コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Asynchronously creates an <see cref="NfoMovieReader"/> for the given <param name="mediaItemAccessor"></param>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mediaItemAccessor">Points to the resource for which we try to create an NfoMovieReader</param>
        /// <returns>An NfoMovieReader if an nfo file was found, else <c>null</c></returns>
        protected async Task <NfoMovieReader> TryGetNfoMovieReaderAsync(IResourceAccessor mediaItemAccessor)
            // Get a unique number for this call to TryExtractMetadataAsync. We use this to make reading the debug log easier.
            // This MetadataExtractor is called in parallel for multiple MediaItems so that the respective debug log entries
            // for one call are not contained one after another in debug log. We therefore prepend this number before every log entry.
            var miNumber = Interlocked.Increment(ref _lastMediaItemNumber);

                _debugLogger.Info("[#{0}]: Start extracting metadata for resource '{1}'", miNumber, mediaItemAccessor);

                // This MetadataExtractor only works for MediaItems accessible by an IFileSystemResourceAccessor.
                // Otherwise it is not possible to find a nfo-file in the MediaItem's directory.
                if (!(mediaItemAccessor is IFileSystemResourceAccessor))
                    _debugLogger.Info("[#{0}]: Cannot extract metadata; mediaItemAccessor is not an IFileSystemResourceAccessor", miNumber);

                // Here we try to find an IFileSystemResourceAccessor pointing to the nfo-file.
                // If we don't find one, we cannot extract any metadata.
                IFileSystemResourceAccessor nfoFsra;
                if (!TryGetNfoSResourceAccessor(miNumber, mediaItemAccessor as IFileSystemResourceAccessor, out nfoFsra))

                // Now we (asynchronously) extract the metadata into a stub object.
                // If there is an error parsing the nfo-file with XmlNfoReader, we at least try to parse for a valid IMDB-ID.
                // If no metadata was found, nothing can be stored in the MediaItemAspects.
                NfoMovieReader nfoReader = new NfoMovieReader(_debugLogger, miNumber, false, false, false, _httpClient, _settings);
                using (nfoFsra)
                    if (!await nfoReader.TryReadMetadataAsync(nfoFsra).ConfigureAwait(false) &&
                        !await nfoReader.TryParseForImdbId(nfoFsra).ConfigureAwait(false))
                        _debugLogger.Warn("[#{0}]: No valid metadata found", miNumber);
            catch (Exception e)
                ServiceRegistration.Get <ILogger>().Warn("NfoMovieMetadataExtractor: Exception while extracting metadata for resource '{0}'; enable debug logging for more details.", mediaItemAccessor);
                _debugLogger.Error("[#{0}]: Exception while extracting metadata", e, miNumber);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Asynchronously tries to extract metadata for the given <param name="mediaItemAccessor"></param>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mediaItemAccessor">Points to the resource for which we try to extract metadata</param>
        /// <param name="extractedAspectData">Dictionary of <see cref="MediaItemAspect"/>s with the extracted metadata</param>
        /// <param name="forceQuickMode">If <c>true</c>, nothing is downloaded from the internet</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if metadata was found and stored into <param name="extractedAspectData"></param>, else <c>false</c></returns>
        private async Task <bool> TryExtractMovieMetadataAsync(IResourceAccessor mediaItemAccessor, IDictionary <Guid, IList <MediaItemAspect> > extractedAspectData, bool forceQuickMode)
            // Get a unique number for this call to TryExtractMetadataAsync. We use this to make reading the debug log easier.
            // This MetadataExtractor is called in parallel for multiple MediaItems so that the respective debug log entries
            // for one call are not contained one after another in debug log. We therefore prepend this number before every log entry.
            var  miNumber = Interlocked.Increment(ref _lastMediaItemNumber);
            bool isStub   = extractedAspectData.ContainsKey(StubAspect.ASPECT_ID);

                _debugLogger.Info("[#{0}]: Start extracting metadata for resource '{1}' (forceQuickMode: {2})", miNumber, mediaItemAccessor, forceQuickMode);

                // This MetadataExtractor only works for MediaItems accessible by an IFileSystemResourceAccessor.
                // Otherwise it is not possible to find a nfo-file in the MediaItem's directory.
                if (!(mediaItemAccessor is IFileSystemResourceAccessor))
                    _debugLogger.Info("[#{0}]: Cannot extract metadata; mediaItemAccessor is not an IFileSystemResourceAccessor", miNumber);

                // We only extract metadata with this MetadataExtractor, if another MetadataExtractor that was applied before
                // has identified this MediaItem as a video and therefore added a VideoAspect.
                if (!extractedAspectData.ContainsKey(VideoAspect.ASPECT_ID))
                    _debugLogger.Info("[#{0}]: Cannot extract metadata; this resource is not a video", miNumber);

                // Here we try to find an IFileSystemResourceAccessor pointing to the nfo-file.
                // If we don't find one, we cannot extract any metadata.
                IFileSystemResourceAccessor nfoFsra;
                if (!TryGetNfoSResourceAccessor(miNumber, mediaItemAccessor as IFileSystemResourceAccessor, out nfoFsra))

                // Now we (asynchronously) extract the metadata into a stub object.
                // If there is an error parsing the nfo-file with XmlNfoReader, we at least try to parse for a valid IMDB-ID.
                // If no metadata was found, nothing can be stored in the MediaItemAspects.
                NfoMovieReader nfoReader = new NfoMovieReader(_debugLogger, miNumber, false, forceQuickMode, isStub, _httpClient, _settings);
                using (nfoFsra)
                    if (!await nfoReader.TryReadMetadataAsync(nfoFsra).ConfigureAwait(false) &&
                        !await nfoReader.TryParseForImdbId(nfoFsra).ConfigureAwait(false))
                        _debugLogger.Warn("[#{0}]: No valid metadata found", miNumber);
                    else if (isStub)
                        Stubs.MovieStub movie = nfoReader.GetMovieStubs().FirstOrDefault();
                        if (movie != null)
                            IList <MultipleMediaItemAspect> providerResourceAspects;
                            if (MediaItemAspect.TryGetAspects(extractedAspectData, ProviderResourceAspect.Metadata, out providerResourceAspects))
                                MultipleMediaItemAspect providerResourceAspect = providerResourceAspects.First(pa => pa.GetAttributeValue <int>(ProviderResourceAspect.ATTR_TYPE) == ProviderResourceAspect.TYPE_STUB);
                                string mime = null;
                                if (movie.FileInfo != null && movie.FileInfo.Count > 0)
                                    mime = MimeTypeDetector.GetMimeTypeFromExtension("file" + movie.FileInfo.First().Container);
                                if (mime != null)
                                    providerResourceAspect.SetAttribute(ProviderResourceAspect.ATTR_MIME_TYPE, mime);

                            MediaItemAspect.SetAttribute(extractedAspectData, MediaAspect.ATTR_TITLE, movie.Title);
                            MediaItemAspect.SetAttribute(extractedAspectData, MediaAspect.ATTR_SORT_TITLE, movie.SortTitle != null ? movie.SortTitle : BaseInfo.GetSortTitle(movie.Title));
                            MediaItemAspect.SetAttribute(extractedAspectData, MediaAspect.ATTR_RECORDINGTIME, movie.Premiered.HasValue ? movie.Premiered.Value : movie.Year.HasValue ? movie.Year.Value : (DateTime?)null);

                            if (movie.FileInfo != null && movie.FileInfo.Count > 0)
                                StubParser.ParseFileInfo(extractedAspectData, movie.FileInfo, movie.Title, movie.Fps);

                //Check reimport
                if (extractedAspectData.ContainsKey(ReimportAspect.ASPECT_ID))
                    MovieInfo reimport = new MovieInfo();
                    if (!VerifyMovieReimport(nfoReader, reimport))
                        ServiceRegistration.Get <ILogger>().Info("NfoMovieMetadataExtractor: Nfo movie metadata from resource '{0}' ignored because it does not match reimport {1}", mediaItemAccessor, reimport);

                // Then we store the found metadata in the MediaItemAspects. If we only found metadata that is
                // not (yet) supported by our MediaItemAspects, this MetadataExtractor returns false.
                if (!nfoReader.TryWriteMetadata(extractedAspectData))
                    _debugLogger.Warn("[#{0}]: No metadata was written into MediaItemsAspects", miNumber);

                _debugLogger.Info("[#{0}]: Successfully finished extracting metadata", miNumber);
                ServiceRegistration.Get <ILogger>().Debug("NfoMovieMetadataExtractor: Assigned nfo movie metadata for resource '{0}'", mediaItemAccessor);
            catch (Exception e)
                ServiceRegistration.Get <ILogger>().Warn("NfoMovieMetadataExtractor: Exception while extracting metadata for resource '{0}'; enable debug logging for more details.", mediaItemAccessor);
                _debugLogger.Error("[#{0}]: Exception while extracting metadata", e, miNumber);
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Asynchronously tries to extract metadata for the given <param name="mediaItemAccessor"></param>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mediaItemAccessor">Points to the resource for which we try to extract metadata</param>
        /// <param name="extractedAspectData">Dictionary of <see cref="MediaItemAspect"/>s with the extracted metadata</param>
        /// <param name="importOnly">If <c>true</c>, nothing is downloaded from the internet</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if metadata was found and stored into <param name="extractedAspectData"></param>, else <c>false</c></returns>
        private async Task <bool> TryExtractVideoMetadataAsync(IResourceAccessor mediaItemAccessor, IDictionary <Guid, IList <MediaItemAspect> > extractedAspectData, bool forceQuickMode)
            // Get a unique number for this call to TryExtractMetadataAsync. We use this to make reading the debug log easier.
            // This MetadataExtractor is called in parallel for multiple MediaItems so that the respective debug log entries
            // for one call are not contained one after another in debug log. We therefore prepend this number before every log entry.
            var miNumber = Interlocked.Increment(ref _lastMediaItemNumber);

                _debugLogger.Info("[#{0}]: Start extracting metadata for resource '{1}' (forceQuickMode: {2})", miNumber, mediaItemAccessor, forceQuickMode);

                // We only extract metadata with this MetadataExtractor, if another MetadataExtractor that was applied before
                // has identified this MediaItem as a video and therefore added a VideoAspect.
                if (!extractedAspectData.ContainsKey(VideoStreamAspect.ASPECT_ID))
                    _debugLogger.Info("[#{0}]: Cannot extract metadata; this resource is not a video", miNumber);

                // This MetadataExtractor only works for MediaItems accessible by an IFileSystemResourceAccessor.
                // Otherwise it is not possible to find a nfo-file in the MediaItem's directory.
                if (!(mediaItemAccessor is IFileSystemResourceAccessor))
                    _debugLogger.Info("[#{0}]: Cannot extract metadata; mediaItemAccessor is not an IFileSystemResourceAccessor", miNumber);

                // Here we try to find an IFileSystemResourceAccessor pointing to the nfo-file.
                // If we don't find one, we cannot extract any metadata.
                IFileSystemResourceAccessor nfoFsra;
                if (!TryGetNfoSResourceAccessor(miNumber, mediaItemAccessor as IFileSystemResourceAccessor, out nfoFsra))

                // Now we (asynchronously) extract the metadata into a stub object.
                // If no metadata was found, nothing can be stored in the MediaItemAspects.
                var nfoReader = new NfoMovieReader(_debugLogger, miNumber, true, forceQuickMode, false, _httpClient, _settings, false);
                using (nfoFsra)
                    if (!await nfoReader.TryReadMetadataAsync(nfoFsra).ConfigureAwait(false) &&
                        !await nfoReader.TryParseForImdbId(nfoFsra).ConfigureAwait(false))
                        _debugLogger.Warn("[#{0}]: No valid metadata found", miNumber);

                // Then we store the found metadata in the MediaItemAspects. If we only found metadata that is
                // not (yet) supported by our MediaItemAspects, this MetadataExtractor returns false.
                if (!nfoReader.TryWriteMetadata(extractedAspectData))
                    _debugLogger.Warn("[#{0}]: No metadata was written into MediaItemsAspects", miNumber);

                _debugLogger.Info("[#{0}]: Successfully finished extracting metadata", miNumber);
                ServiceRegistration.Get <ILogger>().Debug("NfoVideoMetadataExtractor: Assigned nfo video metadata for resource '{0}'", mediaItemAccessor);
            catch (Exception e)
                ServiceRegistration.Get <ILogger>().Warn("NfoVideoMetadataExtractor: Exception while extracting metadata for resource '{0}'; enable debug logging for more details.", mediaItemAccessor);
                _debugLogger.Error("[#{0}]: Exception while extracting metadata", e, miNumber);
コード例 #4
    /// <summary>
    /// Asynchronously tries to extract metadata for the given <param name="mediaItemAccessor"></param>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="mediaItemAccessor">Points to the resource for which we try to extract metadata</param>
    /// <param name="extractedAspectData">Dictionary of <see cref="MediaItemAspect"/>s with the extracted metadata</param>
    /// <param name="forceQuickMode">If <c>true</c>, nothing is downloaded from the internet</param>
    /// <returns><c>true</c> if metadata was found and stored into <param name="extractedAspectData"></param>, else <c>false</c></returns>
    private async Task<bool> TryExtractMetadataAsync(IResourceAccessor mediaItemAccessor, IDictionary<Guid, MediaItemAspect> extractedAspectData, bool forceQuickMode)
      // Get a unique number for this call to TryExtractMetadataAsync. We use this to make reading the debug log easier.
      // This MetadataExtractor is called in parallel for multiple MediaItems so that the respective debug log entries
      // for one call are not contained one after another in debug log. We therefore prepend this number before every log entry.
      var miNumber = Interlocked.Increment(ref _lastMediaItemNumber);
        _debugLogger.Info("[#{0}]: Start extracting metadata for resource '{1}' (forceQuickMode: {2})", miNumber, mediaItemAccessor, forceQuickMode);

        // We only extract metadata with this MetadataExtractor, if another MetadataExtractor that was applied before
        // has identified this MediaItem as a video and therefore added a VideoAspect.
        if (!extractedAspectData.ContainsKey(VideoAspect.ASPECT_ID))
          _debugLogger.Info("[#{0}]: Cannot extract metadata; this resource is not a video", miNumber);
          return false;

        // This MetadataExtractor only works for MediaItems accessible by an IFileSystemResourceAccessor.
        // Otherwise it is not possible to find a nfo-file in the MediaItem's directory.
        if (!(mediaItemAccessor is IFileSystemResourceAccessor))
          _debugLogger.Info("[#{0}]: Cannot extract metadata; mediaItemAccessor is not an IFileSystemResourceAccessor", miNumber);
          return false;

        // Here we try to find an IFileSystemResourceAccessor pointing to the nfo-file.
        // If we don't find one, we cannot extract any metadata.
        IFileSystemResourceAccessor nfoFsra;
        if (!TryGetNfoSResourceAccessor(miNumber, mediaItemAccessor as IFileSystemResourceAccessor, out nfoFsra))
          return false;

        // Now we (asynchronously) extract the metadata into a stub object.
        // If there is an error parsing the nfo-file with XmlNfoReader, we at least try to parse for a valid IMDB-ID.
        // If no metadata was found, nothing can be stored in the MediaItemAspects.
        var nfoReader = new NfoMovieReader(_debugLogger, miNumber, forceQuickMode, _httpClient, _settings);
        using (nfoFsra)
          if (!await nfoReader.TryReadMetadataAsync(nfoFsra).ConfigureAwait(false) &&
              !await nfoReader.TryParseForImdbId(nfoFsra).ConfigureAwait(false))
            _debugLogger.Warn("[#{0}]: No valid metadata found", miNumber);
            return false;

        // Then we store the found metadata in the MediaItemAspects. If we only found metadata that is
        // not (yet) supported by our MediaItemAspects, this MetadataExtractor returns false.
        if (!nfoReader.TryWriteMetadata(extractedAspectData))
          _debugLogger.Warn("[#{0}]: No metadata was written into MediaItemsAspects", miNumber);
          return false;

        _debugLogger.Info("[#{0}]: Successfully finished extracting metadata", miNumber);
        return true;
      catch (Exception e)
        ServiceRegistration.Get<ILogger>().Warn("NfoMovieMetadataExtractor: Exception while extracting metadata for resource '{0}'; enable debug logging for more details.", mediaItemAccessor);
        _debugLogger.Error("[#{0}]: Exception while extracting metadata", e, miNumber);
        return false;