public static void RocFromSortedMatches(List <PeakBoundsMatch> matches, NormalizeType normalizer, out PointPairList rocPoints) { double scalingFactor = GetScalingFactor(normalizer, matches); rocPoints = new PointPairList(); int truePositives = 0; int falsePositives = 0; foreach (var match in matches) { if (match.IsFalsePositive) { falsePositives++; } if (match.IsMatch) { truePositives++; } // Null qValues get the worst score double qValue = match.QValue ?? 1.0; var rocPoint = new PointPair(falsePositives / (double)(truePositives + falsePositives), truePositives / scalingFactor) { Tag = qValue }; rocPoints.Add(rocPoint); } }
protected override IParsedElement TryParseElement(List <string> lines, int index, out int end) { end = index + 1; var text = lines[index].Trim(); while (text.EndsWith(",")) { text = $"{text} {lines[end++].Trim()}"; } var test = NormalizeType.Replace(text, string.Empty); if (!FuncRegex.IsMatch(test) || VoidFuncRegex.IsMatch(test)) { return(null); } var cppTypeMatch = FuncTypeRegex.Match(test); if (!cppTypeMatch.Success) { return(null); } var nameMatch = FuncNameRegex.Match(test); if (!nameMatch.Success) { return(null); } var paramsMatch = ParamsRegex.Match(test); if (!paramsMatch.Success) { return(null); } var netType = cppTypeMatch.Value; netType = GetKnownTypeOrDefault(netType); var field = new ParsedFunc { Type = netType, CppType = cppTypeMatch.Value, Name = ToTitleCase(nameMatch.Value), CppName = nameMatch.Value, Params = TryParseParams(paramsMatch.Value), CppParams = paramsMatch.Value, //Comment = coment }; return(field); }
public void UpdateYAxis(ComboBox comboBox) { string selectedItem = (string)comboBox.SelectedItem; zedGraphRoc.GraphPane.YAxis.Title.Text = selectedItem; zedGraphFiles.GraphPane.YAxis.Title.Text = selectedItem; Normalizer = (selectedItem == Resources.ComparePeakPickingDlg_ComparePeakPickingDlg_Total_Correct_Peaks) ? : (selectedItem == Resources.ComparePeakPickingDlg_ComparePeakPickingDlg_Fraction_of_Manual_ID_s) ? NormalizeType.frac_manual : NormalizeType.frac_all; comboBoxYAxis.SelectedItem = selectedItem; comboBoxFilesYAxis.SelectedItem = selectedItem; }
public static void MakeRocLists(ComparePeakBoundaries comparer, NormalizeType normalizer, out PointPairList rocPoints) { var matches = comparer.Matches; if (comparer.HasNoScores) { matches.Sort(PeakBoundsMatch.CompareQValue); } else { matches.Sort(PeakBoundsMatch.CompareScore); } RocFromSortedMatches(matches, normalizer, out rocPoints); }
/// <summary> /// Convert normalize type to the xgboost parameter string. /// </summary> /// <param name="type"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string ToXGBoostString(this NormalizeType type) { switch (type) { case NormalizeType.Tree: return("tree"); case NormalizeType.Forest: return("forest"); default: throw new ArgumentException("Unknown normalize type: " + type); } }
/// <summary> /// Converts radians to degrees. /// </summary> /// <param name="radians"> Angle in radians. </param> /// <param name="norm"> /// Indicate whether we should normalize the angle, and if so then how. /// </param> /// <returns> Angle in degrees. </returns> public static float Degree(float radians, NormalizeType norm) { float degrees = (float)(radians * (180 / Math.PI)); switch (norm) { case NormalizeType.Normalize180: while (degrees <= -180) degrees += 360; while (degrees > 180) degrees -= 360; break; case NormalizeType.Normalize360: while (degrees <= 0) degrees += 360; while (degrees > 360) degrees -= 360; break; } return degrees; }
/// <summary> /// Normalizes the specified value. /// </summary> /// <param name="value">The value.</param> /// <param name="normalizeType">The normalize type.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static string Normalize(string value, NormalizeType normalizeType) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value)) { return(value); } if (normalizeType == NormalizeType.CamelCase) { return(Char.ToLowerInvariant(value[0]) + value.Substring(1)); } else if (normalizeType == NormalizeType.PascalCase) { return(Char.ToUpperInvariant(value[0]) + value.Substring(1)); } return(value); }
public static double GetScalingFactor(NormalizeType normalizer, IList <PeakBoundsMatch> matches) { if (normalizer == { return(1); } else if (normalizer == NormalizeType.frac_manual) { return(matches.Count(match => !match.IsMissingTruePeak)); } else if (normalizer == NormalizeType.frac_all) { return(matches.Count); } else { throw new InvalidDataException("Unrecognized y axis scaling option"); // Not L10N } }
public RenderTexture IDFT(NormalizeType normalizeType = NormalizeType.IDFT) { FFTUWithRadix(FFTType.IDFT, 32); FFTVWithRadix(FFTType.IDFT, 32); if (normalizeType == NormalizeType.IDFT) { Normalize(1.0f / n); } else if (normalizeType == NormalizeType.SYMMETRIC) { Normalize(1.0f / Mathf.Sqrt(n)); } else { SwapTex(); } return(fftTextureOut_); }
public NoiseMapProperties( long seed, int sizeBound, Vector2 offset, float scale, float chunkScale, int octaves, float lacunarity, float persistance, NormalizeType normalizeType) { this.seed = seed; this.sizeBound = sizeBound; this.offset = offset; this.scale = scale; this.chunkScale = chunkScale; this.octaves = octaves; this.lacunarity = lacunarity; this.persistance = persistance; this.normalizeType = normalizeType; }
public static void RocFromSortedMatches(List <PeakBoundsMatch> matches, NormalizeType normalizer, out PointPairList rocPoints) { double scalingFactor = GetScalingFactor(normalizer, matches); rocPoints = new PointPairList(); int truePositives = 0; int falsePositives = 0; foreach (var match in matches) { if (match.IsFalsePositive) { falsePositives++; } if (match.IsPickedApexBetweenCuratedBoundaries) { truePositives++; } var rocPoint = new PointPair(falsePositives / (double)(truePositives + falsePositives), truePositives / scalingFactor); rocPoints.Add(rocPoint); } }
/// <summary> /// Converts radians to degrees. /// </summary> /// <param name="radians"> Angle in radians. </param> /// <param name="norm"> /// Indicate whether we should normalize the angle, and if so then how. /// </param> /// <returns> Angle in degrees. </returns> public static double Degree(double radians, NormalizeType norm) { double degrees = radians * (180 / Math.PI); switch (norm) { case NormalizeType.Normalize180: while (degrees <= -180) degrees += 360; while (degrees > 180) degrees -= 360; break; case NormalizeType.Normalize360: while (degrees <= 0) degrees += 360; while (degrees > 360) degrees -= 360; break; } return degrees; }
/// <summary> /// Converts degrees to radians. /// </summary> /// <param name="degrees"> Angle in degrees. </param> /// <param name="norm"> /// Indicate whether we should normalize the angle, and if so then how. /// </param> /// <returns> Angle in radians. </returns> public static float Radian(float degrees, NormalizeType norm) { double radians = degrees * Math.PI / 180; switch (norm) { case NormalizeType.Normalize180: while (radians <= -Math.PI) radians += MathHelpers.PI2; while (radians > Math.PI) radians -= MathHelpers.PI2; break; case NormalizeType.Normalize360: while (radians <= 0) radians += MathHelpers.PI2; while (radians > MathHelpers.PI2) radians -= MathHelpers.PI2; break; } return (float)radians; }
public static int[,] Normalize(Complex[,] Output, NormalizeType normalizeType) { int Width = Output.GetLength(0); int Height = Output.GetLength(1); double[,] FourierDouble = new double[Width, Height]; double[,] FourierLogDouble = new double[Width, Height]; int[,] FourierNormalizedInteger = new int[Width, Height]; double max = 0; if (normalizeType == NormalizeType.Magnitude) { for (int i = 0; i <= Width - 1; i++) { for (int j = 0; j <= Height - 1; j++) { FourierDouble[i, j] = Output[i, j].Magnitude; FourierLogDouble[i, j] = (double)Math.Log(1 + FourierDouble[i, j]); } } max = FourierLogDouble[0, 0]; } else { for (int i = 0; i <= Width - 1; i++) { for (int j = 0; j <= Height - 1; j++) { FourierDouble[i, j] = Output[i, j].Phase; FourierLogDouble[i, j] = (double)Math.Log(1 + Math.Abs(FourierDouble[i, j])); } } FourierLogDouble[0, 0] = 0; max = FourierLogDouble[1, 1]; } for (int i = 0; i <= Width - 1; i++) { for (int j = 0; j <= Height - 1; j++) { if (FourierLogDouble[i, j] > max) { max = FourierLogDouble[i, j]; } } } for (int i = 0; i <= Width - 1; i++) { for (int j = 0; j <= Height - 1; j++) { FourierLogDouble[i, j] = FourierLogDouble[i, j] / max; } } if (normalizeType == NormalizeType.Magnitude) { for (int i = 0; i <= Width - 1; i++) { for (int j = 0; j <= Height - 1; j++) { FourierNormalizedInteger[i, j] = (int)(2000 * FourierLogDouble[i, j]); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i <= Width - 1; i++) { for (int j = 0; j <= Height - 1; j++) { FourierNormalizedInteger[i, j] = (int)(255 * FourierLogDouble[i, j]); } } } return(FourierNormalizedInteger); }
/// <summary> /// Regression learner for XGBoost /// </summary> /// <param name="maximumTreeDepth">Maximum tree depth for base learners. (default is 3)</param> /// <param name="learningRate">Boosting learning rate (xgb's "eta"). 0 indicates no limit. (default is 0.1)</param> /// <param name="estimators">Number of estimators to fit. (default is 100)</param> /// <param name="silent">Whether to print messages while running boosting. (default is false)</param> /// <param name="objective">Specify the learning task and the corresponding learning objective. (default is LinearRegression)</param> /// <param name="boosterType"> which booster to use, can be gbtree, gblinear or dart. /// gbtree and dart use tree based model while gblinear uses linear function (default is gbtree)</param> /// <param name="treeMethod">The tree construction algorithm used in XGBoost. See reference paper: (default is auto)</param> /// <param name="samplerType">Type of sampling algorithm for DART. (default is uniform)</param> /// <param name="normalizeType">Type of normalization algorithm for DART. (default is tree)</param> /// <param name="dropoutRate">Dropout rate for DART (a fraction of previous trees to drop during the dropout). (default is 0.0)</param> /// <param name="oneDrop">When this is true, at least one tree is always dropped during the dropout. /// Allows Binomial-plus-one or epsilon-dropout from the original DART paper. (default is false)</param> /// <param name="skipDrop">Probability of skipping the dropout procedure during a boosting iteration. (default is 0.0) /// If a dropout is skipped, new trees are added in the same manner as gbtree. /// Note that non-zero skip_drop has higher priority than rate_drop or one_drop.</param> /// <param name="numberOfThreads">Number of parallel threads used to run xgboost. -1 means use all thread available. (default is -1)</param> /// <param name="gamma">Minimum loss reduction required to make a further partition on a leaf node of the tree. (default is 0) </param> /// <param name="minChildWeight">Minimum sum of instance weight(Hessian) needed in a child. (default is 1)</param> /// <param name="maxDeltaStep">Maximum delta step we allow each tree's weight estimation to be. (default is 0)</param> /// <param name="subSample">Subsample ratio of the training instance. (default is 1)</param> /// <param name="colSampleByTree">Subsample ratio of columns when constructing each tree. (default is 1)</param> /// <param name="colSampleByLevel">Subsample ratio of columns for each split, in each level. (default is 1)</param> /// <param name="l1Regularization">L1 regularization term on weights. Also known as RegAlpha. (default is 0)</param> /// <param name="l2Reguralization">L2 regularization term on weights. Also known as regLambda. (default is 1)</param> /// <param name="scalePosWeight">Balancing of positive and negative weights. (default is 1)</param> /// <param name="baseScore">The initial prediction score of all instances, global bias. (default is 0.5)</param> /// <param name="seed">Random number seed. (default is 0)</param> /// <param name="missing">Value in the data which needs to be present as a missing value. (default is NaN)</param> public RegressionXGBoostLearner( int maximumTreeDepth = 3, double learningRate = 0.1, int estimators = 100, bool silent = true, RegressionObjective objective = RegressionObjective.LinearRegression, BoosterType boosterType = BoosterType.GBTree, TreeMethod treeMethod = TreeMethod.Auto, SamplerType samplerType = SamplerType.Uniform, NormalizeType normalizeType = NormalizeType.Tree, double dropoutRate = 0.0, bool oneDrop = false, double skipDrop = 0.0, int numberOfThreads = -1, double gamma = 0, int minChildWeight = 1, int maxDeltaStep = 0, double subSample = 1, double colSampleByTree = 1, double colSampleByLevel = 1, double l1Regularization = 0, double l2Reguralization = 1, double scalePosWeight = 1, double baseScore = 0.5, int seed = 0, double missing = double.NaN) { ArgumentChecks.ThrowOnArgumentLessThan(nameof(maximumTreeDepth), maximumTreeDepth, 0); ArgumentChecks.ThrowOnArgumentLessThanOrHigherThan(nameof(learningRate), learningRate, 0, 1.0); ArgumentChecks.ThrowOnArgumentLessThan(nameof(estimators), estimators, 1); ArgumentChecks.ThrowOnArgumentLessThan(nameof(numberOfThreads), numberOfThreads, -1); ArgumentChecks.ThrowOnArgumentLessThan(nameof(gamma), gamma, 0); ArgumentChecks.ThrowOnArgumentLessThan(nameof(minChildWeight), minChildWeight, 0); ArgumentChecks.ThrowOnArgumentLessThan(nameof(maxDeltaStep), maxDeltaStep, 0); ArgumentChecks.ThrowOnArgumentLessThanOrHigherThan(nameof(subSample), subSample, 0, 1.0); ArgumentChecks.ThrowOnArgumentLessThanOrHigherThan(nameof(colSampleByTree), colSampleByTree, 0, 1.0); ArgumentChecks.ThrowOnArgumentLessThanOrHigherThan(nameof(colSampleByLevel), colSampleByLevel, 0, 1.0); ArgumentChecks.ThrowOnArgumentLessThan(nameof(l1Regularization), l1Regularization, 0); ArgumentChecks.ThrowOnArgumentLessThan(nameof(l2Reguralization), l2Reguralization, 0); ArgumentChecks.ThrowOnArgumentLessThan(nameof(scalePosWeight), scalePosWeight, 0); m_parameters[ParameterNames.MaxDepth] = maximumTreeDepth; m_parameters[ParameterNames.LearningRate] = (float)learningRate; m_parameters[ParameterNames.Estimators] = estimators; m_parameters[ParameterNames.Silent] = silent; m_parameters[ParameterNames.objective] = objective.ToXGBoostString(); m_parameters[ParameterNames.Threads] = numberOfThreads; m_parameters[ParameterNames.Gamma] = (float)gamma; m_parameters[ParameterNames.MinChildWeight] = minChildWeight; m_parameters[ParameterNames.MaxDeltaStep] = maxDeltaStep; m_parameters[ParameterNames.SubSample] = (float)subSample; m_parameters[ParameterNames.ColSampleByTree] = (float)colSampleByTree; m_parameters[ParameterNames.ColSampleByLevel] = (float)colSampleByLevel; m_parameters[ParameterNames.RegAlpha] = (float)l1Regularization; m_parameters[ParameterNames.RegLambda] = (float)l2Reguralization; m_parameters[ParameterNames.ScalePosWeight] = (float)scalePosWeight; m_parameters[ParameterNames.BaseScore] = (float)baseScore; m_parameters[ParameterNames.Seed] = seed; m_parameters[ParameterNames.Missing] = (float)missing; m_parameters[ParameterNames.ExistingBooster] = null; m_parameters[ParameterNames.Booster] = boosterType.ToXGBoostString(); m_parameters[ParameterNames.TreeMethod] = treeMethod.ToXGBoostString(); m_parameters[ParameterNames.SampleType] = samplerType.ToXGBoostString(); m_parameters[ParameterNames.NormalizeType] = normalizeType.ToXGBoostString(); m_parameters[ParameterNames.RateDrop] = (float)dropoutRate; m_parameters[ParameterNames.OneDrop] = oneDrop ? 1 : 0; m_parameters[ParameterNames.SkipDrop] = (float)skipDrop; }
/// <summary> /// Classification learner for XGBoost. For classification problems, /// XGBoost requires that target values are sequntial and start at 0. /// </summary> /// <param name="maximumTreeDepth">Maximum tree depth for base learners. (default is 3)</param> /// <param name="learningRate">Boosting learning rate (xgb's "eta"). 0 indicates no limit. (default is 0.1)</param> /// <param name="estimators">Number of estimators to fit. (default is 100)</param> /// <param name="silent">Whether to print messages while running boosting. (default is false)</param> /// <param name="objective">Specify the learning task and the corresponding learning objective. (default is softmax)</param> /// <param name="boosterType"> which booster to use, can be gbtree, gblinear or dart. /// gbtree and dart use tree based model while gblinear uses linear function (default is gbtree)</param> /// <param name="treeMethod">The tree construction algorithm used in XGBoost. See reference paper: (default is auto)</param> /// <param name="samplerType">Type of sampling algorithm for DART. (default is uniform)</param> /// <param name="normalizeType">Type of normalization algorithm for DART. (default is tree)</param> /// <param name="dropoutRate">Dropout rate for DART (a fraction of previous trees to drop during the dropout). (default is 0.0)</param> /// <param name="oneDrop">When this is true, at least one tree is always dropped during the dropout. /// Allows Binomial-plus-one or epsilon-dropout from the original DART paper. (default is false)</param> /// <param name="skipDrop">Probability of skipping the dropout procedure during a boosting iteration. (default is 0.0) /// If a dropout is skipped, new trees are added in the same manner as gbtree. /// Note that non-zero skip_drop has higher priority than rate_drop or one_drop.</param> /// <param name="numberOfThreads">Number of parallel threads used to run xgboost. -1 means use all thread avialable. (default is -1)</param> /// <param name="gamma">Minimum loss reduction required to make a further partition on a leaf node of the tree. (default is 0) </param> /// <param name="minChildWeight">Minimum sum of instance weight(hessian) needed in a child. (default is 1)</param> /// <param name="maxDeltaStep">Maximum delta step we allow each tree's weight estimation to be. (default is 0)</param> /// <param name="subSample">Subsample ratio of the training instance. (default is 1)</param> /// <param name="colSampleByTree">Subsample ratio of columns when constructing each tree. (defualt is 1)</param> /// <param name="colSampleByLevel">Subsample ratio of columns for each split, in each level. (defualt is 1)</param> /// <param name="l1Regularization">L1 regularization term on weights. Also known as RegAlpha. (default is 0)</param> /// <param name="l2Reguralization">L2 regularization term on weights. Also known as regLambda. (default is 1)</param> /// <param name="scalePosWeight">Balancing of positive and negative weights. (default is 1)</param> /// <param name="baseScore">The initial prediction score of all instances, global bias. (default is 0.5)</param> /// <param name="seed">Random number seed. (defaukt is 0)</param> /// <param name="missing">Value in the data which needs to be present as a missing value. (default is NaN)</param> public ClassificationXGBoostLearner(int maximumTreeDepth = 3, double learningRate = 0.1, int estimators = 100, bool silent = true, ClassificationObjective objective = ClassificationObjective.Softmax, BoosterType boosterType = BoosterType.GBTree, TreeMethod treeMethod = TreeMethod.Auto, SamplerType samplerType = SamplerType.Uniform, NormalizeType normalizeType = NormalizeType.Tree, double dropoutRate = 0.0, bool oneDrop = false, double skipDrop = 0.0, int numberOfThreads = -1, double gamma = 0, int minChildWeight = 1, int maxDeltaStep = 0, double subSample = 1, double colSampleByTree = 1, double colSampleByLevel = 1, double l1Regularization = 0, double l2Reguralization = 1, double scalePosWeight = 1, double baseScore = 0.5, int seed = 0, double missing = double.NaN) { ArgumentChecks.ThrowOnArgumentLessThan(nameof(maximumTreeDepth), maximumTreeDepth, 0); ArgumentChecks.ThrowOnArgumentLessThanOrHigherThan(nameof(learningRate), learningRate, 0, 1.0); ArgumentChecks.ThrowOnArgumentLessThan(nameof(estimators), estimators, 1); ArgumentChecks.ThrowOnArgumentLessThan(nameof(numberOfThreads), numberOfThreads, -1); ArgumentChecks.ThrowOnArgumentLessThan(nameof(gamma), gamma, 0); ArgumentChecks.ThrowOnArgumentLessThan(nameof(minChildWeight), minChildWeight, 0); ArgumentChecks.ThrowOnArgumentLessThan(nameof(maxDeltaStep), maxDeltaStep, 0); ArgumentChecks.ThrowOnArgumentLessThanOrHigherThan(nameof(subSample), subSample, 0, 1.0); ArgumentChecks.ThrowOnArgumentLessThanOrHigherThan(nameof(colSampleByTree), colSampleByTree, 0, 1.0); ArgumentChecks.ThrowOnArgumentLessThanOrHigherThan(nameof(colSampleByLevel), colSampleByLevel, 0, 1.0); ArgumentChecks.ThrowOnArgumentLessThan(nameof(l1Regularization), l1Regularization, 0); ArgumentChecks.ThrowOnArgumentLessThan(nameof(l2Reguralization), l2Reguralization, 0); ArgumentChecks.ThrowOnArgumentLessThan(nameof(scalePosWeight), scalePosWeight, 0); m_parameters[ParameterNames.MaxDepth] = maximumTreeDepth; m_parameters[ParameterNames.LearningRate] = (float)learningRate; m_parameters[ParameterNames.Estimators] = estimators; m_parameters[ParameterNames.Silent] = silent; if (objective == ClassificationObjective.Softmax) { // SoftMax and SoftProp are the same objective, // but softprop returns probabilities. // So in order to always support PredictProbability, // always use softprop for multi-class. // Conversions to class labels is handled in the // ClassificationXGBoostModel. objective = ClassificationObjective.SoftProb; } m_parameters[ParameterNames.objective] = objective.ToXGBoostString(); m_parameters[ParameterNames.Threads] = numberOfThreads; m_parameters[ParameterNames.Gamma] = (float)gamma; m_parameters[ParameterNames.MinChildWeight] = minChildWeight; m_parameters[ParameterNames.MaxDeltaStep] = maxDeltaStep; m_parameters[ParameterNames.SubSample] = (float)subSample; m_parameters[ParameterNames.ColSampleByTree] = (float)colSampleByTree; m_parameters[ParameterNames.ColSampleByLevel] = (float)colSampleByLevel; m_parameters[ParameterNames.RegAlpha] = (float)l1Regularization; m_parameters[ParameterNames.RegLambda] = (float)l2Reguralization; m_parameters[ParameterNames.ScalePosWeight] = (float)scalePosWeight; m_parameters[ParameterNames.BaseScore] = (float)baseScore; m_parameters[ParameterNames.Seed] = seed; m_parameters[ParameterNames.Missing] = (float)missing; m_parameters[ParameterNames.ExistingBooster] = null; m_parameters[ParameterNames.Booster] = boosterType.ToXGBoostString(); m_parameters[ParameterNames.TreeMethod] = treeMethod.ToXGBoostString(); m_parameters[ParameterNames.SampleType] = samplerType.ToXGBoostString(); m_parameters[ParameterNames.NormalizeType] = normalizeType.ToXGBoostString(); m_parameters[ParameterNames.RateDrop] = (float)dropoutRate; m_parameters[ParameterNames.OneDrop] = oneDrop ? 1 : 0; m_parameters[ParameterNames.SkipDrop] = (float)skipDrop; }