コード例 #1
        public bool CapsQueueRunning()
            if (Client.Network.CurrentSim.Caps.IsEventQueueRunning)

            bool Success = false;

            // make sure caps event queue is running
            System.Threading.AutoResetEvent          waitforCAPS = new System.Threading.AutoResetEvent(false);
            NetworkManager.EventQueueRunningCallback capsRunning = delegate(Simulator sim)

            Client.Network.OnEventQueueRunning += capsRunning;
            if (waitforCAPS.WaitOne(10000, false))
                Success = true;
                Success = false;
                Assert.Fail("Timeout waiting for event Queue to startup");
            Client.Network.OnEventQueueRunning -= capsRunning;
コード例 #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length != 8 && args.Length != 9)
                Console.WriteLine("Usage: importprimscript.exe [firstname] [lastname] [password] " +
                                  "[loginuri] [Simulator] [x] [y] [z] [input.primscript]" +
                                  Environment.NewLine + "Example: importprimscript.exe My Bot password " +
                                  "Hooper 128 128 40 maya-export" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "ant.primscript" +
                                  Environment.NewLine + "(the loginuri is optional and only used for logging in to another grid)");

            // Strip quotes from any arguments
            for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
                args[i] = args[i].Trim(new char[] { '"' });

            // Parse the primscript file
            string        scriptfilename = args[args.Length - 1];
            string        error;
            List <Sculpt> sculpties = ParsePrimscript(scriptfilename, out error);

            scriptfilename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(scriptfilename);

            // Check for parsing errors
            if (error != String.Empty)
                Console.WriteLine("An error was encountered reading the input file: " + error);
            else if (sculpties.Count == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("No primitives were read from the input file");

            // Add callback handlers for asset uploads finishing. new prims spotted, and logging
            Client.Objects.OnNewPrim += new ObjectManager.NewPrimCallback(Objects_OnNewPrim);
            Logger.OnLogMessage      += new Logger.LogCallback(Client_OnLogMessage);

            // Optimize the connection for our purposes
            Client.Self.Movement.Camera.Far    = 64f;
            Client.Settings.MULTIPLE_SIMS      = false;
            Client.Settings.SEND_AGENT_UPDATES = true;
            Settings.LOG_LEVEL = Helpers.LogLevel.None;
            Client.Settings.ALWAYS_REQUEST_OBJECTS = true;
            Client.Settings.ALWAYS_DECODE_OBJECTS  = true;
            Client.Throttle.Land  = 0;
            Client.Throttle.Wind  = 0;
            Client.Throttle.Cloud = 0;
            // Not sure if Asset or Texture will help with uploads, but it won't hurt
            Client.Throttle.Asset   = 220000.0f;
            Client.Throttle.Texture = 446000.0f;
            Client.Throttle.Task    = 446000.0f;

            // Create a handler for the event queue connecting, so we know when
            // it is safe to start uploading
            AutoResetEvent eventQueueEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);

            NetworkManager.EventQueueRunningCallback eventQueueCallback =
                delegate(Simulator simulator)
                if (simulator == Client.Network.CurrentSim)
            Client.Network.OnEventQueueRunning += eventQueueCallback;

            int    x     = Int32.Parse(args[args.Length - 4]);
            int    y     = Int32.Parse(args[args.Length - 3]);
            int    z     = Int32.Parse(args[args.Length - 2]);
            string start = NetworkManager.StartLocation(args[args.Length - 5], x, y, z);

            LoginParams loginParams = Client.Network.DefaultLoginParams(args[0], args[1], args[2],
                                                                        "importprimscript", "1.4.0");

            loginParams.Start = start;
            if (args.Length == 9)
                loginParams.URI = args[3];

            // Attempt to login
            if (!Client.Network.Login(loginParams))
                Console.WriteLine("Login failed: " + Client.Network.LoginMessage);

            // Need to be connected to the event queue before we can upload
            Console.WriteLine("Login succeeded, waiting for the event handler to connect...");
            if (!eventQueueEvent.WaitOne(1000 * 90, false))
                Console.WriteLine("Event queue connection timed out, disconnecting...");

            // Don't need this anymore
            Client.Network.OnEventQueueRunning -= eventQueueCallback;

            // Set the root position for the import
            RootPosition    = Client.Self.SimPosition;
            RootPosition.Z += 3.0f;

            // TODO: Check if our account balance is high enough to upload everything

            // Create a folder to hold all of our texture uploads
            UploadFolderID = Client.Inventory.CreateFolder(Client.Inventory.Store.RootFolder.UUID, scriptfilename);

            // Loop through each sculpty and do what we need to do
            for (int i = 0; i < sculpties.Count; i++)
                // Upload the sculpt map and texture
                sculpties[i].SculptID  = UploadImage(sculpties[i].SculptFile, true);
                sculpties[i].TextureID = UploadImage(sculpties[i].TextureFile, false);

                // Check for failed uploads
                if (sculpties[i].SculptID == UUID.Zero)
                    Console.WriteLine("Sculpt map " + sculpties[i].SculptFile + " failed to upload, skipping " + sculpties[i].Name);
                else if (sculpties[i].TextureID == UUID.Zero)
                    Console.WriteLine("Texture " + sculpties[i].TextureFile + " failed to upload, skipping " + sculpties[i].Name);

                // Create basic spherical volume parameters. It will be set to
                // a scultpy in the callback for new objects being created
                Primitive.ConstructionData volume = new Primitive.ConstructionData();
                volume.PCode        = PCode.Prim;
                volume.Material     = Material.Wood;
                volume.PathScaleY   = 0.5f;
                volume.PathCurve    = PathCurve.Circle;
                volume.ProfileCurve = ProfileCurve.Circle;

                // Rez this prim
                CurrentSculpt = sculpties[i];
                Client.Objects.AddPrim(Client.Network.CurrentSim, volume, UUID.Zero,
                                       RootPosition + CurrentSculpt.Offset, CurrentSculpt.Scale, Quaternion.Identity);

                // Wait for the prim to rez and the properties be set for it
                if (!RezzedEvent.WaitOne(1000 * 10, false))
                    Console.WriteLine("Timed out waiting for prim " + CurrentSculpt.Name + " to rez, skipping");

            CurrentSculpt = null;

            lock (RezzedPrims)
                // Set full permissions for all of the objects
                Client.Objects.SetPermissions(Client.Network.CurrentSim, RezzedPrims, PermissionWho.All,
                                              PermissionMask.All, true);

                // Link the entire object together
                Client.Objects.LinkPrims(Client.Network.CurrentSim, RezzedPrims);

            Console.WriteLine("Rezzed, textured, and linked " + RezzedPrims.Count + " sculpted prims, logging out...");
