsBL.Ins.GetServerIDbyServerName(lbltext)).ToString();
                                strURLFile = "/Configurator/URLProperties.aspx?ID=" + id;
                            else if (lbltype == "Notes Database")
                                NotesDatabases nodj = new NotesDatabases();
                                nodj.Name = lbltext;
                                DataTable dt = VSWebBL.ConfiguratorBL.NotesDatabaseBL.Ins.GetName(nodj);
                                if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                                    id = dt.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString();
                                strURLFile = "/Configurator/EditNotes.aspx?ID=" + id;
                            else if (lbltype == "NotesMail Probe")
                                strURLFile = "/Configurator/EditNotesMailProbe.aspx?Name=" + lbltext;
                            else if (lbltype == "ExchangeMail Probe")
                                strURLFile = "/Configurator/EditExchangeMailProbe.aspx?Name=" + lbltext;
                            else if (lbltype == "Windows")
                                id = (VSWebBL.SecurityBL.ServersBL.Ins.GetServerIDbyServerName(lbltext)).ToString();

                                strURLFile = "/Configurator/WindowsProperties.aspx?ID=" + id + "&Name=" + lbltext + "&Cat=" + Cat + "&Loc=" + lblLoc;
                            else if (lbltype == "Active Directory")
                                id = (VSWebBL.SecurityBL.ServersBL.Ins.GetServerIDbyServerName(lbltext)).ToString();
                                //10/5/2015 NS modified for VSPLUS-2247
                                strURLFile = "/Configurator/ActiveDirectoryProperties.aspx?ID=" + id + "&name=" + lbltext + "&Cat=" + Cat + "&Loc=" + lblLoc; // +"&ipaddr=" + lblIP;
                            //5/9/2016 Sowjanya modified for VSPLUS-2943
                            else if (lbltype == "IBM Connections")
                                id = (VSWebBL.SecurityBL.ServersBL.Ins.GetServerIDbyServerName(lbltext)).ToString();

                                strURLFile = "/Configurator/IBMConnections.aspx?ID=" + id + "&name=" + lbltext + "&Cat=" + Cat + "&Loc=" + lblLoc; // +"&ipaddr=" + lblIP;
                            else if (lbltype == "Office365")
                                strURLFile = "/Configurator/O365ServerProperties.aspx";
                                strURLFile = "/Configurator/DominoProperties.aspx?Key=" + id;

                            //lbltext1 = "<strong><font color='Black' face='Tahoma' size='2'><a class='dlink' href='DominoServerDetailsPage2.aspx?Name=" + lbltext + "&Type=Domino'>" + lbltext1 + "</a></font></strong>";
                            //1/30/2015 NS modified for VSPLUS-1367
                            //lbltext1 = "<a class='ahrefdom' href='DominoServerDetailsPage2.aspx?Name=" + lbltext + "&Type=Domino&Status=" + lblstatus + "'>" + lbltext1 + "</a>";
                            //10/5/2015 NS modified for VSPLUS-2247
                            if (lbltype == "Domino")
                                lbltext1 = "<a class='ahrefdom' title='" + lbltext + "' href='DominoServerDetailsPage2.aspx?Name=" + lbltext + "&Type=" + lbltype + "&Status=" + lblstatus + "'>" + lbltext1 + "</a>";
                            else if (lbltype == "Exchange")
                                lbltext1 = "<a class='ahrefdom' title='" + lbltext + "' href='ExchangeServerDetailsPage3.aspx?Name=" + lbltext + "&Type=" + lbltype + "&Status=" + lblstatus + "&LastDate=" + lblDate + "'>" + lbltext1 + "</a>";
                            else if (lbltype == "Database Availability Group")
                                lbltext1 = "<a class='ahrefdom' title='" + lbltext + "' href='DAGHealth.aspx?Name=" + lbltext + "'>" + lbltext1 + "</a>";
                            else if (lbltype == "SharePoint")
                                lbltext1 = "<a class='ahrefdom' title='" + lbltext + "' href='Sharepointdetailspage.aspx?Name=" + lbltext + "&Type=" + lbltype + "&Status=" + lblstatus + "&LastDate=" + lblDate + "'>" + lbltext1 + "</a>";
                            else if (lbltype == "Active Directory")
                                lbltext1 = "<a class='ahrefdom' title='" + lbltext + "' href='ActiveDirectoryServerDetailsPage3.aspx?Name=" + lbltext + "&Type=" + lbltype + "&Status=" + lblstatus + "&LastDate=" + lblDate + "'>" + lbltext1 + "</a>";
                            else if (lbltype == "URL")
                                lbltext1 = "<a class='ahrefdom' title='" + lbltext + "' href='URLDetails.aspx?Name=" + lbltext + "&Type=" + lbltype + "&Status=" + lblstatus + "'>" + lbltext1 + "</a>";
                            else if (lbltype == "Sametime")
                                lbltext1 = "<a class='ahrefdom' title='" + lbltext + "' href='SametimeServerDetailsPage.aspx?Name=" + lbltext + "&Type=" + lbltype + "&Status=" + lblstatus + "&LastDate=" + lblDate + "'>" + lbltext1 + "</a>";
                            else if (lbltype == "Notes Database")
                                lbltext1 = "<a class='ahrefdom' title='" + lbltext + "' href='DominoServerDetailsPage2.aspx?Name=" + lbltext + "&Type=" + lbltype + "&Status=" + lblstatus + "&LastDate=" + lblDate + "'>" + lbltext1 + "</a>";
                            else if (lbltype == "Office365")
                                lbltext1 = "<a class='ahrefdom' title='" + lbltext + "' href='office365health.aspx?Name=" + lbltext + "&Type=" + lbltype + "&LastDate=" + lblDate + "'>" + lbltext1 + "</a>";
                            else if (lbltype == "NotesMail Probe")
                                lbltext1 = "<a class='ahrefdom' title='" + lbltext + "' href='NotesMailProbeDetailsPage.aspx?Name=" + lbltext + "&Type=" + lbltype + "&Status=" + lblstatus + "&LastDate=" + lblDate + "'>" + lbltext1 + "</a>";
                            else if (lbltype == "Skype for Business")
                                lbltext1 = "<a class='ahrefdom' title='" + lbltext + "' href='Lyncdetailspage.aspx?Name=" + lbltext + "&Type=" + lbltype + "&LastDate=" + lblDate + "'>" + lbltext1 + "</a>";
                            else if (lbltype == "BES")
                                lbltext1 = "<a class='ahrefdom' title='" + lbltext + "' href='BlackBerryServerDetailsPage2.aspx?Name=" + lbltext + "&Type=" + lbltype + "&LastDate=" + lblDate + "'>" + lbltext1 + "</a>";
                            else if (lbltype == "ExchangeMail Probe")
                                lbltext1 = "<a class='ahrefdom' title='" + lbltext + "' href='ExchangeMailProbeDetailsPage.aspx?Name=" + lbltext + "&Type=" + lbltype + "&LastDate=" + lblDate + "'>" + lbltext1 + "</a>";
                            else if (lbltype == "Windows")
                                lbltext1 = "<a class='ahrefdom' title='" + lbltext + "' href='WindowsServerDetails.aspx?Name=" + lbltext + "&Type=" + lbltype + "&LastDate=" + lblDate + "'>" + lbltext1 + "</a>";
                            else if (lbltype == "Network Device")
                                lbltext1 = "<a class='ahrefdom' title='" + lbltext + "' href='NetworkServerDetails.aspx?Name=" + lbltext + "&Type=" + lbltype + "&LastDate=" + lblDate + "'>" + lbltext1 + "</a>";
                            else if (lbltype == "SNMP Device")
                                lbltext1 = "<a class='ahrefdom' title='" + lbltext + "' href='SNMPDeviceDetails.aspx?Name=" + lbltext + "&Type=" + lbltype + "&LastDate=" + lblDate + "'>" + lbltext1 + "</a>";
                            //5/12/2016 Sowjanya modified for VSPLUS-2943
                            else if (lbltype == "IBM Connections")
                                lbltext1 = "<a class='ahrefdom' title='" + lbltext + "' href='ConnectionsDetailsPage.aspx?Name=" + lbltext + "&Type=" + lbltype + "&Status=" + lblstatus + "&LastDate=" + lblDate + "'>" + lbltext1 + "</a>";
                                lbltext1 = "<a class='ahrefdom' title='" + lbltext + "' href='DominoServerDetailsPage2.aspx?Name=" + lbltext + "&Type=" + lbltype + "&Status=" + lblstatus + "&LastDate=" + lblDate + "'>" + lbltext1 + "</a>";
                            divControl.InnerHtml =
                                "     <div class='context-menu-one" + j + "'><table id='tbl' class='boxshadow' runat='server'>" +
                                "   <tr>" +
                                "     <td>" + imgtext +
                                "      </td>" +
                                "<td>" +
                                "            <div style='overflow: visible'>" + lbltext1 +
                                "            </div>" +
                                "        </td>" +
                                "    </tr>" +
                                "    <tr>" +
                                "        <td>" +
                                "            &nbsp;</td>" +
                                "        <td>" + lbl2 +
                                "        </td>" +
                                "    </tr>" +
                                "</table> </div>" +
                                "<script type='text/javascript'>" +
                                "        $(function () {" +
                                "            $.contextMenu({" +
                                "                selector: '.context-menu-one" + j + "'," +
                                "                callback: function (key, options) {" +
                                "                    var m =  key; " +
                                "                    var scan_n = 'scan" + j + "'; " +
                                "                    var edit_n = 'edit" + j + "'; " +
                                "                    var suspend_n = 'suspend" + j + "'; " +
                                " if(m==edit_n){window.location.replace('" + strURL + strURLFile + "');}" +
                                " if(m==scan_n){ScanNow('" + lbltext + "','" + lbltype + "');}" +
                                " if(m==suspend_n){SuspendNow('" + lbltext + "');}" +
                                "                }," +
                                "                items: {" +
                                "                    'scan" + j + "': { name: 'Scan Now', icon: 'edit' }" +
                                stredit +
                                strsuspend +
                                "                }" +
                                "            });" +
                                "" +
                                "            $('.context-menu-one" + j + "').on('click', function (e) {" +
                                "                console.log('clicked', this); " +
                                "            })" +
                                "        });" +
                                " " +
                                "    </script>";
                            lbltext1             = "<strong><font color='Black' face='Tahoma' size='2'>" + lbltext1 + "</font></strong>";
                            divControl.InnerHtml =
                                "    <table id='tbl' class='boxshadow' runat='server'>" +
                                "   <tr>" +
                                "     <td>" + imgtext +
                                "      </td>" +
                                "<td>" +
                                "            <div style='overflow: visible'>" + lbltext1 +
                                "            </div>" +
                                "        </td>" +
                                "    </tr>" +
                                "    <tr>" +
                                "        <td>" +
                                "            &nbsp;</td>" +
                                "        <td>" + lbl2 +
                                "        </td>" +
                                "    </tr>" +
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
コード例 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Validation before submitting data for Server tab
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="NDObject"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Object ValidateDCUpdate(NotesDatabases NDObject)
            Object ReturnValue = "";

                if (NDObject.Name == null || NDObject.Name == "")
                    return("ER#Please enter a name to identify this Notes database.");
                if (NDObject.ServerName == null || NDObject.ServerName == " ")
                    return("ER#Please select a licensed server.");
                if (NDObject.TriggerValue == null || NDObject.TriggerValue.ToString() == "")
                    switch (NDObject.Category.ToString())
                    case "Document Count":

                        return("ER#Please enter a number of documents for this Notes database, over which will be considered 'too many'.");


                    case "Database Size":

                        return("ER#Please enter a size, over which the Notes database will be considered 'too big'.");


                    case "Database Response Time":

                        return("ER#Please enter a Response Threshold, in milliseconds, over which the device will be considered 'slow'.");


                if (NDObject.FileName == null || NDObject.FileName == " ")
                    return("ER#Please enter a database file name");
                if (NDObject.ScanInterval == null)
                    return("ER#Please enter a Scan Interval");
                if (NDObject.OffHoursScanInterval == null)
                    return("ER#Please enter an off-hours Scan Interval");
                if (NDObject.RetryInterval == null)
                    return("ER#Please enter a Retry Interval, to be used when the device is down.");
                //if ((NDObject.RetryInterval)>(NDObject.ScanInterval))
                //    return "ER#Please enter a Retry Interval that is less than the Scan Interval.";
            catch (Exception ex)
            { throw ex; }
            { }
コード例 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Update data into NotesDatabases table
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="NDObject">NotesDatabases object</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Object UpdateData(NotesDatabases NDObject)
            Object Update;
            int    paramnum = 0;

            string[] paramnames  = new string[16];
            string[] paramvalues = new string[16];
                paramnum        = 16;
                paramnames[0]   = "@name";
                paramnames[1]   = "@category";
                paramnames[2]   = "@scaninterval";
                paramnames[3]   = "@offhrscaninterval";
                paramnames[4]   = "@serverid";
                paramnames[5]   = "@enabled";
                paramnames[6]   = "@respthreshold";
                paramnames[7]   = "@retryinterval";
                paramnames[8]   = "@servername";
                paramnames[9]   = "@filename";
                paramnames[10]  = "@triggertype";
                paramnames[11]  = "@triggerval";
                paramnames[12]  = "@abovebelow";
                paramnames[13]  = "@repdest";
                paramnames[14]  = "@initrep";
                paramnames[15]  = "@id";
                paramvalues[0]  = NDObject.Name;
                paramvalues[1]  = NDObject.Category;
                paramvalues[2]  = Convert.ToString(NDObject.ScanInterval);
                paramvalues[3]  = Convert.ToString(NDObject.OffHoursScanInterval);
                paramvalues[4]  = Convert.ToString(NDObject.ServerID);
                paramvalues[5]  = Convert.ToString(NDObject.Enabled);
                paramvalues[6]  = Convert.ToString(NDObject.ResponseThreshold);
                paramvalues[7]  = Convert.ToString(NDObject.RetryInterval);
                paramvalues[8]  = NDObject.ServerName;
                paramvalues[9]  = NDObject.FileName;
                paramvalues[10] = NDObject.TriggerType;
                paramvalues[11] = Convert.ToString(NDObject.TriggerValue);
                paramvalues[12] = NDObject.AboveBelow;
                paramvalues[13] = NDObject.ReplicationDestination;
                paramvalues[14] = Convert.ToString(NDObject.InitiateReplication);
                paramvalues[15] = Convert.ToString(NDObject.ID);
                //string SqlQuery = "UPDATE NotesDatabases SET Name='" + NDObject.Name + "',Category='" + NDObject.Category +
                //    "',ScanInterval='" + NDObject.ScanInterval + "',OffHoursScanInterval='" + NDObject.OffHoursScanInterval +
                //    "',ServerID="+NDObject.ServerID+",Enabled='" + NDObject.Enabled +
                //    "',ResponseThreshold='" + NDObject.ResponseThreshold + "', RetryInterval='" + NDObject.RetryInterval +
                //    "',ServerName='" + NDObject.ServerName +
                //    "',FileName='" + NDObject.FileName + "',TriggerType='" + NDObject.TriggerType + "',TriggerValue=" + NDObject.TriggerValue +
                //    ",AboveBelow='" + NDObject.AboveBelow + "',ReplicationDestination='" + NDObject.ReplicationDestination +
                //    "',InitiateReplication='" + NDObject.InitiateReplication + "' WHERE ID = " + NDObject.ID + "";
                //Update = objAdaptor.ExecuteNonQuery(SqlQuery);
                string SqlQuery = "UPDATE NotesDatabases SET Name=" + paramnames[0] + ",Category=" + paramnames[1] +
                                  ",ScanInterval=" + paramnames[2] + ",OffHoursScanInterval=" + paramnames[3] +
                                  ",ServerID=" + paramnames[4] + ",Enabled=" + paramnames[5] +
                                  ",ResponseThreshold=" + paramnames[6] + ",RetryInterval=" + paramnames[7] +
                                  ",ServerName=" + paramnames[8] +
                                  ",FileName=" + paramnames[9] + ",TriggerType=" + paramnames[10] + ",TriggerValue=" + paramnames[11] +
                                  ",AboveBelow=" + paramnames[12] + ",ReplicationDestination=" + paramnames[13] +
                                  ",InitiateReplication=" + paramnames[14] + " WHERE ID = " + paramnames[15];
                Update = objAdaptor.ExecuteQueryWithParams(SqlQuery, paramnum, paramnames, paramvalues);
                Update = false;
コード例 #14
        private NotesDatabases CollectDataForNotesDatabase()
                //Edit Notes
                NotesDatabases NDObject = new NotesDatabases();
                if (Mode == "Update")
                    NDObject.ID = ID;

                //ND profile
                NDObject.Name = NameTextBox.Text;
                if (DominoServerComboBox.SelectedItem != null)
                    NDObject.ServerID   = int.Parse(DominoServerComboBox.SelectedItem.Value.ToString());
                    NDObject.ServerName = DominoServerComboBox.SelectedItem.Text;

                NDObject.FileName = DBFileNameTextBox.Text;
                //Scan Settings
                NDObject.RetryInterval = int.Parse(RetryIntervalTextBox.Text);
                //if (IsNumeric(OffHoursTextBox.Text) == false)
                //    // NDObject.OffHoursScanInterval = int.Parse(OffHoursTextBox.Text);
                //    OffHoursTextBox.Focus();

                NDObject.OffHoursScanInterval = int.Parse(OffHoursTextBox.Text);
                NDObject.ScanInterval         = int.Parse(ScanIntervalTextBox.Text);
                NDObject.Enabled = EnabledCheckBox.Checked;
                //Type Roundpanel
                if (TriggerValueTextBox.Text != "")
                    NDObject.ResponseThreshold = int.Parse(TriggerValueTextBox.Text);
                NDObject.InitiateReplication = InitiateRepCheckBox.Checked;
                NDObject.Category            = AlertTypeComboBox.Text;
                if (TriggerValueTextBox.Text != "")
                    NDObject.TriggerValue = float.Parse(TriggerValueTextBox.Text);
                NDObject.TriggerType = AlertTypeComboBox.Text;

                //7/30/2013 NS added
                NDObject.AboveBelow = "";
                //Figure out which servers are selected

                    myIndex = 0;
                    if (ServerListBox.SelectedItems.Count > 0)
                        foreach (Object item in ServerListBox.SelectedItems)
                            myIndex = 0;

                            foreach (Object server in DominoServerComboBox.Items)
                                if (server.ToString() == item.ToString())
                                    //string myServers="";
                                    myServers += ServerListBox.Items[myIndex].ToString() + ",";
                                myIndex += 1;
                            // Debug.Print(item.ToString)

                catch (Exception ex)
                    //6/27/2014 NS added for VSPLUS-634
                    Log.Entry.Ins.WriteHistoryEntry(DateTime.Now.ToString() + " Exception - " + ex);
                    throw ex;
                finally { }

                    myServers = myServers.Substring(0, myServers.Length - 1);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    myServers = "";         // throw ex;
                    //6/27/2014 NS added for VSPLUS-634
                    Log.Entry.Ins.WriteHistoryEntry(DateTime.Now.ToString() + " Exception - " + ex);
                finally { }

                NDObject.ReplicationDestination = myServers;

            catch (Exception ex)
                //6/27/2014 NS added for VSPLUS-634
                Log.Entry.Ins.WriteHistoryEntry(DateTime.Now.ToString() + " Exception - " + ex);
                throw ex;
            finally { }
コード例 #15
        private void FillData(int ID)
                if (ID > 0)
                    NotesDatabases NDObject = new NotesDatabases();
                    NDObject.ID = ID;

                    NDObject = VSWebBL.ConfiguratorBL.NotesDatabaseBL.Ins.GetDataOnID(NDObject);
                    //ND profile
                    NameTextBox.Text          = NDObject.Name;
                    DominoServerComboBox.Text = NDObject.ServerName;
                    DBFileNameTextBox.Text    = NDObject.FileName;
                    //Scan Settings
                    RetryIntervalTextBox.Text = NDObject.RetryInterval.ToString();
                    OffHoursTextBox.Text      = NDObject.OffHoursScanInterval.ToString();
                    ScanIntervalTextBox.Text  = NDObject.ScanInterval.ToString();
                    EnabledCheckBox.Checked   = NDObject.Enabled;

                    //Type Roundpanel

                    TriggerValueTextBox.Text    = NDObject.ResponseThreshold.ToString();
                    InitiateRepCheckBox.Checked = NDObject.InitiateReplication;
                    AlertTypeComboBox.Text      = NDObject.Category.ToString();
                    //11/19/2014 NS modified

                     * if (TriggerValueTextBox.Text != "0" && AlertTypeComboBox.Text != "Replication")
                     * {
                     *  TriggerValueTextBox.Visible = true;
                     * }

                    // string [] lines = new string[ServerListBox.Items.Count];

                    // for(int i=0;i<ServerListBox.Items.Count; i++)
                    // {

                    ////lines[i] = lb.GetItemText(lb.Items[i]); // this could be safer if you're using other objects than strings.
                    //     // or
                    //      lines[i] = ServerListBox.Items[i].ToString();

                    //    }

                    if (NDObject.Category.ToString() == "Replication")
                        Serverkeys                  = "";
                        Serverkeys                  = NDObject.ReplicationDestination;
                        ServerListBox.Enabled       = true;
                        ServerListBox.Visible       = true;
                        ServerLabel.Visible         = true;
                        InitiateRepCheckBox.Visible = true;
                        InitiateRepCheckBox.Enabled = true;

                        // Split the string at the space characters
                        words = Serverkeys.Split(',');
                        bool Found;
                            //'Explode the keys into an array, and use each key to locate the appropriate server
                            for (int i = 0; i < ServerListBox.Items.Count - 1; i++)
                                Found = false;
                                foreach (string x in words)
                                    if (x.ToString().Trim() == ServerListBox.Items[i].Text.Trim())  //lines[i].ToString())
                                        Found = true;

                                if (Found == true)
                                    ServerListBox.Items[i].Selected = true;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            //6/27/2014 NS added for VSPLUS-634
                            Log.Entry.Ins.WriteHistoryEntry(DateTime.Now.ToString() + " Exception - " + ex);
                            throw ex;
                        finally { }
                        //If the type is not Replication, just load the box with all the servers, none selected.
                        for (int i = 0; i < DominoServerComboBox.Items.Count - 1; i++)

                    RetryIntervalTextBox.Text = "2";
                    OffHoursTextBox.Text      = "30";
                    ScanIntervalTextBox.Text  = "8";
                    EnabledCheckBox.Checked   = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                //6/27/2014 NS added for VSPLUS-634
                Log.Entry.Ins.WriteHistoryEntry(DateTime.Now.ToString() + " Exception - " + ex);
                throw ex;
            finally { }