public override void OnDeselect(BaseEventData eventData) { Transform suggestions = transform.Find("Suggestions"); Transform closeSuggestions = transform.Find("CloseSuggestions"); /*if (suggestions.childCount > 0) { * foreach (Transform t in suggestions.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>()) { * if (! ( * continue;//t.gameObject.SetActive (false); * } * }*/ //image.sprite = spriteState.disabledSprite; NextFrame.Function(delegate { if (EventSystem.current.currentSelectedGameObject == null || !EventSystem.current.currentSelectedGameObject.transform.IsChildOf(gameObject.transform)) { m_CaretVisible = false; suggestions.gameObject.SetActive(false); closeSuggestions?.gameObject.SetActive(false); GetComponentInParent <AutofillTMP>().ResetSelected(); DeactivateInputField(); } else { EventSystem.current.SetSelectedGameObject(gameObject); } }); base.OnDeselect(eventData); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { var input = gameObject.GetComponent <TMP_InputField>(); NextFrame.Function( delegate { input.onValueChanged.Invoke(input.text); }); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { ds = GameObject.Find("GaudyBG").GetComponent <DataScript> (); BPValue1 = transform.Find("TMPInputField/BPValue1").GetComponent <TMP_InputField> (); BPValue2 = transform.Find("TMPInputField/BPValue2").GetComponent <TMP_InputField> (); pulseValue = transform.Find("TMPInputField/PulseValue").GetComponent <TMP_InputField> (); temperatureValue = transform.Find("TMPInputField/TempValue").GetComponent <TMP_InputField> (); respirationValue = transform.Find("TMPInputField/RespValue").GetComponent <TMP_InputField> (); //Finds the tab this script belongs to Transform tempObj = this.transform; while (parentTab == null && tempObj != null) { if ("Tab")) { parentTab = tempObj; break; } else { if (tempObj.parent != null) { tempObj = tempObj.parent; } else { Debug.Log("Cannot access parent tab!"); return; } } } NextFrame.Function(CreateValues); }
void Start() { if (GetComponent <TMP_InputField>().characterValidation.Equals(TMP_InputField.CharacterValidation.None)) { GetComponent <TMP_InputField>().onValidateInput += delegate(string input, int charIndex, char addedChar) { return(MyValidate(input, charIndex, addedChar)); }; } NextFrame.Function(ResizeField); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { firstName = GlobalData.firstName; lastName = GlobalData.lastName; NextFrame.Function(AssignName); /*charEditor = GameObject.Find ("Canvas").transform.Find ("CharacterEditorPanel").gameObject; * if (charEditor == null) { * print ("HI"); * charEditor = GameObject.Find ("Canvas").transform.GetChild (0).gameObject; * }*/ }
void Start() { gData = GameObject.Find("Canvas").GetComponent <GlobalDataScript> (); mySkin = Resources.Load(gData.resourcesPath + "/CEStyle") as GUISkin; mainInputField = GetComponent <InputField> (); mainInputField.onValidateInput += delegate(string input, int charIndex, char addedChar) { return(MyValidate(input, charIndex, addedChar)); }; if (!mainInputField.text.Equals("")) { NextFrame.Function(RelocateText); } }
protected virtual void InitializeSwipeParamaters() { SwipeParamater = new SwipeParameter(); var corners = new Vector3[4]; swipeBounds.GetWorldCorners(corners); SwipeParamater.StartPositionRange = new Rect(corners[0], corners[2] - corners[0]); NextFrame.Function(UpdateSwipeParameters); SwipeParamater.AngleRanges.Add(new AngleRange(-30, 30)); SwipeParamater.AngleRanges.Add(new AngleRange(150, 210)); SwipeParamater.OnSwipeStart += SwipeStart; SwipeParamater.OnSwipeUpdate += SwipeUpdate; SwipeParamater.OnSwipeEnd += SwipeEnd; }
/** * Used temporarily as a delay for the save confirmation message */ private void Fade() { if (notification.GetComponent <CanvasGroup>().alpha > 0) { if (!fade) { return; } //t.color = new Color (t.color.r, t.color.g, t.color.b, t.color.a - Time.deltaTime / 6f); notification.GetComponent <CanvasGroup>().alpha = (notification.GetComponent <CanvasGroup>().alpha - Time.deltaTime / 3f); NextFrame.Function(Fade); return; } Destroy(notification); }
/** * Loads the data into xmlDoc to use */ public void LoadXML() { string text = ds.GetData(tm.getCurrentSection(),, - 3)); if (text == null) { Debug.Log("No Data to load"); ds.newTabs.Add(this.transform); return; } Debug.Log("Loaded data: " + text); xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(text); //LoadXMLData(); NextFrame.Function(LoadXMLData); }
public void UpdateText() { if (!pastingLock) { NextFrame.Function(UpdateTextOnNextFrame); pastingLock = true; inputText.rectTransform.offsetMax =; inputText.rectTransform.offsetMin =; if (!inputCaret) { inputCaret = (RectTransform)inputText.rectTransform.parent.Find("CustomContentValue Input Caret").transform; } inputCaret.offsetMax =; inputCaret.offsetMin =; } return; }
public void ResizeField() { if (resizeLock) { return; } resizeLock = true; var inputField = GetComponent <TMP_InputField>(); if (inputField) { var rectTrans = inputField.textComponent.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); if (rectTrans) { rectTrans.offsetMax = new Vector2(0, 0); rectTrans.offsetMin = new Vector2(0, 0); } } NextFrame.Function(ActivateResizeTMP); NextFrame.Function(delegate { NextFrame.Function(ActivateResizeTMP); }); }
/** * Use this to show a confirmation that the case was saved successfully */ public void ShowMessage(string message, bool error) { if (transform.Find("ContentPanel") != null && transform.Find("ContentPanel").GetComponent <FilePickerScript>().levelName.Equals("CassReader")) { return; } Transform parentTransform = GameObject.Find("TopCanvas")?.transform; if (parentTransform == null) { parentTransform = GameObject.Find("GaudyBG").transform; } if (!error) { if (parentTransform.Find("NotificationPanel") == null) { Destroy(notification); notification = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Writer/Prefabs/NotificationMessage") as GameObject, parentTransform); = "NotificationPanel"; } } else if (parentTransform.Find("ErrorPanel") == null) { Destroy(notification); notification = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Writer/Prefabs/ErrorMessage") as GameObject, parentTransform); = "ErrorPanel"; } CancelInvoke("Fade"); fade = false; notification.GetComponent <CanvasGroup>().alpha = 1; notification.SetActive(true); TextMeshProUGUI messageText = notification.transform.Find("BG/Message").GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>(); messageText.text = message; Invoke("Fade", 5f); NextFrame.Function(delegate { fade = true; }); }
public override void OnDeselect(BaseEventData eventData) { Transform suggestions = transform.Find("Suggestions"); /*if (suggestions.childCount > 0) { * foreach (Transform t in suggestions.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>()) { * if (! ( * continue;//t.gameObject.SetActive (false); * } * }*/ NextFrame.Function(delegate { if (EventSystem.current.currentSelectedGameObject == null || !EventSystem.current.currentSelectedGameObject.transform.IsChildOf(gameObject.transform)) { m_CaretVisible = false; suggestions.gameObject.SetActive(false); this.DeactivateInputField(); } else { EventSystem.current.SetSelectedGameObject(gameObject); } }); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { NextFrame.Function(ResetScroll); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ChooseScenePopup() { GameObject confirm; //If there's a way to tell a user exited from a case, this code *should* work, but case object is null. Will return to if (GlobalData.caseObj != null) { print("You are from the " + GlobalData.resourcePath); GlobalData.caseObj = null; if (GlobalData.demo) { confirm = GameObject.Find("GaudyBG").transform.Find("ReaderWriterSelector").gameObject; } else { confirm = GameObject.Find("GaudyBG").transform.Find("LocalOrServerConfirmation").gameObject; } if (GlobalData.resourcePath.Equals("Writer")) { levelName = "Writer"; GlobalData.resourcePath = "Writer"; Application.backgroundLoadingPriority = ThreadPriority.Low; StartLoading(); confirm.SetActive(false); return; } else if (GlobalData.resourcePath.Equals("Reader")) { levelName = "CassReader"; GameObject.Find("GaudyBG").GetComponent <ServerControls>().DisableNewCase(); //GameObject.Find("GaudyBG").GetComponent<ServerControls>().ChangeEditButtons(); GlobalData.resourcePath = "Reader"; Application.backgroundLoadingPriority = ThreadPriority.Low; StartLoading(); return; } } Button serverButton; Button localButton; if (GlobalData.demo) { confirm = GameObject.Find("GaudyBG").transform.Find("ReaderWriterSelector").gameObject; serverButton = confirm.transform.Find("CaseWriter").GetComponent <Button>(); localButton = confirm.transform.Find("CaseReader").GetComponent <Button>(); } else { confirm = GameObject.Find("GaudyBG").transform.Find("LocalOrServerConfirmation").gameObject; confirm.transform.Find("ConfirmActionPanel/Content/Row0/ActionValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = "Use Reader or Writer?"; serverButton = confirm.transform.Find("ConfirmActionPanel/Content/Row1/ServerButton").GetComponent <Button>(); localButton = confirm.transform.Find("ConfirmActionPanel/Content/Row1/LocalButton").GetComponent <Button>(); Button bothButton = confirm.transform.Find("ConfirmActionPanel/Content/Row1/BothButton").GetComponent <Button>(); bothButton.gameObject.SetActive(false); serverButton.onClick.RemoveAllListeners(); localButton.onClick.RemoveAllListeners(); bothButton.onClick.RemoveAllListeners(); serverButton.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = "Writer"; localButton.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = "Reader"; } serverButton.onClick.AddListener(delegate { print("writer"); confirm.SetActive(false); levelName = "Writer"; if (!GlobalData.demo) { serverButton.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = "Server"; localButton.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = "Local"; } GlobalData.resourcePath = "Writer"; Application.backgroundLoadingPriority = ThreadPriority.Low; NextFrame.Function(StartLoading); }); localButton.onClick.AddListener(delegate { print("reader"); confirm.SetActive(false); levelName = "CassReader"; if (!GlobalData.demo) { serverButton.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = "Server"; localButton.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = "Local"; } GameObject.Find("GaudyBG").GetComponent <ServerControls>().DisableNewCase(); //GameObject.Find("GaudyBG").GetComponent<ServerControls>().ChangeEditButtons(); GlobalData.resourcePath = "Reader"; Application.backgroundLoadingPriority = ThreadPriority.Low; NextFrame.Function(StartLoading); }); confirm.SetActive(true); }
public void OpenDemoScene(string fileName) { GlobalData.fileName = fileName; GlobalData.filePath = Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/DemoCases/Cases/"; NextFrame.Function(ActivateScene); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { NextFrame.Function(Fix); }
public void RecieveText(InputField newText) { mainInputField.text = newText.text; NextFrame.Function(RelocateText); }
protected virtual void SetAccordionToTweenNextFrame() => NextFrame.Function(SetAccordionToTweenTransition);
/** * Run every frame. Determins the world position of the entry being held as well as the placeholder's location */ void Update() { if (drag) { //container.GetComponent<LayoutElement> ().ignoreLayout = true; //Check how far down the list of sibling entrys that this entry physically is rt.position = new Vector3(rt.position.x, Input.mousePosition.y - dMPos, 0f); int pos = 0; foreach (Transform entry in entries) { if (entry.transform.localPosition.y > container.localPosition.y) { pos++; } } placeholder.transform.SetSiblingIndex(pos); //Set the placeholder index to match //This is used for scrolling when held at the top/bottom of the scroll area. //Adjust the .01f to change the speed of the scrolling (.01 means 1% per frame as far as I can tell) Vector3[] corners = new Vector3[4]; scrollRectTransform.GetWorldCorners(corners); if (transform.position.y > corners[1].y - 40 && scrollScrollRect.verticalNormalizedPosition < 1.0f) { scrollScrollRect.verticalNormalizedPosition += .01f; } else if (transform.position.y < corners[0].y + 40 && scrollScrollRect.verticalNormalizedPosition > 0.0f) { scrollScrollRect.verticalNormalizedPosition -= .01f; } //If the user let go if (!Input.GetMouseButton(0)) { drag = false; GetComponentInParent <DragOverrideScript>().enabled = true; foreach (Transform t in entries) { t.GetComponent <ReaderMoveableObjectCursorScript>().enabled = true; } container.GetComponent <CanvasGroup>().alpha = 1.0f; container.GetComponent <LayoutElement>().ignoreLayout = false; //Destroy (placeholder); //placeholder = null; //Double check the position pos = 0; foreach (Transform entry in entries) { if (entry.parent == container.parent) { //Debug.Log ("dropped: " + container.localPosition.y + ", entry: " + entry.transform.localPosition.y); if (container.localPosition.y < entry.transform.localPosition.y) { pos++; } } } //Destroy the placeholder and set the entry to the correct new location Destroy(placeholder); placeholder = null; hm.MoveTo(container.gameObject, pos, transformIndex); if (!EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject()) { OnPointerExit(null); } if (GetComponentInParent <DiagnosisCountScript>() != null) { GetComponentInParent <DiagnosisCountScript>().ReorderEntries(); } //Adjust the mouse icon accordingly if (!hover && cursor) { cursor.sprite = null; cursor.sprite = cursorPicture; } //Set the color if color feedback is enabled if (applyFeedbackColor) { NextFrame.Function(ApplyFeedbackToEntries); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Switches the tab /// </summary> /// <param name="tabName">Formatted tab name</param> public void SwitchTab(string tabName) { //Transform[] tabButtonsList = TabButtonContentPar.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>(); List <Transform> tabButtonsList = new List <Transform>(); for (int i = 0; i < TabButtonContentPar.transform.childCount; i++) { var trans = TabButtonContentPar.transform.GetChild(i); if (trans.gameObject.activeSelf) { tabButtonsList.Add(TabButtonContentPar.transform.GetChild(i)); } } /* For debugging * string str = ""; * foreach (Transform t in tabButtonsList) { * str += + ", "; * } * Debug.Log (str);*/ string tName = null; string section = currentSection; string tabType; float tempScrollPos = 0; //Check if the tab is specified. If not, let the user choose their tab TabInfoScript tabScript = null; //int n = -1; if (tabName == null || tabName.Equals("")) //If no provided tab name { tabScript = ds.GetData(section).GetCurrentTab(); //Check to see if there were any active tabs for the current section if (tabScript == null || tabScript.type == "") //If no active tab //n = 0; { SectionDataScript sds = ds.GetData(section); if (sds.GetTabList().Count > 0) //If the section has any tabs at all { string tempTabName = sds.GetTabList()[0]; tempTabName = tempTabName.Replace('_', ' ').Substring(0, tempTabName.Length - "Tab".Length); sds.SetCurrentTab(tempTabName); tabType = tempTabName; sds.GetTabInfo(tabType).Visit(); if (sds.AllTabsVisited()) { //Track that this section has had all tabs visited Tracker.RecordData( Tracker.DataType.progress, GlobalData.caseObj.recordNumber, new Tracker.ProgressData(sds.GetPosition(), -1));// ds.GetSectionsList().FindIndex((string sec) => sec.Equals(section)))); } else { //Track the tab visit Tracker.RecordData( Tracker.DataType.progress, GlobalData.caseObj.recordNumber, new Tracker.ProgressData(sds.GetPosition(), sds.GetTabInfo(tabType).n)); } Tracker.PrintAllData(); } else //Section has no tabs. New Section. Let user pick tab //transform.Find("TabSelectorBG").gameObject.SetActive(true); { return; //This will set the tab as the default specified in the Default data script //sds.SetCurrentTab (new TabInfoScript(0, ID.defaultTab)); //tab = ID.defaultTab; } } else //Set tab to the section's last active tab { tabType = tabScript.type; } Destroy(currentTab); currentTab = null; } else { //Switching away from a tab if (currentTab != null) { if ((tabName + "Tab").Equals( && section.Equals(currentSection)) { return; } else { //This line throws errors with a "/" in the name //TabButtonContentPar.transform.Find( + "Button").GetComponent<Button>().interactable = true; tName = /*.Replace (" ", "_")*/ + "Button"; foreach (Transform t in tabButtonsList) { if ( { t.GetComponent <Button>().interactable = true; //Enable visited mark if (ds.forceInOrder) { //Enabling something (like the visited notice) resets the scrollbar back to 0 (to the left) //NextFrame.Function(delegate { TabButtonContentPar.transform.parent.parent.GetComponent<ScrollRect>().horizontalNormalizedPosition = tempScrollPos; }); tempScrollPos = TabButtonContentPar.transform.parent.parent.GetComponent <ScrollRect>().horizontalNormalizedPosition; t.Find("Visited").gameObject.SetActive(true); } break; } } Destroy(currentTab); currentTab = null; } } //Debug.Log(string.Join(",", ds.GetData (currentSection).GetTabList().ToArray())); tabType = ds.GetData(currentSection).GetTabInfo(tabName).type; ds.GetData(currentSection).GetTabInfo(tabName).Visit(); if (ds.GetData(currentSection).AllTabsVisited()) { //Track that this section has had all tabs visited int sectionIdx = ds.GetSectionsList().FindIndex((string sec) => sec.Equals(section)); //If the last section has been completed, mark the case as visited if (sectionIdx == ds.GetSectionsList().Count - 1) { Tracker.RecordData( Tracker.DataType.finishedCase, GlobalData.caseObj.recordNumber, true); } else { //Record the completed section Tracker.RecordData( Tracker.DataType.progress, GlobalData.caseObj.recordNumber, new Tracker.ProgressData(ds.GetData(currentSection).GetPosition(), ds.GetData(currentSection).GetTabInfo(tabName).n)); } //Remove the lock on the next step if (ds.forceInOrder) { int nextPos = ds.GetData(currentSection).GetPosition() + 1; if (nextPos < ds.GetSectionsList().Count) { Transform button = ds.SectionButtonPar.transform.GetChild(nextPos); button.GetComponent <Button>().interactable = true; if (button.Find("Overlay")) { button.Find("Overlay").GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(0, 0, 0, (float)50 / 255); button.Find("Overlay").GetComponent <HideOnMouseHoverScript>().enabled = true; } button.Find("Lock").gameObject.SetActive(false); ds.SectionButtonPar.transform.GetChild(ds.GetData(currentSection).GetPosition() + 1).GetComponent <Button>().interactable = true; } } //Apply the checkmark when the last tab is visited Transform currentButton = ds.SectionButtonPar.transform.GetChild(ds.GetData(currentSection).GetPosition()); currentButton.Find("AllTabsVisitedCheck").gameObject.SetActive(true); } else { //Track the tab visit Tracker.RecordData( Tracker.DataType.progress, GlobalData.caseObj.recordNumber, new Tracker.ProgressData(ds.GetData(currentSection).GetPosition(), ds.GetData(currentSection).GetTabInfo(tabName).n)); } Tracker.PrintAllData(); if (tabType.ToLower().EndsWith("tab")) //Remove the "Tab" from the end of the type { tabType = tabType.Substring(0, tabType.Length - 3); } } //Debug.Log ("Section: " + currentSection + ", Name: " + tabName + ", Type: " + tabType); //Type is _ + Tab, but should be prefab folder - " Tab" //Load in the specified tab //string name = tabName; //string folder = tabType + " Tab"; //tabType = tabType.Replace (" ", string.Empty) + "Tab"; //Folder should be the same as the prefab folder. Tab should equal the prefab name. Name should be the link to text //Debug.Log ("Prefabs/Tabs/" + folder + "/" + tabType); //GameObject newPrefab = Resources.Load(GlobalData.resourcePath + "/Prefabs/Tabs/" + folder + "/" + tabType) as GameObject; //GameObject newTab = Instantiate (newPrefab, TabContentPar.transform); //GameObject newPrefab = Resources.Load(GlobalData.resourcePath + "/Prefabs/Tabs/" + tabType + " Tab/" + tabType.Replace(" ", string.Empty) + "Tab") as GameObject; GameObject newTab = Instantiate(Resources.Load(GlobalData.resourcePath + "/Prefabs/Tabs/" + tabType + " Tab/" + tabType.Replace(" ", string.Empty) + "Tab") as GameObject, TabContentPar.transform); = tabName + "Tab"; if (GlobalData.GDS.isMobile) { newTab.transform.GetComponentInChildren <Scrollbar>().targetGraphic.enabled = true; newTab.transform.GetComponentInChildren <Scrollbar>().GetComponent <Image>().enabled = true; } //newTab.AddComponent<Text> ().text = "" + n; currentTab = newTab; ds.GetData(section).SetCurrentTab(tabName); //Adjust the buttons int tNameHash = ( /*.Replace (" ", "_")*/ + "Button").GetHashCode(); int j = 0; foreach (Transform t in tabButtonsList) { //if ( (tName)) { if ( == tNameHash) { //Writer code to disable trash button for persistant tabs was here. Changing to visited code now //Enable the visited check t.GetChild(t.childCount - 1).gameObject.SetActive(true); t.GetComponent <Button>().interactable = false; t.GetComponent <ScriptButtonFixScript>().FixTab(); //Find the value that we need to auto-scroll to float viewportWidth = TabButtonContentPar.transform.parent.GetComponent <RectTransform>().rect.width; float tabWidth = t.GetComponent <RectTransform>().rect.width; float contentParOffset = TabButtonContentPar.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchoredPosition.x; float tabButtonOffset = t.transform.localPosition.x; float leftSideTabButtonLocal = tabButtonOffset - tabWidth / 2 + contentParOffset; float rightSideTabButtonLocal = tabButtonOffset + tabWidth / 2 + contentParOffset; if (leftSideTabButtonLocal < 0) { //Past left side print("Past left"); float tabHorizontalPos = Mathf.Clamp01((tabButtonOffset - tabWidth / 2) / (TabButtonContentPar.GetComponent <RectTransform>().rect.width - viewportWidth)); TabButtonContentPar.transform.parent.parent.GetComponent <ScrollRect>().horizontalNormalizedPosition = tabHorizontalPos; } else if (rightSideTabButtonLocal > viewportWidth) { //past right side print("Past right"); float tabHorizontalPos = Mathf.Clamp01((tabButtonOffset + tabWidth / 2 - viewportWidth) / (TabButtonContentPar.GetComponent <RectTransform>().rect.width - viewportWidth)); TabButtonContentPar.transform.parent.parent.GetComponent <ScrollRect>().horizontalNormalizedPosition = tabHorizontalPos; } /* * //If the tab's left side is to the left of the tab viewport * if (t.position.x - tabWidth / 2 < viewportX - viewportWidth / 2) { * float tabHorizontalPos = (t.localPosition.x - t.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.width / 2 - viewportWidth) / (TabButtonContentPar.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.width - viewportWidth); * TabButtonContentPar.transform.parent.parent.GetComponent<ScrollRect>().horizontalNormalizedPosition = tabHorizontalPos; * //Else if the right side of the tab is past the right side of the tab viewport * } else if (t.position.x + tabWidth / 2 > viewportX + viewportWidth / 2) { * float tabHorizontalPos = (t.localPosition.x + t.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.width / 2 - viewportWidth) / (TabButtonContentPar.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.width - viewportWidth); * TabButtonContentPar.transform.parent.parent.GetComponent<ScrollRect>().horizontalNormalizedPosition = tabHorizontalPos; * } */ break; } j++; } if (ds.forceInOrder && tabButtonsList.Count > j + 1) { //tabButtonsList[j + 1].Find("Locked").gameObject.SetActive(false); //tabButtonsList[j + 1].GetComponent<Button>().enabled = true; } print(tempScrollPos); if (tempScrollPos > 0) { TabButtonContentPar.transform.parent.parent.GetComponent <ScrollRect>().horizontalNormalizedPosition = tempScrollPos; NextFrame.Function(delegate { //Can't do next frame, because that messes up the code that alligns to a tab off the screen //TabButtonContentPar.transform.parent.parent.GetComponent<ScrollRect>().horizontalNormalizedPosition = tempScrollPos; }); } /* * foreach(TabScrollButtonScript scrollButton in TabButtonContentPar.transform.parent.parent.parent.GetComponentsInChildren<TabScrollButtonScript>()) { * if ("Right")) { * //scrollButton.gameObject.SetActive(true); * } * }*/ //Debug.Log(ds.GetData(getCurrentSection()).GetAllData()); //Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets(); }