コード例 #1
        public async Task ProcessAsync(SocketMessage message)
            int        verificationCode = Convert.ToInt32(message.Content);
            SocketUser messageAuthor    = message.Author;
            bool       isCodeCorrect    = this.verificationCodeManager.IsCodeCorrectForUser(verificationCode, messageAuthor.Id);

            if (isCodeCorrect == false)
                NonBlockingLogger.Warn($"{messageAuthor.Username} provided a wrong verification code: {verificationCode}. Correct would have been: {this.verificationCodeManager.GetCodeForUser(messageAuthor.Id)}");
                await messageAuthor.SendMessageAsync(
                    "Hmmm... Es sieht aus, als wäre das der falsche Code. Bitte überprüfe, ob du mir den richtigen " +
                    "Code geschickt hast. Falls Ja, gib mir nochmals deine Mail Adresse, dann schicke ich dir ein neues Mail.\n\r" +
                    "Hmmm... It looks like that's the wrong code. Please make sure that you entered the code correctly. If you did, " +
                    "send me your mail address again and I'll send you another mail with a new verification code.");


            SocketGuild     socketGuild     = messageAuthor.MutualGuilds.Single(sg => sg.CurrentUser != null && sg.CurrentUser.Guild.Id == sg.Id);
            SocketGuildUser socketGuildUser = socketGuild.Users.Single(sgu => sgu.Id == messageAuthor.Id);

            NonBlockingLogger.Info($"Verification code {verificationCode} is correct for user {messageAuthor.Username}");
            SocketRole socketRole = socketGuild.Roles.Single(sr => sr.Name == this.discordClient.StudentRoleName);
            await socketGuildUser.AddRoleAsync(socketRole);

            await socketGuildUser.SendMessageAsync("Danke vielmals. Du bist nun verifiziert als Student.\n\rThank you very much. You're now verified as a student.");

            NonBlockingLogger.Info($"Assigned role @student to {messageAuthor.Username}");
コード例 #2
        public async Task <string> GetAccessToken()
            AuthenticationResult result;

            // If there is no saved user account, the user must sign-in
            if (this.userAccount == null)
                    // Invoke device code flow so user can sign-in with a browser
                    result = await this.msalClient.AcquireTokenWithDeviceCode(
                        callback =>

                    this.userAccount = result.Account;
                catch (Exception exception)
                    NonBlockingLogger.Error($"Error getting access token: {exception.Message}");

            // If there is an account, call AcquireTokenSilent
            // By doing this, MSAL will refresh the token automatically if
            // it is expired. Otherwise it returns the cached token.
            result = await this.msalClient.AcquireTokenSilent(this.scopes, this.userAccount).ExecuteAsync();

コード例 #3
        public async Task Start()
            Config config = this.configLoader.LoadConfigFromFile();

            NonBlockingLogger.Info($"Service started with the following config: {config}");
            await this.mailService.Initialize(config.FromMailAddress, config.FromName, config.AppId, config.Scopes);

            await this.orchestrator.InitializeDiscordAsync(config.DiscordApplicationToken, config.GuildName, config.AnnouncementRoleName, config.StudentRoleName);
コード例 #4
        public async Task ProcessAsync(SocketMessage message)
            int verificationCode = this.verificationCodeManager.CreateCodeForUser(message.Author.Id);

            string messageBody = $"Hi {message.Author.Username}\n\r"
                                 + $"Hier ist dein Verifizierungscode für den STAIR Discord Server: {verificationCode}.\n\r"
                                 + $"Bitte kopiere den Code und sende ihn mir persönlich via Discord. Danach bekommst du "
                                 + $"die @student Rolle auf dem STAIR Discord Server zugewiesen.\n\r"
                                 + $"Falls du irgendwelche Fragen bezüglich mir, dem Discord Server oder STAIR hast, "
                                 + $"zögere nicht ein STAIR Mitglied zu fragen (grün markiert im Discord).\n\r\n\r"
                                 + $"Here is your verification code for the STAIR Discord server: {verificationCode}\n\r"
                                 + $"Please copy the verification code and send it to me via Discord. Then you'll be "
                                 + $"assigned the @student role on the STAIR Discord server\n\r"
                                 + $"If you have any questions about me, the Discord server or about STAIR please don't "
                                 + $"hesitate to ask a STAIR member (marked green on Discord).\n\r\n\r"
                                 + $"Liebe Grüsse/Kind regards\n"
                                 + $"Stan";

            await this.mailService.SendMailToAsync(message.Content, "STAIR Discord Verification", messageBody);

            await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Vielen Dank! Ich habe ein Mail an {message.Content} geschickt.\n\rThanks! I've sent a mail to {message.Content}.");

            NonBlockingLogger.Info($"Sent verification mail to: {message.Author.Username} with mail: {message.Content}. Verification code: {verificationCode}");
コード例 #5
 public void Stop()
     NonBlockingLogger.Info("Service stopped!");