コード例 #1
        public static void Postfix(Survival __instance, GameObject useObj, bool __result)
            if (__result && (useObj != null))
                TechType techType = CraftData.GetTechType(useObj);
                if ((techType == TechType.Boomerang) || (techType == TechType.LavaBoomerang))
                    NitrogenLevel nitrogenLevel = Player.main.gameObject.GetComponent <NitrogenLevel>();

                    if (DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.safeDepth > 10f)
                        DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.safeDepth /= 2;

                        if (Time.time - ticksNotice > 60)
                            ticksNotice = Time.time;
                            ErrorMessage.AddMessage("The tasty raw Boomerang helps purge Nitrogen from your bloodstream!");

                        if (DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.safeDepth < 10f)
                            nitrogenLevel.nitrogenLevel = DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.safeDepth * 10;
                        nitrogenLevel.nitrogenLevel = 0;
コード例 #2
        public static bool Prefix(ref NitrogenLevel __instance, Player player)
            Inventory main     = Inventory.main;
            TechType  bodySlot = Inventory.main.equipment.GetTechTypeInSlot("Body");
            TechType  headSlot = Inventory.main.equipment.GetTechTypeInSlot("Head");

            if (GameModeUtils.RequiresOxygen())
                float depthOf = Ocean.main.GetDepthOf(player.gameObject);
                if (__instance.nitrogenEnabled)
                    float modifier = 1f;
                    if (depthOf > 0f)
                        if (bodySlot == ReinforcedSuitsCore.ReinforcedSuit3ID)
                            modifier = 0.55f;
                        else if ((bodySlot == ReinforcedSuitsCore.ReinforcedSuit2ID || bodySlot == ReinforcedSuitsCore.ReinforcedStillSuit) && depthOf <= 1300f)
                            modifier = 0.75f;
                        else if (bodySlot == TechType.ReinforcedDiveSuit && depthOf <= 800f)
                            modifier = 0.85f;
                        else if ((bodySlot == TechType.RadiationSuit || bodySlot == TechType.Stillsuit) && depthOf <= 500f)
                            modifier = 0.95f;
                        if (headSlot == TechType.Rebreather)
                            modifier -= 0.05f;
                    float num = __instance.depthCurve.Evaluate(depthOf / 2048f);
                    __instance.safeNitrogenDepth = UWE.Utils.Slerp(__instance.safeNitrogenDepth, depthOf, num * __instance.kBreathScalar * modifier);

                if (crushEnabled && Player.main.GetDepthClass() == Ocean.DepthClass.Crush)
                    if (UnityEngine.Random.value < 0.5f)
                        float crushDepth = PlayerGetDepthClassPatcher.divingCrushDepth;
                        if (depthOf > crushDepth)
                            DamagePlayer(depthOf - crushDepth);
コード例 #3
         * DecoDamage - this actually applies the decompression damage from getting the bends. Includes "anti-one-shotting" protection. Also
         * resets the "safe depth" higher after each shot of damage.
        private static void DecoDamage(ref NitrogenLevel __instance, float depthOf, int ticks)
            LiveMixin component = Player.main.gameObject.GetComponent <LiveMixin>();

            float damageBase = (Config.DEATHRUN.Equals(DeathRun.config.nitrogenBends)) ? 20f : 10f;

            if ((DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.safeDepth - depthOf) < 5)
                damageBase /= 2;

            if ((DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.safeDepth - depthOf) < 2)
                damageBase /= 2;

            float damage = damageBase + UnityEngine.Random.value * damageBase + (DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.safeDepth - depthOf);

            if (damage >= component.health)
                if (component.health > 0.1f)
                    damage = component.health - 0.05f;
                    if (damage <= 0)

            if (component.health - damage > 0f)
                if (!Config.NEVER.Equals(DeathRun.config.showWarnings))
                    if ((DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.reallyTookDamageTicks == 0) ||
                        Config.WHENEVER.Equals(DeathRun.config.showWarnings) ||
                        (Config.OCCASIONAL.Equals(DeathRun.config.showWarnings) && (ticks - DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.reallyTookDamageTicks > 600)))
                        ErrorMessage.AddMessage("You have the bends from ascending too quickly!");
                        DeathRunUtils.CenterMessage("You have the bends!", 6);
                        DeathRunUtils.CenterMessage("Slow your ascent!", 6, 1);
            //    ErrorMessage.AddMessage("You died of the bends!");
            //    DeathRunUtils.CenterMessage("You died of the bends!", 5);

            DeathRun.setCause("The Bends");
            component.TakeDamage(damage, default, DamageType.Starve, null);
コード例 #4
        public static bool Prefix(ref NitrogenLevel __instance)
            if (__instance.nitrogenEnabled && GameModeUtils.RequiresOxygen() && Time.timeScale > 0f)
                float depthOf = Ocean.main.GetDepthOf(Player.main.gameObject);

                if (depthOf < __instance.safeNitrogenDepth - 10f && UnityEngine.Random.value < 0.0125f)
                    LiveMixin component = Player.main.gameObject.GetComponent <LiveMixin>();
                    float     damage    = 1f + damageScaler * (__instance.safeNitrogenDepth - depthOf) / 10f;
                    if (component.health - damage > 0f)
                        component.TakeDamage(damage, default, DamageType.Normal, null);
コード例 #5
        public static bool Prefix(ref Survival __instance, ref bool __result, GameObject useObj)
            bool prefixFlag = true;

            if (useObj != null)
                TechType      techType      = CraftData.GetTechType(useObj);
                NitrogenLevel nitrogenLevel = null;
                bool          nFlag         = false;

                if (Player.main.gameObject.GetComponent <NitrogenLevel>() != null)
                    nitrogenLevel = Player.main.gameObject.GetComponent <NitrogenLevel>();
                    if (nitrogenLevel.safeNitrogenDepth >= 10f)
                        nFlag = true;

                if (techType == TechType.FirstAidKit)
                    if (Player.main.GetComponent <LiveMixin>().AddHealth(50f) > 0.1f)
                        prefixFlag = false;
                        __result   = true;

                    if (nFlag)
                        if (nitrogenLevel.safeNitrogenDepth > 10f)
                            nitrogenLevel.safeNitrogenDepth -= 10f;
                            nitrogenLevel.safeNitrogenDepth = 0f;

                        prefixFlag = false;
                        __result   = true;

                    if (__result)
                        string useEatSound = CraftData.GetUseEatSound(techType);
                        FMODUWE.PlayOneShot(useEatSound, Player.main.transform.position, 1f);
コード例 #6
        public static bool Prefix(ref NitrogenLevel __instance, Player player)
            if (GameModeUtils.RequiresOxygen() && !PrisonManager.IsInsideAquarium(player.gameObject.transform.position))
                float depthOf = Ocean.main.GetDepthOf(player.gameObject);

                // Player's personal crush depth
                if (crushEnabled)
                    if (Player.main.GetDepthClass() == Ocean.DepthClass.Crush)
                        if (!crushed)
                            ErrorMessage.AddMessage("Personal crush depth exceeded. Return to safe depth!");
                            crushed = true;
                        if (UnityEngine.Random.value < 0.5f)
                            float crushDepth = DeathRun.saveData.playerSave.crushDepth;
                            if (depthOf > crushDepth)
                                float crush = depthOf - crushDepth;
                                if (crush < 50)
                                else if (crush < 100)
                                else if (crush < 200)
                                    DamagePlayer(32); // "Okay, Sparky..."
                        crushed = false;
コード例 #7
        public static bool Prefix(ref Survival __instance, ref bool __result, GameObject useObj)
            usedSemaphore = false;
            if (useObj != null)
                TechType techType = CraftData.GetTechType(useObj);

                if (techType == TechType.FirstAidKit)
                    NitrogenLevel nitrogenLevel = Player.main.gameObject.GetComponent <NitrogenLevel>();

                    if (DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.safeDepth > 10f)
                        DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.safeDepth /= 2;
                        usedSemaphore = true;

                        if (Time.time - ticksNotice > 60)
                            ticksNotice = Time.time;
                            ErrorMessage.AddMessage("First Aid Kit helps purge Nitrogen from your bloodstream.");

                        if (DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.safeDepth < 10f)
                            nitrogenLevel.nitrogenLevel = DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.safeDepth * 10;
                        if (nitrogenLevel.nitrogenLevel > 0)
                            nitrogenLevel.nitrogenLevel = 0;
                            usedSemaphore = true;
コード例 #8
        public override void Initialize()
            _prefabId = GetComponentInParent <PrefabIdentifier>();

            if (_prefabId == null)
                QuickLogger.Error("Prefab Identifier Component was not found");

            if (_buildable == null)
                _buildable = GetComponentInParent <Constructable>() ?? GetComponent <Constructable>();

            if (!FindAllComponents())
                IsInitialized = false;
                throw new MissingComponentException("Failed to find all components");

            if (PowerManager == null)
                PowerManager = gameObject.EnsureComponent <AMMiniMedBayPowerManager>();

            if (PlayerTrigger == null)
                PlayerTrigger = gameObject.FindChild("model").FindChild("Trigger").EnsureComponent <AMMiniMedBayTrigger>();

            if (PlayerTrigger != null)
                PlayerTrigger.OnPlayerStay += OnPlayerStay;
                PlayerTrigger.OnPlayerExit += OnPlayerExit;
                QuickLogger.Error("Player Trigger Component was not found");

            if (AnimationManager == null)
                AnimationManager = gameObject.EnsureComponent <AMMiniMedBayAnimationManager>();

            if (PowerManager != null)
                PowerManager.OnPowerOutage += OnPowerOutage;
                PowerManager.OnPowerResume += OnPowerResume;

                //Setting to true to prevent power consumption when not in use on load
                QuickLogger.Error("Power Manager Component was not found");

            PageHash = UnityEngine.Animator.StringToHash("state");

            if (AudioHandler == null)
                AudioHandler = new AMMiniMedBayAudioManager(gameObject.GetComponent <FMOD_CustomLoopingEmitter>());

            if (Container == null)
                Container = new AMMiniMedBayContainer(this);

            if (_display == null)
                _display = gameObject.AddComponent <AMMiniMedBayDisplay>();

            if (Player.main.gameObject.GetComponent <NitrogenLevel>() != null)
                _nitrogenLevel = Player.main.gameObject.GetComponent <NitrogenLevel>();

                InvokeRepeating(nameof(UpdateNitrogenDisplay), 1, 0.5f);

            IsInitialized = true;
コード例 #9
 public static void Postfix(NitrogenLevel __instance)
     typeof(NitrogenLevel).GetField("nitrogenEnabled", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance).SetValue(__instance, QMultiModSettings.Instance.NitrogenEnabled);
コード例 #10
        public static bool Prefix(ref NitrogenLevel __instance)
            if (DeathRun.murkinessDirty)
                if (WaterBiomeManager.main != null)
                    DeathRun.murkinessDirty = false;

            // Nitrogen tracking doesn't start until player leaves the pod (for underwater starts)
            if ((EscapePod.main == null) || (!EscapePod.main.topHatchUsed && !EscapePod.main.bottomHatchUsed))

            if (DeathRun.playerIsDead || (Player.main == null) || (Ocean.main == null) || (Inventory.main == null))

            float depth = Ocean.main.GetDepthOf(Player.main.gameObject);

            // Update our deepest depth for stats
            DeathRun.saveData.runData.Deepest = Mathf.Max(DeathRun.saveData.runData.Deepest, depth);

            // NITROGEN controller
            if (!Config.NORMAL.Equals(DeathRun.config.nitrogenBends) && Time.timeScale > 0f)
                int  ticks = (int)(DayNightCycle.main.timePassedAsFloat * 2);
                bool tick  = (ticks != DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.oldTicks) && (DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.oldTicks > 0);
                DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.oldTicks = ticks;

                Inventory main     = Inventory.main;
                TechType  bodySlot = Inventory.main.equipment.GetTechTypeInSlot("Body");
                TechType  headSlot = Inventory.main.equipment.GetTechTypeInSlot("Head");

                bool isSwimming = Player.main.IsSwimming();

                Vehicle vehicle = Player.main.GetVehicle();

                bool isInVehicle = Player.main.GetCurrentSub()?.isCyclops == true ||
                                   vehicle is SeaMoth ||
                                   vehicle is Exosuit;

                bool isInBase = Player.main.IsInside() && !isInVehicle; //!isSwimming && (depth > 10) && !GameModeUtils.RequiresOxygen();

                bool isSeaglide = (Player.main.motorMode == Player.MotorMode.Seaglide);

                if (!isSeaglide)
                    Pickupable held = Inventory.main.GetHeld();
                    if (held != null && held.gameObject.GetComponent <Seaglide>() != null)
                        isSeaglide = true;

                float ascent = __instance.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().velocity.y;                                        // Player's current positive Y velocity is the ascent rate (fastest seems somewhat above 6)
                DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.ascentRate = ((DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.ascentRate * 29) + ascent) / 30; // Average based on 30 frames-per-second

                // NITROGEN - Main Nitrogen adjustment calculations - run twice a second.
                if (tick)
                    float modifier;
                    if (isSwimming)
                        modifier = 1f;
                        if (depth > 0f)
                            // Increasingly better suits help lower rate of nitrogen accumulation
                            if (bodySlot == ReinforcedSuitsCore.ReinforcedSuit3ID)
                                modifier = 0.55f;
                            else if ((bodySlot == ReinforcedSuitsCore.ReinforcedSuit2ID || bodySlot == ReinforcedSuitsCore.ReinforcedStillSuit))
                                modifier = 0.75f;
                            else if (bodySlot == TechType.ReinforcedDiveSuit)
                                modifier = 0.85f;
                            else if ((bodySlot == TechType.RadiationSuit || bodySlot == TechType.Stillsuit))
                                modifier = 0.95f;
                            if (headSlot == TechType.Rebreather)
                                modifier -= 0.05f;
                        modifier = 0.5f;

                    float num = __instance.depthCurve.Evaluate(depth / 2048f) * 2;

                    float baselineSafe;
                    if (Config.DEATHRUN.Equals(DeathRun.config.nitrogenBends))
                        baselineSafe = (depth < 0) ? 0 : depth * 3 / 4; // At any given depth our safe equilibrium gradually approaches 3/4 of current depth
                        baselineSafe = ((depth < 0) || !isSwimming) ? 0 : depth * 3 / 4; // At any given depth our safe equilibrium gradually approaches 3/4 of current depth

                    // "Deco Module" vehicle upgrade
                    if (vehicle != null)
                        int deco = vehicle.modules.GetCount(DeathRun.decoModule.TechType);
                        if (deco > 0)
                            baselineSafe = ((deco < 2) && (DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.safeDepth >= 10)) ? 1 : 0;
                            //CattleLogger.Message("baselineSafe = " + baselineSafe + "    deco=" + deco);

                    if (isInBase || Player.main.GetCurrentSub()?.isCyclops == true)
                        if (Inventory.main.equipment.GetCount(DeathRun.filterChip.TechType) > 0)
                            baselineSafe = 0;

                    // Better dissipation when we're breathing through a pipe, or in a vehicle/base, or riding Seaglide, or wearing Rebreather
                    if ((baselineSafe > 0) && (DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.atPipe || !isSwimming || isSeaglide || (headSlot == TechType.Rebreather)))
                        float adjustment = depth * (2 + (!isSwimming ? 1 : 0) + (isSeaglide ? 1 : 0)) / 8;

                        if ((baselineSafe - adjustment <= DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.safeDepth) && (baselineSafe > 1))
                            baselineSafe = baselineSafe - adjustment;
                            if (baselineSafe < 1)
                                baselineSafe = 1;

                        if (DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.atPipe)
                            float now = DayNightCycle.main.timePassedAsFloat;
                            if ((now > DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.pipeTime + 1) && (now > DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.bubbleTime + 3))
                                DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.atPipe = false;

                    if ((baselineSafe < DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.safeDepth) || (DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.safeDepth < 10))
                        modifier = 1 / modifier; // If we're dissipating N2, don't have our high quality suit slow it down

                        // Intentionally more forgiving when deeper
                        num = 0.05f + (0.01f * (int)(DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.safeDepth / 100));

                    DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.safeDepth = UWE.Utils.Slerp(DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.safeDepth, baselineSafe, num * __instance.kBreathScalar * modifier);

                    // This little % buffer helps introduce the concept of N2 (both initially and as a positive feedback reminder)
                    float target;
                    if (Player.main.precursorOutOfWater || (baselineSafe <= 0))
                        target = 0;
                    else if ((DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.safeDepth > 10f) || (depth >= 20))
                        target = 100;
                    else if (depth <= 10)
                        target = 0;
                        target = (depth - 10) * 10; // Transition zone between 10m and 20m

                    float rate;
                    if (target > 0)
                        rate = 1 + depth / 50f;
                        rate = (depth <= 1) ? 6 : (DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.atPipe || !isSwimming) ? 4 : 2;

                    __instance.nitrogenLevel = UWE.Utils.Slerp(__instance.nitrogenLevel, target, rate * modifier);
                    __instance.nitrogenLevel = Mathf.Clamp(__instance.nitrogenLevel, 0, 100);

                    if (__instance.nitrogenLevel >= 100)
                        if (DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.safeDepth <= 10)
                            DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.safeDepth = 10.01f;

                // DAMAGE - Check if we need to take damage
                if ((__instance.nitrogenLevel >= 100) && (DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.safeDepth >= 10f) && ((int)depth < (int)DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.safeDepth))
                    if (!isInVehicle && !isInBase)
                        if (DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.n2WarningTicks == 0)
                            // If we've NEVER had an N2 warning, institute a hard delay before we can take damage
                            DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.tookDamageTicks = ticks;

                        if ((DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.n2WarningTicks == 0) || (ticks - DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.n2WarningTicks > 60))
                            if ((DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.safeDepth >= 13f) || ((int)depth + 1) < (int)DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.safeDepth) // Avoid spurious warnings right at surface
                                if (!Config.NEVER.Equals(DeathRun.config.showWarnings))
                                    if ((DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.n2WarningTicks == 0) ||
                                        Config.WHENEVER.Equals(DeathRun.config.showWarnings) ||
                                        (Config.OCCASIONAL.Equals(DeathRun.config.showWarnings) && (ticks - DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.n2WarningTicks > 600)))
                                        DeathRunUtils.CenterMessage("Decompression Warning", 5);
                                        DeathRunUtils.CenterMessage("Dive to Safe Depth!", 5, 1);
                                DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.n2WarningTicks = ticks;

                        int   danger = (int)DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.safeDepth - (int)depth;
                        float deco   = (isSwimming ? 0.0125f : 0.025f);

                        if (danger < 5)
                            deco /= 2;
                        if (danger < 2)
                            deco /= 2;

                        if (UnityEngine.Random.value < deco)
                            if ((DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.tookDamageTicks == 0) || (ticks - DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.tookDamageTicks > 10))
                                DecoDamage(ref __instance, depth, ticks);
                                DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.tookDamageTicks       = ticks;
                                DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.reallyTookDamageTicks = ticks;
                    if ((__instance.nitrogenLevel <= 90) || ((depth <= 1) && (DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.ascentRate < 4) && (DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.safeDepth < 10f)) || ((depth >= DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.safeDepth + 10) && isSwimming))
                        DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.tookDamageTicks = 0;

                // ASCENT RATE - Check for ascending too quickly while swimming
                if (isSwimming)
                    if (DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.ascentRate > (isSeaglide ? 3 : 2))
                        if (DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.ascentRate > 4)
                            if (DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.ascentWarning == 1)
                            else if (DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.ascentRate >= (isSeaglide ? 5.5 : 5))
                                if (__instance.nitrogenLevel < 100)
                                    if ((DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.ascentWarning % (isSeaglide ? 4 : 2)) == 0)
                                        if (((DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.ascentWarning % 8) == 0) || Config.DEATHRUN.Equals(DeathRun.config.nitrogenBends))
                                    if (DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.ascentWarning >= (isSeaglide ? 90 : 60)) // After about 2 seconds of too fast
                                        int tickrate;
                                        if (Config.DEATHRUN.Equals(DeathRun.config.nitrogenBends))
                                            tickrate = 10;
                                            tickrate = 20;

                                        if (isSeaglide)
                                            tickrate = tickrate * 3 / 2;

                                        if (DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.ascentWarning % tickrate == 0)
                                            if (DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.safeDepth < depth * 1.25f)
                                                DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.safeDepth += 1;

                                    if ((DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.ascentWarning % 120) == 0)
                        // if returned to slow speed then increase our buffer
                        if (DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.ascentWarning > 0)

                        // Once we've basically stopped, can do a text warning again if we get too fast
                        if (DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.ascentRate <= 0.5f)
                            DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.ascentWarning = 0;

                HUDController(__instance, false); // (DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.ascentRate >= 5) && (DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.ascentWarning >= 30));
                if (Time.timeScale > 0f)
                    __instance.nitrogenLevel = 0;
                    DeathRun.saveData.nitroSave.safeDepth = 0;
                    BendsHUDController.SetActive(false, false);
