public async t.Task <string> GetNoteTextAsync(NoteTaking o) { if (o.HasNote) { return(await _sQL.GetStringPropertyAsync(SQL.Note, "ID='" + o.ID + "'", "Content")); } return(""); }
public async t.Task SetNoteTextAsync(NoteTaking o, string content) { if (o.HasNote) { if (content == "" || content == null) { await _sQL.RemoveAsync(SQL.Note, o.ID); o.HasNote = false; } else { await _sQL.UpdateAsync(SQL.Note, o.ID, "Content", content); } } else { await _sQL.InsertNoteAsync(o.ID, content); o.HasNote = true; } }
public t.Task RemoveExtendedNoteAsync(NoteTaking o, DateTime time) { return(_sQL.RemoveAsync(SQL.Note, o.ID, "Time='" + time.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") + "'")); }
public t.Task SetExtentedNoteTextAsync(NoteTaking o, DateTime time, string content) { return(_sQL.ChangeStringPropertyAsync(SQL.ExtendedNote, "ID='" + o.ID + "' AND " + "Time='" + time.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") + "'", "Content", content)); }
public t.Task <string> GetExtentedNoteTextAsync(NoteTaking o, DateTime time) => _sQL.GetStringPropertyAsync(SQL.ExtendedNote, "ID='" + o.ID + "' AND " + "Time='" + time.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") + "'", "Content");