コード例 #1
ファイル: MarchingCubes.cs プロジェクト: hesch/terrain-viewer
        /// <summary>
        /// MarchCube performs the Marching Cubes algorithm on a single cube
        /// </summary>
        protected override void March(float x, float y, float z, float[] cube, IList <Vector3> vertList, IList <int> indexList, IList <Vector3> normalList)
            int   i, j, vert, idx;
            int   flagIndex = 0;
            float offset    = 0.0f;
            float s         = Surface;

            //Find which vertices are inside of the surface and which are outside
            for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                if (cube[i] <= s)
                    flagIndex |= 1 << i;

            //Find which edges are intersected by the surface
            int edgeFlags = CubeEdgeFlags[flagIndex];

            //If the cube is entirely inside or outside of the surface, then there will be no intersections
            if (edgeFlags == 0)

            //Find the point of intersection of the surface with each edge
            for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                //if there is an intersection on this edge
                if ((edgeFlags & (1 << i)) != 0)
                    int vert1 = EdgeConnection[i, 0];
                    int vert2 = EdgeConnection[i, 1];
                    offset = GetOffset(cube[vert1], cube[vert2]);

                    EdgeVertex[i].x = x + (VertexOffset[vert1, 0] + offset * EdgeDirection[i, 0]);
                    EdgeVertex[i].y = y + (VertexOffset[vert1, 1] + offset * EdgeDirection[i, 1]);
                    EdgeVertex[i].z = z + (VertexOffset[vert1, 2] + offset * EdgeDirection[i, 2]);

                    if (!Normals.ContainsKey(EdgeVertex[i]))
                        NormalVertex[i].x = Mathf.Lerp((cube[VertexSurround[0, vert1, 1]] - cube[VertexSurround[0, vert1, 0]]) / 2,
                                                       (cube[VertexSurround[0, vert2, 1]] - cube[VertexSurround[0, vert2, 0]]) / 2,
                        NormalVertex[i].y = Mathf.Lerp((cube[VertexSurround[1, vert1, 1]] - cube[VertexSurround[1, vert1, 0]]) / 2,
                                                       (cube[VertexSurround[1, vert2, 1]] - cube[VertexSurround[1, vert2, 0]]) / 2,
                        NormalVertex[i].z = Mathf.Lerp((cube[VertexSurround[2, vert1, 1]] - cube[VertexSurround[2, vert1, 0]]) / 2,
                                                       (cube[VertexSurround[2, vert2, 1]] - cube[VertexSurround[2, vert2, 0]]) / 2,
                        NormalVertex[i] = -NormalVertex[i].normalized;
                        Normals.Add(EdgeVertex[i], NormalVertex[i]);
                        NormalVertex[i] = Normals[EdgeVertex[i]];

            //Save the triangles that were found. There can be up to five per cube
            for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                if (TriangleConnectionTable[flagIndex, 3 * i] < 0)

                idx = vertList.Count;

                for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    vert = TriangleConnectionTable[flagIndex, 3 * i + j];
                    indexList.Add(idx + WindingOrder[j]);