コード例 #1
        public IStoredItem Write(ref string stateTag, ItemPayload payload)
            if (stateTag != null)
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            // Before the first write, we read the last item in order to immediately create a link.
            // This way when the user iterate to the previous, it will always show the same item.
            if (_last == null)
                Debug.Assert(_last != null);

            var inner = _inner.Write(ref stateTag, payload);

            Debug.Assert(inner != null);

            // If the last command is identical, do not create a new entry.
            if (SameCommand(inner, _last))

            // The new last record is the one we just wrote.
            var newLast = new NewAtTailEntry(inner, _last, _eof);

            // Set the last and return the record we just wrote.
コード例 #2
        private void SetLast(NewAtTailEntry newLast)
            Debug.Assert(newLast != null);

            // Update all previous last entries so they point to the new last.
            for (var i = _lastEntries.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                _lastEntries[i].TryGetTarget(out var previousLast);
                if (previousLast != null)
                    Debug.Assert(previousLast._next == _eof);
                    Debug.Assert(newLast != _bof);
                    previousLast._next = newLast;

                // No entry is last anymore; therefore we can stop tracking it.

            // The loop above must have updated the old last.
            if (_last != null && _last != _bof)
                Debug.Assert(_last._next == newLast);

            _last = newLast;

            if (newLast != _bof)
コード例 #3
        public IStoredItem GetPrevious(IStoredItem item)
            if (item == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(item));
            if (item == _bof)
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot read before BOF.");

            if (item == _eof)
                if (_last == null)
                    // Read the last from inner store, and initialize the cached last.
                    var fromInner = _inner.GetPrevious(_inner.Eof);
                    var newLast   = fromInner == _inner.Bof ? _bof : new NewAtTailEntry(fromInner, null, _eof);

                    if (newLast == _bof)
                        // Optimize for the empty case.
                        _first = _eof;


            var bm = (NewAtTailEntry)item;

            // If we don't have the previous, get it from the inner store.
            if (bm._previous == null)
                var fromInner = _inner.GetPrevious(bm._inner);

                // Set the previous to either BOF or a wrapped entry.
                bm._previous = fromInner == _inner.Bof ? _bof : new NewAtTailEntry(fromInner, null, bm);

                if (bm._previous == _bof)
                    // We have reach EOF. Cache the first.
                    _first = bm;

コード例 #4
        public IStoredItem GetNext(IStoredItem item)
            if (item == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(item));
            if (item == _eof)
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot read before BOF.");

            if (item == _bof)
                if (_first == null)
                    // Read the first from inner store, and initialize the cached first.
                    var fromInner = _inner.GetNext(_inner.Bof);
                    _first = fromInner == _inner.Eof ? _eof : new NewAtTailEntry(fromInner, _bof, null);

                    if (_first == _eof)
                        // Optimize for the empty case.
                        _last = _bof;


            var bm = (NewAtTailEntry)item;

            // If we don't have the next, get it from the inner store.
            if (bm._next == null)
                var fromInner = _inner.GetNext(bm._next);

                // Set the next to either EOF or a wrapped entry.
                bm._next = fromInner == _inner.Eof ? _eof : new NewAtTailEntry(fromInner, bm, null);

                if (bm._next == _eof)
                    // We have reached EOF. Cache the last.

コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the cache entry to a list of instances that represent the last entry in the file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// When a record is appended, any cache entry that represents the last record (i.e. any entry where next is EOF),
        /// must be updated. This method is to remember such entries.
        /// </remarks>
        private void TrackLast(NewAtTailEntry entry)
            Debug.Assert(entry != null, "entry is null");
            Debug.Assert(entry != _bof, "entry is bof");
            Debug.Assert(entry != _eof, "entry is eof");
            Debug.Assert(entry._next == _eof, "entry.next is not eof");

            for (var i = _lastEntries.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                _lastEntries[i].TryGetTarget(out var previousEntry);
                if (previousEntry == entry)

                if (previousEntry == null)

            _lastEntries.Add(new WeakReference <NewAtTailEntry>(entry));
コード例 #6
 public NewOnTailDataStore(IDataStore inner)
     _inner = inner ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(inner));
     _bof   = new NewAtTailEntry(inner.Bof, null, null);
     _eof   = new NewAtTailEntry(inner.Eof, null, null);
コード例 #7
 public NewAtTailEntry(IStoredItem inner, NewAtTailEntry previous, NewAtTailEntry next)
     _inner    = inner ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(inner));
     _previous = previous;
     _next     = next;