public static void LogAndStatistics(int result, Net.Protocol p, bool IsRequestSaved) { var actionName = p.GetType().FullName; if (IsRequestSaved == false) { actionName = actionName + ":Response"; } if (result != 0) { var logLevel = (null != p.Service.Zeze) ? p.Service.Zeze.Config.ProcessReturnErrorLogLevel : NLog.LogLevel.Info; logger.Log(logLevel, "Task {0} Return={1}@{2}:{3} UserState={4}", actionName, result, Zeze.Net.Protocol.GetModuleId(result), Zeze.Net.Protocol.GetProtocolId(result), p.UserState); } #if ENABLE_STATISTICS ProcedureStatistics.Instance.GetOrAdd(actionName).GetOrAdd(result).IncrementAndGet(); #endif }
public static System.Threading.Tasks.Task Run( Procedure procdure, Net.Protocol from = null, Action <Net.Protocol, int> actionWhenError = null) { return(System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Run(() => Call(procdure, from, actionWhenError))); }
public static int Call( Procedure procdure, Net.Protocol from = null, Action <Net.Protocol, int> actionWhenError = null) { bool?isRequestSaved = from?.IsRequest; try { // 日志在Call里面记录。因为要支持嵌套。 // 统计在Call里面实现。 int result = procdure.Call(); if (result != 0 && null != isRequestSaved && isRequestSaved.Value) { actionWhenError?.Invoke(from, result); } return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { // Procedure.Call处理了所有错误。应该不会到这里。除非内部错误。 if (null != isRequestSaved && isRequestSaved.Value) { actionWhenError?.Invoke(from, Procedure.Excption); } logger.Error(ex, procdure.ActionName); return(Procedure.Excption); } }
private void Start() { // Fix the target framerate for standalone platforms Application.targetFrameRate = 60; // Get spawn transforms so that we can access them from another thread spawnTrans = spawnTransforms.Select(x => new Trans(x.position, x.rotation,; // Fetch the ball controller from the scene ballController = GameObject.Find(Constants.Ball).GetComponent <BallController>(); // Get port and protocol from config file try { Configuration serverConfig = Configuration.LoadFromFile("ServerConfig.cfg"); port = serverConfig["Config"]["Port"].IntValue; string protoString = serverConfig["Config"]["Protocol"].StringValue.ToUpper(); if (protoString.Equals("UDP")) { protocol = Net.Protocol.Udp; } else if (protoString.Equals("TCP")) { protocol = Net.Protocol.Tcp; } else { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } } catch { Debug.LogWarning("Failed to load Configuration file!"); Debug.LogWarning("Using the default values: [" + port + "] (TCP)"); protocol = Net.Protocol.Tcp; } // Create the server server = Net.ServerFactory.Create(protocol); // Start the server server.OnRecv += OnMsgRecv; server.Start(Constants.PORT); }
private void Start() { // Fix the target framerate Application.targetFrameRate = 90; // Cache text labels recvTextField = GameObject.Find("RecvTxt").GetComponent <Text>(); onlineTxt = GameObject.Find("OnlineTxt").GetComponent <Text>(); // Get ip, port and protocol from config file try { Configuration clientConfig = Configuration.LoadFromFile("ClientConfig.cfg"); ip = clientConfig["Config"]["IP"].StringValue; port = clientConfig["Config"]["Port"].IntValue; string protoString = clientConfig["Config"]["Protocol"].StringValue.ToUpper(); if (protoString.Equals("UDP")) { protocol = Net.Protocol.Udp; } else if (protoString.Equals("TCP")) { protocol = Net.Protocol.Tcp; } else { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } } catch { Debug.LogWarning("Failed to load Configuration file!"); Debug.LogWarning("Using the default values: [" + ip + ":" + port + "] (TCP)"); protocol = Net.Protocol.Tcp; } // Create the client client = Net.ClientFactory.Create(protocol); // Start the client client.OnRecv += OnMsgRecv; client.OnError += OnError; client.Start(ip, port); }
public static int Call(Func <int> func, Net.Protocol p, Action <Net.Protocol, int> actionWhenError = null) { bool IsRequestSaved = p.IsRequest; // 记住这个,以后可能会被改变。 try { int result = func(); if (result != 0 && IsRequestSaved) { actionWhenError?.Invoke(p, result); } LogAndStatistics(result, p, IsRequestSaved); return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { while (ex is AggregateException) { ex = ex.InnerException; } var errorCode = ex is TaskCanceledException ? Procedure.CancelExcption : Procedure.Excption; if (IsRequestSaved) { actionWhenError?.Invoke(p, errorCode); } LogAndStatistics(errorCode, p, IsRequestSaved); // 使用 InnerException logger.Error(ex, "Task {0} Exception UserState={1}", p.GetType().FullName, p.UserState); return(errorCode); } }