private void OnFunctionCalled(NktHook hook, NktProcess process, NktHookCallInfo hookCallInfo)

            if (nSpeed==-2)
                hookCallInfo.Result().LongVal = hookCallInfo.Result().LongVal - (int)(nTime * 0.2);
            else if(nSpeed==2)
                hookCallInfo.Result().LongVal = hookCallInfo.Result().LongVal + (int)(nTime * 3);
コード例 #2
        private void OnFunctionCalled(NktHook hook, NktProcess process, NktHookCallInfo hookCallInfo)

            if (nSpeed == -2)
                hookCallInfo.Result().LongVal = hookCallInfo.Result().LongVal - (int)(nTime * 0.2);
            else if (nSpeed == 2)
                hookCallInfo.Result().LongVal = hookCallInfo.Result().LongVal + (int)(nTime * 3);
コード例 #3
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: zelorun/Deviare2
        static void OnIClassFactoryCreateInstanceCalled(NktHook hook, NktProcess proc, NktHookCallInfo callInfo)
            if ((callInfo.Result().ULongVal & 0x80000000) == 0)
                NktParamsEnum pms;
                IntPtr        addr;
                string        s;

                //if the call succeeded, check if we are creating a instance that belongs
                //to the IID we need, in our example, "IShellFolderViewDual"
                pms = callInfo.Params();
                //remember that the first parameter is the interface pointer itself
                s = pms.GetAt(2).GuidString;
                if (s == "{E7A1AF80-4D96-11CF-960C-0080C7F4EE85}" ||
                    s == "{31C147B6-0ADE-4A3C-B514-DDF932EF6D17}" ||
                    s == "{88A05C00-F000-11CE-8350-444553540000}")
                    //at this point we have to apply a similar code than we used to hook
                    //IClassFactory::CreateInstance above and the other methods
                    addr = pms.GetAt(3).Evaluate().PointerVal;
                    //get object's vtable address by inspecting the first pointer
                    addr = proc.Memory().get_SSizeTVal(addr);
                    //because the CreateInstance method is the fourth one,
                    //get the method entrypoint by reading memory
                    addr = (IntPtr)(addr.ToInt64() + 3 * IntPtr.Size);
                    addr = proc.Memory().get_SSizeTVal(addr);

                     * .
                     * .
                     * .
        private void MapViewOfFileHook(NktHook Hook, NktProcess proc, NktHookCallInfo callInfo)
            bool is_malware = false;

            IntPtr maphandle = callInfo.Params().GetAt(0).PointerVal;
            IntPtr address   = callInfo.Result().PointerVal;
            IntPtr length    = callInfo.Params().GetAt(4).PointerVal;

            Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("MapViewOfFile:: with maphandle = {0} dwNumberOfBytesToMap = {1}", maphandle, length));

            IntPtr process_handle = callInfo.Process().Handle(0x1FFFF);

            is_malware = LookForMalware(process_handle, (IntPtr)maphandle, (uint)length); // assuming that length is int in this example. So, mapped files greater than 2^32 - 1 will not work. Also Marshal.ReadByte is limited to int.

            if (is_malware)
                callInfo.Result().PointerVal = IntPtr.Zero;
                callInfo.LastError = 2;
コード例 #5
        static void OnCreateToolhelp32Snapshot(NktHook hook, NktProcess process, NktHookCallInfo callInfo)
            var report = Base(APIType.HandleCreation, APICategory.ToolHelp, APIID.CreateToolhelp, hook, process, callInfo);

            if (report == null)
            report.ID = APIID.CreateToolhelp;
            var param = new CreateToolhelp32Snapshot();

            param.Flags      = callInfo.Params().GetAt(0).ULongVal;
            param.Handle     = callInfo.Result().SizeTVal;
            report.Parameter = param;
コード例 #6
        static void OnCreateFile(NktHook hook, NktProcess process, NktHookCallInfo callInfo)
            var report = Base(APIType.HandleCreation, APICategory.Files, APIID.CreateFile, hook, process, callInfo);

            if (report == null)
            var param = new CreateFileParameter();

            param.Path       = callInfo.Params().GetAt(0).ReadString();
            param.Access     = callInfo.Params().GetAt(1).ULongVal;
            param.Mode       = callInfo.Params().GetAt(4).ULongVal;
            param.Handle     = callInfo.Result().SizeTVal;
            report.Parameter = param;
コード例 #7
        static void OnLoadLibrary(NktHook hook, NktProcess process, NktHookCallInfo callInfo)
            var report = Base(APIType.HandleCreation, APICategory.LibraryLoading, APIID.LoadLibrary, hook, process, callInfo);

            if (report == null)
            var param = new LoadLibraryParameter();

            if (callInfo.Params().GetAt(0).IsNullPointer)
                param.LibraryName = "N/A";
                param.LibraryName = callInfo.Params().GetAt(0).ReadString();
            param.Handle     = callInfo.Result().SizeTVal;
            report.Parameter = param;
コード例 #8
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: zelorun/Deviare2
        static void OnDllGetClassObjectCalled(NktHook hook, NktProcess proc, NktHookCallInfo callInfo)
            if ((callInfo.Result().ULongVal & 0x80000000) == 0)
                NktParamsEnum pms;
                IntPtr        addr;
                string        s;

                //if the call succeeded, check if we are creating a class factory that belongs
                //to the CLSID we need, in our example, "ShellFolderView coclass"
                pms = callInfo.Params();
                if (pms.GetAt(0).GuidString == "{62112AA1-EBE4-11CF-A5FB-0020AFE7292D}")
                    s = pms.GetAt(1).GuidString;
                    if (s == "{00000001-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}")
                        //we have ShellFolderView's IClassFactory object
                        if (hookIClassFactory_CreateInstance == null)
                            lock (hookLock)
                                if (hookIClassFactory_CreateInstance == null)
                                    //get the address of the newly created object
                                    addr = pms.GetAt(2).Evaluate().PointerVal;
                                    //get object's vtable address by inspecting the first pointer
                                    addr = proc.Memory().get_SSizeTVal(addr);
                                    //because the CreateInstance method is the fourth one,
                                    //get the method entrypoint by reading memory
                                    addr = (IntPtr)(addr.ToInt64() + 3 * IntPtr.Size);
                                    addr = proc.Memory().get_SSizeTVal(addr);
                                    hookIClassFactory_CreateInstance = spyMgr.CreateHookForAddress(addr, "IClassFactory::CreateInstance", (int)eNktHookFlags.flgOnlyPostCall | (int)eNktHookFlags.flgDontCheckAddress);
                                    hookIClassFactory_CreateInstance.Attach(proc.Id, true);
                                    hookIClassFactory_CreateInstance.OnFunctionCalled += OnIClassFactoryCreateInstanceCalled;
                    if (s == "{B196B28F-BAB4-101A-B69C-00AA00341D07}")
                        //we have ShellFolderView's IClassFactory2 object
                        if (hookIClassFactory2_CreateInstance == null)
                            lock (hookLock)
                                if (hookIClassFactory2_CreateInstance == null)
                                    //get the address of the newly created object
                                    addr = pms.GetAt(2).Evaluate().PointerVal;
                                    //get object's vtable address by inspecting the first pointer
                                    addr = proc.Memory().get_SSizeTVal(addr);
                                    //because the CreateInstance method is the fourth one,
                                    //get the method entrypoint by reading memory
                                    addr = (IntPtr)(addr.ToInt64() + 3 * IntPtr.Size);
                                    addr = proc.Memory().get_SSizeTVal(addr);
                                    hookIClassFactory2_CreateInstance = spyMgr.CreateHookForAddress(addr, "IClassFactory2::CreateInstance", (int)eNktHookFlags.flgOnlyPostCall);
                                    hookIClassFactory2_CreateInstance.Attach(proc.Id, true);
                                    hookIClassFactory2_CreateInstance.OnFunctionCalled += OnIClassFactory2CreateInstanceCalled;

                                if (hookIClassFactory2_CreateInstanceLic == null)
                                    //get the address of the newly created object
                                    addr = pms.GetAt(2).Evaluate().PointerVal;
                                    //get object's vtable address by inspecting the first pointer
                                    addr = proc.Memory().get_SSizeTVal(addr);
                                    //because the CreateInstanceLic method is the eighth one,
                                    //get the method entrypoint by reading memory
                                    addr = (IntPtr)(addr.ToInt64() + 7 * IntPtr.Size);
                                    addr = proc.Memory().get_SSizeTVal(addr);
                                    hookIClassFactory2_CreateInstanceLic = spyMgr.CreateHookForAddress(addr, "IClassFactory2::CreateInstanceLic", (int)eNktHookFlags.flgOnlyPostCall);
                                    hookIClassFactory2_CreateInstanceLic.Attach(proc.Id, true);
                                    hookIClassFactory2_CreateInstanceLic.OnFunctionCalled += OnIClassFactory2CreateInstanceLicCalled;
コード例 #9
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: subTee/Deviare2
        static void OnDllGetClassObjectCalled(NktHook hook, NktProcess proc, NktHookCallInfo callInfo)
            if ((callInfo.Result().ULongVal & 0x80000000) == 0)
                NktParamsEnum pms;
                IntPtr addr;
                string s;

                //if the call succeeded, check if we are creating a class factory that belongs
                //to the CLSID we need, in our example, "ShellFolderView coclass"
                pms = callInfo.Params();
                if (pms.GetAt(0).GuidString == "{62112AA1-EBE4-11CF-A5FB-0020AFE7292D}")
                    s = pms.GetAt(1).GuidString;
                    if (s == "{00000001-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}")
                        //we have ShellFolderView's IClassFactory object
                        if (hookIClassFactory_CreateInstance == null)
                            lock (hookLock)
                                if (hookIClassFactory_CreateInstance == null)
                                    //get the address of the newly created object
                                    addr = pms.GetAt(2).Evaluate().PointerVal;
                                    //get object's vtable address by inspecting the first pointer
                                    addr = proc.Memory().get_SSizeTVal(addr);
                                    //because the CreateInstance method is the fourth one,
                                    //get the method entrypoint by reading memory
                                    addr = (IntPtr)(addr.ToInt64() + 3 * IntPtr.Size);
                                    addr = proc.Memory().get_SSizeTVal(addr);
                                    hookIClassFactory_CreateInstance = spyMgr.CreateHookForAddress(addr, "IClassFactory::CreateInstance", (int)eNktHookFlags.flgOnlyPostCall | (int)eNktHookFlags.flgDontCheckAddress);
                                    hookIClassFactory_CreateInstance.Attach(proc.Id, true);
                                    hookIClassFactory_CreateInstance.OnFunctionCalled += OnIClassFactoryCreateInstanceCalled;
                    if (s == "{B196B28F-BAB4-101A-B69C-00AA00341D07}")
                        //we have ShellFolderView's IClassFactory2 object
                        if (hookIClassFactory2_CreateInstance == null)
                            lock (hookLock)
                                if (hookIClassFactory2_CreateInstance == null)
                                    //get the address of the newly created object
                                    addr = pms.GetAt(2).Evaluate().PointerVal;
                                    //get object's vtable address by inspecting the first pointer
                                    addr = proc.Memory().get_SSizeTVal(addr);
                                    //because the CreateInstance method is the fourth one,
                                    //get the method entrypoint by reading memory
                                    addr = (IntPtr)(addr.ToInt64() + 3 * IntPtr.Size);
                                    addr = proc.Memory().get_SSizeTVal(addr);
                                    hookIClassFactory2_CreateInstance = spyMgr.CreateHookForAddress(addr, "IClassFactory2::CreateInstance", (int)eNktHookFlags.flgOnlyPostCall);
                                    hookIClassFactory2_CreateInstance.Attach(proc.Id, true);
                                    hookIClassFactory2_CreateInstance.OnFunctionCalled += OnIClassFactory2CreateInstanceCalled;

                                if (hookIClassFactory2_CreateInstanceLic == null)
                                    //get the address of the newly created object
                                    addr = pms.GetAt(2).Evaluate().PointerVal;
                                    //get object's vtable address by inspecting the first pointer
                                    addr = proc.Memory().get_SSizeTVal(addr);
                                    //because the CreateInstanceLic method is the eighth one,
                                    //get the method entrypoint by reading memory
                                    addr = (IntPtr)(addr.ToInt64() + 7 * IntPtr.Size);
                                    addr = proc.Memory().get_SSizeTVal(addr);
                                    hookIClassFactory2_CreateInstanceLic = spyMgr.CreateHookForAddress(addr, "IClassFactory2::CreateInstanceLic", (int)eNktHookFlags.flgOnlyPostCall);
                                    hookIClassFactory2_CreateInstanceLic.Attach(proc.Id, true);
                                    hookIClassFactory2_CreateInstanceLic.OnFunctionCalled += OnIClassFactory2CreateInstanceLicCalled;
コード例 #10
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: subTee/Deviare2
        static void OnIClassFactoryCreateInstanceCalled(NktHook hook, NktProcess proc, NktHookCallInfo callInfo)
            if ((callInfo.Result().ULongVal & 0x80000000) == 0)
                NktParamsEnum pms;
                IntPtr addr;
                string s;

                //if the call succeeded, check if we are creating a instance that belongs
                //to the IID we need, in our example, "IShellFolderViewDual"
                pms = callInfo.Params();
                //remember that the first parameter is the interface pointer itself
                s = pms.GetAt(2).GuidString;
                if (s == "{E7A1AF80-4D96-11CF-960C-0080C7F4EE85}" ||
                    s == "{31C147B6-0ADE-4A3C-B514-DDF932EF6D17}" ||
                    s == "{88A05C00-F000-11CE-8350-444553540000}")
                    //at this point we have to apply a similar code than we used to hook
                    //IClassFactory::CreateInstance above and the other methods
                    addr = pms.GetAt(3).Evaluate().PointerVal;
                    //get object's vtable address by inspecting the first pointer
                    addr = proc.Memory().get_SSizeTVal(addr);
                    //because the CreateInstance method is the fourth one,
                    //get the method entrypoint by reading memory
                    addr = (IntPtr)(addr.ToInt64() + 3 * IntPtr.Size);
                    addr = proc.Memory().get_SSizeTVal(addr);
        private void MapViewOfFileHook(NktHook Hook, NktProcess proc, NktHookCallInfo callInfo)
            bool is_malware = false;

            IntPtr maphandle = callInfo.Params().GetAt(0).PointerVal;
            IntPtr address = callInfo.Result().PointerVal;
            IntPtr length = callInfo.Params().GetAt(4).PointerVal;
            Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("MapViewOfFile:: with maphandle = {0} dwNumberOfBytesToMap = {1}", maphandle, length));

            IntPtr process_handle = callInfo.Process().Handle(0x1FFFF);

            is_malware = LookForMalware(process_handle, (IntPtr)maphandle, (uint)length); // assuming that length is int in this example. So, mapped files greater than 2^32 - 1 will not work. Also Marshal.ReadByte is limited to int.

            if (is_malware)
                callInfo.Result().PointerVal = IntPtr.Zero;
                callInfo.LastError = 2;