コード例 #1
        private void ReadRegisteredUsersFromDB(NewContactEvent sync)
            DispatcherHelper.InvokeOnUiThread(() =>
                RegisteredUsers       = trial.RegisteredUsers;
                registeredUsersLoaded = true;

            Messenger.Default.Unregister <NewContactEvent>(this);
コード例 #2
 public async Task HandleAsync(NewContactEvent message, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
     await ActivateItemAsync(IoC.Get <NewContactViewModel>());
コード例 #3
        public async Task Run(
            [QueueTrigger("raw-hubspot-change-notifications")] string requestBody,
            [Queue("error-notification")] IAsyncCollector <string> errors,
            ILogger log)
            log.LogInformation($"DequeueAnyContactEvent trigger function processed");
            var where = string.Empty;

            // Instantiate our convenient wrapper for the error-log queue
            var errQ = new ErrorQueueLogger(errors, "CrmUpdateHandler", nameof(DequeueAnyContactEvent));

                // deserialisation-as-JSON can throw an exception, which is why it's in a try..catch
                where = "deserialising request body";
                dynamic contactEvents = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(requestBody);

                // If body is empty or not JSON, just return
                if (contactEvents == null)
                    log.LogWarning("Contact information was empty or not JSON");
                    errQ.LogError("Contact information was empty or not JSON");

                // If JSON in the request body is not an array, just return
                var gotExpectedType = contactEvents is Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray;
                if (!gotExpectedType)
                    log.LogWarning("Contact information not an array of JSON objects");
                    errQ.LogError("Contact information not an array of JSON objects");

                // Reference info: When the phone number for contact 451 was changed, we got:
                //{ "objectId":451,
                //"portalId":5618470,       <- that's Starling

                // Declare a couple of lists to contain the actual objects that we will pass to Event Grid
                var newContacts     = new List <NewContactEvent>();
                var updatedContacts = new List <UpdatedContactEvent>();

                // Now we have to reach back into Hubspot to retrieve the rest of the Contact details
                // When a new contact is created in Hubspot, we might get many events - usually a bunch of property-change events
                // followed by a contract-creation event. To avoid duplicate notifications, we need to filter out any "update"
                // events that are rendered redundant by the presence of a "new" event
                var curatedEvents = new HashSet <CuratedHubspotEvent>(new CuratedHubspotEventComparer());
                var newContactIds = new List <string>();

                where = "accessing contact event properties";
                foreach (var contactEvent in contactEvents)
                    string objectId           = contactEvent?.objectId;
                    string eventId            = contactEvent?.eventId;
                    string subscriptionType   = contactEvent?.subscriptionType;
                    string attemptNumber      = contactEvent?.attemptNumber;
                    string changePropertyName = contactEvent?.propertyName;

                    // Temporary hack till our Flow can update folder names for us
                    //  - didn't work well. On new contact, you get 4 update events + a create event, so the code below sent 4 emails
                    //if (changePropertyName == "firstname" || changePropertyName == "lastname")
                    //    if (subscriptionType != "contact.creation")
                    //    {
                    //        await errors.AddAsync(nameof(DequeueAnyContactEvent) + ": Name change for contact " + objectId + ". Check the Houses folder");
                    //    }

                    log.LogInformation("Attempt number {0} for contact {1}: {2}", attemptNumber, objectId, subscriptionType);

                    switch (subscriptionType)
                    case "contact.creation":
                        curatedEvents.Add(new CuratedHubspotEvent(objectId, eventId, isNew: true));

                    case "contact.propertyChange":
                        curatedEvents.Add(new CuratedHubspotEvent(objectId, eventId, isNew: false));

                        log.LogWarning("Unexpected subscriptionType from HubSpot: " + subscriptionType);
                        errQ.LogError("Unexpected subscriptionType from HubSpot: " + subscriptionType);

                where = "removing update messages that duplicate new messages";
                foreach (var newId in newContactIds)
                    curatedEvents.RemoveWhere(c => c.Vid == newId && c.IsNew == false);

                // Now we've tidied things up and the events are now unique, we can reach back into HubSpot to fetch the details of the contacts
                foreach (var contactEvent in curatedEvents)
                    string objectId = contactEvent.Vid;

                    where = "retrieving contact " + objectId;
                    var contactResult = await this._hubSpotAdapter.RetrieveHubspotContactById(objectId, fetchPreviousValues : true, log : log, isTest : false);

                    NewContactEvent     newContactEvent     = null;
                    UpdatedContactEvent updatedContactEvent = null;

                    log.LogInformation("Response StatusCode from contact retrieval: " + (int)contactResult.StatusCode);

                    // Check Status Code. If we got the Contact OK, then raise the appropriate event.
                    if (contactResult.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)

                        if (contactEvent.IsNew)
                            // Extract some details of the contact, to send to Event Grid
                            newContactEvent = new NewContactEvent(contactEvent.EventId, contactResult.Payload);
                            log.LogInformation("New Contact: {0}", contactResult.Payload.email);
                            updatedContactEvent = new UpdatedContactEvent(contactEvent.EventId, contactResult.Payload);

                            log.LogInformation("Updating " + contactResult.Payload.email);
                        log.LogError("Error: HTTP {0} {1} ", (int)contactResult.StatusCode, contactResult.StatusCode);
                        log.LogError("Contact ID: {0} ", objectId);
                        log.LogInformation("Original Request Body:");

                        errQ.LogError("Failed to retrieve contact " + objectId + " from HubSpot. " + contactResult.ErrorMessage);

                // With the filtering done, now we raise separate events for each new and updated contact.
                // See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/event-grid/post-to-custom-topic
                // and https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/event-grid/monitor-event-delivery

                where = "raising UpdatedContact events";
                await EventGridAdapter.RaiseUpdatedContactEventsAsync(updatedContacts);

                where = "raising NewContact events";
                await EventGridAdapter.RaiseNewContactEventsAsync(newContacts);
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.LogError($"Request failed {where}: {ex.Message}");
                errQ.LogError("Exception " + where + ": " + ex.Message);