Inheritance: TextureGenerator
コード例 #1
	/// <summary>
	/// Grows the minerals on the map.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="map">The map where the minerals spawn</param>
	/// <param name="biomeMap">The biome map attached to the previous map.</param>
	public void GrowAll (TileType[, ] map, BiomeType[, ] biomeMap) {

		NoiseGenerator gen = new NoiseGenerator ();

		while (availableMinerals.Count > 0) {

			MineralInfo mineral = availableMinerals.Dequeue();


			for (int x = 0; x < map.GetLength(0); x ++) {

				int y = (mineral.minHeight > 0 ? mineral.minHeight : 0);
				int maxY = (mineral.maxHeight < map.GetLength(1) ? mineral.maxHeight : map.GetLength(1));

				for (; y < maxY; y ++) {

					if (IsTileCompatible(biomeMap, x, y, mineral.compatibleBiomes) && (mineral.rarity < (int) gen.PerlinNoise(x, y, 10, 100, 1)))
						PlaceMinerals(map, x, y, mineral.minerals);


コード例 #2
    void GenerateMesh()
        float start_time = Time.time;

        NoiseGenerator gen = new NoiseGenerator();
        noise = gen.generateNoise(width,width,100);
        MeshBuilder builder = new MeshBuilder();

        Vector3 offset = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

        for(int x = 0;x< width;x++){

            for(int z=0;z< width;z++){
                offset.z+= spacing;
                offset.y = noise[x * width + z] * Random.Range(-3,3);
                bool tri = x > 0 && z > 0;
                BuildQuadForGrid(builder,offset,new Vector2((1f/width)*x,(1f/width)*z),tri,width);
            offset.x+= spacing;
            offset.z = 0;

        if (terrainMesh != null)
            Mesh mesh = builder.CreateMesh();
            terrainMesh.sharedMesh = mesh;

        float diff = Time.time - start_time;
        Debug.Log("ProceduralTerrain was generated in " + diff + " seconds.");
コード例 #3
ファイル: NoiseManager.cs プロジェクト: JohanGl/Outworld-XNA
        private NoiseGenerator InitializeMountains(int width, int height)
            var generator = new NoiseGenerator(seed, width, height);

            generator.Settings.Frequency = 0.006;
            generator.Settings.Persistence = 0.65;
            generator.Settings.Octaves = 8;
            generator.Settings.Amplitude = 0.65;
            generator.Settings.CloudCoverage = 0;
            generator.Settings.CloudDensity = 1;

            return generator;
コード例 #4
    private static void CreateSkyBox()
        NoiseGenerator noise = new NoiseGenerator();
        Texture2D texture = noise.GenerateTexture(1080, 720, 10000f);
        texture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Repeat;

        for (int i = 0; i <= Random.Range(2000, 3500); i++)
            float f = Random.value;
            if (f >= 0.1)
                texture.SetPixel(Random.Range(0, texture.width), Random.Range(0, texture.height), Color.white);
                int x = Random.Range(0, texture.width);
                int y = Random.Range(0, texture.height);

                texture.SetPixel(x, y, Color.white);
                texture.SetPixel(x + 1, y, Color.white);
                texture.SetPixel(x, y + 1, Color.white);
                texture.SetPixel(x + 1, y + 1, Color.white);


        GameObject camera = Camera.main.gameObject;
        Skybox skybox = camera.GetComponent<Skybox>();
        if (skybox == null)
            skybox = camera.AddComponent<Skybox>();
        skybox.material = new Material(Shader.Find("RenderFX/Skybox"));
        skybox.material.SetTexture("_FrontTex", texture);
        skybox.material.SetTexture("_BackTex", texture);
        skybox.material.SetTexture("_LeftTex", texture);
        skybox.material.SetTexture("_RightTex", texture);
        skybox.material.SetTexture("_UpTex", texture);
        skybox.material.SetTexture("_DownTex", texture);
コード例 #5
 public void SetNoiseGenerator(NoiseGenerator noise)
     _noise = noise;
コード例 #6
        public VoxelChunk GenerateChunk(Vector3 origin, int chunkSizeX, int chunkSizeY, int chunkSizeZ, ComponentManager components, ContentManager content, GraphicsDevice graphics)
            float      waterHeight = SeaLevel;
            VoxelChunk c           = new VoxelChunk(Manager, origin, 1,
                                                    Manager.ChunkData.GetChunkID(origin + new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f)), chunkSizeX, chunkSizeY, chunkSizeZ)
                ShouldRebuild             = true,
                ShouldRecalculateLighting = true

            Voxel voxel = c.MakeVoxel(0, 0, 0);

            for (int x = 0; x < chunkSizeX; x++)
                for (int z = 0; z < chunkSizeZ; z++)
                    Vector2 v = new Vector2(x + origin.X, z + origin.Z) / PlayState.WorldScale;

                    Overworld.Biome biome = Overworld.Map[(int)MathFunctions.Clamp(v.X, 0, Overworld.Map.GetLength(0) - 1), (int)MathFunctions.Clamp(v.Y, 0, Overworld.Map.GetLength(1) - 1)].Biome;

                    BiomeData biomeData = BiomeLibrary.Biomes[biome];

                    Vector2 pos         = new Vector2(x + origin.X, z + origin.Z) / PlayState.WorldScale;
                    float   hNorm       = Overworld.GetValue(Overworld.Map, pos, Overworld.ScalarFieldType.Height);
                    float   h           = MathFunctions.Clamp(hNorm * chunkSizeY, 0.0f, chunkSizeY - 2);
                    int     stoneHeight = (int)Math.Max(h - 2, 1);

                    for (int y = 0; y < chunkSizeY; y++)
                        voxel.GridPosition = new Vector3(x, y, z);
                        if (y == 0)
                            voxel.Type = VoxelLibrary.GetVoxelType("Bedrock");

                        if (y <= stoneHeight && stoneHeight > 1)
                            voxel.Type   = VoxelLibrary.GetVoxelType(biomeData.SubsurfVoxel);
                            voxel.Health = VoxelLibrary.GetVoxelType(biomeData.SubsurfVoxel).StartingHealth;

                        else if ((y == (int)h || y == stoneHeight) && hNorm > waterHeight)
                            if (biomeData.ClumpGrass &&
                                NoiseGenerator.Noise(pos.X / biomeData.ClumpSize, 0, pos.Y / biomeData.ClumpSize) >
                                voxel.Type   = VoxelLibrary.GetVoxelType(biomeData.GrassVoxel);
                                voxel.Health = VoxelLibrary.GetVoxelType(biomeData.GrassVoxel).StartingHealth;
                            else if (!biomeData.ClumpGrass)
                                voxel.Type   = VoxelLibrary.GetVoxelType(biomeData.GrassVoxel);
                                voxel.Health = VoxelLibrary.GetVoxelType(biomeData.GrassVoxel).StartingHealth;
                                voxel.Type   = VoxelLibrary.GetVoxelType(biomeData.SoilVoxel);
                                voxel.Health = VoxelLibrary.GetVoxelType(biomeData.SoilVoxel).StartingHealth;
                        else if (y > h && y > 0)
                            voxel.Type = VoxelLibrary.GetVoxelType("empty");
                        else if (hNorm < waterHeight)
                            voxel.Type   = VoxelLibrary.GetVoxelType(biomeData.ShoreVoxel);
                            voxel.Health = VoxelLibrary.GetVoxelType(biomeData.ShoreVoxel).StartingHealth;
                            voxel.Type   = VoxelLibrary.GetVoxelType(biomeData.SoilVoxel);
                            voxel.Health = VoxelLibrary.GetVoxelType(biomeData.SoilVoxel).StartingHealth;

            GenerateOres(c, components, content, graphics);


            c.ShouldRebuildWater = true;
コード例 #7
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        selectedMapGenerator = (MapGeneratorV3.MapGenerators)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Choose your Map Generator: ", selectedMapGenerator);

        if (GUILayout.Button("Generate"))
            IGenerator gen = null;
            if (model.UseRandomSeed)
                model.Seed = System.DateTime.Now.ToString();
            switch (selectedMapGenerator)
            case MapGeneratorV3.MapGenerators.NoiseGenerator:
                gen = new NoiseGenerator(model.Increment, model.Seed);

            case MapGeneratorV3.MapGenerators.RandomGenerator:
                gen = new RandomGenerator(model.LandMasses, model.NumberOfAdjacents, model.Variance, model.NumberOfSmoothings, model.Seed);

            case MapGeneratorV3.MapGenerators.Random2DGenerator:
                gen = new Random2DGenerator(model.Increment, model.NumberOfAdjacents, model.NumberOfSmoothings, model.LandMasses, model.Seed);

            case MapGeneratorV3.MapGenerators.RandomOutOfPlaceGenerator:
                gen = new RandomOutOfPlaceGenerator(model.LandMasses, model.NumberOfAdjacents, model.Variance, model.NumberOfSmoothings, model.Seed);

            case MapGeneratorV3.MapGenerators.Random2DOutOfPlaceGenerator:
                gen = new Random2DOutOfPlaceGenerator(model.LandMasses, model.NumberOfAdjacents, model.Variance, model.NumberOfSmoothings, model.Seed);

            case MapGeneratorV3.MapGenerators.NoiseRandomGenerator:
                gen = new NoiseRandomGenerator(model.FloorIncrement, model.RandomAmplitude, model.Increment, model.Seed);
        switch (selectedMapGenerator)
        case MapGeneratorV3.MapGenerators.NoiseGenerator:
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Noise Generator");
            model.Increment = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Increment", model.Increment, 0f, 0.1f);

        case MapGeneratorV3.MapGenerators.RandomGenerator:
        case MapGeneratorV3.MapGenerators.RandomOutOfPlaceGenerator:
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Random Generator");
            model.LandMasses         = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Land Masses", model.LandMasses, 0f, 1f);
            model.NumberOfAdjacents  = EditorGUILayout.IntSlider("NumberOfAdjacents", model.NumberOfAdjacents, 10, 20);
            model.Variance           = EditorGUILayout.IntSlider("Variance", model.Variance, 0, 5);
            model.NumberOfSmoothings = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Number of Smoothings", model.NumberOfSmoothings);

        case MapGeneratorV3.MapGenerators.Random2DGenerator:
        case MapGeneratorV3.MapGenerators.Random2DOutOfPlaceGenerator:
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Random2D Generator");
            model.LandMasses         = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Land Masses", model.LandMasses, 0f, 1f);
            model.NumberOfAdjacents  = EditorGUILayout.IntSlider("NumberOfAdjacents", model.NumberOfAdjacents, 0, 9);
            model.NumberOfSmoothings = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Number of Smoothings", model.NumberOfSmoothings);
            model.Increment          = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Increment", model.Increment, 0f, 0.1f);

        case MapGeneratorV3.MapGenerators.NoiseRandomGenerator:
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Noise Generator");
            model.Increment       = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Increment", model.Increment, 0f, 0.5f);
            model.FloorIncrement  = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Floor Increment", model.FloorIncrement, 0f, 0.5f);
            model.RandomAmplitude = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Random Amplitude", model.RandomAmplitude, -2f, 2f);
        model.UseRandomSeed = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Use random Seed", model.UseRandomSeed);
        model.Seed          = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Seed", model.Seed);

        if (GUILayout.Button("Mesh"))

        if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
コード例 #8
        public ParticleAcceleratorControlMenu(ParticleAcceleratorBoundUserInterface owner)
            _greyScaleShader = IoCManager.Resolve <IPrototypeManager>().Index <ShaderPrototype>("Greyscale").Instance();

            Owner = owner;
            _drawNoiseGenerator = new NoiseGenerator(NoiseGenerator.NoiseType.Fbm);

            var resourceCache = IoCManager.Resolve <IResourceCache>();
            var font          = resourceCache.GetFont("/Fonts/Boxfont-round/Boxfont Round.ttf", 13);
            var panelTex      = resourceCache.GetTexture("/Textures/Interface/Nano/button.svg.96dpi.png");

            MouseFilter = MouseFilterMode.Stop;

            _alarmControlAnimation = new Animation
                Length          = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1),
                AnimationTracks =
                    new AnimationTrackControlProperty
                        Property  = nameof(Control.Visible),
                        KeyFrames =
                            new AnimationTrackProperty.KeyFrame(true,      0),
                            new AnimationTrackProperty.KeyFrame(false, 0.75f),

            var back = new StyleBoxTexture
                Texture  = panelTex,
                Modulate = Color.FromHex("#25252A"),

            back.SetPatchMargin(StyleBox.Margin.All, 10);

            var back2 = new StyleBoxTexture(back)
                Modulate = Color.FromHex("#202023")

            AddChild(new PanelContainer
                PanelOverride = back,
                MouseFilter   = MouseFilterMode.Pass

            _stateSpinBox = new SpinBox
                Value = 0,
            _stateSpinBox.IsValid = StrengthSpinBoxValid;
            _stateSpinBox.ValueChanged    += PowerStateChanged;
            _stateSpinBox.LineEditDisabled = true;

            _offButton = new Button
                ToggleMode   = false,
                Text         = "Off",
                StyleClasses = { StyleBase.ButtonOpenRight },
            _offButton.OnPressed += args => owner.SendEnableMessage(false);

            _onButton = new Button
                ToggleMode   = false,
                Text         = "On",
                StyleClasses = { StyleBase.ButtonOpenLeft },
            _onButton.OnPressed += args => owner.SendEnableMessage(true);

            var closeButton = new TextureButton
                StyleClasses        = { "windowCloseButton" },
                SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.ShrinkEnd

            closeButton.OnPressed += args => Close();

            var serviceManual = new Label
                SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.ShrinkCenter,
                StyleClasses        = { StyleBase.StyleClassLabelSubText },
                Text = Loc.GetString("Refer to p.132 of service manual")

            _drawLabel = new Label();
            var imgSize = new Vector2(32, 32);

            AddChild(new VBoxContainer
                Children =
                    new MarginContainer
                        MarginLeftOverride = 2,
                        MarginTopOverride  = 2,
                        Children           =
                            new Label
                                Text              = Loc.GetString("Mark 2 Particle Accelerator"),
                                FontOverride      = font,
                                FontColorOverride = StyleNano.NanoGold,
                            new MarginContainer
                                MarginRightOverride = 8,
                                Children            =
                    new PanelContainer
                        PanelOverride = new StyleBoxFlat                {
                            BackgroundColor = StyleNano.NanoGold
                        CustomMinimumSize = (0, 2),
コード例 #9
ファイル: MarchingCubes.cs プロジェクト: Shadow229/PGT
    //Examine a cell
    public static void UpdateTerrain(Vector3 CubePosition)
        //index for triange calc
        int index = 0;

        //grab the terrain generator for additional values
        TerrainGeneration tG = FindObjectOfType <TerrainGeneration>();
        //grab the noise generator
        NoiseGenerator nG = FindObjectOfType <NoiseGenerator>();

        //new cube
        Cube cube = new Cube();

        //init the arrays
        //size of the cube
        cube.Size = tG.ChunkSize / (float)tG.VoxelsPerAxis;

        //corner bit poattern positions (clockwise - bottom then top)
        byte[] b = { 0, 4, 5, 1, 2, 6, 7, 3 };
        //world positions of all corners
        for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
            //return the bit val of first 3 bits in byte to cover all indicies
            Vector3 ind = new Vector3(BitVal(b[x], 3), BitVal(b[x], 2), BitVal(b[x], 1));

             * (0, 0, 0)
             * (X, 0, 0)
             * (X, 0, X)
             * (0, 0, X)
             * (0, X, 0)
             * (X, X, 0)
             * (X, X, X)
             * (0, X, X)

            cube.CornerPos[x] = IndexFromCube(ind.x, ind.y, ind.z);

        tG.cubeGizmo = cube;

        //calculte the density value at each corner voxel
        //generate density values for w in the cube vector

        //Classify each vertex as inside or outside of the iso value
        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
            //bit OR to add values when under the isoSurface
            if (cube.CornerPos[i].w < tG.ISOValue)
                index |= (int)(Mathf.Pow(2f, i));

         * // Depreciated for code below this - however this makes it easier to understand and is how its shown in Paul Bourke's explaination ( - so left in for reference
         *      //determine what verts are inside our isoValue
         *      Vector3[] vertList = new Vector3[12];
         *      float ISO = tG.ISOValue;
         *      // Cube is entirely in/out of the surface - skip the rest
         *      if (Lookup.EdgeTable[index] != 0)
         *      {
         *          // Find the vertices where the surface intersects the cube
         *          if ((Lookup.EdgeTable[index] & 1) != 0)     { vertList[0] = VertexInterp(ISO, cube.CornerPos[0], cube.CornerPos[1]); } //B
         *          if ((Lookup.EdgeTable[index] & 2) != 0)     { vertList[1] = VertexInterp(ISO, cube.CornerPos[1], cube.CornerPos[2]); }
         *          if ((Lookup.EdgeTable[index] & 4) != 0)     { vertList[2] = VertexInterp(ISO, cube.CornerPos[2], cube.CornerPos[3]); } //A
         *          if ((Lookup.EdgeTable[index] & 8) != 0)     { vertList[3] = VertexInterp(ISO, cube.CornerPos[3], cube.CornerPos[0]); }
         *          if ((Lookup.EdgeTable[index] & 16) != 0)    { vertList[4] = VertexInterp(ISO, cube.CornerPos[4], cube.CornerPos[5]); }
         *          if ((Lookup.EdgeTable[index] & 32) != 0)    { vertList[5] = VertexInterp(ISO, cube.CornerPos[5], cube.CornerPos[6]); }
         *          if ((Lookup.EdgeTable[index] & 64) != 0)    { vertList[6] = VertexInterp(ISO, cube.CornerPos[6], cube.CornerPos[7]); }
         *          if ((Lookup.EdgeTable[index] & 128) != 0)   { vertList[7] = VertexInterp(ISO, cube.CornerPos[7], cube.CornerPos[4]); }
         *          if ((Lookup.EdgeTable[index] & 256) != 0)   { vertList[8] = VertexInterp(ISO, cube.CornerPos[0], cube.CornerPos[4]); }
         *          if ((Lookup.EdgeTable[index] & 512) != 0)   { vertList[9] = VertexInterp(ISO, cube.CornerPos[1], cube.CornerPos[5]); }
         *          if ((Lookup.EdgeTable[index] & 1024) != 0)  { vertList[10] = VertexInterp(ISO, cube.CornerPos[2], cube.CornerPos[6]); }
         *          if ((Lookup.EdgeTable[index] & 2048) != 0)  { vertList[11] = VertexInterp(ISO, cube.CornerPos[3], cube.CornerPos[7]); }
         *      }
         *      // Create triangles for current cube configuration
         *      int ntriang = 0;
         *      for (int i = 0; Lookup.TriTable[index,i] != -1; i += 3)
         *      {
         *          Triangle triangle = new Triangle
         *          {
         *              // triangle.Init();
         *              a = vertList[Lookup.TriTable[index, i]],
         *              b = vertList[Lookup.TriTable[index, i + 1]],
         *              c = vertList[Lookup.TriTable[index, i + 2]]
         *          };
         *          ntriang++;
         *          nG.CalculateNormal(triangle);

        //!Shorthand of the above using an additional lookup table to find the correct edge table!//

        // Create triangles for current cube configuration
        for (int i = 0; Lookup.TriTable[index, i] != -1; i += 3)
            // Get indices of corner points A and B for each of the three edges
            // of the cube that need to be joined to form the triangle.
            int a0 = Lookup.cornerIndexAFromEdge[Lookup.TriTable[index, i]];
            int b0 = Lookup.cornerIndexBFromEdge[Lookup.TriTable[index, i]];

            int a1 = Lookup.cornerIndexAFromEdge[Lookup.TriTable[index, i + 1]];
            int b1 = Lookup.cornerIndexBFromEdge[Lookup.TriTable[index, i + 1]];

            int a2 = Lookup.cornerIndexAFromEdge[Lookup.TriTable[index, i + 2]];
            int b2 = Lookup.cornerIndexBFromEdge[Lookup.TriTable[index, i + 2]];

            Triangle tri;
            tri.a = VertexInterp(cube.CornerPos[a0], cube.CornerPos[b0]);
            tri.b = VertexInterp(cube.CornerPos[a1], cube.CornerPos[b1]);
            tri.c = VertexInterp(cube.CornerPos[a2], cube.CornerPos[b2]);

            //add the triangle to our list
            if (tri.a != null)

        //get a bit value from a certain byte
        float BitVal(byte _byte, int bitNumber)
            bool bit = (_byte & (1 << bitNumber - 1)) != 0;

            //return the cube size if bit is true
            return(bit ? cube.Size : 0);

        //Linearly interpolate the position where an isosurface cuts
        //an edge between two vertices, each with their own scalar value
        Vector3 VertexInterp(Vector4 v1, Vector4 v2)
            float   t    = (tG.ISOValue - v1.w) / (v2.w - v1.w);
            Vector3 v1_1 = new Vector3(v1.x, v1.y, v1.z);
            Vector3 v2_1 = new Vector3(v2.x, v2.y, v2.z);

            return(v1_1 + t * (v2_1 - v1_1));

        //return the vertex index
        Vector4 IndexFromCube(float x, float y, float z)
            Vector3 offset = new Vector3(x, y, z);

            return(CubePosition + offset - * (cube.Size / 2f));
コード例 #10
 private void OnEnable()
     _noiseGenerator = (NoiseGenerator)target;
コード例 #11
 public Color[,] PreGeneratedColorMap()
     return(NoiseGenerator.ColorMap(mapWidth, mapHeight, seed, scale, octaves, persistance, lacunarity, offset, WaterLevel, gameObject.GetComponent <MapColor>()));
コード例 #12
 public static Color[,] ColorMap(int mapWidth, int mapHeight, int seed, float scale, int octaves, float persistance, float lacunarity, Vector2 offset, float WaterLevel, MapColor colors)
     float[,] heightMap       = new float[mapWidth, mapHeight];
     float[,] temparatureMap  = new float[mapWidth, mapHeight];
     Color[,] writingColorMap = new Color[mapWidth, mapHeight];
     heightMap      = NoiseGenerator.GenerateNoiseMap(mapWidth, mapHeight, seed, scale, octaves, persistance, lacunarity, offset + new Vector2((colors.LoadedChunk.x + colors.FakePosX) * mapWidth, (colors.LoadedChunk.y + colors.FakePosY) * mapHeight));
     temparatureMap = NoiseGenerator.TempMap(mapWidth, mapHeight, heightMap, colors);
     for (int y = 0; y < mapHeight; y++)
         for (int x = 0; x < mapWidth; x++)
             Color BeachColor = new Color(Mathf.Lerp(colors.TeamperateBeach.r, colors.TopicalBeach.r, 1 - temparatureMap[x, y]), Mathf.Lerp(colors.TeamperateBeach.g, colors.TopicalBeach.g, 1 - temparatureMap[x, y]), Mathf.Lerp(colors.TeamperateBeach.b, colors.TopicalBeach.b, 1 - temparatureMap[x, y]));
             BeachColor.r = BeachColor.r + heightMap[x, y] - WaterLevel;
             BeachColor.g = BeachColor.g + heightMap[x, y] - WaterLevel;
             BeachColor.b = BeachColor.b + heightMap[x, y] - WaterLevel;
             Color OceanColor    = new Color((colors.Ocean.r + heightMap[x, y]) - WaterLevel, (colors.Ocean.g + heightMap[x, y]) - WaterLevel, (colors.Ocean.b + heightMap[x, y]) - WaterLevel);
             Color SeaColor      = new Color((colors.Sea.r + heightMap[x, y]) - WaterLevel, (colors.Sea.g + heightMap[x, y]) - WaterLevel, (colors.Sea.b + heightMap[x, y]) - WaterLevel);
             Color UnEditedGrass = new Color(Mathf.Lerp(colors.Cold.r, colors.Wet.r, 1 - temparatureMap[x, y]), Mathf.Lerp(colors.Cold.g, colors.Wet.g, 1 - temparatureMap[x, y]), Mathf.Lerp(colors.Cold.b, colors.Wet.b, 1 - temparatureMap[x, y]));
             if (heightMap[x, y] >= WaterLevel)
                 if (heightMap[x, y] > colors.DryLevel)
                     if (heightMap[x, y] > colors.MoutainLevel)
                         writingColorMap[x, y] = new Color(Mathf.Lerp(colors.WetRock.r, colors.ColdRock.r, heightMap[x, y]) - colors.RockDryness, Mathf.Lerp(colors.WetRock.g, colors.ColdRock.g, heightMap[x, y]) - colors.RockDryness, Mathf.Lerp(colors.WetRock.b, colors.ColdRock.b, heightMap[x, y]) - colors.RockDryness);
                         if (temparatureMap[x, y] < 0.40f)
                             writingColorMap[x, y] = colors.DrySand;
                             writingColorMap[x, y] = new Color(Mathf.Lerp(UnEditedGrass.r, colors.Dry.r, heightMap[x, y]), Mathf.Lerp(UnEditedGrass.g, colors.Dry.g, heightMap[x, y]), Mathf.Lerp(UnEditedGrass.b, colors.Dry.b, heightMap[x, y]));
                     writingColorMap[x, y] = UnEditedGrass;
                 if (temparatureMap[x, y] > colors.GlobalIceMapping)
                     writingColorMap[x, y] = colors.Ice;
                     if (heightMap[x, y] > colors.BeachLevel)
                         writingColorMap[x, y] = NoiseGenerator.ColorLerp(BeachColor, SeaColor, 1 - (heightMap[x, y] - colors.BeachLevel) / (WaterLevel - colors.BeachLevel));
                         if (heightMap[x, y] > colors.SeaLevel)
                             writingColorMap[x, y] = NoiseGenerator.ColorLerp(SeaColor, OceanColor, 1 - (heightMap[x, y] - colors.SeaLevel) / (colors.BeachLevel - colors.SeaLevel));
                             writingColorMap[x, y] = OceanColor;
     for (int y = 0; y < mapHeight; y++)
         for (int x = 0; x < mapWidth; x++)
             if (temparatureMap[x, y] > colors.GlobalSnowMapping && heightMap[x, y] > WaterLevel)
                 writingColorMap[x, y] = colors.Snow;
コード例 #13
    //Performs the same functionality as a NoiseGenerator object without having to have an instance of NoiseGenerator, useful for
    //a single use noise generation
    public static int generateNoise(int x, int y, int z, float scale, int max)
        NoiseGenerator noiseGenerator = new NoiseGenerator(scale, max);

        return(noiseGenerator.generateNoise(x, y, z));
コード例 #14
        public AsteroidEditorTab(Content content, Editors editors, SpherifiedCubeGenerator spherifiedCubeGenerator, EntityController entityController, NoiseGenerator noiseGenerator)
            this.Texture                 = content.DebugTexture;
            this.Editors                 = editors;
            this.AsteroidBluePrint       = new AsteroidBluePrint();
            this.CraterBluePrints        = new List <CraterBluePrint>();
            this.SpherifiedCubeGenerator = spherifiedCubeGenerator;
            this.EntityController        = entityController;
            this.NoiseGenerator          = noiseGenerator;

            this.CraterBluePrints.Add(new CraterBluePrint());
コード例 #15
 public NoiseGeneratorTests()
コード例 #16
ファイル: PreviewMesh.cs プロジェクト: xanderclair/space-game
 float NoisePlane(Vector3 point, float noiseHeight)
     return(point.y + NoiseGenerator.sampleNoise2D(new Vector2(point.x, point.z) * 0.05f) * noiseHeight);
コード例 #17
 public ChunkGenerator(int seed)
     noiseGenerator = new NoiseGenerator(seed);
コード例 #18
ファイル: Erosion.cs プロジェクト: Killir/Mapa
    public float[,] Erode(int seed, float[,] heightMap, int heightMapIndex)
        System.Random prng           = new System.Random(seed);
        int           width          = heightMap.GetLength(0) - 1;
        int           height         = heightMap.GetLength(1) - 1;
        float         minHeightValue = float.MaxValue;
        float         maxHeightValue = float.MinValue;

        for (int i = 0; i < iterationCount; i++)
            Vector2  position = new Vector2(prng.Next(1, width - 1), prng.Next(1, height - 1));
            Particle particle = new Particle(position, startVolume);

            for (int l = 0; l < particleLifetime; l++)
                Vector2 currentPosition = particle.GetPosition();
                int     curX            = (int)currentPosition.x;
                int     curY            = (int)currentPosition.y;
                float   currentHeight   = heightMap[curX, curY];

                Vector2 gradient = CalculatePointGradient(heightMap, currentPosition.x, currentPosition.y);
                Vector2 speed    = particle.GetSpeed() + gradient / particle.GetVolume();
                if (speed.magnitude == 0)
                Vector2 nextPosition = currentPosition + speed;

                bool outOfHeightMap = nextPosition.x < 1 || nextPosition.x >= width || nextPosition.y < 1 || nextPosition.y >= height;
                if (outOfHeightMap)

                float nextHeight = heightMap[(int)nextPosition.x, (int)nextPosition.y];
                float heightDiff = currentHeight - nextHeight;
                float capasity   = particle.GetVolume() * speed.magnitude * heightDiff;
                if (capasity < 0)
                    capasity = 0f;
                float capasityDiff = capasity - particle.GetSediment() * depositionRate;
                heightMap[curX, curY] -= capasityDiff;

                if (heightMap[curX, curY] > maxHeightValue)
                    maxHeightValue = heightMap[curX, curY];
                if (heightMap[curX, curY] < minHeightValue)
                    minHeightValue = heightMap[curX, curY];

                particle.SetSediment(particle.GetSediment() + capasityDiff);
                particle.SetVolume(particle.GetVolume() * (1 - evaporationRate));

                if (debug)
                    GameObject sphere       = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);
                    float      sphereHeight = heightMap[(int)currentPosition.x, (int)currentPosition.y] * FindObjectOfType <MapGenerator>().heightMultiplier;
                    sphere.transform.position   = new Vector3(currentPosition.x, sphereHeight, currentPosition.y);
                    sphere.transform.localScale = * particle.GetVolume() * 0.4f;
                    sphere.GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterial.color =;

        NoiseGenerator.SetMaxValue(heightMapIndex, maxHeightValue);
        NoiseGenerator.SetMinValue(heightMapIndex, minHeightValue);
コード例 #19
        public void GenerateCaves(VoxelChunk chunk)
            Vector3      origin     = chunk.Origin;
            int          chunkSizeX = chunk.SizeX;
            int          chunkSizeY = chunk.SizeY;
            int          chunkSizeZ = chunk.SizeZ;
            BiomeData    biome      = BiomeLibrary.Biomes[Overworld.Biome.Cave];
            List <Voxel> neighbors  = new List <Voxel>();
            Voxel        vUnder     = chunk.MakeVoxel(0, 0, 0);

            for (int x = 0; x < chunkSizeX; x++)
                for (int z = 0; z < chunkSizeZ; z++)
                    int h = chunk.GetFilledVoxelGridHeightAt(x, chunk.SizeY - 1, z);
                    for (int i = 0; i < CaveLevels.Count; i++)
                        int y = CaveLevels[i];
                        if (y <= 0 || y >= h - 1)
                        Vector3 vec       = new Vector3(x, y, z) + chunk.Origin;
                        double  caveNoise = CaveNoise.GetValue((x + origin.X) * CaveNoiseScale * CaveFrequencies[i],
                                                               (y + origin.Y) * CaveNoiseScale * 3.0f, (z + origin.Z) * CaveNoiseScale * CaveFrequencies[i]);

                        double heightnoise = NoiseGenerator.Noise((x + origin.X) * NoiseScale * CaveFrequencies[i],
                                                                  (y + origin.Y) * NoiseScale * 3.0f, (z + origin.Z) * NoiseScale * CaveFrequencies[i]);

                        int caveHeight = Math.Min(Math.Max((int)(heightnoise * 5), 1), 3);

                        if (caveNoise > CaveSize)
                            bool waterFound = false;
                            for (int dy = 0; dy < caveHeight; dy++)
                                int index = chunk.Data.IndexAt(x, y - dy, z);
                                chunk.GetNeighborsManhattan(x, y - dy, z, neighbors);

                                if (neighbors.Any(v => v.WaterLevel > 0))
                                    waterFound = true;

                                if (waterFound)

                                chunk.Data.Types[index] = 0;

                            if (!waterFound && caveNoise > CaveSize * 1.8f && y - caveHeight > 0)
                                int indexunder = chunk.Data.IndexAt(x, y - caveHeight, z);
                                chunk.Data.Types[indexunder]      = (byte)VoxelLibrary.GetVoxelType(biome.GrassVoxel).ID;
                                chunk.Data.Health[indexunder]     = (byte)VoxelLibrary.GetVoxelType(biome.GrassVoxel).StartingHealth;
                                chunk.Data.IsExplored[indexunder] = false;
                                foreach (VegetationData veg in biome.Vegetation)
                                    if (!MathFunctions.RandEvent(veg.SpawnProbability))

                                    if (NoiseGenerator.Noise(vec.X / veg.ClumpSize, veg.NoiseOffset, vec.Y / veg.ClumpSize) < veg.ClumpThreshold)

                                    vUnder.GridPosition = new Vector3(x, y - 1, z);
                                    if (!vUnder.IsEmpty && vUnder.TypeName == biome.GrassVoxel)
                                        vUnder.Type = VoxelLibrary.GetVoxelType(biome.SoilVoxel);
                                        float offset = veg.VerticalOffset;
                                        if (vUnder.RampType != RampType.None)
                                            offset -= 0.25f;
                                        float         treeSize = MathFunctions.Rand() * veg.SizeVariance + veg.MeanSize;
                                        GameComponent entity   = EntityFactory.CreateEntity <GameComponent>(veg.Name, chunk.Origin + new Vector3(x, y, z) + new Vector3(0, treeSize * offset, 0), Blackboard.Create("Scale", treeSize));
                                        if (GameSettings.Default.FogofWar)
                                            ExploredListener listener = new ExploredListener(
                                                PlayState.ComponentManager, entity, PlayState.ChunkManager, vUnder);

                            foreach (FaunaData animal in biome.Fauna)
                                if (y <= 0 || !(PlayState.Random.NextDouble() < animal.SpawnProbability))

                                var entity = EntityFactory.CreateEntity <GameComponent>(animal.Name, chunk.Origin + new Vector3(x, y, z) + Vector3.Up * 1.0f);

                                if (GameSettings.Default.FogofWar)
                                    ExploredListener listener = new ExploredListener(PlayState.ComponentManager, entity,
                                                                                     PlayState.ChunkManager, chunk.MakeVoxel(x, y, z));
コード例 #20
 public float[,] PreGeneratedHeightMap()
     return(NoiseGenerator.GenerateNoiseMap(mapWidth, mapHeight, seed, scale, octaves, persistance, lacunarity, offset + new Vector2((LoadedChunk.x + FakePosX) * mapWidth, (LoadedChunk.y + FakePosY) * mapHeight)));
コード例 #21
ファイル: MineCart.cs プロジェクト: sikker/StawdewValley
        public bool tick(GameTime time)
            TimeSpan timeSpan;

            if (!this.reachedFinish && (this.livesLeft > 0 || this.gameMode == 2) && (double)this.screenDarkness > 0.0)
                double screenDarkness = (double)this.screenDarkness;
                timeSpan = time.ElapsedGameTime;
                double num = (double)timeSpan.Milliseconds * (1.0 / 500.0);
                this.screenDarkness = (float)(screenDarkness - num);
            int num1 = this.track.ElementAt <Point>(6).X == 0 ? 9999 : this.track.ElementAt <Point>(6).Y *this.tileSize + (this.track.ElementAt <Point>(6).X == 3 ? (int)-(double)this.speedAccumulator : (this.track.ElementAt <Point>(6).X == 4 ? (int)((double)this.speedAccumulator - 16.0) : 0));

            if (this.respawnCounter <= 0 || this.track[6].X == 0 || (this.obstacles[6].X == 1 || this.obstacles[7].X == 1))
                double speedAccumulator1 = (double)this.speedAccumulator;
                timeSpan = time.ElapsedGameTime;
                double num2 = (double)timeSpan.Milliseconds * (double)this.speed;
                this.speedAccumulator = (float)(speedAccumulator1 + num2);
                num1 = this.track.ElementAt <Point>(6).X == 0 ? 9999 : this.track.ElementAt <Point>(6).Y *this.tileSize + (this.track.ElementAt <Point>(6).X == 3 ? (int)-(double)this.speedAccumulator : (this.track.ElementAt <Point>(6).X == 4 ? (int)((double)this.speedAccumulator - 16.0) : 0));
                if ((double)this.speedAccumulator >= (double)this.tileSize)
                    if (!this.isJumping && this.movingOnSlope == 0 && Game1.random.NextDouble() < 0.5)
                        this.minecartBumpOffset = (float)Game1.random.Next(1, 3);
                    if ((this.totalMotion + 1) % 1000 == 0)
                    else if ((this.totalMotion + 1) % 100 == 0)
                    this.totalMotion = this.totalMotion + 1;
                    if (this.totalMotion > Game1.minecartHighScore)
                        Game1.minecartHighScore = this.totalMotion;
                    if (this.distanceToTravel != -1 && this.totalMotion >= this.distanceToTravel + this.screenWidth / this.tileSize)
                        if (!this.reachedFinish)
                        this.reachedFinish = true;
                    if (this.distanceToTravel == -1 || this.totalMotion < this.distanceToTravel)
                        double num3  = NoiseGenerator.Noise(this.totalMotion, this.noiseSeed);
                        Point  point = Point.Zero;
                        if (num3 > this.heightChangeThreshold && this.lastNoiseValue <= this.heightChangeThreshold)
                            this.currentTrackY = Math.Max(this.currentTrackY - Game1.random.Next(1, 2), -6);
                        else if (num3 < this.heightChangeThreshold && this.lastNoiseValue >= this.heightChangeThreshold)
                            this.currentTrackY = Math.Min(this.currentTrackY + Game1.random.Next(1, this.currentTrackY <= -3 ? 6 : 3), 4);
                        else if (Math.Abs(num3 - this.lastNoiseValue) > this.heightFluctuationsThreshold)
                            this.currentTrackY = this.track[this.track.Count - 1].X != 0 ? Math.Max(Math.Min(4, this.currentTrackY + Game1.random.Next(-3, 3)), -6) : Math.Max(-6, Math.Min(6, this.currentTrackY + Game1.random.Next(1, 1)));
                        if (num3 < -0.5)
                            bool flag = false;
                            for (int index = 0; index < 4 - (Game1.random.NextDouble() < 0.1 ? 1 : 0); ++index)
                                if (this.track[this.track.Count - 1 - index].X != 0)
                                    flag = true;
                            point = !flag ? new Point(Game1.random.Next(1, 3), Game1.random.NextDouble() >= 0.5 || this.currentTrackY >= 6 ? this.currentTrackY + 1 : this.currentTrackY) : new Point(0, 999);
                            point = new Point(Game1.random.Next(1, 3), this.currentTrackY);
                        if (this.track[this.track.Count - 1].X == 0 && point.X != 0)
                            point.Y = Math.Min(6, point.Y + 1);
                        if (point.Y == this.track[this.track.Count - 1].Y - 1)
                            this.track.RemoveAt(this.track.Count - 1);
                            this.track.Add(new Point(3, this.currentTrackY + 1));
                        else if (point.Y == this.track[this.track.Count - 1].Y + 1)
                            point.X = 4;
                        this.ceiling.Add(new Point(Game1.random.Next(200), Math.Min(this.currentTrackY - 5 + this.ytileOffset, Math.Max(0, this.ceiling.Last <Point>().Y + (Game1.random.NextDouble() < 0.15 ? Game1.random.Next(-1, 2) : 0)))));
                        bool flag1 = false;
                        for (int index = 0; index < 2; ++index)
                            if (this.track[this.track.Count - 1 - index].X == 0 || this.track[this.track.Count - 1 - index - 1].Y != this.track[this.track.Count - 1 - index].Y)
                                flag1 = true;
                        if (!flag1 && Game1.random.NextDouble() < this.obstacleOccurance && (this.currentTrackY > -2 && this.track.Last <Point>().X != 3) && this.track.Last <Point>().X != 4)
                            this.obstacles.Add(new Point(1, this.currentTrackY));
                        this.lastNoiseValue = num3;
                        this.track.Add(new Point(Game1.random.Next(1, 3), this.currentTrackY));
                        this.ceiling.Add(new Point(Game1.random.Next(200), this.ceiling.Last <Point>().Y));
                        this.lakeDecor.Add(new Point(Game1.random.Next(2), Game1.random.Next(this.ytileOffset + 1, this.screenHeight / this.tileSize)));
                    this.speedAccumulator = this.speedAccumulator % (float)this.tileSize;
                double speedAccumulator2 = (double)this.lakeSpeedAccumulator;
                timeSpan = time.ElapsedGameTime;
                double num4 = (double)timeSpan.Milliseconds * ((double)this.speed / 4.0);
                this.lakeSpeedAccumulator = (float)(speedAccumulator2 + num4);
                if ((double)this.lakeSpeedAccumulator >= (double)this.tileSize)
                    this.lakeSpeedAccumulator = this.lakeSpeedAccumulator % (float)this.tileSize;
                    this.lakeDecor.Add(new Point(Game1.random.Next(2), Game1.random.Next(this.ytileOffset + 3, this.screenHeight / this.tileSize)));
                double backBgPosition = (double)this.backBGPosition;
                timeSpan = time.ElapsedGameTime;
                double num5 = (double)timeSpan.Milliseconds * ((double)this.speed / 5.0);
                this.backBGPosition = (float)(backBgPosition + num5);
                this.backBGPosition = this.backBGPosition % 96f;
                double midBgPosition = (double)this.midBGPosition;
                timeSpan = time.ElapsedGameTime;
                double num6 = (double)timeSpan.Milliseconds * ((double)this.speed / 4.0);
                this.midBGPosition = (float)(midBgPosition + num6);
                this.midBGPosition = this.midBGPosition % 96f;
                double waterFallPosition = (double)this.waterFallPosition;
                timeSpan = time.ElapsedGameTime;
                double num7 = (double)timeSpan.Milliseconds * ((double)this.speed * 6.0 / 5.0);
                this.waterFallPosition = (float)(waterFallPosition + num7);
                if ((double)this.waterFallPosition > (double)(this.screenWidth * 3 / 2))
                    this.waterFallPosition = this.waterFallPosition % (float)(this.screenWidth * 3 / 2);
                    this.waterfallWidth    = Game1.random.Next(6);
                int respawnCounter = this.respawnCounter;
                timeSpan = time.ElapsedGameTime;
                int milliseconds = timeSpan.Milliseconds;
                this.respawnCounter    = respawnCounter - milliseconds;
                this.mineCartYPosition = (float)num1;
            if ((double)Math.Abs(this.mineCartYPosition - (float)num1) <= 6.0 && (double)this.minecartDY >= 0.0 && this.movingOnSlope == 0)
                if ((double)this.minecartDY > 0.0)
                    this.mineCartYPosition = (float)num1;
                    this.minecartDY        = 0.0f;
                    if (Game1.soundBank != null)
                        this.minecartLoop = Game1.soundBank.GetCue("minecartLoop");
                    this.isJumping       = false;
                    this.reachedJumpApex = false;
                if (this.track[6].X == 3)
                    this.movingOnSlope = 1;
                else if (this.track[6].X == 4)
                    this.movingOnSlope = 2;
            else if (!this.isJumping && (double)Math.Abs(this.mineCartYPosition - (float)num1) <= 6.0 && (this.track[6].X == 3 || this.track[6].X == 4))
                this.mineCartYPosition = (float)num1;
                if ((double)this.mineCartYPosition == (double)num1 && this.track[6].X == 3)
                    this.movingOnSlope = 1;
                    if (this.respawnCounter <= 0)
                else if ((double)this.mineCartYPosition == (double)num1 && this.track[6].X == 4)
                    this.movingOnSlope = 2;
                    if (this.respawnCounter <= 0)
                this.minecartDY = 0.0f;
                this.movingOnSlope = 0;
                this.minecartDY    = this.minecartDY + (!this.reachedJumpApex && this.isJumping || (double)this.mineCartYPosition == (double)num1 ? 0.0f : 0.21f);
                if ((double)this.minecartDY > 0.0)
                    this.minecartDY = Math.Min(this.minecartDY, 9f);
                if ((double)this.minecartDY > 0.0 || (double)this.minecartPositionBeforeJump - (double)this.mineCartYPosition <= (double)this.maxJumpHeight)
                    this.mineCartYPosition = this.mineCartYPosition + this.minecartDY;
            if ((double)this.minecartDY > 0.0 && this.minecartLoop != null && this.minecartLoop.IsPlaying)
            if (this.reachedFinish)
                double mineCartXoffset = (double)this.mineCartXOffset;
                double speed           = (double)this.speed;
                timeSpan = time.ElapsedGameTime;
                double milliseconds = (double)timeSpan.Milliseconds;
                double num2         = speed * milliseconds;
                this.mineCartXOffset = (float)(mineCartXoffset + num2);
                if (Game1.random.NextDouble() < 0.25)
            if ((double)this.mineCartXOffset > (double)(this.screenWidth - 6 * this.tileSize + this.tileSize))
                switch (this.gameMode)
                case 0:
                    double screenDarkness1 = (double)this.screenDarkness;
                    timeSpan = time.ElapsedGameTime;
                    double num8 = (double)timeSpan.Milliseconds / 2000.0;
                    this.screenDarkness = (float)(screenDarkness1 + num8);
                    if ((double)this.screenDarkness >= 1.0)
                        if (Game1.mine != null)
                            Game1.mine.mineLevel += 3;
                            Game1.warpFarmer("UndergroundMine", 16, 16, false);
                            Game1.fadeToBlackAlpha = 1f;

                case 3:
                    double screenDarkness2 = (double)this.screenDarkness;
                    timeSpan = time.ElapsedGameTime;
                    double num9 = (double)timeSpan.Milliseconds / 2000.0;
                    this.screenDarkness = (float)(screenDarkness2 + num9);
                    if ((double)this.screenDarkness >= 1.0)
                        this.reachedFinish = false;
                        this.currentTheme  = (this.currentTheme + 1) % 6;
                        this.levelsBeat    = this.levelsBeat + 1;
                        if (this.levelsBeat == 6)
                            if (!Game1.player.hasOrWillReceiveMail("JunimoKart"))
                                Game1.addMailForTomorrow("JunimoKart", false, false);
                            Game1.currentMinigame = (IMinigame)null;
                            DelayedAction.playSoundAfterDelay("discoverMineral", 1000);
            if ((double)this.speedAccumulator >= (double)(this.tileSize / 2) && ((int)((double)this.mineCartYPosition / (double)this.tileSize) == this.obstacles[7].Y || (int)((double)this.mineCartYPosition / (double)this.tileSize - (double)(this.tileSize - 1)) == this.obstacles[7].Y))
                switch (this.obstacles[7].X)
                case 1:
                    this.mineCartYPosition = (float)this.screenHeight;

                case 2:
                    this.obstacles.Insert(6, Point.Zero);
            if ((double)this.mineCartYPosition > (double)this.screenHeight)
                this.mineCartYPosition = -999999f;
                this.livesLeft         = this.livesLeft - 1;
                if (this.gameMode == 0 && (double)this.livesLeft < 0.0)
                    this.mineCartYPosition = 999999f;
                    this.livesLeft         = this.livesLeft + 1;
                    double screenDarkness3 = (double)this.screenDarkness;
                    timeSpan = time.ElapsedGameTime;
                    double num2 = (double)timeSpan.Milliseconds * (1.0 / 1000.0);
                    this.screenDarkness = (float)(screenDarkness3 + num2);
                    if ((double)this.screenDarkness >= 1.0)
                        if ( > 1)
                   = 1;
                   = 0;
                else if (this.gameMode == 4 || this.gameMode == 3 && this.livesLeft < 0)
                    if (this.gameMode == 3)
                        this.levelsBeat = 0;
                    this.respawnCounter  = 1400;
                    this.minecartDY      = 0.0f;
                    this.isJumping       = false;
                    this.reachedJumpApex = false;
                    if (this.gameMode == 2)
                        this.totalMotion = 0;
            this.minecartBumpOffset = Math.Max(0.0f, this.minecartBumpOffset - 0.5f);
            for (int index = this.sparkShower.Count - 1; index >= 0; --index)
                this.sparkShower[index].dy += 0.105f;
                this.sparkShower[index].x  += this.sparkShower[index].dx;
                this.sparkShower[index].y  += this.sparkShower[index].dy;
                // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
                // ISSUE: variable of a reference type
                Color& local1 = @this.sparkShower[index].c;
                double num2   = 0.0;
                double val1_1 = 0.0;
                timeSpan = time.TotalGameTime;
                double val2_1 = Math.Sin((double)timeSpan.Milliseconds / (20.0 * Math.PI / (double)this.sparkShower[index].dx)) * (double)byte.MaxValue;
                double num3   = Math.Max(val1_1, val2_1);
                int    num4   = (int)(byte)(num2 + num3);
                // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
                (^ local1).B = (byte)num4;
                if (this.reachedFinish)
                    // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
                    // ISSUE: variable of a reference type
                    Color& local2 = @this.sparkShower[index].c;
                    double num5   = 0.0;
                    double val1_2 = 0.0;
                    timeSpan = time.TotalGameTime;
                    double val2_2 = Math.Sin((double)(timeSpan.Milliseconds + 50) / (20.0 * Math.PI / (double)this.sparkShower[index].dx)) * (double)byte.MaxValue;
                    double num6   = Math.Max(val1_2, val2_2);
                    int    num7   = (int)(byte)(num5 + num6);
                    // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
                    (^ local2).R = (byte)num7;
                    // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
                    // ISSUE: variable of a reference type
                    Color& local3 = @this.sparkShower[index].c;
                    double num10  = 0.0;
                    double val1_3 = 0.0;
                    timeSpan = time.TotalGameTime;
                    double val2_3 = Math.Sin((double)(timeSpan.Milliseconds + 100) / (20.0 * Math.PI / (double)this.sparkShower[index].dx)) * (double)byte.MaxValue;
                    double num11  = Math.Max(val1_3, val2_3);
                    int    num12  = (int)(byte)(num10 + num11);
                    // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
                    (^ local3).G = (byte)num12;
                    if ((int)this.sparkShower[index].c.R == 0)
                        this.sparkShower[index].c.R = byte.MaxValue;
                    if ((int)this.sparkShower[index].c.G == 0)
                        this.sparkShower[index].c.G = byte.MaxValue;
                if ((double)this.sparkShower[index].y > (double)this.screenHeight)
コード例 #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes terrain.
        /// Applies Noise function to map the height.
        /// Random by default but will produce same results if seed is provided.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitTerrain()
            NoiseGenerator generator;

            if (this.seed == null)
                generator = new NoiseGenerator(70, 4, 0.2f, null);
                generator = new NoiseGenerator(70, 4, 0.2f, (uint)this.seed.Value);

            int vertexCount = 128;

            int count = vertexCount * vertexCount;

            this.heights = new float[vertexCount, vertexCount];

            float[] vertices      = new float[count * 3];
            float[] normals       = new float[count * 3];
            float[] textureCoords = new float[count * 2];
            this.indices = new int[6 * (vertexCount - 1) * (vertexCount - 1)];

            int vertexPointer = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < vertexCount; j++)
                    // Position
                    vertices[vertexPointer * 3] = (float)j / ((float)vertexCount - 1) * Size;
                    float height = this.GetHeight(j, i, generator);
                    vertices[(vertexPointer * 3) + 1] = height;
                    this.heights[j, i] = height;
                    vertices[(vertexPointer * 3) + 2] = (float)i / ((float)vertexCount - 1) * Size;

                    // Normals
                    Vector3 normal = this.CalculateNormal(j, i, generator);
                    normals[vertexPointer * 3]       = normal.X;
                    normals[(vertexPointer * 3) + 1] = normal.Y;
                    normals[(vertexPointer * 3) + 2] = normal.Z;

                    // Texture Coords
                    textureCoords[vertexPointer * 2] =
                        (float)j / ((float)vertexCount - 1) * Size;
                    textureCoords[(vertexPointer * 2) + 1] =
                        (float)i / ((float)vertexCount - 1) * Size;


            int pointer = 0;

            for (int gz = 0; gz < vertexCount - 1; gz++)
                for (int gx = 0; gx < vertexCount - 1; gx++)
                    int topLeft     = (gz * vertexCount) + gx;
                    int topRight    = topLeft + 1;
                    int bottomLeft  = ((gz + 1) * vertexCount) + gx;
                    int bottomRight = bottomLeft + 1;

                    this.indices[pointer++] = topLeft;
                    this.indices[pointer++] = bottomLeft;
                    this.indices[pointer++] = topRight;
                    this.indices[pointer++] = topRight;
                    this.indices[pointer++] = bottomLeft;
                    this.indices[pointer++] = bottomRight;

            this.terrainVertices = new VertexPositionNormalTexture[count];

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                float posX = vertices[i * 3];
                float posY = vertices[i * 3 + 1];
                float posZ = vertices[i * 3 + 2];
                this.terrainVertices[i].Position = new Vector3(posX, posY, posZ);

                float normX = normals[i * 3];
                float normY = normals[i * 3 + 1];
                float normZ = normals[i * 3 + 2];
                this.terrainVertices[i].Normal = new Vector3(normX, normY, normZ);

                float textureX = textureCoords[i * 2];
                float textureY = textureCoords[i * 2 + 1];
                this.terrainVertices[i].TextureCoordinate = new Vector2(textureX, textureY);

            this.effect = new BasicEffect(this.device);
            this.effect.TextureEnabled = true;
            this.effect.Texture        = this.texture;

            // Light green
            this.effect.SpecularColor = Color.LightGreen.ToVector3() / 5f;
            this.effect.SpecularPower = 30;

            Light.Sunlight(this.effect, this.effect.SpecularColor);

            // Very light green
            this.effect.AmbientLightColor = Color.LightGreen.ToVector3() / 15f;

            this.effect.PreferPerPixelLighting = true;

            this.effect.FogEnabled = true;
            this.effect.FogStart   = FogStart;
            this.effect.FogEnd     = FogEnd;
            this.effect.FogColor   = FogColor;
コード例 #23
        //Initialize all variables to their default values
        public override void Initialize()
            modtimer = 0;
            Instance = this;


            if (Dimensions.SGAPocketDim.WhereAmI == null)
                downedSpaceBoss = false;

            if (SGAmod.cachedata == false)
                portalcanmovein     = false;
                oretypesprehardmode = new int[4] {
                    TileID.Copper, TileID.Iron, TileID.Silver, TileID.Gold
                oretypeshardmode = new int[3] {
                    TileID.Cobalt, TileID.Mythril, TileID.Adamantite
                NightmareHardcore = 0;
                dungeonlevel      = 0;
                //highestDimDungeonFloor = 0;
                Main.invasionSize              = 0;
                customInvasionUp               = false;
                downedCustomInvasion           = false;
                downedSPinky                   = false;
                downedTPD                      = false;
                downedSpiderQueen              = false;
                downedHarbinger                = false;
                downedWraiths                  = 0;
                downedMurk                     = 0;
                craftwarning                   = 0;
                tidalCharmUnlocked             = false;
                GennedVirulent                 = false;
                downedMurklegacy               = false;
                downedCaliburnGuardians        = 0;
                downedCaliburnGuardiansPoints  = 0;
                downedCaliburnGuardianHardmode = false;
                downedCirno                    = false;
                downedSharkvern                = false;
                darknessVision                 = false;
                overalldamagedone              = 0;
                downedCratrosity               = false;
                downedCratrosityPML            = false;
                downedHellion                  = 0;
                sharkvernMessage               = false;
                downedPrismBanshee             = 0;
                tf2cratedrops                  = false;
                tf2quest      = 0;
                bossprgressor = 0;
                SnapCooldown  = 0;
                WorldIsNovus  = true;
                for (int f = 0; f < CaliburnAlterCoordsX.Length; f++)
                    CaliburnAlterCoordsX[f] = 0;
                    CaliburnAlterCoordsY[f] = 0;
                WorldIsTin = WorldGen.oreTier1 != TileID.Copper;
                int x = 0;
                for (x = 0; x < questvars.Length; x++)
                    questvars[x] = 0;

                if (!Main.dedServ)
                    Item c0decrown = new Item();

                    Main.armorHeadLoaded[c0decrown.headSlot]  = true;
                    Main.armorHeadTexture[c0decrown.headSlot] = SGAmod.RadSuitHeadTex;

            WorldNoise = new NoiseGenerator(Main.worldName.GetHashCode());

            WorldNoise.Amplitude   = 1;
            WorldNoise.Octaves     = 4;
            WorldNoise.Persistence = 0.750;
            WorldNoise.Frequency  *= 1.25;

            SGAmod.cachedata = false;
コード例 #24
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the height at the specified position on the terrain
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="x">
 /// The x coordinate
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="z">
 /// The z coordinate
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="generator">
 /// The perlin noise height generator
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 /// The <see cref="float"/>.
 /// </returns>
 private float GetHeight(int x, int z, NoiseGenerator generator)
     return(generator.GenerateNoise(x, z));
コード例 #25
ファイル: NoiseGenEditor.cs プロジェクト: zh2009053012/Clouds
 void OnEnable()
     noise = (NoiseGenerator)target;
コード例 #26
 private void OnValidate()
     fallOffMap = NoiseGenerator.GenerateFalloffMap(chunkSize, settings.falloffDistance, settings.falloffHardness);
コード例 #27
        public void GenerateVegetation(VoxelChunk chunk, ComponentManager components, ContentManager content, GraphicsDevice graphics)
            int   waterHeight = (int)(SeaLevel * chunk.SizeY);
            bool  updated     = false;
            Voxel v           = chunk.MakeVoxel(0, 0, 0);
            Voxel vUnder      = chunk.MakeVoxel(0, 0, 0);

            for (int x = 0; x < chunk.SizeX; x++)
                for (int z = 0; z < chunk.SizeZ; z++)
                    Vector2         vec       = new Vector2(x + chunk.Origin.X, z + chunk.Origin.Z) / PlayState.WorldScale;
                    Overworld.Biome biome     = Overworld.Map[(int)MathFunctions.Clamp(vec.X, 0, Overworld.Map.GetLength(0) - 1), (int)MathFunctions.Clamp(vec.Y, 0, Overworld.Map.GetLength(1) - 1)].Biome;
                    BiomeData       biomeData = BiomeLibrary.Biomes[biome];

                    int y = chunk.GetFilledVoxelGridHeightAt(x, chunk.SizeY - 1, z);

                    if (!chunk.IsCellValid(x, (int)(y - chunk.Origin.Y), z))

                    v.GridPosition = new Vector3(x, y, z);

                    if (!v.IsEmpty || chunk.Data.Water[v.Index].WaterLevel != 0 || y <= waterHeight)

                    foreach (VegetationData veg in biomeData.Vegetation)
                        if (y <= 0)

                        if (!MathFunctions.RandEvent(veg.SpawnProbability))

                        if (NoiseGenerator.Noise(vec.X / veg.ClumpSize, veg.NoiseOffset, vec.Y / veg.ClumpSize) < veg.ClumpThreshold)

                        int yh = chunk.GetFilledVoxelGridHeightAt(x, y, z);

                        if (yh > 0)
                            vUnder.GridPosition = new Vector3(x, yh - 1, z);
                            if (!vUnder.IsEmpty && vUnder.TypeName == biomeData.GrassVoxel)
                                vUnder.Type = VoxelLibrary.GetVoxelType(biomeData.SoilVoxel);
                                updated     = true;
                                float offset = veg.VerticalOffset;
                                if (vUnder.RampType != RampType.None)
                                    offset -= 0.25f;
                                float treeSize = MathFunctions.Rand() * veg.SizeVariance + veg.MeanSize;
                                EntityFactory.CreateEntity <Body>(veg.Name, chunk.Origin + new Vector3(x, y, z) + new Vector3(0, treeSize * offset, 0), Blackboard.Create("Scale", treeSize));


            if (updated)
                chunk.ShouldRebuild = true;
コード例 #28
    IEnumerator GetSamplesAsync(SampleRegion i)
        NoiseOptions options = NoiseConfig.options[i.options];
        NoiseOptions drift   = new NoiseOptions();

        if (options.driftMapId != -1)
            drift = NoiseConfig.options[options.driftMapId];

        int h_rate = 2;

        if (Config.Interpolation == InterpolationLevel.Off)
            h_rate = 1;
        int sampleX = (i.region.sizeX / (i.sampleRate * h_rate)) + 1;
        int sampleY = (i.region.sizeY / i.sampleRate) + 1;
        int sampleZ = (i.region.sizeZ / (i.sampleRate * h_rate)) + 1;

        if (i.samples == null || i.samples.Length != sampleX * sampleY * sampleZ)
            i.samples = new float[sampleX, sampleY, sampleZ];

        for (int z = 0; z < sampleZ; z++)
            for (int x = 0; x < sampleX; x++)
                Vector2 location = new Vector2
                    (x * i.sampleRate + (i.region.min.x / 2f)) * i.zoom.x,
                    (z * i.sampleRate + (i.region.min.z / 2f)) * i.zoom.z

                float driftMap = 0f;
                if (options.driftMapId != -1)
                    driftMap = NoiseGenerator.Sum

                for (int y = 0; y < sampleY; y++)
                    // x and z are calculated above
                    Vector3 position = new Vector3
                        (y * i.sampleRate + i.region.min.y) * i.zoom.y,

                    // with drift
                    i.samples[x, y, z] = NoiseGenerator.Sum(
                        options.drift != 0f
                                                        ? Mathf.Lerp(
                            driftMap > 0f
                                                                        ? options.frequency.max * options.driftScale
                                                                        : options.frequency.min,
                                                        : options.frequency.value,

        i.sampled = true;

        yield return(null);
コード例 #29
ファイル: Dancer.cs プロジェクト: thunderawesome/PuppetTest
 static Quaternion NoiseRotation(NoiseGenerator ng, int seed, Vector3 angles)
     return(ng.Rotation(seed, angles.x, angles.y, angles.z));
コード例 #30
 protected double Noise(double x)
コード例 #31
        public static float GetAbundance(AbundanceRequest request)
                var northing = Utilities.Deg2Rad(Utilities.fixLat(request.Latitude));
                var easting = Utilities.Deg2Rad(Utilities.fixLong(request.Longitude));
                var body = FlightGlobals.Bodies.FirstOrDefault(b => b.flightGlobalsIndex == request.BodyId);
                var biome = Utilities.GetBiome(northing, easting, body);
                var seed = GenerateAbundanceSeed(request, biome, body);
                var biomeName = GetDefaultSituation(request.ResourceType);
                if (biome != null)
                    biomeName =;

                //We need to determine our data set for randomization.
                //Is there biome data?
                DistributionData distro = null;
                var biomeConfigs = BiomeResources.Where(
                        r => r.PlanetName == body.bodyName
                             && r.BiomeName == biomeName
                             && r.ResourceName == request.ResourceName
                             && r.ResourceType == (int)request.ResourceType).ToList();
                var planetConfigs =
                        r => r.PlanetName == body.bodyName
                             && r.ResourceName == request.ResourceName
                             && r.ResourceType == (int)request.ResourceType).ToList();
                var globalConfigs =
                        r => r.ResourceName == request.ResourceName
                             && r.ResourceType == (int)request.ResourceType).ToList();
                //Extrapolate based on matching overrides
                if (biomeConfigs.Any())
                    distro = GetBestResourceData(biomeConfigs);
                    seed *= 2;
                else if (planetConfigs.Any())
                    distro = GetBestResourceData(planetConfigs);
                    seed *= 3;
                else if (globalConfigs.Any())
                    distro = GetBestResourceData(globalConfigs);
                    seed *= 4;
                    return 0f;

                var rand = new Random(seed);
                //Our Simplex noise:
                var noiseSeed = new int[8];
                for (var ns = 0; ns < 8; ns++)
                    noiseSeed[ns] = rand.Next();
                var spx = new NoiseGenerator(noiseSeed);
                var noiseX = (float) northing * distro.Variance / 10f;
                var noiseY = (float)easting * distro.Variance / 10f;
                var noiseZ = (rand.Next(100)) / 100f;
                var noise = spx.noise(noiseX, noiseY, noiseZ);

                var presenceRoll = rand.Next(100);
                var isPresent = (presenceRoll <= distro.PresenceChance);
                if (!isPresent)
                    return 0f;

                //Abundance begins with a starting range.
                var min = (int)(distro.MinAbundance * 1000);
                var max = (int)(distro.MaxAbundance * 1000);
                //In case someone is silly
                if (min > max)
                    max = min + 1;
                var abundance = (rand.Next(min, max))/1000f;
                var baseAbuncance = abundance;
                var minAbundance = Math.Max(0.01f,min)/1000f;

                //Applies to all but interplanetary
                if (request.ResourceType != HarvestTypes.Interplanetary)
                    //Lets add some noise...
                    float swing = abundance*(distro.Variance/100f);
                    abundance = abundance - swing + (swing*noise*2);
                    //You should only be able to hit zero if someohe sets their
                    //variance >= 100
                    if (abundance < 0)
                        abundance = 0;
                //Altitude band - only applies to atmospheric and interplanetary
                if (
                    (request.ResourceType == HarvestTypes.Atmospheric || request.ResourceType == HarvestTypes.Interplanetary)
                    && distro.HasVariableAltitude())
                    var rad = body.Radius;
                    var ideal = ((rad*distro.MinAltitude) + (rad*distro.MaxAltitude))/2;
                    //print("REGO: IDEAL = " + ideal);
                    var range = rand.Next((int)(rad * distro.MinRange), (int)(rad * distro.MaxRange));
                    var diff = Math.Abs(ideal - request.Altitude);
                    var rangePerc = diff / range;
                    var modifier = 1d - rangePerc;
                    abundance *= (float)modifier;

                if (abundance <= Utilities.FLOAT_TOLERANCE)
                    return 0f;

                //Now for our return scenarios.
                var trueAbundance = abundance / 100;
                baseAbuncance = baseAbuncance / 100;
                minAbundance = minAbundance / 100;

                //Biome unlocked or no lock check
                if (!request.CheckForLock || RegolithScenario.Instance.gameSettings.IsBiomeUnlocked(request.BodyId, biomeName))
                    return trueAbundance;
                //Planet unlocked
                else if (RegolithScenario.Instance.gameSettings.IsPlanetUnlocked(request.BodyId))
                    return baseAbuncance;
                //Default is just our basic data
                    return minAbundance;
            catch (Exception e)
                print("[REGO] - Error in - RegolithResourceMap_GetAbundance - " + e.Message);
                return 0f;
コード例 #32
ファイル: NoiseManager.cs プロジェクト: JohanGl/Outworld-XNA
        private NoiseGenerator InitializeTerrainSpawners(int width, int height)
            var generator = new NoiseGenerator(seed, width, height);

            generator.Settings.Frequency = 0.01;
            generator.Settings.Persistence = 0.85;
            generator.Settings.Octaves = 8;
            generator.Settings.Amplitude = 0.5;
            generator.Settings.CloudCoverage = 1.25;
            generator.Settings.CloudDensity = 0.36;

            //generator.Settings.Frequency = 0.008;
            //generator.Settings.Persistence = 1;
            //generator.Settings.Octaves = 8;
            //generator.Settings.Amplitude = 1;
            //generator.Settings.CloudCoverage = 3;
            //generator.Settings.CloudDensity = 0.125;

            return generator;
コード例 #33
        public void GenerateCaves(VoxelChunk chunk, WorldManager world)
            Vector3   origin = chunk.Origin;
            BiomeData biome  = BiomeLibrary.GetBiome("Cave");

            for (int x = 0; x < VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeX; x++)
                for (int z = 0; z < VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeZ; z++)
                    var topVoxel = VoxelHelpers.FindFirstVoxelBelow(new VoxelHandle(
                                                                        chunk, new LocalVoxelCoordinate(x, VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeY - 1, z)));

                    for (int i = 0; i < CaveLevels.Count; i++)
                        int y = CaveLevels[i];
                        if (y <= 0 || y >= topVoxel.Coordinate.Y)
                        Vector3 vec       = new Vector3(x, y, z) + chunk.Origin;
                        double  caveNoise = CaveNoise.GetValue((x + origin.X) * CaveNoiseScale * CaveFrequencies[i],
                                                               (y + origin.Y) * CaveNoiseScale * 3.0f, (z + origin.Z) * CaveNoiseScale * CaveFrequencies[i]);

                        double heightnoise = NoiseGenerator.Noise((x + origin.X) * NoiseScale * CaveFrequencies[i],
                                                                  (y + origin.Y) * NoiseScale * 3.0f, (z + origin.Z) * NoiseScale * CaveFrequencies[i]);

                        int caveHeight = Math.Min(Math.Max((int)(heightnoise * 5), 1), 3);

                        if (!(caveNoise > CaveSize))

                        bool invalidCave = false;
                        for (int dy = 0; dy < caveHeight; dy++)
                            if (y - dy <= 0)

                            var voxel = new VoxelHandle(chunk, new LocalVoxelCoordinate(x, y - dy, z));

                            foreach (var coord in VoxelHelpers.EnumerateAllNeighbors(voxel.Coordinate))
                                VoxelHandle v = new VoxelHandle(Manager.ChunkData, coord);
                                if (v.IsValid && (v.WaterCell.WaterLevel > 0 || v.SunColor > 0))
                                    invalidCave = true;

                            if (!invalidCave)

                        if (!invalidCave && caveNoise > CaveSize * 1.8f && y - caveHeight > 0)
                            GenerateCaveVegetation(chunk, x, y, z, caveHeight, biome, vec, world, NoiseGenerator);
                            GenerateCaveFauna(chunk, world, biome, y - caveHeight, x, z);

             * // Second pass sets the caves to empty as needed
             * for (int x = 0; x < VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeX; x++)
             * {
             *  for (int y = 0; y < VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeY; y++)
             *  {
             *      for (int z = 0; z < VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeZ; z++)
             *      {
             *          VoxelHandle handle = new VoxelHandle(chunk, new LocalVoxelCoordinate(x, y, z));
             *          if (handle.Type == magicCube)
             *          {
             *              handle.RawSetType(VoxelLibrary.emptyType);
             *          }
             *      }
             *  }
             * }
コード例 #34
        public VoxelChunk GenerateChunk(Vector3 origin, WorldManager World)
            float      waterHeight = SeaLevel + 1.0f / VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeY;
            VoxelChunk c           = new VoxelChunk(Manager, origin, GlobalVoxelCoordinate.FromVector3(origin).GetGlobalChunkCoordinate());

            for (int x = 0; x < VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeX; x++)
                for (int z = 0; z < VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeZ; z++)
                    Vector2 v = new Vector2(x + origin.X, z + origin.Z) / WorldScale;

                    var biome = Overworld.Map[(int)MathFunctions.Clamp(v.X, 0, Overworld.Map.GetLength(0) - 1), (int)MathFunctions.Clamp(v.Y, 0, Overworld.Map.GetLength(1) - 1)].Biome;

                    BiomeData biomeData = BiomeLibrary.Biomes[biome];

                    Vector2 pos         = new Vector2(x + origin.X, z + origin.Z) / WorldScale;
                    float   hNorm       = Overworld.LinearInterpolate(pos, Overworld.Map, Overworld.ScalarFieldType.Height);
                    float   h           = MathFunctions.Clamp(hNorm * VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeY, 0.0f, VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeY - 2);
                    int     stoneHeight = (int)(MathFunctions.Clamp((int)(h - (biomeData.SoilLayer.Depth + (Math.Sin(v.X) + Math.Cos(v.Y)))), 1, h));

                    int currentSubsurfaceLayer = 0;
                    int depthWithinSubsurface  = 0;
                    for (int y = VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeY - 1; y >= 0; y--)
                        var voxel = new VoxelHandle(c, new LocalVoxelCoordinate(x, y, z));

                        if (y == 0)
                            voxel.Health = 255; // ?

                        if (y <= stoneHeight && stoneHeight > 1)
                            if (depthWithinSubsurface > biomeData.SubsurfaceLayers[currentSubsurfaceLayer].Depth)
                                depthWithinSubsurface = 0;
                                if (currentSubsurfaceLayer > biomeData.SubsurfaceLayers.Count - 1)
                                    currentSubsurfaceLayer = biomeData.SubsurfaceLayers.Count - 1;

                        else if ((y == (int)h || y == stoneHeight) && hNorm > waterHeight)
                            if (biomeData.ClumpGrass &&
                                NoiseGenerator.Noise(pos.X / biomeData.ClumpSize, 0, pos.Y / biomeData.ClumpSize) >
                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(biomeData.GrassDecal))
                                    var decal = GrassLibrary.GetGrassType(biomeData.GrassDecal);
                            else if (!biomeData.ClumpGrass)
                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(biomeData.GrassDecal))
                                    var decal = GrassLibrary.GetGrassType(biomeData.GrassDecal);
                        else if (y > h && y > 0)
                        else if (hNorm <= waterHeight)


            UpdateSunlight(c, 255);
コード例 #35
 void UpdateMaps()
     altitudeMapGen = FindObjectOfType <AltitudeMap> ();
     noiseGen       = FindObjectOfType <NoiseGenerator> ();
コード例 #36
        public void GenerateSurfaceLife(VoxelChunk Chunk)
            var waterHeight = (int)(SeaLevel * VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeY);

            for (var x = 0; x < VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeX; ++x)
                for (var z = 0; z < VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeZ; ++z)
                    var biomeData = GetBiomeAt(new Vector2(x + Chunk.Origin.X, z + Chunk.Origin.Z));
                    var topVoxel  = VoxelHelpers.FindFirstVoxelBelow(new VoxelHandle(
                                                                         Chunk, new LocalVoxelCoordinate(x, VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeY - 1, z)));

                    if (!topVoxel.IsValid ||
                        topVoxel.Coordinate.Y == 0 ||
                        topVoxel.Coordinate.Y >= 60)    // Lift to some kind of generator settings?
                    var above = VoxelHelpers.GetVoxelAbove(topVoxel);
                    if (above.IsValid && above.WaterCell.WaterLevel != 0)
                    foreach (var animal in biomeData.Fauna)
                        if (MathFunctions.RandEvent(animal.SpawnProbability))
                            EntityFactory.CreateEntity <Body>(animal.Name,
                                                              topVoxel.WorldPosition + Vector3.Up * 1.5f);


                    if (topVoxel.Type.Name != biomeData.SoilLayer.VoxelType)

                    foreach (VegetationData veg in biomeData.Vegetation)
                        if (topVoxel.GrassType == 0)

                        if (MathFunctions.RandEvent(veg.SpawnProbability) &&
                            NoiseGenerator.Noise(topVoxel.Coordinate.X / veg.ClumpSize,
                                                 veg.NoiseOffset, topVoxel.Coordinate.Z / veg.ClumpSize) >= veg.ClumpThreshold)

                            var treeSize = MathFunctions.Rand() * veg.SizeVariance + veg.MeanSize;
                            var tree     = EntityFactory.CreateEntity <Plant>(veg.Name,
                                                                              topVoxel.WorldPosition + new Vector3(0.5f, 1.0f, 0.5f),
                                                                              Blackboard.Create("Scale", treeSize));
