コード例 #1
 public static Stats GetHinderedStat(Natures nature)
     if (nature == Natures.Bold || nature == Natures.Timid ||
         nature == Natures.Modest || nature == Natures.Calm)
     else if (nature == Natures.Lonely || nature == Natures.Hasty ||
              nature == Natures.Mild || nature == Natures.Gentle)
     else if (nature == Natures.Adamant || nature == Natures.Impish ||
              nature == Natures.Jolly || nature == Natures.Careful)
     else if (nature == Natures.Naughty || nature == Natures.Lax ||
              nature == Natures.Naive || nature == Natures.Rash)
     else if (nature == Natures.Brave || nature == Natures.Relaxed ||
              nature == Natures.Quiet || nature == Natures.Sassy)
コード例 #2
 public void CreateNature(Natures nature)
     using (var conn = NewConnection)
コード例 #3
    static BasePokemon GetPokemon(PokemonData PokemonData, PlaceData Place)
        BasePokemon Pokemon = new BasePokemon
            Monster   = PokemonData.GeneralInformation.Monster,
            Name      = PokemonData.GeneralInformation.Name,
            Nature    = Natures.GetRandomNature(),
            Level     = GetLevel(Place, PokemonData),
            Ability   = GetRandomAbility(PokemonData),
            isShiny   = CheckForShiny(),
            Happiness = PokemonData.Breeding.BaseHappiness,
            Gender    = GetRandomGender(PokemonData),

            TrainerInfo = new P_Trainer()
                Place = Place.Place,//,
                TrainerName = TrainerData.GetData().Name,
                TrainerID   = TrainerData.GetData().ID

            EValues = new EffortValues(),
            DValues = GetGenes()

        Pokemon.Moves      = GetMoveList(Pokemon);
        Pokemon.Experience = Experience.GetExperience(PokemonData.Breeding.LvlRate, Pokemon.Level);
        Pokemon.Stats      = GetStats(Pokemon);

コード例 #4
        public async Task <IActionResult> PutNatures([FromRoute] int id, [FromBody] Natures natures)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            if (id != natures.Id)

            _context.Entry(natures).State = EntityState.Modified;

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
            catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                if (!NaturesExists(id))

コード例 #5
 private void GiveStatsToEvolvedForm(bool thisIsSetup, bool thisIsCaptured, GameObject thisTrainer, string thisTrainersName, string thisNickName,
                                     bool thisIsFromTrade, int thisLevel, Genders thisGender, Natures thisNature, int thisHPIV, int thisATKIV,
                                     int thisDEFIV, int thisSPATKIV, int thisSPDEFIV, int thisSPDIV, int thisHPEV, int thisATKEV, int thisDEFEV,
                                     int thisSPATKEV, int thisSPDEFEV, int thisSPDEV, List <string> ThisKnownMoves, Move thisLastMoveUsed,
                                     _Item thisEquippedItem, bool thisIsInBattle, int thisOrigin, bool thisIsShiny)
     isSetup         = thisIsSetup;
     isCaptured      = thisIsCaptured;
     trainer         = thisTrainer;
     trainersName    = thisTrainersName;
     nickName        = thisNickName;
     isFromTrade     = thisIsFromTrade;
     level           = thisLevel;
     gender          = thisGender;
     nature          = thisNature;
     hpIV            = thisHPIV;
     atkIV           = thisATKIV;
     defIV           = thisDEFIV;
     spatkIV         = thisSPATKIV;
     spdefIV         = thisSPDEFIV;
     spdIV           = thisSPDIV;
     hpEV            = thisHPEV;
     atkEV           = thisATKEV;
     defEV           = thisDEFEV;
     spatkEV         = thisSPATKEV;
     spdefEV         = thisSPDEFEV;
     spdEV           = thisSPDEV;
     KnownMovesNames = ThisKnownMoves;
     lastMoveUsed    = thisLastMoveUsed;
     equippedItem    = thisEquippedItem;
     isInBattle      = thisIsInBattle;
     origin          = thisOrigin;
     isShiny         = thisIsShiny;
コード例 #6
 public static NatureDto ToDto(this Natures nature)
     return(new NatureDto()
         Id = nature.Id,
         Name = nature.Name.Capitalize(),
         StrongStat = nature.Strong_Stat,
         WeakStat = nature.Weak_Stat
コード例 #7
        public override bool pbAutoFightMenu(int idxPokemon)
            Pokemon thispkmn   = @battlers[idxPokemon];
            Natures nature     = thispkmn.pokemon.Nature;
            int     randnum    = Core.Rand.Next(100);
            int     category   = 0;
            int     atkpercent = 0;
            int     defpercent = 0;

            if (!thispkmn.effects.Pinch)
                atkpercent = BattlePalaceUsualTable[(int)nature * 3];
                defpercent = atkpercent + BattlePalaceUsualTable[(int)nature * 3 + 1];
                atkpercent = BattlePalacePinchTable[(int)nature * 3];
                defpercent = atkpercent + BattlePalacePinchTable[(int)nature * 3 + 1];
            if (randnum < atkpercent)
                category = 0;
            else if (randnum < defpercent)
                category = 1;
                category = 2;
            int[] moves = new int[4];
            for (int i = 0; i < thispkmn.moves.Length; i++)
                if (!pbCanChooseMovePartial(idxPokemon, i))
                if (pbMoveCategory(thispkmn.moves[i]) == category)
                    moves[moves.Length] = i;
            if (moves.Length == 0)
                // No moves of selected category
                pbRegisterMove(idxPokemon, -2);
                int chosenmove = moves[Core.Rand.Next(moves.Length)];
                pbRegisterMove(idxPokemon, chosenmove);
コード例 #8
        public async Task <IActionResult> PostNatures([FromBody] Natures natures)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(CreatedAtAction("GetNatures", new { id = natures.Id }, natures));
コード例 #9
ファイル: Stat.cs プロジェクト: rsmith52/Pokemon-for-Unity
        public static StatArray CalculateStats(StatArray base_stats, StatArray ivs, StatArray evs,
                                               uint level, Natures nature)
            StatArray stats = new StatArray();

            stats.HP     = CalculateHPStat(base_stats.HP, ivs.HP, evs.HP, level);
            stats.ATK    = CalculateStat(Stats.Attack, base_stats.ATK, ivs.ATK, evs.ATK, level, nature);
            stats.DEF    = CalculateStat(Stats.Defense, base_stats.DEF, ivs.DEF, evs.DEF, level, nature);
            stats.SP_ATK = CalculateStat(Stats.SpecialAttack, base_stats.SP_ATK, ivs.SP_ATK, evs.SP_ATK, level, nature);
            stats.SP_DEF = CalculateStat(Stats.SpecialDefense, base_stats.SP_DEF, ivs.SP_DEF, evs.SP_DEF, level, nature);
            stats.SPD    = CalculateStat(Stats.Speed, base_stats.SPD, ivs.SPD, evs.SPD, level, nature);

コード例 #10
        public void pbPinchChange(int idxPokemon)
            Pokemon thispkmn = @battlers[idxPokemon];

            if (!thispkmn.effects.Pinch && thispkmn.Status != Status.SLEEP &&
                thispkmn.HP <= (int)Math.Floor(thispkmn.TotalHP / 2f))
                Natures nature = thispkmn.pokemon.Nature;
                thispkmn.effects.Pinch = true;
                if (nature == Natures.QUIET ||
                    nature == Natures.BASHFUL ||
                    nature == Natures.NAIVE ||
                    nature == Natures.QUIRKY ||
                    nature == Natures.HARDY ||
                    nature == Natures.DOCILE ||
                    nature == Natures.SERIOUS)
                    pbDisplay(Game._INTL("{1} is eager for more!", thispkmn.ToString()));
                if (nature == Natures.CAREFUL ||
                    nature == Natures.RASH ||
                    nature == Natures.LAX ||
                    nature == Natures.SASSY ||
                    nature == Natures.MILD ||
                    nature == Natures.TIMID)
                    pbDisplay(Game._INTL("{1} began growling deeply!", thispkmn.ToString()));
                if (nature == Natures.GENTLE ||
                    nature == Natures.ADAMANT ||
                    nature == Natures.HASTY ||
                    nature == Natures.LONELY ||
                    nature == Natures.RELAXED ||
                    nature == Natures.NAUGHTY)
                    pbDisplay(Game._INTL("A glint appears in {1}'s eyes!", thispkmn.ToString(true)));
                if (nature == Natures.JOLLY ||
                    nature == Natures.BOLD ||
                    nature == Natures.BRAVE ||
                    nature == Natures.CALM ||
                    nature == Natures.IMPISH ||
                    nature == Natures.MODEST)
                    pbDisplay(Game._INTL("{1} is getting into position!", thispkmn.ToString()));
コード例 #11
    static int CalculateStat(P_Stats_All Stat, int Base, int DV, int EV, int Level, P_Nature Nature)
        float Value;

        if (Stat == Stats[0])
            Value = ((2 * Base + DV + (EV / 4)) * Level / 100) + Level + 10;

            Value = (((2 * Base + DV + (EV / 4)) * Level / 100) + 5) * Natures.GetValue(Nature, Stat);

コード例 #12
        /*public Nature()
         * {
         *       this.Natures = getRandomNature();
         * }
         * public Nature(Natures nature)
         * {
         *       this.Natures = natures[(int)nature].Natures;
         * }
         * public Nature(Natures name, float ATK_mod, float DEF_mod, float SPA_mod, float SPD_mod, float SPE_mod)
         * {
         *       this.Natures = name;
         *       this.Stat_mod = new float[6];
         *       this.Stat_mod[(int)Stats.ATTACK]	= ATK_mod;
         *       this.Stat_mod[(int)Stats.DEFENSE]	= DEF_mod;
         *       this.Stat_mod[(int)Stats.SPATK]	= SPA_mod;
         *       this.Stat_mod[(int)Stats.SPDEF]	= SPD_mod;
         *       this.Stat_mod[(int)Stats.SPEED]	= SPE_mod;
         * }
         * private static Nature[] natures = new Nature[]
         * {
         *       new Nature(Natures.HARDY, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
         *       new Nature(Natures.LONELY, 1.1f, 0.9f, 1, 1, 1),
         *       new Nature(Natures.BRAVE, 1.1f, 1, 1, 1, 0.9f),
         *       new Nature(Natures.ADAMANT, 1.1f, 1, 0.9f, 1, 1),
         *       new Nature(Natures.NAUGHTY, 1.1f, 1, 1, 0.9f, 1),
         *       new Nature(Natures.BOLD, 0.9f, 1.1f, 1, 1, 1),
         *       new Nature(Natures.DOCILE, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
         *       new Nature(Natures.RELAXED, 1, 1.1f, 1, 1, 0.9f),
         *       new Nature(Natures.IMPISH, 1, 1.1f, 0.9f, 1, 1),
         *       new Nature(Natures.LAX, 1, 1.1f, 1, 0.9f, 1),
         *       new Nature(Natures.TIMID, 0.9f, 1, 1, 1, 1.1f),
         *       new Nature(Natures.HASTY, 1, 0.9f, 1, 1, 1.1f),
         *       new Nature(Natures.SERIOUS, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
         *       new Nature(Natures.JOLLY, 1, 1, 0.9f, 1, 1.1f),
         *       new Nature(Natures.NAIVE, 1, 1, 1, 0.9f, 1.1f),
         *       new Nature(Natures.MODEST, 0.9f, 1, 1.1f, 1, 1),
         *       new Nature(Natures.MILD, 1, 0.9f, 1.1f, 1, 1),
         *       new Nature(Natures.QUIET, 1, 1, 1.1f, 1, 0.9f),
         *       new Nature(Natures.BASHFUL, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
         *       new Nature(Natures.RASH, 1, 1, 1.1f, 0.9f, 1),
         *       new Nature(Natures.CALM, 0.9f, 1, 1, 1.1f, 1),
         *       new Nature(Natures.GENTLE, 1, 0.9f, 1, 1.1f, 1),
         *       new Nature(Natures.SASSY, 1, 1, 1, 1.1f, 0.9f),
         *       new Nature(Natures.CAREFUL, 1, 1, 0.9f, 1.1f, 1),
         *       new Nature(Natures.QUIRKY, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
         * };*/
        public Nature(Natures nature, Stats increase, Stats decrease, Flavours like, Flavours dislike)
            Natures   = nature;
            Increases = increase;
            Decreases = decrease;
            Likes     = like;
            Dislikes  = dislike;

            this.Stat_mod = new float[6];
            this.Stat_mod[(int)Stats.ATTACK]  = 1;
            this.Stat_mod[(int)Stats.DEFENSE] = 1;
            this.Stat_mod[(int)Stats.SPATK]   = 1;
            this.Stat_mod[(int)Stats.SPDEF]   = 1;
            this.Stat_mod[(int)Stats.SPEED]   = 1;
            this.Stat_mod[(int)increase]     += .1f;
            this.Stat_mod[(int)decrease]     -= .1f;
コード例 #13
    public void SetupPokemonFirstTime()
        System.Array natures = System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(Natures));
        nature = (Natures)natures.GetValue(UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 24));


        if (components.stats.defIV == 10 && components.stats.spdIV == 10 && components.stats.spatkIV == 10)
            if (components.stats.atkIV == 2 || components.stats.atkIV == 3 || components.stats.atkIV == 6 || components.stats.atkIV == 7 || components.stats.atkIV == 10 ||
                components.stats.atkIV == 11 || components.stats.atkIV == 14 || components.stats.atkIV == 15)
                shiny = true;
                GetComponentInChildren <SkinnedMeshRenderer>().materials = ShinyMats;

        float rand = Random.Range(0.000f, 1f);

        if (rand > genderRatio)
            gender = Genders.FEMALE;
        else if (rand <= genderRatio)
            gender = Genders.MALE;

        if (genderRatio == 0.00f)
            gender = Genders.NONE;

        lastReqEXP = Calculations.CalculateCurrentXP(level - 1, levelRate);
        curEXP     = Calculations.CalculateCurrentXP(level, levelRate);
        nextReqEXP = Calculations.CalculateRequiredXP(level, levelRate);

        if (trainer.networkID == DarkRiftAPI.id)

        setup = true;
コード例 #14
ファイル: Stat.cs プロジェクト: rsmith52/Pokemon-for-Unity
        public static uint CalculateStat(Stats stat, uint base_stat, uint stat_iv, uint stat_ev,
                                         uint level, Natures nature)
            double nature_mod = 1;

            if (Nature.GetBoostedStat(nature) == stat)
                nature_mod = 1.1;
            else if (Nature.GetHinderedStat(nature) == stat)
                nature_mod = 0.9;

            uint value = (uint)(Math.Floor((double)((2 * base_stat + stat_iv + Math.Floor((double)stat_ev / 4)) * level) / 100) + 5);

            value = (uint)(value * nature_mod);
コード例 #15
 public bool Equals(SmogonResponse?other)
     if (ReferenceEquals(null, other))
     if (ReferenceEquals(this, other))
     return(GenerationPrefix == other.GenerationPrefix &&
            Generations.SetEquals(other.Generations) &&
            Pokemons.SetEquals(other.Pokemons) &&
            Formats.SetEquals(other.Formats) &&
            Natures.SetEquals(other.Natures) &&
            Abilities.SetEquals(other.Abilities) &&
            Moves.SetEquals(other.Moves) &&
            Types.SetEquals(other.Types) &&
コード例 #16
        public async Task SeedsAsync()
            using (var client = new HttpClient())
                client.BaseAddress = new Uri(_apiUrl);
                for (int i = 1; i <= 25; i++)
                    var responseTask = client.GetAsync(string.Concat("nature/", i));
                    var results = responseTask.Result;
                    if (results.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        string apiResponse = await results.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                        var       json           = JObject.Parse(apiResponse);
                        var       name           = json["name"].ToString();
                        StatsEnum?increasedStats = null;
                        StatsEnum?decreasedStats = null;
                        try {
                            var increasedStatsString = json["increased_stat"]["name"].ToString();
                            if (!increasedStatsString.IsNullOrEmpty())
                                increasedStats = (StatsEnum)typeof(StatsEnum).GetEnumByDescription(increasedStatsString);
                            var decreasedStatsString = json["decreased_stat"]["name"].ToString();
                            decreasedStats = (StatsEnum)typeof(StatsEnum).GetEnumByDescription(decreasedStatsString);
                        } catch (Exception) {}
                        Natures nature = new Natures()
                            Name        = name,
                            Strong_Stat = increasedStats,
                            Weak_Stat   = decreasedStats
コード例 #17
        public Pokemon(Species species, uint level, uint form_id = 0, string nickname = "",
                       Nullable <int> ability_id = null, Nullable <Genders> gender    = null,
                       Nullable <Natures> nature = null, Nullable <bool> is_shiny     = null,
                       Items.Items ball_used     = Items.Items.PokeBall, Trainer ot   = null,
                       ObtainModes obtain_mode   = ObtainModes.Met)
            // Trainer
            if (ot == null)
                ot = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <PlayerTrainer>();
            this.trainer_id              = ot.trainer_id;
            this.original_trainer        = ot.name;
            this.original_trainer_gender = ot.gender;

            // Form
            Form alt_form = Form.GetFormData(species, form_id);

            if (alt_form != null)
                this.form_id = alt_form.form_id;
                this.form_id = 0;

            // Personal ID Creation
            this.personal_id = GeneratePokemonID();
            this.public_id   = this.personal_id & 0x0000FFFF;

            // Constant among species
            Specie specie = Specie.species[species];

            this.species = species;
            if (alt_form != null && alt_form.types.Length > 0)
                this.types = alt_form.types;
                this.types = specie.types;

            // Level and experience
            this.level = level;
            this.exp   = Experience.GetLevelTotalExp(level, specie.growth_rate);

            // Nickname
            this.nickname = nickname;

            // Ability (determined by personal id)
            if (ability_id != null)
                this.force_ability = ability_id;
                if (ability_id == 0)
                    if (alt_form != null && alt_form.abilities.Length > 0)
                        this.ability = alt_form.abilities[0];
                        this.ability = specie.abilities[0];
                else if (ability_id == 1)
                    if (alt_form != null && alt_form.abilities.Length > 1)
                        this.ability = alt_form.abilities[1];
                    else if (specie.abilities.Length > 1)
                        this.ability = specie.abilities[1];
                        this.ability = Ability.GetAbilityFromID(this.personal_id, specie.abilities);
                else if (ability_id == 2)
                    if (alt_form != null && alt_form.hidden_ability.Length > 0)
                        this.ability = alt_form.hidden_ability[0];
                    else if (specie.hidden_ability.Length > 0)
                        this.ability = specie.hidden_ability[0];
                        this.ability = Ability.GetAbilityFromID(this.personal_id, specie.abilities);
                    this.ability = Ability.GetAbilityFromID(this.personal_id, specie.abilities);
                if (alt_form != null && alt_form.abilities.Length > 0)
                    this.ability = Ability.GetAbilityFromID(this.personal_id, alt_form.abilities);
                    this.ability = Ability.GetAbilityFromID(this.personal_id, specie.abilities);

            // Gender (determined by personal id)
            if (gender != null)
                this.force_gender = (Genders)gender;
                if (gender == Genders.Male && specie.gender_rate != GenderRates.Genderless &&
                    specie.gender_rate != GenderRates.AlwaysFemale)
                    this.gender = (Genders)gender;
                else if (gender == Genders.Female && specie.gender_rate != GenderRates.Genderless &&
                         specie.gender_rate != GenderRates.AlwaysMale)
                    this.gender = (Genders)gender;
                    this.gender = Breeding.GetGenderFromID(this.personal_id, specie.gender_rate);
                this.gender = Breeding.GetGenderFromID(this.personal_id, specie.gender_rate);

            // Nature (determined by personal id)
            if (nature != null)
                this.force_nature = nature;
                if ((int)nature >= 0 && (int)nature < 25)
                    this.nature = (Natures)nature;
                    this.nature = Nature.GetNatureFromID(this.personal_id);
                this.nature = Nature.GetNatureFromID(this.personal_id);

            // Shininess (determined by personal id and trainer id)
            if (is_shiny != null)
                this.force_shiny = is_shiny;
                this.is_shiny    = (bool)is_shiny;
                this.is_shiny = GetShininessFromIDs(this.personal_id, ot.trainer_id, ot.secret_id);

            // IVs and EVs
            StatArray ivs = Stat.GenerateRandomIVs();

            this.ivs = ivs;
            StatArray evs = new StatArray();

            this.evs = evs;

            // Stats
            if (alt_form != null && alt_form.base_stats.HP > 0)
                this.stats = Stat.CalculateStats(alt_form.base_stats, ivs, evs, level, this.nature);
                this.stats = Stat.CalculateStats(specie.base_stats, ivs, evs, level, this.nature);

            // Current HP
            this.current_HP = this.stats.HP;

            // Friendship
            if (alt_form != null && alt_form.happiness != 0 && alt_form.happiness != specie.happiness)
                // TODO: If alt form has set happiness of 0 this doesn't work...
                // don't think this ever comes up though
                this.happiness = alt_form.happiness;
                this.happiness = specie.happiness;

            // Status Condition
            this.status           = Statuses.None;
            this.status_parameter = 0;

            // Egg Steps
            this.egg_steps = 0;

            // Set Moves
            if (alt_form != null && alt_form.moves.Length > 0)
                this.moves = Move.GeneratePokemonMoveSlots(alt_form.moves, level);

                this.moves = Move.GeneratePokemonMoveSlots(specie.moves, level);

            // Ball Used and Held Item
            this.ball_used = ball_used;
            this.held_item = Items.Items.None;
            this.mail      = null;

            // Pokerus Status
            this.pokerus_status = 0;

            // Fused Pokemon
            this.fused_pokemon = null;

            // Contest Stats
            this.contest_stats = new ContestStatArray();

            // Markings
            this.markings = new bool[Constants.NUM_MARKINGS];

            // Ribbons
            this.ribbons = new bool[Ribbons.NUM_RIBBONS];

            // Obtain info
            this.obtain_mode  = obtain_mode;
            this.obtain_date  = DateTime.Now;
            this.obtain_map   = null; // TODO: Implement this
            this.obtain_level = level;
            this.hatched_map  = null;
            this.obtain_text  = null;

            // Language
            this.language = Languages.English; // TODO: Implement different options
コード例 #18
 public static void Initialize(string CacheFolder = "")
     if (Connector.isInitialized)
         throw new Exception("PokeAPI is initialized and can only be initialized once"); //May seems a bit over kill but this is nessecery for corrent usage.
     #region "Structure"
     Connector.Berries                  = new Berries();
     Connector.BerryFirmnesses          = new BerryFirmnesses();
     Connector.BerryFlavors             = new BerryFlavors();
     Connector.ContestNames             = new ContestNames();
     Connector.ContestEffects           = new ContestEffects();
     Connector.SuperContestEffects      = new SuperContestEffects();
     Connector.EncounterMethods         = new EncounterMethods();
     Connector.EncounterConditions      = new EncounterConditions();
     Connector.EncounterConditionValues = new EncounterConditionValues();
     Connector.EvolutionChains          = new EvolutionChains();
     Connector.EvolutionTrigger         = new EvolutionTrigger();
     Connector.Generations              = new Generations();
     Connector.Pokedexes                = new Pokedexes();
     Connector.Versions                 = new Versions();
     Connector.VersionGroups            = new VersionGroups();
     Connector.Items             = new Items();
     Connector.ItemAttributes    = new ItemAttributes();
     Connector.ItemCategories    = new ItemCategories();
     Connector.ItemFlingEffects  = new ItemFlingEffects();
     Connector.ItemPockets       = new ItemPockets();
     Connector.Locations         = new Locations();
     Connector.LocationAreas     = new LocationAreas();
     Connector.PalParkAreas      = new PalParkAreas();
     Connector.Regions           = new Regions();
     Connector.Machines          = new Machines();
     Connector.Moves             = new Moves();
     Connector.MoveAilments      = new MoveAilments();
     Connector.MoveBattleStyles  = new MoveBattleStyles();
     Connector.MoveCategories    = new MoveCategories();
     Connector.MoveDamageClasses = new MoveDamageClasses();
     Connector.MoveLearnMethods  = new MoveLearnMethods();
     Connector.MoveTargets       = new MoveTargets();
     Connector.Abilities         = new Abilities();
     Connector.Characteristics   = new Characteristics();
     Connector.EggGroups         = new EggGroups();
     Connector.Genders           = new Genders();
     Connector.GrowthRates       = new GrowthRates();
     Connector.Natures           = new Natures();
     Connector.PokeathlonStats   = new PokeathlonStats();
     Connector.Pokemons          = new Pokemons();
     Connector.PokemonColors     = new PokemonColors();
     Connector.PokemonForms      = new PokemonForms();
     Connector.PokemonHabitats   = new PokemonHabitats();
     Connector.PokemonShapes     = new PokemonShapes();
     Connector.PokemonSpecies    = new PokemonSpecies();
     Connector.Stats             = new Stats();
     Connector.Types             = new Types();
     Connector.Languages         = new Languages();
     if (CacheFolder == "")
         Connector.CacheFolder = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "pokeAPI//";
         if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(CacheFolder))
             throw new Exception("Directory : " + CacheFolder + " was not found");
         Connector.CacheFolder = CacheFolder;
     Connector.isInitialized = true;
コード例 #19
 private void SetupNature()
     System.Array natures = System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(Natures));
     nature = (Natures)natures.GetValue(UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 24));