public void GetLatestNewsTest() { NewsServiceClient client = new NewsServiceClient(); byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("hola mundo"); newsItem nItem = new newsItem() { title = "News Item1 Title", body = "News Item1 Body", reportedBy = "4ab87d67-db83-4364-9ded-d6dd4e616a34", picture = bytes, pictureScale = 16.9, pictureScaleSpecified = true, pictureSize = bytes.Length, pictureSizeSpecified = true, rating = 10, ratingSpecified = true, reviews = 50, reviewsSpecified = true, tags = new string[] { "tag1", "tag2", "tag3" }, categories = new newsItemEntry[] { new newsItemEntry() { key="sport", value="Sports" }, new newsItemEntry() { key="economy", value="Bussiness and Economy" } } }; string id1 = client.ReportNewsItem(nItem); bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("hola guapa"); nItem = new newsItem() { title = "News Item2 Title", body = "News Item2 Body", reportedBy = "4ab87d67-8888-4444-9999-d6dd4e616a34", picture = bytes, pictureScale = 16.9, pictureScaleSpecified = true, pictureSize = bytes.Length, pictureSizeSpecified = true, rating = 10, ratingSpecified = true, reviews = 50, reviewsSpecified = true, tags = new string[] { "tag4", "tag5" }, categories = new newsItemEntry[] { new newsItemEntry() { key="culture", value="Culture and Art" }, new newsItemEntry() { key="international", value="International" } } }; string id2 = client.ReportNewsItem(nItem); newsItem[] latest = client.GetLatestNews(1); Assert.IsNotNull(latest); Assert.AreEqual<int>(1, latest.Length); client.DeleteNewsItem(id1); client.DeleteNewsItem(id2); }