private NetCollection <NPC> GetVillagers() { var allNpcs = new NetCollection <NPC>(); var locationList = Context.IsMainPlayer ? this.Helper.Multiplayer.GetActiveLocations().Concat(Game1.locations) : this.Helper.Multiplayer.GetActiveLocations(); foreach (GameLocation location in locationList) { foreach (NPC npc in location.characters) { if (npc == null) { continue; } if (!allNpcs.Contains(npc) && !ModConstants.ExcludedVillagers.Contains(npc.Name) && npc.isVillager()) { allNpcs.Add(npc); } } } return(allNpcs); }
public override void OnReleased() { base.OnReleased(); if (_menuInstaller != null) { Object.Destroy(_menuInstaller); _menuInstaller = null; } if (_roadsInstaller != null) { Object.Destroy(_roadsInstaller); _roadsInstaller = null; } if (_roads != null) { Object.Destroy(_roads); _roads = null; } if (_props != null) { Object.Destroy(_props); _props = null; } if (_container != null) { Object.Destroy(_container); _container = null; } }
public override void OnReleased() { base.OnReleased(); if (_isReleased) { return; } if (_initalizer != null) { Object.Destroy(_initalizer); _initalizer = null; } if (_newRoads != null) { Object.Destroy(_newRoads); _newRoads = null; } if (_container != null) { Object.Destroy(_container); _container = null; } _isReleased = true; }
public override void behaviorAtGameTick(GameTime time) { base.behaviorAtGameTick(time); if (Health <= 0) { return; } this.lastGhost = Math.Max(0f, this.lastGhost - (float)time.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds); this.lastDebuff = Math.Max(0f, this.lastDebuff - (float)time.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds); if (withinPlayerThreshold(10)) { if (lastDebuff == 0f) { Vector2 velocityTowardPlayer = Utility.getVelocityTowardPlayer(this.GetBoundingBox().Center, 15f, base.Player); if (ModEntry.IsLessThanHalfHealth(this)) { for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { Vector2 trajectory = ModEntry.VectorFromDegree(i * 30) * 10f; currentLocation.projectiles.Add(new BossProjectile((int)Math.Round(20 * difficulty), 9, 3, 4, 0f, trajectory.X, trajectory.Y, getStandingPosition(), "", "", true, false, currentLocation, this, false, null, 19)); } } else { currentLocation.projectiles.Add(new BossProjectile((int)Math.Round(20 * difficulty), 9, 3, 4, 0f, velocityTowardPlayer.X, velocityTowardPlayer.Y, getStandingPosition(), "", "", true, false, currentLocation, this, false, null, 19)); } this.lastDebuff = Game1.random.Next(3000, 6000); } if (lastGhost == 0f) { int ghosts = 0; using (NetCollection <NPC> .Enumerator enumerator = currentLocation.characters.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { NPC j = enumerator.Current; if (j is ToughGhost) { ghosts++; } } } if (ghosts < (Health < MaxHealth / 2 ? this.MaxGhosts * 2 : this.MaxGhosts)) { GameLocation aLocation = currentLocation; currentLocation.characters.Add(new ToughGhost(Position, difficulty) { focusedOnFarmers = true }); this.lastGhost = (float)Game1.random.Next(3000, 80000); } } } }
public static NPC Find(this NetCollection <NPC> npcs, string name) { NPC npc; using (NetCollection <NPC> .Enumerator enumarator = npcs.GetEnumerator()) { while (true) { if (enumarator.MoveNext()) { NPC npc2 = enumarator.Current; if (npc2.Name != name) { continue; } npc = npc2; } else { return(null); } break; } } return(npc); }
/* * In here I'm changing the prefabs to have my classes. This way, every time the game instantiates * a prefab that I've changed, that object will run my code. * The prefabs aren't available at the moment of creation of this class, that's why I keep trying to * run it on update. I want to make sure I make the switch as soon as they exist to prevent the game * from instantianting objects without my code. */ void TryReplacePrefabs() { try { NetCollection beautificationNetCollection = GameObject.Find("Beautification").GetComponent <NetCollection>(); VehicleCollection garbageVehicleCollection = GameObject.Find("Garbage").GetComponent <VehicleCollection>(); VehicleCollection policeVehicleCollection = GameObject.Find("Police Department").GetComponent <VehicleCollection>(); //VehicleCollection publicTansportVehicleCollection = GameObject.Find("Public Transport").GetComponent<VehicleCollection>(); VehicleCollection healthCareVehicleCollection = GameObject.Find("Health Care").GetComponent <VehicleCollection>(); VehicleCollection fireDepartmentVehicleCollection = GameObject.Find("Fire Department").GetComponent <VehicleCollection>(); // Localization UpdateLocalization(); // roads PedestrianZoningPathAI.Initialize(beautificationNetCollection, transform); PedestrianZoningBridgeAI.Initialize(beautificationNetCollection, transform); // vehicles CustomGarbageTruckAI.Initialize(garbageVehicleCollection, transform); CustomAmbulanceAI.Initialize(healthCareVehicleCollection, transform); //CustomBusAI.Initialize(publicTansportVehicleCollection, transform); CustomFireTruckAI.Initialize(fireDepartmentVehicleCollection, transform); CustomHearseAI.Initialize(healthCareVehicleCollection, transform); CustomPoliceCarAI.Initialize(policeVehicleCollection, transform); m_initialized = true; } catch (KeyNotFoundException knf) { #if DEBUG System.IO.File.AppendAllText("Debug.txt", "Error trying to initialize custom prefabs: " + knf.Message + "\n"); m_initialized = true; #endif } catch (Exception) {} }
public override Item GetItemForInput(InputPipeNode input, int flux) { Item item = null; if (input != null) { NetCollection <Item> itemList = Farm.getShippingBin(Game1.MasterPlayer); int index = itemList.Count - 1; if (CanSendItems() && Farm.lastItemShipped != null) { if (input.HasFilter()) { if (input.Filter.Any(i => i.Name.Equals(itemList[index].Name))) { item = TryExtractItem(input.ConnectedContainer, itemList); } } else { item = TryExtractItem(input.ConnectedContainer, itemList); } } } return(item); }
private void OnShippingBinUpdate(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Game1.hasLoadedGame) { return; } //every update, store what is in the bin. Then at night when they see the shipping results we have the items ready NetCollection <Item> previous = null; if (Game1.activeClickableMenu == null) { foreach (Farmer farmer in Game1.getAllFarmers()) { int itemCount = (farmerItems.ContainsKey(farmer)) ? farmerItems[farmer].Count : 0; NetCollection <Item> current = Game1.getFarm().getShippingBin(farmer); if (current != previous) { farmerItems[farmer] = new List <Item>(current); } else { farmerItems[farmer] = new List <Item>(); } previous = current; if (farmerItems[farmer].Count > itemCount) { Log("Added " + (farmerItems[farmer].Count - itemCount) + " items to ship for " +; } } } }
public static bool GameLocation_performAction_Prefix(GameLocation __instance, string action, Farmer who, ref bool __result, Location tileLocation) { try { if (action != null && who.IsLocalPlayer) { string[] actionParams = action.Split(new char[] { ' ' }); string text = actionParams[0]; Regex pattern = new Regex(@"Crib[0-9][0-9]*"); if (pattern.IsMatch(text)) { int crib = int.Parse(text.Substring(4)); Monitor.Log($"Acting on crib {crib+1}"); Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle rect = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle((ModEntry.config.ExistingKidsRoomOffsetX + 15) * 64 + (3 * crib * 64), (ModEntry.config.ExistingKidsRoomOffsetY + 2) * 64, 3 * 64, 4 * 64); using (NetCollection <NPC> .Enumerator enumerator = __instance.characters.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { NPC j = enumerator.Current; if (j is Child) { if (rect.Intersects(j.GetBoundingBox())) { if ((j as Child).Age == 1) { Monitor.Log($"Tossing {j.Name}"); (j as Child).toss(who); } else if ((j as Child).Age == 0) { Monitor.Log($"{j.Name} is sleeping"); Game1.drawObjectDialogue(Game1.parseText(Game1.content.LoadString("Strings\\Locations:FarmHouse_Crib_NewbornSleeping", j.displayName))); } else if ((j as Child).isInCrib() && (j as Child).Age == 2) { Monitor.Log($"acting on {j.Name}"); return(j.checkAction(who, __instance)); } __result = true; return(false); } } } } __result = true; return(false); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Monitor.Log($"Failed in {nameof(ManorHouse_performAction_Prefix)}:\n{ex}", LogLevel.Error); } return(true); }
public static void FarmerTeam_NewDay_Postfix(FarmerTeam __instance, NetCollection <Item> __state) { __instance.grangeDisplay.Clear(); foreach (Item item in __state) { __instance.grangeDisplay.Add(item); } }
/********* ** Public methods *********/ /// <summary>Construct an instance.</summary> /// <param name="location">The location whose shipping bin to manage.</param> /// <param name="mode">The type of shipping bin menu to create.</param> public ShippingBinContainer(GameLocation location, ShippingBinMode mode) { this.Location = location; this.Farm = location as Farm ?? Game1.getFarm(); this.ShippingBin = this.Farm.getShippingBin(Game1.player); this.Data = new ContainerData(location.modData, discriminator: ShippingBinContainer.ModDataDiscriminator); this.Mode = mode; }
/********* ** Public methods *********/ /// <summary>Construct an instance.</summary> /// <param name="location">The location whose shipping bin to manage.</param> /// <param name="dataHelper">An API for reading and storing local mod data.</param> /// <param name="mode">The type of shipping bin menu to create.</param> public ShippingBinContainer(GameLocation location, IDataHelper dataHelper, ShippingBinMode mode) { this.DataHelper = dataHelper; this.Location = location; this.Farm = location as Farm ?? Game1.getFarm(); this.ShippingBin = this.Farm.getShippingBin(Game1.player); this.Data = ContainerData.FromModData(location.modData, defaultInternalName: null, discriminator: ShippingBinContainer.ModDataDiscriminator); this.Mode = mode; }
private void ButtonPressed(object sender, ButtonPressedEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == this.Config.UpdateGreenhouses && Context.IsMainPlayer) { NetCollection <Building> ToBuild = new NetCollection <Building>(); foreach (Building building in Game1.getFarm().buildings) { bool create = true; if (building.buildingType.Value.Contains("Cabin")) { foreach (Building greenhouse in Game1.getFarm().buildings) { if (greenhouse.buildingType.Value.Equals("Greenhouse") && greenhouse.owner.Value == (building.indoors.Value as Cabin).getFarmhand().Value.UniqueMultiplayerID) { create = false; break; } } if (create) { ToBuild.Add(CreateGreenhouse(building)); } } } foreach (Building building in ToBuild) { Game1.getFarm().buildings.Add(building); } Game1.chatBox.addMessage("Greanhouses Created: " + ToBuild.Count.ToString(), Color.White); NetCollection <Building> ToDestroy = new NetCollection <Building>(); foreach (Building building in Game1.getFarm().buildings) { bool destroy = true; if (building.buildingType.Value.Equals("Greenhouse")) { foreach (Building cabin in Game1.getFarm().buildings) { if (cabin.buildingType.Value.Contains("Cabin") && building.owner.Value == (cabin.indoors.Value as Cabin).getFarmhand().Value.UniqueMultiplayerID) { destroy = false; break; } } if (destroy) { ToDestroy.Add(building); } } } foreach (Building building in ToDestroy) { Game1.getFarm().buildings.Remove(building); } Game1.chatBox.addMessage("Greanhouses Removed: " + ToBuild.Count.ToString(), Color.White); } }
} = false; // Automate can't read the shipping bin settings /********* ** Public methods *********/ /// <summary>Construct an instance.</summary> /// <param name="farm">The farm whose shipping bin to manage.</param> /// <param name="dataHelper">An API for reading and storing local mod data.</param> public ShippingBinContainer(Farm farm, IDataHelper dataHelper) { this.DataHelper = dataHelper; this.Farm = farm; this.ShippingBin = farm.getShippingBin(Game1.player); this.IsDataEditable = Context.IsMainPlayer; this.Data = this.IsDataEditable ? dataHelper.ReadSaveData <ContainerData>(this.DataKey) ?? new ContainerData(defaultInternalName: null) : new ContainerData(defaultInternalName: null); }
public static void Initialize(NetCollection collection, Transform customPrefabs) { if (sm_initialized) { return; } Initialize(collection, customPrefabs, "Pedestrian Pavement", "Zonable Pedestrian Pavement"); Initialize(collection, customPrefabs, "Pedestrian Gravel", "Zonable Pedestrian Gravel"); sm_initialized = true; }
public override void OnReleased() { base.OnReleased(); if (_isReleased) { return; } if (_initializer != null) { Object.Destroy(_initializer); _initializer = null; } if (_localizationInstaller != null) { Object.Destroy(_localizationInstaller); _localizationInstaller = null; } if (_assetsInstaller != null) { Object.Destroy(_assetsInstaller); _assetsInstaller = null; } if (_roadsInstaller != null) { Object.Destroy(_roadsInstaller); _roadsInstaller = null; } if (_menusInstaller != null) { Object.Destroy(_menusInstaller); _menusInstaller = null; } if (_newRoads != null) { Object.Destroy(_newRoads); _newRoads = null; } if (_container != null) { Object.Destroy(_container); _container = null; } _isReleased = true; }
public static void Initialize(NetCollection collection, Transform customPrefabs) { if (sm_initialized) { return; } Initialize(collection, customPrefabs, "Large Road Bridge", "Large Road Bridge With Bus Lanes"); Initialize(collection, customPrefabs, "Large Road Elevated", "Large Road Elevated With Bus Lanes"); sm_initialized = true; }
public static NPC Find(this NetCollection <NPC> npcs, string name) { foreach (NPC npc in npcs) { if (npc.Name == name) { return(npc); } } return(null); }
public static void Initialize(NetCollection collection, Transform customPrefabs) { if (sm_initialized) { return; } Initialize(collection, customPrefabs, "Large Road", "Large Road With Bus Lanes"); //Initialize(collection, customPrefabs, "Large Road Decoration Trees", "Large Road Decoration Trees With Bus Lanes"); //Initialize(collection, customPrefabs, "Large Road Decoration Grass", "Large Road Decoration Grass With Bus Lanes"); sm_initialized = true; }
/// <summary> /// Clones all monsters in the given volcano dungeon and places them at the same place as their original /// </summary> /// <param name="dungeon"></param> private void DoubleMonstersInVolcanoDungeon(VolcanoDungeon dungeon) { var original_characters = new NetCollection <NPC>(dungeon.characters); foreach (var character in original_characters) { // exclude player, dwarf and whatever else might creep up here if (character is Monster monster) { this.CloneVolcanoDungeonMonster(dungeon, monster); } } }
public static void Initialize(NetCollection collection, VehicleCollection vehicleCollection, TransportCollection transportCollection, Transform customPrefabs) { if (sm_initialized) { return; } Initialize(collection, transportCollection, customPrefabs, "Bus Line", "Bus"); //Initialize(collection, transportCollection, customPrefabs, "Metro Line", "Metro"); sm_initialized = true; }
private static void InitializeNewRoads(NetCollection newRoads) { Loading.QueueAction(() => { Debug.Log("NExt: Build NetworkExtensions"); // Builders ----------------------------------------------------------------------- var newInfos = new List <NetInfo>(); foreach (var builder in Mod.NetInfoBuilders) { try { newInfos.AddRange(builder.Build()); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Log(string.Format("NExt: Crashed-Network builders {0}", builder)); Debug.Log("NExt: " + ex.Message); Debug.Log("NExt: " + ex.ToString()); } } if (newInfos.Count > 0) { newRoads.m_prefabs = newInfos.ToArray(); PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .InitializePrefabs(, newRoads.m_prefabs, new string[] { }); PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .BindPrefabs(); } // Modifiers ---------------------------------------------------------------------- foreach (var modifier in Mod.NetInfoModifiers) { try { modifier.ModifyExistingNetInfo(); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Log(string.Format("NExt: Crashed-Network modifiers {0}", modifier)); Debug.Log("NExt: " + ex.Message); Debug.Log("NExt: " + ex.ToString()); } } Debug.Log("NExt: Finished installing components"); }); }
public override void behaviorAtGameTick(GameTime time) { base.behaviorAtGameTick(time); if (Health <= 0) { return; } this.lastFly = Math.Max(0f, this.lastFly - (float)time.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds); this.lastDebuff = Math.Max(0f, this.lastDebuff - (float)time.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds); if (withinPlayerThreshold(10)) { if (lastDebuff == 0f) { Vector2 velocityTowardPlayer = Utility.getVelocityTowardPlayer(this.GetBoundingBox().Center, 15f, base.Player); base.currentLocation.projectiles.Add(new DebuffingProjectile(14, 2, 4, 4, 0.196349546f, velocityTowardPlayer.X, velocityTowardPlayer.Y, new Vector2((float)this.GetBoundingBox().X, (float)this.GetBoundingBox().Y), base.currentLocation, this)); this.lastDebuff = Game1.random.Next(3000, 6000); } if (lastFly == 0f) { int flies = 0; using (NetCollection <NPC> .Enumerator enumerator = currentLocation.characters.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { NPC j = enumerator.Current; if (j is ToughFly) { flies++; } } } if (flies < (Health < MaxHealth / 2 ? this.MaxFlies * 2 : this.MaxFlies)) { if (Health < MaxHealth / 2) { Vector2 velocityTowardPlayer = Utility.getVelocityTowardPlayer(this.GetBoundingBox().Center, 15f, base.Player); base.currentLocation.projectiles.Add(new DebuffingProjectile(13, 7, 4, 4, 0.196349546f, velocityTowardPlayer.X, velocityTowardPlayer.Y, new Vector2((float)this.GetBoundingBox().X, (float)this.GetBoundingBox().Y), base.currentLocation, this)); } currentLocation.characters.Add(new ToughFly(Position, difficulty) { focusedOnFarmers = true }); this.lastFly = (float)Game1.random.Next(4000, 8000); } } } }
static void Initialize(NetCollection collection, Transform customPrefabs, string prefabName, string instanceName) { Debug.Log("Traffic++: Initializing " + instanceName); NetInfo originalLargeRoad = collection.m_prefabs.Where(p => == prefabName).FirstOrDefault(); if (originalLargeRoad == null) { throw new KeyNotFoundException(prefabName + " was not found on " +; } GameObject instance = GameObject.Instantiate <GameObject>(originalLargeRoad.gameObject); = instanceName; MethodInfo initMethod = typeof(NetCollection).GetMethod("InitializePrefabs", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic); if ((CSLTraffic.Options & OptionsManager.ModOptions.GhostMode) == OptionsManager.ModOptions.GhostMode) { instance.transform.SetParent(originalLargeRoad.transform.parent); Initializer.QueuePrioritizedLoadingAction((IEnumerator)initMethod.Invoke(null, new object[] {, new[] { instance.GetComponent <NetInfo>() }, new string[] { } })); sm_initialized = true; return; } instance.transform.SetParent(customPrefabs); GameObject.Destroy(instance.GetComponent <RoadAI>()); instance.AddComponent <LargeRoadWithBusLanesAI>(); NetInfo largeRoadWithBusLanes = instance.GetComponent <NetInfo>(); largeRoadWithBusLanes.m_prefabInitialized = false; largeRoadWithBusLanes.m_netAI = null; Initializer.QueuePrioritizedLoadingAction((IEnumerator)initMethod.Invoke(null, new object[] {, new[] { largeRoadWithBusLanes }, new string[] { } })); Initializer.QueueLoadingAction(() => { largeRoadWithBusLanes.m_UIPriority = 20; largeRoadWithBusLanes.m_lanes[4].m_laneType = (NetInfo.LaneType)((byte)64); largeRoadWithBusLanes.m_lanes[5].m_laneType = (NetInfo.LaneType)((byte)64); if (Singleton <SimulationManager> .instance.m_metaData.m_invertTraffic == SimulationMetaData.MetaBool.True) { largeRoadWithBusLanes.m_lanes[4].m_direction = NetInfo.Direction.Forward; largeRoadWithBusLanes.m_lanes[5].m_direction = NetInfo.Direction.Backward; } }); }
private void ConvertObelisks() { NetCollection <Building> buildings = Game1.getFarm().buildings; for (var i = 0; i < buildings.Count; i++) { if (buildings[i].buildingType.Value == "Desert Obelisk" && !(buildings[i] is DesertObelisk)) { this.Monitor.Log($"Converting {buildings[i].GetType().Name}", LogLevel.Trace); buildings[i] = new DesertObelisk(this.obeliskBlueprint, new Vector2(buildings[i].tileX.Value, buildings[i].tileY.Value), DesertWarpX); } } }
private void ClearAndSaveTempObelisks(List <DesertObelisk> saveData) { saveData.Clear(); NetCollection <Building> buildings = Game1.getFarm().buildings; List <DesertObelisk> copied = new List <DesertObelisk>(); copied.AddRange(buildings.Where(item => item is DesertObelisk).OfType <DesertObelisk>()); saveData.AddRange(copied); foreach (DesertObelisk obelisk in copied) { buildings.Remove(obelisk); } }
public static Monster BossHere(GameLocation location) { using (NetCollection <NPC> .Enumerator enumerator = location.characters.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { NPC j = enumerator.Current; if (BossTypes.ContainsKey(j.GetType())) { return((Monster)j); } } } return(null); }
void FindRoadPrefabs() { foreach (NetCollection collection in NetCollection.FindObjectsOfType <NetCollection>()) { if ( == "Road") { foreach (NetInfo prefab in collection.m_prefabs) { roadPrefabNames[prefab.GetInstanceID()] =; roadPrefabs[] = prefab; } } } ModDebug.Log("Found " + roadPrefabs.Count + " road prefabs"); }
private void SaveCreating(object sender, SaveCreatingEventArgs e) { NetCollection <Building> ToBuild = new NetCollection <Building>(); foreach (Building building in Game1.getFarm().buildings) { if (building.buildingType.Value.Contains("Cabin")) { ToBuild.Add(CreateGreenhouse(building)); } } foreach (Building building in ToBuild) { Game1.getFarm().buildings.Add(building); } Game1.chatBox.addMessage("Greanhouses Created: " + ToBuild.Count.ToString(), Color.White); }
/// <summary> /// Exports the texture. /// </summary> /// <param name="netCollection">The net collection.</param> /// <param name="netInfo">The net information.</param> /// <param name="material">The material.</param> private void ExportTexture(NetCollection netCollection, NetInfo netInfo, Material material) { if (this.exportDiffuse) { this.ExportTexture(netCollection, netInfo, netInfo.m_segments[0].m_material, TextureType.MainTex); } if (this.exportACIMap) { this.ExportTexture(netCollection, netInfo, netInfo.m_segments[0].m_material, TextureType.ACIMap); } if (this.exportXYSMap) { this.ExportTexture(netCollection, netInfo, netInfo.m_segments[0].m_material, TextureType.XYSMap); } }
public override void OnCreated(ILoading loading) { base.OnCreated(loading); if (_isReleased) { _container = new GameObject(NEXT_OBJECT_NAME); _newRoads = _container.AddComponent<NetCollection>(); = NEWROADS_NETCOLLECTION; _initalizer = _container.AddComponent<ModInitializer>(); _initalizer.NewRoads = _newRoads; _initalizer.InitializationCompleted += InitializationCompleted; _isReleased = false; } }
public override void OnCreated(ILoading loading) { base.OnCreated(loading); if (_isReleased) { if (GetPath() != PATH_NOT_FOUND) { _container = new GameObject(REX_OBJECT_NAME); _newRoads = _container.AddComponent<NetCollection>(); = NEWROADS_NETCOLLECTION; _initializer = _container.AddComponent<Initializer>(); _initializer.InstallationCompleted += InitializationCompleted; } _isReleased = false; } }
private static void InitializeNewRoads(NetCollection newRoads) { Loading.QueueAction(() => { Debug.Log("NExt: Build NetworkExtensions"); // Builders ----------------------------------------------------------------------- var newInfos = new List<NetInfo>(); foreach (var builder in Mod.NetInfoBuilders) { try { newInfos.AddRange(builder.Build()); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Log(string.Format("NExt: Crashed-Network builders {0}", builder)); Debug.Log("NExt: " + ex.Message); Debug.Log("NExt: " + ex.ToString()); } } if (newInfos.Count > 0) { newRoads.m_prefabs = newInfos.ToArray(); PrefabCollection<NetInfo>.InitializePrefabs(, newRoads.m_prefabs, new string[] { }); PrefabCollection<NetInfo>.BindPrefabs(); } // Modifiers ---------------------------------------------------------------------- foreach (var modifier in Mod.NetInfoModifiers) { try { modifier.ModifyExistingNetInfo(); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Log(string.Format("NExt: Crashed-Network modifiers {0}", modifier)); Debug.Log("NExt: " + ex.Message); Debug.Log("NExt: " + ex.ToString()); } } Debug.Log("NExt: Finished installing components"); }); }
private static bool ValidateNetworkPrerequisites(NetCollection newRoads) { var roadObject = GameObject.Find(Mod.ROAD_NETCOLLECTION); if (roadObject == null) { return false; } var netColl = FindObjectsOfType<NetCollection>(); if (netColl == null || !netColl.Any()) { return false; } var roadCollFound = false; foreach (var col in netColl) { if ( == Mod.ROAD_NETCOLLECTION) { roadCollFound = true; } } if (!roadCollFound) { return false; } if (newRoads == null) { return false; } return true; }