コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Load the namespace information from the reflection information
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reflectionFile">The reflection information filename</param>
        private void LoadNamespaces(string reflectionFile)
            XPathDocument  reflectionInfo;
            XPathNavigator navDoc, navNamespace, navLibrary;
            List <string>  assemblies;
            string         nsName, asmName;

            namespaceInfo = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();

                this.Cursor      = Cursors.WaitCursor;
                lblProgress.Text = "Loading namespace information...";

                reflectionInfo = new XPathDocument(reflectionFile);
                navDoc         = reflectionInfo.CreateNavigator();

                // Namespace nodes don't contain assembly info so we'll have to look at all types and add all
                // unique namespaces from their container info.
                foreach (XPathNavigator container in navDoc.Select(
                             "reflection/apis/api[starts-with(@id, 'T:')]/containers"))
                    navNamespace = container.SelectSingleNode("namespace");
                    navLibrary   = container.SelectSingleNode("library");

                    if (navNamespace != null && navLibrary != null)
                        nsName  = navNamespace.GetAttribute("api", String.Empty).Substring(2);
                        asmName = navLibrary.GetAttribute("assembly", String.Empty);

                        if (namespaceInfo.TryGetValue(nsName, out assemblies))
                            if (!assemblies.Contains(asmName))
                            assemblies = new List <string>();
                            namespaceInfo.Add(nsName, assemblies);


                // The global namespace (N:) isn't always listed but we'll add it as it does show up in the
                // reflection info anyway.
                if (!namespaceInfo.ContainsKey(String.Empty))
                    namespaceInfo.Add(String.Empty, new List <string>());

                // Add new namespaces to the list as temporary items.  They will get added to the project if
                // modified.
                foreach (string ns in namespaceInfo.Keys)
                    nsName = (ns.Length == 0) ? "(global)" : ns;

                    if (!namespaceItems.ContainsKey(nsName))
                        namespaceItems.Add(ns, nsColl.CreateTemporaryItem(ns, false));

                    // Sort the assemblies for each namespace
                    assemblies = namespaceInfo[ns];

                // Add namespace group info, if present.  These are an abstract concept and aren't part of any
                // assemblies.
                foreach (XPathNavigator nsGroup in navDoc.Select("reflection/apis/api[starts-with(@id, 'G:') and " +
                    nsName = nsGroup.GetAttribute("name", String.Empty);
                    nsName = nsName + NamespaceComparer.GroupSuffix;

                    namespaceInfo.Add(nsName, new List <String>());

                    if (!namespaceItems.ContainsKey(nsName))
                        namespaceItems.Add(nsName, nsColl.CreateTemporaryItem(nsName, true));


                // Add all unique assembly names to the assembly combo box
                assemblies = new List <string>();

                foreach (List <string> asmList in namespaceInfo.Values)
                    foreach (string asm in asmList)
                        if (!assemblies.Contains(asm))

                assemblies.Insert(0, "<All>");
                cboAssembly.DataSource = assemblies;

                btnApplyFilter_Click(this, EventArgs.Empty);
                this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Load the namespace information from the reflection information
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reflectionFile">The reflection information filename</param>
        private void LoadNamespaces(string reflectionFile)
            XPathDocument  reflectionInfo;
            XPathNavigator navDoc, navNamespace, navLibrary;
            List <string>  assemblies;
            string         nsName, asmName;

            namespaceInfo = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();

            reflectionInfo = new XPathDocument(reflectionFile);
            navDoc         = reflectionInfo.CreateNavigator();

            // Namespace nodes don't contain assembly info so we'll have to look at all types and add all
            // unique namespaces from their container info.
            foreach (XPathNavigator container in navDoc.Select("reflection/apis/api[starts-with(@id, 'T:')]/containers"))

                navNamespace = container.SelectSingleNode("namespace");
                navLibrary   = container.SelectSingleNode("library");

                if (navNamespace != null && navLibrary != null)
                    nsName  = navNamespace.GetAttribute("api", String.Empty).Substring(2);
                    asmName = navLibrary.GetAttribute("assembly", String.Empty);

                    if (namespaceInfo.TryGetValue(nsName, out assemblies))
                        if (!assemblies.Contains(asmName))
                        namespaceInfo.Add(nsName, new List <string>()

            // The global namespace (N:) isn't always listed but we'll add it as it does show up in the
            // reflection info anyway.
            if (!namespaceInfo.ContainsKey(String.Empty))
                namespaceInfo.Add(String.Empty, new List <string>());

            // Add new namespaces to the list as temporary items.  They will get added to the project if
            // modified.
            foreach (string ns in namespaceInfo.Keys)

                nsName = (ns.Length == 0) ? "(global)" : ns;

                if (!namespaceItems.ContainsKey(nsName))
                    namespaceItems.Add(nsName, nsColl.CreateTemporaryItem(ns, false));


            // Add namespace group info, if present.  These are an abstract concept and aren't part of any
            // assemblies.
            foreach (XPathNavigator nsGroup in navDoc.Select("reflection/apis/api[starts-with(@id, 'G:') and " +

                nsName = nsGroup.GetAttribute("name", String.Empty);
                nsName = nsName + NamespaceComparer.GroupSuffix;

                namespaceInfo.Add(nsName, new List <String>());

                if (!namespaceItems.ContainsKey(nsName))
                    namespaceItems.Add(nsName, nsColl.CreateTemporaryItem(nsName, true));