public static bool ShouldHaveNeed(this Source _this, NeedDef nd) { Pawn pawn = (Pawn)typeof(RimWorld.Pawn_NeedsTracker).GetField("pawn", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(_this); // BASE if (pawn.RaceProps.intelligence < nd.minIntelligence) { return(false); } if ((nd == NeedDefOf.Joy || nd == defComfort || nd == defBeauty || nd == defSpace) && pawn.IsGuest()) // ADDED { return(true); } if (nd.colonistsOnly && (pawn.Faction == null || !pawn.Faction.IsPlayer)) { return(false); } if (nd.colonistAndPrisonersOnly && (pawn.Faction == null || !pawn.Faction.IsPlayer) && (pawn.HostFaction == null || pawn.HostFaction != Faction.OfPlayer)) { return(false); } if (nd.onlyIfCausedByHediff && ! x) => x.def.causesNeed == nd)) { return(false); } if (nd == NeedDefOf.Food) { return(pawn.RaceProps.EatsFood); } return(nd != NeedDefOf.Rest || pawn.RaceProps.needsRest); }
public override void Randomize() { base.Randomize(); need = PossibleNeeds().RandomElement(); levelRange.max = Rand.Range(0f, 1f); levelRange.min = levelRange.max * Rand.Range(0f, 0.95f); }
public static void Pawn_NeedsTracker__ShouldHaveNeedPostfix (Pawn_NeedsTracker __instance, NeedDef nd, ref bool __result) { // Get the pawn through Reflection Pawn p = typeof(Pawn_NeedsTracker) .GetField(@"pawn", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance) .GetValue(__instance) as Pawn; // Check if it's from the Momu mod if (p.def == MomuDefOf.Alien_Momu) { // It's a Momu if (nd == MomuDefOf.Outdoors) { __result = false; } if (nd == MomuDefOf.MomuNeedOutdoors) { // Our own Momu outdoor need. __result = true; } } else if (p.def == LaiDefOf.Momu_Lai_Chrysalis) { // It's a Lai Chrysalis, and they don't have any needs. if (nd == NeedDefOf.Food) { __result = false; } if (nd == NeedDefOf.Rest) { __result = false; } } }
static void Postfix(Pawn_NeedsTracker __instance, NeedDef nd, ref bool __result) { Pawn pawn = (Pawn)AccessTools.Field(typeof(Pawn_NeedsTracker), "pawn").GetValue(__instance); Log.Message("Pawn battery check: " + pawn.Name); if (nd.needClass == typeof(Need_Battery)) { if (pawn.def.thingClass == typeof(ArcBaseRobot)) { ArcBaseRobot robot = (ArcBaseRobot)pawn; if (robot.isRobot()) { Log.Message("Pawn need battery : " + pawn.Name); __result = true; } else { __result = false; } } else { __result = false; } } else if (pawn.def.thingClass == typeof(ArcBaseRobot)) { __result = false; } }
public static void Listener(NeedDef nd, ref bool __result, Pawn ___pawn) { try { var isAndroid = Utils.ExceptionAndroidList.Contains(___pawn.def.defName); if (!isAndroid) { return; } var advancedAndroids = Utils.ExceptionAndroidListAdvanced.Contains(___pawn.def.defName); if (Utils.ExceptionAndroidListBasic.Contains(___pawn.def.defName) && nd.defName == "Outdoors" || ___pawn.def.defName == "Android1Tier" && nd.defName == "Beauty" || isAndroid && (nd.defName == "Hygiene" || nd.defName == "Bladder" || nd.defName == "DBHThirst") || nd.defName == "Comfort" && (!advancedAndroids || advancedAndroids && Settings.removeComfortNeedForT3T4)) { __result = false; } if (___pawn.def.defName == "M7Mech" && ___pawn.IsSurrogateAndroid() && nd.defName == "Food") { __result = true; } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Message("[ATPP] Pawn_StoryTracker.ShouldHaveNeed : " + e.Message + " - " + e.StackTrace); } }
public void ExposeData() { Scribe_Values.LookValue <objectType>(ref oType, "oType"); Scribe_Values.LookValue <float>(ref minWidthDesired, "minWidthDesired"); Scribe_Values.LookValue <string>(ref this.label, "label"); switch (oType) { case objectType.Stat: StatDef tempObjectS = (StatDef)displayObject; Scribe_Defs.LookDef(ref tempObjectS, "displayObject"); displayObject = tempObjectS; break; case objectType.Skill: SkillDef tempObjectK = (SkillDef)displayObject; Scribe_Defs.LookDef(ref tempObjectK, "displayObject"); displayObject = tempObjectK; break; case objectType.Need: NeedDef tempObjectN = (NeedDef)displayObject; Scribe_Defs.LookDef(ref tempObjectN, "displayObject"); displayObject = tempObjectN; break; } }
// RimWorld.Pawn_NeedsTracker public static void ShouldHaveNeed_Vamp(Pawn_NeedsTracker __instance, NeedDef nd, ref bool __result) { Pawn p = Traverse.Create(__instance).Field("pawn").GetValue <Pawn>(); if (p.VampComp() != null && p.VampComp().IsVampire) { if (nd == NeedDefOf.Food) { __result = false; return; } } if (nd == VampDefOf.ROMV_Blood) { if (p?.RaceProps?.IsMechanoid ?? false) { __result = false; return; } string typeString = p.GetType().ToString(); //////Log.Message(typeString); if (p.GetType().ToString() == "ProjectJedi.PawnGhost") { __result = false; return; } } }
static void Postfix(ref bool __result, NeedDef nd, Pawn ___pawn) { if (nd == RatkinNeedDefOf.Outdoors && ___pawn.def == RatkinRaceDefOf.Ratkin) { __result = false; } }
public NeedModel(PawnModel model, NeedDef def) : base(model) { var need = model.Base.needs?.TryGetNeed(def); if (need == null) { Hidden = true; return; } Label = def.LabelCap; Max = 1f; Value = need.CurLevelPercentage; ValueStyle = HudBar.ValueStyle.Percentage; if (def == Access.NeedDefOfMood) { Tooltip = model.Mind.Tooltip; Thresholds = new[] { model.MoodThresholdMinor, model.MoodThresholdMajor, model.MoodThresholdExtreme }; } else { Tooltip = null; Thresholds = null; } }
public static void Listener(NeedDef nd, ref bool __result, Pawn ___pawn) { try { bool isAndroid = Utils.ExceptionAndroidList.Contains(___pawn.def.defName); //SI pas un androide on jerte if (!isAndroid) { return; } bool advancedAndroids = Utils.ExceptionAndroidListAdvanced.Contains(___pawn.def.defName); if ((Utils.ExceptionAndroidListBasic.Contains(___pawn.def.defName) && (nd.defName == "Outdoors")) || (___pawn.def.defName == "Android1Tier" && nd.defName == "Beauty") || (isAndroid && (nd.defName == "Hygiene" || nd.defName == "Bladder" || nd.defName == "DBHThirst")) || (nd.defName == "Comfort" && (!advancedAndroids || (advancedAndroids && Settings.removeComfortNeedForT3T4)))) { __result = false; } //Activation besoin de bouffe pour les M7 surrogates (SM7) if (___pawn.def.defName == "M7Mech" && ___pawn.IsSurrogateAndroid() && nd.defName == "Food") { __result = true; } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Message("[ATPP] Pawn_StoryTracker.ShouldHaveNeed : " + e.Message + " - " + e.StackTrace); } }
public override ThinkNode DeepCopy(bool resolve = true) { var ThinkNode_ModNeedPercentageAbove = (ThinkNode_ModNeedPercentageAbove)base.DeepCopy(resolve); ThinkNode_ModNeedPercentageAbove.need = need; ThinkNode_ModNeedPercentageAbove.threshold = threshold; return(ThinkNode_ModNeedPercentageAbove); }
public static bool ShouldHaveNeedPrisoner(NeedDef nd, Pawn pawn) { if ((nd.defName == "PrisonLabor_Motivation" || nd.defName == "PrisonLabor_Treatment") && !(pawn.IsPrisoner && PrisonLaborPrefs.EnableMotivationMechanics)) { return(false); } return(true); }
public override void Randomize() { base.Randomize(); need = DefDatabase <NeedDef> .AllDefs.Where((NeedDef x) => x.major).RandomElement(); levelRange.max = Rand.Range(0f, 1f); levelRange.min = levelRange.max * Rand.Range(0f, 0.95f); }
public static bool Listener(Pawn pawn, ref bool __result, NeedDef ___need) { if (pawn.needs.TryGetNeed(___need) == null) { __result = true; return(false); } return(true); }
public static bool Prefix(ref bool __result, NeedDef nd, Pawn ___pawn) { if ((nd == NeedDefOf.Joy || nd == defComfort || nd == defBeauty || nd == defSpace) && ___pawn.IsGuest()) // ADDED { __result = true; return(false); } return(true); }
static void Postfix(Pawn_NeedsTracker __instance, NeedDef nd, ref bool __result) { if (nd == MizuDef.Need_Water) { if ( == null) { __result = false; } } }
static SapientAnimalNeed GetSapientAnimalNeed([NotNull] NeedDef need) { if (_needLookup.TryGetValue(need, out var ext)) { return(ext); } ext = need.GetModExtension <SapientAnimalNeed>(); _needLookup[need] = ext; return(ext); }
public static bool Prefix(Pawn_NeedsTracker __instance, ref bool __result, NeedDef nd) { var pawn = Traverse.Create(__instance).Field("pawn").GetValue <Pawn>(); if ((nd == NeedDefOf.Joy) && pawn.IsCarny()) { __result = true; return(false); } return(true); }
public static void AddNeed(this Pawn_NeedsTracker needs, NeedDef def) { needs.GetType() .GetMethod("AddNeed", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic) .Invoke(needs, new object[] { def }); foreach (var need in needs.AllNeeds) { Log.Message(need.LabelCap); } Log.Message("---"); }
private static void Postfix(Pawn_NeedsTracker __instance, Pawn ___pawn, NeedDef nd, ref bool __result) { if (___pawn.isOrkoid() && nd == AdeptusNeedDefOf.Beauty) { __result = false; } if (!___pawn.isOrkoid() && nd == AdeptusNeedDefOf.OG_Ork_Fightyness) { __result = false; } }
public static void RoyalEggSize(Pawn_NeedsTracker __instance, NeedDef nd, ref bool __result) { Pawn pawn = Traverse.Create(__instance).Field("pawn").GetValue <Pawn>(); if (pawn.def == USCMDefOf.RRY_Synth) { if (nd == NeedDefOf.Rest) { __result = false; } } }
public static void Pawn_NeedsTracker_ShouldHaveNeed_Postfix(NeedDef nd, Pawn ___pawn, ref bool __result) { var raceSettings = AutomataRaceSettingCache.Get(___pawn.def); if (raceSettings != null) { if (raceSettings.needBlacklists.Contains(nd)) { __result = false; } } }
static void OffsetNeed(Pawn pawn, NeedDef nd, float offsetPct) { if (pawn != null) { Need need = pawn.needs.TryGetNeed(nd); if (need != null) { need.CurLevel += offsetPct * need.MaxLevel; pawn.Drawer.Notify_DebugAffected(); } } }
public static void Pawn_NeedsTracker_ShouldHaveNeed_Postfix(NeedDef nd, Pawn ___pawn, ref bool __result) { var raceSettings = DefDatabase <AutomataRaceSettings> .GetNamed(___pawn.def.defName, errorOnFail : false); if (raceSettings != null) { if (raceSettings.needBlacklists.Contains(nd)) { __result = false; } } }
public static float GetHygieneNeed(Pawn pawn) { NeedDef hygiene = DefDatabase <NeedDef> .AllDefsListForReading.Find(x => x.defName == "Hygiene"); if (hygiene == null) { return(1f); } else { return(pawn.needs.TryGetNeed(hygiene).CurLevelPercentage); } }
public static bool ShouldHaveNeedPrisoner(NeedDef nd, Pawn pawn) { if (nd.defName == "PrisonLabor_Motivation") { if (pawn.IsPrisoner && PrisonLaborPrefs.EnableMotivationMechanics && !PrisonLaborPrefs.DisableMod) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } return(true); }
public static bool Prefix(Pawn ___pawn, NeedDef nd, ref bool __result) { if (___pawn is Wendigo) { if (nd == NeedDefOf.Food) { return(false); } else if (nd == WendigoDefOf.RCW_Flesh) { __result = true; return(false); } } return(true); }
public static bool Prefix(Pawn ___pawn, NeedDef nd, ref bool __result) { if (___pawn is Machine) { if (nd == VFEDefOf.VFE_Mechanoids_Power) { __result = true; return(false); } } else if (nd == VFEDefOf.VFE_Mechanoids_Power) { return(false); } return(true); }
public static IEnumerable <StatDrawEntry> DrugAddictionStats(CompProperties_Drug comp, StatRequest req, int displayOffset = 0) { ThingDef thingDef = (ThingDef)req.Def; var category = DefDatabase <StatCategoryDef> .GetNamed("DrugAddiction"); HediffDef addictionHediff = comp.chemical?.addictionHediff; NeedDef addictionNeed = addictionHediff?.causesNeed; HediffCompProperties_SeverityPerDay addictionSeverityComp = (HediffCompProperties_SeverityPerDay)addictionHediff?.CompPropsFor(typeof(HediffComp_SeverityPerDay)) ; // Addictiveness yield return(new StatDrawEntry( category: category, label: "Addictiveness".Translate(), reportText: "Stat_Thing_Drug_Addictiveness_Desc".Translate(), valueString: comp.addictiveness.ToStringPercent(), displayPriorityWithinCategory: displayOffset + 99 )); if (addictionSeverityComp != null) { // Addiction decay per day yield return(new StatDrawEntry( category: category, label: "Stat_Thing_Drug_AddictionDecay_Name".Translate(), reportText: "Stat_Thing_Drug_AddictionDecay_Desc".Translate(), valueString: addictionSeverityComp.severityPerDay.ToStringPercent(), displayPriorityWithinCategory: displayOffset + 98 )); // Time to shake addiction float daysToShakeAddiction = addictionHediff.initialSeverity / addictionSeverityComp.severityPerDay * -1; yield return(new StatDrawEntry( category: category, label: "Stat_Thing_Drug_TimeToShakeAddiction_Name".Translate(), reportText: "Stat_Thing_Drug_TimeToShakeAddiction_Desc".Translate(), valueString: ToStringDaysToPeriod(daysToShakeAddiction), displayPriorityWithinCategory: displayOffset + 98 )); } if (addictionHediff != null) { yield return(FindHediffRisks(addictionHediff, "AddictionRisks", category, displayOffset)); } }
// RimWorld.Pawn_NeedsTracker public static void ShouldHaveNeed_Vamp(Pawn_NeedsTracker __instance, NeedDef nd, ref bool __result) { Pawn p = Traverse.Create(__instance).Field("pawn").GetValue <Pawn>(); if (p.VampComp() != null && p.VampComp().IsVampire) { if (nd == NeedDefOf.Food) { __result = false; return; } } if (nd == VampDefOf.ROMV_Blood) { if (p?.RaceProps?.IsMechanoid ?? false) { __result = false; return; } string typeString = p.GetType().ToString(); //////Log.Message(typeString); /// if (DefDatabase <BloodNeedExceptions> .GetNamedSilentFail("ExceptionsList") is Vampire.BloodNeedExceptions exceptionList) { foreach (string s in exceptionList.thingClasses) { if (p?.GetType()?.ToString() == s) { __result = false; return; } } foreach (ThingDef d in exceptionList.raceThingDefs) { if (p?.def == d) { __result = false; return; } } } } }
internal bool _ShouldHaveNeed( NeedDef nd ) { var pawn = this.pawn(); if( pawn.RaceProps.intelligence < nd.minIntelligence ) { return false; } if( nd == NeedDefOf.Food ) { return pawn.RaceProps.EatsFood; } if( nd == NeedDefOf.Rest ) { return pawn.RaceProps.needsRest; } /* if( ( nd == NeedDefOf.Joy )&& ( pawn.HostFaction != null ) ) { return false; } */ if( ( !nd.colonistAndPrisonersOnly )|| ( pawn.Faction != null )&& ( pawn.Faction.IsPlayer ) ) { return true; } if( pawn.HostFaction != null ) { return pawn.HostFaction == Faction.OfPlayer; } return false; }