コード例 #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Back propagates the neuronal network.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="inputVector">The input vector.</param>
    /// <param name="inputCount">The input count.</param>
    /// <param name="targetOutputVector">The target output vector.</param>
    /// <param name="actualOutputVector">The actual output vector.</param>
    /// <param name="outputCount">The output count.</param>
    /// <param name="memorizedNeuronOutputs">The memorized neuronal outputs.</param>
    /// <param name="distort">The distort.</param>
    private void BackPropagateNeuronalNetwork(
        double[] inputVector,
        int inputCount,
        double[] targetOutputVector,
        double[] actualOutputVector,
        int outputCount,
        NeuronalNetworkNeuronOutputsList memorizedNeuronOutputs,
        bool distort)
        if (this.NeuronalNetwork is null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(this.NeuronalNetwork), "The neuronal network wasn't initialized properly.");

        // Function to back propagate through the neuronal net.
        // Determine if it's time to adjust the learning rate

        if (this.backProperties % this.AfterEveryNBackProperties == 0 && this.backProperties != 0)
            var eta = this.NeuronalNetwork.EtaLearningRate;
            eta *= this.EtaDecay;

            if (eta < this.MinimumEta)
                eta = this.MinimumEta;

            this.NeuronalNetwork.PreviousEtaLearningRate = this.NeuronalNetwork.EtaLearningRate;
            this.NeuronalNetwork.EtaLearningRate         = eta;

        // Determine if it's time to adjust the Hessian (currently once per epoch)
        if (this.needHessian || this.backProperties % this.Preferences.NumberOfItemsTrainingImages == 0)
            // Adjust the Hessian. This is a lengthy operation, since it must process approximately 500 labels
            this.needHessian = false;

        // Increment counter for tracking number of back properties

        // Determine if it's time to randomize the sequence of training patterns (currently once per epoch)
        if (this.backProperties % this.Preferences.NumberOfItemsTrainingImages == 0)


        // Forward calculate through the neuronal network
        this.CalculateNeuronalNetwork(inputVector, inputCount, actualOutputVector, outputCount, memorizedNeuronOutputs, distort);


        // Calculate error in the output of the neuronal network
        // note that this code duplicates that found in many other places, and it's probably sensible to
        // define a (global/static ??) function for it
        var localDmse = 0.0;

        for (var ii = 0; ii < 10; ++ii)
            localDmse += (actualOutputVector[ii] - targetOutputVector[ii])
                         * (actualOutputVector[ii] - targetOutputVector[ii]);

        localDmse /= 2.0;

        var worthWhileBackPropagate = !(localDmse <= 0.10 * this.EstimatedCurrentMse);

        if (worthWhileBackPropagate && memorizedNeuronOutputs == null)
            // The caller has not provided a place to store neuron outputs, so we need to
            // back propagate now, while the neuronal net is still captured. Otherwise, another thread
            // might come along and call CalculateNeuronalNetwork(), which would entirely change the neuron
            // outputs and thereby inject errors into back propagation
            this.NeuronalNetwork.BackPropagate(actualOutputVector, targetOutputVector, outputCount, null);

        // If we have reached here, then the mutex for the neuronal net has been released for other
        // threads. The caller must have provided a place to store neuron outputs, which we can
        // use to back propagate, even if other threads call CalculateNeuronalNetwork() and change the outputs
        // of the neurons
        if (worthWhileBackPropagate)
            this.NeuronalNetwork.BackPropagate(actualOutputVector, targetOutputVector, outputCount, memorizedNeuronOutputs);

コード例 #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Handles the back propagation.
    /// </summary>
    public void BackPropagationThread()
        // Thread for back propagation training of the neuronal network
        // Thread is "owned" by the doc, and accepts a pointer to the doc
        // continuously back propagates until threadAbortFlag is set to TRUE
        var inputVector        = new double[841]; // Note: 29x29, not 28x28
        var targetOutputVector = new double[10];
        var actualOutputVector = new double[10];

        for (var i = 0; i < 841; i++)
            inputVector[i] = 0.0;

        for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            targetOutputVector[i] = 0.0;
            actualOutputVector[i] = 0.0;

        var memorizedNeuronOutputs = new NeuronalNetworkNeuronOutputsList();

        // Prepare for training
        while (true)

            if (this.nextPattern == 0)

            var grayLevels = new byte[this.Preferences.NumberOfRowImages * this.Preferences.NumberOfColumnImages];
            var pattern    = this.database.GetNextPatternNumber(this.database.FromRandomizedPatternSequence);
            this.database.ImagePatterns[pattern].Pattern.CopyTo(grayLevels, 0);
            var label = this.database.ImagePatterns[pattern].Label;

            if (label > 9)
                label = 9;

            // Pad to 29x29, convert to double precision
            int ii;
            for (ii = 0; ii < 841; ++ii)
                // One is white, -one is black
                inputVector[ii] = 1.0;

            // Top row of inputVector is left as zero, left-most column is left as zero
            for (ii = 0; ii < SystemGlobals.ImageSize; ++ii)
                int jj;

                for (jj = 0; jj < SystemGlobals.ImageSize; ++jj)
                    // One is white, -one is black
                    inputVector[1 + jj + (29 * (ii + 1))] = (grayLevels[jj + (SystemGlobals.ImageSize * ii)] / 128.0) - 1.0;

            // Desired output vector
            for (ii = 0; ii < 10; ++ii)
                targetOutputVector[ii] = -1.0;

            targetOutputVector[label] = 1.0;

            // Now back propagate



            // Calculate error for this pattern and post it to the HWND so it can calculate a running estimate of MSE
            var localDmse = 0.0;

            for (ii = 0; ii < 10; ++ii)
                localDmse += (actualOutputVector[ii] - targetOutputVector[ii]) * (actualOutputVector[ii] - targetOutputVector[ii]);

            localDmse    /= 2.0;
            this.dmse    += localDmse;
            this.dmse200 += localDmse;

            // Determine the neuronal network's answer, and compare it to the actual answer.
            // Post a message if the answer was incorrect, so the dialog can display mis-recognition statistics
            var bestIndex = 0;
            var maxValue  = -99.0;

            for (ii = 0; ii < 10; ++ii)
                if (!(actualOutputVector[ii] > maxValue))

                bestIndex = ii;
                maxValue  = actualOutputVector[ii];

            if (bestIndex != label)

            // Make step
            string s;

            if (this.neuronalNetworks >= 200)
                this.dmse200 /= 200;
                s             = "MSE:" + this.dmse200.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                this.mainForm?.Invoke(this.mainForm.DelegateAddObject, 4, s);
                this.dmse200          = 0;
                this.neuronalNetworks = 0;

            s = $"{Convert.ToString(this.nextPattern)} Miss Number:{this.recognitions}";

            // Make synchronous call to main form.
            // MainForm.AddString function runs in main thread.
            // To make asynchronous call use BeginInvoke
            this.mainForm?.Invoke(this.mainForm.DelegateAddObject, 5, s);

            if (this.nextPattern >= this.database.ImagePatterns.Count - 1)
                this.dmse /= this.nextPattern;
                s          =
                    $"Completed Epochs:{Convert.ToString(this.epochsCompleted + 1)}, MisPatterns:{Convert.ToString(this.recognitions)}, MSE:{this.dmse.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}, Ex. time: {this.highPerformanceTimer.Duration}, eta:{this.NeuronalNetwork?.EtaLearningRate ?? .001} ";

                // Make synchronous call to main form.
                // MainForm.AddString function runs in main thread.
                // To make asynchronous call use BeginInvoke
                this.mainForm?.Invoke(this.mainForm.DelegateAddObject, 3, s);
                this.recognitions = 0;
                this.nextPattern = 0;
                this.dmse        = 0;

            // Check if thread is cancelled
            if (this.eventStop.WaitOne(0, true))
                // clean-up operations may be placed here
                // Make synchronous call to main form.
                // MainForm.AddString function runs in main thread.
                // To make asynchronous call use BeginInvoke
                this.mainForm?.Invoke(this.mainForm.DelegateAddObject, 3, $"BackPropagation thread: {Thread.CurrentThread.Name} stopped");

                // Inform main thread that this thread stopped
