コード例 #1
        internal void FlashFFUTask(string FFUPath)
            new Thread(() =>
                bool Result = true;

                NokiaFlashModel Phone = (NokiaFlashModel)PhoneNotifier.CurrentModel;
                PhoneInfo Info        = Phone.ReadPhoneInfo(false);

                #region Remove bootloader changes

                // If necessary remove bootloader changes
                // In case the NV vars were redirected, and a stock FFU is flashed, then the IsFlashing flag will be cleared in the redirected NV vars
                // And after a reboot the original NV vars are active again, but the IsFlashing flag is still set from when the bootloader was unlocked
                // So we will first restore the GPT, so the original vars are active again.
                // Then IsFlashing is true and the phone boots forcibly to FlashApp again.
                // Then we start normal FFU flasing and at the end the IsFlashing flag is cleared in the original vars.

                if (Info.FlashAppProtocolVersionMajor >= 2)
                    byte[] GPTChunk = LumiaUnlockBootloaderViewModel.GetGptChunk(Phone, 0x20000); // TODO: Get proper profile FFU and get ChunkSizeInBytes
                    GPT GPT         = new GPT(GPTChunk);
                    FlashPart Part;
                    List <FlashPart> FlashParts = new List <FlashPart>();

                    Partition NvBackupPartition = GPT.GetPartition("BACKUP_BS_NV");
                    if (NvBackupPartition != null)
                        // This must be a left over of a half unlocked bootloader
                        Partition NvPartition               = GPT.GetPartition("UEFI_BS_NV");
                        NvBackupPartition.Name              = "UEFI_BS_NV";
                        NvBackupPartition.PartitionGuid     = NvPartition.PartitionGuid;
                        NvBackupPartition.PartitionTypeGuid = NvPartition.PartitionTypeGuid;

                        Part             = new FlashPart();
                        Part.StartSector = 0;
                        Part.Stream      = new MemoryStream(GPTChunk);

                    bool ClearFlashingStatus = true;

                    // We should only clear NV if there was no backup NV to be restored and the current NV contains the SB unlock.
                    if ((NvBackupPartition == null) && !Info.UefiSecureBootEnabled)
                        // ClearNV
                        Part             = new FlashPart();
                        Partition Target = GPT.GetPartition("UEFI_BS_NV");
                        Part.StartSector = (UInt32)Target.FirstSector;
                        Part.Stream      = new MemoryStream(new byte[0x40000]);

                        ClearFlashingStatus = false;

                    if (FlashParts.Count > 0)
                        ActivateSubContext(new BusyViewModel("Restoring bootloader..."));
                        WPinternalsStatus LastStatus = WPinternalsStatus.Undefined;
                        LumiaV2UnlockBootViewModel.LumiaV2CustomFlash(PhoneNotifier, FFUPath, false, false, FlashParts, true, ClearFlashingStatusAtEnd: ClearFlashingStatus,
                                                                      SetWorkingStatus: (m, s, v, a, st) =>
                            if ((st == WPinternalsStatus.Scanning) || (st == WPinternalsStatus.WaitingForManualReset))
                                SetWorkingStatus(m, s, v, a, st);
                            else if ((LastStatus == WPinternalsStatus.Scanning) || (LastStatus == WPinternalsStatus.WaitingForManualReset))
                                SetWorkingStatus("Restoring bootloader...", null, null, Status: WPinternalsStatus.Flashing);
                            LastStatus = st;
                                                                      UpdateWorkingStatus: (m, s, v, st) =>
                            if ((st == WPinternalsStatus.Scanning) || (st == WPinternalsStatus.WaitingForManualReset))
                                UpdateWorkingStatus(m, s, v, st);
                            else if ((LastStatus == WPinternalsStatus.Scanning) || (LastStatus == WPinternalsStatus.WaitingForManualReset))
                                SetWorkingStatus("Restoring bootloader...", null, null, Status: WPinternalsStatus.Flashing);
                            LastStatus = st;

                        if ((PhoneNotifier.CurrentInterface != PhoneInterfaces.Lumia_Bootloader) && (PhoneNotifier.CurrentInterface != PhoneInterfaces.Lumia_Flash))

                        if (PhoneNotifier.CurrentInterface == PhoneInterfaces.Lumia_Bootloader)


                Phone = (NokiaFlashModel)PhoneNotifier.CurrentModel;

                ActivateSubContext(new BusyViewModel("Initializing flash..."));

                string ErrorSubMessage = null;

                    FFU FFU            = new FFU(FFUPath);
                    BusyViewModel Busy = new BusyViewModel("Flashing original FFU...", MaxProgressValue: FFU.TotalChunkCount, UIContext: UIContext);
                    byte Options = 0;
                    if (!Info.IsBootloaderSecure)
                        Options = (byte)((FlashOptions)Options | FlashOptions.SkipSignatureCheck);
                    Phone.FlashFFU(FFU, Busy.ProgressUpdater, true, Options);
                catch (Exception Ex)
                    if (Ex is WPinternalsException)
                        ErrorSubMessage = ((WPinternalsException)Ex).SubMessage;
                    Result = false;

                if (!Result)
                    ExitFailure("Flash failed!", ErrorSubMessage);

                ExitSuccess("Flash successful!", null);