コード例 #1
        public void Execute <TCtx>(TCtx ctx) where TCtx : IGraphInstance
            var entity = ctx.ReadEntity(GameObject);

            if (entity != Entity.Null)
                if (ctx.EntityManager.HasComponent <NonUniformScale>(entity))
                    NonUniformScale t = ctx.EntityManager.GetComponentData <NonUniformScale>(entity);
                    ctx.Write(Value, t.Value);
                else if (ctx.EntityManager.HasComponent <Scale>(entity))
                    Scale t = ctx.EntityManager.GetComponentData <Scale>(entity);
                    ctx.Write(Value, new float3(t.Value, t.Value, t.Value));
                else if (ctx.EntityManager.HasComponent <CompositeScale>(entity))
                    CompositeScale compositeScale = ctx.EntityManager.GetComponentData <CompositeScale>(entity);
                    float4x4       floatMatrix    = compositeScale.Value;
                    ctx.Write(Value, new float3(floatMatrix.c0.x, floatMatrix.c1.y, floatMatrix.c2.z));
                    ctx.Write(Value, new float3(1, 1, 1));
コード例 #2
    protected override void OnCreateManager()
        entityManager = World.GetOrCreateManager <EntityManager>();
        simGroup      = World.GetOrCreateManager <SimulationSystemGroup>();
        presGroup     = World.GetOrCreateManager <PresentationSystemGroup>();
        Entity player = entityManager.CreateEntity(typeof(RenderMesh), typeof(LocalToWorld), typeof(Translation), typeof(Rotation), typeof(NonUniformScale));

        GameObject meshPrefab = (GameObject)Resources.Load("Meshes/player");

        entityManager.SetSharedComponentData(player, new RenderMesh {
            mesh     = meshPrefab.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh,
            material = meshPrefab.GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterial,

        NonUniformScale scale = new NonUniformScale {
            Value = meshPrefab.transform.localScale,

        entityManager.SetComponentData(player, scale);

        Rotation newRotation = new Rotation {
            Value = meshPrefab.transform.rotation,

        entityManager.SetComponentData(player, newRotation);
コード例 #3
ファイル: NoiseSystem.cs プロジェクト: OisinR/GE2-2019-2020
    protected override void OnUpdate()
        // Local variable captured in ForEach
        float dT = Time.DeltaTime;

        this.offset += Time.DeltaTime;
        float offset     = this.offset;
        float noiseScale = Spawner.Instance.noiseScale;

        float lower = Spawner.Instance.lower;
        float upper = Spawner.Instance.upper;

            (ref NonUniformScale s, ref Translation p, ref Flow f) =>
            float scale = Map(Perlin.Noise((p.Value.x + offset) * noiseScale, (p.Value.y + offset) * noiseScale, (p.Value.z + offset) * noiseScale), -1, 1, lower, upper);
            s           = new NonUniformScale()
                Value = scale

             * p = new Translation()
             * {
             *  // dT is a captured variable
             *  Value = new float3(0, 0, 0)
             * };
コード例 #4
    private void GenerateWorld()
        if (int.MaxValue < ((long)worldDimensions.x * (long)worldDimensions.y * (long)worldDimensions.z))
            Debug.LogError("Oversized area, reduce dimensions");

        var query = entityManager.CreateEntityQuery(typeof(RenderMesh), typeof(LocalToWorld), typeof(Translation));


        var entities = new NativeArray <Entity>(worldDimensions.x * worldDimensions.y * worldDimensions.z, Allocator.Temp);

        entityManager.CreateEntity(entityArchetype, entities);

        var renderMeshData = new RenderMesh {
            mesh = mesh, material = meshMaterial
        var scale = new NonUniformScale {
            Value = blockDimensions

        int i = 0;

        for (int h = 0; h < worldDimensions.y; h++)
            for (int w = 0; w < worldDimensions.x; w++)
                for (int l = 0; l < worldDimensions.z; l++)
                    var entity = entities[i];

                    entityManager.SetComponentData(entity, scale);

                    var pos = new float3(
                        (float)w * scale.Value.x,
                        (float)h * scale.Value.y,
                        (float)l * scale.Value.z);

                    entityManager.SetComponentData(entity, new Translation {
                        Value = pos

                    entityManager.SetSharedComponentData(entity, renderMeshData);


        lastWorldDimensions = worldDimensions;
        lastBlockDimensions = blockDimensions;

コード例 #5
        public void Execute <TCtx>(TCtx ctx, InputTriggerPort port) where TCtx : IGraphInstance
            // MBRIAU: NOTES:
            // If the scale is only modified in the editor, the info is only stored in the CompositeScale
            // If the scale is modified by Scale, it's stored in Scale and CompositeScale is updated with that value
            // If the scale is modified by NonUniformScale, it's stored in NonUniformScale and CompositeScale is updated with that value

            // WEIRD CASES
            // if both are set, the CompositeScale is not properly updated with what is rendered! We need to make sure to avoid setting both NonUniformScale and UniformScale
            // TODO: Would be interesting to try to add a Scale/NonUniformScale and then remove the component to see how the CompositeScale behaves

            var entity = ctx.ReadEntity(GameObject);

            if (entity != Entity.Null)
                // Important to read right now and get the right value before messing around with the scaling components of that entity
                Value  v = ctx.ReadValue(Value);
                float3 newScale;
                if (v.Type == ValueType.Float)
                    newScale = new float3(v.Float, v.Float, v.Float);
                else if (v.Type == ValueType.Int)
                    newScale = new float3(v.Int, v.Int, v.Int);
                else if (v.Type == ValueType.Float3)
                    newScale = v.Float3;
                    // Simply return without triggering
                    // TODO: Should display a warning or only allow float and float3 to be connected

                NonUniformScale nus = new NonUniformScale {
                    Value = newScale

                if (ctx.EntityManager.HasComponent <Scale>(entity))
                    ctx.EntityManager.RemoveComponent <Scale>(entity);

                if (!ctx.EntityManager.HasComponent <NonUniformScale>(entity))
                    ctx.EntityManager.AddComponent <NonUniformScale>(entity);

                ctx.EntityManager.SetComponentData(entity, nus);

    void createTrails(PhysicsWorld localWorld, Color color)
        //UnityEngine.Material material = new UnityEngine.Material(Shader.Find("Lightweight-Default"));
        //material.color = color;
        var em = World.Active.EntityManager;

        const float minVelocitySq = 0.1f;

        for (int i = 0; i < localWorld.DynamicBodies.Length; i++)
            if (math.lengthsq(localWorld.MotionVelocities[i].LinearVelocity) > minVelocitySq)
                var body = localWorld.DynamicBodies[i];

                var ghost = em.Instantiate(body.Entity);

                em.RemoveComponent <PhysicsCollider>(ghost);
                em.RemoveComponent <PhysicsVelocity>(ghost);

                em.AddComponentData(ghost, new EntityKiller()
                    TimeToDie = 2

                em.SetSharedComponentData(ghost, ghostMaterial);

                Translation position = em.GetComponentData <Translation>(ghost);
                position.Value = body.WorldFromBody.pos;
                em.SetComponentData(ghost, position);

                Rotation rotation = em.GetComponentData <Rotation>(ghost);
                rotation.Value = body.WorldFromBody.rot;
                em.SetComponentData(ghost, rotation);

                var scale = new NonUniformScale()
                    Value = 0.5f
                if (em.HasComponent <NonUniformScale>(ghost))
                    scale.Value *= em.GetComponentData <NonUniformScale>(ghost).Value;
                    em.SetComponentData(ghost, scale);
                    em.AddComponentData(ghost, scale);
コード例 #7
        protected override void OnUpdate()
            float           deltaTime      = Time.DeltaTime;
            NonUniformScale goldUiScale    = EntityManager.GetComponentData <NonUniformScale>(_entityGold);
            float3          goldUiPosition = EntityManager.GetComponentData <LocalToWorld>(_entityGold).Position;
            float3          posCam         = EntityManager.GetComponentData <Translation>(_entityCam).Value;
            var             commandBuffer  = new EntityCommandBuffer(Allocator.TempJob);
            var             score          = new NativeQueue <bool>(Allocator.TempJob);
            JobHandle       jobHandle      = Entities
                                             .WithAll <GoldToScoreComponent>()
                                             .ForEach((Entity entity, DynamicBuffer <Child> children, ref Translation position, ref NonUniformScale scale, ref GoldToScoreComponent goldToScoreComponent) =>
                goldToScoreComponent.Lerp += deltaTime;
                float3 t3CameraFixPosition = goldToScoreComponent.GoldFixPosition + posCam - goldToScoreComponent.CameraFixPosition;
                position.Value             = math.lerp(t3CameraFixPosition, goldUiPosition, goldToScoreComponent.Lerp);
                scale.Value = math.lerp(goldToScoreComponent.StartScale, goldUiScale.Value, goldToScoreComponent.Lerp);
                if (goldToScoreComponent.Lerp >= 1)
                    foreach (Child child in children)



            if (score.Count <= 0)

            WithAll <GameDataComponent>().
            ForEach((ref GameDataComponent gameData) =>
                gameData.Score += score.Count;
            TextLayout.SetEntityTextRendererString(EntityManager, _text, GetSingleton <GameDataComponent>().Score.ToString());
コード例 #8
            public void Execute(Entity entity, int index, [ReadOnly] ref ColonySeed colonySeed, [ReadOnly] ref MapSize mapSize)
                var colonyPosition    = new float2(1f, 1f) * mapSize.Value * .5f;
                var colonyTranslation = new Translation2D();

                colonyTranslation.Value = colonyPosition;
                var colonyScale = new NonUniformScale();

                colonyScale.Value = new float3(4f, 4f, .1f) / mapSize.Value;

                var colony = this.Buffer.Instantiate(colonySeed.ColonyPrefab);

                this.Buffer.SetComponent(colony, colonyTranslation);
                this.Buffer.SetComponent(colony, colonyScale);

                this.Buffer.RemoveComponent <ColonySeed>(entity);
コード例 #9
        public void Execute(Entity entity, int index, ref Joiner_C joiner)
            MassPoint_C mass = new MassPoint_C();

            mass.Mass = UnitHelper.Range2Mass(joiner.Range);
            concurrent.AddComponent(index, entity, mass);
            NonUniformScale scale = new NonUniformScale();

            scale.Value = (float3)(new double3(1, 1, 1) * 2 * joiner.Range);
            concurrent.AddComponent(index, entity, scale);
            ColorLevel color = new ColorLevel();

            color.Value = 0.5f;
            concurrent.AddComponent(index, entity, color);
        protected override void OnUpdate()
            float deltaTime = Time.DeltaTime;

            //Get pickupable items and spacial and scaling types so we can render the UI worldspace label
            NativeArray <Entity> pickupableItems = this.GetEntityQuery(this.EntityManager.GetSpacialTypes()
                                                                       .Concat(new ComponentType[] { this.EntityManager.GetPickupableItemIdentifierFlat() }).ToArray())

            Entity playerEntity = this.playerQuery.GetSingletonEntity();

            this.Entities.WithAll <ItemInfoWorldSpaceLabelInjectorTag>().ForEach((UnityEngine.UI.Text pickupItemText) =>
                //If there are pickupable items around, display text
                bool displayPickupableItem = pickupableItems.Length > 0;
                pickupItemText.enabled     = displayPickupableItem;
                if (displayPickupableItem)
                    //TODO: Render multiple labels, for now just for [0] element
                    Translation pickupableItemTranslation         = this.EntityManager.GetComponentData <Translation>(pickupableItems[0]);
                    NonUniformScale pickupableItemNonUniformScale = this.EntityManager.GetComponentData <NonUniformScale>(pickupableItems[0]);

                    Translation playerTranslation = this.EntityManager.GetComponentData <Translation>(playerEntity);

                    pickupItemText.transform.position = pickupableItemTranslation.Value + pickupableItemNonUniformScale.Value;

                    //Implement properly

                    /*float3 target = new float3(playerTranslation.Value.x, 0, playerTranslation.Value.z);
                     * float3 direction = math.normalizesafe(target - new float3(pickupItemText.transform.position));
                     * //Rotate label towards player.
                     * pickupItemText.transform.rotation = math.slerp
                     * (
                     *  pickupItemText.transform.rotation,
                     *  quaternion.LookRotationSafe(new float3(direction.x, 0, direction.z), UnityEngine.Vector3.up),
                     *  GameRelatedConstants.WorldSpaceLabelRotationSpeed * deltaTime
                     * );*/

コード例 #11
            private void CreateInternal(EntityArchetype bodyArchetype, EntityArchetype rootArchetype, float scaleValue)
                bodyEntities = new NativeArray <Entity>(16, Allocator.TempJob);

                m_Manager.CreateEntity(bodyArchetype, bodyEntities);

                // replace the first one for loop convenience below
                bodyEntities[0] = m_Manager.CreateEntity(rootArchetype);

                for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                    var rotationIndex    = rotationIndices[i];
                    var translationIndex = translationIndices[i];

                    var rotation = new Rotation()
                        Value = rotations[rotationIndex]
                    var translation = new Translation()
                        Value = translations[translationIndex]
                    var scale = new NonUniformScale()
                        Value = new float3(scaleValue)

                    m_Manager.SetComponentData(bodyEntities[i], rotation);
                    m_Manager.SetComponentData(bodyEntities[i], translation);
                    m_Manager.SetComponentData(bodyEntities[i], scale);

                for (int i = 1; i < 16; i++)
                    var parentIndex = parentIndices[i];
                    m_Manager.SetComponentData(bodyEntities[i], new Parent()
                        Value = bodyEntities[parentIndex]
コード例 #12
        protected override void OnUpdate()
            ComponentDataFromEntity <HealthBar> healthBarFromEntity = GetComponentDataFromEntity <HealthBar>(true);

            EndSimulationEntityCommandBufferSystem endSimECBSystem = World.GetOrCreateSystem <EndSimulationEntityCommandBufferSystem>();

            EntityCommandBuffer.ParallelWriter parallelWriter = endSimECBSystem.CreateCommandBuffer().AsParallelWriter();
            .WithChangeFilter <Health>()
            .ForEach((int entityInQueryIndex, in Health health, in HealthBarLink healthBarLink) =>
                HealthBar healthBar   = healthBarFromEntity[healthBarLink.Value];
                NonUniformScale scale = new NonUniformScale
                    Value = new float3((float)health.Current / health.Max, 1.0f, 1.0f)

                parallelWriter.SetComponent(entityInQueryIndex, healthBar.BarEntity, scale);
コード例 #13
            public void Execute(Entity entity, int index, [ReadOnly] ref ResourceSeed seed, [ReadOnly] ref MapSize mapSize)
                float resourceAngle     = this.Random.NextFloat() * 2f * PI;
                var   offsetX           = cos(resourceAngle) * mapSize.Value * .475f;
                var   offsetY           = sin(resourceAngle) * mapSize.Value * .475f;
                var   resourcePosition  = new float2(1f, 1f) * mapSize.Value * .5f + new float2(offsetX, offsetY);
                var   colonyTranslation = new Translation2D();

                colonyTranslation.Value = resourcePosition;
                var colonyScale = new NonUniformScale();

                colonyScale.Value = new float3(4f, 4f, .1f) / mapSize.Value;

                var colony = this.Buffer.Instantiate(seed.ResourcePrefab);

                this.Buffer.SetComponent(colony, colonyTranslation);
                this.Buffer.SetComponent(colony, colonyScale);

                this.Buffer.RemoveComponent <ResourceSeed>(entity);
コード例 #14
        public void TestSetScaleFloat()
            GraphBuilder.VariableHandle handle = default;
            float setValue = 42.42f;

            SetupTestGraphDefinitionMultipleFrames((b, _) =>
                handle = b.BindVariableToDataIndex("TestEntity");

                var onUpdate = b.AddNode(new OnUpdate());
                var enabled  = b.AddNode(new ConstantBool {
                    Value = true
                var setScale = b.AddNode(new SetScale {
                var constantRotationValue = b.AddNode(new ConstantFloat()
                    Value = setValue

                b.BindVariableToInput(handle, setScale.GameObject);
                b.CreateEdge(enabled.ValuePort, onUpdate.Enabled);
                b.CreateEdge(onUpdate.Output, setScale.Input);
                b.CreateEdge(constantRotationValue.ValuePort, setScale.Value);
                                                   , (manager, entity, index) =>
                GraphInstance instance = GetGraphInstance(entity);
                instance.WriteValueToDataSlot(handle.DataIndex, entity);

                Assert.That(!manager.HasComponent <NonUniformScale>(entity));
            }, (manager, entity, index) =>
                NonUniformScale scale = manager.GetComponentData <NonUniformScale>(entity);
コード例 #15
            public void Execute(Entity entity, int index, [ReadOnly] ref ObstacleSeed obstacleSeed, [ReadOnly] ref MapSize mapSize)
                for (int i = 1; i <= obstacleSeed.RingCount; i++)
                    float ringRadius    = (i / (obstacleSeed.RingCount + 1f)) * (mapSize.Value * 0.5f);
                    float circumference = ringRadius * 2f * PI;
                    int   maxCount      = (int)ceil(circumference / (2f * obstacleSeed.Radius) * 2f);
                    int   offset        = this.Random.NextInt(0, maxCount);
                    int   holeCount     = this.Random.NextInt(1, 3);

                    for (int j = 0; j < maxCount; j++)
                        float t = (float)j / maxCount;
                        if ((t * holeCount) % 1f < obstacleSeed.ObstaclesPerRing)
                            float angle = (j + offset) / (float)maxCount * (2f * PI);

                            var x = mapSize.Value * .5f + cos(angle) * ringRadius;
                            var y = mapSize.Value * .5f + sin(angle) * ringRadius;

                            Obstacle obstacle = new Obstacle();
                            obstacle.radius = obstacleSeed.Radius;
                            var translation = new Translation2D();
                            translation.Value = new float2(x, y);
                            var nonUniformScale = new NonUniformScale();
                            nonUniformScale.Value = new float3(obstacleSeed.Radius * 2f, obstacleSeed.Radius * 2f, 1f) / mapSize.Value;

                            var obstacleEntity = this.Buffer.Instantiate(obstacleSeed.ObstaclePrefab);
                            this.Buffer.SetComponent(obstacleEntity, obstacle);
                            this.Buffer.SetComponent(obstacleEntity, translation);
                            this.Buffer.SetComponent(obstacleEntity, nonUniformScale);

                this.Buffer.RemoveComponent <ObstacleSeed>(entity);
コード例 #16
        bool panelDisapper(ref PanelInfo panel, ref NonUniformScale scale, ref Sprite2DRenderer sprite)
            var dt = World.TinyEnvironment().frameDeltaTime;

            panel.Timer += dt;

            var scl = scale.Value;

            scl        -= new float3(1.9f * dt, 1.9f * dt, 0);
            scale.Value = scl;

            var col = sprite.color;

            col.a       -= 1.9f * dt;
            sprite.color = col;

            if (panel.Timer >= 0.5f)
コード例 #17
        bool isInside <TScaling>(AABB localBbox, Rotation rot, Translation pos, NonUniformScale scl)
            where TScaling : IScaling, new()
            var pl = this.plane4;

            var ir = math.inverse(rot.Value).value.ExpandToSoa4();
            var t  = pos.Value.ExpandToSoa4();

            var n = rotate(ir, pl.xyz);
            var d = pl.w + dot(pl.xyz, t);

            var c = localBbox.Center.ExpandToSoa4();
            var e = localBbox.Extents.SmartScaling <TScaling>(scl).ExpandToSoa4();

            var l = new float3_soa4()
                x = c.x + e.x * math.sign(n.x),
                y = c.y + e.y * math.sign(n.y),
                z = c.z + e.z * math.sign(n.z),

            return(math.all(dot(l, n) + d >= 0.0f));
コード例 #18
        public void Convert(Entity entity, EntityManager dstManager, GameObjectConversionSystem conversionSystem)
            var amplitude = new AudioAmplitude();
            var sampler   = new AudioSampleIndex
                Value = sampleIndex
            var nonUniformScale = new NonUniformScale
                Value = transform.lossyScale
            var init = new AudioVisualizationInit
                BasePosition  = transform.position,
                BaseRotation  = transform.rotation,
                BaseScale     = transform.lossyScale,
                LockedScaling = lockedScaling ? 1 : 0

            dstManager.AddComponentData(entity, amplitude);
            dstManager.AddComponentData(entity, sampler);
            dstManager.SetComponentData(entity, nonUniformScale);
            dstManager.AddComponentData(entity, init);
コード例 #19
 public float3 SmartScaling(float3 value, NonUniformScale scl) => value;
コード例 #20
 static public float3 SmartScaling <TScaling>(this float3 value, NonUniformScale scl)
     where TScaling : IScaling, new()
     return(new TScaling().SmartScaling(value, scl));
コード例 #21
 public bool IsInside(AABB localBbox, Rotation rot, Translation pos, NonUniformScale scl) =>
 isInside <Scaling>(localBbox, rot, pos, scl);
コード例 #22
ファイル: SimulationManager.cs プロジェクト: sschoenholz/LD46
    private void InstantiateBuildings(ref Rooms apartment)
        int buildings_per_block = tiles_per_block * tiles_per_block - 2 * tiles_per_block + 1;
        int building_count      = buildings_per_block * block_count.x * block_count.y;
        var buildings           = manager.Instantiate(building, building_count, Allocator.Temp);

        var buildings_occupied = manager.Instantiate(
            building_occupied, building_count * rooms_per_apartment, Allocator.Temp);

        float marker_spacing           = 3f;
        int   occupied_markers_per_row = (int)((tile_size - 4f) / marker_spacing);

        int idx  = 0;
        int hash = 0;

        apartment.max_room_idx = 0;
        for (int x = 0; x < tile_count.x - tiles_per_block; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < tile_count.y - tiles_per_block; y++)
                if (x % tiles_per_block > 0 && y % tiles_per_block > 0)
                    var b = buildings[idx];

                    var scale = Random.Range(250, 750);

                    var T = new Translation();
                    T.Value = new Vector3(
                        x * tile_size + bounds.min.x,
                        scale / 200f,
                        y * tile_size + bounds.min.y);
                    manager.AddComponentData(b, T);

                    var S = new NonUniformScale();
                    S.Value = new Vector3(2500f, scale, 2500f);
                    manager.AddComponentData(b, S);

                    var cidx = Random.Range(0, building_colors.Length);

                    var color = new URPMaterialPropertyBaseColor()
                        Value = new float4(
                    manager.AddComponentData(b, color);

                    var data = new BuildingData()
                        type            = BuildingType.Apartment,
                        start_hash      = hash,
                        end_hash        = hash + rooms_per_apartment,
                        people_per_room = people_per_room_apartment
                    manager.AddComponentData(b, data);

                    for (int h = 0; h < rooms_per_apartment; h++)
                        var b_o = buildings_occupied[h + hash];

                        var T_o = new Translation()
                            Value = T.Value +
                                    new float3(tile_size / 2 - 3f, 0f, tile_size / 2 - 3f) -
                                    marker_spacing * new float3(
                                h % occupied_markers_per_row, 0f, (int)(h / occupied_markers_per_row))
                        manager.AddComponentData(b_o, T_o);

                        var color_o = new URPMaterialPropertyBaseColor()
                            Value = new float4(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f)
                        manager.AddComponentData(b_o, color_o);

                        var occ_data = new OccupiedData()
                            base_color = new float4(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f)
                        manager.AddComponentData(b_o, occ_data);

                        apartment.space[h + hash]       = rooms_per_apartment;
                        apartment.coordinates[h + hash] = new int2(x, y);


                    hash += rooms_per_apartment;


コード例 #23
    protected override void OnUpdate()
        // // chunk vars
        // var plantType = GetComponentTypeHandle<PlantComponent>();
        // var scaleType = GetComponentTypeHandle<NonUniformScale>();
        // var entities = GetEntityTypeHandle();
        // // job
        // var job = new PlantSystemJob();
        // job.deltaTime = UnityEngine.Time.deltaTime;
        // job.maxGrowth = MAX_GROWTH;
        // job.plantChanges = plantCreationDeletionInfo.AsParallelWriter();
        // job.translations = GetComponentDataFromEntity<Translation>(true);
        // job.PlantComponentTypeHandle = plantType;
        // job.NonUniformScaleTypeHandle = scaleType;
        // job.setInfo = componentSetInfo.AsParallelWriter();
        // job.EntityType = entities;
        // int batchesPerChunk = 4;
        // this.Dependency = job.ScheduleParallel(m_Group, batchesPerChunk, this.Dependency);

        float     deltaTime    = UnityEngine.Time.deltaTime;
        float     maxGrowth    = MAX_GROWTH;
        var       translations = GetComponentDataFromEntity <Translation>(true);
        var       setInfo      = componentSetInfo.AsParallelWriter();
        var       plantChanges = plantCreationDeletionInfo.AsParallelWriter();
        JobHandle job          = Entities.ForEach((Entity currentEntity, ref PlantComponent plant, ref NonUniformScale scale) => {
            PlantState state = (PlantState)plant.state;

            switch (state)
            case PlantState.None:


            case PlantState.Growing:
                float currentTotalTime = deltaTime + plant.timeGrown;

                if (currentTotalTime < maxGrowth)
                    float currentScale = currentTotalTime / 5.0f;
                    scale = new NonUniformScale {
                        Value = new float3(currentScale, 1.0f, currentScale)
                    var data = new PlantComponent
                        timeGrown = currentTotalTime,
                        state     = (int)PlantState.Growing,
                    plant = data;
                    var data = new PlantComponent
                        timeGrown = maxGrowth,
                        state     = (int)PlantState.None,
                    plant = data;


            case PlantState.Following:
                float3 pos   = translations[plant.farmerToFollow].Value;
                float3 trans = new float3(pos.x, pos.y + 2, pos.z);
                setInfo.Enqueue(new ComponentTransInfo
                    entity = currentEntity,
                    trans  = trans


            case PlantState.Deleted:
                // multiple entities can try to delete the plant
                // taken care of in the single threaded end of the jobs
                //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("deleting a plant " + entity.Index);


        this.Dependency = job;
コード例 #24
            public void Execute(ArchetypeChunk ac, int chunkIndex, int firstEntityIndex)
                //Do not commit to change if possible

                bool lineChunkChanged     = ac.DidChange(lineSegmentType, lastSystemVersion);
                bool cameraMovedOrRotated = cameraAca.Length != 0 && cameraAca[0].DidChange(ltwType, lastSystemVersion);

                if (!lineChunkChanged && !cameraMovedOrRotated)

                //These gets will commit a version bump
                var segs   = ac.GetNativeArray(lineSegmentType);
                var trans  = ac.GetNativeArray(translationType);
                var rots   = ac.GetNativeArray(rotationType);
                var scales = ac.GetNativeArray(scaleType);

                for (int i = 0; i < segs.Length; i++)
                    var seg = segs[i];

                    var tran  = trans[i];
                    var rot   = rots[i];
                    var scale = scales[i];

                    if (seg.from.Equals(seg.to))

                    float3 forward = seg.to - seg.from;

                    //We will use length too so not using normalize here
                    float  lineLength  = math.length(forward);
                    float3 forwardUnit = forward / lineLength;

                    //Billboard rotation

                    quaternion rotation = quaternion.identity;
                    if (cameraAca.Length != 0)
                        var cameraTranslations = cameraAca[0].GetNativeArray(ltwType);

                        //TODO: Better support for multiple cameras. It would be via `alignWithCamera` on the LineStyle?

                        var cameraRigid       = math.RigidTransform(cameraTranslations[0].Value);
                        var cameraTranslation = cameraRigid.pos;

                        //TODO : use this somehow? Currently billboard is wrong.
                        // If anyone understand http://www.opengl-tutorial.org/intermediate-tutorials/billboards-particles/billboards/
                        // please tell me how to do this..
                        var cameraRotation = cameraRigid.rot;

                        float3 toCamera = math.normalize(cameraTranslation - seg.from);

                        //If forward and toCamera is collinear the cross product is 0
                        //and it will gives quaternion with tons of NaN
                        //So we rather do nothing if that is the case
                        if ((seg.from.Equals(cameraTranslation) ||
                             math.cross(forwardUnit, toCamera).Equals(float3.zero)) == false)
                            //This is wrong because it only taken account of the camera's position, not also its rotation.
                            rotation = quaternion.LookRotation(forwardUnit, toCamera);
                            //Debug.Log($"ROTATING {rotation} to {cameraTranslation}");

                    trans[i] = new Translation {
                        Value = seg.from
                    rots[i] = new Rotation {
                        Value = rotation
                    scales[i] = new NonUniformScale {
                        Value = math.float3(seg.lineWidth, 1, lineLength)
コード例 #25
        public void Execute(ArchetypeChunk batchInChunk, int batchIndex)
            var plantComponents = batchInChunk.GetNativeArray(PlantComponentTypeHandle);
            var scales          = batchInChunk.GetNativeArray(NonUniformScaleTypeHandle);
            var entities        = batchInChunk.GetNativeArray(EntityType);

            for (var i = 0; i < batchInChunk.Count; i++)
                PlantState state = (PlantState)plantComponents[i].state;

                switch (state)
                case PlantState.None:


                case PlantState.Growing:
                    float currentTotalTime = deltaTime + plantComponents[i].timeGrown;

                    if (currentTotalTime < maxGrowth)
                        float currentScale = currentTotalTime / 5.0f;
                        scales[i] = new NonUniformScale {
                            Value = new float3(currentScale, 1.0f, currentScale)
                        var data = new PlantComponent
                            timeGrown = currentTotalTime,
                            state     = (int)PlantState.Growing,
                        plantComponents[i] = data;
                        var data = new PlantComponent
                            timeGrown = maxGrowth,
                            state     = (int)PlantState.None,
                        plantComponents[i] = data;


                case PlantState.Following:
                    float3 pos   = translations[plantComponents[i].farmerToFollow].Value;
                    float3 trans = new float3(pos.x, pos.y + 2, pos.z);
                    setInfo.Enqueue(new ComponentTransInfo
                        entity = entities[i],
                        trans  = trans


                case PlantState.Deleted:
                    // multiple entities can try to delete the plant
                    // taken care of in the single threaded end of the jobs

                    //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("deleting a plant " + entity.Index);

コード例 #26
        public void Execute(Entity entity, int index, ref Spliter_C spliter, ref Translation translation, ref Joiner_C joiner, ref Mover_C mover)
            if (spliter.direction.Equals(double3.zero))
            bool3 nanResult = math.isnan(math.normalize(spliter.direction));

            if (nanResult.x || nanResult.y || nanResult.z)
            if (joiner.Volume < spliter.volume * 2)

            // 根据split的方向分离小实体
            Entity   subEntity = concurrent.Instantiate(index, smallStar);
            Joiner_C subJoiner = new Joiner_C()
                Volume = spliter.volume + 0.01
            MassPoint_C subMass = new MassPoint_C()
                Mass = UnitHelper.Range2Mass(subJoiner.Range)
            Mover_C         subMover       = new Mover_C();
            Translation     subTranslation = new Translation();
            NonUniformScale subScale       = new NonUniformScale();
            var             dirNormal      = math.normalize(spliter.direction);
            var             distance       = subJoiner.Range + joiner.Range + 0.01;

            subTranslation.Value = translation.Value + (float3)(dirNormal * distance);
            subScale.Value       = 0.01f;
            concurrent.AddComponent(index, subEntity, subTranslation);
            concurrent.AddComponent(index, subEntity, subJoiner);
            concurrent.AddComponent(index, subEntity, subMass);
            concurrent.AddComponent(index, subEntity, subMover);
            concurrent.AddComponent(index, subEntity, subScale);

            var spliterForce = math.normalize(spliter.direction) * subMass.Mass;

            // 添加子物体受力
            SimapleForceSender_C subForce = new SimapleForceSender_C()
                value = -spliterForce * 2,
                type  = ForceType.external,
                to    = subEntity,
                time  = 0.5f
            Entity fEntity = concurrent.CreateEntity(index);

            concurrent.AddComponent(index, fEntity, subForce);
            Momentum_C subMomentum = new Momentum_C()
                mass   = subMass.Mass,
                speed  = spliterForce * 2,
                target = subEntity
            Entity mEntity = concurrent.CreateEntity(index);

            concurrent.AddComponent(index, mEntity, subMomentum);
            // 添加主物体动量
            Momentum_C momentum = new Momentum_C()
                mass   = subMass.Mass,
                speed  = -spliterForce * 2,
                target = entity
            Entity mainMEntity = concurrent.CreateEntity(index);

            concurrent.AddComponent(index, mainMEntity, momentum);

            // 减少朱物体mass的质量
            joiner.Volume -= spliter.volume;
            concurrent.RemoveComponent(index, entity, typeof(Spliter_C));
            //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("spliterV:" + spliter.volume);
コード例 #27
        Entity CreateBoidWithTrail(Vector3 pos, Quaternion q, int boidId, float size)
            Entity boidEntity = entityManager.CreateEntity(boidArchitype);

            allTheBoids[boidId] = boidEntity;
            Translation p = new Translation
                Value = pos

            Rotation r = new Rotation
                Value = q

            entityManager.SetComponentData(boidEntity, p);
            entityManager.SetComponentData(boidEntity, r);

            NonUniformScale s = new NonUniformScale
                Value = new Vector3(size * 0.3f, size, size)

            entityManager.SetComponentData(boidEntity, s);

            entityManager.SetComponentData(boidEntity, new Boid()
                boidId = boidId, mass = 1, maxSpeed = 100 * UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.9f, 1.1f), maxForce = 400, weight = 200
            entityManager.SetComponentData(boidEntity, new Seperation());
            entityManager.SetComponentData(boidEntity, new Alignment());
            entityManager.SetComponentData(boidEntity, new Cohesion());
            entityManager.SetComponentData(boidEntity, new Constrain());
            entityManager.SetComponentData(boidEntity, new Flee());
            entityManager.SetComponentData(boidEntity, new Wander()
                distance = 2
                radius = 1.2f,
                jitter = 80,
                target = UnityEngine.Random.insideUnitSphere * 1.2f
            entityManager.SetComponentData(boidEntity, new Spine()
                parent = -1, spineId = (spineLength + 1) * boidId
            entityManager.SetComponentData(boidEntity, new ObstacleAvoidance()
                forwardFeelerDepth = 50, forceType = ObstacleAvoidance.ForceType.normal

            entityManager.AddSharedComponentData(boidEntity, bodyMesh);

            for (int i = 0; i < spineLength; i++)
                int         parentId = (boidId * (spineLength + 1)) + i;
                Translation sp       = new Translation
                    Value = pos - (q * Vector3.forward) * size * (float)(i + 1)
                Entity spineEntity = entityManager.CreateEntity(spineArchitype);
                int    spineIndex  = (boidId * spineLength) + i;
                allTheSpines[spineIndex] = spineEntity;

                entityManager.SetComponentData(spineEntity, sp);
                entityManager.SetComponentData(spineEntity, r);
                entityManager.SetComponentData(spineEntity, new Spine()
                    parent = parentId, spineId = parentId + 1, offset = new Vector3(0, 0, -size)
                entityManager.AddSharedComponentData(spineEntity, bodyMesh);
                s = new NonUniformScale
                    Value = new Vector3(0.01f, Map(i, 0, spineLength, size, 0.01f * size), size)
                //s.Value = new Vector3(2, 4, 10);
                entityManager.SetComponentData(spineEntity, s);

            // Make the head

            Entity headEntity = entityManager.CreateEntity(headArchitype);

            allTheheadsAndTails[boidId * 2] = headEntity;
            Translation headTranslation = new Translation();

            headTranslation.Value = pos + (q * Vector3.forward) * size;
            entityManager.SetComponentData(headEntity, headTranslation);
            Rotation headRotation = new Rotation();

            headRotation.Value = q;
            entityManager.SetComponentData(headEntity, headRotation);
            entityManager.AddSharedComponentData(headEntity, bodyMesh);
            entityManager.SetComponentData(headEntity, s);
            s = new NonUniformScale
                Value = new Vector3(size * 0.3f, size, size)
            //s.Value = new Vector3(2, 4, 10);
            entityManager.SetComponentData(headEntity, s);
            entityManager.SetComponentData(headEntity, new Head()
                spineId = boidId * (spineLength + 1), boidId = boidId
            // End head

            // Make the tail
            Entity tailEntity = entityManager.CreateEntity(tailArchitype);

            allTheheadsAndTails[(boidId * 2) + 1] = tailEntity;
            Translation tailTranslation = new Translation();

            tailTranslation.Value = pos - (q * Vector3.forward) * size;
            //tailTranslation.Value = pos - (q * Vector3.forward) * size * (spineLength + 2);
            entityManager.SetComponentData(tailEntity, tailTranslation);
            Rotation tailRotation = new Rotation();

            tailRotation.Value = q;
            s = new NonUniformScale
                Value = new Vector3(size * 0.3f, size, size)
            //s.Value = new Vector3(2, 4, 10);
            entityManager.SetComponentData(tailEntity, s);
            entityManager.SetComponentData(tailEntity, tailRotation);
            entityManager.AddSharedComponentData(tailEntity, bodyMesh);
            entityManager.SetComponentData(tailEntity, s);
            entityManager.SetComponentData(tailEntity, new Tail()
                boidId = boidId, spineId = boidId * (spineLength + 1)
            // End tail

コード例 #28
        Entity CreateSmallBoid(Vector3 pos, Quaternion q, int boidId, float size)
            Entity boidEntity = entityManager.CreateEntity(boidArchitype);

            allTheBoids[boidId] = boidEntity;

            Translation p = new Translation();

            p.Value = pos;

            Rotation r = new Rotation();

            r.Value = q;

            entityManager.SetComponentData(boidEntity, p);
            entityManager.SetComponentData(boidEntity, r);

            NonUniformScale s = new NonUniformScale();

            s.Value = new Vector3(size * 0.5f, size, size);
            //s.Value = new Vector3(2, 4, 10);

            entityManager.SetComponentData(boidEntity, s);

            entityManager.SetComponentData(boidEntity, new Boid()
                boidId = boidId, mass = 1, maxSpeed = 100, maxForce = 400, weight = 200
            entityManager.SetComponentData(boidEntity, new Seperation());
            entityManager.SetComponentData(boidEntity, new Alignment());
            entityManager.SetComponentData(boidEntity, new Cohesion());
            entityManager.SetComponentData(boidEntity, new Constrain());
            entityManager.SetComponentData(boidEntity, new Flee());
            entityManager.SetComponentData(boidEntity, new Wander()
                distance = 2
                radius = 1.2f,
                jitter = 80,
                target = UnityEngine.Random.insideUnitSphere * 1.2f
            entityManager.SetComponentData(boidEntity, new Spine()
                parent = -1, spineId = boidId

            entityManager.SetComponentData(boidEntity, new ObstacleAvoidance()
                forwardFeelerDepth = 50, forceType = ObstacleAvoidance.ForceType.normal

            entityManager.AddSharedComponentData(boidEntity, bodyMesh);

            // Make the head
            Entity headEntity = entityManager.CreateEntity(headArchitype);

            allTheheadsAndTails[boidId * 2] = headEntity;

            Translation headTranslation = new Translation();

            headTranslation.Value = pos + (q * Vector3.forward) * size;
            entityManager.SetComponentData(headEntity, headTranslation);
            Rotation headRotation = new Rotation();

            headRotation.Value = q;
            entityManager.SetComponentData(headEntity, headRotation);
            entityManager.AddSharedComponentData(headEntity, bodyMesh);
            entityManager.SetComponentData(headEntity, s);
            entityManager.SetComponentData(headEntity, new Head()
                boidId = boidId, spineId = boidId

            // End head

            // Make the tail
            Entity tailEntity = entityManager.CreateEntity(tailArchitype);

            allTheheadsAndTails[(boidId * 2) + 1] = tailEntity;

            Translation tailTranslation = new Translation();

            tailTranslation.Value = pos - (q * Vector3.forward) * size;
            entityManager.SetComponentData(tailEntity, tailTranslation);
            Rotation tailRotation = new Rotation();

            tailRotation.Value = q;
            entityManager.SetComponentData(tailEntity, tailRotation);
            entityManager.AddSharedComponentData(tailEntity, bodyMesh);
            entityManager.SetComponentData(tailEntity, s);
            entityManager.SetComponentData(tailEntity, new Tail()
                boidId = boidId, spineId = boidId
            // End tail

コード例 #29
ファイル: Join_S.cs プロジェクト: baichuan72f/DOTS-Osmos
        public void Execute(int index)
            Entity          entity      = entities[index];
            Joiner_C        joiner      = joiners[index];
            Translation     translation = translations[index];
            Mover_C         mover       = movers[index];
            NonUniformScale scale       = scales[index];
            // 增加的体积
            double addVolume = 0;
            // 增加的质量
            double addMass = 0;
            // 增加的动量
            double3 addMomentum = double3.zero;

            for (int i = 0; i < joiners.Length; i++)
                if (i == index)
                var joiner2 = joiners[i];
                if (joiner.Volume <= 0 || joiner2.Volume <= 0)
                if (joiner2.Range == joiner.Range && entity.Index > entities[i].Index)
                var translation2 = translations[i];
                var dis          = math.distance(translation.Value, translation2.Value);
                if (dis == 0)

                if (joiner.Range + joiner2.Range > dis)
                    bool   isOut = joiner2.Range > joiner.Range;
                    double v     = isOut ? joiner.Volume : joiner2.Volume;
                    if (v > 0.2)
                        v = math.max(0.2, v * deltaTime * 2);
                    if (!isOut)
                        var m = UnitHelper.Volume2Mass(v);
                        addMass     += m;
                        addMomentum += m * movers[i].direction;
                    addVolume += isOut ? -v : v;
            joiner.Volume += addVolume;

            if (joiner.Volume < 0.01)
                concurrent.DestroyEntity(index, entity);

            if (addVolume > 0)
                Momentum_C momentumIn = new Momentum_C();
                momentumIn.mass   = addMass * 0.1;
                momentumIn.speed  = addMomentum / (addMass + 1);
                momentumIn.target = entity;
                concurrent.AddComponent(index, concurrent.CreateEntity(index), momentumIn);
            scale.Value = (float3)(new double3(1, 1, 1) * 2 * joiner.Range);
            concurrent.SetComponent(index, entity, scale);
            concurrent.SetComponent(index, entity, joiner);
コード例 #30
    protected override void OnUpdate()
        int drawmode = GetComponent <drawModeData>(mapGenerator).value;

        int mapWidth   = GetComponent <width>(mapGenerator).value;
        int mapHeight  = GetComponent <height>(mapGenerator).value;
        int mapSurface = math.mul(mapWidth, mapHeight);

        DynamicBuffer <noiseMapBuffer> heightMap = GetBuffer <noiseMapBuffer>(mapGenerator);

        heightMapNativeArray = heightMap.ToNativeArray(Allocator.TempJob).Reinterpret <float>();
        colourMapNativeArray = new NativeArray <MaterialColor>(mapSurface, Allocator.TempJob);

        #region JOB CALCULATION
        // TEXTURE MAP calculation
        if (drawmode == 0)
            TextureMapJob textureMapJob = new TextureMapJob
                mWidth      = mapWidth,
                mHeight     = mapHeight,
                noiseMapJob = heightMapNativeArray,
                colorsJob   = colourMapNativeArray.Reinterpret <Color>(),
            JobHandle jobHandle = textureMapJob.Schedule();
        // COLOR MAP calculation
        else if (drawmode == 1)
            DynamicBuffer <TerrainTypeBuffer> regionsBuffer = GetBuffer <TerrainTypeBuffer>(mapGenerator);
            ColorMapJob colorMapJob = new ColorMapJob
                mWidth        = mapWidth,
                mHeight       = mapHeight,
                noiseMapJob   = heightMapNativeArray,
                colorsJob     = colourMapNativeArray,
                regionsBuffer = regionsBuffer,
            JobHandle jobHandle = colorMapJob.Schedule();
        // MESH MAP calculation
        else if (drawmode == 2)
            int lvlDetail = GetComponent <levelOfDetailData>(mapGenerator).value;
            int meshSimplificationIncrement = (lvlDetail == 0) ? 1 : math.mul(lvlDetail, 2);
            int verticesPerLine             = ((mapWidth - 1) / meshSimplificationIncrement) + 1;// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 241 (241-1)/2 (this imply 241 is a const because not all number are pow of 2)
            //Size of the meshes now depending on the level of detail stored (enter when generated for now)
            verticesArray  = new NativeArray <float3>(((int)math.pow(verticesPerLine, 2)), Allocator.TempJob);
            trianglesArray = new NativeArray <int>(math.mul((int)math.pow(verticesPerLine - 1, 2), 6), Allocator.TempJob);
            uvsArray       = new NativeArray <float2>(((int)math.pow(verticesPerLine, 2)), Allocator.TempJob);

            DynamicBuffer <TerrainTypeBuffer> regionsBuffer = GetBuffer <TerrainTypeBuffer>(mapGenerator);

            //Temporary Solution for animation Curve
            curveHeightArray = new NativeArray <float>(mapSurface, Allocator.TempJob);
            var AnimCurve = _em.GetComponentData <MapHeightCurve>(mapGenerator).value;
            for (int i = 0; i < mapSurface; i++)
                curveHeightArray[i] = AnimCurve.Evaluate(heightMapNativeArray[i]);

            ColorMapJob colorMapJob = new ColorMapJob
                mWidth        = mapWidth,
                mHeight       = mapHeight,
                noiseMapJob   = heightMapNativeArray,
                colorsJob     = colourMapNativeArray,
                regionsBuffer = regionsBuffer,
            JobHandle colorJobHandle = colorMapJob.Schedule();

            MeshDataJob meshDataJob = new MeshDataJob
                widthJob         = mapWidth,
                heightJob        = mapHeight,
                noiseMapJob      = heightMapNativeArray,
                verticesJob      = verticesArray,
                trianglesJob     = trianglesArray,
                uvsJob           = uvsArray,
                heightMulJob     = GetComponent <mapHeightMultiplierData>(mapGenerator).value,
                curveJob         = curveHeightArray,
                levelOfDetailJob = lvlDetail,
                meshSimplificationIncrementJob = meshSimplificationIncrement,
                verticesPerLineJob             = verticesPerLine,
            JobHandle meshjobHandle = meshDataJob.Schedule();
            JobHandle.CompleteAll(ref colorJobHandle, ref meshjobHandle);
        #endregion JOB CALCULATION

        // TEXTURE2D applied to the plane (TextureJob and ColorJob)
        Texture2D texture2D = new Texture2D(mapWidth, mapHeight);
        texture2D.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
        texture2D.wrapMode   = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
        texture2D.SetPixels(colourMapNativeArray.Reinterpret <Color>().ToArray());

        var localToWorldScale = new NonUniformScale
            Value = new float3(mapWidth, mapHeight, mapHeight)

        //float4x4 scaleMesh = float4x4.Scale(mapWidth, mapHeight, mapHeight); //CAREFUL y need to be as big as the other vector points!
        //float4x4 totScale = math.mul(_em.GetComponentData<LocalToWorld>(mapGenerator).Value, scaleMesh);
        _em.SetComponentData(mapGenerator, localToWorldScale);
        if (drawmode == 0 || drawmode == 1)
            var material = _em.GetSharedComponentData <RenderMesh>(mapGenerator).material;
            material.mainTexture = texture2D;
        else if (drawmode == 2)
            Mesh mesh = new Mesh();
            mesh.name      = "planePROC";
            mesh.vertices  = verticesArray.Reinterpret <Vector3>().ToArray();
            mesh.uv        = uvsArray.Reinterpret <Vector2>().ToArray();
            mesh.triangles = trianglesArray.ToArray();
            //other mesh

             * MeshFilter meshFilter = _em.GetComponentData<MeshFilterData>(mapGenerator).value;
             * MeshRenderer meshRenderer = _em.GetComponentData<MeshRendererData>(mapGenerator).value;
             * Renderer renderer = _em.GetComponentData<RendererData>(mapGenerator).value;
             * //renderer.transform.localScale = new float3(texture2D.width, 1, texture2D.height);
             * meshFilter.sharedMesh = mesh;
             * meshRenderer.sharedMaterial.mainTexture = texture2D;
            //other mesh
            var material = _em.GetSharedComponentData <RenderMesh>(mapGenerator).material;
            material.mainTexture = texture2D;
            _em.SetSharedComponentData(mapGenerator, new RenderMesh {
                mesh = mesh, material = _em.GetComponentData <MapMaterialData>(mapGenerator).MeshMat
            //_em.SetSharedComponentData(mapGenerator, new RenderMesh { material = material, mesh = mesh });


        #region Event Trigger End
        _em.RemoveComponent <Event_MapGen_MapDisplay>(GetSingletonEntity <Event_MapGenTag>());
        #endregion Event Trigger End
        UnityEngine.Debug.Log($"Elapsed Texture{drawmode} = {sw.Elapsed}");