コード例 #1
ファイル: AuditClosingFormNew.cs プロジェクト: jecus/Cas
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        private void GetRecordInstance(WorkPackageClosingDataGridViewRow row,
                                       Audit wp,
                                       NextPerformance nextPerformance = null,
                                       AuditRecord workPackageRecord   = null)
            if (row.ClosingItem == null)

            IDirective currentClosingItem = row.ClosingItem;

            if (currentClosingItem is Procedure)
                row.Record = new DirectiveRecord();
            if (nextPerformance != null)
                row.Record.PerformanceNum = nextPerformance.PerformanceNum;
            if (workPackageRecord != null)
                row.Record.PerformanceNum = workPackageRecord.PerformanceNumFromStart;

            row.Record.Parent             = currentClosingItem;
            row.Record.ParentId           = currentClosingItem.ItemId;
            row.Record.DirectivePackageId = wp.ItemId;
コード例 #2
        protected override void AddListViewItem(NextPerformance np)
            Directive d = np.Parent as Directive;

            string[] subs =
                np.WorkType + (d == null ? "" : " §:" + d.Paragraph),
                np.PerformanceDate != null
                            ? SmartCore.Auxiliary.Convert.GetDateFormat(np.PerformanceDate)
                            : "N/A",
                np?.NextLimit.Days != null?SmartCore.Auxiliary.Convert.GetDateFormat(np?.NextPerformanceDateNew) : "",

            ListViewItem newItem = new ListViewItem(subs)
                BackColor = UsefulMethods.GetColor(np),
                Group     = listViewCompliance.Groups[0],
                Tag       = np,

コード例 #3
        protected virtual void AddListViewItem(NextPerformance np)
            string[] subs =
                np.PerformanceDate != null
                                                ? SmartCore.Auxiliary.Convert.GetDateFormat(np.PerformanceDate)
                                                : "N/A",
                np?.NextLimit.Days != null?SmartCore.Auxiliary.Convert.GetDateFormat(np?.NextPerformanceDateNew) : "",

            ListViewItem newItem = new ListViewItem(subs)
                BackColor = UsefulMethods.GetColor(np),
                Group     = listViewCompliance.Groups[0],
                Tag       = np,

コード例 #4
        protected override void AddListViewItem(NextPerformance np)
            string[] subs =
                np.PerformanceDate != null
                        ? SmartCore.Auxiliary.Convert.GetDateFormat(np.PerformanceDate)
                        : "N/A",
                np?.NextLimit.Days != null?SmartCore.Auxiliary.Convert.GetDateFormat(np?.NextPerformanceDateNew) : "",

            ListViewItem newItem = new ListViewItem(subs)
                Group = listViewCompliance.Groups[0],
                Tag   = np,

            newItem.BackColor = _currentDirective.MaintenanceCheck != null
                ? Color.FromArgb(Highlight.Grey.Color)
                : UsefulMethods.GetColor(np);

コード例 #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Возвращает дату-время "след. выполнения" задачи
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="destination"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 protected DateTime GetDate(NextPerformance destination)
     if (destination.PerformanceDate.HasValue)
コード例 #6
        ///<param name="currentDirective"></param>
        ///<param name="nextPerformance"></param>
        public DirectiveComplianceDialog(IDirective currentDirective, NextPerformance nextPerformance)
            : this()
            _currentDirective       = currentDirective;
            _currentDirectiveRecord = DirectiveRecord.CreateInstance(nextPerformance);
            _nextPerformance        = nextPerformance;

            _animatedThreadWorker.DoWork             += AnimatedThreadWorkerDoLoad;
            _animatedThreadWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += BackgroundWorkerRunWorkerLoadCompleted;
コード例 #7
ファイル: InitionalOrderRecord.cs プロジェクト: jecus/Cas
        /// <summary>
        /// Создает запись  без дополнительной информации
        /// </summary>
        public InitialOrderRecord(int rfqId, Product accessory, double quantity,
                                  BaseEntityObject parent,
                                  DateTime effDate,
                                  ComponentStatus costCondition,
                                  NextPerformance perfornamce = null,
                                  DeferredCategory category   = null) : this()
            ParentPackageId = rfqId;

            if (accessory != null)
                ProductId        = accessory.ItemId;
                ProductType      = accessory.SmartCoreObjectType;
                EffectiveDate    = effDate;
                DeferredCategory = category ?? DeferredCategory.Unknown;
                CostCondition    = costCondition;
                _quantity        = quantity;

                if (perfornamce != null)
                    Task                    = perfornamce.Parent;
                    PackageItemId           = perfornamce.Parent.ItemId;
                    PackageItemType         = perfornamce.Parent.SmartCoreObjectType;
                    PerformanceNumFromStart = perfornamce.PerformanceNum;
                    IsSchedule              = true;
                if (DeferredCategory != DeferredCategory.Unknown && DeferredCategory.Threshold != null)
                    LifeLimit       = DeferredCategory.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceEffectiveDate;
                    LifeLimitNotify = DeferredCategory.Threshold.FirstNotification;
                    IsSchedule      = false;
                if (parent != null && !parent.SmartCoreObjectType.Equals(SmartCoreType.Operator))
                    DestinationObject     = parent;
                    DestinationObjectType = parent.SmartCoreObjectType;
                    DestinationObjectId   = parent.ItemId;
                PackageItemId           = -1;
                EffectiveDate           = DateTime.Today;
                costCondition           = ComponentStatus.Unknown;
                PackageItemType         = SmartCoreType.Unknown;
                DeferredCategory        = DeferredCategory.Unknown;
                _quantity               = 0;
                Task                    = null;
                ProductId               = -1;
                ProductType             = SmartCoreType.Unknown;
                PerformanceNumFromStart = -1;
                IsSchedule              = false;
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentDirective"></param>
        /// <param name="nextPerformances"></param>
        /// <param name="averageUtilization"></param>
        /// <param name="nextPerformance"></param>
        public DirectiveComplianceDialog(IDirective currentDirective, List <NextPerformance> nextPerformances,
                                         AverageUtilization averageUtilization)
            : this()
            _currentDirective       = currentDirective;
            _currentDirectiveRecord = DirectiveRecord.CreateInstance(nextPerformances.FirstOrDefault());
            _nextPerformance        = nextPerformances.FirstOrDefault();
            _nextPerformances       = nextPerformances;
            _averageUtilization     = averageUtilization;

            checkBox1.Visible = true;

            _animatedThreadWorker.DoWork             += AnimatedThreadWorkerDoLoad;
            _animatedThreadWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += BackgroundWorkerRunWorkerLoadCompleted;
コード例 #9
ファイル: DirectiveRecord.cs プロジェクト: mgladilov/Cas
        /// <summary>
        /// Создает новый зкземпляр записи о выполнении на основе след.выполнения
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nextPerformance"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static DirectiveRecord CreateInstance(NextPerformance nextPerformance)
            DirectiveRecord dr = new DirectiveRecord();

            if (nextPerformance == null)

            //дата выполнения
            if (nextPerformance.PerformanceDate.HasValue)
                dr.RecordDate = nextPerformance.PerformanceDate.Value;
            //номер выполнения
            dr.PerformanceNum = nextPerformance.PerformanceNum;

コード例 #10
        protected override void AddListViewItem(NextPerformance np)
            string[] subs =
                np.PerformanceDate != null
                        ? UsefulMethods.NormalizeDate((DateTime)np.PerformanceDate)
                        : "N/A",

            ListViewItem newItem = new ListViewItem(subs)
                Group = listViewCompliance.Groups[0],
                Tag   = np,

コード例 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Создает форму для редактирования записей о выполнении чека
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentAircraft">ВС, которому пренадлежит чек</param>
        /// <param name="nextPerformance">Выполнение чека</param>
        public MaintenanceComplainceForm(Aircraft currentAircraft, NextPerformance nextPerformance)
            : this()
            if (currentAircraft == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("currentAircraft", "must be not null");
            if (nextPerformance == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("nextPerformance", "must be not null");

            _currentAircraft = currentAircraft;

            _numGroup = nextPerformance.PerformanceNum;

            _currentChecks = new List <MaintenanceCheck> {
                nextPerformance.Parent as MaintenanceCheck

            _animatedThreadWorker.DoWork             += AnimatedThreadWorkerDoLoadForChecks;
            _animatedThreadWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += AnimatedThreadWorkerDoLoadForChecksCompleted;
コード例 #12
ファイル: AuditScreen.cs プロジェクト: mkbiltek2019/Cas
        private void CloseWorkPackage()
            IEnumerable <AuditRecord> blockedRecords =
                .Where(rec => rec.Task != null &&
                       rec.Task.NextPerformances != null &&
                       rec.Task.NextPerformances.Count > 0 &&
                       rec.Task.NextPerformances.Any(np => np.BlockedByPackage != null &&
                                                     np.BlockedByPackage.ItemId != _currentDirective.ItemId));

            if (_currentDirective.CanClose == false || blockedRecords.Any())
                string message = "This audit can not be closed";
                foreach (AuditRecord blockedRecord in blockedRecords)
                    NextPerformance np = blockedRecord.Task.NextPerformances.First(n => n.BlockedByPackage != null);
                    message += $"\nTask: {blockedRecord.Task} blocked by audit {np.BlockedByPackage}";
                if (_currentDirective.MaxClosingDate < _currentDirective.MinClosingDate)
                    message +=
                        $"\nMin Closing Date: {_currentDirective.MinClosingDate} better than Max Closing Date: {_currentDirective.MaxClosingDate}";
                MessageBox.Show(message, (string)new GlobalTermsProvider()["SystemName"],
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            AuditClosingFormNew form = new AuditClosingFormNew(_currentDirective);

            if (form.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK)
コード例 #13
        private string GetParent(NextPerformance np)
            IBaseEntityObject parent = np.Parent;
            var destination          = "";

            if (parent is Directive)
                var dir = (Directive)parent;
                destination = GetDestination(dir.ParentBaseComponent.ParentAircraftId, dir.ParentBaseComponent.ParentStoreId);
            else if (parent is Component)
                var d = (Component)parent;
                destination = GetDestination(d.ParentBaseComponent.ParentAircraftId, d.ParentStoreId);
            else if (parent is ComponentDirective)
                var dd = (ComponentDirective)parent;

                if (dd.ParentComponent != null)
                    destination = GetDestination(dd.ParentBaseComponent.ParentAircraftId, dd.ParentBaseComponent.ParentAircraftId);
            else if (parent is MaintenanceCheck)
                var mc = (MaintenanceCheck)parent;
                destination = $"{mc.ParentAircraft.RegistrationNumber} {mc.ParentAircraft.Model}";//TODO:(Evgenii Babak) заменить на использование AircraftCore
            else if (parent is MaintenanceDirective)
                var md = (MaintenanceDirective)parent;
                destination = GetDestination(md.ParentBaseComponent.ParentAircraftId, md.ParentBaseComponent.ParentStoreId);
コード例 #14
        protected override void SetItemColor(ListViewItem listViewItem, BaseEntityObject item)
            if (item is NextPerformance)
                NextPerformance nextPerformance = item as NextPerformance;
                if (nextPerformance.BlockedByPackage != null)
                    listViewItem.ToolTipText = "This performance blocked by work package:" +
                    listViewItem.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(Highlight.Grey.Color);
                else if (nextPerformance.Condition == ConditionState.Notify)
                    listViewItem.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(Highlight.Yellow.Color);
                else if (nextPerformance.Condition == ConditionState.Overdue)
                    listViewItem.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(Highlight.Red.Color);

                if (nextPerformance.Parent.IsDeleted)
                    //запись так же может быть удаленной

                    //шрифт серым цветом
                    listViewItem.ForeColor = Color.Gray;
                    if (listViewItem.ToolTipText.Trim() != "")
                        listViewItem.ToolTipText += "\n";
                    listViewItem.ToolTipText += $"This {nextPerformance.Parent.SmartCoreObjectType} is deleted";
            else if (item is AbstractPerformanceRecord)
                AbstractPerformanceRecord apr = (AbstractPerformanceRecord)item;
                if (apr.Parent.IsDeleted)
                    //запись так же может быть удаленной

                    //шрифт серым цветом
                    listViewItem.ForeColor = Color.Gray;
                    if (listViewItem.ToolTipText.Trim() != "")
                        listViewItem.ToolTipText += "\n";
                    listViewItem.ToolTipText += $"This {apr.Parent.SmartCoreObjectType} is deleted";
                if (!(item is NonRoutineJob) && !(item is IDirective))
                    //Если это не следующее выполнение, не запись о выполнении, и не рутинная работа
                    //значит, выполнение для данной задачи расчитать нельзя

                    //пометка этого выполнения синим цветом
                    listViewItem.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(Highlight.Blue.Color);
                    //подсказка о том, что выполнение не возможео расчитать
                    listViewItem.ToolTipText = "Performance for this directive can not be calculated";
                    base.SetItemColor(listViewItem, item);

                if (item.IsDeleted)
                    //запись так же может быть удаленной

                    //шрифт серым цветом
                    listViewItem.ForeColor = Color.Gray;
                    if (listViewItem.ToolTipText.Trim() != "")
                        listViewItem.ToolTipText += "\n";
                    listViewItem.ToolTipText += $"This {item.SmartCoreObjectType} is deleted";
コード例 #15
        private void Edit()
            DialogResult dlgResult = DialogResult.None;

            if (listViewCompliance.SelectedItems[0].Group == listViewCompliance.Groups["overdue"])
                MaintenanceComplainceForm complainceForm =
                    new MaintenanceComplainceForm(_currentAircraft, (MaintenanceCheckGroupByType)listViewCompliance.SelectedItems[0].Tag);
                dlgResult = complainceForm.ShowDialog(this);
            else if (listViewCompliance.SelectedItems[0].Group == listViewCompliance.Groups["next"])
                if (listViewCompliance.SelectedItems[0].Tag is NextPerformance)
                    NextPerformance np = (NextPerformance)listViewCompliance.SelectedItems[0].Tag;
                    //if (np.Condition != ConditionState.Overdue || np.PerformanceDate > DateTime.Now)
                    //    MessageBox.Show("You can not enter a record for not delayed performance",
                    //                    (string)new GlobalTermsProvider()["SystemName"],
                    //                    MessageBoxButtons.OK,
                    //                    MessageBoxIcon.Warning,
                    //                    MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
                    //    return;
                    if (np.BlockedByPackage != null)
                        MessageBox.Show("Perform of the task:" + listViewCompliance.SelectedItems[0].Text +
                                        "\nblocked by Work Package:" +
                                        "\n" + np.BlockedByPackage.Title,
                                        (string)new GlobalTermsProvider()["SystemName"],

                if (listViewCompliance.SelectedItems[0].Tag is MaintenanceNextPerformance)
                    MaintenanceNextPerformance mnp = listViewCompliance.SelectedItems[0].Tag as MaintenanceNextPerformance;
                    if (mnp.PerformanceGroup == null)
                    MaintenanceCheckGroupByType pg             = mnp.PerformanceGroup;
                    MaintenanceComplainceForm   complainceForm = new MaintenanceComplainceForm(_currentAircraft, pg);
                    dlgResult = complainceForm.ShowDialog(this);
                else if (listViewCompliance.SelectedItems[0].Tag is NextPerformance)
                    NextPerformance np = listViewCompliance.SelectedItems[0].Tag as NextPerformance;
                    if (np.Parent == null)
                    MaintenanceComplainceForm complainceForm = new MaintenanceComplainceForm(_currentAircraft, np);
                    dlgResult = complainceForm.ShowDialog(this);
            else if (listViewCompliance.SelectedItems[0].Group == listViewCompliance.Groups["last"])
                if (listViewCompliance.SelectedItems[0].Tag is List <MaintenanceCheckRecord> )
                    MaintenanceComplainceForm complainceForm =
                        new MaintenanceComplainceForm(_currentAircraft, (List <MaintenanceCheckRecord>)listViewCompliance.SelectedItems[0].Tag);
                    dlgResult = complainceForm.ShowDialog(this);
                else if (listViewCompliance.SelectedItems[0].Tag is MaintenanceProgramChangeRecord)
                    List <MaintenanceCheckRecord> records =
                        CheckItems.Where(c => c.Grouping)
                        .SelectMany(c => c.PerformanceRecords)
                    List <MaintenanceCheckRecordGroup> maintenanceCheckRecordGroups = new List <MaintenanceCheckRecordGroup>();

                    foreach (MaintenanceCheckRecord record in records)
                        MaintenanceCheckRecordGroup recordGroup = maintenanceCheckRecordGroups
                                                                  .FirstOrDefault(g => g.Schedule == record.ParentCheck.Schedule &&
                                                                                  g.Grouping == record.ParentCheck.Grouping &&
                                                                                  g.Resource == record.ParentCheck.Resource &&
                                                                                  g.GroupComplianceNum == record.NumGroup);
                        if (recordGroup != null)
                            //Коллекция найдена
                            //Поиск в ней группы чеков с нужным типом
                            //Коллекции с нужными критериями нет
                            //Созадние и добавление
                            recordGroup =
                                new MaintenanceCheckRecordGroup(record.ParentCheck.Schedule, record.ParentCheck.Grouping,
                                                                record.ParentCheck.Resource, record.NumGroup);
                    MaintenanceProgramChangeDialog complainceForm =
                        new MaintenanceProgramChangeDialog((MaintenanceProgramChangeRecord)listViewCompliance.SelectedItems[0].Tag,
                    dlgResult = complainceForm.ShowDialog(this);
                //MaintenanceComplainceForm complainceForm = new MaintenanceComplainceForm
                //    PerformanceRecords = ((List<MaintenanceCheckRecord>)
                //                     listViewCompliance.SelectedItems[0].Tag),
                //    CurrentAircraft = this.CurentAircraft,
                //    NumGroup = ((List<MaintenanceCheckRecord>)
                //        listViewCompliance.SelectedItems[0].Tag)[0].NumGroup
                // dlgResult = complainceForm.ShowDialog(this);
            if (dlgResult == DialogResult.OK)
コード例 #16
ファイル: AuditClosingFormNew.cs プロジェクト: jecus/Cas
        private void SetValues(WorkPackageClosingDataGridViewRow row,
                               Audit wp,
                               NextPerformance nextPerformance)
            row.WorkPackage     = wp;
            row.NextPerformance = nextPerformance;
            if (row.NextPerformance != null)
                row.ClosingItem = nextPerformance.Parent;

            GetRecordInstance(row, wp, nextPerformance);

            if (row.ClosingItem == null)

            if (row.ClosingItem.IsClosed)
                DataGridViewCell cell = row.Cells[ColumnClosed.Index];

                cell.Value           = false;
                cell.ReadOnly        = true;
                cell.Style.BackColor = Color.DimGray;
                cell.ToolTipText     = "This item is closed and can't be perform";

                                new[] {

            if (nextPerformance == null)

            row.PrevPerfDate  = nextPerformance.PrevPerformanceDate;
            row.NextPerfDate  = nextPerformance.NextPerformanceDate;
            row.MinPerfSource = nextPerformance.PrevPerformanceSource.IsNullOrZero()
                                                                        ? Lifelength.Zero
                                                                        : nextPerformance.PrevPerformanceSource;
            row.MaxPerfSource = nextPerformance.NextPerformanceSource.IsNullOrZero()
                                                                        ? GlobalObjects.CasEnvironment.Calculator.GetFlightLifelengthOnEndOfDay(row.ClosingItem.LifeLengthParent, DateTime.Now)
                                                                        : nextPerformance.NextPerformanceSource;

            row.Cells[ColumnClosed.Index].Value = true;
            //if(!(row.ClosingItem is Detail))
            //    Lifelength performanceSource = nextPerformance.PerformanceSource;
            //    row.Cells[ColumnHours.Index].Value = performanceSource.Hours != null ? performanceSource.Hours.ToString() : "n/a";
            //    row.Cells[ColumnCycles.Index].Value = performanceSource.Cycles != null ? performanceSource.Cycles.ToString() : "n/a";
            //    row.Cells[ColumnDays.Index].Value = performanceSource.Days != null ? performanceSource.Days.ToString() : "n/a";
            if (nextPerformance.PerformanceDate != null)
                row.Cells[ColumnDate.Index].Value = (DateTime)nextPerformance.PerformanceDate;

            DataGridViewCalendarCell cc = row.Cells[ColumnDate.Index] as DataGridViewCalendarCell;

            if (cc != null)
                if (row.PrevPerfDate != null)
                    cc.MinDate = (DateTime)row.PrevPerfDate;
                    cc.MinDate = DateTimeExtend.GetCASMinDateTime();

                if (row.NextPerfDate != null)
                    cc.MaxDate = (DateTime)row.NextPerfDate;
                    cc.MaxDate = DateTime.Now;
コード例 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Добавляется элемент в таблицу данных
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reportedDirective">Добавлямая директива</param>
        /// <param name="destinationDataSet">Таблица, в которую добавляется элемент</param>
        private void AddDirectiveToDataset(object reportedDirective, ComponentListDataSet destinationDataSet)
            //if (!DefaultFilter.Acceptable(directive))
            //  return;
            Component          component;
            ComponentDirective directive;
            NextPerformance    nextDueAtAircraftUtilization = null;
            DirectiveRecord    lastPerformance = null;
            string             positionString = "";
            string             remarks = "", condition = "";
            string             workType = "", lastComplianceDate = "", nextComplianceDate = "", ampReference = "";
            double             mansHours = 0, cost = 0;
            DateTime           installationDate = DateTimeExtend.GetCASMinDateTime();
            string             kits = "", equipment = "", status = "";
            Lifelength         lifeLimit, componentCurrent = Lifelength.Null;
            Lifelength         repeat = Lifelength.Null, lastCompliance = Lifelength.Null;
            Lifelength         used = Lifelength.Null, nextPerformanceSource = Lifelength.Null, remain = Lifelength.Null;

            if (reportedDirective is ComponentDirective)
                directive        = (ComponentDirective)reportedDirective;
                component        = directive.ParentComponent;
                positionString   = component.TransferRecords.GetLast().Position;
                installationDate = component.TransferRecords.GetLast().TransferDate;

                componentCurrent = directive.ParentComponent.IsBaseComponent
                    ? GlobalObjects.CasEnvironment.Calculator.GetCurrentFlightLifelength((BaseComponent)component)
                    : GlobalObjects.CasEnvironment.Calculator.GetCurrentFlightLifelength(component);

                remarks   = directive.Remarks;
                workType  = directive.DirectiveType.ToString();
                repeat    = directive.Threshold.RepeatInterval;
                lifeLimit = component.LifeLimit;

                //nextCompliance = GlobalObjects.CasEnvironment.Calculator.GetNextPerformance(directive);
                nextPerformanceSource = directive.NextPerformanceSource;

                if (directive.MaintenanceDirective != null)
                    ampReference = directive.MaintenanceDirective.TaskNumberCheck;
                if (nextPerformanceSource != null && directive.Status != DirectiveStatus.Closed)
                    nextComplianceDate = directive.NextPerformanceDate != null
                                     ? ((DateTime)directive.NextPerformanceDate).ToString(
                        new GlobalTermsProvider()["DateFormat"].ToString())
                                     : "";

                    if (_reportedAircraft != null)
                        nextDueAtAircraftUtilization = new NextPerformance
                            PerformanceDate   = directive.NextPerformanceDate,
                            PerformanceSource = GlobalObjects.CasEnvironment.Calculator.GetCurrentFlightLifelength(_reportedAircraft)

                    nextPerformanceSource = Lifelength.Null;

                if (directive.LastPerformance != null && directive.Status != DirectiveStatus.Closed)
                    lastPerformance    = directive.LastPerformance;
                    lastComplianceDate =
                        directive.LastPerformance.RecordDate.ToString(new GlobalTermsProvider()["DateFormat"].ToString());
                    lastCompliance = directive.LastPerformance.OnLifelength;

                    if (nextDueAtAircraftUtilization != null)
                    if (nextDueAtAircraftUtilization != null)

                int num = 1;
                foreach (AccessoryRequired kit in directive.Kits)
                    kits += num + ": " + kit.PartNumber + "\n";

                condition = directive.Condition.ToString();
            //Если объект является деталью или базовой деталью с директивами
            //то надо возвратится, т.к. данные по детали/базовой детали будут
            //добавлены при добавлении их директив в набор данных
            //Если деталь.базовая деталь без директив, тогда в набор данных надо добавить и данные сразу
            else if (reportedDirective is Component)
                component = (Component)reportedDirective;
                lifeLimit = component.LifeLimit;
                if (component.ComponentDirectives.Count != 0)
                throw new ArgumentException();

            Lifelength lifeLimitUsed = Lifelength.Null;

            Lifelength lifeLimitRemain = Lifelength.Null;


            //string status = "";
            //if (.Status == DirectiveStatus.Closed) status = "C";
            //if (directive.Status == DirectiveStatus.Open) status = "O";
            //if (directive.Status == DirectiveStatus.Repetative) status = "R";
            //if (directive.Status == DirectiveStatus.NotApplicable) status = "N/A";

                                                           lifeLimit.Days != null ? lifeLimit.Days.ToString() : "",
                                                           lifeLimit.Hours != null ? lifeLimit.Hours.ToString() : "",
                                                           lifeLimit.Cycles != null ? lifeLimit.Cycles.ToString() : "",
                                                           lifeLimitUsed.Days != null
                                                               ? lifeLimitUsed.Days.ToString()
                                                               : "",
                                                           lifeLimitUsed.Hours != null
                                                               ? lifeLimitUsed.Hours.ToString()
                                                               : "",
                                                           lifeLimitUsed.Cycles != null
                                                               ? lifeLimitUsed.Cycles.ToString()
                                                               : "",
                                                           lifeLimitRemain.Days != null
                                                               ? lifeLimitRemain.Days.ToString()
                                                               : "",
                                                           lifeLimitRemain.Hours != null
                                                               ? lifeLimitRemain.Hours.ToString()
                                                               : "",
                                                           lifeLimitRemain.Cycles != null
                                                               ? lifeLimitRemain.Cycles.ToString()
                                                               : "",
                                                           repeat.Days != null
                                                               ? repeat.Days.ToString()
                                                               : "",
                                                           repeat.Hours != null
                                                               ? repeat.Hours.ToString()
                                                               : "",
                                                           repeat.Cycles != null
                                                               ? repeat.Cycles.ToString()
                                                               : "",
                                                           repeat.ToHoursMinutesAndCyclesStrings(" FH", " FC"),
                                                           lastCompliance.Hours != null
                                                               ? lastCompliance.Hours.ToString()
                                                               : "",
                                                           lastCompliance.Cycles != null
                                                               ? lastCompliance.Cycles.ToString()
                                                               : "",
                                                           lastPerformance != null
                                                               ? lastPerformance.ToStrings("/")
                                                               : "",
                                                           used.Days != null ? used.Days.ToString() : "",
                                                           used.Hours != null ? used.Hours.ToString() : "",
                                                           used.Cycles != null ? used.Cycles.ToString() : "",
                                                           nextPerformanceSource.Hours != null
                                                               ? nextPerformanceSource.Hours.ToString()
                                                               : "",
                                                           nextPerformanceSource.Cycles != null
                                                               ? nextPerformanceSource.Cycles.ToString()
                                                               : "",
                                                           nextDueAtAircraftUtilization != null
                                                               ? nextDueAtAircraftUtilization.ToStrings("/")
                                                               : "",
                                                           remain.Days != null ? remain.Days.ToString() : "",
                                                           remain.Hours != null ? remain.Hours.ToString() : "",
                                                           remain.Cycles != null ? remain.Cycles.ToString() : "",
                                                           remain.ToHoursMinutesAndCyclesStrings(" FH", " FC"),
                                                           condition, mansHours, cost, kits,
                                                           equipment, remarks, status);
コード例 #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Выполняет группировку элементов
        /// </summary>
        //protected override void SetGroupsToItems(int columnIndex)
        //      {
        //          itemsListView.Groups.Clear();
        //          foreach (var item in ListViewItemList)
        //          {
        //		var temp = ListViewGroupHelper.GetGroupString(item.Tag);

        //		itemsListView.Groups.Add(temp, temp);
        //		item.Group = itemsListView.Groups[temp];
        //	}
        //      }

        #region protected override ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem[] GetListViewSubItems(BaseSmartCoreObject item)

        protected override List <CustomCell> GetListViewSubItems(BaseEntityObject item)
            var subItems = new List <CustomCell>();

            //if(item.ItemId == 41043)

            if (item is NextPerformance)
                NextPerformance np = (NextPerformance)item;

                double manHours = np.Parent is IEngineeringDirective ? ((IEngineeringDirective)np.Parent).ManHours : 0;
                double cost     = np.Parent is IEngineeringDirective ? ((IEngineeringDirective)np.Parent).Cost : 0;
                var    author   = GlobalObjects.CasEnvironment.GetCorrector(item);

                subItems.Add(CreateRow(np.ATAChapter.ToString(), np.ATAChapter));
                subItems.Add(CreateRow(np.Title, np.Title));
                subItems.Add(CreateRow(np.Description, np.Description));
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = np.KitsToString, Tag = np.Kits.Count });
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = np.PerformanceSource.ToString(), Tag = np.PerformanceSource });
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = np.Parent.Threshold.RepeatInterval.ToString(), Tag = np.Parent.Threshold.RepeatInterval });
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = np.Remains.ToString(), Tag = np.Remains });
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = np.WorkType, Tag = np.WorkType });
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = np.PerformanceDate == null ? "N/A" : SmartCore.Auxiliary.Convert.GetDateFormat((DateTime)np.PerformanceDate), Tag = np.PerformanceDate });
                subItems.Add(CreateRow(manHours.ToString(), manHours));
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = np.Parent.Cost.ToString(), Tag = np.Parent.Cost });
                subItems.Add(CreateRow(author, author));
            else if (item is AbstractPerformanceRecord)
                //DirectiveRecord directiveRecord = (DirectiveRecord)item;
                AbstractPerformanceRecord apr = (AbstractPerformanceRecord)item;
                Lifelength remains            = Lifelength.Null;

                double manHours = apr.Parent is IEngineeringDirective ? ((IEngineeringDirective)apr.Parent).ManHours : 0;
                double cost     = apr.Parent is IEngineeringDirective ? ((IEngineeringDirective)apr.Parent).Cost : 0;

                subItems.Add(CreateRow(apr.ATAChapter.ToString(), apr.ATAChapter));
                subItems.Add(CreateRow(apr.Title, apr.Title));
                subItems.Add(CreateRow(apr.Description, apr.Description));
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = apr.KitsToString, Tag = apr.Kits.Count });
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = apr.OnLifelength.ToString(), Tag = apr.OnLifelength });
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = apr.Parent.Threshold.RepeatInterval.ToString(), Tag = apr.Parent.Threshold.RepeatInterval });
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = remains.ToString(), Tag = remains });
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = apr.WorkType, Tag = apr.WorkType });
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = SmartCore.Auxiliary.Convert.GetDateFormat(apr.RecordDate), Tag = apr.RecordDate });
                subItems.Add(CreateRow(manHours.ToString(), manHours));
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = apr.Parent.Cost.ToString(), Tag = apr.Parent.Cost });
            else if (item is Directive)
                Directive directive = (Directive)item;

                AtaChapter ata = directive.ATAChapter;
                subItems.Add(CreateRow(ata.ToString(), Tag = ata));
                subItems.Add(CreateRow(directive.Title, directive.Title));
                subItems.Add(CreateRow(directive.Description, directive.Description));

                #region Определение текста для колонки "КИТы"
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem
                //    Text = directive.Kits.Count > 0 ? directive.Kits.Count + " kits" : "",
                //    Tag = directive.Kits.Count

                #region Определение текста для колонки "Первое выполнение"

                //ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem subItem = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem();
                //if (directive.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceNew != null && !directive.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceNew.IsNullOrZero())
                //    subItem.Text = "s/n: " + directive.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceNew;
                //    subItem.Tag = directive.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceNew;
                //if (directive.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceEffectiveDate != null &&
                //    !directive.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceEffectiveDate.IsNullOrZero())
                //    if (subItem.Text != "") subItem.Text += " or ";
                //    else
                //    {
                //        subItem.Text = "";
                //        subItem.Tag = directive.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceEffectiveDate;
                //    }
                //    subItem.Text += "s/e.d: " + directive.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceEffectiveDate;


                #region Определение текста для колонки "повторяющийся интервал"

                //subItem = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem();
                //if (!directive.Threshold.RepeatInterval.IsNullOrZero())
                //    subItem.Text = directive.Threshold.RepeatInterval.ToString();
                //    subItem.Tag = directive.Threshold.RepeatInterval;
                //    subItem.Text = "";
                //    subItem.Tag = Lifelength.Null;

                #region Определение текста для колонки "Остаток/Просрочено на сегодня"
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem
                //    Text = directive.Remains.ToString(),
                //    Tag = directive.Remains

                #region Определение текста для колонки "Тип работ"

                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = directive.WorkType.ToString(), Tag = directive.WorkType });

                #region Определение текста для колонки "Следующее выполнение"
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem
                //    Text = directive.NextPerformanceDate == null ? "N/A" : SmartCore.Auxiliary.Convert.GetDateFormat((DateTime)directive.NextPerformanceDate),
                //    Tag = directive.NextPerformanceDate

                #region Определение текста для колонки "Человек/Часы"

                subItems.Add(CreateRow(directive.ManHours.ToString(), directive.ManHours));

                #region Определение текста для колонки "Стоимость"

                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = directive.Cost.ToString(), Tag = directive.Cost });
            else if (item is BaseComponent)
                BaseComponent bd  = (BaseComponent)item;
                AtaChapter    ata = bd.ATAChapter;

                subItems.Add(CreateRow(ata.ToString(), ata));
                subItems.Add(CreateRow(bd.PartNumber, bd.PartNumber));
                subItems.Add(CreateRow(bd.Description, bd.Description));
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = bd.Kits.Count > 0 ? bd.Kits.Count + " kits" : "", Tag = bd.Kits.Count });
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = bd.LifeLimit.ToString(), Tag = bd.LifeLimit });
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = "", Tag = Lifelength.Null });
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = bd.Remains.ToString(), Tag = bd.Remains });
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = DetailRecordType.Removal.ToString(), Tag = DetailRecordType.Removal });
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = bd.NextPerformanceDate == null ? "N/A" : SmartCore.Auxiliary.Convert.GetDateFormat((DateTime)bd.NextPerformanceDate), Tag = bd.NextPerformanceDate });
                subItems.Add(CreateRow(bd.ManHours.ToString(), bd.ManHours));
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = bd.Cost.ToString(), Tag = bd.Cost });
            else if (item is Component)
                Component  d   = (Component)item;
                AtaChapter ata = d.ATAChapter;

                subItems.Add(CreateRow(ata.ToString(), ata));
                subItems.Add(CreateRow(d.PartNumber, d.PartNumber));
                subItems.Add(CreateRow(d.Description, d.Description));
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = d.Kits.Count > 0 ? d.Kits.Count + " kits" : "", Tag = d.Kits.Count });
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = d.LifeLimit != null ? d.LifeLimit.ToString() : "", Tag = d.LifeLimit });
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = "", Tag = Lifelength.Null });
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = d.Remains != null ? d.Remains.ToString() : "", Tag = d.Remains });
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = DetailRecordType.Removal.ToString(), Tag = DetailRecordType.Removal });
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = d.NextPerformanceDate == null ? "N/A" : SmartCore.Auxiliary.Convert.GetDateFormat((DateTime)d.NextPerformanceDate), Tag = d.NextPerformanceDate });
                subItems.Add(CreateRow(d.ManHours.ToString(), d.ManHours));
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = d.Cost.ToString(), Tag = d.Cost });
            else if (item is ComponentDirective)
                ComponentDirective dd  = (ComponentDirective)item;
                AtaChapter         ata = dd.ParentComponent.ATAChapter;

                subItems.Add(CreateRow(ata != null ? ata.ToString() : "", ata));
                subItems.Add(CreateRow("", ""));
                subItems.Add(CreateRow(dd.Remarks, dd.Remarks));
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = dd.Kits.Count > 0 ? dd.Kits.Count + " kits" : "", Tag = dd.Kits.Count });
                #region Определение текста для колонки "Первое выполнение"

                //ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem subItem = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem();
                //if (dd.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceNew != null && !dd.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceNew.IsNullOrZero())
                //    subItem.Text = "s/n: " + dd.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceNew;
                //    subItem.Tag = dd.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceNew;

                #region Определение текста для колонки "повторяющийся интервал"

                //subItem = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem();
                //if (!dd.Threshold.RepeatInterval.IsNullOrZero())
                //    subItem.Text = dd.Threshold.RepeatInterval.ToString();
                //    subItem.Tag = dd.Threshold.RepeatInterval;
                //    subItem.Text = "";
                //    subItem.Tag = Lifelength.Null;

                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = dd.Remains.ToString(), Tag = dd.Remains });
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = dd.DirectiveType.ToString(), Tag = dd.DirectiveType });
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = dd.NextPerformanceDate == null ? "N/A" : SmartCore.Auxiliary.Convert.GetDateFormat((DateTime)dd.NextPerformanceDate), Tag = dd.NextPerformanceDate });
                subItems.Add(CreateRow(dd.ManHours.ToString(), dd.ManHours));
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = dd.Cost.ToString(), Tag = dd.Cost });
            else if (item is MaintenanceCheck)
                MaintenanceCheck mc = (MaintenanceCheck)item;
                subItems.Add(CreateRow("", null));
                subItems.Add(CreateRow("", Tag = ""));
                subItems.Add(CreateRow(mc.Name + (mc.Schedule ? " Shedule" : " Unshedule"), mc.Name));
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = mc.Kits.Count > 0 ? mc.Kits.Count + " kits" : "", Tag = mc.Kits.Count });
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = mc.Interval.ToString(), Tag = mc.Interval });
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = "", Tag = Lifelength.Null });
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = mc.Remains.ToString(), Tag = mc.Remains });
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = "", Tag = "" });
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = mc.NextPerformanceDate == null ? "N/A" : SmartCore.Auxiliary.Convert.GetDateFormat((DateTime)mc.NextPerformanceDate), Tag = mc.NextPerformanceDate });
                subItems.Add(CreateRow(mc.ManHours.ToString(), mc.ManHours));
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = mc.Cost.ToString(), Tag = mc.Cost });
            else if (item is MaintenanceDirective)
                MaintenanceDirective md  = (MaintenanceDirective)item;
                AtaChapter           ata = md.ATAChapter;

                subItems.Add(CreateRow(ata != null ? ata.ToString() : "", ata));
                subItems.Add(CreateRow(md.ToString(), md.ToString()));
                subItems.Add(CreateRow(md.Description, md.Description));
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = md.Kits.Count > 0 ? md.Kits.Count + " kits" : "", Tag = md.Kits.Count });
                #region Определение текста для колонки "Первое выполнение"

                //ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem subItem = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem();
                //if (md.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceNew != null && !md.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceNew.IsNullOrZero())
                //    subItem.Text = "s/n: " + md.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceNew;
                //    subItem.Tag = md.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceNew;
                //if (md.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceEffectiveDate != null &&
                //    !md.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceEffectiveDate.IsNullOrZero())
                //    if (subItem.Text != "") subItem.Text += " or ";
                //    else
                //    {
                //        subItem.Text = "";
                //        subItem.Tag = md.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceEffectiveDate;
                //    }
                //    subItem.Text += "s/e.d: " + md.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceEffectiveDate;


                #region Определение текста для колонки "повторяющийся интервал"

                //subItem = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem();
                //if (!md.Threshold.RepeatInterval.IsNullOrZero())
                //    subItem.Text = md.Threshold.RepeatInterval.ToString();
                //    subItem.Tag = md.Threshold.RepeatInterval;
                //    subItem.Text = "";
                //    subItem.Tag = Lifelength.Null;

                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = md.Remains.ToString(), Tag = md.Remains });
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = md.WorkType.ToString(), Tag = md.WorkType });
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = md.NextPerformanceDate == null ? "N/A" : SmartCore.Auxiliary.Convert.GetDateFormat((DateTime)md.NextPerformanceDate), Tag = md.NextPerformanceDate });
                subItems.Add(CreateRow(md.ManHours.ToString(), md.ManHours));
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = md.Cost.ToString(), Tag = md.Cost });
            else if (item is NonRoutineJob)
                NonRoutineJob job = (NonRoutineJob)item;
                AtaChapter    ata = job.ATAChapter;
                subItems.Add(CreateRow(ata != null ? ata.ToString() : "", ata));
                subItems.Add(CreateRow(job.Title, job.Title));
                subItems.Add(CreateRow(job.Description, job.Description));
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = job.Kits.Count > 0 ? job.Kits.Count + " kits" : "", Tag = job.Kits.Count });
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = "", Tag = Lifelength.Null });
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = "", Tag = Lifelength.Null });
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = "", Tag = Lifelength.Null });
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = "", Tag = "" });
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = "", Tag = new DateTime(1950,1,1) });
                subItems.Add(CreateRow(job.ManHours.ToString(), job.ManHours));
                //subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem { Text = job.Cost.ToString(), Tag = job.Cost });
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"1135: Takes an argument has no known type {item.GetType()}");

コード例 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Добавляется элемент в таблицу данных
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reportedDirective">Добавлямая директива</param>
        /// <param name="destinationDataSet">Таблица, в которую добавляется элемент</param>
        protected virtual void AddDirectiveToDataset(MaintenanceDirective reportedDirective, MaintenanceDirectivesDataSetLatAvia destinationDataSet)
            if (reportedDirective == null)

            string     status = "";
            Lifelength remain = Lifelength.Null;
            Lifelength used   = Lifelength.Null;

            //string remarks = reportedDirective.LastPerformance != null ? reportedDirective.LastPerformance.Remarks : reportedDirective.Remarks;
            if (reportedDirective.Status == DirectiveStatus.Closed)
                status = "C";
            if (reportedDirective.Status == DirectiveStatus.Open)
                status = "O";
            if (reportedDirective.Status == DirectiveStatus.Repetative)
                status = "R";
            if (reportedDirective.Status == DirectiveStatus.NotApplicable)
                status = "N/A";

            string effectivityDate = UsefulMethods.NormalizeDate(reportedDirective.Threshold.EffectiveDate);
            string kits            = "";
            int    num             = 1;

            foreach (AccessoryRequired kit in reportedDirective.Kits)
                kits += num + ": " + kit.PartNumber + "\n";

            //расчет остатка с даты производства и с эффективной даты
            //расчет остатка от выполнения с даты производтсва
            string firstPerformanceString =

            if (reportedDirective.LastPerformance != null)
                if (!reportedDirective.Threshold.RepeatInterval.IsNullOrZero())
                else if (!reportedDirective.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceNew.IsNullOrZero())

                if (reportedDirective.NextPerformanceSource != null && !reportedDirective.NextPerformanceSource.IsNullOrZero())

            var             remainCalc = Lifelength.Zero;
            NextPerformance next       = null;

                if (_mpLimit)
                    if (reportedDirective.LastPerformance != null)
                        if (!reportedDirective.Threshold.RepeatInterval.IsNullOrZero() && !reportedDirective.IsClosed)
                            next = reportedDirective.NextPerformance;

                            next.PerformanceSource = Lifelength.Zero;

                            if (reportedDirective.Threshold.RepeatInterval.Days.HasValue)
                                next.PerformanceDate =
                                next.PerformanceDate = null;


                            if (next.PerformanceDate != null)
                                remainCalc.Days = DateTimeExtend.DifferenceDateTime(DateTime.Today, next.PerformanceDate.Value).Days;
                    else if (reportedDirective.NextPerformanceSource != null && !reportedDirective.NextPerformanceSource.IsNullOrZero())
                        if (!reportedDirective.Threshold.RepeatInterval.IsNullOrZero())
                    remainCalc = reportedDirective.Remains;
                    next       = reportedDirective.NextPerformance;

                destinationDataSet.ItemsTable.AddItemsTableRow(reportedDirective.TaskCardNumber, reportedDirective.TaskNumberCheck, reportedDirective.Description,
                                                               reportedDirective.Threshold.RepeatInterval != null ? reportedDirective.Threshold.RepeatInterval.Hours?.ToString() : "*",
                                                               reportedDirective.Threshold.RepeatInterval != null ? reportedDirective.Threshold.RepeatInterval.Cycles?.ToString() : "*",
                                                               reportedDirective.Threshold.RepeatInterval != null ? reportedDirective.Threshold.RepeatInterval.Days?.ToString() : "*",
                                                               reportedDirective.LastPerformance != null ? reportedDirective.LastPerformance.OnLifelength.Hours?.ToString() : "*",
                                                               reportedDirective.LastPerformance != null ? reportedDirective.LastPerformance.OnLifelength.Cycles?.ToString() : "*",
                                                               reportedDirective.LastPerformance != null ? reportedDirective.LastPerformance.RecordDate.Date.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy") : "*",
                                                               next != null ? next.PerformanceSource.Hours.ToString() : "*",
                                                               next != null ? next.PerformanceSource.Cycles.ToString() : "*",
                                                               next?.PerformanceDate != null  ? next.PerformanceDate.Value.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy") : "*",
                                                               remainCalc != null ? remainCalc.Hours.ToString() : "*",
                                                               remainCalc != null ? remainCalc.Cycles.ToString() : "*",
                                                               remainCalc != null ? remainCalc.Days.ToString() : "*", "", ""
            catch (Exception e)
コード例 #20
        private void ToolStripMenuItemCloseClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DialogResult dlgResult = DialogResult.No;

            foreach (Request item in _directivesViewer.SelectedItems)
                if (item.Status == WorkPackageStatus.Closed)
                    MessageBox.Show("Request " + item.Title + " is already closed.",
                                    (string)new GlobalTermsProvider()["SystemName"], MessageBoxButtons.OK,
                                    MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);

                if (item.PackageItemsLoaded == false)
                    GlobalObjects.PackageCore.LoadDirectivePackageItems <Request, RequestRecord>(item);

                IEnumerable <RequestRecord> blockedRecords =
                    item.PackageRecords.Where(rec => rec.Task != null &&
                                              rec.Task.NextPerformances != null &&
                                              rec.Task.NextPerformances.Count > 0 &&
                                              rec.Task.NextPerformances.Any(np => np.BlockedByPackage != null &&
                                                                            np.BlockedByPackage.ItemId != item.ItemId));
                if (item.CanClose == false || blockedRecords.Any())
                    string message = "This Request can not be closed";
                    foreach (RequestRecord blockedRecord in blockedRecords)
                        NextPerformance np = blockedRecord.Task.NextPerformances.First(n => n.BlockedByPackage != null);
                        message += $"\nTask: {blockedRecord.Task} blocked by request {np.BlockedByPackage}";
                    if (item.MaxClosingDate < item.MinClosingDate)
                        message +=
                            $"\nMin Closing Date: {item.MinClosingDate} better than Max Closing Date: {item.MaxClosingDate}";
                    MessageBox.Show(message, (string)new GlobalTermsProvider()["SystemName"],
                                    MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                //AuditClosingFormNew form = new AuditClosingFormNew(item);
                //if (form.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK)
                //    dlgResult = DialogResult.OK;

            //Если хотя бы одно окно возвратило DialogResult.OK
            //производится перезагрузка элементов
            if (dlgResult == DialogResult.OK)
                AnimatedThreadWorker.DoWork -= AnimatedThreadWorkerDoWork;
                AnimatedThreadWorker.DoWork -= AnimatedThreadWorkerDoFilteringWork;
                AnimatedThreadWorker.DoWork += AnimatedThreadWorkerDoWork;

コード例 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Добавление директив в таблицу данных
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataset">Таблица, в которую добавляются данные</param>
        protected virtual void AddDirectivesToDataSet(MaintenancePlanDataSet dataset)
            //группировка по родительскому самолету
            IEnumerable <IGrouping <Aircraft, BaseEntityObject> > groupByAircraft =
                .OrderBy(g => g.Key.ToString() + " " + g.Key.Model.ToString());

            foreach (IGrouping <Aircraft, BaseEntityObject> byAircraft in groupByAircraft)
                IEnumerable <IGrouping <DateTime, BaseEntityObject> > groupedItems =
                    .OrderBy(g => g.Key);

                //сбор всех китов ВС в одну коллекцию
                List <AbstractAccessory> aircraftKits =
                    byAircraft.Select(ba => ba)
                    .Where(i => i is IKitRequired)
                    .SelectMany(i => ((IKitRequired)i).Kits)
                    .Cast <AbstractAccessory>()

                foreach (IGrouping <DateTime, BaseEntityObject> groupedItem in groupedItems)
                    //Группировка элементов по датам выполнения
                    DateTime dateTime = groupedItem.Key.Date;
                    //Формирование первой части названия группы, состоящей из даты выполнения
                    string temp      = "";
                    string kitString = "";
                    double manHours  = 0;
                    //Собрание всех выполнений на данную дату в одну коллекцию
                    IEnumerable <BaseEntityObject> performances = groupedItem.Select(lvi => lvi).ToArray();
                    //Собрание всех КИТов на данную дату в одну коллекцию
                    IEnumerable <AccessoryRequired> kits =
                        .Where(i => i is IKitRequired)
                        .SelectMany(i => ((IKitRequired)i).Kits);
                    IEnumerable <IGrouping <string, AccessoryRequired> > groupByType = kits.GroupBy(GetAccessoryTypeString);
                    foreach (IGrouping <string, AccessoryRequired> grouping in groupByType)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(kitString))
                            kitString += Environment.NewLine;
                        kitString += grouping.Key + Environment.NewLine;

                        kitString =
                            grouping.Select(g => g)
                            .Distinct(new AccessoryRequired())
                            .Aggregate(kitString, (current, kit) => current + (kit.ToString() + "; "));
                    //Добавление в название присутствующих на данную дату чеков программы обслуживания
                    IEnumerable <BaseEntityObject> maintenanceCheckPerformances =
                        performances.Where(np => GetParent(np) is MaintenanceCheck);

                    foreach (BaseEntityObject mcp in maintenanceCheckPerformances)
                        if (mcp is MaintenanceNextPerformance)
                            MaintenanceNextPerformance mnp = mcp as MaintenanceNextPerformance;

                            temp += mnp.PerformanceGroup.GetGroupName();
                            if (byAircraft.Key != null && byAircraft.Key.MSG < MSG.MSG3)
                                temp += "( " + mnp.PerformanceGroup.ToStringCheckNames() + ")";
                        else if (mcp is NextPerformance)
                            NextPerformance np = mcp as NextPerformance;
                            temp += ((MaintenanceCheck)np.Parent).Name;
                        else if (mcp is MaintenanceCheckRecord)
                            MaintenanceCheckRecord mcr = mcp as MaintenanceCheckRecord;
                            temp += string.IsNullOrEmpty(mcr.ComplianceCheckName)
                                ? mcr.ParentCheck.Name
                                : mcr.ComplianceCheckName;
                        else if (mcp is MaintenanceCheck)
                            MaintenanceCheck mc = (MaintenanceCheck)mcp;
                            if (mc.Grouping)
                                MaintenanceNextPerformance mnp =
                                if (mnp != null)
                                    temp += mnp.PerformanceGroup.GetGroupName();
                                    temp += mc.Name;
                                temp += mc.Name;
                        temp += " ";
                    IEnumerable <IBaseEntityObject> allDirectives = performances.Select(GetParent).ToArray();
                    //Добавление в название присутствующих на данную дату директив летной годности
                    IEnumerable <Directive> directivesPerformances = allDirectives.OfType <Directive>().ToArray();
                    if (directivesPerformances.Any())
                        IEnumerable <IGrouping <DirectiveType, Directive> > groupByDirectiveType =
                            directivesPerformances.GroupBy(d => d.DirectiveType);

                        foreach (IGrouping <DirectiveType, Directive> grouping in groupByDirectiveType)
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(temp))
                                temp += Environment.NewLine;
                            temp += grouping.Key.ShortName + " " + Environment.NewLine;

                            foreach (Directive ad in grouping)
                                temp += ad.Title + " § " + ad.Paragraph + " " + ad.WorkType;
                                temp += "; ";

                        manHours += directivesPerformances.Sum(dp => dp.ManHours);

                    //Добавление в название присутствующих на данную дату компонентов или задач по ним
                    IEnumerable <IBaseEntityObject> componentPerformances =
                        allDirectives.Where(np => np is Component || np is ComponentDirective).ToArray();
                    if (componentPerformances.Any())
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(temp))
                            temp += Environment.NewLine;
                        temp += "Component" + Environment.NewLine;

                        foreach (IBaseEntityObject componentPerformance in componentPerformances)
                            Component d;
                            if (componentPerformance is ComponentDirective)
                                ComponentDirective dd = (ComponentDirective)componentPerformance;
                                d = ((ComponentDirective)componentPerformance).ParentComponent;
                                if (d != null)
                                    temp += "P/N:" + d.PartNumber + " S/N:" + d.SerialNumber + " " + dd.DirectiveType;
                                    temp += dd.DirectiveType;
                                manHours += dd.ManHours;

                                if (dd.DirectiveType == ComponentRecordType.Remove ||
                                    dd.DirectiveType == ComponentRecordType.Discard ||
                                    dd.DirectiveType == ComponentRecordType.Overhaul)
                                    //типом работ является удаление или уничтожение компонента

                                    //Добавление в коллекцию Китов ВС данного компонента,
                                    //т.к. его необходимо будет приобрести
                                d = componentPerformance as Component;
                                if (d != null)
                                    temp     += "P/N:" + d.PartNumber + " S/N:" + d.SerialNumber + " Discard";
                                    manHours += d.ManHours;
                                    //Добавление в коллекцию Китов ВС данного компонента,
                                    //т.к. его необходимо будет приобрести
                            temp += "; ";
                    //Добавление в название присутствующих на данную дату MPD
                    //Вывод только тех MPD что не привязаны к чекам
                    IEnumerable <MaintenanceDirective> mpdPerformances =
                        allDirectives.OfType <MaintenanceDirective>().ToArray();
                    if (mpdPerformances.Any())
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(temp))
                            temp += Environment.NewLine;
                        temp += "MPD " + Environment.NewLine;

                        foreach (MaintenanceDirective mpd in mpdPerformances)
                            temp     += mpd.TaskNumberCheck + " " + mpd.WorkType.ShortName + "; ";
                            manHours += mpd.ManHours;
                                                        byAircraft.Key != null ? byAircraft.Key + " " + byAircraft.Key.Model : "Unk");

                IEnumerable <IGrouping <Product, AbstractAccessory> > products =
                    aircraftKits.GroupBy(ak => ak.Product ??
                                         new Product {
                    GoodsClass  = ak.GoodsClass,
                    Standart    = ak.Standart,
                    PartNumber  = ak.ParentString,
                    Description = ak.Description
                foreach (IGrouping <Product, AbstractAccessory> product in products)
                    string type             = GetAccessoryTypeString(product.First());
                    double quantity         = 0;
                    double totalProductCost = 0;

                    if (product.Key.GoodsClass.IsNodeOrSubNodeOf(GoodsClass.Tools) ||
                        quantity         = product.Max(p => p.Quantity);
                        totalProductCost = 0;
                    else if (product.Key.GoodsClass.IsNodeOrSubNodeOf(GoodsClass.ComponentsAndParts))
                        foreach (AbstractAccessory accessoryRequired in product)
                            int qty = accessoryRequired.Quantity < 1 ? 1 : (int)accessoryRequired.Quantity;
                            quantity         += qty;
                            totalProductCost += (qty * accessoryRequired.CostNew);
                        foreach (AbstractAccessory accessoryRequired in product)
                            quantity         += accessoryRequired.Quantity;
                            totalProductCost += (accessoryRequired.Quantity * accessoryRequired.CostNew);

                                                      byAircraft.Key != null ? byAircraft.Key + " " + byAircraft.Key.Model : "Unk",
コード例 #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Добавляет элементы в ListView
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="itemsArray"></param>
        //protected override void AddItems(IBaseCoreObject[] itemsArray)
        //    ColumnHeader ch = ColumnHeaderList.FirstOrDefault(h => h.Text == "Performances");
        //    if (ch == null)
        //    {
        //        base.AddItems(itemsArray);
        //        return;
        //    }

        //    if(itemsArray == null || itemsArray.Length == 0)
        //    {
        //        ch.Width = 0;
        //        base.AddItems(itemsArray);
        //        return;
        //    }
        //    ch.Width = itemsArray.OfType<IDirective>()
        //                         .Count(d => d.NextPerformances != null && d.NextPerformances.Count > 1) > 0 ? 100 : 0;

        //    base.AddItems(itemsArray);


        #region protected override ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem[] GetListViewSubItems(IBaseCoreObject item)

        protected override List <CustomCell> GetListViewSubItems(IBaseEntityObject item)
            var subItems = new List <CustomCell>();

            DateTime?  approx = null;
            AtaChapter ata;
            string     maintenanceTypeString = "";
            DateTime   transferDate = DateTimeExtend.GetCASMinDateTime();
            bool       isPool = false, IsDangerous = false;
            Lifelength firstPerformance = Lifelength.Null,
                       lastPerformance  = Lifelength.Null,
                       remains = null,
                       next = null,
                       warranty = Lifelength.Null, warrantyRemain = Lifelength.Null, repeatInterval = Lifelength.Null;
            string partNumber            = "",
                   description           = "",
                   altPartNumber         = "",
                   standart              = "",
                   name                  = "",
                   refference            = "",
                   effectivity           = "",
                   serialNumber          = "",
                   code                  = "",
                   classString           = "",
                   batchNumber           = "",
                   idNumber              = "",
                   supplier              = "";
            string status                = "",
                   location              = "",
                   facility              = "",
                   lastPerformanceString = "",
                   kitRequieredString    = "",
                   remarks               = "",
                   hiddenRemarks         = "",
                   workType              = "",
                   quantityString        = "",
                   currentString         = "",
                   shouldBeOnStockString = "",
                   from = "",
                   id = "",
                   quantityInString = "",
                   author = "",
                   currency = "";
            double manHours = 0,
                   unitPrice = 0,
                   totalPrice = 0,
                   shipPrice = 0,
                   subTotal = 0,
                   tax1 = 0,
                   tax2 = 0,
                   tax3 = 0,
                   total = 0,
                   quantity = 0,
                   current = 0,
                   quantityIn = 0,
                   shouldBeOnStock = 0, needWpQuantity = 0, reserve = 0;
            int times,

                kitCount        = 0;
            string     position = ComponentStorePosition.UNK.ToString();
            IDirective parent;

            if (item is NextPerformance)
                NextPerformance np = (NextPerformance)item;
                parent = np.Parent;

                int index = np.Parent.NextPerformances.IndexOf(np);
                timesString = index == 0 ? np.Parent.TimesToString : "#" + (index + 1);
                times       = index == 0 ? np.Parent.Times : index + 1;
                parent = item as IDirective;
                if (parent == null)
                timesString = parent.TimesToString;
                times       = parent.Times;

            if (parent is Component)
                Component componentItem = (Component)parent;
                id                    = componentItem.ItemId.ToString();
                author                = GlobalObjects.CasEnvironment.GetCorrector(componentItem);
                approx                = componentItem.NextPerformanceDate;
                next                  = componentItem.NextPerformanceSource;
                remains               = componentItem.Remains;
                ata                   = componentItem.Product?.ATAChapter ?? componentItem.ATAChapter;
                partNumber            = componentItem.Product?.PartNumber ?? componentItem.PartNumber;
                altPartNumber         = componentItem.Product?.AltPartNumber ?? componentItem.ALTPartNumber;
                standart              = componentItem.Product?.Standart?.ToString() ?? componentItem.Standart?.ToString();
                refference            = componentItem.Product?.Reference;
                effectivity           = componentItem.Product?.IsEffectivity;
                name                  = componentItem.Product?.Name;
                description           = componentItem.Description;
                serialNumber          = componentItem.SerialNumber;
                code                  = componentItem.Product != null ? componentItem.Product.Code :componentItem.Code;
                classString           = componentItem.GoodsClass.ToString();
                batchNumber           = componentItem.BatchNumber;
                idNumber              = componentItem.IdNumber;
                position              = componentItem.TransferRecords.GetLast()?.State?.ToString();
                status                = componentItem.ComponentStatus.ToString();
                location              = componentItem.Location.ToString();
                facility              = componentItem.Location.LocationsType?.ToString() ?? LocationsType.Unknown.ToString();
                maintenanceTypeString =
                                                ? componentItem.MaintenanceControlProcess.ShortName
                                                : componentItem.LifeLimit.IsNullOrZero()
                                                        ? ""
                                                        : MaintenanceControlProcess.HT.ShortName;
                transferDate       = componentItem.TransferRecords.GetLast().TransferDate;
                firstPerformance   = componentItem.LifeLimit;
                warranty           = componentItem.Warranty;
                warrantyRemain     = componentItem.NextPerformance?.WarrantlyRemains ?? Lifelength.Null;
                kitRequieredString = componentItem.Kits.Count > 0 ? componentItem.Kits.Count + " kits" : "";
                kitCount           = componentItem.Kits.Count;
                bool isComponent =
                    componentItem.GoodsClass.IsNodeOrSubNodeOf(new IDictionaryTreeItem[]

                quantity              = isComponent && componentItem.ItemId > 0 ? 1 : componentItem.Quantity;
                quantityString        = quantity.ToString();
                quantityIn            = isComponent && componentItem.ItemId > 0 ? 1 : componentItem.QuantityIn;
                quantityInString      = $"{quantityIn:0.##}" + (componentItem.Measure != null ? " " + componentItem.Measure + "(s)" : "") + componentItem.Packing;
                needWpQuantity        = Math.Round(componentItem.NeedWpQuantity, 2);
                reserve               = quantity - needWpQuantity;
                shouldBeOnStock       = componentItem.ShouldBeOnStock;
                shouldBeOnStockString = componentItem.ShouldBeOnStock > 0 ? "Yes" : "No";
                manHours              = componentItem.ManHours;
                remarks               = componentItem.Remarks;
                hiddenRemarks         = componentItem.HiddenRemarks;
                isPool      = componentItem.IsPOOL;
                IsDangerous = componentItem.IsDangerous;
                supplier    = componentItem.FromSupplier.ToString();

                if (componentItem.ProductCosts.Count > 0)
                    var productost = componentItem.ProductCosts.FirstOrDefault();
                    unitPrice  = productost.UnitPrice;
                    totalPrice = productost.TotalPrice;
                    shipPrice  = productost.ShipPrice;
                    subTotal   = productost.SubTotal;
                    tax1       = productost.Tax;
                    tax2       = productost.Tax1;
                    tax3       = productost.Tax2;
                    total      = productost.Total;
                    currency   = productost.Currency.ToString();

                TransferRecord tr = componentItem.TransferRecords.GetLast();
                if (tr.FromAircraftId == 0 &&
                    tr.FromBaseComponentId == 0 &&
                    tr.FromStoreId == 0 &&
                    tr.FromSupplierId == 0 &&
                    tr.FromSpecialistId == 0)
                    from = componentItem.Suppliers.ToString();
                    from = DestinationHelper.FromObjectString(tr);
            else if (parent is ComponentDirective)
                ComponentDirective dd = (ComponentDirective)parent;
                author = GlobalObjects.CasEnvironment.GetCorrector(dd);
                if (dd.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceNew != null && !dd.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceNew.IsNullOrZero())
                    firstPerformance = dd.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceNew;
                if (dd.LastPerformance != null)
                    lastPerformanceString =
                        SmartCore.Auxiliary.Convert.GetDateFormat(dd.LastPerformance.RecordDate) + " " +
                    lastPerformance = dd.LastPerformance.OnLifelength;
                if (dd.Threshold.RepeatInterval != null && !dd.Threshold.RepeatInterval.IsNullOrZero())
                    repeatInterval = dd.Threshold.RepeatInterval;
                approx  = dd.NextPerformanceDate;
                next    = dd.NextPerformanceSource;
                remains = dd.Remains;
                ata     = dd.ParentComponent.Product?.ATAChapter ?? dd.ParentComponent.ATAChapter;
                maintenanceTypeString = dd.ParentComponent.MaintenanceControlProcess.ShortName;
                warranty           = dd.Threshold.Warranty;
                kitRequieredString = dd.Kits.Count > 0 ? dd.Kits.Count + " kits" : "";
                kitCount           = dd.Kits.Count;
                manHours           = dd.ManHours;
                remarks            = dd.Remarks;
                hiddenRemarks      = dd.HiddenRemarks;
                workType           = dd.DirectiveType.ToString();
                position           = "    " + dd.ParentComponent.TransferRecords.GetLast()?.State?.ToString();
                isPool             = dd.IsPOOL;
                IsDangerous        = dd.IsDangerous;
                partNumber         = "    " + (dd.ParentComponent.Product?.PartNumber ?? dd.ParentComponent.PartNumber);
                altPartNumber      = "    " + (dd.ParentComponent.Product?.AltPartNumber ?? dd.ParentComponent.ALTPartNumber);
                standart           = dd.ParentComponent.Product?.Standart?.ToString() ?? dd.ParentComponent.Standart?.ToString();
                name           = "    " + dd.ParentComponent.Product?.Name;
                description    = "    " + dd.ParentComponent.Description;
                serialNumber   = "    " + dd.ParentComponent.SerialNumber;
                classString    = dd.ParentComponent.GoodsClass.ToString();
                warrantyRemain = dd.NextPerformance?.WarrantlyRemains ?? Lifelength.Null;
                ata = (AtaChapter)GlobalObjects.CasEnvironment.GetDictionary <AtaChapter>().GetItemById(21);

            subItems.Add(CreateRow(id, id));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(ata.ToString(), ata));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(refference, refference));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(partNumber, partNumber));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(altPartNumber, altPartNumber));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(standart, standart));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(name, name));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(description, description));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(serialNumber, serialNumber));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(classString, classString));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(batchNumber, batchNumber));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(idNumber, idNumber));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(position.ToUpper(), position));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(status, status));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(location, location));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(facility, facility));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(from, from));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(transferDate > DateTimeExtend.GetCASMinDateTime()
                                ? SmartCore.Auxiliary.Convert.GetDateFormat(transferDate) : "", transferDate));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(workType, workType));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(needWpQuantity.ToString(), needWpQuantity));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(reserve.ToString(), reserve));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(quantityString, quantity));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(shouldBeOnStockString, shouldBeOnStock));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(quantityInString, quantityIn));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(unitPrice.ToString(), unitPrice));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(totalPrice.ToString(), totalPrice));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(shipPrice.ToString(), shipPrice));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(subTotal.ToString(), subTotal));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(tax1.ToString(), tax1));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(tax2.ToString(), tax2));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(tax3.ToString(), tax3));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(total.ToString(), total));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(currency, currency));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(supplier, supplier));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(code, code));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(remarks, remarks));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(effectivity, effectivity));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(isPool ? "Yes" : "No", isPool));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(IsDangerous ? "Yes" : "No", IsDangerous));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(maintenanceTypeString, maintenanceTypeString));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(manHours.ToString(), manHours));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(firstPerformance.ToString(), firstPerformance));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(repeatInterval.ToString(), repeatInterval));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(timesString, times));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(approx != null
                                ? SmartCore.Auxiliary.Convert.GetDateFormat((DateTime)approx) + " " + next
                                : next != null && !next.IsNullOrZero()
                                        ? next.ToString()
                                        : "", approx == null ? DateTimeExtend.GetCASMinDateTime() : (DateTime)approx));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(remains != null && !remains.IsNullOrZero()
                                ? remains.ToString()
                                : "", remains ?? Lifelength.Null));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(lastPerformanceString, lastPerformance));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(warranty.ToString(), warranty));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(warrantyRemain.ToString(), warrantyRemain));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(kitRequieredString, kitCount));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(hiddenRemarks, hiddenRemarks));
            subItems.Add(CreateRow(author, author));

コード例 #23
        protected override void SetRowBackColor(DataGridViewRow dataGridViewRow, BaseEntityObject item)
            if (item is NextPerformance)
                NextPerformance nextPerformance = item as NextPerformance;
                if (_currentWorkPackage.Status != WorkPackageStatus.Closed)
                    if (nextPerformance.BlockedByPackage != null)
                        dataGridViewRow.Cells[0].ToolTipText = "This performance blocked by work package:" +
                        dataGridViewRow.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(Highlight.Grey.Color);
                    else if (nextPerformance.Condition == ConditionState.Notify)
                        dataGridViewRow.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(Highlight.Yellow.Color);
                    else if (nextPerformance.Condition == ConditionState.Overdue)
                        dataGridViewRow.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(Highlight.Red.Color);
                    //Если это следующее выполнение, но рабочий пакет при этом закрыт
                    //значит, выполнение для данной задачи в рамках данного рабочего пакета
                    //не было введено

                    //пометка этого выполнения краным цветом
                    dataGridViewRow.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(Highlight.Red.Color);
                    //подсказка о том, что выполнение не было введено
                    dataGridViewRow.Cells[0].ToolTipText = "Performance for this directive within this work package is not entered.";
                    if (nextPerformance.BlockedByPackage != null)
                        //дополнитльная подсказака, если предшествующее выполнение
                        //имеется в другом открытом рабочем пакете
                        dataGridViewRow.Cells[0].ToolTipText += "\nThis performance blocked by work package:" +
                                                                nextPerformance.BlockedByPackage.Title +
                                                                "\nFirst, enter the performance of this directive as part of this work package ";

                if (nextPerformance.Parent.IsDeleted)
                    //запись так же может быть удаленной

                    //шрифт серым цветом
                    dataGridViewRow.DefaultCellStyle.ForeColor = Color.Gray;
                    if (dataGridViewRow.Cells[0].ToolTipText.Trim() != "")
                        dataGridViewRow.Cells[0].ToolTipText += "\n";
                    dataGridViewRow.Cells[0].ToolTipText +=
                        $"This {nextPerformance.Parent.SmartCoreObjectType} is deleted";
            else if (item is AbstractPerformanceRecord)
                AbstractPerformanceRecord apr = (AbstractPerformanceRecord)item;
                if (apr.Parent.IsDeleted)
                    //запись так же может быть удаленной

                    //шрифт серым цветом
                    dataGridViewRow.DefaultCellStyle.ForeColor = Color.Gray;
                    if (dataGridViewRow.Cells[0].ToolTipText.Trim() != "")
                        dataGridViewRow.Cells[0].ToolTipText += "\n";
                    dataGridViewRow.Cells[0].ToolTipText += $"This {apr.Parent.SmartCoreObjectType} is deleted";
                if (!(item is NonRoutineJob))
                    //Если это не следующее выполнение, не запись о выполнении, и не рутинная работа
                    //значит, выполнение для данной задачи расчитать нельзя

                    //пометка этого выполнения синим цветом
                    dataGridViewRow.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(Highlight.Blue.Color);
                    //подсказка о том, что выполнение не возможео расчитать
                    dataGridViewRow.Cells[0].ToolTipText = "Performance for this directive can not be calculated";

                if (item.IsDeleted)
                    //запись так же может быть удаленной

                    //шрифт серым цветом
                    dataGridViewRow.DefaultCellStyle.ForeColor = Color.Gray;
                    if (dataGridViewRow.Cells[0].ToolTipText.Trim() != "")
                        dataGridViewRow.Cells[0].ToolTipText += "\n";
                    dataGridViewRow.Cells[0].ToolTipText += $"This {item.SmartCoreObjectType} is deleted";
コード例 #24
        private void AddToWorkPackageItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (_directivesViewer.SelectedItems.Count <= 0)

            WorkPackage wp = (WorkPackage)((RadMenuItem)sender).Tag;

            if (MessageBox.Show("Add item to Work Package: " + wp.Title + "?", "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) ==
                List <NextPerformance> wpItems = _directivesViewer.SelectedItems.ToList();
                List <NextPerformance> bindedDirectivesPerformances = new List <NextPerformance>();
                foreach (NextPerformance wpItem in wpItems)
                    if (wpItem is MaintenanceNextPerformance)
                        MaintenanceNextPerformance mnp = wpItem as MaintenanceNextPerformance;
                        if (mnp.PerformanceGroup.Checks.Count > 0)
                            foreach (MaintenanceCheck mc in mnp.PerformanceGroup.Checks)
                                foreach (MaintenanceDirective mpd in _currentForecast.MaintenanceDirectives
                                         .Where(mpd => mpd.MaintenanceCheck != null &&
                                                mpd.MaintenanceCheck.ItemId == mc.ItemId))
                                    NextPerformance performance =
                                        mpd.NextPerformances.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PerformanceDate != null &&
                                                                            p.PerformanceDate.Value.Date == wpItem.PerformanceDate.Value.Date) ??
                                        mpd.NextPerformances.LastOrDefault(p => p.PerformanceDate != null &&
                                                                           p.PerformanceDate < wpItem.PerformanceDate) ??
                                        mpd.NextPerformances.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PerformanceDate != null &&
                                                                            p.PerformanceDate > wpItem.PerformanceDate);

                                    if (performance == null)
                                    if (wpItems.Count(wpi => wpi.Parent != null && wpi.Parent == mpd) == 0)
                        else if (wpItem.Parent is MaintenanceCheck)
                            MaintenanceCheck mc = wpItem.Parent as MaintenanceCheck;
                            foreach (MaintenanceDirective mpd in _currentForecast.MaintenanceDirectives
                                     .Where(mpd => mpd.MaintenanceCheck != null &&
                                            mpd.MaintenanceCheck.ItemId == mc.ItemId))
                                NextPerformance performance =
                                    mpd.NextPerformances.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PerformanceDate != null &&
                                                                        p.PerformanceDate.Value.Date == wpItem.PerformanceDate.Value.Date) ??
                                    mpd.NextPerformances.LastOrDefault(p => p.PerformanceDate != null &&
                                                                       p.PerformanceDate < wpItem.PerformanceDate) ??
                                    mpd.NextPerformances.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PerformanceDate != null &&
                                                                        p.PerformanceDate > wpItem.PerformanceDate);

                                if (performance == null)
                                if (wpItems.Count(wpi => wpi.Parent != null && wpi.Parent == mpd) == 0)
                    else if (wpItem.Parent is MaintenanceCheck)
                        MaintenanceCheck mc = wpItem.Parent as MaintenanceCheck;
                        foreach (MaintenanceDirective mpd in _currentForecast.MaintenanceDirectives
                                 .Where(mpd => mpd.MaintenanceCheck != null &&
                                        mpd.MaintenanceCheck.ItemId == mc.ItemId))
                            NextPerformance performance =
                                mpd.NextPerformances.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PerformanceDate != null &&
                                                                    p.PerformanceDate.Value.Date == wpItem.PerformanceDate.Value.Date) ??
                                mpd.NextPerformances.LastOrDefault(p => p.PerformanceDate != null &&
                                                                   p.PerformanceDate < wpItem.PerformanceDate) ??
                                mpd.NextPerformances.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PerformanceDate != null &&
                                                                    p.PerformanceDate > wpItem.PerformanceDate);

                            if (performance == null)
                            if (wpItems.Count(wpi => wpi.Parent != null && wpi.Parent == mpd) == 0)

                    string message;

                    if (!GlobalObjects.WorkPackageCore.AddToWorkPakage(wpItems, wp.ItemId, CurrentAircraft, out message))
                        MessageBox.Show(message, (string)new GlobalTermsProvider()["SystemName"],
                                        MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                    foreach (NextPerformance nextPerformance in wpItems)
                        nextPerformance.BlockedByPackage = wp;

                    if (MessageBox.Show("Items added successfully. Open work package?", (string)new GlobalTermsProvider()["SystemName"],
                                        MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2)
                        == DialogResult.Yes)
                        ReferenceEventArgs refArgs = new ReferenceEventArgs();
                        refArgs.TypeOfReflection = ReflectionTypes.DisplayInNew;
                        refArgs.DisplayerText    = CurrentAircraft != null ? CurrentAircraft.RegistrationNumber + "." + wp.Title : wp.Title;
                        refArgs.RequestedEntity  = new WorkPackageScreen(wp);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Program.Provider.Logger.Log("error while create Work Package", ex);
コード例 #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Добавляется элемент в таблицу данных
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reportedDirective">Добавлямая директива</param>
        /// <param name="destinationDataSet">Таблица, в которую добавляется элемент</param>
        private void AddDirectiveToDataset(Directive reportedDirective, DirectivesListDataSet destinationDataSet)
            string references = reportedDirective.Paragraph;
            string title;
            string eo;
            string sb;

            string s1 = reportedDirective.Title;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(reportedDirective.Paragraph.Trim()))
                s1 += "\n§ " + reportedDirective.Paragraph;

            if (_directiveType == DirectiveType.EngineeringOrders)
                title = reportedDirective.EngineeringOrders;
                sb    = s1;
                eo    = reportedDirective.ServiceBulletinNo;
            else if (_directiveType == DirectiveType.SB)
                title = reportedDirective.ServiceBulletinNo;
                sb    = s1;
                eo    = reportedDirective.EngineeringOrders;
                title = s1;
                eo    = reportedDirective.EngineeringOrders;
                sb    = reportedDirective.ServiceBulletinNo;
            Lifelength sinceNewThreshold = Lifelength.Null, sinceEffDateThreshold = Lifelength.Null;
            Lifelength sinceEffDateCompliance = Lifelength.Null;
            Lifelength sinceNewRemain = Lifelength.Null, sinceEffDateRemain = Lifelength.Null;
            Lifelength firstCompliance = Lifelength.Null,
                       lastCompliance = Lifelength.Null,
                       repeatInterval = Lifelength.Null, remain = Lifelength.Null;
            string firstComplianceDate = "",
                   lastComplianceDate = "", sinceNewComplianceDate = "";
            Lifelength used = Lifelength.Null;

            string remarks  = reportedDirective.LastPerformance != null ? reportedDirective.LastPerformance.Remarks : reportedDirective.Remarks;
            string performanceType = reportedDirective.Threshold.FirstPerformanceConditionType == ThresholdConditionType.WhicheverFirst
                                         ? "W.O.F"
                                         : "W.O.L";
            string effectivityDate = SmartCore.Auxiliary.Convert.GetDateFormat(reportedDirective.Threshold.EffectiveDate, "/");
            string equipment       = reportedDirective.NDTType.ShortName;
            string kits            = "";
            int    num             = 1;

            foreach (AccessoryRequired kit in reportedDirective.Kits)
                kits += num + ": " + kit.PartNumber + "\n";
            //TODO:(Evgenii Babak) расчетом ресурсов должен заниматься калькулятор
            //расчет остатка с даты производства и с эффективной даты
            //расчет остатка от выполнения с даты производтсва
            if (reportedDirective.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceNew != null)
                sinceNewThreshold = reportedDirective.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceNew;
                if (sinceNewThreshold.Days != null)
                    sinceNewComplianceDate =
                            new GlobalTermsProvider()["DateFormat"].ToString());
                if (reportedDirective.LastPerformance == null)
            if (reportedDirective.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceEffectiveDate != null)
                sinceEffDateThreshold = reportedDirective.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceEffectiveDate;
                if (reportedDirective.Threshold.EffectiveDate < DateTime.Today)
                    sinceEffDateCompliance =
                        GetFlightLifelengthOnEndOfDay(_reportedBaseComponent, reportedDirective.Threshold.EffectiveDate);



            if (reportedDirective.LastPerformance != null)
                firstComplianceDate =
                        new GlobalTermsProvider()["DateFormat"].ToString());
                firstCompliance = reportedDirective.PerformanceRecords[0].OnLifelength;

                if (reportedDirective.Threshold.RepeatInterval != null)
                    repeatInterval = reportedDirective.Threshold.RepeatInterval;

                lastComplianceDate =
                    reportedDirective.LastPerformance.RecordDate.ToString(new GlobalTermsProvider()["DateFormat"].ToString());
                lastCompliance = reportedDirective.LastPerformance.OnLifelength;


                if (reportedDirective.NextPerformanceSource != null && !reportedDirective.NextPerformanceSource.IsNullOrZero())

            var canadianTitle = "";

            if (reportedDirective.Title.Contains('/'))
                var res = reportedDirective.Title.Split('/');
                canadianTitle = res[0];
                title         = res[1];
            else if (reportedDirective.Title.StartsWith("C"))
                canadianTitle = reportedDirective.Title;
                title         = "";
                canadianTitle = "";
                title         = reportedDirective.Title;

            string nextComplianceDate =
                reportedDirective.NextPerformanceDate != null
                    ? ((DateTime)reportedDirective.NextPerformanceDate).ToString(new GlobalTermsProvider()["DateFormat"].ToString())
                    : "";
            Lifelength      nextCompliance = reportedDirective.NextPerformanceSource;
            NextPerformance np             = reportedDirective.NextPerformance;

                                                           sinceNewThreshold.Hours ?? 0,
                                                           sinceNewThreshold.Cycles ?? 0,
                                                           sinceNewRemain.Hours ?? 0,
                                                           sinceNewRemain.Cycles ?? 0,
                                                           sinceNewRemain.Days ?? 0,
                                                           sinceEffDateThreshold.Hours ?? 0,
                                                           sinceEffDateThreshold.Cycles ?? 0,
                                                           sinceEffDateThreshold.Days != null ? sinceEffDateThreshold.Days.ToString() : "",
                                                           sinceEffDateRemain.Hours ?? 0,
                                                           sinceEffDateRemain.Cycles ?? 0,
                                                           sinceEffDateRemain.Days ?? 0,
                                                           firstCompliance.Hours ?? 0,
                                                           firstCompliance.Cycles ?? 0,
                                                           repeatInterval.Days ?? 0,
                                                           repeatInterval.Hours ?? 0,
                                                           repeatInterval.Cycles ?? 0,
                                                           lastCompliance.Hours ?? 0,
                                                           lastCompliance.Cycles ?? 0,
                                                           reportedDirective.LastPerformance != null
                                                                ? reportedDirective.LastPerformance.ToStrings("/")
                                                                : "",
                                                           used.Days ?? 0,
                                                           used.Hours ?? 0,
                                                           used.Cycles ?? 0,
                                                           nextCompliance.Hours ?? 0,
                                                           nextCompliance.Cycles ?? 0,
                                                           np != null ? np.ToStrings("/") : "",
                                                           remain.Days != null ? remain.Days.ToString() : "",
                                                           remain.Hours ?? 0,
                                                           remain.Cycles ?? 0,
                                                           reportedDirective.ATAChapter != null ? reportedDirective.ATAChapter.ShortName : "",
                                                           reportedDirective.ATAChapter != null ? reportedDirective.ATAChapter.FullName : "",
                                                           reportedDirective.ADType == ADType.Airframe ? "AF" : "AP",
                                                           eo != "" ?'(' + eo + ')' : "",
                                                           canadianTitle, reportedDirective.StcNo);
コード例 #26
 protected void SetItemColor(ListViewItem listViewItem, BaseEntityObject item)
     if (item == null)
     if (item is NextPerformance)
         NextPerformance np = item as NextPerformance;
         if (np.BlockedByPackage != null)
             listViewItem.BackColor   = Color.FromArgb(Highlight.Grey.Color);
             listViewItem.ToolTipText = "This performance is involved on Work Package:" + np.BlockedByPackage.Title;
             if (np.Condition == ConditionState.Overdue)
                 listViewItem.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(Highlight.Red.Color);
             if (np.Condition == ConditionState.Notify)
                 listViewItem.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(Highlight.Yellow.Color);
             if (np.Condition == ConditionState.NotEstimated)
                 listViewItem.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(Highlight.Blue.Color);
     //else if (item is AbstractPerformanceRecord)
     //    AbstractPerformanceRecord apr = (AbstractPerformanceRecord)item;
     //    if (apr.WorkPackage != null)
     //    {
     //        //запись о выполнении блокируется найденым пакетом
     //        listViewItem.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(Highlight.Grey.Color);
     //        listViewItem.ToolTipText =
     //            "Perform of the task:" + apr.Parent +
     //            "\nadded by Work Package:" +
     //            "\n" + apr.WorkPackage.Title +
     //            "\nTo remove a performance of task, you need to exclude task from this work package," +
     //            "\nor delete the work package ";
     //    }
     //    else if (apr is DirectiveRecord)
     //    {
     //        DirectiveRecord dr = apr as DirectiveRecord;
     //        if (dr.MaintenanceDirectiveRecordId > 0)
     //        {
     //            DirectiveRecord mdr = GlobalObjects.CasEnvironment.Loader.GetObject<DirectiveRecord>(dr.MaintenanceDirectiveRecordId);
     //            if (mdr != null && mdr.ParentType == SmartCoreType.MaintenanceDirective)
     //            {
     //                MaintenanceDirective md = GlobalObjects.CasEnvironment.Loader.GetMaintenanceDirective(mdr.ParentId);
     //                if (md != null)
     //                {
     //                    listViewItem.ToolTipText =
     //                        "Perform of the task:" + dr.WorkType +
     //                        "\nadded by MPD Item:" +
     //                        "\n" + md.TaskNumberCheck;
     //                }
     //            }
     //        }
     //    }
コード例 #27
        private void ButtonCreateWorkPakageClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (_directivesViewer.SelectedItems.Count <= 0)

            if (MessageBox.Show("Create and save a Work Package?", "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes)
                List <NextPerformance> wpItems = _directivesViewer.SelectedItems.ToList();
                List <NextPerformance> bindedDirectivesPerformances = new List <NextPerformance>();
                foreach (NextPerformance wpItem in wpItems)
                    if (wpItem is MaintenanceNextPerformance)
                        MaintenanceNextPerformance mnp = wpItem as MaintenanceNextPerformance;
                        if (mnp.PerformanceGroup.Checks.Count > 0)
                            foreach (MaintenanceCheck mc in mnp.PerformanceGroup.Checks)
                                foreach (MaintenanceDirective mpd in _currentForecast.MaintenanceDirectives
                                         .Where(mpd => mpd.MaintenanceCheck != null &&
                                                mpd.MaintenanceCheck.ItemId == mc.ItemId))
                                    NextPerformance performance =
                                        mpd.NextPerformances.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PerformanceDate != null &&
                                                                            p.PerformanceDate.Value.Date == wpItem.PerformanceDate.Value.Date) ??
                                        mpd.NextPerformances.LastOrDefault(p => p.PerformanceDate != null &&
                                                                           p.PerformanceDate < wpItem.PerformanceDate) ??
                                        mpd.NextPerformances.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PerformanceDate != null &&
                                                                            p.PerformanceDate > wpItem.PerformanceDate);

                                    if (performance == null)
                                    if (wpItems.Count(wpi => wpi.Parent != null && wpi.Parent == mpd) == 0)
                        else if (wpItem.Parent is MaintenanceCheck)
                            MaintenanceCheck mc = wpItem.Parent as MaintenanceCheck;
                            foreach (MaintenanceDirective mpd in _currentForecast.MaintenanceDirectives
                                     .Where(mpd => mpd.MaintenanceCheck != null &&
                                            mpd.MaintenanceCheck.ItemId == mc.ItemId))
                                NextPerformance performance =
                                    mpd.NextPerformances.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PerformanceDate != null &&
                                                                        p.PerformanceDate.Value.Date == wpItem.PerformanceDate.Value.Date) ??
                                    mpd.NextPerformances.LastOrDefault(p => p.PerformanceDate != null &&
                                                                       p.PerformanceDate < wpItem.PerformanceDate) ??
                                    mpd.NextPerformances.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PerformanceDate != null &&
                                                                        p.PerformanceDate > wpItem.PerformanceDate);

                                if (performance == null)
                                if (wpItems.Count(wpi => wpi.Parent != null && wpi.Parent == mpd) == 0)
                    else if (wpItem.Parent is MaintenanceCheck)
                        MaintenanceCheck mc = wpItem.Parent as MaintenanceCheck;
                        foreach (MaintenanceDirective mpd in _currentForecast.MaintenanceDirectives
                                 .Where(mpd => mpd.MaintenanceCheck != null &&
                                        mpd.MaintenanceCheck.ItemId == mc.ItemId))
                            NextPerformance performance =
                                mpd.NextPerformances.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PerformanceDate != null &&
                                                                    p.PerformanceDate.Value.Date == wpItem.PerformanceDate.Value.Date) ??
                                mpd.NextPerformances.LastOrDefault(p => p.PerformanceDate != null &&
                                                                   p.PerformanceDate < wpItem.PerformanceDate) ??
                                mpd.NextPerformances.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PerformanceDate != null &&
                                                                    p.PerformanceDate > wpItem.PerformanceDate);

                            if (performance == null)
                            if (wpItems.Count(wpi => wpi.Parent != null && wpi.Parent == mpd) == 0)

                    string      message;
                    WorkPackage wp =
                        GlobalObjects.WorkPackageCore.AddWorkPakage(wpItems, _currentAircraft, out message);
                    if (wp == null)
                        MessageBox.Show(message, (string)new GlobalTermsProvider()["SystemName"],
                                        MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                    //Добавление нового рабочего пакета в коллекцию открытых рабочих пакетов
                    //Создание пункта в меню открытых рабочих пакетов
                    var item = new RadMenuItem(wp.Title);
                    item.Click += AddToWorkPackageItemClick;
                    item.Tag    = wp;

                    foreach (NextPerformance nextPerformance in wpItems)
                        nextPerformance.BlockedByPackage = wp;
                    ReferenceEventArgs refArgs = new ReferenceEventArgs();
                    refArgs.TypeOfReflection = ReflectionTypes.DisplayInNew;
                    refArgs.DisplayerText    = CurrentAircraft != null ? CurrentAircraft.RegistrationNumber + "." + wp.Title : wp.Title;
                    refArgs.RequestedEntity  = new WorkPackageScreen(wp);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Program.Provider.Logger.Log("error while create Work Package", ex);
コード例 #28
        protected override ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem[] GetListViewSubItems(BaseEntityObject item)
            List <ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem> subItems = new List <ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem>();

            //if(item.ItemId == 41043)

            if (item is NextPerformance)
                NextPerformance np = (NextPerformance)item;

                double manHours = np.Parent is IEngineeringDirective ? ((IEngineeringDirective)np.Parent).ManHours : 0;
                double cost     = np.Parent is IEngineeringDirective ? ((IEngineeringDirective)np.Parent).Cost : 0;

                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = np.ATAChapter.ToString(), Tag = np.ATAChapter
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = np.Title, Tag = np.Title
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = np.Description, Tag = np.Description
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = np.Type, Tag = np.Type
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = np.KitsToString, Tag = np.Kits.Count
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = np.PerformanceSource.ToString(), Tag = np.PerformanceSource
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = np.Parent.Threshold.RepeatInterval.ToString(), Tag = np.Parent.Threshold.RepeatInterval
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = np.Remains.ToString(), Tag = np.Remains
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = np.WorkType, Tag = np.WorkType
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = np.PerformanceDate == null ? "N/A" : SmartCore.Auxiliary.Convert.GetDateFormat((DateTime)np.PerformanceDate), Tag = np.PerformanceDate
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = manHours.ToString(), Tag = manHours
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = cost.ToString(), Tag = cost
            else if (item is AbstractPerformanceRecord)
                AbstractPerformanceRecord apr = (AbstractPerformanceRecord)item;
                Lifelength remains            = Lifelength.Null;

                double manHours = apr.Parent is IEngineeringDirective ? ((IEngineeringDirective)apr.Parent).ManHours : 0;
                double cost     = apr.Parent is IEngineeringDirective ? ((IEngineeringDirective)apr.Parent).Cost : 0;

                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = apr.ATAChapter.ToString(), Tag = apr.ATAChapter
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = apr.Title, Tag = apr.Title
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = apr.Description, Tag = apr.Description
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = "", Tag = ""
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = apr.KitsToString, Tag = apr.Kits.Count
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = apr.OnLifelength.ToString(), Tag = apr.OnLifelength
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = apr.Parent.Threshold.RepeatInterval.ToString(), Tag = apr.Parent.Threshold.RepeatInterval
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = remains.ToString(), Tag = remains
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = apr.WorkType, Tag = apr.WorkType
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = SmartCore.Auxiliary.Convert.GetDateFormat(apr.RecordDate), Tag = apr.RecordDate
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = manHours.ToString(), Tag = manHours
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = cost.ToString(), Tag = cost
            else if (item is Directive)
                Directive     directive = (Directive)item;
                AtaChapter    ata       = directive.ATAChapter;
                DirectiveType pdType    = directive.DirectiveType;
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = ata.ToString(), Tag = ata
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = directive.Title, Tag = directive.Title
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = directive.Description, Tag = directive.Description
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = pdType.ShortName, Tag = pdType.ShortName

                #region Определение текста для колонки "КИТы"
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem
                    Text = directive.Kits.Count > 0 ? directive.Kits.Count + " kits" : "",
                    Tag  = directive.Kits.Count

                #region Определение текста для колонки "Первое выполнение"

                ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem subItem = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem();
                if (directive.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceNew != null && !directive.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceNew.IsNullOrZero())
                    subItem.Text = "s/n: " + directive.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceNew;
                    subItem.Tag  = directive.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceNew;
                if (directive.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceEffectiveDate != null &&
                    if (subItem.Text != "")
                        subItem.Text += " or ";
                        subItem.Text = "";
                        subItem.Tag  = directive.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceEffectiveDate;
                    subItem.Text += "s/e.d: " + directive.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceEffectiveDate;


                #region Определение текста для колонки "повторяющийся интервал"

                subItem = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem();
                if (!directive.Threshold.RepeatInterval.IsNullOrZero())
                    subItem.Text = directive.Threshold.RepeatInterval.ToString();
                    subItem.Tag  = directive.Threshold.RepeatInterval;
                    subItem.Text = "";
                    subItem.Tag  = Lifelength.Null;

                #region Определение текста для колонки "Остаток/Просрочено на сегодня"
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem
                    Text = directive.Remains.ToString(),
                    Tag  = directive.Remains

                #region Определение текста для колонки "Тип работ"

                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = directive.WorkType.ToString(), Tag = directive.WorkType

                #region Определение текста для колонки "Следующее выполнение"
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem
                    Text = directive.NextPerformanceDate == null ? "N/A" : SmartCore.Auxiliary.Convert.GetDateFormat((DateTime)directive.NextPerformanceDate),
                    Tag  = directive.NextPerformanceDate

                #region Определение текста для колонки "Человек/Часы"

                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = directive.ManHours.ToString(), Tag = directive.ManHours

                #region Определение текста для колонки "Стоимость"

                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = directive.Cost.ToString(), Tag = directive.Cost
            else if (item is BaseComponent)
                BaseComponent bd  = (BaseComponent)item;
                AtaChapter    ata = bd.ATAChapter;

                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = ata.ToString(), Tag = ata
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = bd.PartNumber, Tag = bd.PartNumber
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = bd.Description, Tag = bd.Description
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = bd.MaintenanceControlProcess.ShortName, Tag = bd.MaintenanceControlProcess.ShortName
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = bd.Kits.Count > 0 ? bd.Kits.Count + " kits" : "", Tag = bd.Kits.Count
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = bd.LifeLimit.ToString(), Tag = bd.LifeLimit
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = "", Tag = Lifelength.Null
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = bd.Remains.ToString(), Tag = bd.Remains
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = ComponentRecordType.Remove.ToString(), Tag = ComponentRecordType.Remove
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = bd.NextPerformanceDate == null ? "N/A" : SmartCore.Auxiliary.Convert.GetDateFormat((DateTime)bd.NextPerformanceDate), Tag = bd.NextPerformanceDate
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = bd.ManHours.ToString(), Tag = bd.ManHours
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = bd.Cost.ToString(), Tag = bd.Cost
            else if (item is Component)
                Component  d   = (Component)item;
                AtaChapter ata = d.ATAChapter;

                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = ata.ToString(), Tag = ata
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = d.PartNumber, Tag = d.PartNumber
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = d.Description, Tag = d.Description
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = d.MaintenanceControlProcess.ShortName, Tag = d.MaintenanceControlProcess.ShortName
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = d.Kits.Count > 0 ? d.Kits.Count + " kits" : "", Tag = d.Kits.Count
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = d.LifeLimit != null ? d.LifeLimit.ToString() : "", Tag = d.LifeLimit
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = "", Tag = Lifelength.Null
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = d.Remains != null ? d.Remains.ToString() : "", Tag = d.Remains
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = ComponentRecordType.Remove.ToString(), Tag = ComponentRecordType.Remove
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = d.NextPerformanceDate == null ? "N/A" : SmartCore.Auxiliary.Convert.GetDateFormat((DateTime)d.NextPerformanceDate), Tag = d.NextPerformanceDate
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = d.ManHours.ToString(), Tag = d.ManHours
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = d.Cost.ToString(), Tag = d.Cost
            else if (item is ComponentDirective)
                ComponentDirective dd  = (ComponentDirective)item;
                AtaChapter         ata = dd.ParentComponent.ATAChapter;

                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = ata != null ? ata.ToString() : "", Tag = ata
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = "", Tag = ""
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = dd.Remarks, Tag = dd.Remarks
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = "", Tag = ""
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = dd.Kits.Count > 0 ? dd.Kits.Count + " kits" : "", Tag = dd.Kits.Count
                #region Определение текста для колонки "Первое выполнение"

                ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem subItem = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem();
                if (dd.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceNew != null && !dd.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceNew.IsNullOrZero())
                    subItem.Text = "s/n: " + dd.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceNew;
                    subItem.Tag  = dd.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceNew;
                #region Определение текста для колонки "повторяющийся интервал"

                subItem = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem();
                if (!dd.Threshold.RepeatInterval.IsNullOrZero())
                    subItem.Text = dd.Threshold.RepeatInterval.ToString();
                    subItem.Tag  = dd.Threshold.RepeatInterval;
                    subItem.Text = "";
                    subItem.Tag  = Lifelength.Null;
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = dd.Remains.ToString(), Tag = dd.Remains
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = dd.DirectiveType.ToString(), Tag = dd.DirectiveType
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = dd.NextPerformanceDate == null ? "N/A" : SmartCore.Auxiliary.Convert.GetDateFormat((DateTime)dd.NextPerformanceDate), Tag = dd.NextPerformanceDate
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = dd.ManHours.ToString(), Tag = dd.ManHours
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = dd.Cost.ToString(), Tag = dd.Cost
            else if (item is MaintenanceCheck)
                MaintenanceCheck mc = (MaintenanceCheck)item;
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = "", Tag = null
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = "", Tag = ""
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = mc.Name + (mc.Schedule ? " Shedule" : " Unshedule"), Tag = mc.Name
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = mc.Name, Tag = mc.Name
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = mc.Kits.Count > 0 ? mc.Kits.Count + " kits" : "", Tag = mc.Kits.Count
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = mc.Interval.ToString(), Tag = mc.Interval
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = "", Tag = Lifelength.Null
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = mc.Remains.ToString(), Tag = mc.Remains
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = "", Tag = ""
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = mc.NextPerformanceDate == null ? "N/A" : SmartCore.Auxiliary.Convert.GetDateFormat((DateTime)mc.NextPerformanceDate), Tag = mc.NextPerformanceDate
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = mc.ManHours.ToString(), Tag = mc.ManHours
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = mc.Cost.ToString(), Tag = mc.Cost
            else if (item is MaintenanceDirective)
                MaintenanceDirective md  = (MaintenanceDirective)item;
                AtaChapter           ata = md.ATAChapter;
                string type = md.MaintenanceCheck != null ? md.MaintenanceCheck.Name : "MPD";

                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = ata != null ? ata.ToString() : "", Tag = ata
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = md.TaskNumberCheck, Tag = md.TaskNumberCheck
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = md.Description, Tag = md.Description,
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = type, Tag = type,
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = md.Kits.Count > 0 ? md.Kits.Count + " kits" : "", Tag = md.Kits.Count
                #region Определение текста для колонки "Первое выполнение"

                ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem subItem = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem();
                if (md.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceNew != null && !md.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceNew.IsNullOrZero())
                    subItem.Text = "s/n: " + md.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceNew;
                    subItem.Tag  = md.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceNew;
                if (md.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceEffectiveDate != null &&
                    if (subItem.Text != "")
                        subItem.Text += " or ";
                        subItem.Text = "";
                        subItem.Tag  = md.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceEffectiveDate;
                    subItem.Text += "s/e.d: " + md.Threshold.FirstPerformanceSinceEffectiveDate;

                #region Определение текста для колонки "повторяющийся интервал"

                subItem = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem();
                if (!md.Threshold.RepeatInterval.IsNullOrZero())
                    subItem.Text = md.Threshold.RepeatInterval.ToString();
                    subItem.Tag  = md.Threshold.RepeatInterval;
                    subItem.Text = "";
                    subItem.Tag  = Lifelength.Null;
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = md.Remains.ToString(), Tag = md.Remains
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = md.MaintenanceCheck?.ToString(), Tag = md.MaintenanceCheck
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = md.WorkType.ToString(), Tag = md.WorkType
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = md.NextPerformanceDate == null ? "N/A" : SmartCore.Auxiliary.Convert.GetDateFormat((DateTime)md.NextPerformanceDate), Tag = md.NextPerformanceDate
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = md.ManHours.ToString(), Tag = md.ManHours
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = md.Cost.ToString(), Tag = md.Cost
            else if (item is NonRoutineJob)
                NonRoutineJob job = (NonRoutineJob)item;
                AtaChapter    ata = job.ATAChapter;
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = ata != null ? ata.ToString() : "", Tag = ata
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = "", Tag = ""
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = job.Description, Tag = job.Description
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = "NRC", Tag = "NRC"
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = job.Kits.Count > 0 ? job.Kits.Count + " kits" : "", Tag = job.Kits.Count
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = "", Tag = Lifelength.Null
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = "", Tag = Lifelength.Null
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = "", Tag = Lifelength.Null
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = "", Tag = ""
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = "", Tag = DateTimeExtend.GetCASMinDateTime()
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = job.ManHours.ToString(), Tag = job.ManHours
                subItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem {
                    Text = job.Cost.ToString(), Tag = job.Cost
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"1135: Takes an argument has no known type {item.GetType()}");

コード例 #29
        protected override void SetRowCellsValues(DataGridViewRow row, BaseEntityObject item)
            AtaChapter ataChapter  = null;
            string     title       = "";
            string     description = "";
            //string zone = "";
            //string access = "";
            string taskType = "";
            MaintenanceDirectiveProgramType program = MaintenanceDirectiveProgramType.Unknown;
            StaticDictionary workType = null;
            //string phase = "";
            double manHours   = 0;
            int    mans       = 0;
            string categories = "";
            double cost       = 0;
            string kits       = "";

            //Lifelength performance = Lifelength.Null;
            //Lifelength repeat = Lifelength.Null;
            //Lifelength remain = Lifelength.Null;
            //DateTime? performanceDate = null;

            if (item is NextPerformance)
                NextPerformance       np = (NextPerformance)item;
                IEngineeringDirective engineeringDirective = np.Parent as IEngineeringDirective;
                if (engineeringDirective != null)
                    ataChapter = engineeringDirective.ATAChapter;
                    //zone = engineeringDirective.Zone;
                    //access = engineeringDirective.Access;
                    program  = engineeringDirective.Program;
                    workType = engineeringDirective.WorkType;
                    //phase = engineeringDirective.Phase;
                    manHours   = engineeringDirective.ManHours;
                    mans       = engineeringDirective.Mans;
                    categories = engineeringDirective.CategoriesRecords.Aggregate("", (current, i) => current + (i.AircraftWorkerCategory + "; "));
                    cost       = engineeringDirective.Cost;
                title       = np.Title;
                description = np.Description;
                taskType    = np.Parent.SmartCoreObjectType.ToString();
                kits        = np.KitsToString;
                //performance = np.PerformanceSource;
                //repeat = np.Parent.Threshold != null ? np.Parent.Threshold.RepeatInterval : Lifelength.Null;
                //remain = np.Remains;
                //performanceDate = np.PerformanceDate;
            else if (item is AbstractPerformanceRecord)
                //DirectiveRecord directiveRecord = (DirectiveRecord)item;
                AbstractPerformanceRecord apr = (AbstractPerformanceRecord)item;

                IEngineeringDirective engineeringDirective = apr.Parent as IEngineeringDirective;
                if (engineeringDirective != null)
                    ataChapter = engineeringDirective.ATAChapter;
                    //zone = engineeringDirective.Zone;
                    //access = engineeringDirective.Access;
                    program  = engineeringDirective.Program;
                    workType = engineeringDirective.WorkType;
                    //phase = engineeringDirective.Phase;
                    manHours   = engineeringDirective.ManHours;
                    mans       = engineeringDirective.Mans;
                    categories = engineeringDirective.CategoriesRecords.Aggregate("", (current, i) => current + (i.AircraftWorkerCategory + "; "));
                    cost       = engineeringDirective.Cost;
                title       = apr.Title;
                description = apr.Description;
                taskType    = apr.Parent.SmartCoreObjectType.ToString();
                kits        = apr.KitsToString;
                //performance = apr.OnLifelength;
                //repeat = apr.Parent.Threshold != null ? apr.Parent.Threshold.RepeatInterval : Lifelength.Null;
                //performanceDate = apr.RecordDate;
            else if (item is IEngineeringDirective)
                IEngineeringDirective engineeringDirective = item as IEngineeringDirective;
                ataChapter = engineeringDirective.ATAChapter;
                //zone = engineeringDirective.Zone;
                //access = engineeringDirective.Access;
                program  = engineeringDirective.Program;
                workType = engineeringDirective.WorkType;
                //phase = engineeringDirective.Phase;
                manHours    = engineeringDirective.ManHours;
                mans        = engineeringDirective.Mans;
                categories  = engineeringDirective.CategoriesRecords.Aggregate("", (current, i) => current + (i.AircraftWorkerCategory + "; "));
                cost        = engineeringDirective.Cost;
                title       = engineeringDirective.Title;
                description = engineeringDirective.Description;
                taskType    = engineeringDirective.SmartCoreObjectType.ToString();
                kits        = engineeringDirective is IKitRequired ? ((IKitRequired)engineeringDirective).Kits.ToString() : "";
                //performance = engineeringDirective.NextPerformanceSource;
                //repeat = engineeringDirective.Threshold != null ? engineeringDirective.Threshold.RepeatInterval : Lifelength.Null;
                //performanceDate = engineeringDirective.NextPerformanceDate;

            //if (performance == null)
            //    performance = Lifelength.Null;
            //if (repeat == null)
            //    repeat = Lifelength.Null;
            //if (remain == null)
            //    remain = Lifelength.Null;

            row.Cells[0].Value = ataChapter != null?ataChapter.ToString() : "";

            row.Cells[0].Tag   = ataChapter;
            row.Cells[1].Value = title;
            row.Cells[1].Tag   = title;
            row.Cells[2].Value = description;
            row.Cells[2].Tag   = description;
            //row.Cells[3].Value = zone;
            //row.Cells[3].Tag = zone;
            //row.Cells[4].Value = access;
            //row.Cells[4].Tag = access;
            row.Cells[3].Value = taskType;
            row.Cells[3].Tag   = taskType;
            row.Cells[4].Value = program.ToString();
            row.Cells[4].Tag   = program;
            row.Cells[5].Value = workType != null?workType.ToString() : DirectiveType.Unknown.ToString();

            row.Cells[5].Tag = workType != null?workType.ToString() : DirectiveType.Unknown.ToString();

            //row.Cells[8].Value = phase;
            //row.Cells[8].Tag = phase;
            row.Cells[6].Value  = manHours.ToString();
            row.Cells[6].Tag    = manHours;
            row.Cells[7].Value  = mans.ToString();
            row.Cells[7].Tag    = mans;
            row.Cells[8].Value  = categories;
            row.Cells[8].Tag    = categories;
            row.Cells[9].Value  = cost.ToString();
            row.Cells[9].Tag    = cost;
            row.Cells[10].Value = kits;
            row.Cells[10].Tag   = kits;
            //row.Cells[14].Value = performance.ToString();
            //row.Cells[14].Tag = performance;
            //row.Cells[15].Value = repeat.ToString();
            //row.Cells[15].Tag = repeat;
            //row.Cells[16].Value = remain.ToString();
            //row.Cells[16].Tag = remain.ToString();
            //row.Cells[17].Value = performanceDate == null ? "N/A" : SmartCore.Auxiliary.Convert.GetDateFormat((DateTime)performanceDate);
            //row.Cells[17].Tag = performanceDate;
コード例 #30
         * Перегружаемые методы

        #region public override void ApplyChanges()
        /// <summary>
        /// Применить к объекту сделанные изменения на контроле.
        /// Если не все данные удовлетворяют формату ввода (например при вводе чисел), свойства объекта не изменяются, возвращается false
        /// Вызов base.ApplyChanges() обязателен
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override void ApplyChanges()
            if (MaintenanceDirective != null)
                if (_maintenanceDirectiveRecord != null && checkBoxClose.Checked == false)
                    _maintenanceDirectiveRecord.IsDeleted = true;
                if (_maintenanceDirectiveRecord != null && checkBoxClose.Checked)
                    _maintenanceDirectiveRecord.RecordDate = dateTimePicker1.Value;
                if (!MaintenanceDirective.IsClosed && _maintenanceDirectiveRecord == null && checkBoxClose.Checked)
                    DirectiveRecord apr = null;
                    if (MaintenanceDirective.PerformanceRecords.Count > 0)
                        //Поиск записи о выполнении задачи программы обслуживания
                        //которая могла бы подойти под создаваемую запись
                        //о выполнении чека программы обслуживания
                        if (MaintenanceDirective.MaintenanceCheck != null &&
                            MaintenanceDirective.MaintenanceCheck.ParentAircraft != null)
                            var a                  = MaintenanceDirective.MaintenanceCheck.ParentAircraft;
                            var partInterval       = MaintenanceDirective.MaintenanceCheck.Interval * 0.2;
                            var aircraftFrame      = GlobalObjects.ComponentCore.GetBaseComponentById(a.AircraftFrameId);
                            var averageUtilization = GlobalObjects.AverageUtilizationCore.GetAverageUtillization(aircraftFrame);
                            days = AnalystHelper.GetApproximateDays(partInterval, averageUtilization);
                            var partInterval = MaintenanceDirective.RepeatInterval * 0.2;
                            days = AnalystHelper.GetApproximateDays(partInterval, MaintenanceDirective.ParentBaseComponent.AverageUtilization);

                        IEnumerable <DirectiveRecord> aprs = null;
                        if (days != null && days > 0)
                            double daysValue = Convert.ToDouble(days);
                            //Производится поиск записей о выполнении дата выполнения которых лежит
                            //в заданном диапозоне
                            aprs = MaintenanceDirective.PerformanceRecords.Where(
                                pr => pr.RecordDate >= dateTimePicker1.Value.AddDays(-daysValue) &&
                                pr.RecordDate <= dateTimePicker1.Value.AddDays(daysValue));
                        if (aprs != null && aprs.Count() > 0)
                            if (aprs.Count() == 1)
                                apr = aprs.First();
                                DirectiveRecord min     = null;
                                double          minDays = int.MaxValue;
                                foreach (DirectiveRecord record in aprs)
                                    if (min == null)
                                        min     = record;
                                        minDays = Math.Abs((min.RecordDate - dateTimePicker1.Value).TotalDays);
                                    double candidateMin = Math.Abs((record.RecordDate - dateTimePicker1.Value).TotalDays);
                                    if (candidateMin < minDays)
                                        min     = record;
                                        minDays = candidateMin;
                                apr = min;

                    if (apr != null)
                        _maintenanceDirectiveRecord = apr;
                        NextPerformance performance =
                            MaintenanceDirective.NextPerformances.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PerformanceDate != null &&
                                                                                 p.PerformanceDate.Value.Date == dateTimePicker1.Value) ??
                            MaintenanceDirective.NextPerformances.LastOrDefault(p => p.PerformanceDate != null &&
                                                                                p.PerformanceDate < dateTimePicker1.Value) ??
                            MaintenanceDirective.NextPerformances.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PerformanceDate != null &&
                                                                                 p.PerformanceDate > dateTimePicker1.Value);
                        _maintenanceDirectiveRecord = new DirectiveRecord
                            PerformanceNum = performance != null ? performance.PerformanceNum : 0,
                            Parent         = MaintenanceDirective,
                            ParentId       = MaintenanceDirective.ItemId,
                            RecordDate     = dateTimePicker1.Value
