public bool commitInsert(string _date1, string _date2, string _date3, string _date4, string _title1, string _title2, string _title3, string _title4, string _text1, string _text2, string _text3, string _text4, string _image1, string _image2, string _image3, string _image4) { newsDataContext objNewsDC = new newsDataContext(); using (objNewsDC) { New objNewNew = new New(); objNewNew.date1 = _date1; objNewNew.date2 = _date2; objNewNew.date3 = _date3; objNewNew.date4 = _date4; objNewNew.title1 = _title1; objNewNew.title2 = _title2; objNewNew.title3 = _title3; objNewNew.title4 = _title4; objNewNew.text1 = _text1; objNewNew.text2 = _text2; objNewNew.text3 = _text3; objNewNew.text4 = _text4; objNewNew.image1 = _image1; objNewNew.image2 = _image2; objNewNew.image3 = _image3; objNewNew.image4 = _image4; objNewsDC.News.InsertOnSubmit(objNewNew); objNewsDC.SubmitChanges(); return true; } }
public static int Insert(NewsModel model) { try { using (DataContentDataContext dc = new DataContentDataContext()) { New newItem = new New(); newItem.Id = model.ID; newItem.Title = model.Title; newItem.Header = model.Header; newItem.Contents = model.Contents; newItem.Author = model.Author; newItem.Link_Image = model.Link_Image; newItem.Link_Image_Small = model.Link_Image_Small; newItem.Type_News = model.Type_News; newItem.Poster = model.Poster; newItem.PosterID = model.PosterID; newItem.Creater = model.Creater; newItem.CreateDate = model.CreateDate; newItem.Modifier = model.Modifier; newItem.ModifyDate = model.ModifyDate; dc.News.InsertOnSubmit(newItem); dc.SubmitChanges(); } return 1; } catch (Exception) { return 0; } }
Qualification GetOrCreateQualification(New.Person person) { var qual = newDatabase.Qualifications.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PersonId == person.PersonId); if (qual == null) { qual = new Qualification { Person = person, }; newDatabase.Qualifications.InsertOnSubmit(qual); newDatabase.SubmitChanges(); } return qual; }
void UpdatePerson(New.Person person, Formrecord record) { switch (record.Formfield.Name) { case "Middle Initial": person.MiddleInitial = record.Storedvalue; return; case "SSN Last Four": person.SocialSecurityLastFour = TakeLastFourDigits(record.Storedvalue); return; case "Date of Birth": person.DateOfBirth = TryParseDate(record.Storedvalue); return; case "Gender": person.Gender = MaleOrFemale(record.Storedvalue); return; case "Phone": person.PrimaryPhoneNumber = StripExtraPhoneCharacters(record.Storedvalue); return; case "Alt. Phone": person.AlternatePhoneNumber = StripExtraPhoneCharacters(record.Storedvalue); return; case "E-mail Address": person.AlternateEmail = record.Storedvalue; return; case "Emergency Contact Name": person.EmergencyContactName = record.Storedvalue; return; case "Emergency Contact Phone": person.EmergencyContactPhoneNumber = StripExtraPhoneCharacters(record.Storedvalue); return; case "Position": person.Position = TryGetPosition(record.Storedvalue); return; case "Address": person.StreetAddress = record.Storedvalue; return; default: return; }; }
public void When_trying_to_create_new_project_ensure_all_elements_show() { // Instantiate the view directly. This is made possible by // the fact that we precompiled it var newProjectView = new New(); // Create the model to be sent to the view if needed //var model = new Model(); // Set up the data that needs to be accessed by the view //newProjectView.ViewBag.Title = "Testing"; // Render it in an HtmlAgilityPack HtmlDocument. Note that // you can pass a 'model' object here if your view needs one. // Generally, what you do here is similar to how a controller //action sets up data for its view. var doc = newProjectView.RenderAsHtml(); // Use the HtmlAgilityPack object model to verify the view. // Here, we simply check that the first <h2> tag contains // what we put in view.ViewBag.Message //var nameTextbox = doc. var nameTextbox = doc.GetElementbyId("name"); var visionTextbox = doc.GetElementbyId("vision"); var codeTextbox = doc.GetElementbyId("code"); var submitBtn = doc.GetElementbyId("submit"); Assert.IsNotNull(nameTextbox); Assert.IsNotNull(visionTextbox); Assert.IsNotNull(codeTextbox); Assert.IsNotNull(submitBtn); //Assert.AreEqual("Testing", node.InnerHtml.Trim()); }
public void Add(New.songVerse newVerse) { lyricArray.Add(newVerse); }
public virtual object Visit(New newExpression) { return(null); }
public T Find(StreamAction stream, IDocumentSession session) { var returnValue = stream.ActionType == StreamActionType.Start ? New <T> .Instance() : session.Load <T>(stream.Key) ?? New <T> .Instance(); _setId(returnValue, stream.Key); return(returnValue); }
public PatternDetails(SourceFileContext ctx, ResourceDetails.Definition def, ResourceDetails.Definition.Pattern pattern) { PatternString = pattern.PatternString; PathSegments = pattern.Template.Segments.Select(x => new PathSegment(ctx, def, x)).ToList(); if (pattern.Template.ParameterNames.Count() == 0) { // Path-template contains no parameters, special naming required. UpperName = PatternString.ToUpperCamelCase(); LowerName = PatternString.ToLowerCamelCase(); } else { // Standard naming, concat all parameter names. UpperName = string.Join("", PathElements.Select(x => x.UpperCamel)); LowerName = string.Join("", PathElements.Take(1).Select(x => x.LowerCamel).Concat(PathElements.Skip(1).Select(x => x.UpperCamel))); } PathTemplateField = Field(Private | Static, ctx.Type <PathTemplate>(), $"s_{LowerName}").WithInitializer(New(ctx.Type <PathTemplate>())(pattern.Template.PathTemplateString)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> List(ListContentsViewModel model, PagerParameters pagerParameters, string ModelName) { var siteSettings = await _siteService.GetSiteSettingsAsync(); Pager pager = new Pager(pagerParameters, siteSettings.PageSize); model.Id = ModelName; var query = _session.Query <ContentItem, ContentItemIndex>(); switch (model.Options.ContentsStatus) { case ContentsStatus.Published: query = query.With <ContentItemIndex>(x => x.Published); break; case ContentsStatus.Draft: query = query.With <ContentItemIndex>(x => x.Latest && !x.Published); break; case ContentsStatus.AllVersions: query = query.With <ContentItemIndex>(x => x.Latest); break; default: query = query.With <ContentItemIndex>(x => x.Latest); break; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.TypeName)) { var contentTypeDefinition = _contentDefinitionManager.GetLastTypeDefinition(model.TypeName); if (contentTypeDefinition == null) { return(NotFound()); } model.TypeDisplayName = contentTypeDefinition.ToString(); // We display a specific type even if it's not listable so that admin pages // can reuse the Content list page for specific types. query = query.With <ContentItemIndex>(x => x.ContentType == model.TypeName); } else { var listableTypes = (await GetListableTypesAsync()).Select(t => t.Name).ToArray(); if (listableTypes.Any()) { query = query.With <ContentItemIndex>(x => x.ContentType.IsIn(listableTypes)); } } switch (model.Options.OrderBy) { case ContentsOrder.Modified: query = query.OrderByDescending(x => x.ModifiedUtc); break; case ContentsOrder.Published: query = query.OrderByDescending(cr => cr.PublishedUtc); break; case ContentsOrder.Created: query = query.OrderByDescending(cr => cr.CreatedUtc); break; default: query = query.OrderByDescending(cr => cr.ModifiedUtc); break; } //if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Options.SelectedCulture)) //{ // query = _cultureFilter.FilterCulture(query, model.Options.SelectedCulture); //} //if (model.Options.ContentsStatus == ContentsStatus.Owner) //{ // query = query.Where<CommonPartRecord>(cr => cr.OwnerId == Services.WorkContext.CurrentUser.Id); //} model.Options.SelectedFilter = model.TypeName; model.Options.FilterOptions = (await GetListableTypesAsync()) .Select(ctd => new KeyValuePair <string, string>(ctd.Name, ctd.DisplayName)) .ToList().OrderBy(kvp => kvp.Value); //model.Options.Cultures = _cultureManager.ListCultures(); // Invoke any service that could alter the query await _contentAdminFilters.InvokeAsync(x => x.FilterAsync(query, model, pagerParameters, this), Logger); var maxPagedCount = siteSettings.MaxPagedCount; if (maxPagedCount > 0 && pager.PageSize > maxPagedCount) { pager.PageSize = maxPagedCount; } var pagerShape = (await New.Pager(pager)).TotalItemCount(maxPagedCount > 0 ? maxPagedCount : await query.CountAsync()); var pageOfContentItems = await query.Skip(pager.GetStartIndex()).Take(pager.PageSize).ListAsync(); var contentItemSummaries = new List <dynamic>(); foreach (var contentItem in pageOfContentItems) { contentItemSummaries.Add(await _contentItemDisplayManager.BuildDisplayAsync(contentItem, this, "SummaryAdmin")); } var viewModel = (await New.ViewModel()) .ContentItems(contentItemSummaries) .Pager(pagerShape) .Options(model.Options) .TypeDisplayName(model.TypeDisplayName ?? "") .TypeName(model.TypeName ?? ""); return(View(viewModel)); }
public override ITimedFuture <Turnaround> NextRequest(float seconds) { var req = Model.NextAction(); return(New.TimedFuture(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(seconds), new Turnaround(req, ResponseHandler))); }
public static void OutParameter() { var s = new New(out _); }
public string GetNextAvailableID(string type) { if (type == "" || type == null) { return(type); } int result = 0; switch (type) { case "admin": AdminUser ad = null; while ((ad = (AdminUser)this.Get(type, result.ToString())) != null) { result += 1; } break; case "article": Article ar = null; while ((ar = (Article)this.Get(type, result.ToString())) != null) { result += 1; } break; case "content": ContentP co = null; while ((co = (ContentP)this.Get(type, result.ToString())) != null) { result += 1; } break; case "mailList": MailList ma = null; while ((ma = (MailList)this.Get(type, result.ToString())) != null) { result += 1; } break; case "log": Log lo = null; while ((lo = (Log)this.Get(type, result.ToString())) != null) { result += 1; } break; case "graduate": Graduate gr = null; while ((gr = (Graduate)this.Get(type, result.ToString())) != null) { result += 1; } break; case "session": GraduateSession ss = null; while ((ss = (GraduateSession)this.Get(type, result.ToString())) != null) { result += 1; } break; case "lead": Lead le = null; while ((le = (Lead)this.Get(type, result.ToString())) != null) { result += 1; } break; case "news": New ne = null; while ((ne = (New)this.Get(type, result.ToString())) != null) { result += 1; } break; default: break; } return(result.ToString()); }
public override IFuture <RejectCards> Mulligan() { // keep all cards return(New.Future(new RejectCards(Model))); }
public void Update(string type, object item, DateTime time) { if (type == "" || type == null || time == default(DateTime)) { return; } switch (type) { case "admin": AdminUser ad1 = (AdminUser)item; AdminUser ad2 = null; if ((ad2 = (AdminUser)this.Get(type, ad1.AdminUserID)) != null) { ad2.Update(ref ad1, time); ad2.LastUpdate = time; ad2.spLastUpdate = time.ToString(); } break; case "article": Article ar1 = (Article)item; Article ar2 = null; if ((ar2 = (Article)this.Get(type, ar1.ArticleID)) != null) { ar2.Update(ref ar1, time); ar2.LastUpdate = time; ar2.spLastUpdate = time.ToString(); } break; case "content": ContentP co1 = (ContentP)item; ContentP co2 = null; if ((co2 = (ContentP)this.Get(type, co1.ContentID)) != null) { co2.Update(ref co1, time); co2.LastUpdate = time; co2.spLastUpdate = time.ToString(); } break; case "log": Log lo1 = (Log)item; Log lo2 = null; if ((lo2 = (Log)this.Get(type, lo1.LogID.ToString())) != null) { lo2.Update(ref lo1, time); } break; case "graduate": Graduate gr1 = (Graduate)item; Graduate gr2 = null; if ((gr2 = (Graduate)this.Get(type, gr1.GraduateID)) != null) { gr2.Update(ref gr1, time); } break; case "session": GraduateSession ss1 = (GraduateSession)item; GraduateSession ss2 = null; if ((ss2 = (GraduateSession)this.Get(type, ss1.GraduateSessionID)) != null) { ss2.Update(ref ss1, time); } break; case "lead": Lead le1 = (Lead)item; Lead le2 = null; if ((le2 = (Lead)this.Get(type, le1.LeadID.ToString())) != null) { le2.Update(ref le1, time); } break; case "news": New ne1 = (New)item; New ne2 = null; if ((ne2 = (New)this.Get(type, ne1.NewsID.ToString())) != null) { ne2.Update(ref ne1, time); } break; default: break; } this.coachingDal.SubmitChanges(); }
public void Delete(string type, string itemID) { if (type == "" || type == null || itemID == null || itemID == "") { return; } switch (type) { case "admin": AdminUser m = null; if ((m = (AdminUser)this.Get(type, itemID)) != null) { this.coachingDal.AdminUsers.DeleteOnSubmit(m); } break; case "article": Article ar = null; if ((ar = (Article)this.Get(type, itemID)) != null) { this.coachingDal.Articles.DeleteOnSubmit(ar); } break; case "content": ContentP co = null; if ((co = (ContentP)this.Get(type, itemID)) != null) { this.coachingDal.ContentPs.DeleteOnSubmit(co); } break; case "mailList": MailList ma = null; if ((ma = (MailList)this.Get(type, itemID)) != null) { this.coachingDal.MailLists.DeleteOnSubmit(ma); } break; case "log": Log lo = null; if ((lo = (Log)this.Get(type, itemID)) != null) { this.coachingDal.Logs.DeleteOnSubmit(lo); } break; case "graduate": Graduate gr = null; if ((gr = (Graduate)this.Get(type, itemID)) != null) { this.coachingDal.Graduates.DeleteOnSubmit(gr); } break; case "session": GraduateSession se = null; if ((se = (GraduateSession)this.Get(type, itemID)) != null) { this.coachingDal.GraduateSessions.DeleteOnSubmit(se); } break; case "lead": Lead le = null; if ((le = (Lead)this.Get(type, itemID)) != null) { this.coachingDal.Leads.DeleteOnSubmit(le); } break; case "news": New ne = null; if ((ne = (New)this.Get(type, itemID)) != null) { this.coachingDal.News.DeleteOnSubmit(ne); } break; default: break; } this.coachingDal.SubmitChanges(); }
public void Add(string type, object item, DateTime time) { if (type == "" || type == null || item == null || time == default(DateTime) || time == default(DateTime)) { return; } switch (type) { case "admin": AdminUser ad = (AdminUser)item; if (this.Get(type, ad.AdminUserID) == null) { ad.CreationTime = time; ad.spCreationTime = time.ToShortDateString(); this.coachingDal.AdminUsers.InsertOnSubmit(ad); } break; case "article": Article ar = (Article)item; if (this.Get(type, ar.ArticleID) == null) { ar.CreationTime = time; this.coachingDal.Articles.InsertOnSubmit(ar); } break; case "content": ContentP co = (ContentP)item; if (this.Get(type, co.ContentID) == null) { co.CreationTime = time; this.coachingDal.ContentPs.InsertOnSubmit(co); } break; case "mailList": MailList ma = (MailList)item; if (this.Get(type, ma.MailListID) == null) { ma.MailListJoinTime = time; ma.spMailListLastUpdate = time.ToShortDateString(); this.coachingDal.MailLists.InsertOnSubmit(ma); } break; case "log": Log lo = (Log)item; if (this.Get(type, lo.LogID.ToString()) == null) { lo.LogDate = time; lo.spLogDate = time.ToShortDateString(); this.coachingDal.Logs.InsertOnSubmit(lo); } break; case "graduate": Graduate gr = (Graduate)item; if (this.Get(type, gr.GraduateID.ToString()) == null) { gr.CreationTime = time; gr.spCreationTime = time.ToShortDateString(); this.coachingDal.Graduates.InsertOnSubmit(gr); } break; case "session": GraduateSession se = (GraduateSession)item; if (this.Get(type, se.GraduateSessionID.ToString()) == null) { se.CreationTime = time; se.spCreationTime = time.ToShortDateString(); this.coachingDal.GraduateSessions.InsertOnSubmit(se); } break; case "lead": Lead le = (Lead)item; if (this.Get(type, le.LeadID.ToString()) == null) { le.LeadDate = time; le.spLeadDate = time.ToString(); this.coachingDal.Leads.InsertOnSubmit(le); } break; case "news": New ne = (New)item; if (this.Get(type, ne.NewsID) == null) { ne.NewsCreationDate = time; ne.spNewsCreationDate = time.ToShortDateString(); this.coachingDal.News.InsertOnSubmit(ne); } break; default: break; } this.coachingDal.SubmitChanges(); }
public override ITransient TurnStart() { return(New.Nop()); }
/// <summary> /// change the ranking for the current record and updates the other ones accordingly. /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <param name="d"></param> /// <param name="ss"></param> /// <param name="pid"></param> /// <returns></returns> public void UpdateRanking(int id, int d, int ss, int?pid) { if ((d != 1) && (d != -1)) { throw new Exception("Direction value incorrect"); } IQueryable <New> allNews = null; IQueryable <NewsType> allTypes = null; if (pid.HasValue && pid.Value > 0) { NewsManager nMgr = new NewsManager(); New selectedRecord = nMgr.NewsData.News.SingleOrDefault(x => x.NewsId == id); if (selectedRecord == null) { throw new Exception("Record not found"); } allNews = from newsTypeView in nMgr.NewsData.News where newsTypeView.NewsType == pid select newsTypeView; // increasing priority if (d == -1) { //select all where priority > currentPriority and limiting results to maximum the stepsize var recordsToUpdate = (from s in allNews where s.Ranking > selectedRecord.Ranking orderby s.Ranking select s).Take(ss); if (recordsToUpdate.Count() > 0) { int maxPriority = Convert.ToInt32(recordsToUpdate.Max(x => x.Ranking)); foreach (var s in recordsToUpdate) { s.Ranking--; } selectedRecord.Ranking = maxPriority; nMgr.Save(); } } // lowering priority if (d == 1) { if (selectedRecord == null) { throw new Exception("Record not found"); } //select all where priority < currentPriority and limiting results to maximum the stepsize var recordsToUpdate = (from s in allNews where s.Ranking < selectedRecord.Ranking orderby s.Ranking descending select s).Take(ss); if (recordsToUpdate.Count() > 0) { int minimumPriority = Convert.ToInt32(recordsToUpdate.Min(x => x.Ranking)); foreach (var s in recordsToUpdate) { s.Ranking++; } selectedRecord.Ranking = minimumPriority; nMgr.Save(); } } } else { NewsType selectedRecord = GetType(id); allTypes = from newsType in GetTypes() where newsType.ParentId == 12 select newsType; if (selectedRecord == null) { throw new Exception("Record not found"); } // increasing priority if (d == -1) { //select all where priority > currentPriority and limiting results to maximum the stepsize var recordsToUpdate = (from s in allTypes where s.Ranking > selectedRecord.Ranking orderby s.Ranking select s).Take(ss); if (recordsToUpdate.Count() > 0) { int maxPriority = Convert.ToInt32(recordsToUpdate.Max(x => x.Ranking)); foreach (var s in recordsToUpdate) { s.Ranking--; } selectedRecord.Ranking = maxPriority; this.Save(); } } // lowering priority if (d == 1) { //select all where priority < currentPriority and limiting results to maximum the stepsize var recordsToUpdate = (from s in allTypes where s.Ranking < selectedRecord.Ranking orderby s.Ranking descending select s).Take(ss); if (recordsToUpdate.Count() > 0) { int minimumPriority = Convert.ToInt32(recordsToUpdate.Min(x => x.Ranking)); foreach (var s in recordsToUpdate) { s.Ranking++; } selectedRecord.Ranking = minimumPriority; this.Save(); } } } }
public void InsetrNew(New model) { MongoDbHelper.Insert(DbConfigParams.ConntionString, DbConfigParams.DbName, CollectionNames.New, model); }
protected override IGpioConnectionDriverFactory CreateGpioConnectionDriverFactory() { this.GpioConnectionDriverFactory = New.Mock <IGpioConnectionDriverFactory>(); return(this.GpioConnectionDriverFactory); }
public override object Visit (New newExpression) { var result = new ObjectCreateExpression (); var location = LocationsBag.GetLocations (newExpression); result.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (newExpression.Location), ObjectCreateExpression.NewKeywordRole), ObjectCreateExpression.NewKeywordRole); if (newExpression.TypeRequested != null) result.AddChild (ConvertToType (newExpression.TypeRequested), Roles.Type); if (location != null) result.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (location [0]), Roles.LPar), Roles.LPar); AddArguments (result, location, newExpression.Arguments); if (location != null && location.Count > 1) result.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (location [1]), Roles.RPar), Roles.RPar); return result; }
public async Task <New> SetNewUserRating(int rating, int newId, ApplicationUser user, New oneNew) { var userNewRating = Context.UserNewRatings.Where(uer => uer.NewId == newId && uer.UserId == user.Id).FirstOrDefault(); if (userNewRating == null) { AddNewRating(rating, newId, user, oneNew); } else { UpdateOldRating(rating, newId, user, oneNew, userNewRating); } await Context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(oneNew); }
public async Task <IActionResult> List(ListContentsViewModel model, PagerParameters pagerParameters, string contentTypeId = "") { var siteSettings = await _siteService.GetSiteSettingsAsync(); var pager = new Pager(pagerParameters, siteSettings.PageSize); var query = _session.Query <ContentItem, ContentItemIndex>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Options.DisplayText)) { query = query.With <ContentItemIndex>(x => x.DisplayText.Contains(model.Options.DisplayText)); } switch (model.Options.ContentsStatus) { case ContentsStatus.Published: query = query.With <ContentItemIndex>(x => x.Published); break; case ContentsStatus.Draft: query = query.With <ContentItemIndex>(x => x.Latest && !x.Published); break; case ContentsStatus.AllVersions: query = query.With <ContentItemIndex>(x => x.Latest); break; default: query = query.With <ContentItemIndex>(x => x.Latest); break; } if (contentTypeId != "") { model.Options.SelectedContentType = contentTypeId; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Options.SelectedContentType)) { var contentTypeDefinition = _contentDefinitionManager.GetTypeDefinition(model.Options.SelectedContentType); if (contentTypeDefinition == null) { return(NotFound()); } // We display a specific type even if it's not listable so that admin pages // can reuse the Content list page for specific types. query = query.With <ContentItemIndex>(x => x.ContentType == model.Options.SelectedContentType); } else { var listableTypes = (await GetListableTypesAsync()).Select(t => t.Name).ToArray(); if (listableTypes.Any()) { query = query.With <ContentItemIndex>(x => x.ContentType.IsIn(listableTypes)); } } switch (model.Options.OrderBy) { case ContentsOrder.Modified: query = query.OrderByDescending(x => x.ModifiedUtc); break; case ContentsOrder.Published: query = query.OrderByDescending(cr => cr.PublishedUtc); break; case ContentsOrder.Created: query = query.OrderByDescending(cr => cr.CreatedUtc); break; case ContentsOrder.Title: query = query.OrderBy(cr => cr.DisplayText); break; default: query = query.OrderByDescending(cr => cr.ModifiedUtc); break; } //if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Options.SelectedCulture)) //{ // query = _cultureFilter.FilterCulture(query, model.Options.SelectedCulture); //} //if (model.Options.ContentsStatus == ContentsStatus.Owner) //{ // query = query.Where<CommonPartRecord>(cr => cr.OwnerId == Services.WorkContext.CurrentUser.Id); //} //model.Options.Cultures = _cultureManager.ListCultures(); // Invoke any service that could alter the query await _contentAdminFilters.InvokeAsync(x => x.FilterAsync(query, model, pagerParameters, this), Logger); var maxPagedCount = siteSettings.MaxPagedCount; if (maxPagedCount > 0 && pager.PageSize > maxPagedCount) { pager.PageSize = maxPagedCount; } //We prepare the pager var routeData = new RouteData(); routeData.Values.Add("DisplayText", model.Options.DisplayText); var pagerShape = (await New.Pager(pager)).TotalItemCount(maxPagedCount > 0 ? maxPagedCount : await query.CountAsync()).RouteData(routeData); var pageOfContentItems = await query.Skip(pager.GetStartIndex()).Take(pager.PageSize).ListAsync(); //We prepare the content items SummaryAdmin shape var contentItemSummaries = new List <dynamic>(); foreach (var contentItem in pageOfContentItems) { contentItemSummaries.Add(await _contentItemDisplayManager.BuildDisplayAsync(contentItem, this, "SummaryAdmin")); } //We populate the SelectLists model.Options.ContentStatuses = new List <SelectListItem>() { new SelectListItem() { Text = T["latest"].Value, Value = ContentsStatus.Latest.ToString() }, new SelectListItem() { Text = T["owned by me"].Value, Value = ContentsStatus.Owner.ToString() }, new SelectListItem() { Text = T["published"].Value, Value = ContentsStatus.Published.ToString() }, new SelectListItem() { Text = T["unpublished"].Value, Value = ContentsStatus.Draft.ToString() }, new SelectListItem() { Text = T["all versions"].Value, Value = ContentsStatus.AllVersions.ToString() } }; model.Options.ContentSorts = new List <SelectListItem>() { new SelectListItem() { Text = T["recently created"].Value, Value = ContentsOrder.Created.ToString() }, new SelectListItem() { Text = T["recently modified"].Value, Value = ContentsOrder.Modified.ToString() }, new SelectListItem() { Text = T["recently published"].Value, Value = ContentsOrder.Published.ToString() }, new SelectListItem() { Text = T["title"].Value, Value = ContentsOrder.Title.ToString() } }; model.Options.ContentsBulkAction = new List <SelectListItem>() { new SelectListItem() { Text = T["Publish Now"].Value, Value = ContentsBulkAction.PublishNow.ToString() }, new SelectListItem() { Text = T["Unpublish"].Value, Value = ContentsBulkAction.Unpublish.ToString() }, new SelectListItem() { Text = T["Delete"].Value, Value = ContentsBulkAction.Remove.ToString() } }; var ContentTypeOptions = (await GetListableTypesAsync()) .Select(ctd => new KeyValuePair <string, string>(ctd.Name, ctd.DisplayName)) .ToList().OrderBy(kvp => kvp.Value); model.Options.ContentTypeOptions = new List <SelectListItem>(); model.Options.ContentTypeOptions.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = T["All content types"].Value, Value = "" }); foreach (var option in ContentTypeOptions) { model.Options.ContentTypeOptions.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = option.Value, Value = option.Key }); } var viewModel = new ListContentsViewModel { ContentItems = contentItemSummaries, Pager = pagerShape, Options = model.Options }; return(View(viewModel)); }
public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task AddNew(New news) { await _dataBaseContext.New.AddAsync(news); await _dataBaseContext.SaveChangesAsync(); }
public void addNews(New news) { news = context.News.Add(news); context.SaveChanges(); }
public void TestDebugLog() { Root.Add(New.Log("Hello World")); Step(5); }
public ActionResult AddNewNewsItem(string newsItemName) { var newNewsItem = new New { Headline = newsItemName, PublishDate = DateTime.Now, LinkPath = "/News/" + MakeUrl(newsItemName), Culture = _curCult }; try { _context.News.Add(newNewsItem); if (_settings.CreateContentOnAllLanguages) { var cultList = _settings.ImplementedCultures; cultList.Remove(_curCult); foreach (var cult in cultList) { var newItem = new New { Headline = newsItemName, PublishDate = DateTime.Now, LinkPath = "/News/" + MakeUrl(newsItemName), Culture = cult }; _context.News.Add(newItem); } } _context.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { return Json(new { status = "SPCD: ERR - " + ex.Message }); } return Json(new { status = "SPCD: NIADDED", newsItem = newNewsItem }); }
public void Update(GameTime gameTime) { Load.Update(gameTime); New.Update(gameTime); }
public async Task <T> FindAsync(StreamAction stream, IDocumentSession session, CancellationToken token) { var returnValue = stream.ActionType == StreamActionType.Start ? New <T> .Instance() : await session.LoadAsync <T>(stream.Key, token).ConfigureAwait(false) ?? New <T> .Instance(); _setId(returnValue, stream.Key); return(returnValue); }
public void Draw(GameTime gameTime, SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { Load.Draw(gameTime, spriteBatch); New.Draw(gameTime, spriteBatch); }
protected void btSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"); clsSecurity security = new clsSecurity(); clsIO IO = new clsIO(); string strDetailSub = string.Empty; string strDetail = txtDetail.Text.Replace("<p>", ""); strDetail = strDetail.Replace("</p>", ""); string PicFull = "null"; string PicThumb = "null"; string pathPhoto = "/Images/News/"; string pathImages = @"\Images\News\"; string outError; //upload Photo to server if (txtImgFull.HasFile) { //Full Images if (IO.UploadPhoto(txtImgFull, pathPhoto, "f_pic" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"), 5120, 0, 0, "", 0, out outError, out PicFull) == false) { ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "Information", "alert('" + outError.ToString() + "')", true); return; } else { PicFull = pathImages + "" + PicFull; } } else { PicFull = lblImagesFull.Text.Trim(); } if (txtImgThum.HasFile) { //Thumb Images if (IO.UploadPhoto(txtImgThum, pathPhoto, "t_pic" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"), 2048, 0, 0, "", 0, out outError, out PicThumb) == false) { ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "Information", "alert('" + outError.ToString() + "')", true); return; } else { PicThumb = pathImages + "" + PicThumb; } } else { PicThumb = lblImagesThumb.Text.Trim(); } //insert data to database try { if (txtDetail.Text.Length >= 200) { strDetailSub = "<p>" + strDetail.Substring(0, 200) + ".....</p>"; } else { strDetailSub = "<p>" + strDetail + ".....</p>"; } //Insert news if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lblUID.Text) == true) { New tbnews = new New(); //Assign values for insert into database tbnews.Subject = txtSubject.Text.Trim(); tbnews.Detail = txtDetail.Text; tbnews.PicFull = PicFull; tbnews.PicThumbnail = PicThumb; tbnews.ActiveDateFrom = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDateFrom.Text); tbnews.ActiveDateTo = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDateTo.Text); tbnews.Remark = txtRemark.Text.Trim(); tbnews.CWhen = DateTime.Now; tbnews.CUser = Convert.ToInt32(security.LoginUID); tbnews.MWhen = DateTime.Now; tbnews.MUser = Convert.ToInt32(security.LoginUID); tbnews.StatusFlag = rdbActive.Checked == true ? "A" : "D"; tbnews.LanguageUID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlLanguage.SelectedValue); tbnews.MetaKeywords = txtMetaKeywords.Text.Trim(); tbnews.MetaDescription = txtMetaDescription.Text.Trim(); tbnews.DetailSub = strDetailSub; //Insert data of news to database db.News.InsertOnSubmit(tbnews); } else //Update existing Event { var tbnews = from n in db.News where n.UID == Convert.ToInt32(lblUID.Text.Trim()) select n; foreach (New n in tbnews) { n.Subject = txtSubject.Text.Trim(); n.Detail = txtDetail.Text; n.PicFull = PicFull; n.PicThumbnail = PicThumb; n.ActiveDateFrom = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDateFrom.Text); n.ActiveDateTo = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDateTo.Text); n.Remark = txtRemark.Text.Trim(); n.MWhen = DateTime.Now; n.MUser = Convert.ToInt32(security.LoginUID); n.StatusFlag = rdbActive.Checked == true ? "A" : "D"; n.MetaKeywords = txtMetaKeywords.Text.Trim(); n.MetaDescription = txtMetaDescription.Text.Trim(); try { n.LanguageUID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlLanguage.SelectedValue); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.ToString(); } n.DetailSub = strDetailSub; } } db.SubmitChanges(); clsColorBox clsColorBox = new clsColorBox(); clsColorBox.Refresh(); //Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "closeWindow", "<script language='javascript'>parent.$.colorbox.close();</script>"); } catch (Exception ex) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "Information", "alert('" + ex.ToString() + "')", true); } }
public Expression TypeCheck(New @new, Scope scope) { var position = @new.Position; var typeName = @new.TypeName; var typedTypeName = (Name)TypeCheck(typeName, scope); var constructorType = typedTypeName.Type as NamedType; if (constructorType == null || constructorType.Name != "Rook.Core.Constructor") { LogError(CompilerError.TypeNameExpectedForConstruction(typeName.Position, typeName)); return @new; } var constructedType = constructorType.GenericArguments.Last(); return new New(position, typedTypeName, constructedType); }
// // Initializes all hoisted variables // public void EmitStoreyInstantiation (EmitContext ec, ExplicitBlock block) { // There can be only one instance variable for each storey type if (Instance != null) throw new InternalErrorException (); // // Create an instance of this storey // ResolveContext rc = new ResolveContext (ec.MemberContext); rc.CurrentBlock = block; var storey_type_expr = CreateStoreyTypeExpression (ec); var source = new New (storey_type_expr, null, Location).Resolve (rc); // // When the current context is async (or iterator) lift local storey // instantiation to the currect storey // if (ec.CurrentAnonymousMethod is StateMachineInitializer && (block.HasYield || block.HasAwait)) { // // Unfortunately, normal capture mechanism could not be used because we are // too late in the pipeline and standart assign cannot be used either due to // recursive nature of GetStoreyInstanceExpression // var field = ec.CurrentAnonymousMethod.Storey.AddCompilerGeneratedField ( LocalVariable.GetCompilerGeneratedName (block), storey_type_expr, true); field.Define (); field.Emit (); var fexpr = new FieldExpr (field, Location); fexpr.InstanceExpression = new CompilerGeneratedThis (ec.CurrentType, Location); fexpr.EmitAssign (ec, source, false, false); Instance = fexpr; } else { var local = TemporaryVariableReference.Create (source.Type, block, Location); if (source.Type.IsStruct) { local.LocalInfo.CreateBuilder (ec); } else { local.EmitAssign (ec, source); } Instance = local; } EmitHoistedFieldsInitialization (rc, ec); // TODO: Implement properly //SymbolWriter.DefineScopeVariable (ID, Instance.Builder); }
partial void UpdateNew(New instance);
public virtual object Visit (New newExpression) { return null; }
void case_540() #line 3968 "cs-parser.jay" { if (yyVals[0+yyTop] != null) { if (lang_version <= LanguageVersion.ISO_2) FeatureIsNotAvailable (GetLocation (yyVals[-5+yyTop]), "object initializers"); yyVal = new NewInitialize ((FullNamedExpression) yyVals[-4+yyTop], (Arguments) yyVals[-2+yyTop], (CollectionOrObjectInitializers) yyVals[0+yyTop], GetLocation (yyVals[-5+yyTop])); } else { yyVal = new New ((FullNamedExpression) yyVals[-4+yyTop], (Arguments) yyVals[-2+yyTop], GetLocation (yyVals[-5+yyTop])); } lbag.AddLocation (yyVal, GetLocation (yyVals[-3+yyTop]), GetLocation (yyVals[-1+yyTop])); }
public void Reset() { Load.Reset(); New.Reset(); }
public override ITransient TurnEnd() { Info("Turn End"); return(New.Nop()); }
partial void InsertNew(New instance);
public async Task <IActionResult> Index(SearchIndexOptions options, PagerParameters pagerParameters) { if (!await _authorizationService.AuthorizeAsync(User, Intelli.Comments.Permissions.ManageComments)) { return(Unauthorized()); } var siteSettings = await _siteService.GetSiteSettingsAsync(); var pager = new Pager(pagerParameters, siteSettings.PageSize); if (options == null) { options = new SearchIndexOptions(); } //var query = _session.Query<WorkflowType, WorkflowTypeIndex>(); // switch (options.Filter) // { // case WorkflowTypeFilter.All: // default: // break; // } // if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.Search)) // { // query = query.Where(w => w.Name.Contains(options.Search)); // } // switch (options.Order) // { // case WorkflowTypeOrder.Name: // query = query.OrderBy(u => u.Name); // break; // } // var count = await query.CountAsync(); // var workflowTypes = await query // .Skip(pager.GetStartIndex()) // .Take(pager.PageSize) // .ListAsync(); var comments = await _commentsRepository.FindAllAsync();// GetAllAsync(); var currentCommentList = comments // .Where(c => (currentUserGroupIds.Contains(c.GroupId) || c.GroupId == currentUserId) && c.Parent == null && c.CommentGroupTypeId != CommentGroupType.GroupChat) .OrderByDescending(c => c.CreatedUtc).ToList(); // var workflowTypeIds = workflowTypes.Select(x => x.WorkflowTypeId).ToList(); // var workflowGroups = (await _session.QueryIndex<WorkflowIndex>(x => x.WorkflowTypeId.IsIn(workflowTypeIds)) // .ListAsync()) // .GroupBy(x => x.WorkflowTypeId) // .ToDictionary(x => x.Key); // Maintain previous route data when generating page links. var routeData = new RouteData(); // routeData.Values.Add("Options.Filter", options.Filter); routeData.Values.Add("Options.Search", options.Search); // routeData.Values.Add("Options.Order", options.Order); var pagerShape = (await New.Pager(pager)).TotalItemCount(currentCommentList.Count).RouteData(routeData); var model = new CommentsIndexViewModel { Comments = currentCommentList, Options = options, Pager = pagerShape }; return(View(model)); }
partial void DeleteNew(New instance);
public async Task <IActionResult> Index(WorkflowTypeIndexOptions options, PagerParameters pagerParameters) { if (!await _authorizationService.AuthorizeAsync(User, Permissions.ManageWorkflows)) { return(Forbid()); } var siteSettings = await _siteService.GetSiteSettingsAsync(); var pager = new Pager(pagerParameters, siteSettings.PageSize); if (options == null) { options = new WorkflowTypeIndexOptions(); } var query = _session.Query <WorkflowType, WorkflowTypeIndex>(); switch (options.Filter) { case WorkflowTypeFilter.All: default: break; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.Search)) { query = query.Where(w => w.Name.Contains(options.Search)); } switch (options.Order) { case WorkflowTypeOrder.Name: query = query.OrderBy(u => u.Name); break; } var count = await query.CountAsync(); var workflowTypes = await query .Skip(pager.GetStartIndex()) .Take(pager.PageSize) .ListAsync(); var workflowTypeIds = workflowTypes.Select(x => x.WorkflowTypeId).ToList(); var workflowGroups = (await _session.QueryIndex <WorkflowIndex>(x => x.WorkflowTypeId.IsIn(workflowTypeIds)) .ListAsync()) .GroupBy(x => x.WorkflowTypeId) .ToDictionary(x => x.Key); // Maintain previous route data when generating page links. var routeData = new RouteData(); routeData.Values.Add("Options.Filter", options.Filter); routeData.Values.Add("Options.Search", options.Search); routeData.Values.Add("Options.Order", options.Order); var pagerShape = (await New.Pager(pager)).TotalItemCount(count).RouteData(routeData); var model = new WorkflowTypeIndexViewModel { WorkflowTypes = workflowTypes .Select(x => new WorkflowTypeEntry { WorkflowType = x, Id = x.Id, WorkflowCount = workflowGroups.ContainsKey(x.WorkflowTypeId) ? workflowGroups[x.WorkflowTypeId].Count() : 0, Name = x.Name }) .ToList(), Options = options, Pager = pagerShape }; model.Options.WorkflowTypesBulkAction = new List <SelectListItem>() { new SelectListItem() { Text = S["Delete"].Value, Value = nameof(WorkflowTypeBulkAction.Delete) } }; return(View(model)); }
void case_546() #line 4020 "cs-parser.jay" { Error_SyntaxError (yyToken); /* It can be any of new expression, create the most common one*/ yyVal = new New ((FullNamedExpression) yyVals[-1+yyTop], null, GetLocation (yyVals[-2+yyTop])); }
public ActionResult Index(AdminIndexOptions options, PagerParameters pagerParameters) { if (!Services.Authorizer.Authorize(StandardPermissions.SiteOwner, T("Not authorized to list workflows"))) { return(new HttpUnauthorizedResult()); } var pager = new Pager(_siteService.GetSiteSettings(), pagerParameters); // default options if (options == null) { options = new AdminIndexOptions(); } var queries = _workflowDefinitionRecords.Table; switch (options.Filter) { case WorkflowDefinitionFilter.All: break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.Search)) { queries = queries.Where(w => w.Name.Contains(options.Search)); } var pagerShape = New.Pager(pager).TotalItemCount(queries.Count()); switch (options.Order) { case WorkflowDefinitionOrder.Name: queries = queries.OrderBy(u => u.Name); break; } if (pager.GetStartIndex() > 0) { queries = queries.Skip(pager.GetStartIndex()); } if (pager.PageSize > 0) { queries = queries.Take(pager.PageSize); } var results = queries.ToList(); var model = new AdminIndexViewModel { WorkflowDefinitions = results.Select(x => new WorkflowDefinitionEntry { WorkflowDefinitionRecord = x, WokflowDefinitionId = x.Id, Name = x.Name }).ToList(), Options = options, Pager = pagerShape }; // maintain previous route data when generating page links var routeData = new RouteData(); routeData.Values.Add("Options.Filter", options.Filter); routeData.Values.Add("Options.Search", options.Search); routeData.Values.Add("Options.Order", options.Order); pagerShape.RouteData(routeData); return(View(model)); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Index(WorkflowDefinitionListOptions options, PagerParameters pagerParameters) { if (!await _authorizationService.AuthorizeAsync(User, Permissions.ManageWorkflows)) { return(Unauthorized()); } var siteSettings = await _siteService.GetSiteSettingsAsync(); var pager = new Pager(pagerParameters, siteSettings.PageSize); if (options == null) { options = new WorkflowDefinitionListOptions(); } switch (options.Filter) { default: break; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.Search)) { //query = query.Where(w => w.Name.Contains(options.Search)); } switch (options.Order) { // case WorkflowTypeOrder.Name: // query = query.OrderBy(u => u.Name); // break; } var count = 0; var workflowDefinitionEntries = new List <WorkflowDefinitionListEntry>(); // Maintain previous route data when generating page links. var routeData = new RouteData(); routeData.Values.Add("Options.Filter", options.Filter); routeData.Values.Add("Options.Search", options.Search); routeData.Values.Add("Options.Order", options.Order); var pagerShape = (await New.Pager(pager)).TotalItemCount(count).RouteData(routeData); var model = new WorkflowDefinitionListViewModel { WorkflowDefinitions = workflowDefinitionEntries .Select(x => new WorkflowDefinitionListEntry() { WorkflowDefinition = x.WorkflowDefinition, WorkflowInstanceCount = 0 }) .ToList(), Options = options, Pager = pagerShape }; model.Options.BulkActions = new List <SelectListItem>() { new SelectListItem() { Text = S["Delete"].Value, Value = nameof(WorkflowDefinitionListBulkAction.Delete) } }; return(View(model)); }
public ClassDeclarationSyntax GenerateServiceClass(SourceFileContext ctx) { var cls = Class(Modifier.Public, ServiceTyp).WithXmlDoc(XmlDoc.Summary($"The {ClassName} Service.")); using (ctx.InClass(cls)) { var discoveryVersionTyp = Typ.Manual("Google.Apis.Discovery", "DiscoveryVersion"); var version = Field(Modifier.Public | Modifier.Const, ctx.Type <string>(), "Version") .WithInitializer(ApiVersion) .WithXmlDoc(XmlDoc.Summary("The API version.")); var discoveryVersion = Field(Modifier.Public | Modifier.Static, ctx.Type(discoveryVersionTyp), "DiscoveryVersionUsed") .WithInitializer(ctx.Type(discoveryVersionTyp).Access(nameof(DiscoveryVersion.Version_1_0))) .WithXmlDoc(XmlDoc.Summary("The discovery version used to generate this service.")); var parameterlessCtor = Ctor(Modifier.Public, cls, ThisInitializer(New(ctx.Type <BaseClientService.Initializer>())()))() .WithBody() .WithXmlDoc(XmlDoc.Summary("Constructs a new service.")); var initializerParam = Parameter(ctx.Type <BaseClientService.Initializer>(), "initializer"); var featuresArrayInitializer = Features.Any() ? NewArray(ctx.ArrayType(Typ.Of <string[]>()))(Features.ToArray()) : NewArray(ctx.ArrayType(Typ.Of <string[]>()), LiteralExpression(SyntaxKind.NumericLiteralExpression, Literal(0))); var features = Property(Modifier.Public | Modifier.Override, ctx.Type <IList <string> >(), "Features") .WithGetBody(featuresArrayInitializer) .WithXmlDoc(XmlDoc.Summary("Gets the service supported features.")); var nameProperty = Property(Modifier.Public | Modifier.Override, ctx.Type <string>(), "Name") .WithGetBody(ApiName) .WithXmlDoc(XmlDoc.Summary("Gets the service name.")); // TODO: BaseURI without BaseUriOverride, via #if var baseUri = Property(Modifier.Public | Modifier.Override, ctx.Type <string>(), "BaseUri") .WithGetBody(IdentifierName("BaseUriOverride").NullCoalesce(BaseUri)) .WithXmlDoc(XmlDoc.Summary("Gets the service base URI.")); var basePath = Property(Modifier.Public | Modifier.Override, ctx.Type <string>(), "BasePath") .WithGetBody(BasePath) .WithXmlDoc(XmlDoc.Summary("Gets the service base path.")); // TODO: #if !NET40 for both of these var batchUri = Property(Modifier.Public | Modifier.Override, ctx.Type <string>(), "BatchUri") .WithGetBody(BatchUri) .WithXmlDoc(XmlDoc.Summary("Gets the batch base URI; ", XmlDoc.C("null"), " if unspecified.")); var batchPath = Property(Modifier.Public | Modifier.Override, ctx.Type <string>(), "BatchPath") .WithGetBody(BatchPath) .WithXmlDoc(XmlDoc.Summary("Gets the batch base path; ", XmlDoc.C("null"), " if unspecified.")); var resourceProperties = Resources .Select(resource => AutoProperty(Modifier.Public | Modifier.Virtual, ctx.Type(resource.Typ), resource.PropertyName) .WithXmlDoc(XmlDoc.Summary($"Gets the {resource.PropertyName} resource."))) .ToArray(); var parameterizedCtor = Ctor(Modifier.Public, cls, BaseInitializer(initializerParam))(initializerParam) .WithBlockBody(resourceProperties.Zip(Resources).Select(pair => pair.First.Assign(New(ctx.Type(pair.Second.Typ))(This))).ToArray()) .WithXmlDoc( XmlDoc.Summary("Constructs a new service."), XmlDoc.Param(initializerParam, "The service initializer.")); cls = cls.AddMembers(version, discoveryVersion, parameterlessCtor, parameterizedCtor, features, nameProperty, baseUri, basePath, batchUri, batchPath); if (AuthScopes.Any()) { var scopeClass = Class(Modifier.Public, Typ.Manual(PackageName, "Scope")) .WithXmlDoc(XmlDoc.Summary($"Available OAuth 2.0 scopes for use with the {Title}.")); using (ctx.InClass(scopeClass)) { foreach (var scope in AuthScopes) { var field = Field(Modifier.Public | Modifier.Static, ctx.Type <string>(), scope.Name) .WithInitializer(scope.Value) .WithXmlDoc(XmlDoc.Summary(scope.Description)); scopeClass = scopeClass.AddMembers(field); } } var scopeConstantsClass = Class(Modifier.Public | Modifier.Static, Typ.Manual(PackageName, "ScopeConstants")) .WithXmlDoc(XmlDoc.Summary($"Available OAuth 2.0 scope constants for use with the {Title}.")); using (ctx.InClass(scopeConstantsClass)) { foreach (var scope in AuthScopes) { var field = Field(Modifier.Public | Modifier.Const, ctx.Type <string>(), scope.Name) .WithInitializer(scope.Value) .WithXmlDoc(XmlDoc.Summary(scope.Description)); scopeConstantsClass = scopeConstantsClass.AddMembers(field); } } cls = cls.AddMembers(scopeClass, scopeConstantsClass); } foreach (var method in Methods) { cls = cls.AddMembers(method.GenerateMethodDeclaration(ctx)); } cls = cls.AddMembers(resourceProperties); } return(cls); }