コード例 #1
        // Returns the connection color
        public static Color Drag(
            InteractionManager interaction, Vector2 mousePosition,
            NodeGUIData nodeGuiData, NodeConnectionOptions connectionOptions
            int connectionIndex = connectionOptions.connectionMode == ConnectionMode.Dual
                ? DeGUIKey.Exclusive.ctrl && DeGUIKey.Extra.space ? 1 : 0
                : interaction.targetNodeConnectorAreaIndex;
            Color color = GetConnectionColor(
                connectionIndex, interaction.targetNode.connectedNodesIds.Count, nodeGuiData, connectionOptions
            Vector2 attachP = interaction.targetNodeConnectorArea.center;
            // Pointers
            Rect pointerFrom = new Rect(attachP.x - 4, attachP.y - 4, 8, 8);
            Rect pointerTo   = new Rect(mousePosition.x - 4, mousePosition.y - 4, 8, 8);

            using (new DeGUI.ColorScope(null, null, Color.black)) {
                GUI.DrawTexture(pointerFrom.Expand(4), DeStylePalette.circle);
                GUI.DrawTexture(pointerTo.Expand(4), DeStylePalette.circle);
            using (new DeGUI.ColorScope(null, null, color)) {
                GUI.DrawTexture(pointerFrom, DeStylePalette.circle);
                GUI.DrawTexture(pointerTo, DeStylePalette.circle);
            // Line
            Handles.DrawBezier(attachP, mousePosition, attachP, mousePosition, Color.black, null, _LineSize + 2);
            Handles.DrawBezier(attachP, mousePosition, attachP, mousePosition, color, null, _LineSize + 2);

コード例 #2
ファイル: Minimap.cs プロジェクト: dqtoy/ArcadeGame_kouhongji
        void RefreshMapTexture(Rect fullZeroBasedArea, Vector2 shift)
            int w = _process.options.minimapResolution == ProcessOptions.MinimapResolution.Big ? 256
                : _process.options.minimapResolution == ProcessOptions.MinimapResolution.Small ? 64
                : 128;

            if (_texture == null || _texture.width != w)
                _texture = new Texture2D(w, w, TextureFormat.ARGB32, true)
                    wrapMode   = TextureWrapMode.Clamp,
                    filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear
            Color32[] pixels = new Color32[w * w];
            // Clear the texture
            int len = pixels.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
                pixels[i] = new Color32(0, 0, 0, 0);
            // Draw the elements
            foreach (IEditorGUINode node in _process.nodes)
                bool evidenceAsEndNode = false;
                if (_process.options.minimapEvidenceEndNodes)
                    foreach (string connId in node.connectedNodesIds)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(connId))
                        evidenceAsEndNode = true;
                NodeGUIData nodeGuiData = _process.nodeToGUIData[node];
                Rect        nodeRect    = nodeGuiData.fullArea;
                int         xMin        = (int)((nodeRect.x + shift.x) * w / fullZeroBasedArea.width);
                int         xMax        = (int)((nodeRect.xMax + shift.x) * w / fullZeroBasedArea.width);
                int         yMin        = (int)((nodeRect.y + shift.y) * w / fullZeroBasedArea.height);
                int         yMax        = (int)((nodeRect.yMax + shift.y) * w / fullZeroBasedArea.height);
                for (int x = xMin; x < xMax; ++x)
                    for (int y = yMin; y < yMax; ++y)
                        _texture.SetPixel(x, w - y, evidenceAsEndNode ? Color.red : nodeGuiData.mainColor);
            // Apply
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Always connects from BottomOrRight side to TopOrLeft side.
        /// If ALT is pressed shows the delete connection button.
        /// Called during Repaint or MouseDown/Up.
        /// Returns TRUE if the connection was deleted using the delete connection button.
        /// </summary>
        public static bool Connect(
            NodeProcess process, int connectionIndex, int fromTotConnections, NodeConnectionOptions fromOptions,
            IEditorGUINode fromNode, IEditorGUINode toNode
            NodeGUIData fromGUIData = process.nodeToGUIData[fromNode];
            NodeGUIData toGUIData   = process.nodeToGUIData[toNode];

            bool        useSubFromAreas = fromOptions.connectionMode != ConnectionMode.Dual && fromGUIData.connectorAreas != null;
            Rect        fromArea        = useSubFromAreas ? fromGUIData.connectorAreas[connectionIndex] : fromGUIData.fullArea;
            AnchorsData anchorsData     = GetAnchors(process, connectionIndex, fromNode, fromArea, toNode, toGUIData.fullArea, fromOptions, useSubFromAreas);
            Color       color           = GetConnectionColor(connectionIndex, fromTotConnections, fromGUIData, fromOptions);

            // Line (shadow + line)
                anchorsData.fromLineP, anchorsData.toLineP, anchorsData.fromTangent, anchorsData.toTangent, _lineShadowColor, null, _LineSize + 2
            Handles.DrawBezier(anchorsData.fromLineP, anchorsData.toLineP, anchorsData.fromTangent, anchorsData.toTangent, color, null, _LineSize);
            // Line start square
            Rect fromSquareR = anchorsData.fromIsSide
                ? new Rect(anchorsData.fromMarkP.x, anchorsData.fromMarkP.y - FromSquareHeight * 0.5f, FromSquareWidth, FromSquareHeight)
                : new Rect(anchorsData.fromMarkP.x - FromSquareHeight * 0.5f, anchorsData.fromMarkP.y, FromSquareHeight, FromSquareWidth);

            using (new DeGUI.ColorScope(null, null, color)) GUI.DrawTexture(fromSquareR, DeStylePalette.whiteSquare);
            // Arrow
            Rect arrowR = new Rect(
                anchorsData.toArrowP.x - DeStylePalette.ico_nodeArrow.width, anchorsData.toArrowP.y - DeStylePalette.ico_nodeArrow.height * 0.5f,
                DeStylePalette.ico_nodeArrow.width, DeStylePalette.ico_nodeArrow.height
            Matrix4x4 currGUIMatrix = GUI.matrix;

            if (anchorsData.arrowRequiresRotation)
                GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(anchorsData.arrowRotationAngle, anchorsData.toArrowP * process.guiScale + process.guiScalePositionDiff);
            using (new DeGUI.ColorScope(null, null, color)) GUI.DrawTexture(arrowR, DeStylePalette.ico_nodeArrow);
            GUI.matrix = currGUIMatrix;
            // Delete connection button (placed at center of line)
            if (DeGUIKey.Exclusive.alt)
                Vector2 midP    = anchorsData.fromTangent + (anchorsData.toTangent - anchorsData.fromTangent) * 0.5f;
                Vector2 midPAlt = anchorsData.fromLineP + (anchorsData.toLineP - anchorsData.fromLineP) * 0.5f;
                midP += (midPAlt - midP) * 0.25f;
                Rect btR = new Rect(midP.x - 5, midP.y - 5, 10, 10);
                using (new DeGUI.ColorScope(null, null, color)) GUI.DrawTexture(btR.Expand(2), DeStylePalette.circle);
                using (new DeGUI.ColorScope(null, null, DeGUI.colors.global.red)) {
                    if (GUI.Button(btR, "", _Styles.btDelete))
                GUI.DrawTexture(btR.Contract(2), DeStylePalette.ico_delete);
コード例 #4
        void RefreshAnchorsData()
//            Debug.Log("<color=#00ff00>REFRESH</color> " + Event.current.type);
            for (int i = 0; i < _process.nodes.Count; ++i)
                IEditorGUINode        fromNode    = _process.nodes[i];
                NodeGUIData           fromGUIData = _process.nodeToGUIData[fromNode];
                NodeConnectionOptions fromOptions = _process.nodeToConnectionOptions[fromNode];
                List <string>         connections = fromNode.connectedNodesIds;
                int           totConnections      = fromNode.connectedNodesIds.Count;
                AnchorsData[] anchors             = null;
                for (int c = totConnections - 1; c > -1; --c)
                    string connId = connections[c];
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(connId))
                        continue;                               // No connection
                    if (anchors == null)
                        anchors = new AnchorsData[totConnections];
                    IEditorGUINode toNode    = _process.idToNode[connId];
                    NodeGUIData    toGUIData = _process.nodeToGUIData[toNode];
                    // Verify if area between nodes is visible
                    if (!fromGUIData.isVisible && !toGUIData.isVisible)
                        Rect area = fromGUIData.fullArea.Add(toGUIData.fullArea);
                        if (!_process.AreaIsVisible(area))
                            continue;                                // No visible connection
                    bool useSubFromAreas = fromOptions.connectionMode != ConnectionMode.Dual &&
                                           fromGUIData.connectorAreas != null &&
                                           (fromOptions.connectionMode != ConnectionMode.NormalPlus || c < totConnections - 1);
                    Rect        fromArea    = useSubFromAreas ? fromGUIData.connectorAreas[c] : fromGUIData.fullArea;
                    AnchorsData anchorsData = GetAnchorsAllSides(
                        _process, c, fromNode, new RectCache(fromArea), toNode,
                        new RectCache(toGUIData.fullArea), fromOptions, useSubFromAreas
                    anchorsData.isSet = true;
                    anchors[c]        = anchorsData;
                if (anchors != null)
                    _nodeToAnchorsData.Add(fromNode, anchors);
コード例 #5
        // Returns the connection color
        public Color Drag(
            InteractionManager interaction, Vector2 mousePosition,
            NodeGUIData nodeGuiData, NodeConnectionOptions connectionOptions, float lineThickness
            int connectionIndex;

            switch (connectionOptions.connectionMode)
            case ConnectionMode.Dual:
                connectionIndex = DeGUIKey.Exclusive.ctrl && DeGUIKey.Extra.space ? 1 : 0;

            case ConnectionMode.NormalPlus:
                connectionIndex = DeGUIKey.Exclusive.ctrl && DeGUIKey.Extra.space ? interaction.targetNode.connectedNodesIds.Count - 1 : interaction.targetNodeConnectorAreaIndex;

                connectionIndex = interaction.targetNodeConnectorAreaIndex;
            Color color = GetConnectionColor(
                connectionIndex, interaction.targetNode.connectedNodesIds.Count, nodeGuiData, connectionOptions
            Vector2 attachP = interaction.targetNodeConnectorArea.center;
            // Pointers
            Rect pointerFrom = new Rect(attachP.x - 4, attachP.y - 4, 8, 8);
            Rect pointerTo   = new Rect(mousePosition.x - 4, mousePosition.y - 4, 8, 8);

            using (new DeGUI.ColorScope(null, null, Color.black)) {
                GUI.DrawTexture(pointerFrom.Expand(4), DeStylePalette.circle);
                GUI.DrawTexture(pointerTo.Expand(4), DeStylePalette.circle);
            using (new DeGUI.ColorScope(null, null, color)) {
                GUI.DrawTexture(pointerFrom, DeStylePalette.circle);
                GUI.DrawTexture(pointerTo, DeStylePalette.circle);
            // Line
            Handles.DrawBezier(attachP, mousePosition, attachP, mousePosition, Color.black, null, lineThickness + 2);
            Handles.DrawBezier(attachP, mousePosition, attachP, mousePosition, color, null, lineThickness);

コード例 #6
 static Color GetConnectionColor(int connectionIndex, int totConnections, NodeGUIData nodeGuiData, NodeConnectionOptions connectionOptions)
     if (connectionOptions.connectionMode == ConnectionMode.NormalPlus)
         if (connectionIndex == totConnections - 1 || connectionOptions.gradientColor == null)
             // PLUS connection
             return(connectionOptions.startColor == Color.clear ? nodeGuiData.mainColor : connectionOptions.startColor);
             // Regular
             return(connectionOptions.gradientColor.Evaluate(connectionIndex / (float)(totConnections - 2)));
     return(totConnections < 2 || connectionOptions.gradientColor == null
         ? connectionOptions.startColor == Color.clear ? nodeGuiData.mainColor : connectionOptions.startColor
         : connectionOptions.gradientColor.Evaluate(connectionIndex / (float)(totConnections - 1)));
コード例 #7
        public void EvaluateSnapping(
            IEditorGUINode forNode, Rect forArea, List <IEditorGUINode> allNodes, List <IEditorGUINode> excludedNodes,
            Dictionary <IEditorGUINode, NodeGUIData> nodeToGuiData, Rect processRelativeArea
            hasSnapX = hasSnapY = showHorizontalGuide = showVerticalGuide = false;
            bool hasNearSnappingX    = false;
            bool hasNearSnappingY    = false;
            bool hasBorderSnapping   = false;
            bool hasTopSnappingPs    = false;
            bool hasBottomSnappingPs = false;
            bool hasLeftSnappingPs   = false;
            bool hasRightSnappingPs  = false;

            if (Event.current.alt || nodeToGuiData[forNode].disableSnapping)
                return;                                                              // ALT pressed or snapping disabled - no snapping
            // Find snapping points and store them
            int len = allNodes.Count;

            // Near snapping
            for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
                IEditorGUINode node = allNodes[i];
                if (node == forNode || excludedNodes.Contains(node))
                NodeGUIData nodeGUIData = nodeToGuiData[node];
                if (nodeGUIData.disableSnapping)
                Rect toArea = nodeGUIData.fullArea;
                if (!hasNearSnappingX && forArea.yMax > toArea.y && forArea.y < toArea.yMax)
                    // Within nearSnappingX range
                    // Check rightToLeft then leftToRight
                    if (forArea.xMax < toArea.x && toArea.x - forArea.xMax <= NodeProcess.SnapOffset)
                        hasSnapX = hasNearSnappingX = true;
                        snapX    = toArea.x - forArea.width - NodeProcess.SnapOffset;
                        if (hasNearSnappingY)
                    else if (forArea.x > toArea.xMax && forArea.x - toArea.xMax <= NodeProcess.SnapOffset)
                        hasSnapX = hasNearSnappingX = true;
                        snapX    = toArea.xMax + NodeProcess.SnapOffset;
                        if (hasNearSnappingY)
                if (!hasNearSnappingY && forArea.xMax >= toArea.x && forArea.x < toArea.xMax)
                    // Within nearSnappingY range
                    // Check bottomToTop then topToBottom
                    if (forArea.yMax < toArea.y && toArea.y - forArea.yMax <= NodeProcess.SnapOffset)
                        hasSnapY = hasNearSnappingY = true;
                        snapY    = toArea.y - forArea.height - NodeProcess.SnapOffset;
                        if (hasNearSnappingX)
                    else if (forArea.y > toArea.yMax && forArea.y - toArea.yMax <= NodeProcess.SnapOffset)
                        hasSnapY = hasNearSnappingY = true;
                        snapY    = toArea.yMax + NodeProcess.SnapOffset;
                        if (hasNearSnappingX)
            if (!hasNearSnappingX || !hasNearSnappingY)
                // Border snapping
                for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
                    IEditorGUINode node = allNodes[i];
                    if (node == forNode || excludedNodes.Contains(node))
                    NodeGUIData nodeGUIData = nodeToGuiData[node];
                    if (nodeGUIData.disableSnapping)
                    Rect toArea = nodeGUIData.fullArea;
                    if (!processRelativeArea.Overlaps(toArea))
                    if (!hasNearSnappingX)
                        if (ValuesAreWithinBorderSnappingRange(forArea.x, toArea.x))
                            hasSnapX = showVerticalGuide = hasBorderSnapping = hasLeftSnappingPs = true;
                        else if (ValuesAreWithinBorderSnappingRange(forArea.x, toArea.xMax))
                            hasSnapX = showVerticalGuide = hasBorderSnapping = hasRightSnappingPs = true;
                    if (!hasNearSnappingY)
                        if (ValuesAreWithinBorderSnappingRange(forArea.y, toArea.y))
                            hasSnapY = showHorizontalGuide = hasBorderSnapping = hasTopSnappingPs = true;
                        else if (ValuesAreWithinBorderSnappingRange(forArea.y, toArea.yMax))
                            hasSnapY = showHorizontalGuide = hasBorderSnapping = hasBottomSnappingPs = true;
                // Find closes snapping point
                if (hasBorderSnapping)
                    if (hasLeftSnappingPs)
                        snapX = FindNearestValueTo(forArea.x, _leftSnappingPs);
                    else if (hasRightSnappingPs)
                        snapX = FindNearestValueTo(forArea.x, _rightSnappingPs);
                    if (hasTopSnappingPs)
                        snapY = FindNearestValueTo(forArea.y, _topSnappingPs);
                    else if (hasBottomSnappingPs)
                        snapY = FindNearestValueTo(forArea.y, _bottomSnappingPs);
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Always connects from BottomOrRight side to TopOrLeft side.
        /// If ALT is pressed shows the delete connection button.
        /// Called during Repaint or MouseDown/Up.
        /// Returns TRUE if the connection was deleted using the delete connection button.
        /// </summary>
        public bool Connect(
            int connectionIndex, int fromTotConnections, NodeConnectionOptions fromOptions,
            IEditorGUINode fromNode
            if (_anchorsDataRefreshRequired)
                _anchorsDataRefreshRequired = false;
            NodeGUIData fromGUIData = _process.nodeToGUIData[fromNode];

            if (!_nodeToAnchorsData.ContainsKey(fromNode))
            AnchorsData anchorsData = _nodeToAnchorsData[fromNode][connectionIndex];

            if (!anchorsData.isSet)
            Color color = GetConnectionColor(connectionIndex, fromTotConnections, fromGUIData, fromOptions);

            // Line (shadow + line)
            if (_process.options.connectorsShadow)
                    anchorsData.fromLineP, anchorsData.toLineP, anchorsData.fromTangent, anchorsData.toTangent, _LineShadowColor, null, _process.options.connectorsThickness + 2
            Handles.DrawBezier(anchorsData.fromLineP, anchorsData.toLineP, anchorsData.fromTangent, anchorsData.toTangent, color, null, _process.options.connectorsThickness);
            // Line start square
            Rect fromSquareR;

            switch (anchorsData.fromSide)
            case ConnectionSide.Top:
                fromSquareR = new Rect(anchorsData.fromMarkP.x - _FromSquareHeight * 0.5f, anchorsData.fromMarkP.y - _FromSquareWidth, _FromSquareHeight, _FromSquareWidth);

            case ConnectionSide.Bottom:
                fromSquareR = new Rect(anchorsData.fromMarkP.x - _FromSquareHeight * 0.5f, anchorsData.fromMarkP.y, _FromSquareHeight, _FromSquareWidth);

            case ConnectionSide.Left:
                fromSquareR = new Rect(anchorsData.fromMarkP.x - _FromSquareWidth, anchorsData.fromMarkP.y - _FromSquareHeight * 0.5f, _FromSquareWidth, _FromSquareHeight);

            default: // Right
                fromSquareR = new Rect(anchorsData.fromMarkP.x, anchorsData.fromMarkP.y - _FromSquareHeight * 0.5f, _FromSquareWidth, _FromSquareHeight);
            using (new DeGUI.ColorScope(null, null, color)) GUI.DrawTexture(fromSquareR, DeStylePalette.whiteSquare);
            // Arrow
            Rect arrowR = new Rect(
                anchorsData.toArrowP.x - DeStylePalette.ico_nodeArrow.width, anchorsData.toArrowP.y - DeStylePalette.ico_nodeArrow.height * 0.5f,
                DeStylePalette.ico_nodeArrow.width, DeStylePalette.ico_nodeArrow.height
            Matrix4x4 currGUIMatrix = GUI.matrix;

            if (anchorsData.arrowRequiresRotation)
                GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(anchorsData.arrowRotationAngle, anchorsData.toArrowP * _process.guiScale + _process.guiScalePositionDiff);
            using (new DeGUI.ColorScope(null, null, color)) GUI.DrawTexture(arrowR, DeStylePalette.ico_nodeArrow);
            GUI.matrix = currGUIMatrix;
            // Delete connection button (placed at center of line)
            if (DeGUIKey.Exclusive.alt)
                Vector2 midP    = anchorsData.fromTangent + (anchorsData.toTangent - anchorsData.fromTangent) * 0.5f;
                Vector2 midPAlt = anchorsData.fromLineP + (anchorsData.toLineP - anchorsData.fromLineP) * 0.5f;
                midP += (midPAlt - midP) * 0.25f;
                Rect btR = new Rect(midP.x - 5, midP.y - 5, 10, 10);
                using (new DeGUI.ColorScope(null, null, color)) GUI.DrawTexture(btR.Expand(2), DeStylePalette.circle);
                using (new DeGUI.ColorScope(null, null, DeGUI.colors.global.red)) {
                    if (GUI.Button(btR, "", _Styles.btDelete))
                GUI.DrawTexture(btR.Contract(2), DeStylePalette.ico_delete);
コード例 #9
 static Color GetConnectionColor(int connectionIndex, int totConnections, NodeGUIData nodeGuiData, NodeConnectionOptions connectionOptions)
     return(totConnections < 2 || connectionOptions.gradientColor == null
         ? connectionOptions.startColor == Color.clear ? nodeGuiData.mainColor : connectionOptions.startColor
         : connectionOptions.gradientColor.Evaluate(connectionIndex / (float)(totConnections - 1)));