コード例 #1
        public IEnumerable <RelationById> PerformGetParentRelations(HiveId childId, RelationType relationType = null)
            if (childId.Value.Type != HiveIdValueTypes.Guid)
                return(Enumerable.Empty <RelationById>());

            using (NhProfilerLogging.Start(NhSession, "PerformGetParentRelations",
                                           new OdbcParameter("childId", childId),
                                           new OdbcParameter("relationType", relationType)))
                var value = (Guid)childId.Value;
                // Reference the value here because otherwise it gets lost in NH's query cache

                var query = NhSession.QueryOver <NodeRelation>()
                            .Where(x => x.EndNode.Id == value)
                            .Fetch(x => x.StartNode).Lazy
                            .Fetch(x => x.EndNode).Lazy
                            .Fetch(x => x.NodeRelationTags).Eager
                            .Fetch(x => x.NodeRelationType).Eager;

                if (relationType != null)
                    var relationName  = relationType.RelationName;
                    var nodeRelations = query.JoinQueryOver <NodeRelationType>(x => x.NodeRelationType).Where(x => x.Alias == relationName).Cacheable().List();

                var relations = query.Cacheable().List();
コード例 #2
        protected override void PerformAddOrUpdate(TypedEntity entity)
            Mandate.ParameterNotNull(entity, "persistedEntity");

            using (NhProfilerLogging.Start(Helper.NhSession, "PerformAddOrUpdate",
                                           new OdbcParameter("entity", entity)))
                // Note that it should be the caller's responsibility to add to revisions but the Cms backoffice code needs to change
                // to do that, so this is included to avoid breaking assumptions about auto-created versions until then
                if (Revisions.CanWrite)
                    var newRevision = new Revision <TypedEntity>(entity);
                    if (TryUpdateExisting(entity))

                    Helper.MapAndMerge(entity, FrameworkContext.TypeMappers);
コード例 #3
        public IEnumerable <NodeVersion> GetNodeVersionsByStatusDesc(Guid[] nodeIds = null, RevisionStatusType revisionStatus = null, bool limitToLatestRevision = true)
            using (NhProfilerLogging.Start(NhSession, "GetNodeVersionsByStatusDesc",
                                           new OdbcParameter("nodeIds", nodeIds != null ? string.Join(", ", nodeIds.Select(x => x.ToString())) : "(empty)"),
                                           new OdbcParameter("revisionStatus", revisionStatus != null ? revisionStatus.Alias : "(empty)"),
                                           new OdbcParameter("limitToLatestRevision", limitToLatestRevision)))
                var query        = GenerateVersionedQueryPlusAttributes(nodeIds, revisionStatus, limitToLatestRevision);
                var nodeVersions = query.List();

                //// The query creates a Cartesian product because of the joins, but it's still more efficient than using Futures until it's possible for NH
                //// to recognise AttributeStringValues (for example) when selecting only the 8 that match the Attribute; at the moment you have to left-join
                //// Attribute to AttributeStringValues which causes Attribute*AttributeStringValues rows anyway
                //var foundVersions = attribs.List().Select(x => x.NodeVersion).Distinct();

                //// Because we selected from Attributes in order to do an efficient query for NodeVersions that have Attributes, we'll actually
                //// miss any NodeVersions that have zero attributes, such as the SystemRoot node. Therefore, for any items that were requested
                //// but not returned by the first query, we'll request just the NodeVersion
                //var idsFound = foundVersions.Select(x => x.Node.Id).Distinct().ToArray();

                //// We need to account for if this method was called without nodeIds specified though, in which case we'll need to
                //// get all of the nodeIds that have an attached version from the database
                //Guid[] idsNotFound;
                //if (nodeIds != null)
                //    idsNotFound = nodeIds.Except(idsFound).ToArray();
                //    var getAllIds = NhSession.QueryOver<NodeVersion>().Select(x => x.Node.Id).List<Guid>().Distinct();
                //    idsNotFound = getAllIds.Except(idsFound).ToArray();

                //if (idsNotFound.Any())
                //    NodeVersionStatusHistory outerHistoryForSort = null;
                //    var outerQuery = NhSession.QueryOver<NodeVersion>(() => outerVersionSelect)
                //        .Fetch(x => x.Attributes).Eager     // Even though we know these nodes have no Attributes, we need to allow NH to know this without
                //        .Fetch(x => x.Node).Eager           // issuing a separate request during mapping of the Attributes / Node properties
                //        .JoinQueryOver(x => outerVersionSelect.NodeVersionStatuses, () => outerHistoryForSort)
                //        .OrderBy(() => outerHistoryForSort.Date).Asc
                //        .WithSubquery.WhereProperty(() => outerVersionSelect.Id).In(subSelectTopStatusByDateWithFilter)
                //        .And(() => outerVersionSelect.Node.Id.IsIn(idsNotFound));

                //    foundVersions = foundVersions.Concat(outerQuery.List());
コード例 #4
        public void MapAndMerge(AbstractEntity entity, MappingEngineCollection mappers)
            using (DisposableTimer.TraceDuration <NhSessionHelper>("Start MapAndMerge for entity " + entity.Id, "End MapAndMerge"))
                using (NhProfilerLogging.Start(NhSession, "MapAndMerge",
                                               new OdbcParameter("entity", entity)))
                    var rdbmsEntity = mappers.MapToIntent <IReferenceByGuid>(entity);

                    // Track ID generation on the Rdbms object so that it can be pinged to the AbstractEntity upon Save/Update commit
                    rdbmsEntity = NhSession.Merge(rdbmsEntity) as IReferenceByGuid;

                    mappers.Map(rdbmsEntity, entity, rdbmsEntity.GetType(), entity.GetType());
コード例 #5
        public IEnumerable <RelationById> PerformGetBranchRelations(HiveId siblingId, RelationType relationType = null)
            if (siblingId.Value.Type != HiveIdValueTypes.Guid)
                return(Enumerable.Empty <RelationById>());

            using (NhProfilerLogging.Start(NhSession, "PerformGetBranchRelations",
                                           new OdbcParameter("siblingId", siblingId),
                                           new OdbcParameter("relationType", relationType)))
                var value = (Guid)siblingId.Value;
                // Reference the value here because otherwise it gets lost in NH's query cache

                var query = NhSession.QueryOver <NodeRelation>()
                            .Fetch(x => x.StartNode).Lazy
                            .Fetch(x => x.EndNode).Lazy
                            .Fetch(x => x.NodeRelationTags).Eager
                            .Fetch(x => x.NodeRelationType).Eager;

                var parentQuery = QueryOver.Of <NodeRelation>().Where(x => x.EndNode.Id == value);

                if (relationType != null)
                    var copyRelationName = relationType.RelationName;

                    var parentQueryWithType = parentQuery
                                              .JoinQueryOver(x => x.NodeRelationType)
                                              .Where(x => x.Alias == copyRelationName);

                    return(query.WithSubquery.WhereProperty(x => x.StartNode.Id).In(parentQueryWithType.Select(x => x.StartNode.Id).Take(1))
                    return(query.WithSubquery.WhereProperty(x => x.StartNode.Id).In(parentQuery.Select(x => x.StartNode.Id).Take(1))
コード例 #6
        public RelationById PerformFindRelation(HiveId sourceId, HiveId destinationId, RelationType relationType)
            if (sourceId.Value.Type != HiveIdValueTypes.Guid || destinationId.Value.Type != HiveIdValueTypes.Guid)

            using (NhProfilerLogging.Start(NhSession, "PerformFindRelation",
                                           new OdbcParameter("sourceId", sourceId),
                                           new OdbcParameter("destinationId", destinationId),
                                           new OdbcParameter("relationType", relationType)))
                // Reference the values here because otherwise it gets lost in NH's query cache
                var sourceValue  = (Guid)sourceId.Value;
                var destValue    = (Guid)destinationId.Value;
                var relationName = relationType.RelationName;

                var firstRelation = GetDbRelation(relationName, sourceValue, destValue).FirstOrDefault();

                return(firstRelation != null?MapNodeRelation(firstRelation) : null);
コード例 #7
        public void MapAndMerge <T>(Revision <T> entity, MappingEngineCollection mappers) where T : class, IVersionableEntity
            HiveId hiveId   = entity.MetaData != null ? entity.MetaData.Id : HiveId.Empty;
            HiveId entityId = entity.Item != null ? entity.Item.Id : HiveId.Empty;

            using (DisposableTimer.TraceDuration <NhSessionHelper>("Start MapAndMerge for revision " + hiveId + " entity " + entityId, "End MapAndMerge"))
                using (NhProfilerLogging.Start(NhSession, "MapAndMerge<T> (Revision<T>)",
                                               new OdbcParameter("entity", entity)))
                    var rdbmsEntity = mappers.MapToIntent <IReferenceByGuid>(entity);

                    // Track ID generation on the Rdbms object so that it can be pinged to the AbstractEntity upon Save/Update commit
                    rdbmsEntity = NhSession.Merge(rdbmsEntity) as IReferenceByGuid;

                    // 16th Jan 12 (APN) NH is not flushing if the above merged entity is queried before the transaction is committed, despite
                    // the flushmode being Auto. So, explicit call to Flush here pending a bugfix/ better solution

                    mappers.Map(rdbmsEntity, entity, rdbmsEntity.GetType(), entity.GetType());