コード例 #1
    public void LoadStartingInputs()
        //If we're not the master, then it's not our job to load any inputs
        if (PhotonNetwork.IsMasterClient == false)

        //If we don't have any logged match inputs, then we don't need to do anything here
        if (lstLoggedSerializedMatchInputs == null)

        //First, double check that the NetworkMatchSender has been started so we can ask it to send some input for us

        //If we have any loaded logged match inputs, then we can send these all to the matchnetworkreceiver's input buffer
        for (int i = 0; i < lstLoggedSerializedMatchInputs.Count; i++)
            //For the index, just send 0, 1, 2,... in order since we'll be starting from the very beginning of the match
            NetworkMatchSender.Get().SendInput(i, lstLoggedSerializedMatchInputs[i]);

        //Since we're done giving all our logged inputs to the networkreceiver, we cna clear out our locally stored lst of inputs
        lstLoggedSerializedMatchInputs = null;
コード例 #2
    public IEnumerator SetupMatch()
        while (NetworkMatchSetup.HasAllMatchSetupInfo() == false)
            //Spin until we have all the match setup info that we need to start the match
            yield return(null);

        while (NetworkMatchSender.Get() == null)
            //Spin until the needed networking objects have been spawned and given a chance to initialize
            // - in particular, the NetworkMatchSender needs to be ready in case we need to immediately send inputs
            //    as part of initializing the match (like for loading a log file)
            yield return(null);

        Debug.Log("Starting match initializations since we have enough information");


        Debug.Log("Finished initializing the randomizer");


        Debug.Log("Finished initializing players");

        //Initialize characters

        Debug.Log("After InitAllChrs");

        //Assign local input controllers for each player

        Debug.Log("After assigning local input controllers");


        Debug.Log("After initializing mana reserves");


        Debug.Log("After initializing positions");



        Debug.Log("After InitializePriorities");

        //Check if the LogManager wants to load in any starting inputs

        Debug.Log("After LoadStartingInputs");


        Debug.Log("Finished initializing the log file");
コード例 #3
    public void FinishSelections()
        //Only allow manual selections when the local player is human
        Debug.Assert(ContTurns.Get().GetNextActingChr().plyrOwner.inputController.GetInputType() == LocalInputType.InputType.HUMAN,
                     "Error - can only submit skills for locally-owned >human<'s characters");

                     "Error - can only submit skills for >locally-owned< human's characters");

        //By this point, we have built up our local selectionsInProgress skill selection into a valid selection of targets,
        // so let's pass a reference into the Skill Engine's matchinputToFillOut so it can be submitted
        ContSkillEngine.Get().matchinputToFillOut = selectionsInProgress;


        //Clean up the selection process (clears out the stored selections structure, sends notifications, etc.)
コード例 #4
    public void SubmitNextSkill()
        Debug.Assert(ContSkillEngine.Get().matchinputToFillOut != null, "AI input was asked to submit an input, but we're not locally waiting on any input");
        Debug.AssertFormat(ContSkillEngine.Get().matchinputToFillOut.iPlayerActing == plyrOwner.id,
                           "Scripted input was asked to submit an input for player {0}, but this controller is for player {1}",
                           ContSkillEngine.Get().matchinputToFillOut.iPlayerActing, plyrOwner.id);

        //Just randomly select an input that would work for the pending match input

        //Double check that the input that we're planning to submit is actually valid
        if (ContSkillEngine.Get().matchinputToFillOut.CanLegallyExecute() == false)
            Debug.LogErrorFormat("Warning - resetting input to default since an illegal input {0} was attempted", ContSkillEngine.Get().matchinputToFillOut);
            //If it wasn't legal, then reset it to some default failsafe that is guaranteed to be legal

        //By this point, we have a valid input, so let's submit it
コード例 #5
    public void SubmitNextSkill()
        Debug.Assert(ContSkillEngine.Get().matchinputToFillOut != null, "Scripted input was asked to submit an input, but we're not locally waiting on any input");
        Debug.AssertFormat(ContSkillEngine.Get().matchinputToFillOut.iPlayerActing == plyrOwner.id,
                           "Scripted input was asked to submit an input for player {0}, but this script is for player {1}",
                           ContSkillEngine.Get().matchinputToFillOut.iPlayerActing, plyrOwner.id);

        //If we already used all of the inputs in our script, then we should change our inputtype to something more flexible
        if (nInputIndex >= lstInputScript.Count)
            Debug.LogFormat("Finished scripted input for Player {0} - switching to type {1}", plyrOwner, inputtypeToSwitchTo);




        //If we still have inputs in our script, take the appropriate one
        ContSkillEngine.Get().matchinputToFillOut = lstInputScript[nInputIndex];

        //Double check that the input that we're planning to submit is actually valid
        if (ContSkillEngine.Get().matchinputToFillOut.CanLegallyExecute() == false)
            Debug.LogErrorFormat("Warning - resetting input to default since an illegal input {0} was attempted", ContSkillEngine.Get().matchinputToFillOut);
            //If it wasn't legal, then reset it to some default failsafe that is guaranteed to be legal

        //Since we've grabbed this input, advance our index to be ready for the next requested input

        //By this point, we have a valid input, so let's submit it