コード例 #1
        public IActionResult DeleteNew(int id, string username, string password)
            PasswordHasher <Admin> hasher = new PasswordHasher <Admin>();
            Admin thisAdmin = _context.Admins.SingleOrDefault(a => a.username == username);

            if (thisAdmin == null)
            if (hasher.VerifyHashedPassword(thisAdmin, thisAdmin.password, password) == 0)
            New_Hero    heroToDelete  = _context.New_Heroes.Single(n => n.id == id);
            List <Vote> votesToDelete = _context.Votes.Where(v => v.new_hero_id == heroToDelete.id).ToList();

            if (votesToDelete.Count > 0)
                foreach (Vote v in votesToDelete)
コード例 #2
        public IActionResult VoteDown(int id, string user)
            User     thisUser     = _context.Users.Single(u => u.username == user);
            Vote     existingVote = _context.Votes.SingleOrDefault(v => v.new_hero_id == id && v.user_id == thisUser.id);
            New_Hero thisHero     = _context.New_Heroes.SingleOrDefault(n => n.id == id);

            if (existingVote == null)
                Vote newVote = new Vote()
                    new_hero_id = id,
                    user_id     = thisUser.id,
                    value       = 0
                if (thisHero.rating == null)
                    thisHero.rating = (decimal)0.00;
                    int numberOfVotes = _context.Votes.Where(v => v.new_hero_id == id).Count();
                    thisHero.rating = (thisHero.rating * numberOfVotes) / (numberOfVotes + 1);
                existingVote.value = 0;
                int numberOfVotes = _context.Votes.Where(v => v.new_hero_id == id).Count();
                thisHero.rating = (thisHero.rating * numberOfVotes - 100) / numberOfVotes;
            return(RedirectToAction("HeroPage", new { id = id }));
コード例 #3
        public IActionResult HeroPage(int id) //display page for custom hero
            New_Hero heroToDisplay = _context.New_Heroes.SingleOrDefault(h => h.id == id);

            if (heroToDisplay == null)
            Hero  baseHero = _context.Heroes.SingleOrDefault(h => h.id == heroToDisplay.hero_id);
            Spell spell1   = _context.Spells.SingleOrDefault(s => s.id == heroToDisplay.spell_1_id);
            Spell spell2   = _context.Spells.SingleOrDefault(s => s.id == heroToDisplay.spell_2_id);
            Spell spell3   = _context.Spells.SingleOrDefault(s => s.id == heroToDisplay.spell_3_id);
            Spell spell4   = _context.Spells.SingleOrDefault(s => s.id == heroToDisplay.spell_4_id);

            ViewBag.base_id = heroToDisplay.hero_id;
            if (heroToDisplay.img == null) //uses base hero portrait if creator did not upload their own
                ViewBag.img        = baseHero.img;
                ViewBag.user_image = false;
                ViewBag.user_image = true;
                ViewBag.img        = heroToDisplay.img;
            if (heroToDisplay.user_id != null)
                User creator = _context.Users.SingleOrDefault(u => u.id == heroToDisplay.user_id);
                ViewBag.username = creator.username;
                ViewBag.user_id  = creator.id;
            ViewBag.loggedUser = null;
            User logged = _context.Users.SingleOrDefault(u => u.username == HttpContext.Session.GetString("username"));

            if (logged != null)
                ViewBag.loggedUser = logged.username;
            decimal     rating = 0;
            List <Vote> votes  = _context.Votes.Where(v => v.new_hero_id == id).ToList(); //get hero rating

            ViewBag.existingVote = null;
            if (logged != null)
                Vote existingVote = votes.SingleOrDefault(v => v.user_id == logged.id);
                if (existingVote != null)
                    if (existingVote.value == 1)
                        ViewBag.existingVote = "up";
                        ViewBag.existingVote = "down";
            if (votes.Count == 0)
                ViewBag.rating = null;
                foreach (Vote v in votes)
                    rating += v.value;
                ViewBag.rating    = heroToDisplay.rating;
                ViewBag.voteCount = votes.Count;

            /* may want to add this again later - should add "previous/next hero" links to each hero page, but links to a dead page if a hero is deleted
             * if(heroToDisplay == _context.New_Heroes.Last()) ViewBag.position = "last";
             * else if(heroToDisplay == _context.New_Heroes.First()) ViewBag.position = "first";
             * else ViewBag.position = "middle";
            return(View(Converter.ConvertHero(heroToDisplay, baseHero, spell1, spell2, spell3, spell4))); //converts to version formatted for display
コード例 #4
        public IActionResult Submit(New_Hero_Creator model)
            List <DisplaySpell> allSpells = new List <DisplaySpell>();

            foreach (Spell s in _context.Spells)
            ViewBag.heroes    = _context.Heroes.ToList();
            ViewBag.regulars  = allSpells.Where(s => s.ultimate == false).ToList();
            ViewBag.ultimates = allSpells.Where(s => s.ultimate == true).ToList();
            if (model.hero_id == 0)
                ModelState.AddModelError("hero_id", "You must select a base for your hero.");
            if (model.spell_1_id == 0 || model.spell_2_id == 0 || model.spell_3_id == 0)
                ModelState.AddModelError("spell_1_id", "You must select three regular spells.");
            else if (model.spell_1_id == model.spell_2_id || model.spell_1_id == model.spell_3_id || model.spell_2_id == model.spell_3_id)
                ModelState.AddModelError("spell_1_id", "Cannot use the same spell twice.");
            if (model.spell_4_id == 0)
                ModelState.AddModelError("spell_4_id", "Your hero needs an ultimate.");
            if (_context.New_Heroes.SingleOrDefault(n => n.name == model.name) != null)
                ModelState.AddModelError("name", "This name is already in use.");
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                New_Hero hero = new New_Hero()
                    name       = model.name,
                    hero_id    = model.hero_id,
                    spell_1_id = model.spell_1_id,
                    spell_2_id = model.spell_2_id,
                    spell_3_id = model.spell_3_id,
                    spell_4_id = model.spell_4_id
                if (HttpContext.Session.GetString("username") != null)
                    hero.user_id = _context.Users.SingleOrDefault(u => u.username == HttpContext.Session.GetString("username")).id;
                if (model.bio != null)
                    hero.bio = model.bio;
                if (model.file != null)
                    TransferUtility transfer = new TransferUtility(Credentials.AccessKey, Credentials.SecretKey, Amazon.RegionEndpoint.USWest2);
                    using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
                        string key = null;
                        while (_context.New_Heroes.FirstOrDefault(n => n.img == key) != null)
                            key = GenerateKey();
                        transfer.Upload(stream, "dhcimages", key);
                        hero.img = key;

                return(RedirectToAction("HeroPage", "Home", new { id = _context.New_Heroes.SingleOrDefault(n => n.name == hero.name).id }));
            ViewBag.bio = model.bio;