public async Task <User.PersonalizedData> GetDataFromMoodle(string username, string password) { var pars = new Dictionary <string, string>(); //username = ""; //password = ""; pars.Add("username", username); pars.Add("password", password); pars.Add("rememberusername", "0"); pars.Add("anchor", ""); var cookieHandler = new NativeCookieHandler(); var messageHandler = new NativeMessageHandler(false, false, cookieHandler); var httpClient = new HttpClient(messageHandler); httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); var content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(pars); var httpResponse = await httpClient.PostAsync(new Uri(""), content); var client = GetHttpClient(cookieHandler.Cookies); var res = await client.GetAsync(new Uri("")); var strRes = await res.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); try { var doc = new HtmlDocument(); doc.LoadHtml(strRes); var nome = doc.GetElementbyId("id_firstname").GetAttributeValue("value", ""); var cognome = doc.GetElementbyId("id_lastname").GetAttributeValue("value", ""); var email = doc.GetElementbyId("id_email").GetAttributeValue("value", ""); HtmlNode imgDiv = null; var img = ""; try { imgDiv = doc.GetElementbyId("fitem_id_currentpicture").ChildNodes[1].ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes[0]; if (imgDiv.Attributes.Contains("src")) { img = imgDiv.Attributes["src"].Value; } } catch { } return(new User.PersonalizedData { Nome = nome, Cognome = cognome, Email = email, ImageUrl = img, LastChange = DateTime.Now }); } catch (Exception ex) { Visual1993.Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); return(null); } }
HttpClient CreateClient() { NativeCookieHandler cookieHandler = Settings.mNativeCookieHandler; //new NativeCookieHandler (); NativeMessageHandler handler = new NativeMessageHandler(true, true, cookieHandler) { UseCookies = true, }; return(new HttpClient(handler)); }
private HttpClient GenerateHttpClient() { this.CookieContainer = new NativeCookieHandler(); NativeMessageHandler httpClientHandler = new NativeMessageHandler( false, true, this.CookieContainer ); return(new HttpClient(httpClientHandler)); }
public static void Init() { if (HttpClient != null) { return; } HttpCookieHandler = new NativeCookieHandler(); HttpMessageHandler = new NativeMessageHandler(true, false, HttpCookieHandler); HttpClient = new HttpClient(HttpMessageHandler, false); //httpClient = new HttpClient(); //HttpClient.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(7); }
private void AddCookies(Uri uri, NativeCookieHandler cookieHandler) { return; ICollection <Cookie> cc = Settings.COOKIES; Cookie[] array = new Cookie[cc.Count]; cc.CopyTo(array, 0); cookieHandler.SetCookies(array); // Debug.WriteLineIf(Debugger.IsAttached, "START added Cookie"); // foreach (Cookie cookie in cc) { // Debug.WriteLineIf(Debugger.IsAttached, "Added Cookie " + uri.AbsoluteUri +": " + cookie.Name + ": " + cookie.Value); // // cookieHandler.Add(uri, new Cookie(cookie.Name, cookie.Value)); // } }
public static async void CloseSession() { while (isBusy) { await Task.Delay(50); } try { isBusy = true; HttpClient = null; httpCookieHandler = null; httpMessageHandler = null; DependencyService.Get <IAPIHelper>().ClearCookies(); AppData.Crew = null; } finally { isBusy = false; } }
public void InitClient(CookieContainer cookieContainer) { if (client != null) { client.Dispose(); } if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.Android || Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.iOS) { var cookies = cookieContainer.List(); cookieHandler = new NativeCookieHandler(); cookieHandler.SetCookies(cookieContainer.List()); handler = new NativeMessageHandler(false, false, cookieHandler) { AllowAutoRedirect = true, AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip | DecompressionMethods.Deflate }; } else { handler = new HttpClientHandler { CookieContainer = cookieContainer, AllowAutoRedirect = true, AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip | DecompressionMethods.Deflate }; } client = new HttpClient(handler) { Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeout_in_seconds), DefaultRequestHeaders = { CacheControl = CacheControlHeaderValue.Parse("no-cache, must-revalidate"), } }; client.DefaultRequestHeaders.UserAgent.ParseAdd("Tatoeba.Mobile/1.1"); }
private HttpClient CreateClient() { var uri = new Uri(_url, UriKind.Absolute); var cookieHandler = new NativeCookieHandler(); // CustomSSLVerification must be set to true to enable certificate pinning. var nativeHandler = new CustomNativeMessageHandler(_connectivityService, throwOnCaptiveNetwork: false, customSSLVerification: true, enableRc4Compatibility: false, cookieHandler: cookieHandler); // otherwise we won't be able to handle 304 NotModified ourselves (ie: Terms & Conditions) nativeHandler.DisableCaching = true; nativeHandler.UseCookies = false; // use only for debug with proxy like Charles application //nativeHandler.Proxy = new WebProxy("", 8888); var client = new HttpClient(nativeHandler) { BaseAddress = uri, Timeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 2, 0, 0) }; // When packageInfo is not specified, we use a default value as the useragent client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("User-Agent", GetUserAgent()); if (_packageInfo != null) { client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("ClientVersion", _packageInfo.Version); } if (_sessionId.HasValueTrimmed()) { client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Cookie", "ss-opt=perm; ss-pid=" + _sessionId); } client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.ParseAdd("application/json"); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.AcceptCharset.ParseAdd("utf-8"); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.AcceptEncoding.ParseAdd("gzip"); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.AcceptEncoding.ParseAdd("deflate"); return(client); }
public HttpClientProvider() { var cookieHandler = new NativeCookieHandler(); cookieHandler.SetCookies(new Cookie[] { new Cookie("adult", "1", "/", ""), }); HttpClient = new HttpClient(new NativeMessageHandler( throwOnCaptiveNetwork: false, new TLSConfig { //DangerousAcceptAnyServerCertificateValidator = true, //DangerousAllowInsecureHTTPLoads = true }, cookieHandler: cookieHandler) { UseCookies = true }); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ConnectionService"/> class. /// </summary> public ConnectionService() { _cookieHandler = new NativeCookieHandler(); switch (Xamarin.Forms.Device.RuntimePlatform) { case Xamarin.Forms.Device.Android: Client = new HttpClient(DependencyService.Get <IHTTPClientHandlerCreationService>().GetInsecureHandler()) { MaxResponseContentBufferSize = 25600000, Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10000), }; break; default: Client = new HttpClient(new NativeMessageHandler(false, true, _cookieHandler)) { MaxResponseContentBufferSize = 25600000, Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10000), }; break; } }
private HttpClient CreateClient(bool useNative) { var cookieHandler = new NativeCookieHandler(); var client = useNative ? new HttpClient( new NativeMessageHandler(false, false, cookieHandler) { UseCookies = false, DisableCaching = true, } ) : new HttpClient( new HttpClientHandler { UseCookies = false }) ; client.MaxResponseContentBufferSize = 5000000000; client.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5); return(client); }
public NativeMessageHandler(bool throwOnCaptiveNetwork, bool customSSLVerification, NativeCookieHandler cookieHandler = null, SslProtocol? minimumSSLProtocol = null) #endif { var configuration = NSUrlSessionConfiguration.DefaultSessionConfiguration; #if XAMARIN_MODERN // we cannot do a bitmask but we can set the minimum based on ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol minimum var sp = ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol; if ((sp & SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3) != 0) configuration.TLSMinimumSupportedProtocol = SslProtocol.Ssl_3_0; else if ((sp & SecurityProtocolType.Tls) != 0) configuration.TLSMinimumSupportedProtocol = SslProtocol.Tls_1_0; else if ((sp & SecurityProtocolType.Tls11) != 0) configuration.TLSMinimumSupportedProtocol = SslProtocol.Tls_1_1; else if ((sp & SecurityProtocolType.Tls12) != 0) configuration.TLSMinimumSupportedProtocol = SslProtocol.Tls_1_2; #else // System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol provides a mechanism for specifying supported protocol types // for System.Net. Since iOS only provides an API for a minimum and maximum protocol we are not able to port // this configuration directly and instead use the specified minimum value when one is specified. if (minimumSSLProtocol.HasValue) { configuration.TLSMinimumSupportedProtocol = minimumSSLProtocol.Value; } #endif session = NSUrlSession.FromConfiguration( NSUrlSessionConfiguration.DefaultSessionConfiguration, new DataTaskDelegate(this), null); #if !XAMARIN_MODERN this.throwOnCaptiveNetwork = throwOnCaptiveNetwork; this.customSSLVerification = customSSLVerification; #else this.AllowAutoRedirect = true; #endif this.DisableCaching = false; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see /// cref="ModernHttpClient.NativeMessageHandler"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="throwOnCaptiveNetwork">If set to <c>true</c> throw on /// captive network (ie: a captive network is usually a wifi network /// where an authentication html form is shown instead of the real /// content).</param> /// <param name="sSLConfig">To enable TLS Mutual Authentication</param> /// <param name="cookieHandler">Enable native cookie handling. /// </param> public NativeMessageHandler(bool throwOnCaptiveNetwork, TLSConfig tLSConfig, NativeCookieHandler cookieHandler = null, IWebProxy proxy = null) : base() { }
public NativeMessageHandler(bool throwOnCaptiveNetwork, bool customSSLVerification, NativeCookieHandler cookieHandler = null);
public CustomNativeMessageHandler(IConnectivityService connectivityService, bool throwOnCaptiveNetwork, bool customSSLVerification, bool enableRc4Compatibility, NativeCookieHandler cookieHandler = null) : base(throwOnCaptiveNetwork, customSSLVerification, enableRc4Compatibility, cookieHandler) { _connectivityService = connectivityService; }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> public ConnectionService() { _cookieHandler = new NativeCookieHandler(); RefreshClient(); //default }
protected async Task ExecuteLoginCommand() { Error = string.Empty; if (Username.Equals(string.Empty) || Password.Equals(string.Empty)) { Error = Settings.MSG_EMPTY_USERNAME_OR_PWD; return; } if (isLoading) { return; } IsLoading = true; Info = "We're processing..."; Settings.UseTreeMenu = UseTreeMenu; try { var content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(new[] { new KeyValuePair <string, string> (Settings.WP_USERNAME_FIELD, Username), new KeyValuePair <string, string> (Settings.WP_PWD_FIELD, Password) }); NativeCookieHandler cookieHandler = Settings.mNativeCookieHandler; //new NativeCookieHandler (); NativeMessageHandler handler = new NativeMessageHandler(true, true, cookieHandler) { UseCookies = true, }; handler.AllowAutoRedirect = false; HttpClient client = new HttpClient(handler); HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsync(Settings.LoginUrl, content); if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Redirect) { Debug.WriteLine("Redirect: " + response.ToString()); Settings.wpLoggedIn = true; Settings.wpUsername = Username; Settings.wpPassword = Password; } else { string resultContent = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); string responseUri = response.RequestMessage.RequestUri.ToString(); Debug.WriteLine(responseUri); Debug.WriteLine(resultContent); if (Settings.LoginUrl.ToLower().Equals(responseUri.ToLower())) { //login failed Error = Settings.MSG_INVALID_USERNAME_OR_PWD; } else { Settings.wpLoggedIn = true; Settings.wpUsername = Username; Settings.wpPassword = Password; } } if (Settings.wpLoggedIn) { if (Settings.CHECK_UPDATE) { var buildDetail = Mvx.Resolve <IBuildDetails>(); var respUpdate = await Service.GetUpdate(new RequestUpdate(buildDetail.OS, buildDetail.VersionCode)); if (respUpdate.Update_info != null) { Settings.UpdateInfo = respUpdate; IsLoading = false; return; } System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Build detail os={0} version_code={1}", buildDetail.OS, buildDetail.VersionCode); } //go to profile to get more cookies response = await client.GetAsync(Settings.ProfileUrl); //get user info and gen cookie for json api auth controller var retAuth = await Service.GenrateAuthCookie(); if (retAuth != null) { Settings.WP_AuthCookie = retAuth; } else { Settings.WP_AuthCookie = null; } } } catch (Exception e) { Error = Settings.MSG_NETWORK_COMMON; #if DEBUG System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Login Error: " + e.Message); Error += e.ToString(); #endif } Info = string.Empty; IsLoading = false; }
public NativeAndInexorablyUnsecureMessageHandler(bool throwOnCaptiveNetwork, bool customSSLVerification, NativeCookieHandler cookieHandler = null) { this.throwOnCaptiveNetwork = throwOnCaptiveNetwork; if (customSSLVerification) { client.SetHostnameVerifier(new HostnameVerifier()); } noCacheCacheControl = (new CacheControl.Builder()).NoCache().Build(); }
public static async Task <ApiResponse> ExecuteCommand(ApiCommand command, string[] pars) { var response = new ApiResponse(); ReqLog.Add(response); // Get command string from commsnd's attribute var apiAttr = command.GetAttribute <ApiCommandAttribute>(); if (apiAttr.ParamCount != pars.Length) { response.ErrorMessage = "Ошибка формирования запроса к серверу."; return(response); } string url = API_URL; response.Request = url + string.Format(apiAttr.FormatString, pars); while (isBusy) { await Task.Delay(200); } try { isBusy = true; if (HttpClient == null) { httpCookieHandler = new NativeCookieHandler(); httpMessageHandler = new NativeMessageHandler(true, false, httpCookieHandler); httpMessageHandler.ClientCertificateOptions = ClientCertificateOption.Automatic; HttpClient = new HttpClient(httpMessageHandler, false); } try { Debug.WriteLine("Request: {0}", response.Request); var res = await HttpClient.GetAsync(response.Request).ConfigureAwait(false); Debug.WriteLine("Read content"); response.Response = await res.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); //response.response = await httpClient.GetStringAsync(response.request); Debug.WriteLine("Response: {0}", response.Response); // Обработка напильником, блять! //response.response = response.response.Replace("\"vUser\":[],", string.Empty); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(response.Response)) { response.ErrorMessage = "Сервер не отвечает, попробуйте повторить позже"; return(response); } response.RequestDone = true; } catch (Exception e) { response.BoolResult = false; response.ErrorMessage = "Ошибка отправки запроса на сервер " + Environment.NewLine + e.Message; //GoogleAnalyticsHelper.SendException("MFService:ExecuteCommand " + e.Message, false); return(response); } try { long x = 0; JsonConvert.PopulateObject(response.Response, response); response.BoolResult = response?.Result?.ToUpper() == "TRUE" || response?.Result?.ToUpper() == "OK"; if (!response.BoolResult) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response.Error)) { response.ErrorMessage = response.Error; } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(response.ErrorMessage)) { response.ErrorMessage = "Запрос к серверу вернул отрицательный результат"; } } return(response); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine(e.Message); response.BoolResult = false; response.ErrorMessage = "Ошибка при разборе ответа от сервера"; //GoogleAnalyticsHelper.SendException("MFService:ExecuteCommand " + e.Message, false); return(response); } } finally { isBusy = false; } }