コード例 #1
ファイル: AxHost.cs プロジェクト: JianwenSun/cc
 private NativeMethods.IPerPropertyBrowsing GetPerPropertyBrowsing() {
     if (iPerPropertyBrowsing == null && !axState[checkedIppb] && instance != null) {
         axState[checkedIppb] = true;
         if (instance is NativeMethods.IPerPropertyBrowsing) {
             iPerPropertyBrowsing = (NativeMethods.IPerPropertyBrowsing) instance;
     return iPerPropertyBrowsing;
            /*internal bool StandardValuesQueried {
             * get {
             *     this.standardValuesQueried = value;
             * }
             * } */

            // ensure that we have processed the caStructs into arrays
            // of values and strings
            private void EnsureArrays()
                if (this.arraysFetched)

                this.arraysFetched = true;

                try {
                    // marshal the items.
                    object[] nameItems   = nameMarshaller.Items;
                    object[] cookieItems = valueMarshaller.Items;

                    NativeMethods.IPerPropertyBrowsing ppb = (NativeMethods.IPerPropertyBrowsing)target.TargetObject;
                    int itemCount = 0;

                    Debug.Assert(cookieItems != null && nameItems != null, "An item array is null");

                    if (nameItems.Length > 0)
                        object[] valueItems       = new object[cookieItems.Length];
                        NativeMethods.VARIANT var = new NativeMethods.VARIANT();
                        int cookie;

                        Debug.Assert(cookieItems.Length == nameItems.Length, "Got uneven names and cookies");

                        // for each name item, we ask the object for it's corresponding value.
                        Type targetType = target.PropertyType;
                        for (int i = nameItems.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                            cookie = (int)cookieItems[i];
                            if (nameItems[i] == null || !(nameItems[i] is string))
                                Debug.Fail("Bad IPerPropertyBrowsing item [" + i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "], name=" + (nameItems == null ? "(unknown)" : nameItems[i].ToString()));
                            var.vt = (short)NativeMethods.tagVT.VT_EMPTY;
                            int hr = ppb.GetPredefinedValue(target.DISPID, cookie, var);
                            if (hr == NativeMethods.S_OK && var.vt != (short)NativeMethods.tagVT.VT_EMPTY)
                                valueItems[i] = var.ToObject();
                                if (valueItems[i].GetType() != targetType)
                                    if (targetType.IsEnum)
                                        valueItems[i] = Enum.ToObject(targetType, valueItems[i]);
                                        try {
                                            valueItems[i] = Convert.ChangeType(valueItems[i], targetType, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                        catch {
                                            // oh well...

                            if (hr == NativeMethods.S_OK)
                            else if (itemCount > 0)
                                // shorten the arrays to ignore the failed ones.  this isn't terribly
                                // efficient but shouldn't happen very often.  It's rare for these to fail.
                                Array.Copy(nameItems, i, nameItems, i + 1, itemCount);
                                Array.Copy(valueItems, i, valueItems, i + 1, itemCount);

                        // pass this data down to the base Com2Enum object...
                        string[] strings = new string[itemCount];
                        Array.Copy(nameItems, 0, strings, 0, itemCount);
                        base.PopulateArrays(strings, valueItems);
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    base.PopulateArrays(new string[0], new object[0]);
                    Debug.Fail("Failed to build IPerPropertyBrowsing editor. " + ex.GetType().Name + ", " + ex.Message);
コード例 #3
ファイル: AxHost.cs プロジェクト: JianwenSun/cc
        private void ReleaseAxControl() {
            // This line is like a bit of magic...
            // sometimes, we crash with it on,
            // sometimes, with it off...
            // Lately, I have decided to leave it on...
            // (oh, yes, and the crashes seemed to disappear...)
            //cpr: ComLib.Release(instance);


            ContainerControl f = ContainingControl;
            if (f != null) {
                f.VisibleChanged -= this.onContainerVisibleChanged;

            try {
                if (instance != null) {
                    instance = null;                
                    iOleInPlaceObject = null;
                    iOleObject = null;
                    iOleControl = null;
                    iOleInPlaceActiveObject = null;
                    iOleInPlaceActiveObjectExternal = null;
                    iPerPropertyBrowsing = null;
                    iCategorizeProperties = null;
                    iPersistStream = null;
                    iPersistStreamInit = null;
                    iPersistStorage = null;
                axState[checkedIppb] = false;
                axState[checkedCP] = false;
                axState[disposed] = true;

                freezeCount = 0;
                axState[sinkAttached] = false;
                wndprocAddr = IntPtr.Zero;

            finally {
        private void OnGetTypeConverterAndTypeEditor(Com2PropertyDescriptor sender, GetTypeConverterAndTypeEditorEvent gveevent)
            if (sender.TargetObject is NativeMethods.IPerPropertyBrowsing)
                NativeMethods.IPerPropertyBrowsing ppb = (NativeMethods.IPerPropertyBrowsing)sender.TargetObject;

                bool hasStrings = false;

                // check for enums
                NativeMethods.CA_STRUCT caStrings = new NativeMethods.CA_STRUCT();
                NativeMethods.CA_STRUCT caCookies = new NativeMethods.CA_STRUCT();

                int hr = NativeMethods.S_OK;

                try {
                    hr = ppb.GetPredefinedStrings(sender.DISPID, caStrings, caCookies);
                catch (ExternalException ex) {
                    hr = ex.ErrorCode;
                    Debug.Fail("An exception occurred inside IPerPropertyBrowsing::GetPredefinedStrings(dispid=" + sender.DISPID + "), object type=" + new ComNativeDescriptor().GetClassName(ppb) + ".  This is caused by an exception (usually an AV) inside the object being browsed, and is not a problem in the properties window.");

                // Terminate the existing editor if we created the current one
                // so if the items have disappeared, we don't hold onto the old
                // items.
                if (gveevent.TypeConverter is Com2IPerPropertyEnumConverter)
                    gveevent.TypeConverter = null;

                if (hr != NativeMethods.S_OK)
                    hasStrings = false;
                    hasStrings = true;

                if (hasStrings)
                    OleStrCAMarshaler stringMarshaler = new OleStrCAMarshaler(caStrings);
                    Int32CAMarshaler  intMarshaler    = new Int32CAMarshaler(caCookies);

                    if (stringMarshaler.Count > 0 && intMarshaler.Count > 0)
                        gveevent.TypeConverter = new Com2IPerPropertyEnumConverter(new Com2IPerPropertyBrowsingEnum(sender, this, stringMarshaler, intMarshaler, true));
                        //hasStrings = false;

                // if we didn't get any strings, try the proppage edtior
                if (!hasStrings)
                    // this is a _bit_ of a backwards-compat work around...
                    // many older ActiveX controls will show a property page
                    // for all properties since the old grid would only put up the
                    // [...] button for "(Custom)".  If we have a conversion editor,
                    // don't allow this to override it...
                    if (sender.ConvertingNativeType)

                    Guid g = GetPropertyPageGuid(ppb, sender.DISPID);

                    if (!Guid.Empty.Equals(g))
                        gveevent.TypeEditor = new Com2PropertyPageUITypeEditor(sender, g, (UITypeEditor)gveevent.TypeEditor);