// load part object from dxf/dwg file. static public PartEx LoadPartFromDxfdwg(String strFilePath, ImpDataListEx impDataList) { PartEx part = null; // the file name. int iDotIndex = strFilePath.LastIndexOf('.'); int iSlashIndex = strFilePath.LastIndexOf('\\'); String strFileName = strFilePath.Substring(iSlashIndex + 1, iDotIndex - iSlashIndex - 1); // whether the file is dxf file or dwg file. bool bDwg = true; String strExt = strFilePath.Substring(iDotIndex, strFilePath.Length - iDotIndex); strExt = strExt.ToLower(); if (strExt == ".dxf") { bDwg = false; } else if (strExt == ".dwg") { bDwg = true; } else { return(part); } // extract geometry items from dxf/dwg file. ImpDataEx impData; if (!bDwg) { impData = NestFacadeEx.ExtractGeomItems(strFilePath); } else { // the temp folder for dxf. String strDxfPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments); strDxfPath += "\\"; strDxfPath += new Random().Next(1, 100000).ToString(); strDxfPath += ".dxf"; // save dxf file in tmp path. NestFacadeEx.Dwg2Dxf(strFilePath, strDxfPath); // extract geometry items from dxf file. impData = NestFacadeEx.ExtractGeomItems(strDxfPath); // delete the temp file. File.Delete(strDxfPath); } // build part object. GeomItemListEx geomItemList = impData.GetAllGeomItem(); AncillaryDataEx ancillaryData = new AncillaryDataEx(); part = new PartEx(strFileName, geomItemList, ancillaryData); impData.SetPartID(part.GetID()); impDataList.AddImpData(impData); return(part); }
// load boundary polygon from dxf/dwg file. static public MatEx LoadMatFromDxfdwg(String strFilePath, NestParamEx nestParam) { MatEx mat = null; /************************************************************************/ // load all geometry items from the dxf/dwg file. // the file name. int iDotIndex = strFilePath.LastIndexOf('.'); int iSlashIndex = strFilePath.LastIndexOf('\\'); String strFileName = strFilePath.Substring(iSlashIndex + 1, iDotIndex - iSlashIndex - 1); // whether the file is dxf file or dwg file. bool bDwg = true; String strExt = strFilePath.Substring(iDotIndex, strFilePath.Length - iDotIndex); strExt = strExt.ToLower(); if (strExt == ".dxf") { bDwg = false; } else if (strExt == ".dwg") { bDwg = true; } else { return(mat); } // extract geometry items from dxf/dwg file. ImpDataEx impData; if (!bDwg) { impData = NestFacadeEx.ExtractGeomItems(strFilePath); } else { // the temp folder for dxf. String strDxfPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments); strDxfPath += "\\"; strDxfPath += new Random().Next(1, 100000).ToString(); strDxfPath += ".dxf"; // save dxf file in tmp path. NestFacadeEx.Dwg2Dxf(strFilePath, strDxfPath); // extract geometry items from dxf file. impData = NestFacadeEx.ExtractGeomItems(strDxfPath); // delete the temp file. File.Delete(strDxfPath); } /************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************/ // get the polygons from the dxf/dwg file. // build the polygons of all the geometry items. GeomItemListEx geomItemList = impData.GetAllGeomItem(); Poly2DListEx polyList = NestFacadeEx.BuildPolyListFromLineArc(geomItemList, nestParam.GetConTol()); // if no closed polygon found, return. if (polyList.Size() == 0) { MessageBox.Show("No closed boundary found.", "NestProfessor DEMO"); return(mat); } // the outer boundary polygon. int iMaxIndex = polyList.GetMaxAreaPoly(); Polygon2DEx outerPoly = polyList.GetPolygonByIndex(iMaxIndex); // the hole polygons. polyList.DelPolygonByIndex(iMaxIndex); Poly2DListEx holePolyList = polyList; /************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************/ // build the material object. // whether the boundary polygon is a rectangle. bool bRectMat = true; if (outerPoly.GetPtCount() != 4) { bRectMat = false; } else if (holePolyList.Size() > 0) { bRectMat = false; } else { // line items in the polygon. ArrayList lineItems = outerPoly.GetLineList(); LineItemEx lineItem1 = (LineItemEx)lineItems[0]; LineItemEx lineItem2 = (LineItemEx)lineItems[1]; LineItemEx lineItem3 = (LineItemEx)lineItems[2]; LineItemEx lineItem4 = (LineItemEx)lineItems[3]; if (Math.Abs(lineItem1.GetLength() - lineItem3.GetLength()) > 0.0001) { bRectMat = false; } if (Math.Abs(lineItem2.GetLength() - lineItem4.GetLength()) > 0.0001) { bRectMat = false; } Vector2DEx vect1 = lineItem1.GetBaseVector(); Vector2DEx vect2 = lineItem2.GetBaseVector(); if (!vect1.OrthogonalTo(vect2)) { bRectMat = false; } } // build the material object. if (bRectMat) { mat = new RectMatEx(strFileName, outerPoly.GetBoundaryRect(), 1); } else { PolyMatEx polyMat = new PolyMatEx(strFileName, outerPoly, 1); polyMat.SetUselessHoleList(holePolyList); mat = polyMat; } /************************************************************************/ return(mat); }