コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Ensure all required dependencies are added for this NST to work. Can be called often in edit mode, and should be.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nst"></param>
        /// <param name="silence"></param>
        public static void EnsureAllNSTDependencies(this NetworkSyncTransform nst, SerializedObject serializedObject, bool silence = false)

            if (Application.isPlaying)

            // If user tried to put NST where it shouldn't be... remove it and all of the required components it added.
            if (nst.transform.parent != null)
                XDebug.LogError("NetworkSyncTransform must be on the root of an prefab object.");
                nst.nstElementsEngine = nst.transform.GetComponent <NSTElementsEngine>();



                if (nst.nstElementsEngine != null)

            nst.nstElementsEngine = NSTElementsEngine.EnsureExistsOnRoot(nst.transform, false);

            nst.na = EditorUtils.EnsureRootComponentExists <NSTNetAdapter>(nst.gameObject, false);


            //// Add this NST to the prefab spawn list (and as player prefab if none exists yet) as an idiot prevention
            NSTNetAdapter.AddAsRegisteredPrefab(nst.gameObject, true, silence);
コード例 #2
        public override void OnInspectorGUI()

            //SerializedProperty test = serializedObject.FindProperty("test");
            NetworkSyncTransform nst = (NetworkSyncTransform)target;

            //LayerMask tempMask = EditorGUILayout.MaskField(InternalEditorUtility.LayerMaskToConcatenatedLayersMask(myLayerMask), InternalEditorUtility.layers);

            //myLayerMask = (int)InternalEditorUtility.ConcatenatedLayersMaskToLayerMask(tempMask);

            //	EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(posSendType);

            //	EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(cullUpperBits);

            //	if (cullUpperBits.boolValue == true)
            //	{
            //		EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(sequentialKeys);
            //		EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(keyRate);
            //	}

            //	EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(rotationElements, true);

            // Make sure the object is active, to prevent users from spawning inactive gameobjects (which will break things)
            if (!nst.gameObject.activeSelf)            // && AssetDatabase.Contains(target))
                Debug.LogWarning("Prefabs with NetworkSyncTransform on them MUST be enabled. If you are trying to disable this so it isn't in your scene when you test it, no worries - NST destroys all scene objects with the NST component at startup.");

コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads update headers for each NST frame update in the incoming bitstream, and passes the bitstream to that NST to read out its
        /// update information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mirror">True if this is the server, and this is the incoming bitstream. Tells the server that the outstream
        /// needs to be populated for retransmission to all clients. Also false if this is the server running its own outgoing update.</param>
        public static void ReceiveUpdate(ref UdpBitStream bitstream, ref UdpBitStream outstream, bool mirror, int senderId)
            // Create a new bitstream to ensure ptr is at 0. Same data as master though.
            bitstream.ptr = 0;

            int frameid = bitstream.ReadInt(6);

            if (mirror)
                outstream.WriteInt(frameid, 6);

            bool isOfftick = frameid == 60;

            // remove this safety once working
            int        safety = 0;
            UpdateType updateType;

                BandwidthUsage.Start(ref bitstream, BandwidthLogType.UpdateRcv);

                //stop looking when header is EOS
                bool notEOS = bitstream.ReadBool();
                int  mirrorUpdateStartPtr = outstream.ptr;
                BandwidthUsage.AddUsage(ref bitstream, "NotEOS");

                if (mirror)

                if (!notEOS)

                // First three bits are the msgtype
                //TODO this might only need to be two
                updateType = (UpdateType)bitstream.ReadInt(3);
                BandwidthUsage.AddUsage(ref bitstream, "UpdateType");

                int updateBitstreamPos = outstream.ptr;
                if (mirror)
                    outstream.WriteInt((int)updateType, 3);

                // Next variable is the NstId - get it to know where to send the rest of the bitstream
                uint nstid = bitstream.ReadUInt(HeaderSettings.single.BitsForNstId);
                BandwidthUsage.AddUsage(ref bitstream, "NstId");

                if (mirror)
                    outstream.WriteUInt(nstid, HeaderSettings.single.BitsForNstId);

                lastNST = NSTTools.GetNstFromId(nstid);

                int updatelength = bitstream.ReadInt(UPDATELENGTH_BYTE_COUNT_SIZE);
                if (mirror)
                    outstream.WriteInt(updatelength, UPDATELENGTH_BYTE_COUNT_SIZE);
                BandwidthUsage.AddUsage(ref bitstream, "DataLength");

                //Note the starting pos in stream
                int bodyPtr = bitstream.ptr;
                // The start pos for modifying update lenght for mirror
                int mirrorBodyPtr = outstream.ptr;

                // This mising NST handler is NOT FULLY TESTED. Uses the updatelength value to jump ahead in the bitstream if the NST it is
                // addressed to doesn't exist for some reason.
                if (lastNST == null)
                    //DebugX.LogWarning(!DebugX.logWarnings ? null :
                        ("Message for an NST Object " + nstid + " arrived but that object does not exist. (yet/anymore?) This is normal during startup and shutdown."));
                    // Forward to the next update start in the incoming stream.
                    bitstream.ptr = bodyPtr + (updatelength << 3);
                    // rewind to the EOS marker and pretend this arrival never occured for the outgoing mirror stream.
                    outstream.ptr = mirrorUpdateStartPtr;

                // Tell this nst to read its mail. updateType may get modified by server receive for things like teleport.
                Frame frame = lastNST.ReadUpdate(ref bitstream, ref outstream, frameid, isOfftick, updateType, updatelength, mirror);
                updateType = frame.updateType;

                // overwrite the updateType of the server outgoing in case it has changed.
                if (mirror)
                    outstream.WriteIntAtPos((int)updateType, 3, updateBitstreamPos);

                //Advance ptr to next update in stream by force, in case the last update wasn't read for any reason (such as the NST leaving the game)
                bitstream.ptr = bodyPtr + (updatelength << 3);

                // write the update byte length for the mirror (not the same value as the incoming due to server side adjustments)
                if (mirror)
                    int holdPos = outstream.ptr;
                    outstream.ptr = mirrorBodyPtr - UPDATELENGTH_BYTE_COUNT_SIZE;
                    // get the bytesused rounded up.
                    int bytes = ((holdPos - mirrorBodyPtr) >> 3) + (((holdPos - mirrorBodyPtr) % 8 == 0) ? 0 : 1);
                    outstream.WriteInt(bytes, UPDATELENGTH_BYTE_COUNT_SIZE);
                    outstream.ptr = mirrorBodyPtr + (bytes << 3);
            } while (safety < 100);

            /// NST updates are finished - any data to append to the master update can go here
            IntegrityCheck.ReadCheck(ref bitstream, ref outstream, "End of All Update Reads", mirror);

            MasterRTT.Rcv(ref bitstream, ref outstream, mirror, senderId);
            BandwidthUsage.AddUsage(ref bitstream, "RTT checks");

            // Very last thing... report the bits that were used. This is conditional to the editor only
            BandwidthUsage.ReportMasterBits(ref bitstream, BandwidthLogType.MasterIn);
コード例 #4
ファイル: NSTNetAdapter.cs プロジェクト: lenix2/tankfever3D
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the RTT to the player who owns this NST
 /// </summary>
 public static float GetRTT(NetworkSyncTransform nstOfOwner)
コード例 #5
    public static float GetRTT(NetworkSyncTransform nst)
        int id = nst.na.ClientId;

        return(RTT.ContainsKey(id) ? RTT[id] : 0);
コード例 #6
		void Reset()
			nst = transform.root.GetComponent<NetworkSyncTransform>();
			if (nst == null)
				nst = transform.root.gameObject.AddComponent<NetworkSyncTransform>();
コード例 #7
ファイル: TransformElement.cs プロジェクト: vert0r/NetDemo2
 public virtual void Initialize(NetworkSyncTransform _nst)
     nst = _nst;
     nstElementsEngine = nst.nstElementsEngine;
コード例 #8
        public override void Initialize(NetworkSyncTransform _nst)

            target   = Localized;
            snapshot = Localized;

            // move all of the inspector xyz values into arrays for easy looping
            xyzBits    = new int[3];
            xyzBits[0] = xBits;
            xyzBits[1] = yBits;
            xyzBits[2] = zBits;

            xyzLimit    = new bool[3];
            xyzLimit[0] = xLimitRange;
            xyzLimit[1] = yLimitRange;
            xyzLimit[2] = zLimitRange;

            xyzMin    = new float[3];
            xyzMin[0] = xMinValue;
            xyzMin[1] = yMinValue;
            xyzMin[2] = zMinValue;

            xyzMax    = new float[3];
            xyzMax[0] = xMaxValue;
            xyzMax[1] = yMaxValue;
            xyzMax[2] = zMaxValue;

            xyzRange     = new float[3];
            xyzMult      = new float[3];
            xyzUnmult    = new float[3];
            xyzWrappoint = new float[3];

            // Clean up the ranges
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                if (xyzLimit[i])
                    if (xyzMax[i] < xyzMin[i])
                        xyzMax[i] += 360;
                    // If the range is greater than 360, get the max down into range. Likely user selected bad min/max values.
                    if (xyzMax[i] - xyzMin[i] > 360)
                        xyzMax[i] -= 360;
                    xyzMin[i] = 0;
                    xyzMax[i] = 360;

                xyzRange[i] = xyzMax[i] - xyzMin[i];
                // Do the heavier division work here so only one multipy per encode/decode is needed
                xyzMult[i]      = (maxValue[xyzBits[i]]) / xyzRange[i];
                xyzUnmult[i]    = xyzRange[i] / (maxValue[xyzBits[i]]);
                xyzWrappoint[i] = xyzRange[i] + (360 - xyzRange[i]) / 2;
コード例 #9
 void Awake()
     rb     = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
     weapon = GetComponent <Weapon>();
     nst    = GetComponent <NetworkSyncTransform>();
コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads update headers for each NST frame update in the incoming bitstream, and passes the bitstream to that NST to read out its
        /// update information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mirror">True if this is the server, and this is the incoming bitstream. Tells the server that the outstream
        /// needs to be populated for retransmission to all clients. Also false if this is the server running its own outgoing update.</param>
        public static void ReceiveUpdate(ref UdpBitStream bitstream, ref UdpBitStream outstream, bool mirror, int senderId)
            // Create a new bitstream to ensure ptr is at 0. Same data as master though.
            bitstream.ptr = 0;

            int frameid = bitstream.ReadInt(6);

            if (mirror)
                outstream.WriteInt(frameid, 6);

            bool isOfftick = frameid == FRAME_COUNT;

            int  sceneIndex     = NSTSceneManager.Deserialize(ref bitstream, ref outstream, mirror);
            bool sceneOutOfSync = HeaderSettings.single.includeSceneIndex && sceneIndex != NSTSceneManager.CurrentSceneIndex;

            if (sceneOutOfSync)
                Debug.LogWarning(frameid + " Out of sync " + sceneIndex + " " + NSTSceneManager.CurrentSceneIndex);

            // remove this safety once working
            int        safety = 0;
            UpdateType updateType;

                BandwidthUsage.Start(ref bitstream, BandwidthLogType.UpdateRcv);

                //stop looking when header is EOS
                bool notEOS = bitstream.ReadBool();
                int  mirrorUpdateStartPtr = outstream.ptr;
                BandwidthUsage.AddUsage(ref bitstream, "NotEOS");

                if (mirror)

                if (!notEOS)

                // First three bits are the msgtype
                //TODO this might only need to be two
                updateType = (UpdateType)bitstream.ReadInt(3);
                BandwidthUsage.AddUsage(ref bitstream, "UpdateType");

                int updateBitstreamPos = outstream.ptr;
                if (mirror)
                    outstream.WriteInt((int)updateType, 3);

                // Next variable is the NstId - get it to know where to send the rest of the bitstream
                uint nstid = bitstream.ReadUInt(HeaderSettings.single.BitsForNstId);
                BandwidthUsage.AddUsage(ref bitstream, "NstId");

                if (mirror)
                    outstream.WriteUInt(nstid, HeaderSettings.single.BitsForNstId);

                lastNST = NSTTools.GetNstFromId(nstid);

                int updatelength = bitstream.ReadInt(UPDATELENGTH_BYTE_COUNT_SIZE);
                if (mirror)
                    outstream.WriteInt(updatelength, UPDATELENGTH_BYTE_COUNT_SIZE);
                BandwidthUsage.AddUsage(ref bitstream, "DataLength");

                //Note the starting pos in stream
                int bodyPtr = bitstream.ptr;
                // The start pos for modifying update lenght for mirror
                int mirrorBodyPtr = outstream.ptr;

                XDebug.LogWarning(!XDebug.logWarnings ? null :
                                  ("Incoming Update for nstid: " + nstid + " was from a different scene. Ignoring update to avoid data corruption due to different compression settings."), sceneOutOfSync);

                XDebug.Log(!XDebug.logInfo ? null :
                           ("Message for an NST Object " + nstid + " arrived but that object does not exist. (yet/anymore?) This is normal during startup and shutdown."), lastNST == null);

                /// Skip reading if the target NST doesn't exist, or if this we compressed with a different scene (codec mismatch likely)
                if (lastNST == null || sceneOutOfSync)
                    if (sceneOutOfSync)
                        Debug.LogWarning(frameid + " skipped entirely due to sceneID mismatch");
                    // Forward to the next update start in the incoming stream.
                    bitstream.ptr = bodyPtr + (updatelength << 3);
                    // rewind to the EOS marker and pretend this arrival never occured for the outgoing mirror stream.
                    if (mirror)
                        /// TODO : Rather than jump ahead, Server should bulk copy the ignored data to outstream in case other clients can use it.
                        outstream.ptr = mirrorUpdateStartPtr;

                // Tell this nst to read its mail. updateType may get modified by server receive for things like teleport.
                Frame frame = lastNST.ReadUpdate(ref bitstream, ref outstream, frameid, isOfftick, updateType, updatelength, sceneIndex, sceneOutOfSync, mirror);
                updateType = frame.updateType;

                // overwrite the updateType of the server outgoing in case it has changed.
                if (mirror)
                    outstream.WriteIntAtPos((int)updateType, 3, updateBitstreamPos);

                //Advance ptr to next update in stream by force, in case the last update wasn't read for any reason (such as the NST leaving the game)
                bitstream.ptr = bodyPtr + (updatelength << 3);

                // write the update byte length for the mirror (not the same value as the incoming due to server side adjustments)
                if (mirror)
                    int holdPos = outstream.ptr;
                    outstream.ptr = mirrorBodyPtr - UPDATELENGTH_BYTE_COUNT_SIZE;
                    // get the bytesused rounded up.
                    int bytes = ((holdPos - mirrorBodyPtr) >> 3) + (((holdPos - mirrorBodyPtr) % 8 == 0) ? 0 : 1);
                    outstream.WriteInt(bytes, UPDATELENGTH_BYTE_COUNT_SIZE);
                    outstream.ptr = mirrorBodyPtr + (bytes << 3);
            } while (safety < 100);

            /// NST updates are finished - any data to append to the master update can go here
            IntegrityCheck.ReadCheck(ref bitstream, ref outstream, "End of All Update Reads", mirror);

            if (!isOfftick)
                MasterRTT.Rcv(ref bitstream, ref outstream, mirror, senderId);
            BandwidthUsage.AddUsage(ref bitstream, "RTT checks");

            // Very last thing... report the bits that were used. This is conditional to the editor only
            BandwidthUsage.ReportMasterBits(ref bitstream, BandwidthLogType.MasterIn);
コード例 #11
    /// <summary>
    /// OnCustomMsgSndEvent fires on the originating client when a custom event is sent. The position and rotation information will contain the same
    /// lossy rounding errors/ranges that are being sent to the network. Useful for ensuring that your local events use the exact same pos/rot data
    /// the server and clients will be using (such as projectile vectors).
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="rootPos">Lossy position after compression - exactly what is sent.</param>
    /// <param name="rotations">Lossy rotation after compression - exactly what is sent.</param>
    private static void OnCustomMsgSnd(NetworkConnection ownerConn, byte[] bytearray, NetworkSyncTransform nst, Vector3 rootPos, List <GenericX> positions, List <GenericX> rotations)
        Weapon wpn = nst.GetComponent <Weapon>();

        PlayerFireCustomMsg weaponFireMsg = bytearray.DeserializeToStruct <PlayerFireCustomMsg>();

        if (weaponFireMsg.weaponId == (byte)WeaponType.Bullet)
            wpn.FireBullet(rootPos, rotations[0], weaponFireMsg);

        else if (weaponFireMsg.weaponId == (byte)WeaponType.Mine)
            wpn.FireMine(wpn.turret.transform.position, rotations[1], weaponFireMsg);
コード例 #12
    /// <summary>
    /// When a custom message is taken from the buffer and applied for interpolation, the OnCustomMsgRcvEvent is fired. Note that the rotations
    /// will only be correct if you have the NST set to update rotations on events. If it is set to 'changes only' these rotations values will be zero.
    /// </summary>
    private static void OnCustomMsgApply(NetworkConnection ownerConn, byte[] bytearray, NetworkSyncTransform nst, Vector3 pos, List <GenericX> positions, List <GenericX> rotations)
        Weapon wpn = nst.GetComponent <Weapon>();

        PlayerFireCustomMsg weaponFireMsg = bytearray.DeserializeToStruct <PlayerFireCustomMsg>();

        if (nst == NetworkSyncTransform.lclNST)

        if (weaponFireMsg.weaponId == (byte)WeaponType.Mine)
            wpn.FireMine(wpn.turret.transform.position, rotations[1], weaponFireMsg);
コード例 #13
    /// <summary>
    /// When a custom message is received, the OnCustomMsgRcvEvent is fired. Note that the rotations will only be correct if you have the NST set to update
    /// rotations on events. If it is set to 'changes only' these rotations values will be zero.
    /// </summary>
    private static void OnCustomMsgRcv(NetworkConnection ownerConn, byte[] bytearray, NetworkSyncTransform shooterNst, Vector3 pos, List <GenericX> positions, List <GenericX> rotations)
        //For this example we fired locally already when the custom message was sent (with OnCustomMsgSend). Firing again here on the local player would cause repeat fire events.
        //Note however that code for the local player can be added here to sync the projectile with the server, by adding a projectileID to your custom events.

        Weapon wpn = shooterNst.GetComponent <Weapon>();

        PlayerFireCustomMsg weaponFireMsg = bytearray.DeserializeToStruct <PlayerFireCustomMsg>();

        if ((WeaponType)weaponFireMsg.weaponId == WeaponType.Bullet)
            if (!shooterNst.isLocalPlayer)
                wpn.FireBullet(pos, rotations[0], weaponFireMsg);

        // Hitscan arrive on server/other clients

        else if ((WeaponType)weaponFireMsg.weaponId == WeaponType.Hitscan)
            //DebugText.Log(weaponFireMsg.hitmask.PrintBitMask() + " RCV " + (WeaponType)weaponFireMsg.weaponId);
            uint confirmedHitmask = 0;

            // Draw the graphic if this isn't the local player
            if (!shooterNst.isLocalPlayer)
                wpn.DrawRay(pos, rotations[0]);

            // Server needs to test if this was a hit.
            if (NetworkServer.active)
                for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
                    if (weaponFireMsg.hitmask.GetBitInMask(i) == false)

                    NetworkSyncTransform hitNst = NetworkSyncTransform.GetNstFromId((uint)i);
                    bool hit = hitNst.TestHitscanAgainstRewind(ownerConn, new Ray(pos, (Quaternion)rotations[0] * Vector3.forward));

                    if (hit)
                        ((int)hitNst.NstId).SetBitInMask(ref confirmedHitmask, true);
                DebugText.Log("Rewind Confirmation Mask : \n" + confirmedHitmask.PrintBitMask(), true);
コード例 #14
ファイル: NSTMaster.cs プロジェクト: vert0r/NetDemo2
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads update headers for each NST frame update in the incoming bitstream, and passes the bitstream to that NST to read out its
        /// update information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mirror">True if this is the server, and this is the incoming bitstream. Tells the server that the outstream
        /// needs to be populated for retransmission to all clients. Also false if this is the server running its own outgoing update.</param>
        public static void ReceiveUpdate(ref UdpBitStream bitstream, ref UdpBitStream outstream, bool mirror)
            // Create a new bitstream to ensure ptr is at 0. Same data as master though.
            bitstream.Ptr = 0;

            // remove this safety once working
            int        safety = 0;
            UpdateType updateType;

                BandwidthUsage.Start(ref bitstream, BandwidthLogType.UpdateRcv);

                //stop looking when header is EOS
                bool notEOS = bitstream.ReadBool();
                int  mirrorUpdateStartPtr = outstream.Ptr;
                BandwidthUsage.AddUsage(ref bitstream, "NotEOS");

                if (mirror)

                if (!notEOS)

                // First three bits are the msgtype
                //TODO this might only need to be two
                updateType = (UpdateType)bitstream.ReadInt(3);
                BandwidthUsage.AddUsage(ref bitstream, "UpdateType");

                int updateBitstreamPos = outstream.Ptr;
                if (mirror)
                    outstream.WriteInt((int)updateType, 3);

                // Next variable is the NstId - get it to know where to send the rest of the bitstream
                uint nstid = bitstream.ReadUInt(NSTSettings.single.bitsForNstId);
                BandwidthUsage.AddUsage(ref bitstream, "NstId");

                if (mirror)
                    outstream.WriteUInt(nstid, NSTSettings.single.bitsForNstId);

                NetworkSyncTransform nst = NetworkSyncTransform.GetNstFromId(nstid);

                int updatelength = bitstream.ReadInt(UPDATELENGTH_BYTE_COUNT_SIZE);
                if (mirror)
                    outstream.WriteInt(updatelength, UPDATELENGTH_BYTE_COUNT_SIZE);
                BandwidthUsage.AddUsage(ref bitstream, "DataLength");

                //Note the starting pos in stream
                int bodyPtr = bitstream.Ptr;
                // The start pos for modifying update lenght for mirror
                int mirrorBodyPtr = outstream.Ptr;

                // This mising NST handler is NOT FULLY TESTED. Uses the updatelength value to jump ahead in the bitstream if the NST it is
                // addressed to doesn't exist for some reason.
                if (nst == null)
                    DebugX.LogWarning(!DebugX.logWarnings ? "" : ("Message for an NST Object arrived but that object does not exist."));
                    // Forward to the next update start in the incoming stream.
                    bitstream.Ptr = bodyPtr + (updatelength << 3);
                    // rewind to the EOS marker and pretend this arrival never occured for the outgoing mirror stream.
                    outstream.Ptr = mirrorUpdateStartPtr;

                // Tell this nst to read its mail. updateType may get modified by server receive for things like teleport.
                updateType = nst.ReceieveGeneric(ref bitstream, ref outstream, updateType, updatelength, mirror);

                // overwrite the updateType of the server outgoing in case it has changed.
                if (mirror)
                    outstream.WriteIntAtPos((int)updateType, 3, updateBitstreamPos);

                //Advance ptr to next update in stream by force, in case the last update wasn't read for any reason (such as the NST leaving the game)
                bitstream.Ptr = bodyPtr + (updatelength << 3);

                // write the update byte length for the mirror (not the same value as the incoming due to server side adjustments)
                if (mirror)
                    int holdPos = outstream.Ptr;
                    outstream.Ptr = mirrorBodyPtr - UPDATELENGTH_BYTE_COUNT_SIZE;
                    // get the bytesused rounded up.
                    int bytes = ((holdPos - mirrorBodyPtr) >> 3) + (((holdPos - mirrorBodyPtr) % 8 == 0) ? 0 : 1);
                    outstream.WriteInt(bytes, UPDATELENGTH_BYTE_COUNT_SIZE);
                    outstream.Ptr = mirrorBodyPtr + (bytes << 3);
            } while (safety < 100);
コード例 #15
 private void Awake()
     nst = GetComponent <NetworkSyncTransform>();