private void nav_TBarClick(object sender, ToolBarButtonClickEventArgs e) { if (e.Button.Equals(nav.cmd_add)) { if (vs.Rows.Count == 1 || (int)vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1].UserData + "" != "2") { nav.ToolBar_Click(e); } return; } if (e.Button.Equals(nav.cmd_save)) { Boolean save = false; for (int i = 1; i < vs.Rows.Count; i++) { if (vs.Rows[i].UserData + "" == "2") { save = true; break; } } for (int i = 1; i < vs.Rows.Count; i++) { if (vs.Rows[i]["COL_NO"] + "" == "") { for (int j = 1; j <= 12; j++) { int count = T_String.IsNullTo0(T_String.GetDataFromSQL("Count(*)" , "FILD05A", "COL_NO=N'COL_" + j.ToString("00") + "'")); if (count <= 0) { vs.Rows[i]["COL_NO"] = "COL_" + j.ToString("00"); break; } } } } nav.ToolBar_Click(e); if (save) { PublicFunction.SQL_Execute("delete from FILD06A "); Func.RecordSet rs = new Func.RecordSet("Select * From FILD05A order by MON_QT DESC", PublicFunction.C_con); for (int i = 0; i < rs.rows; i++) { PublicFunction.SQL_Execute("update FILD05A set COL_NO=N'COL_" + (i + 1).ToString("00") + "' where MON_QT=" + rs.record(i, "MON_QT")); } } nav.Show_VS("1=1 ORDER BY MON_QT"); return; } if (e.Button.Equals(nav.cmd_delete)) { nav.ToolBar_Click(e); PublicFunction.SQL_Execute("delete from FILD06A "); Func.RecordSet rs = new Func.RecordSet("Select * From FILD05A order by MON_QT DESC", PublicFunction.C_con); for (int i = 0; i < rs.rows; i++) { PublicFunction.SQL_Execute("update FILD05A set COL_NO=N'COL_" + (i + 1).ToString("00") + "' where MON_QT=" + rs.record(i, "MON_QT")); } return; } nav.ToolBar_Click(e); }
private void nav1_TBarClick(object sender, ToolBarButtonClickEventArgs e) { if (e.Button.Equals(nav1.cmd_add)) { nav1.ToolBar_Click(e); vs1.Rows[vs1.Rows.Count - 1]["STY_NO"] = vs.Rows[vs.Row]["STY_NO"]; return; } if (e.Button.Equals(nav1.cmd_save)) { Boolean a = true; for (int i = 1; i < vs1.Rows.Count; i++) { if (vs1.Rows[i]["SEQ_NO"] + "" != i.ToString("000")) { a = false; } } for (int i = 1; i < vs1.Rows.Count; i++) { vs1.Rows[i]["SEQ_NO"] = i.ToString("000"); if (T_String.IsNullTo0(vs1.Rows[i].UserData + "") != 2) { if (T_String.IsNullTo0(vs1.Rows[i].UserData + "") == 1) { vs1.Rows[i]["LST_NM"] = PublicFunction.A_UserID; vs1.Rows[i]["LST_DT"] = T_String.GetDate().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"); } if (!a) { vs1.Rows[i].UserData = 1; vs1.Rows[i]["LST_NM"] = PublicFunction.A_UserID; vs1.Rows[i]["LST_DT"] = T_String.GetDate().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"); } } else { vs1.Rows[i]["BLT_NM"] = vs1.Rows[i]["LST_NM"] = PublicFunction.A_UserID; vs1.Rows[i]["LST_DT"] = vs1.Rows[i]["BLT_DT"] = T_String.GetDate().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"); } } nav1.ToolBar_Click(e); } if (e.Button.Equals(nav1.cmd_delete)) { nav1.ToolBar_Click(e); for (int i = 1; i < vs1.Rows.Count; i++) { vs1.Rows[i]["SEQ_NO"] = i.ToString("000"); if (T_String.IsNullTo0(vs1.Rows[i].UserData + "") != 2) { vs1.Rows[i].UserData = 1; vs1.Rows[i]["LST_NM"] = PublicFunction.A_UserID; vs1.Rows[i]["LST_DT"] = T_String.GetDate().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"); } else { vs1.Rows[i]["BLT_NM"] = vs1.Rows[i]["LST_NM"] = PublicFunction.A_UserID; vs1.Rows[i]["LST_DT"] = vs1.Rows[i]["BLT_DT"] = T_String.GetDate().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"); } } nav1.ToolBar_Click(new ToolBarButtonClickEventArgs(nav1.cmd_save)); return; } if (e.Button.Equals(nav1.cmd_refresh)) { Show_vs1(); return; } nav1.ToolBar_Click(e); }
private void nav_TBarClick(object sender, ToolBarButtonClickEventArgs e) { if (e.Button.Equals(nav.cmd_refresh)) { // if(nav.wh!="") // nav.ToolBar_Click(e); // else // nav.Show_VS("DEP_ID in "+T_String.DEP_ID(this.Tag)); if (txt1.Text != vs.Cols[txt1.Tag + ""].Caption && txt1.Text != "") { textBox1_KeyDown(txt1, new System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs(Keys.Enter)); } else { if (txt2.Text != vs.Cols[txt2.Tag + ""].Caption && txt2.Text != "") { textBox1_KeyDown(txt2, new System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs(Keys.Enter)); } else { if (txt3.Text != vs.Cols[txt3.Tag + ""].Caption && txt3.Text != "") { textBox1_KeyDown(txt3, new System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs(Keys.Enter)); } else { if (optAll.Checked == true) { nav.Show_VS("DEP_ID in " + T_String.DEP_ID(this.Tag) + " and YYY_YY=N'" + dt.Text + "' order by a.EMP_ID"); //nav.Show_VS("DEP_ID=N'"+Dep.Get_Data("DEP_ID")+"' and YYY_YY=N'"+ dt.Text+"'"); } else { if (optWorking.Checked == true) { nav.Show_VS("DEP_ID in " + T_String.DEP_ID(this.Tag) + " and YYY_YY=N'" + dt.Text + "' and (VAC_BT=0 or VAC_BT is null) order by a.EMP_ID"); } else { nav.Show_VS("DEP_ID in " + T_String.DEP_ID(this.Tag) + " and YYY_YY=N'" + dt.Text + "' and VAC_BT=1 order by a.EMP_ID"); } } // nav.Show_VS("DEP_ID in "+T_String.DEP_ID(this.Tag) +" and YYY_YY=N'"+dt.Text+"'" ); } } } for (int i = 1; i < vs.Rows.Count; i++) { if (vs.Rows[i]["VAC_BT"] + "" == "True") { for (int c = 1; c < vs.Cols.Count; c++) { vs.SetCellStyle(i, c, vs.Styles["VAC_BT"]); } } CAL(i); if (PublicFunction.GetOption("TYP_BT") == "1") //quang viet PublicFunction.CUS_ID=="50" { if (T_String.IsNullTo0(T_String.GetDataFromSQL("count(*)", "FILB09A", "EMP_ID='" + vs.Rows[i]["EMP_ID"] + "' AND YEAR(SWI_DT)=" + DateTime.Parse(dt.Value + "").Year)) > 0) { vs.Rows[i]["TYP_HIS"] = "...NatureSwitching..."; } } } return; } nav.ToolBar_Click(e); }
private void nav_TBarClick(object sender, ToolBarButtonClickEventArgs e) { nav.ToolBar_Click(e); }