コード例 #1
        public void ReceiveAnswer()
            // We know that the server will send a JSON string
            // so we prepare the statement for it
            int answer = GameStore.Instance.Game.PlayerList.Find(p => p.Turn).BinaryReader.Read();

            while (answer == 0)
                answer = GameStore.Instance.Game.PlayerList.Find(p => p.Turn).BinaryReader.Read();

            string             hint = string.Empty;
            NetworkInstruction targetNetworkInstruction = NetworkInstruction.Wait;

            if (answer == GameStore.Instance.Game.TargetNumber)
                hint = "O jogador acertou no número correto!";
                GameStore.Instance.Game.GameState = GameState.GameEnded;
                targetNetworkInstruction          = NetworkInstruction.GameEnded;
            else if (answer < GameStore.Instance.Game.TargetNumber)
                hint = "O número é superior ao valor introduzido";
            else if (answer > GameStore.Instance.Game.TargetNumber)
                hint = "O número é inferior ao valor introduzido";

            NetworkMessage networkMessageToSend = new NetworkMessage()
                Message = "O jogador " + GameStore.Instance.Game.PlayerList.Find(p => p.Turn).PlayerName + " tentou " + answer + "\n" + hint,

                NetworkInstruction = targetNetworkInstruction

            string networkMessageToSenndJsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(networkMessageToSend);

            foreach (Player player in GameStore.Instance.Game.PlayerList)

            //TODO: Log player moves
コード例 #2
        public void ReceiveAnswer()
            // We know that the server will send a JSON string
            // so we prepare the statement for it

            int currentPlayer = GameStore.Instance.Game.PlayerList.FindIndex(p => p.Turn) + 1; //1 if player 1, 2 if player 2

            int k;

            string answer;

                answer = GameStore.Instance.Game.PlayerList.Find(p => p.Turn).BinaryReader.ReadString();
            } while (!Int32.TryParse(answer, out k) || k < 1 || k > 9 || Positions[(k - 1) / 3, (k - 1) % 3] == 'O' || Positions[(k - 1) / 3, (k - 1) % 3] == 'X');

            Console.WriteLine("SAI DO CICLOOOO!!");

            //while (Int32.TryParse(answer, out k))
            //    while (k < 1 || k > 9 || Positions[(k - 1) / 3, (k - 1) % 3] == 'O' || Positions[(k - 1) / 3, (k - 1) % 3] == 'X')
            //    {
            //        answer = GameStore.Instance.Game.PlayerList.Find(p => p.Turn).BinaryReader.ReadString();
            //        Thread.Sleep(100);
            //        Int32.TryParse(answer, out k);
            //    }
            //    break;

            //Console.WriteLine((answer-1) / 3);
            //Console.WriteLine((answer-1) % 3);
            //string hint = string.Empty;

            NetworkInstruction targetNetworkInstruction = NetworkInstruction.Wait;

            //if (answer == Positions[(answer-1)/3, (answer-1)%3])
            Console.WriteLine((k - 1) / 3);
            Console.WriteLine((k - 1) % 3);

            if (currentPlayer == 1)
                Positions[(k - 1) / 3, (k - 1) % 3] = 'X';
                Positions[(k - 1) / 3, (k - 1) % 3] = 'O';

            //for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            //    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
            //    {
            //        if (answer == Positions[i, j])
            //        {
            //            if (player1 == null)
            //            {
            //                player1 = GameStore.Instance.Game.PlayerList.Find(p => p.Turn);

            //                Positions[i, j] = 'X';
            //            }
            //            else if (player2 == null)
            //            {
            //                player2 = GameStore.Instance.Game.PlayerList.Find(p => p.Turn);

            //                Positions[i, j] = 'O';
            //            }
            //            else if (player1.Id == GameStore.Instance.Game.PlayerList.Find(p => p.Turn).Id)
            //            {
            //                Positions[i, j] = 'X';
            //            }
            //            else if (player2.Id == GameStore.Instance.Game.PlayerList.Find(p => p.Turn).Id)
            //            {
            //                Positions[i, j] = 'O';
            //            }
            //        }
            //        else
            //        {
            //            if (i == 2 && j == 2)
            //            {
            //                //AskPlayerToPlay();
            //                answer = GameStore.Instance.Game.PlayerList.Find(p => p.Turn).BinaryReader.Read();
            //                Thread.Sleep(100);
            //            }
            //        }
            //    }

            //if (answer == GameStore.Instance.Game.TargetNumber)
            //    hint = "O jogador acertou no número correto!";
            //    GameStore.Instance.Game.GameState = GameState.GameEnded;
            //    targetNetworkInstruction = NetworkInstruction.GameEnded;
            //else if (answer < GameStore.Instance.Game.TargetNumber)
            //    hint = "ERRADO! O número é superior ao valor introduzido!";
            //else if (answer > GameStore.Instance.Game.TargetNumber)
            //    hint = "ERRADO! O número é inferior ao valor introduzido!";

            //string message = "";

            //for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            //    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
            //    {
            //        message += Positions[i, j];
            //        message += "  ";
            //        if (j == 2)
            //        {
            //            message += "\n";
            //        }
            //    }

            //NetworkMessage networkMessageToSend = new NetworkMessage()
            //    Message = message,
            //    NetworkInstruction = NetworkInstruction.Wait

            NetworkMessage networkMessageToSend = new NetworkMessage()
                Message = "O jogador " + GameStore.Instance.Game.PlayerList.Find(p => p.Turn).PlayerName + " tentou " + answer + "\n",

                NetworkInstruction = targetNetworkInstruction

            string networkMessageToSenndJsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(networkMessageToSend);

            foreach (Player player in GameStore.Instance.Game.PlayerList)

            //TODO: Log player moves
コード例 #3
        public void StartClient()
            // Start udp client
            TcpClient tcpClient = new TcpClient();

            tcpClient.Connect(IPAddress.Parse(""), 7777);
            BinaryWriter binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(tcpClient.GetStream());
            BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(tcpClient.GetStream());

            string         receivedNetworkMessageJsonString;
            NetworkMessage receivedNetworkMessage;

            // This while::cycle works like a game cycle.
            // A boolean should take it's place so that the client
            // can exit the cycle when it wants.
            // It is here to make sure that the client can make
            // several communications with the server.
            while (true)
                switch (_playerState)
                case PlayerState.ReceivePlayerInformation:
                    Console.WriteLine("Input player name:");
                    // Here we initiate a new Player class with
                    // information from the player input (player name)
                    Player player = new Player
                        PlayerName = Console.ReadLine()

                    // Check player name for null
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(player.PlayerName))
                        // Create a new instance of a class
                        // called networkMessage and set the current
                        // player in that model so that we can send
                        // this object to the server
                        NetworkMessage networkMessage = new NetworkMessage()
                            Player = player

                        // Serialize the NetworkMessage object to a JSON string
                        string networkMessageJsonStrong = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(networkMessage);

                        // We know that the server will send a JSON string
                        // so we prepare the statement for it
                        receivedNetworkMessageJsonString = binaryReader.ReadString();

                        // Unserialize the JSON string to the object NetworkMessage
                        receivedNetworkMessage = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <NetworkMessage>(receivedNetworkMessageJsonString);

                        // Temporary and simple validation indicating
                        // that we received a positive connected state
                        // from the server
                        if (receivedNetworkMessage.Connected)
                            _playerState = PlayerState.GameStarted;
                            Console.WriteLine("Not Connected");

                case PlayerState.GameStarted:
                    switch (_networkInstruction)
                    case NetworkInstruction.Wait:
                        // We know that the server will send a JSON string
                        // so we prepare the statement for it
                        receivedNetworkMessageJsonString = binaryReader.ReadString();

                        // Unserialize the JSON string to the object NetworkMessage
                        receivedNetworkMessage = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <NetworkMessage>(receivedNetworkMessageJsonString);

                        _networkInstruction = receivedNetworkMessage.NetworkInstruction;

                    case NetworkInstruction.MakeMove:
                        string answer = Console.ReadLine();


                    case NetworkInstruction.GameEnded:
                        _playerState = PlayerState.GameEnded;


                case PlayerState.GameEnded:
コード例 #4
 public ClientController()
     _playerState        = PlayerState.ReceivePlayerInformation;
     _networkInstruction = NetworkInstruction.Wait;