コード例 #1
 public void SetLocalRequiredFarmers(string checkName, IEnumerable <Farmer> required_farmers)
     if (!readyChecks.ContainsKey(checkName))
         readyChecks.Add(checkName, new ReadyCheck(checkName));
コード例 #2
 public void RequestLimitedNutDrops(string key, GameLocation location, int x, int y, int limit, int reward_amount = 1)
     if (!limitedNutDrops.ContainsKey(key) || limitedNutDrops[key] < limit)
         if (location == null)
             requestNutDrop.Fire(new NutDropRequest(key, null, new Point(x, y), limit, reward_amount));
             requestNutDrop.Fire(new NutDropRequest(key, location.NameOrUniqueName, new Point(x, y), limit, reward_amount));
コード例 #3
        public void UpdateLocalStockWithSyncedQuanitities(SynchedShop shop, Dictionary <ISalable, int[]> localStock, Dictionary <string, Func <bool> > conditionalItemFilters = null)
            List <Item> itemsToRemove = new List <Item>();
            NetStringDictionary <int, NetInt> sharedStock = getSharedStock(shop);

            if (getLastDayUpdated(shop) != Game1.Date.TotalDays)
                setLastDayUpdated(shop, Game1.Date.TotalDays);
                foreach (Item item5 in localStock.Keys)
                    string itemString3 = Utility.getStandardDescriptionFromItem(item5, 1);
                    sharedStock.Add(itemString3, localStock[item5][1]);
                    if (sharedStock[itemString3] != int.MaxValue)
                        item5.Stack = sharedStock[itemString3];
                foreach (Item item4 in localStock.Keys)
                    string itemString2 = Utility.getStandardDescriptionFromItem(item4, 1);
                    if (sharedStock.ContainsKey(itemString2) && sharedStock[itemString2] > 0)
                        localStock[item4][1] = sharedStock[itemString2];
                        if (sharedStock[itemString2] != int.MaxValue)
                            item4.Stack = sharedStock[itemString2];
                foreach (Item item3 in itemsToRemove)
            if (conditionalItemFilters != null)
                foreach (Item item2 in localStock.Keys)
                    string itemString = Utility.getStandardDescriptionFromItem(item2, 1);
                    if (conditionalItemFilters.ContainsKey(itemString) && !conditionalItemFilters[itemString]())
                foreach (Item item in itemsToRemove)
コード例 #4
        public void OnItemPurchased(SynchedShop shop, ISalable item, int amount)
            NetStringDictionary <int, NetInt> sharedStock = getSharedStock(shop);
            string itemString = Utility.getStandardDescriptionFromItem(item as Item, 1);

            if (sharedStock.ContainsKey(itemString) && sharedStock[itemString] != int.MaxValue && (!(item is Object) || !(item as Object).IsRecipe))
                sharedStock[itemString] -= amount;
コード例 #5
        private void LoadRecipes(IContentPack contentPack, IEnumerable <ContentPackDataInfo> sources)
            var recipes = (from source in sources
                           from entry in source.Content.Recipes
                           select new { Source = source, Data = entry }).ToArray();

            // Create each recipe
            foreach (var recipe in recipes)
                // Create each ingredient
                IRecipePart[] ingredients = recipe.Data.Ingredients.Select(ConvertPart).ToArray();

                // Create each result
                IRecipePart[] results = recipe.Data.Results.Select(ConvertPart).ToArray();

                // Create the recipe
                ISprite sprite     = results.FirstOrDefault()?.Sprite ?? ingredients.FirstOrDefault()?.Sprite ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to create a sprite for a recipe.");
                string  recipeName = this._api.Items.RegisterCraftingRecipe(new ModRecipe(this._api.TranslationHelper, sprite, results, ingredients, recipe.Data.Name, recipe.Data.IsCooking));

                // TODO: Add conditions when the recipe can be added
                this._api.Owner.Helper.Events.GameLoop.SaveLoaded += (sender, args) => {
                    // Get the target dictionary
                    NetStringDictionary <int, NetInt> targetDictionary = recipe.Data.IsCooking ? Game1.player.craftingRecipes : Game1.player.cookingRecipes;

                    // Add the recipe to the target
                    if (!targetDictionary.ContainsKey(recipeName))
                        targetDictionary.Add(recipeName, 0);

                this._api.Owner.Monitor.Log($" - Added recipe: {recipeName}, Ingredients: {ingredients.Length}, Results: {results.Length}", LogLevel.Debug);

            IRecipePart ConvertPart(RecipeData.Part part)
                return(part.Match <RecipeData.Part, IRecipePart>()
                       .When <RecipeData.ModPart>(modPart => {
                    if (!this._api.Items.Delegator.TryParseKey(modPart.Id, out ItemKey key))
                        key = new ItemKey(contentPack.Manifest, modPart.Id);

                    return new ModRecipePart(this._api, key, part.Quantity);
                       .When <RecipeData.GamePart>(gamePart => gamePart.Type == RecipeData.ItemType.OBJECT, gamePart => new SObjectRecipePart(this._api, gamePart.Id, gamePart.Quantity))
                       .When <RecipeData.GamePart>(gamePart => gamePart.Type == RecipeData.ItemType.BIGCRAFTABLE, gamePart => new BigCraftableRecipePart(this._api, gamePart.Id, gamePart.Quantity))
                       .When <RecipeData.GamePart>(gamePart => gamePart.Type == RecipeData.ItemType.WEAPON, gamePart => new WeaponRecipePart(this._api, gamePart.Id, gamePart.Quantity))
                       .When <RecipeData.GamePart>(gamePart => gamePart.Type == RecipeData.ItemType.HAT, gamePart => new HatRecipePart(this._api, gamePart.Id, gamePart.Quantity))
                       .ElseThrow(_ => new InvalidOperationException($"Unknown part type: {part.GetType().FullName}")));
コード例 #6
 /// <summary>Allows generic interactions with NPCs in <see cref="MovieTheater"/> under certain conditions.</summary>
 /// <param name="__instance">The <see cref="MovieTheater"/> instance.</param>
 /// <param name="tileLocation">The tile targeted by this action.</param>
 /// <param name="viewport">The viewport of the player performing this action.</param>
 /// <param name="who">The player performing this action.</param>
 /// <param name="____playerInvitedPatrons">The list of NPCs invited by the player. Non-public field for this <see cref="MovieTheater"/> instance.</param>
 /// <param name="____characterGroupLookup">The list of NPC patrons currently present. Non-public field for this <see cref="MovieTheater"/> instance.</param>
 /// <param name="__result">The result of the original method.</param>
 private static void MovieTheater_checkAction(MovieTheater __instance,
                                              Location tileLocation,
                                              xTile.Dimensions.Rectangle viewport,
                                              Farmer who,
                                              NetStringDictionary <int, NetInt> ____playerInvitedPatrons,
                                              NetStringDictionary <bool, NetBool> ____characterGroupLookup,
                                              ref bool __result)
         if (__result == true) //if the original method return true
             PropertyValue action = null;
             __instance.map.GetLayer("Buildings").PickTile(new Location(tileLocation.X * 64, tileLocation.Y * 64), viewport.Size)?.Properties.TryGetValue("Action", out action); //get this tile's Action property if it exists
             if (action == null)                                                                                                                                                 //if this tile does NOT have an Action property
                 Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle tileRect = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(tileLocation.X * 64, tileLocation.Y * 64, 64, 64);                           //get this tile's pixel area
                 foreach (NPC npc in __instance.characters)                                                                                                                      //for each NPC in this location
                     if (npc.isVillager() && npc.GetBoundingBox().Intersects(tileRect))                                                                                          //if this NPC is a villager and targeted by this action
                         string npcName = npc.Name;
                         if (____playerInvitedPatrons.ContainsKey(npcName) == false && ____characterGroupLookup.ContainsKey(npcName) == false) //if this NPC is NOT here as a patron (i.e. does not have patron-specific dialogue or behavior)
                             __result = npc.checkAction(who, __instance);                                                                      //check action on this NPC (i.e. talk/give gifts/etc) and override the result
     catch (Exception ex)
         Monitor.LogOnce($"Harmony patch \"{nameof(HarmonyPatch_MovieTheaterNPCs)}\" has encountered an error. Postfix \"{nameof(MovieTheater_checkAction)}\" might malfunction or revert to default behavior. Full error message: \n{ex.ToString()}", LogLevel.Error);
         return; //run the original method
コード例 #7
        public virtual string Parse(string data)
            data = data.Trim();
            data = MakeLocalizationReplacements(data);
            int open_index = 0;

                open_index = data.LastIndexOf('{');
                if (open_index < 0)
                int close_index = data.IndexOf('}', open_index);
                if (close_index == -1)
                string inner  = data.Substring(open_index + 1, close_index - open_index - 1);
                string value  = inner;
                string key    = inner;
                string subkey = null;
                if (inner.Contains(":"))
                    string[] split2 = inner.Split(':');
                    key = split2[0];
                    if (split2.Length > 1)
                        subkey = split2[1];
                if (_orderData.RandomizedElements != null)
                    if (preSelectedItems.ContainsKey(key))
                        Object requested_item = new Object(Vector2.Zero, preSelectedItems[key], 0);
                        switch (subkey)
                        case "Text":
                            value = requested_item.DisplayName;

                        case "TextPlural":
                            value = Lexicon.makePlural(requested_item.DisplayName);

                        case "TextPluralCapitalized":
                            value = Utility.capitalizeFirstLetter(Lexicon.makePlural(requested_item.DisplayName));

                        case "Tags":
                            string alternate_id = "id_" + Utility.getStandardDescriptionFromItem(requested_item, 0, '_');
                            alternate_id = alternate_id.Substring(0, alternate_id.Length - 2).ToLower();
                            value        = alternate_id;

                        case "Price":
                            value = string.Concat(requested_item.sellToStorePrice(-1L));
                    else if (selectedRandomElements.ContainsKey(key))
                        foreach (RandomizedElement randomized_element in _orderData.RandomizedElements)
                            if (randomized_element.Name == key)
                                value = MakeLocalizationReplacements(randomized_element.Values[selectedRandomElements[key]].Value);
                if (subkey != null)
                    string[] split = value.Split('|');
                    for (int i = 0; i < split.Length; i += 2)
                        if (i + 1 <= split.Length && split[i] == subkey)
                            value = split[i + 1];
                data = data.Remove(open_index, close_index - open_index + 1);
                data = data.Insert(open_index, value);
            }while (open_index >= 0);