public virtual IEnumerable <Type> CreateTopicsForPublisher(Type messageType, IMessageNameFormatter formatter)
            NamespaceManager nm = _address.NamespaceManager;

            foreach (Type type in messageType.GetMessageTypes())
                string topic = formatter.GetMessageName(type).ToString();

                 * Type here is both the actual message type and its
                 * interfaces. In RMQ we could bind the interface type
                 * exchanges to the message type exchange, but because this
                 * is azure service bus, we only have plain topics.
                 * This means that for a given subscribed message, we have to
                 * subscribe also to all of its interfaces and their corresponding
                 * topics. In this method, it means that we'll just create
                 * ALL of the types' corresponding topics and publish to ALL of them.
                 * On the receiving side we'll have to de-duplicate
                 * the received messages, potentially (unless we're subscribing only
                 * to one of the interfaces that itself doesn't implement any interfaces).

                nm.CreateAsync(new TopicDescriptionImpl(topic)).Wait();

                yield return(type);
        public Task CreateQueue()
            if (QueueDescription == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot create queue is the endpoint address is not for a queue (but for a topic)");
