コード例 #1
        public static void SpecifyReturnsAndAssignOutAndRefParameterForNonVoidDelegate(
            NonVoidDelegateWithOutAndRefParameters subject, int refValue, int outValue, Foo expectedResult, Foo result)
            "Given a faked delegate with a non-void return type and ref and out parameters"
            .x(() => subject = A.Fake <NonVoidDelegateWithOutAndRefParameters>());

            "When the faked delegate is configured to return a value and assign the out and ref parameters"
            .x(() =>
                expectedResult = new Foo();
                A.CallTo(() => subject(1, ref refValue, out outValue)).Returns(expectedResult).AssignsOutAndRefParameters(42, 99);

            "And I call the faked delegate"
            .x(() => result = subject(1, ref refValue, out outValue));

            "Then it returns the specified value"
            .x(() => result.Should().BeSameAs(expectedResult));

            "And the ref parameter is set to the specified value"
            .x(() => refValue.Should().Be(42));

            "And the out parameter is set to the specified value"
            .x(() => outValue.Should().Be(99));
コード例 #2
        public static void AssignOutAndRefParameterForNonVoidDelegate(
            NonVoidDelegateWithOutAndRefParameters subject, int refValue, int outValue, Foo result)
            "Given a faked delegate with a non-void return type and ref and out parameters"
            .x(() => subject = A.Fake <NonVoidDelegateWithOutAndRefParameters>());

            "When the faked delegate is configured to assign the out and ref parameters without setting the return value"
            .x(() => A.CallTo(() => subject(1, ref refValue, out outValue))
               .AssignsOutAndRefParameters(43, 100));

            "And I call the faked delegate"
            .x(() => result = subject(1, ref refValue, out outValue));

            "Then it returns a Dummy value"
            .x(() => result.Should().BeSameAs(FooFactory.Instance));

            "And the ref parameter is set to the specified value"
            .x(() => refValue.Should().Be(43));

            "And the out parameter is set to the specified value"
            .x(() => outValue.Should().Be(100));
コード例 #3
        public static void AssignOutAndRefParameterForNonVoidDelegate(
            NonVoidDelegateWithOutAndRefParameters subject, int refValue, int outValue, int result)
            "Given a faked delegate with a non-void return type and ref and out parameters"
                .x(() => subject = A.Fake<NonVoidDelegateWithOutAndRefParameters>());

            "When the faked delegate is configured to assign the out and ref parameters"
                .x(() => A.CallTo(() => subject(1, ref refValue, out outValue))
                    .Returns(123).AssignsOutAndRefParameters(42, 99));

            "And I call the faked delegate"
                .x(() => result = subject(1, ref refValue, out outValue));

            "Then it returns the specified value"
                .x(() => result.Should().Be(123));

            "And the ref parameter is set to the specified value"
                .x(() => refValue.Should().Be(42));

            "And the out parameter is set to the specified value"
                .x(() => outValue.Should().Be(99));